The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 25, 1901, Image 1

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MODEL. Home Paper tor
!A Cj
Free Rural Delivery
'i CS fl
j. . .
J 1
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V i 1
NO 227
, i.-
The same families ulio bought tliulr Winter supplies from ua
last season aro lilting out again nt :: :: :: :: ::
They know the goods aro rellablo because they've tried thetm
Our spot cash plan of business enables us to undersell regular
stores. :: :: ' s ' :: s: :! !: ::
Heat and largest asForlment of new shoes id tlio city. Our shoes
are unsurpassed for stylo and (It, and they're built forsorvico, too.
The now BeaBon demands no.v clotl ing. Our lino is complolo.
Reliable suits mado by ono of the host factories in tlio country
at lowest "racket prices." :: :: :: :: :: :
Is going lively now. No wonder. You ought to aco our prices.
Best lino we've over hod and lowest prices, too. :: :: ::
For everybody. Not "just as good" as you'll find elsowhoro, but
just a little hotter That's why our -business keeps growing.
Our men's hate are bo cheat) that you can afford to throw your
old lint away and got ono of tho naw styles whether the old ono
is worn out or not. Our fl.'JG to f 2.00 hats aro from 50c to 75c
cheaper than same styles and samo grades at other stores
You'll not bollovo it till you look them over.
LADIES Wo want you to hco our ne-v lino of umbrellas.
Immense assortment of fancy horn handles for you to select from.
You press the button; it docs thereat. :: :: :: ::
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor,
Of tho finest
rilflfl Of workmansh i n
O is n branch of
a atch
our business
that we give
sneolal otten-
trnlion to. Our repairing department
Is conducted with tho utmost caro and
skill, diamonds aro ronot, and jowolry of
all kinds is repaired in tho most perfect
manner, besides optical work of all kinds.
C, T. Pomeroy
288 Com'ISt. Watchmaker and Optician
The entire stock of shoes at
must be sold out. Come
Men's Shoes
MEN'S Edwin Glapp Vlcl Kid, 0.00
Smash-up Price
MEN'S Edwin Clapp Itrtssia Calf, fO.OO
Smash-up Price
MEN'S Edwin Clapp Willow Calf, $0.00
- ? Smash-up Price
MEN'8 Kusset Oil Grain if 5 00 vol
uea Smash-up Price
MEN'S Hunan & Son Patent Leather, a
fine dress shoe, 7 00 values
Smash-up Price
MEN'S Frencfi Calf, plain toe, n nlco
eusy shoo, f LOO valuos
Smash-up Price
MEN'S Russia Calf, 5.00 val
ues Smash-up Price
MEN'S Russia Calf, Beacon tip, $3.50
Smash-up Price
MEN'8-Vid-Kid, coin too, 3.50 val
ues . . Smash-up Price
MEN'S Box Ca'f Leather, lined, 18.60
Smash-up Price
MEN'S Willow Calf, 14.00 val
ues Smash up Price
MEN'S Kang. Calf, Empire Plain, 3 00
values "
t Smash-up Price
.MEN'S'Satln Coif, good shoe, $3.00
Smash-up Price
Our Store Closes at 7 O'clock
Every Evenlne Except Saturday
Cor. Comrrforolal and Chomokota Sto.
the Salem Shoe Store
and see our bargains.
LADIES' Viol Kid Turn sole, vostlng
top, $100 values
Smash-up Price
LADIES' Vtci Kid Hand Turn sole,
f 4.00 values
Smash-up Price
LADIES'. Vlcl Kid Hand Turn sole,
$3.50 values
Smash-up Price
LADIES' Vlcl Kid shoo, 3.50 val
ues Smash-up Price
LADIES' Vici Kid Turn sola, 4.00 val-
Smash-up Price
t A DIES' Viol Kid Cloth top, $3.50 val
ues ' - Smash-up Price
LADIES' Vlal Kid Shoe, Vesting top,
$8 00 values
Smash-vp Price
LADIES' Viol Kid, Turn solo, J3.50 val
nee Smash-up Price
LADIES' Box Calf Wet Weather shoe,
RJ.0O values
Smash-up Price
LADIr?8' Kid shoo, Cloth top, $3.00 vaL
Smash-up Price
Li Dl SS' Kid shoe, good shoe, $2,50 val-
Smash-up Price
LA DIE i' Box.Go.lf shoe, One wearer, $2.60
Smash-up Price
LADIES' Kid shoe.
MISSES' Box Calf shoe, $1.76 value M AA
Smash-up Price 4ltVl
MISSES' Vie! Margueilte shoe, $1.76 value (Jjl 1 C
Smash up Price vpil J
M IHgKS' Viol Kid shoo, f 2.00 value (tt OC
Smash-up Price ipi4.J
GUILDS' Viol Kid shoe, $1 76 valuo
Smash.up Price
CUILUS Vial Kkl hoe, $1.28 value
Smash-up Price
GUILDS' Vici Kid oboe, 76c value
Smash-np Price
We have not the spec to give all prices
same prices will I retail throughout entire -
General Dewef s Reappearance Dreaded at
Any Moment.
General Botha's Plans In Threatening Natal Kitchener's War Called Bar
barous By an European Newspaper Reorganization of the Country
Depends on the Restoration of the Farming Industry.
New York Sept. 25. ThoTrlbuno's
London correspondent explains tho
prevailing English view upon the South
African situation in tho following dis
patch :
War news from South Africa romains
vaguo but details of recent reverses aro
roaBBtirbig in otio rospect. Evidence
points to tho errors in tho judgment of
tlio ofllcors rather than to apathy and
Btnleoess. Tho men of tho rank and ulo
fought well and there was no lack of
courago and spirit.
Dewet's reappearance in boiiio un
expected qunrlor Is 'looked for hourly
sinco tho recrudcaconco of Uoor activity
after a long period of stagnation was
evidently tho rosult of proconcertod
notion among tho commandoos.
London, Sept. 25. Tho correspondent
of tho Times in Paris says the recent
British revereos'.in South Africa havo af
for led to the French journallata an op
portunlty which tboy have hastonod to
seize, to point out the folly of Lord Kit
chener's assumption that the war is
ovor. Tho Temps says that, nftor tho
sacrifice of bo many thousands of lives,
the loss of bo many million! of francs,
tho painful bankruptcy of tho liberalism
of n great country, and the eclipBO of its
international conecionco, Great Britain
is an far now as It was on tho first day of
tho war from the realization of its object
tho conquest of tho two Boor llopub-
London, Sept. 25. Adispatch to the
Times from Nowcastlo, Natal, says: Tho
momont for a Borious invasion of Natal,
if such an idea has beon in Command
ant General Botha's mind, has passed.
Both tha Buffalo and Tugola Rivera
aro in flood, while General Lyltlotou'e
troops aro sulllclont to deal with tho
enemy should he elect to cross tho bor
der. It is thought probablo that Botha'n
- UP
Ladies' Shoes
m nv vaiuo
Smash-up Price
Remember the
.45 SALE
plan of seeming to throalon Natal was
in order to keop tho minds of tht Burgh
ers occupied and to divert their atten
tion from tho expiration of tha torm of
graco allowed by Lord Kltchonor'a latest
proclamation. Tlio correspondent of the
Times at Oape Town says tho Chamber
o'fCdmmorce thoro has discussed thi
advisability of placing tho ontlro Cap
Peninsula under martial law. Tluj
members decided that they wore ready
to submit to tho inconvonlonce which
such an attompt would entail, if It weri
ontiroly uocossary for tho successful end'
ing of tho war. They took no deflnito
action, howevor.
LoNDON,.Sept. 25. An editorial on the.
Czar's visit to Frinco In tho Polltck, d
Czech organ in Prague, is quoted by thd
Vienna corroenondeut of tho rimc
Tho articlo says tho Impediment in thq
way of tho Russian Emporor's plan for1
neaco. disarmament and tho arbitration.
of disputes is tho British Empire which
is "carrying on a war in South Alrlca
that would be a dUgraco to barbarians."
Great Britain, tho editorial proceeds,
"has hitherto found too much advantage
In tho armed dohco of Europe not to
make ovory effort to maintain it." This
must bo fully realized by tho powers of
"TluiB In tho courso of timo," says
the articlo, "tho dual alliance may do
velon into a corltlnontal alliance such as
Napoleon conceived, but which his idea
of his own universal predominance-prevented."
London Sopt. 25. The Vlonna corres
pondent of tho Times quotes an encour
aging roport from the Austrian Consul
at Capo Town, on the economic pros
pects In South Africa. Ho sajrs tiicro
This is to Certify
GlT(orXion " eIom' 0te Au ,WI
Crippled and Many Years an Invalid.
To whom thoao preaenta aliall oomo, Arc tine.
Aliout fourteen enra alncontultia Tcariofasa
I met with au accident which ciiiaed n lnlury
to lUTtpliioaiid polrlo bopo wbloh rcaulteU In
the rormAilott of humjveil ihnuldcri anit lilji, a
UorttMilntt ot llio waDtaud iliiplnccmenlof In
teriial orstua, and dhorlcnlng Of ftbont two
ttiche of otio limb between Uio knee and hip.
In mlilltlnn in ilia iiiitwiird BiiDCtritice of mr
bodyasaboro decrlbel In Mitrch 1900 I wu
KKOIl Willi a iCTOro ivcn gi i uiiipo irara
tlio ctlcct of which I ulfrri'd Kreatly with my
Inutrinnd heart, and when In May 1W0I camo
to and began treatment with Dr. J. K. Cook my
condition waa about u follews: Could per
form no manual labor, rould not itoop to plok
nil) tlilMK from tho Uoor. Could i;et about tho
homo only with difficulty, and gettlni; up alalia
waa next to IniposalJ'le. Could mo my llmba
only with dltllculty and one of them wit much
waa e. if nerroiia ayaioin wu unuiy virvvauu.
Hail coukIi and aerere pain on Iuiik and heart,
no appetite, could tleep only tn broken ipolla.
and hi many wayi aullorixl almoil conttnnt and
liiduacrlbablo BKonlei. In abort 1 waa ai much
dead a allvg, i'rovloualy to my attack of l
Oripe I wiu treated oror a perlotl of yearn by
many phyatclana to no olloctlve puno
-My peraoual appearanou at tliu lime la
traiiiht In the back aa anyone My waitol
limb reatorcd to normal alio and but litlle more
thau half an Inch aliortor than the otlu r llavo
freo uaa or my llmba and can go up ttalra one
foot after the other with perfect wuc ly
WMtU lonKtbenlne. Can atoop to tho floor
wlthcaao, Can est atioutauddo pretty much
nnv and nverlhTnir other well icoulti can do.
11 y appetllo la aploudldi alcep aouudly and am
abaolutely free from pain,
UarlUK lived In I)r Cook's famll for nearly
a yvar I liaio aeen much of Hie cftert of hla
f mi..... ah, ..... ntliaH ..on Iriilv Bllfl
..VM.I1IV... WIM UIW. Will. VOT. .-..
cheerfully recommend the Doctor and hla med
ical aklll to all iu any way aflllcted , .
The Doetort treatment In thla caae wa whol
ly confined to but liottnlcal Hemedlen, rou-titu-tlonully
admliiUUrcd No reaort to the uo
of knife, mechanical appliance or other method
of treatmeul being employed
Human uosKNiuiH
Lillian Roaunbaum haa llred In tida vlnnily
about nine yeara.
We, tho tiuderalgned, aro pcrtonally acuaint
ed with the above atllant and iheerfully sub
scribe to the liuthof tbe rorvKnlOKatateuieiit.
N. nOHr&UAUM.r'aibwr.
A, V, ItOHKNIlAl'M ,
8ubaorIbe4 and aworn iHi before m tlla 2-itli
diyofAuif, 1901. , ... .
Blatuched, W. W HAi-I
lkuuiy rlerk,
fly A, lloCUM-OUl, Ikputj
Wires Down
Storms cast of mountains have al
most siiSDCndcd tolecraoh cnmmnnl-
catlon and cut off our press reports
in part.
nro tho host roasons to regard the future
wth aisurauco, but ndds that a stable
Bovornmont must largely depend upon
li1,?!"!!!.0"' !!1'5,t!r,.,h0.: , ,8-.v.
food and clothing eltlior by tho Rritlsh
Kovertinvnt or tho local authorities.
London, Sopt. 25. A dispatch from
Marscllloa of the Times ulves various
mail news from East Africa. Emporor
Menellk is still nt Adia Alem, where
ho is building a villnuo. Ho is in good
health. Tho Mad Mullah has concluded
an lilliunco with the Mcdjourlin tribe
which is well provided with rllles and
Nrw Yonic, Sept. 25. Commenting
upon tho canal treaty thoTribuno's Lon
don correspondent ays; There is no
information respecting lato negotia
tions nud tlio prcciso changes which
have been suggested in Mcllay'a pre
vious canal treaty, but the prospects of
a satisfactory adjustment of tho points
raised by tho Benato aro brighter than
over before. Lord Pauncofuto has beon
resting in tho country and has not boon
actively at work in influencing ministers
befnio sailing for Ainorica in October,
His labors ended before iho Ministers
took thoir holidays and woto scattered
over tho country, and he was satiitted
with tho result.
Thcro Is n gcnoral expectation in dip
lomatic circles that tho now treaty will
be submitted to the Bennte in December
and that It will bo ratllled.
Norwich, N Y., Sept. 25. Henry W.
Wood of Norwich shot his former house
keeper. Mrs. Eliza Greenleaf last night
and then committed suicide. Tho
tragedv occurred at Plymouth. Mrs.
Ureonleut had been keeping .house for
Wood about three years. Two weeks
ago sho left him and went to live with
Louis Carnoros, her brother In-law at
Plymouth. Wood has blooded much
sinco her departure, i ho woman la not
expected to live.
Nkw YyitK,Fept.25. Tho World says;
Spain is at presont placing extensive
contracts for railroad material and ma
chinery in tho United States. O osu to
lOOO cars nave noon oruereu irom an
American car and foundry company,
which ar5 to bo used by tho Compauia
Del Norte, the principal Spanish trunk
lino and thu Hllboa Santander Itallroad.
Th government gun factory at Trubla
Is to be equipped largely with Yankee
machines, tools, etc. Largo electrical
ordora nro being placed In this country.
Greater Freedom In Russia.
London, Sept. 25 A dispatch from
Odessa to tho Times says the students
havo taken advantage of tho greater
freedom recently allowed to them to pe
tition for permission to establish a puri
odlcal. It will bo called "The Word of
the Studout'' and will bo dovoted exclu
sively to tho interests of students
throughout tho omplro. His hoped tho
Minister of Education will permit tho
Salted Spanish
Peanut Roaster
114 State Street, Salem, Orccon.
Don't Be 'Envious
Our jewelry Is attractive.
We know that, for ho havo
The Most Elegant, the few
est and the Most Correct
Fashions Always.
Hut don't bo envious. Oomo In
9 and buy what you want anil ro
. havo lor your own the beautiful
things jou admire.,
Barr's Jewelry Store
leaders in lnw Prions.
118 State street., Saleai. Orezon
What to Drink?
At any time Is a matter of nireuuiitani'i-s
ri4 choice, Yhn you have our
'choice you should always ohooto good
IIijuoim. If you drink Itogers' liquors
you oan know they aro the purest and
best In tlioT-liango of weather that is
i.ow coming on you'll appreciate- our
whltkies aud hraudies.
J. P. ROGERS, asr-'
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Further Testimony About the Facilities for
Coaling Ships.
The Case Dracelnff Alone With No LlehtThus far Thrown On the Chief Con
troversy Between the oia seaaoes wno uuetu ah ue jyuuhk
to Give Us a Rest
WAiniiNaON, Sopt. 25 Tho bchley
court of inquiry convened at tho navy
yard nt 11 o'clock today. Admiral Schley
stated that sinco the death of Judgo
Wilson, Attorney Isidor Haynor would
be tho leading couneol In his case, assist
od by Capt. Jamoa Parker of New Jortey,
and M. A. Tcaguo, of Baltimore, The
II ret witness called, was D. A. Claxton,
of the machinists' board of the' Texas,
who begun his testimony whou the sit
ting of tho court was so abruptly termi
nated yestorday morning by tho death
of Judgo Wilson.
Clayton testified to tho rovorsal of tho
engines of tho Texas during tho battlo
jn July 3d Uear-Admlral Cotton, now
commandant of tho Norfolk Navy
Yards who commanded the auxilllary
cruiser Harvanluring tlio war, said
ho delivered despatches trot" Ad
miral Sampson of tho Navy Department
to Commodore Schley, on May 27lh
Srhley asked if it whb possible to coal
tho ship at Molo, tit. Nicholas or Qo
nalvoj channel. Ho told him ho could
coal tho small ones but not tho battle
ships Molo nnd all at Gonaives channel.
Mii.WAUKiiie, Sept. 25. Genoral Ar
thur MacArthur, who recently returned
form Manila Bays tho conditions In the
Philippines aro favorable for the ideas
o( n republic.
At an informal reception accordod him
by the Chamber of commerce he made a
brief address In which ho said in part:
"To my mind tho beauty of our po-
so salon in Manila llos In tho planting
of American ideas of beniflcenco in tho
eastern world Wo aro planting itnpor-
ishablo ideas in that far oattern country.
Wo aro carrying tho doctrine of personal
liberty there and whorever tho Hag of
tlio United States in tho process of just
advancement is onco plantid it ir going
to May forever.
"The conditions thoro nro fnniblo
for tho ideas of a republic."
-Nhw Yoiiic, Sept. 25. Belli Low, who
was last nigh' nominated by tho Repub
lican nnd Citizens Union conventions is
quoted in theTrihuno as Buying:
"As soon as I recelvo ofllclal notice of
their choice. I shall gladly accept "
' What aro your plans for the future?"
ho was asked.
' I can't speak of them now." said Mr.
Low. "Tho future will take caro of It
self." Mr. Low rh ill that ho he had appointed
John J. Clarke as hlscampaign ecoretnry,
Mr. Clarke was seorotary of the Citizens
Union four years ago.
a an KiiANciMo. Sent. 25 Tm Chroni
cle says that n number of prominent
miiiahaiits and business men havo
raited fund ol 180,000 wild which to
provide for au Inoroaen in tho police
force tulllcieut to put a stop to the as
Niult ii)ii nou union wnrkinpmon and
to aw ii mi leacwmul fcood order within
the citr. The plan bai been rulunltted
in the Klive imhhiI"Ih ors ai.d It Is
undiirstnod that it meets "ltli thsir
approval At tho next mooting of tho
board of rupervlso(i, thoy will bo asked
to make pioNislon fur adding 160 police
men at llu p eei.t furct.
Nkw VoKK,8pt. 6-Sayi Hie London
correspondent of tlm Tribune: Carica
ture overshoots Its mark in the West
minster OaMtle, whwi It depict "UrVr
ICikIii" in the perion of Mr. Ilnoievelt
uonven-lng lurplrletttly, if net nmiahly,
with Ilr'er Lion" anil evnfeeslng that
ho "ain't Kwlne'terguali."
Bentimeutal vagaries are considered
both un-English and un-Amerlcau, atdj
poor substitutes for tho practical evi
dences of good feeling, such as tho set
tlement of the questions remaining open
lotwcen the two countries
Vancouvkk, D Sept. 25. Tho
Ktondtko country has boon brought in
to telegraph communication, A line
1200 miles long touches Atlin, White
Horse, Dawson nnd Fort Simpson, mid
connectn the Alaskan boundary with the
projected government lino from St
Third Party Democrats.
Ni:w Yohk, riept. 25. A movement
for a third city ticket with Colonel
Edward M. Knox as the nominee lor
mayor has been launched by the execu
tive committee of the City Democracy.
Tlio commlltco of eighteen is charged
with having broken faith with tho indo
pondoiit Domocrnti, in naming Snth Low
for mayor. Every assembly district In
Manhattan and tho lironx was repre
sented, nnd thoro was n largo delegation
from Drojklyn. It was conceded by
sovoral .influential members, nftor tho
mooting that tlio organization, whilo de
siring tho withdrawal of Mr. Low, nnd
whilo standing ready to support nny In
dependent Democrat fur mayor, may
prrjlljly support Mr. Color, If ho is
n. mad by Tammany, In oppo's tlou to
Kutli Low.
Awaiting the Yacht Race.
NkwYokk, tiept. 25. dteum yachts
here to attend tho International cup
racu nro strung nil thu way alum; tbe
coast fiom Now York to Greenwich
Conn. Many moru nro expected from
Uostn, Newport and other enstoin clt
lor. It is impossiblo to estimate the
number of boats that will attend the
races, but thu .Indications nro that all
records will bo broken In this roipcct.
Anchored nt Ray Itidge Ilea n boat that
next to tho two contestants will arouso
tho greatest Interest. This Is tho gal
lant old America, tho schooner that 50
years ago brought tho cup to this country,
It will bo kopt in theao waters until
nftor thu rnces for thu cup.
Condition of Mrs. McKlnloy continues
Mrs. Itoosevelt. wlfo of Preildent
and children left Ojstyr Hay today for
ISI ai I ia I F rerrw
aH II laH ISaMII I ISaHlllMalllllllllM laHllllllllllllllllllllllMiilalWJMiMilalMSallllllWlallllllrTW
JisHSHa.a -MWyJB it MM M mr W
50 cents
Full tan quarter dotnet blaukute In
Qroy and White.
Full eleven quarter cotton blankets ;
gray, tan, white aud fancy patterns.
68 cents
Camping comforts, extra values fur
Grey, tan nnd while. 'ory good
for lintue list-,
lat Ten Yun Au lUat To - day
tUat To'dav Bultv
iny In Alvle cn4 Pft
t WUflli UlMllt
Aurpoaalnir buaioui imiorli
A Mango ior selection not
10 in
New Fall Model Trousers
With tha 4tylUUCurvM0l U auJ Hip.
Call Today and 8cur Uxclualto Patttra
at t'UaJlna tTkaa.
New Location Cor. Court and
Men Sold Warlike Material
to Uncivilized Natives.
San Francisco, Sept. 25. According
to information brought from the Caro
line Islands by the brig John D. Sprock
ets, tho German ofllcors in authority on
tho island Ildk aro prepared to giyg n
warm recption to an unknow American
whaling bark that has Ban Francisco (or
for Its homo port. year it Is
said, the whaler sold a vnantity of knives
rovolvora aud other warliko material
to the natives on the island, leaving be
fore the Gorman ofllcinls knew about the
transaction. Thoy woro very wroth.
and mado up their minds to glvo tho
wbalor reception upou.her annual visit
to Iluk this year, A big gum v. as
planted on an omiuonco overlook
ing the usual anclioraco and
a potty o Ulcer anu fit teen men
were placed in charge of tho weapon,
While tho gun is tintended for genoral
ubo against smugglers, tho American
whaler is particulary desired to como
within rango. As nil indication of
the summary measures taken by tho
Germans against gtnuggtersfuceraot.tho
John D. Sprecklcs clto the caso of tho
Japanese Bchooner that was seized soma
months ago upon being apprehended In
the act of smuggling revolvers aud am
munition to the natives. Not only were
the Rchooiior and Its contents o!zed,but
all tho Japiinue,. traders on tho Island ot
Ituk wro sent a ray.
Consult your doctor. If he
says, "Take Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for your cough,"
then do as lie says. If he
tells you not to take it, then
don't take it. He knowsi
Leave it with him. We are
willing. Physicians havebcen
our friends for 60 years. 4
" For five years I suffered with bron
chitis. A few weeks ago I beesn to
take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and only
two bottles entirely cured me."
Daniel U. Lippn, AUa, W. Va.
lie, JOc. $1.00. J. C. AVER CO., Ltwtll,
W. It. Kirk, n prominent citizen of
Urownsvillo is dead.
"Salted Almonds
Fresh Spanish
Salted Peanuts
Ellis & Zinn's
54 State Street, 6Km 'Phone 287-4
- mM am. w .1,1 j -L jr.mMZW.UM
TwLZJ AiLR. M.J. Tm-MlmlAMmMmLmW
68 cents
Itxtra weight doruet blanketsj iu
irrnu nnil ln,i "
Double tleoo, oxtra finish, comforts;
knotted B" hI,
Comforts In three different lines,
esjHk-lally for hdiTpIokers. z
A special knotted mimfort; tho Iiest
value over shown n Salem.
- nl
Liberty Sts.
ii 111
Mi n
I! J
'1 1.1
,T J
v a
' '"tasJSESS'