I! i it . i ! I en ; l1 I L fcrV fv - fc. ?v- i? n SSES8B K Boy's all We have selected from our bov's and children's department 256 suits to sell vVat-cost. Ameng: this lot we have se- ,: leGted some of the most desirable boy's v. iand children's suits we have in stock. lWe take4-this plan to clean out all . broken lots. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. The Popular Clothiers, 257 Com'! St., Salem. THE DAILY JOURNAL Mombor Northwost Aftornoon Newspaper Lookuo. BY HOFHR BBOTHBR8. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1001. Dally One Year, 3)3.00 In Advanoo Dally Four Months 91. In Advanoo Dally by Carrlor BOo Per Month Weekly One Yoar.SI.OO In Advanoo JOURNAL X-RAYS The Potit Journal has th 3 largest cir culation in tlio world. ecu Doesn't Mrs. Nation with Iter hatchet 1 mothods belong in tha anarchist clam? Here's local enterprise Uie ten-pnge 'Independence West tiido in one weekly f paper, i C Lot all tlio surgeons get their kits ready for business. Tlio football season lias opened. ft tt. 9t Of courso, tlio peoplo of this statu will nriso en raasso and mako (Mr. Ponuoyur cliiof juutlco of the supremo court. tec Oregon always captures tlio first prizes 'jtX all thf oxposltlous, to hoar tlio fellows tell it who aro representing the stato. ' - Proaldont RotfBovelt is an author of , uoto, n graduate of Harvard college, and was a classmato of Senator Howe, of "Yamhill county. t u ft Quantroll's guorlllaa aro holding annual rounlon at Bluo'Springs, Mo., today. There aro but 8(1 survivors, the roost notod of whom is Frank James, e it ft 'Tlio Pendleton papers connot bo blamed for making somo man govornor if' they can. In Guur, Lowell and Fur nlah thoy have osmo splendid material ; they aro sure to land ouo of them, ft ft ft Th peoplo of Wellington and Rummer couutice.Kan., began their wheat jubilee today and it will coutinuo through tlio week. It la estimated that 30,000 peoplo are there, Bummor's wheat crop this year is 7,500,000 bushels, A A ft Raker Domocrai; Neither Sampson nor Bchloy nor Deney ever will be ac corded by the historian wl'ion nn unbiiis o'djaccount of tho Spanish war is written with' a hlghor tnoad of honor thau Clark of tho Oregon. AlQt - ft ft ft Vhat man with American blood In his vofns and American principles In his heart can Jielp but adinlro tho flghtlni Equalities of tho Doors iu tholr struggle to maintain 'their Independence, oven though it bo against "our cousins" across tho water. m J , Eugeue Register: It is not necessary ro ad vertlso tho carnival at Portlaud, aud state fair, Salem. All the peoplo have to 'do Is to board the north bound train the next day after tho fall rains begin and landing in Salem or Portland they are sure to find liotu fairs in progross. A ft ft Tho managers of tjio Minnesota Stato Agricultural Association did not uso a single billboard in advertising its an nual fair, tho publicity being currUd on through tbonewpapors. That the bill. jg "lot tho GOLD DUST twins do your warki" I I WiJOTfeP " : PS I I GOLD DUST I IB make tha pani and kettles clean and bright It does tho work much I ! better than soap and in much less time, ... ? You save half your labor when you use QOLD DUST, it is the world'e SU bt Qleariftr. it cleant every thlrur and Injures nothing. Grocers havo it M Send for eurFHEE booklet, "OeldenRuIes for Houwwwk" ) -TOK,iC.FAIRBAKKCOMPANV, Chleo, St LouU. New York. Bwloa, tin's Suite at Cost V t boards v oro not missed in shown by tho first that tho attendance at tho fair was tho largost in its hlsrory. m th ft Contonnialof Daniel Webster's gradua tlon uolebrated at Dartmonth, N. II today. ft c e Tho national council, Ordor of United American Mechanics, is at Hartford, Conn., holding a four days' session. ft ft If the Gilbert Uros. bank has such splendid assets, and no one doubts tho statements of men liko Ford and Gatch and othors,why not reorganize the bank, put In tho rocolvor as manager and pay all claims in full, Instead of wearing out tho widows and destroying tho confi dence of innocent school children for all timo in our spirit of fairness and justice? The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills ami fever la a bottle of 0 rove's Toatolers Olilll Tonic. It Is tlmply Iron and milnlno lu a taitelcu form. Ko cure no pay. Price 13 o, Tho Bulletin Press of Now York has following uuder heading: "For livo Editorials" Tins Capital Jouhnai, of Salem, Oro, has otartod a new doparturo for tho editorial page and seeks to mako tho movement gonoral. In an appeal for "living picture editor ialg," it declares that tho old convention nl stereotyped editorial pago of eolomn aud serious catoriug to existing public sentimont ought to bo out of dato In this strenuous ago. Tun Jour.vaih Idea is that oach editorial should bo allvo and in facta roast of eomo kind to mako tho papor sought nftor on account of th? dramatic and entertaining presentation of things in short, an editorial pago with literary merit allvo witli tho best burning tingling King's English, itiBtead of a rehash of what appears In tho tola graphic pagos. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Years of Suffering. "I aullorod for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was past being cured," saya John B. Ilalloway, of l'renclt (Jamp, Miss. ' l nail spent so much time und money und suffered so much that I had given up nil hopes ol recovery. I was so f eoblo from tho effects of tho dlanhoca that I could do no kind of labor, could not evon travel, but by accident I wan permitted to find n bottle of Chamberlain Colio, Cholera aud Dlar rhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottlos I am entirely cured of thut trouble. I am so pleased with tho re sult that I am anxious that it bo in reach of all who suffer as I have." For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Storo. Richard W. Montaguo, whoso ap pointment as secretary to tlio Demo cratic State Central Committee was an nounced recently by Chairman Samuol Whlto, of llaker City, Is onu of tho strongest and most aggreeilvo young men in tho Democratic ranks. "Tho opinion amougftho loaders and rank and fllo Is that tho chairman has made a .flrst.clais selection. Mr. Whlto mado up his mind to appoint Mr. Montaguo whon ho was in l'ortluud sovoral weeks ago, but ho did not mako a formal ton dor of the placo until his recent trip to Portland, The new Bscrstary will at onco outer upon his duties and got mat tort iu shapo for tho campaign of 1002. Like Chairman Whlto, ho is out to win, it there shall be a chanco for victory. Though ho has been active in party work, ho has never held elective olllco. Tho makers of tho citizens' ticket thought last yoar of nominating him for state eenator. Ho is a member of tho Charter Commission. Mr. Montaguo is a lawyer, and liasoillcns in tho Chamber of Com merce building. Ho is u nalivo of Iowa, aud is IU years old," CARL MARX DOCTRINE Leads to Displays of Hot Air Among Socialists. At tlio Gormnn Socially Congress in Lubeck nn Interesting feature wni tlio riresenco of Eduard Eornttoln, lender of the wing which discarded somo of tlio chief doctrines of Carl Mnix. This le Herr Hcrnstoin'n first appearotico since return from life long banishment. IlerrDebol. attacking tho editor of tho Vorwaorts, Socialist organ, 'or not roporting Horr Bernstein's famous lecture, "Is Scientific Sociolism Pos sible?" brought on tho long expected Bernstein dubnte. A violent attack by Horr Hoffman brought Herr B-rnsteln into tho arena. Herr Bornsleln bears a striking roaemblanco to M. Zola. He was listened to in absolute silence. He declared that ho had nothing to retract and ho repudiated a deriro to damage the party or to demoralize to proletariat His contention was that scientific criticism of Socialism had a salutory effect and was necessary to its develop ment. "Is tho doctrine of Mnrx," ho said, "an infalllblo bible of truth and inenp- ablo .of improvement?" Ho asserted that if tho Cougieos excludes him from tho party it would bo' to the dotriment of tlm party. Tho speech wpb greatly applauded and alter a slight discussion, tho Con gress adjourned. ASTHMA" INSTANTLY RELIEVED Dr. R. Schiffntann Astounds the Public With the Suc cess of His Treatment. Residents of this placo ware astounded by notifications In these columns that tho colobratod physician, Dr. Rudolph Schiffmann, would mako a public test ol his remedy iu this city on September 11). Ho invited ovory man, woman and child suffering with Asthma to cull at tho Stoinor Drug Co store and obtain, absolutely free, a trial box of hlu iliedl cluo. Dr. Schiffmann adopted tills novel way of introducing his treatment, believing that a freo personal test would he tho beet and only way to ovorcomo the prejudice and skepticism of thou sands of asthmatics who had glvon up in dlspair after going through tho whole range of so-called cures. Ho has iu this manner proved the elllcacy ol his rem oily, and without asking tho public to Bpond a penny. Dr. Schiffmann hopes that ovory sufferer in this town obtained one of his freo samplos. He fears, how ovor, that thore woro coma fow who did not, before thoy were all glvon out. In ordor to glvo a fair opportunity to thoBo who have not yot used tho remedy, aud also as n guaranten of good faith, ho has now requested this paper to announce that ho has arranged with the nbove druggists to rofund tho monoy to any person who purchases of them either n 50a or II packai;o of Scliiffmann'e Asthma Cure between now and October 125, and finds that it does not do exactly as U claimed for it; the only condition being that thoy return not lets than threo-fourthii of tin package to thorn. Dr. Schiffmann claims that in every ease of truo aitlima his remedy will givo im mediate relief usually within fifteen seconds; alwayB within no many min utes. It has poiltivoly permanently cured thousands of cases which woro considered insurable Queen of llayti at the Grand. The Queon of Ilnytl, tho big musical comedy which opens at tho Grand Thurrday Is vastly different from any similar style of attraction that will bo soon hero this Boasou, It numbers -18 of tho host collected entertalnors in America, each ono of them popular in tholr roipeotlvo linos. Unlike most faroecomedios, thoQuoon of Hayti has a plot sullloltmtly intri cate to admit of many surprises. A number of high clues vniulovillo special itles are introduced and worked iu eo nicely that you think they area part of tho real plot. Tho action of tho comedy takes placo on tho Islo of Hayti, during tho war with the French In 1851, and (ho uxcon trie types of uliurueters found there aio pictured. Tho action is quick, thu dialogue and sitiintloiif amusing throgh out aud the construction is excellent. The company presenting tho play Is one of tho strongest colored orgauixutions traveling. Thu stage scheme of tho comedy cott elU of a medley of burlefquo, vniulovillo and opera Au intei08ting plot runs throughout tho whole porformauou, iu wliloli a v,rul g tod charucttirs aro jntrodueod, the prii rtpal iiiikh Imiug a standard llol'rov and a trump. Kvery opportunity is offered by thu various hituatioos fir tho intrcHliictious of rlavur sinioiaitie iu a leuitunato ntauuei ; and if oit don't luugli ut Dlottky tho llubrow, and lxl llni'tor, the Tramp, jou havo a bid atltokof tho dyrpopsliv or no sou o of linn or. MarlOn County Courts. U. M. Fry, plaintiff, Vg, UoorKe It I) nul, defendant; a suit of foravlusure dfmiU and decree of (ureulniuro. James Dorrow, phlntiff, vs Annie Dorrow,dufundaut: n suit fur dlorvc, motion to make aonirdttlntuiorodutlnile and certain, overruled, 'The Oldest and Best. S. S. S. is n combination of roots and herltf of great curative powers, and wlren taken into the circulation senrclics out and removes all manner of potorrt from the blood, without the least shock or hanu to the system. On the contrary, the general health logins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not only n blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impuri ties. S. S. S. 'cures all diseases of a blood poiflon origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and tllpers. Kczcma. Psoriasis. Salt Rheuiu, Herpes and similar troubles, J niul is nn infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contnuious Blood Poison. A rccoitl of nearly fifty years of successful cures is n record to be proud of. vS. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousniuK Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever "in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the sreatgood S. S. S. has done them, while others are scck injr ndvice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a hfc-lonjrstudyoUJlooa and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. We are doing great good to suffering humanity through our consulting de partment, and invite you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA. Tilmon Ford, as oxecutor of tho last will and testament and estato of Wm. Cospor , deceased, plaintiff, vs. A. T. Gilbert and others, defendants ; ordor on motion of tho attorneys for Annie Whale, a potitlonor heroin, leave is hereby given to tho said Annio Whalo to with draw her petition horotoforo filed heroin, praying to correct a certain written instrument now in tho hands of Claud Gatch, rccoivor, and permission is glvon nor to begin nn original suit to correct said instrument. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Great Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of tids remedy, its pleasant tasto and prompt aud pormanout euros havo made it a great favorlto with peoplo every where. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as It always affords quick relief, and as it coutaiiu no opium or other harmful drug, it may bo glvon asconfidenty to a baby as to an adult. For salo by Dr. Btono's Drug Storo. llcrbcn- Scott Funeral. The funornl of Herbert Scott was hold this aftornoon, interment boing in the r 0. G. F. cemetery. Deceased was born aud raised in Salem, his father bo ing Capt. L. S. Scott, ut ono timo post master. Ho died In Portland Sunday, of consumption, aged 21 years. Cuts (ind Bruises Quickly Healed. ' Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cut, bi-uito, burn, scald or liko injury win instantly allay tho pa:n and will heal tho parts in less timo than any other trnatmont. Unless the injury is very severe it win nor leave a scar, Pain Balm alto cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. For buIo by Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Oearetbe ) ilw Kind Von Haw Always BougLt Veterans Picnic, AH mombera of Phil Sheridan com mand No. '2 aud their families aro re quested to assemble at the U. V. V, Hall on blato blii-ol oi Thursday at 10 a. m. with wull filled baskets to participate in u picnic dinner in ronorof our visilinir comrades from Oregon City, Ori.,nll old comrades are cordially invited to be pre sent by ordor of committee. What Do the Children Drink? 3 Don't glvo them tea or coffee, nave you tiled tho now food drink callod URA1N-U It la delicious aud nour IhIiIiik and taken tho placo of coffee. Tho more Gruln-0 you glvo tho chil dren tlio moro health you distribute through tholr systems. Oraln-0 la mado of pure grnliiH, and when prop orly prepared tunics liko tho cholco Ki'iidva of vofft'o hut costa about as much. All grocers sell It 15c. and 25c. When you are hungry you think of the cook When your watch needs repairing you think of Hinges. Dump Shoe Sales Tho Salem dump aud smash-up shpe saloa at Salem tho past week on oue day run up to $000. Ono of tho smash-up ads. in Saturday's Jouiinai. coat $30 but it pays. Tlio largo regular ad vei Users IiiTiik JouiiN-ALdo tho 'good business. Watch their mis. and their growing trade. AceiimlJting dead stock Is what tats up piollt". Tim latest Scientific Discovery ih.i-odonthepr!n tpV, Deniruy theruiiM,), a renun o tho ellrt t ' llvrpii'ldo MM thr germs that cause tlan driiilbydUniuiguptiir pulp as they burrow tnur pootlfiTutm ; t) the hair root, where ticy liiittlly dwtroy tho hair ithout dandrutt' j our iiuir wm grow luxuri antly Newhro's Hcrpicide flow dandruiT and fall In;: hair, and starts hair crowing wtuun to days. One bottle M com, inco you of this. For Sal at all rtrvt-CUu Ding Store. n EDUCATIONAL u$mim The test Is always the cbeacest, The tralnlntr that may be cut to use Id the everyday affairs of life Is the most practical for the overate serson. Id fact no one should tie without such. The Capital Business Colicuc. Is a model business training- school, well known and endorsed by business men who have tested Its work through Its graduates. Class and Individual Instruction. Chesp living expenses. Send for catalogue. W. I. STALEY. Principal, Salem, Oregon. University College of Music - - FACULTY - - FRANCESCO SELEV. Dean, singing, Harmony, Form, Compo sition, IF C. GARRISON. Principal or Piano Department. Piano, History, Counterpoint. LE ROY L, GESNER, Principal of Violin Department. Violin, Orchestra. MISS FLORENCE TILLSON, Piano, MISS FLORENCE BOWDEN. Stringed instruments. Viola. 'Cello, Con- irauass,manaoiinana uuitar. Send for Circular or Catalogue. Academy of the Sacred Heart Salem, Oregon. Doardlnt and Day School for Girls. Ed ucation thorough and practical. Courses; Kindergarten. Primary, tirammer and Academic. Music Department: Conserv atory Methods, Piano, Violin, Guitar and Mandolin, Uest Instructions In Art and Languages Send for Prospectus. Ad dress, SISTER SUPERIOR. 8 0lm. School Reopens September 3d THE CAPITAL CITY MILLS Solicits tho patronago of tho farmors. Conducts a custom and local flour mill business. Sacks to lot out ou usual torniB. Whoat stored and bought at highest prices. Bryant Reeves, Cor Church and Trade Sts, SCOTCH WHITE OATS. Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should try Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and can be readily served, bold by HarritL& OLD POSTOFPIOB Gas Stoves for Summer Cooking Gas Ranees, Gas Hot Plates, Gas Bollln? Stoves. Call and examine low prices. Special rate for Gas for Cooklnsr Purposes. : : : : Salem Gas Ligtit Co. 4 Chomokota 8 Telophona BBS DRYERS BURROUGHS & FRASBR PHONE 1SU tQ3 STATE CAPITAL BREWERY Finost boor on themarket, bettor than over. CAPITAL BOTTLING Our suporlor boor, kopt In Freo city dollvory, CAPITAL ICE WORKS The purost crystal lc at lowoat ratos. The purost crystal Ico mado ui. lunuai. luiuo. MRS. M. BECK, THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM, OREGON. A firat-claBS piivato hospital for the treatmont of chronio aud surgical cases. Built Uio past yoar ospocially for tho purpose for which it is used. Convonontly located within four blocks of tho business part of tho city. The most modern furnishing and latest appliances throughout tho building. Hoatod by hot wator and ligbtod by gas and olocticlty. Hero the sick can havo tho comforts of an elegant private home, combined with all tho advantages of a general hospital without the nolso, confusion, and publicity attending one. Outside phyBcIans bringing cases In treated with tho greatest courtesy, and assieted In operations If roquostod. For terms and further Informa tionwrite or apply personally. R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. VISITORS WELCOMED BETWEEN 2 AND 4 P. M BRBOISTER FEEDMEN AND A complete stock of Grass renaoie seeas. jcjcca x x x SPECIAL PRICES ON FLOUR IN BARREL LOTS. 9HCourt.Street, It is 8,000 Tho Burlingtou Route ranks among the greatest of the world's railroads. Over 8,ooo miles long; employing 35,000 men; reaching 1,300 towns and cities in the eleven stntou traversed by its lines; having through-car arrangements which extend more than half way across tho continent and earn estly striving to give its patrons absolutely uneqtialed service, it is the line YOU should select, next time you go east. Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City; St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. tAta Should fee given a practical education. Northwest Normal CoH'cgo , of Literature, Business, Music and Art. 22 (INCORPORATED.) Literary courses arc: Collegiate. High School, Business and Preparatory. Full courses In all the Important branthet of Music and Att. Dip lomas granted or Degree conferred on comple tion of either of the above courses. Send for catalogue or call at rooms In the Murphy Dlock, Salem, Oregon. A. J. Garland, A. M., President, Z M. ParvIn.Mu. Doc, Dlrectsr, CAPITAL NORMAL ND CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL SALEM, OREGON. Pall term of twelve weeks opens Sept. 30th , In First National Dank Building. Our special work Is to teach the underlying principles. No time wasted on the non-essentials, The homo study and mail department offer you a rare chance to spend your evenings pleas antly and profitably In fitting yourself for your life work. Tuition for the term seven dollars. Home study department $5, Address J, J. KRAPS, SALEM, ORE. Lawrence QUOORIW Best facilities for making the tin and iron work on fruit and hop dryers in the valley. We have the machinery and the men and a vast stock of ma terial ready to fill all orders promptly. X, X, 2, 2 has etood tho tost oLtwonty years and is mr WORKS ,- cold .storage, ttllordore)( filled promptly. 4 i from puro distilled wator. Free delivery . Proprietor. Sl WHFIB SEEDSMEN- Seeds at Lowest prices for Salem, Oregon. Miles Long, A. C. Subloom, General Agent, , Cor. THIrd and Stark St, Portland, Ore, uUSlNESS CARDS. O. H.JvlACK Succcossor to Dr, J. M. Koono, in Whlto Cornor, Salem Oro. l'artios do siring superior operations it modoratn foo In any branch aro inospboial request, Djt, Grace Albright Gradual eoflAmetlcan School of Osteopathy. : : s Every day oxcopt Sunday. OfHco hours 0 to 12 a. m ; 1 to 4 p, m. Odd Fellows' Tomplo, Cor. Court and High stroots. Phono. Main 2281. DrvTaclo Beat, assistant. Money to Loan On farms and city proporty. Invoit mentfl judiciously mado. Insurance ef fect od. JOHN MOIR Olllco with Balfour Guthrlo & Co. 207 Commercial Strcot. 4 Otf HOP STOVES Two first -class o stoves for sale. Call on F. Levy, Salem, Oregon. mms. SOTJLE BROS. Piano Tuners and Repairers PORTLAND OR E. For Salem and vicinity leave otdor at Geo. Will's MubIo Storo. Huie Wiiifif Sang Co. All kinds of mattincs. China Wnrn Janancso Fancy Goods, Dry Goods, Bllka White undorwoar, shirt waists, wrappors of all kinds, mado in storo nt a very low pneo. uruers 01 an kiiuib made up promptly. MO 8tato St.. Salem, Or. tS. C. STONE, M. D PROPRIETOR OF Stone's Drug Store ' SALEM OREGON. The stores (two la number) are located at No. 235 and 333 Commercial street, and are well stocked with a complete line of drugs and med icines, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, etc. DR. STONE Has had some 25 years experience In the prac tice of medicine and now makes no charge for consultatlon.'cxamlnatlon or prescription. Sewing Machine Repairing I havo rented repair Bpace of F. A, Wiggins, nt his new location on Liberty n. .n. nl ...ill n nlo.l 1 1 aa n 1 1 nf hudii tiu mil uu kiiiu tu dvu mi uk iiijr old frlonds thuro. Any sowing machino repairing entriistcu to mo will bo guar anteed satisfactory or monoy rofundod. N. II. llonusr 267 Liberty Stroot. Old Post Office Stables Are largo anu havo rouahlo attend ants, your toam boarded by tho week or uay. uoou teams lor niro, rricos rea sonable. Your patronago solicited. H. M. Brown Forrv Street. B. I JONES, Attornay-at-Law Toledo, Orovon WaiClork of Circuit Courlfor six jnut and his ma up-wjie Buainwi oi au property in uuooiu county. 11.17m DON'T WAIT Till it Rains But book your orders with LEMMON & BURT for your house painting, paper hanging or kalsomining at 105State st. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passongor trains. Baggago to all parts of the city. Prompt Borvico. Telopliono No. 241. DISQUE & HOMYER Royal Insurance Co. A. T. Gilbert, reeidout agent of above Insuranco Co is now prepared to do a large Insuranco business. Will alia handle real estato. I havo a team and carriage which is at my customer's ser vico and I will take pleasure in showing parties what I have for eale. Oflice at present with T. A. Livesley & Co. See Lee & Co. FRUIT DRYERS Market prices paid for green fruits. Cottage and Trade Sts. Across tho race, Salem, Ore. 0 12 lm SCHOOL TICKETS. The Salem Klcctric Car Company has now on sale t-chool ticket! for pupils be tween the ages cf 5 and 15 years, ai tho low rate of ten ridea for 25c. These are good for rides on any of tho lines at any timo during thu school term Call at olllco. o ui im JOHN STOUT Successor to HANSEN & LANDON Sash Doors, HlimK Mill Work in Gen eral. 11. ip and Fruit Uatknts, Frnlt Trays, etc , a ppi-olaltv. Church and 'cnocl furniture Kstimates promptly furnished ou all kinds of work. Church and fllill Sts., Salem , IHMfMllHMU ORec "OffrilNE !ONfiiClHC r I Ttn I " AND OKPAUT IUH "fSa W.8 Alllth K HlOM ClllCHRO l'ortland Hpeclnl 0. ro, 7.7! .'"- DBUtnr V. q.H t -L- . o,S v nl Kait. ' "'"W Atlantlo Kxprosa 9 p. a. .! Hunt, lngton a.ii T.i.. .. SiVfilt0 .S?i ... .." UCIltnr If. and Kait. ' tu,caS 8 p. m. mau aIihum,!,1 i ' U a 77 " h ouRr PORTLAND TO CHICAGO 7 . No Change of cars a irotign tickets East via ll Mn boat amfrall, via PortlnnTl " a" ral1' ' OCEAN AND RV R"sclnlDUrB" From ln w y All tailing dates lublcct til rll.nna ' K 8 p. ra. UaiTy"" oxjept Bunday 8. P ra. Saturday 10 a.m. ForBanrranclKco Ball ercry 6 days loAntorla and Way Undlngn. P.n oi.5utui.j .. Wll I IMni-T-r. -... .Pn0,lF"rn," IM. ThroUfh tlck(f n.. ..i-... . ran v.- PoUUnZ TUke7o?;!c;:,axk.Bat " u. T. THAYER, Atent Salem, reton. Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TIME CAED. No. 2 For Yaqulna: xru a caves Albany ..... I2f 0 p. m nlcayca Corvatlla. . . . i sjp.m No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna COOa.ui. Loayca Corvallis iv.30 1. tu Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m. No. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7.00 p.m. Arrives Detroit 12:15 v. m No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Dotrolt 12 45 a. m Arrives Albany 6 40a.tr, Trains 3 and 4 uetwoen Albany and Covallio, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays only. All other trains dally ex. copt Sunday. Trains 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the 8. I. couth bound, train, as well s giving tnd or tliros hours in Albany boforo departure ol B. 1'. North bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connocta with tho 8, P. west sldo train at Corvullis Crossing for Indorondoneo, McMinn o and all points north to Portland. J. TuitNt.it, Euvm Stone, Agent, All any. Ns&sccr Rocky Mountian Limited Is the name of the new and luxuri ous Rock Island train Which runs between Colorado' Spring! and Denver, and Chicago, Leavinc Colorado Hprlnes every tier at 1:30 P. M., arriving in Chicago at 7 P. M next day only one night out maklnc closo connection with evening trains from Chicago for all points oost : also connecting at Omaha with morning trains for Minneapolli and St. Paul, Weekly excursions In Personally Condnctcd Tourist Sleeping cara via the Groat Scenic Lino; from Pa cific Coast points to Chicago without change. Ask your Ticket Agent to make your ticket read via tho Great Rock Island Route Write for particulars A. 12. COOPER. GENERAL AGENT 250 AlderiSt.. Portlasd Ore. Best Summer Resort For Cleaning, Dylnz and Pressing At this establishment you can get any thing sot to right, from. pair of glovei, to tho most ulaborate silk gown. A gentloraan can got his hat cleaned, bit trourers creased, or his whole suit re juvenated to suit his tasto, also four Buits a month for one dollar. Button! sewed on, rips sowed up, suits pressed on short notice. MRS. C. H WALKER 105 Commercial t. White House Restaurant Easy ot access. Courteous reception. First-class cooking;. You enjoy what you order at lo6 State st. George Bros. Prop's- ft. OFFICE OiTF UAl.L For water service suply at oroc mils payable monthly In advaoc Mako all complaints at tho fm e O. G T, Co's PASSEPGER STEAMERS Pomona and Altong Leaves for Port'an J Dally Except Sunday at 7 - Quick Time, Cheap Rates Dock Betweea SjgX Salem water mw