The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 29, 1901, Image 1

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ADVERTISER ag(l.-lMSie.ff K
&?Wrai! ft ARK THIS FACT
' r. NA
Fair tonltht and Friday.
, n:
TJLUJWUAY AUGUST 29 1801, " " '" Ko 2Q$
' - -- - " -,,, '?-.'- . -
I i j - - '
TO make Roiim fnr flur Fall I Jnne wo
IiaVfi ItlQf ttlllArl i Cwnrlil t1n nf &
instituted a Special Sale of
.- .. .
m H HI . . K H IK n H M M K K ! L
imnrurnN a
0 FAKE sale, but a bona fide
clearance sale of everything in
thetrowser line at 20 per cent off from
regular prices. That means a good pair
of work pants, all wool, at from $2 up.
Injunction Against Amalgamated Men Inter
fering Outside.
yesterday nttornoan and It is stated
that much lost tlmo had beon nindo up
when the explosion occurod. The cap.
tain and othoroillcorsdony emiihattcnllv
tlint tho City of Tronton was racing tho
steamer Twilight, of tho opposition
lino, when tho explosion occurcd.
From tho moat authentic roports re
ceived up to o'clock this afternoon It
Is bollovod that at loast flftoon persona
luaw iiiiur hvob in tiio steamboat explo
sion on tho Delaware river yesterday.
Thore aro eight bodloa nt tho morgue.
Tho llatof uiUslng numbors betwoon ten
and llfteen, of which at least half a
dozon nro Burely dead. Nino of tho in
jured, victims still remain In thorivor
Searching Is going on without inter,
Throwing of Boauets at Morgan by Union Officials Number of Girl Shirt
Waist Strikers Increased to 6,500 With a Prospect for More-r-Good
Advice by Clear Makers' Union. ;
PiTTsnunn, Aug. 29. Tho strlko eitu
ation continues quiet. While the itrlkers
still express satisfaction with the pre
vailing conditions, the stocl corporation
is slowly but steadily Increaslnc its
forces at tho plants already inoporatlon,
nud proparing to open moro mills.
Are included in. this sale. All prices
markedin plain figures. Come and examine
A Fine Line of
Ice Cream Freezers,
Lawn Mowers,
Garden Hose.
State and Liberty sts.
The Part of Prudence
la tho host plan to follow, to heforo
starling on your vnoition put a few
boltb's of our i.noxcolled wines nnd lit)
uorn in your grip for your pleasure or
necessity. Then yon will be euro of
hnvlng tho best, whatevur Iiappous.
Tuko n hottlu of our brandy anyway.
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
New York, Aug. 29. A Now Phila
delphia, Ohio dispatch reports that at
torneys for tho American Shoot Meol
Company have secured an injunction
through tho United States court against
tho Amalgamated Association nt Canal
Dover, for intimidating and keeping
workmen from entering tho rolling mill,
nleo for holding niul stopping pedestrians
upon highway.
Indianapolis, Intl., Aug. 29. Simon
Uurns announces that his plan for set
tling the strlkn by arbitration has been
rejected by Clms. M. Schwab, president
of tho United States Stool Corporation
Nkw York, Aug. 29. Frank P
Sargent, Grand Chief of the Brother
hood of Locotiiotivo Fireman, before
ioavlng this city last night for his home
in Peoria, III., Bald of tho steel strike:
"1 think that ns Prcsldont Shoffar of
the Amalgamated Association has
receded from IiIr original demands, Mr.
Morgan could afford to be magnanimous
and Bottle sho strlko. My interest in it
lite in tho fact that the settlement of
tho'striko will have such a far-reaching
effect generally."
Tho same tono was adopted by Henry
White, general ro:rotnry of the United
Garment Workers,
"Mr. Shaflor," ho Bald, "has modified
his demands and ruado some concessions
reluctuutlyat our Intercession. Tho ex
ecutive officers of tho Amalgamated
Association regard Mr. Morguu very
highly and beliovo him to be broad and
fair minded. They lmve not as high an
opinion of the officials of tho United
StnteB Stee! Corporation, however.
Mr. White said that ns soon as word
was received from President Shaffer to
gouhcud with uegotititions Prof. Jonks.J
Joun Mitchell, bnniuol Gompers and the
othor members of tho committed on
conciliation will meet in this city and
try to arrange n pence proposition.
lug of tho shirt waist makers union last
night at tho university settlement .build
ing moro strlko of shirt waist girls wore
ordored. Secretary Solomon il tho
Union announced alter tho meeting Unit
It had beon decided to Increaso tho
number of girls who have beon of! strike
during the last three weeks to 0500 bo
foro the ond of the week.
Nkw Yohk, Aug 29. President Shaf
fer of the Amalgamated Association in
response to a tclegrnrn from tho J World
asking him if ho contemplated tho
'tho incorporation of tho Amalgamated
Association replied: "I do not know of
any law In this or any other etalo that
will allow Mis incorporation of f labor
union. Speaking ns an individual and
not ns a officer, I seo no roaeo'ii why tho
Amalgamated Association should not bo
incorporated if we could got a charter.
Tho delegates to our convontioufor the
members nt largo might think different
"Tho only labor union that Qvor was
Incorporated was tho old Knights of
Lnbor and it was incorporated by a
special act of Congress. This la not
generally known. To incorpofato tho
Amalgamated Association it Would bo
necessary to potitlou tho Legislature to
enact n law allowing It to go before Con
gress for a special act. Noithor body is
in session now."
Such is the State of Colombia
Since the War is on.
Crops Devastated Towns
Decimated and Villages
Wiped Out.
Philippine Commission
Manila Aug29.-Tho Philippine Com
mission has organized n civil govern
ment at Iba, Capital of tho Province of
Znmbolos. This complotos tho northern
tour, and it is oxpeotod that the cnm.
mlssioners will return o this city today. J country asunder ; In which brothor is
Nkw Yokk, Aug. 29. A dispatch to
tho Horald from Panama, Colombia,
says: Plots and counter plots fill tho
air. Thorn Is war hero of tho most
hideous kind and strife that tears tho
Selby Smelting Co. Now Refuses to Pay Re-
ward for Winters.
pitted against brotnori' frlond against
frlondnnd neighbor against neighbor.
Fortilo Holds havo beon devastated,
onco ttiriving towns havo been decimated
in population and villages havo
been wiped out ol cxlstonco. Bands of
nrmed men occupied ovary highway and
traffio is practically at a standstill,
whllo frantic woman mourn their dead
and hungry babe clamor for food,
Tho ontlro republic is n soothing
caldron of unrost. For so critical Is tho
aituntlon that officers of tho govern
ment which wish to reestablish public
coufldonco admit that tho crisis must bo
reached within n few days as uiattors
cannot long continue as they aro. Groat
battles must soon bo fought and upon
tho results will do pond not alone tho
supremacy of clashing Colom
bia, but also porhaps, the integrity of
throo neighboring republics Vonozuola,
Ecuador and Nicaragua.
Feeling runs high along the borders
nnd n general wnr tnoy be precipitated at
Bnymomont by any trivial incldont.,
Tho revolution has resulted lUolf aftor
lasting nearly two yoara Into on Inter
national Htrugglo between tho Liberals
and conservativo of four sister republics,
allied in their history, contiguous in ter
ritory, kindred by climato, nud by
Attack a Rich Nome Camp
and Do Some Shooting.-
Arrests Made, and the Men
Give $10,000 Bail EacC
San FnANCisco, Aug. 20 President
Knlston of tho Selby Smelting Works
announces that tho reward of $25,000
which was orforcd for tho nrrost and.
conviction of tho thlofor thtovos who
stolo ovor $300,000 of gold bullion on tho
night of August 5 will not bo paid ns
such, though tho detectives nnd othors
who woro instrumental in recovering
tho treasure nnd Bonding tho robber
John Wlntors, to Jul, will be libornlly
compensated for their services.
Wlntors was under nrrost whon tho
reward- was ofTorod nnd President
Itnlitou snys Ilia conviction was ex
pected. Tho company, howover, thought
he had accomplices nnd also fonred that
tho gold had boon taken out of tho
country and for tlieio reasons offered
tho big reward. It is stnted that soveral
of tho officers who worked up tho cnto
havo beon Bottled with, but tho amount
paid them is net known.
Repairing a Watch
Of tho finest workmanship is n branch
of our business that we give special 'at
tention. Our repairing department
is conducted with tho utmost caro and
skill; diamonds are reset, and Jewelry 0!
all kinds is repaired in the most perfect
manner, besides optical work of all
C, T. Pomeroy
Oamuiiiduk, O., Aug. 29. There in
every indication' that tho managers of
tho Cambridge plant of the American
Tin Plato mill will try to put tho plant
into operation -within a day' or two.
Beds, cooking utensils and a stock of food
has beon placed in the mill. The plant
has six pot mills and could be operated
by a small forco of mon. The leaders
of tho Association still declare that thoii
men are all firm and that there will bo
no desertions.
Nbw Yoiik, Aug. 29 Tho Interna
tional Union of Cigar Makers lias issued
a circular urging upon its mombors tho
advisability of careful investigation of
conditions before going intoj strikes.
Among othor things tho circular snys:
"Before unions go into n strlko tho
employers strength and resources should
always bo known and never umlor-stl-
mated, while tho union strength should
never be ovor-estlmated.
"Our cause should also be in n posi
tion to enforce our domands. Foolish
peoplu engage In a fight first and make
mutual explanations afterward and then
wonder why they (ought. A good plan
is to follow your own as well as your
employers' strength; arbitrate first and
fight afterwards if uecessary,"
The Number Congressman Hull Wants Kept
in the Philippines.
Ban FiiANctdeo. Aug. 29. CongreHi-
man Hull of Ioah, cliairmnu of
the great majority, nino out of 10
nnd nro
who has nrrivod herefrom n flvo month's attain this end.
tOUr of China. Jllimn Ulld tho PIiIIIiiIiIiiiih I "(V cnni-un U !a Itiinnmilliln tn muL-n mi
: : ,---.-- -- ,.,....- .......,..., w ,
I Is doeply impressed with the poeslbill-J Anglo Saxon our of an Oriental, thore
the . them, desire poaco nud safety
houso commltteo on military affairs, doinu all they can to holn tho
Statements Made that Her
Speed was to Great for
Nkw Youk, Aug. 9. A special mcet-
Watchmaker n4 OptlcUn
Expansion Sale
The store is to be enlarged to twice its present
size. This sale strikesSeverything especially
Which is unmercifully sacrificed.
Given away Thursday the 29th from 2 p. m.
Thursday 29th from 2 p. m.
&?'o0Sn ". ore. Mar. . W
To whom tlie nrmenta tbtll, come Greeting-.
This Is tocurtlfy tint 1 hare tu aflllcUxl with
Ovarian Tumor, for a numlwr of yenrg, alio
iiTiTiruuiiic. i ueure ki nuoiHtir Uto upon
oath that Iir J. P. Cook, of balem. Orejon, l,u
removed aM tuinon, two in number, without
the uo of knife, tilaater or iwlkoiiou. dm", and
that 1 am entirely, and m I bollere peruianeut.
ly cured. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Cook to all
craoui afllMeu an 1 wuj. I ri ih.t i. t...
mtbU my life. My home ii three mlle4 tooth of
BuMcribcd and wom to before me this flrat
eal attached. W. W HALL,
County clerk.
Do Not Listen to "Cappers"
Who are hired to defame me and my methodi
of treatment. If I could not eure people there
Mould be no UK! to flyht ine. llli Waute 1 do
cure jieople that 1 am peribiently mUrepro
entod. but I keep on curing folki Jut the
lame, and nomeotlhe beat nculn In n,.n
stand by inc. for which I in flianknii
ka.,.ras.n"'?. ?!'
Eat. pop t deilr becaune you bare been told
. ","?" " ? ivwi uoi oe curea, ur.
CA)k bu oured hundreds of people whoo caei
hare been pronouueed hopeless r the "old.
aohooli" phyilolant.
ThodootorhtadeTOted the beat years of hU
J to to tjieatudy of dlteaie, and the uu and a
Hon of Natute'i veeeuble remedies uutil be
do. TbU
ruiLADKU'iiu, Aug. 21). Kloven
known dead, nine missing, and 32 in
jured Is the record made by tho explosion
of the boilers of tho steamboat City of
Trenton, on tho Deloware rlvoryestor-
(lay afternoon. Of the eleven bodies
in I j ... v . - recovered ten Identified. They are:
ne naa oavcu iyiy Liie Jol,n cl,ow o( Ca,Je. 88t-
u"Kitui vjiiy xfuiHUU ; .una r.uzauuiii
Green, riiiladelphla; Win. Dunn,
Philadelphia, passengers; Arthur Lans
ing, Tronton, N. J., James O'Oonnell,
fireman, Philadelphia; Slott Mablo,
fireman; August Mablo, deck hand,
Philadelphia; Jamis M. Cormack,
Wilmington, Del,, passenger. Among
the Miming are Miss Kthel Blokes of
Trenton, and Miss Helen ttrlcst.
daughter of formor mayor John Brlest,
of Trenton.
It is believed the body so badly charred
as to be unrecognizable is that of Mrs.
John Matthews, of Philadelphia.
Engineer Chews' wife said today that
her husband said to her Tuesday night:
"Lizzie, I may never see you again: I
have a presentiment that there will be
an explosion on the boat. They are
running at too high n steam pressure,
and if an accident should occur, I and
many others will bo killed." Augustus
Heluhart. an expert machinist, em
ployed by the Nea and tavy Shipbuild
ing Company, builder of the City of
Trentou, giro an opinion that the boat
was uemg run too last anu una ex
hausted the water. The boat was 15
minutes late when she left the wharf
ties of the new American possessions in
theOriont, he pays:
"If I wore a young man I don't know
where I would rather go thuu to tho
Philippines, For n man of brains and
Industry tho Islandsopou n vast prospect
In most ovory lino of business for one
who litis the grit to go there iinil stick
to It.
"Thoininornl,Bgrictiltural and timber
resources ol theso islunds constitute a
Hold for commercial enterprise Hint Is
practically unlimited Of course tho
present conditions of brigandage inako
it exceedingly unsafe for people to settle
ti tho Islands away from tho protection
of tlto military posts, Hut tho ooplo or
foro tho Filipino will probably never bo
an American cition in tho broad sense
that is understood by all that term con
voys to tho man born in tho United
States of wliltu parents. Hut ns soon as
ho gotHHulllclant education and becomes
a little more Impregnated wih our ideas
and loses soiuo of the ideas acuuited by
a 1100 years asociatlon with tho Span
iard, the i'lllplno will bo n uitlzuu In
spirit, patriotism, Industry and educa
Hon and will be worthy of participating
to tho fullest extent In all the benefits of
tills government.
"Of courhe, will havo to govern them
with fit inness ns well ns with kindness,
I think that forty thousand troop is
about tho right ntimher to keep thore
for Home years to come,"
Kimiston, Jomalca, Aug. 20. Tho
British Htoamor Costn Mean, from
Colon, Colombia, brought advico of con
tinued rebel nctivity in tlip vicinity of
Colon nnd Panama. Tho government
was making renewed efforts to dislodgo
tho rebels from a strong position. The
rebels tu forco were attacking Buoun on
tho Bay of Ohoco, Monday. A largo
government forco has boon dispatched
thore from Paunma, Tho Censorship of
Colombia is most stringent.
Nbw Yokk, Aug. 20. Special agents
of tho United Btatbs Government nro
constantly watching for the shipment of
arms from this port designod to fall In
to the hands of warriug factions In Col
ombia nnd tho Information concerning
tho shipment of arms nnd other wnr
materials from hero to central American
ports Is sent to Washington In tho form
of wcokly roports.
It is said that a.roport has beon sent
to Washington containing tho informa
tion that during tho week onding Aug
ust 27 those amounts of arms and ex
plosives were shipped from Now York to
Mexican Central and South Amorlcan
Moxlco, seven casos of firearms, 11
cases nt cartridges, and 28,'JGO pounds of
United Stalos of Columbia 200 cases
ol cartridges nnd one Drlggs 8oabury
15 pounds rapid fire from Pan-American
Exposition (lattor weapon not manifes
ted). Venezuela, 20 cases of fire crackers
and -120 cases of railroad mnterial.
Santo Domingo, 1)25 pounds of gun
Uraguay, 100 ctBeaof firecrackers.
Argeutiuo Republic, ono caso of fire
arms and live cases of cartridges.
Central America, one caso of lire nrms
and two cases of cartridges. Hollvlu, .'17
cases marked "wheelbarrows."
Seattlk, Aug. 20. 8ixly flvo deter
mined men, armed and masked, sought
to take forcible possession of a pIsco of
ricli mining ground In tho Nome district
August 15. Tho prop.orty is known as
tho famous California Fractions! Bench
above Discovery on Glaclor Creek It
was in possession of FJnloy Mcintosh
nnd a force of 18 mon, As a result of
tho conflict Richard O'Connor, ft Mcln
tosh workman, lies in a hospital at
Nomo with n bullet wound in ids loft
thigh, whicli it is feard will causa the
loss of tho limb and possibly his life.
Thirteen of tho invading f'reo were ar
rested by United States Marshal Rich
ards, charged with participating in a
riot with folonlousreimlts and Infout,
Eugene Richards disputes Mcintosh's
possession of tho proporty, and the at
tacking men, it is claimed, were acting
in his behalf. Sixty flvo men, armed
with rifles, guns nnd revolvers, nnd all
wenring black cloth masks, came run
ning from bohtnd tho dumps, where the
mon had beon nt work. Thoy ordered
them off the ground nnd ran into tho
tents where tho shift men were, and
told thorn to get as quickly as possible.
Then a number of them ran down tho
hill to where Richards and his men
woro in camp.
O'Connor, who wns in bed, began to
put on his shoes, but apparently he did
not tiurry fast enough, so they shot blm.
It all occurred so quickly that they
could hardly rcalizo what had happened.
At Nome thoso arrested woro admitted
to $10,000 bail oach. All wore released.
Tho litigation that resulted in violence
is of long standing, is almost Inextric
ably complicated, and his had several
sonsatlonal oplsodes. Tho late vlolonco
was tho third attempt made to forcibly
tako possession of tho ground in dispute,
ono of which succeeded and the other
failed, tho attacking (party encountering
n force largor than lany anticipated and
they retired without nn exchango of
Italian Complaint.
Rohb, Aug. 20 Tho Patria says that
American courts will give no satisfaction
for tho lynching of Italians and urges'
tho govornmont to tako other measures
against tho United States.
Roof Fell.
Wahiiinoton, Aug. 20. A falso roif
ovor tho United States Supremo Court
room, which had beon plnco in position
In connection with repairs to the build
ing, fell today, injuring throo workmen.
LLIS & ZINN have man
ufactured a new kind
of Soda Water, and
they have the first and only
fountain charged with it in
the city. It is mild and re
freshing: and is served with
the best fruit flavors. Call
and try it.
PressSsyerely Criticising Actions of British
Officials in the Conduct of the War.
kuowa absolutely Jut what he eau'
Klrea hlw confidence.
Dr. J. F. Cook ftttr,
Curea all kluda of dUeea.
Office, 501 Liberty St Balem, Or.
298 300 Commercial Street.
A Question of Looks
If you are anxious to preserve
your good looks or to Improve
your appearance we will fit
your eyes perfectly and your
face attractively. The most Im
portant tfalojr, though. Is your
vision- Let us look out for
that for you.
Herman W Barr
Scientific OptlcUj, IIS State Street.
Nkw Youk, Aug. 20. Kxtrumua mot
in criticism of tho War Olllou's methods
says tho London correspondent of the
Tribune Tho pro-Hoer journals mag
nify tho importance of petty rovortos
In Capo Colony and reproach the
government for distorting and suppress
ing essential facts in tho military
situation aud misleading the coun
try through silly optimism, Mili
tary' critics consider that the blunder
committed In sending nut reinforcements
to the Imperial Yeomanry without
adequate medical examination Is utterly
inexcusable during the clos
ing porlod of tho campaign nud a
staunch Imperialist journal liko
the St. James Uazattu is unable
to understand why the government
refused tho offer of tho Canadian Gov
ernment to raise a regiment of mounted
men for hunting down the guerrillas,
nor while preliminurius were not ar
ranged betwoon tho war olllce und
Ottawa and an unpleasant iui-usse
Tuo press censorship Is not a new
grievance and It does not explain the
prevailing Ignorance respecting tho mil
tary operations in Cape Colony districts,
where small bands of Hours have been
hiding and looting. These sections are
so far removed front the railway that It
is impossible for press agouts to collect
accurate information.
Despite the pessimistic feeling ex
preed by many journals ltli fairly
certain that the British are slowly gain
ing ground. The war will not etui under
the limitations of Iord Kitchener's
proclamation in the middle Jof Septem
ber, but the pacliloatlon of the most
Important district will bo undertaken
In earnest around Johannesburg, Pre
toria ami Bloemfoiitelu through a
revival of mining and agricultural In
JtiBt as Vlukfontelu was on the point
of being forgotten, the ujws comes that
at Gravpan, near Itertz on .Juno 0 three
British soldiers were murdered by the
Boors. There cannot lie any attempt to
justify such barbarous methods of con
ducting warfare, but Lord Kitchener's
announcement la discredited by some of
tho extreme Radicals, pending an ex
amination ol tho evidence on whiuh It
has been issued.
While there is a general approval this
morning of the Instructions suit by
cable by William St John . Brodrlek to
Lord Kitchener the pro-Boer Dally
News inalutaine that the proposal to
hold an entire commando responsible
for an act which may bo due to a
mistake or to tho Insubordination of one
or two men Is altogether indefensible.
The Chronicle which Is u supporter of
Lord Uosebery, counsels caution, and
recommenus to i.oru iviicuenor to con
sider carefully the terms suuucstfd
uy trio war neorctary noioro em
bodying them in a proclamation,
Apparently the representatives of
the Boer causo in Kuropo nro still
persisting In their efforts to persuade
the great powers to move in their behalf.
The hop picking season Is on and we propose to take advantage of
the opportunity to close out our Summer goods.
Crash Skirts, 25c
Just tho thing for tho hop fields.
Covert Skirts, 68c
Must bo sold
Our regular $1.00 values.
this week,
A few snaps picked up by our buyers while In the market. 300 nalrs blank. !t
rt.. . . ... . . -. . . . . .---.. K.
s Pianifett at'OBo ?
full quarter size, in white, irrov and tail : 260 nalrs !
iii-. .,.,.- . ..-- i. . ..
lliceo blankets were tulppcu early
eta at r(Hi dh,
pair; 260 pairs blankets at $1 00 pair.
puciaiiy ior uur nop piCKing trade.
T-r .y
London, Aug. 20, A dispatch to tbo
Standard from Brussels says that tho
visit of Dr. 'Lords to 1'aris is directly
connected with Mr. Kruger's desire to
meet tho 0ar,
The Dally Mall asserts that the meet
ing which will take p!ao4ou t-eptember
10, between the Czar and the Kaiser tho
olroumstances of the Boer War will be
gravely discussed,
15c Madras, 10c yd.iPercales, 6 l-4cyd.
A case of mill ends Just received.
Picked up by our buyers at a snap.
Sixteen yardi for ono dollar,
gain worth investigating.
Keen Your Eve on the Biff Store
Truck load after truck load of goods are pouring in as a result of our vlsUfto-l
the great factories of the h'oit. The Big Store has takou the stride of its life.iu .J
oruer to meet tne mil requirements 01 us many patrons. -$
Ballot on Piano Contest with every 25c Purchased . !Jj
11 sjsjfjsjcvtsjyjyyiqpjsjpsiss ( jsW
ay mijMinnaiijgi