IW A - - tx. - - " uwu-iH mm Every Ililbgfoi-Jfe fiplCkers '.. x XX AT !-' i,. -te .'4r : i HOLVERSON' ...SALEM'S BEST STORE... Gloyes Sunfconnets Hosiery Calico Wrappers Overalls 10c 25c 10c 5c 50c 50c Sox v. 10c Blankets ".'- 60c Skirts .-.' 30c Shirtwaists - 35c Telescopes - 40c Canvas - 20c Ipuinccc SMUGGLING Collector of Customs and Other Officers Arrested at Nogalcs. Wahhinciton, Aug. 2 1. -Treasury cfals havo unonrthed what tliojf lhts ' a wide conBplrnoy fit No(tMn, ArlH, toadmltCltlnesoto the United Slw Thus fnr Ihn collector nl Nowlw W, M. Hooy, niul hla deputy. tl OwCMh Inspector, II. K, Jwhv. VwtA H'i n-ui nnoiiion lunniwn minm.- (on Arlxonn, Imvo lxw rti!. uiwr nrroata will lolliw H I ?hrd Uml Chinese lit lmji iiHtHbere lwvo bvou ptf milled to nrtvw the border upon payment to tho eollwitor anywhere Irani M) t f iTcc. Hoey was appointed about a year and n half ago from Indiana. lKi.tAN.vwi.tn, Aug. 21. William M Hoev.nrreated nt Nognlcs, In connection wltli the Uhlnore frauds, wnti appointed Irmn Muntce, Indiana. Ho wob U fore man In a stool mill. Ills nnpoinimeni. was regarded as a recognition oi lutorost. CUBAN It WilfPayYou labor To think of Hinge, rlj ffi Sndb"r.tockodfRn fS?,.pJS?ilnilSf lln Land the workmanship is second lo none. . i -. ilia wnfftH mnnir iiniinrLiuuiu i? m" ri-VJni ,ntnrr kind, ond the workmanship A;! " .1...1 ),,. t. mtnnloto as it possibly can 1UU UlfHWH umv .- - - .- the demands of a city area i our times I : i it.ii tuiro.rtntlon can be filled SlDge7poT.rp;icca7revalI In both branchca. DO. compare large as Salem. 'I no Jnsiuo oi 40 nouro. CHARLES H. HINGES 296 Commercial Street. DiiT GOODS MARION AND LINN COUNTIES Open Bids for Bridge Work Condition of Judge Scott Wo keep piling thorn on the bar train counter. Aik your nolh- bora who havo bought aomo of theoo Roods what they think oi tlinm. All wool Booda, aome of thorn. Worth moro than wo ark any oi them 33c. yd GINGHAM WEEK... Thla week great reductions will bo inado on all Blnghama, every ploco Indudod lu this aalo. Fancy Qtnghnma. lOcaualltles 6 l-2c Fancy Qlnghanis 12 12 and I5caualltlcs 10c Fancy Ginghams 25 and 30c Qualities 18c . Bilk Btrhw r-ophyra 50c Qualities, 34c 'vim v MLltlPLE'S Tlio Quality Storo. NEW TODAY. WAUNINO-Partios who linvo boon Dlchlnu wood from Uentioy & Co Wood Yard aro known and f tho ofTenoo ) repealed tho will bo proeecutod. 1). B. nently & Oo. 8 21 8t ATTENTION FAttMEKB-Oatij, llarloy , Ilav and l'ruuos wanted. Will buy or store. Chopping dono prompt y. our prlco boloro you boII. O llco Tho Couuty Courtn of Linn and Ma rlon counties, excoptlng Jiulgo Bcott, of Marlon county, who ia III, mot at tho court hoiiao In Albany, thla nffornooii and opened blda: First, for the rebuilding of tho Jeffer son bridge practically mnklnif it a now brldgo. Tho contract was awarded to J. B, TlllotBon, tho lowoat bidder. O. F. Uoval & Hon bid I5.B97. I. F. Conn $5,075, W. II. Mlllholton & Co., 15,001, J. II. TllloUon 15,07 . Second, for thu Improvement of the river at Btayton, couilsllng of the mak ng of n rovotmont, excavatlona etc., an Improvement to provont tho rlvor from washing out Btayton. J. U. TllloUon hid f2,0&0 for tho work coinpluto, and A. I). Gardner 2,170 anil cortatn pricoa lor extra work. A. D. Gardner received the contract conditionally for thla work.' Marion and Linn counties will each pay one-third of the uxnenio. and the contract hold If tho town of Stuyton will ralso tho re maining ono-lhlrd of tho contract price. They havo I&00 for this purpose now and If thoy can flscure tlio remaining ?J-t tho dRtn will bo constructed. On the Wood burn bridge acroen rud. ding Itlver 0. F, Hoyal A Bon bid (1921, and $1.05 per lineal foot for tho approaches, J. 13. McCoy's bid on samo wasfi.-uo, and $1.50 per foot for approachoa. On the Hobs bridgo across Hutlo crook Hoyal A Bon bid 30l with crib and $201 with piles. J. K. McCoy's hide (207 and 220 roBpccllvoly. Mr. McCoy's bids wore bath accepted, but In tho Hobs bridgo his two bids woro taken undor advlBomuut, Thla Inst iiAmod work Is to bo put In oinlty by Marlon aud Clackamas oountUic and tho bid will bo subject to tho action of the lattor. County Judge Bcott wna heard from yesterday and reports that ho probably will not m able to meet wltli mo com mlislouers beforo Oct. 1, Ho la not ablo to sit up aud Is In a weak condition. Wahiiinoton. Aug., 21. A number of Chinamen, who bought their warioio the Unltod Htotce through the alleged Connlvanco of NmbIm officials ia not known, but It la belloved to be large. A special agent baa beon orderejl to Nogalea to take charge of the office if he finds it nccceeary Tariff on Porto Rlcan Goods. Wahhixotos Ave. 24 Commlesoner of Internal Revenue York has tssueu an amended regulation aa to the treatmont f cffrfl Imnortcd from Forto Rice, in the course of which all ho callfl Bpvciol attention to tho fact that as nrtlcloB ol merchandise received from Porto Rice are now lubiect lo customs uuiich uiuy are not entitled to entry in customs bonded warehoueef. and thattomporary atorageof soch artirlea la for the pnrposo only of detaining the articles until tho internal revenue tax duo thoroon has been paid. Articles ho etored. therefor, will not bo entitled to withdrawal in Iwnd for export or for t..n(.r in another district, and no at lowanco can bo made for leakage, shrinkage or other Iobb; nor will permit be isineil for the sampling of nrticloR to held. In cace of falluro of tho ownor or con4gnee to pay tho lox duo, tho Col lector in whoso district tlio goods aro stored will report such tax for nssi'M- ment, ami wll proceed to cniicoi. nm same as In tho caeo of other aBeoercd Where distraint for puoli taxes bo comes nectfscary, tho Collector will, .,..i.r (Mtfnrn illlrnliiln on fiucli .riixiu nniifv tlm Cominlesioncr of Internal revenue In order thnt proper instruction may Ihsiio to tho Colleetor of Customs for tho relcaso of tho goods for thnt purpose. Dcfld Rrldc Groom a-i ivT. f'lrv. N. Y.. Amr OiiatermuHter Jos. iMatnewa, oi mo United Htatos cruiser ftowarK wnu nr married yestprday to Miss Kvn Bnln, of Cnmdon, nliortly before undorcoitif nn operation, cliod at nt nn early hour today in the hospital here. Mathews recently returned from tlio Philippines, lie injured his spino lust Sunday while bathing. POLITICS Palmn Asked to Express His Ideas of a Presidential Policy, IUxanv, Awb. JM.- Tim pommltloo itwntljr tpldulw by prominent rev 0wKwry hwdors to address n letter tThimsKstrndaPRlma asking for a mm hhi!iIo staloment from him w- II.... ll .utrnm lin would folklW It eleeteit President of tho Cuban rtpe doslgimlcd Junn Gnalberto G draft the communication. He kwp formed tho task and the letter h he ....irnuml hvttm committee.. Referring to the matter Ga enld tho letter was private tt w w tho nature of advices to Ssr ralaaa migneatlng that be thM wtt declarations on certain patatJ Pc "The letter sujegesta to Sr J. continued Soor Go-art, "that 6 nhoukl declare that some da-fcs ol Uio Piatt amesdraeot are obJecUonaWe to tho Cubans aod tboold HS hl"(. In case aa opportunity arise, to work toward ehaoemg thee In harmony with the United States Government, in rrirfiM!e to tlio rmrmentof the PHUn.rmr the Iptter advises Sen or ""-".' . .. : .. ..t mi i Palm n declare mai an claims win im thorooghlT examined beforo they arw reooenueo. .,,.,, .. . "He is also Invited to declare that Coba can ot aHord to grant very liberal tariff conceisions to tho United Slates for some time as sho needs tho customs revenue, being at present to raise the internal taxes." ... m iu.fnrn tho letter is forwarded it -will i.. .tta-iiBRiul Uv others who formed part of tho asEuinbly oi rovolutionlsta who appointed tho committee. Teachers From Cnba. New YortK, Aug. 24. Tho party of Cuban teachers who have been students at tho Hnrvnrd Unlvotaity summer school since July 18, havo como to tho United Btatos upon tho Invitation of of tho Harvard authorities, havo ar rived in Now York by steamer Boston. Tho party conalstB of C4 young women and 24 young mon. Edward M. Do Loa JJlos 18 in charRO. bomo ot tlio teachem went to hotels hero and a mm.hnr the steamship Curityba, which will sail today for MatanisaB. Another section of tlio party wnt to Buffalo to seo tho Pan-American bx poaltlnn. , ... Seven of tho woman teachers will re main in this country nnd enter tho New VL. Hlaln Nnrmal School at NowPaltZ. Ti,.... ,m hn Inlncil beforo Octobor by I3 nM.ifm. and ull will take a 40 weeks coureo in English. rcnsonALS Frank Lowell has gone to Newport. Cry V, Mnrtln Is In Albany today. O, Orlllln has gono to Oto, low a. Judgoll. P Uolsols In Portland today. Dr. lhalo Iirb gono to Newport for an outing. Mr. and Ms. Scott Bozerth ha gone to Portland. MrtO. G, SWeMbergl vImUbr friends at rrtliwL Mrn. Sr W GtTaIs has re- Va4wt Vswrtv. Ilowlson Sustained Wahiiinoton, Aug. 24. Acting Secret-try Huokott today received a ruply from Admiral Bc.hloy to tho lottor ro contly Hubmllted to him by tho Depart mant declining to question Roar Ailmlral I OW Jon aB 10 IIIO nilllieiuiu' iiv n( the nlleiicd i.iterviow with rellccttm: upon Admiiul Bchloy. him The KuuaW Mrs J. F. Cttiith hare C R JvTrt- Nt. M. FMiT Portland is visiting Mra. 11 C. $. Jkrw Myers b&s foo to his homo 5cS lee Jew days. Mr. Mrs. F. 11. Wilson havo re trHi Irow Newport. Mi Francis Parkhurst has gone lo FortUad for a few days. Mr. and Mra. A N. Mooroa and child ren have roturnod to Newport. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Vondervcrt havo leturned froman outing at Caecadia. J, M. Btono of Milton wbb tho guest of his brother, Dr. 8. O. Btono yesterday. Mr. P. S. Knleht wont to Portland to spend a week with her sistor, Mrs. R. J. Marsh. Mr. F. L. Sauvoin wont to Dallas f.,. i.uvn vinit illi her son, Bam Bauvain. Bbi-nfl and Mrs. F. W. Durliln have returneil Irom Tncomo, Seattle and Victoria. 0. W. Laoghtiul, do I.Ilo Green, F. G. MyerB nnd Roy Goodhuo havo gono to Newort, Miss Edim Robertson, Mrs, Imilda Rolwrteon and Mrs. Anna Btayton havo gone to Po Hand. Mr.oni' Mrs. I. R. IehI "f Portland aievibiling at the homo of'their son, Mayor C. P. Biehop. Mli Georcia Hartmnn of CorvalllB, who has been visiting Mies Myrtle Bhonk, has gono homo. Joe Fontaino of Mitchell Is visiting his relatives here. Ho holds a position in a bank at Hint plnco. John W. Cochran roturnod today from a trip throughout tho Eastern States. His mother E. P. Cochran, returned yesterday. John Feebler Iiob gono to Portland to attend a conferonco of tho secretaries of tho Y. M. 0. A. organization of tho northwest. Dr. R. E. L, Steinor will stort tomor row for his homo at Lnkovlow. H Is partner, Dr. Smith, is qulto ill, and ho BOOS in reapOUSO lO " uri40n""'" I, W. Borry, formerly waruon An Old Pastor. I FRESH ARRIVALS SfflSSS able goods, at Friedman's New Racket, the only Bargain House in Salem- Come and see the largest assortment of hats. New est styles and prices that none can compete with us. See the selection of our Clothing. We can fit the tall, the short, the thick and slender. Our prices will fit your purse. Do you want gloyes? we haye the largest assortment to pick from. Our price will suit you. Our furnishing goods are arriving daily. If you want bargains we can fill the Friedman's new racket WmmL ,'rmiFm ,&W Itov. James Polndextor, Columbus, O. No man In tho capital city of tho State of Ohio la bettor known than tho Rev. JamoB Folndsxter. For many yoars he baa been tho suocoasful pastor of the Second Baptist Church of that olty. Every day hla vonorablo flguro nnd kindly faco may bo soon on tho streets of tho city whero ho has labored for bo many years. "What a history of bonov olonco and Bolf-Baorlflco might bo writ ton by simply giving tho dotolla of tho overy-day llfo of thla faithful pastor and oloauent proachor. But old ago comes to tho host of men. Tho rhouinatlcs pocullar to advanced ago had already bogun its Insidious rav ages when it bocamo nocensary to iinu a romedy.if posslblo, that his days of use fulness might not bo shortened. An ofllclont norvo tonlo that would stlmulato tho circulation, improvo tho digestion, and incroaso tho tono and vigor of lils wholo system, was noedod. Tho only remedy copablo of mooting all theso indications was found to bo Po runa. In nrocontlettor to Dr. Ilortmon, bo states: "My attention was called some Umo ogo to your modlclno for rheumatic troubles by Mr. Cook, nu old rollablo druggist of this city, and take ploasuro In saying that I havo tried thorn and found thorn good. It is my opinion that thoromcdy,Forunn,i8 justly ontitieu to tho fnmo which It has throughout tho United States." Addross Tho Pornua Modlclno Co, Columbus, O., for froo catarrh book. Cor. State and Com'l Sts. Salem, Orceon. SLAB-WOOD The Price of slab-wood In Salem and suburbs arc as follews: Inntiln tlwi enrnorats limits per load $2 25 Outside of said limits 2 CO Special rate will be made to all per sons dcslrlne this Wood direct from the saw. In lots of four or more loads F. S. Crate, Salem, Or., Aug. 20, 1001. 8 20 lw Get ready for hop picking. We are well supplied with a large as sortment of hop pickers gloves, overalls, overshirts and hosiery. Good material, low prices, that are good and cheap, Shoes calicoes, shirting, tucking, Denims, etc. Greenbaum's Drv Goods Store First door south of Post Office. of tho 1 reply wub sent to Captain ftnlsy, Jut , e eltontlary, is In tho city. His Vr Advocate oi the cpuri oi inquiry, x .. Wa-htneton for some on Tod Sloan ncturnlnc. Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 21. A cable moerngo liasliBcn received at the olllco nl the board of control of tho National Cycling Association in tlilaclty announcing that Tod Bloan. tho jockey and Henry Fo'trnlnr, tlio French ontomohlllst, have sullod for this side on tho DontBeliland It la llmiii.lil thov Will l!0 tO IllllfftlO to attend tho automobile tournament nt tho Pan-Amorletin exposition in ucinwr, Macnatc Marries WitMiMtTOM, N. C, Aug. 24. The marriage of Miss Mary Lilly Kenan o Mr. Henry M. 1-lngler. tho Horlda innltlmllllonRlro nnd Btnndard Oil ...n, .!.. un anlnnilllzed at KoimiiHvlllo. N. (i.. nt tho old country homo of the Kenan family today. Coroners Report Ci.kvki.ani, Ohio, Aug. Jl.-Coioiinr Bimon today rendered a vordlct on the disaster of ten days ago hi whhih a doz en lives woro lost. Ho HihIh tho city of Cleveland, the sub-contractors and the crib engineers jointly responsible means, as f r as tho department ,...rn..i Hint tin further action llt "V" ...... -- ,., , , .1 . Ilowlson incident- win oo jukuu, um. tho thing will bo left to tho court. Brluham Young's Widow Hki.bn. Mont.. Aug. 21. Mrs Yiiiiinr. Ilrst wifo of tho lato . r is i ' apostiu nrig Helotiu today In eon. I homo IniB been in .-- ....... the Umo, hut it Is poaslblo that no may lo- Marion Sauarc Party. Tho Bttlom Degree of Honor IndleHl iirnnno to have a irood tlmo for them- selves n ml friends at Marlon Kiuaro iipxMmi liillux of Zena Xfnv m 1 1 g, lirsi who oi mo iuio uiuiuiuu lostlo Ilrlglinm ouug, pnsseu hhuuk" ui...... iniiav fnr Knit Lake. Mrs. 'oung is dying from a stroke of paralv i. It li doubtful If sho will bo ublo to roach Bait Lake City allvo. Sho was stricken yeslorday lit tlio homo of lior daughter near thoCunadlnn border. Hor Inat rtiiuest before losing consciousness was that sho bo taken to her old home todlo. Bo is nearly 80 years of ago. Moro than llfty years sho lina been tmimlriout In tho Mormon church. A Royal Actress Comlne Nnv Yoiik, Aug. 24. It is unnonnced that tho llnroness Katho Schratt Of the llolburg Theater In Vienna will appear nt one of tho Uroadwav theatem in thla city during tho coming season. Tho IJuroneis, besides bolng ft promlnjiiit tlermau notress, has como Into consider able notice recently by reason ot the re port that she had contractu a inorguu- utie marriage with tho Austrian Lmpor or Fran Joseph. Niece rs Must eo. Bapuuia, I. T., Aug. 24. Tho cltUona coiuiiiltleu decided thut nil nogroes not of tho Creok blood must loavo Sapullia iiv :t. ii. m.. Moudnv next. Notices to "j . -..., . , i this eiioci wero.pooiou iuuj. The IIOH Negroes will probably respect the edict A local banker has ti them-l Tho oommltteo's order cato in Salem again. o. L. Darllnir and wlfo havo gono to Newport for a weok. Night Agent Mont gomery will fill Mr. Darling's ploco at tho depot and Mr. Loverldgo, of Robo burg will do tho night work. A Harvest Home Uarnivai is to oo hold at Albany Boptcnibor 4 and 5. Tho Modern Woodmen of Amorlca, Will amotto Camp, No. CI05. will glvo a ball Wednesday ovonlng, 8optembor4, at tho Armory. Hnnntv Road Master Jaa. Culver and Commlsslouors Mlloy and Ncedham havo roturned from Albany, whero a joint session of tho county courts of Marlon and Linn counties was held yeB torday, to mnko arrangomonta for tho repair of tho Bantlam bridgo, Willie McElroy, formorly of thla city, but who haa beon east for n number of vnnm. rottireo to this city last ovonlnp. Tho Balom Military Band was out In full force to meet him. Mr. McElroy ia n talonted cornottlst, aud his many frlonda ni-A izlad to seo him heie nguln. Ho hae Imoii with tho Thomas Orchestra of Chicago and other prominent Eastern bunds. Mr. and Mrs. A M . Boring, ol Car- Hop pickers Buv vour finsrer cots at Fry's Drug Store I ta imihii jMiinijMii.JiJiiiiri A Long Neck Is a good thing, but a "long head" is better. The "long headed" man will buy his grain and feed wlioro ho can do so to the best udvautaso. That is why Bavugo & Reid huvo to many customers mid aro getting so many more. They toll only tho bust, and aro now Holllng at very low prico. A largo stock of grass tccd just louoived. Savage & Reid, THE CAPITAL CITY MILLS 2, 2 1'2, 3, and 3 1'2 cts. each. 20. 25, 30 and 35 cts. per dozen. Good and Cheap We were fortunate in getting' a pure gum finger cots, seamless, uist wnat you want. Come and See Fry's Drug Store "310 Commercial St., Balom, Ore. Solicits tho patronngo of tho fnrmore. Conducts a custom nnd local Hour mill business. Sacks to let out on usual terniB. Wheat Htorcd mid bought at hlghost prices. KXP Bryant Reeves, Cor, Church and Trade Sts, $ RUBBER V I T II CEAtENT FLOOR PAINT wsT.'Yron Send for Color Cards to W. P FULLER & CO.. Portland, Oregon. SiA5CM respect too euici. n. .. . . - -- " kon up tho caueo. Unvlllo, Ills., who havo been spending a ia the rssult of ' week In Balem. guosts of ox-Mayor and Got op j- . ii ... ii'iii..t.iir,ifiiiii Eosite uouri xiouso. iihiu-wi iraln Go, Thursday ovonlng, whero ice cream will bo served and a pioasaui uvuuiuk lio spoilt. Sheriff's Sale of Land At the Khern's Bale today tho follow ing property was sold : Lots SO and 31 lu Bradley's ad. to U'nn.llinrti. In O. Bcilllliol for 75. llllH was to Btttlsfy a judgment In thocaseol Joachim Kowall vs Bamuol I. Bovchlur ond wlfo, ..... rim AtiimvU o Hotel property wne sold to Maurice Kllngor for IW7.rW. Ihts was Involved in the east) of Manrh'o Kllngor vs. II. Klas nnd Barbara Klas, twt --" License Issued. A inarrlaue llconio has uoon gnuiieu negroes from othor towns, BORN. GREENBAUM At tho family home on Cottage etioot, Thursday, August Jl, 1001, to Mr, ond Mrs. Ifodoro Grown -bnum,, daughten mn mi i I ! DIKU. KETOIIUM.. At tho family homo on BUlo and Church, streotiJ, HMurduy, Aug, 34. 1001, Rt 2:30 n tu. Miss Mary E. Ketohum, ww ysars, of heart failure. Deceased ! daughter ol tho Rev. and Mra. H. i Kethum, pastor of ho First Prbytertanu church. They Imv raIded h for iibout two yoars, coming from Iterkeley, California, Bhe has 14 suBwlng Uio pBt two woeke from typliold fvw. Xh weml)or of her fawlly r t Nawport, with the excep tlon of her brother, Wilt. The faU consist of her father nnd moUmh-, brother, and ilstere, tho Mlfies JrtiMi. IkVUth nnd Uuth. fiiftrlrraagewit will l -de M noon m th family arrive Jfrotu Now- .H,rtler.PtfiB4rt0r.lO7 Stale 4o$S9QCmn$. FBckail. Work on New Sewer. Contractor Gray la arranging to com monco active operation on tho new btate Bewor next Wednesday, tho 2lli, and expeote to carry the work along as far thla fall aa thu weather will permit. Should tho coming winter be an open onu at quite often happens the job will probably go along unluteruptod to com plotlon ; otherwise he will oloao dowu i)iob tho winter rains start in then io sumo again as oarly ae posslblo next year. It will bo well for laboring men In tV notion of this iud lllo their 1- pllcatloue for work promptly beloro Mr. Gray hue hie ull crow ana tnereoy bo euro steady employment whllo tho Job lasts. Toes Chopped Off. Cass Rlggs, of Orowloy, had a serious mishap the other day white aeslitlng neighbor in picking up load of baled hay which hed beon accidentally cap sued. Tha hy hd been laid upou wine heavy plank and In raining tho .flmo tho oud at which Mr, IM-gs was working lroppd nnd virtually cut off hie Bfcond ud third toee. They wore nromptly dressed and will heal up, but Mr lUgge will bo a cripple for eomo I to J. F. Cnmpnu and Lllllo H O'Bil n. and two felonious msaults by negroeB Plate Glass Prices. PiTTBiiumi, Pa., Aug. 24. A cut of twonty-tlvo por cent, was made In the prices on glazing quality of pinto glass by tho National Plato Gobbles ABSOcla Urn. This action was decided upon ow ing lo tho unsettled condition ol tlio European market, and low prices ruling uhroad, n.inish islands to be Sold Coi-HNiiAiiKN Aug. 24. A. prominent. politician in the counsels oltlio ministry Ll. inM . r.tirKflntatlvaol the AS- MH'iated Press, that thosaloof tho Danish vv... i...i..u win ivmililiintlv exnecteu to bo consummated Infore the cloao ol the present year. and Mrs. W. W. Skinner, Imvo today on their journoy north. 'I hey have beon away two montiiB v suing u w u Important points In Mexico, California and tuo wenv suiiciniir. .v ",," turn by way ot tuo vannuiau tauiuu, and will have travelled ten thousand miles boforo thoy reach home. How Art "Yaur ttldnajr t Rr. Ilobb' 8r(iu Pill, cure ll kidney 111. P.n Jlofre. Add. bterliui nomeuj wo.,.u.iuin n. . ' Money at 6 and 7 per cent, on lm proved farmndxcltyLProfrty.DEN Moores Block, Salem. They are Here! 1.0.1I melons and Hood RIverTomatoes at Brnnson and Ragans Wt II ivnV 'I (v ; f -Vo alvii ji II iraLwill rai iH O&n 11 liW 1 I I ni'l BALFOUR, GUTHRIE AND CO. Have BiTiirud and will operuto tho Ilumphroy warohooso nt Salem, the Tn-ner mill nnd uarohouso nnd tho warehouses at Mocleay, Pra turn, Bwilzorland and Brooke, conducting a gonoral warehouse and atorago bueiuees. :: :; :: :: :: :: '' '' Salem office 207 Com. St. formerly occupied by.Gilbert Bros Sneke will ho held at those points for delivery on eamo terms aa pre vailed previous buibohs. Sco thorn beforo disposing of your grain. Top Prices are Always . Paid for Grain Get jn Line Wn'ro havlnc n ureat lun on our lino lino ot canned goods just now, whero its a little too early for mauy deairablo freh vegetables. Our stock is not inexhaustible, bo early ordering would be ndviaablo. Wo have totuo choica canned vegetables, fruits, llsh.o'.c, for between seasons. 1VL T, Rineman 132SUteStrtrt Pboae 131 Wheat Market. Ban 1'"uancwo, Arc, 2L Whoat nosaloj. Spot(iuietU7. Chicago, ill. Aug. 24-Aug. 00Jb ; Sej t. 70-B. GOLD DUST FLOUR MADE 11V The Sidney Power Co, HIDNKV OK1XION Made for family upo, atk your grocers for It. Bran aud ehorta always on hand. A, T. WALN Agent 15,000 Prime cedar posts, cut from large live timber, just re ceived at xx x x fD. S. BENTLEY & CO PlnueSOl . Sl9Froit HuieWing Sang Co! All kinds of mattings, China War". Japanese Foncy Goods, Dry fiood(,blui White underwear, ehirt v.alsts,wiappers of nil kinds made in store nt a very low prl cc. Orders ol nil kinds made up promptly. 140 State Ft. Balem, Oi, aMiiMtoMeMeWBMMBMMaevsMMaMBJMUMSMBti Standard and White, Sewing Machines. Bi II 2 mnohlnea Hisohlno Uusjneei tn tuo worm W aro preparing this lH fr tho miuoat ......... Uuu .i.iii.i. Wti liuvu two of the liest Unlit running and durnlile, and wo soil thorn lor cash or ou easy pay ments. Wo t ike old maohlnea In oxuliaugo, lent now ptiee and repair all k iide, Mr. Hurley having his repair pencil nero ana iiuing Ills own uceouiit ueeuiee ipokiiir nnwr uut nnu,i.u .w.. .. .. lot of enapn lu ewwud hand limotilnos, an prices irom jo up. oils and irte, for all miohlnue. ork on ave n Neetlles, XCbc bio Bnsilage (Cutter anb Blower One of the most modern moi.ey savers yet inl ni b-.i-1 . thu dn nien and etook roiwr. The one wo havo on displuv in fiout, will rut and elevate 12 tons an hour lutotiloAaa high a furtv Ut. Tho fnu case is made of No. 12 nhetit kUol, whteh Is very stiff and substantial, and will not rust out in a few years. Th,e fun is mounted dirrutly un to tho pnlleyshaft, which ea.ily attains a speed of CC0 revolution e. minute. The Ohio self-feed cutter is well known, time tried aim! tested !( feed saves more labor and earns moro dollars than any othor feature about au ensilage cutter. It was thrio.fnnrtha of tho lalor in feeding, and the cutting capscity ia increased 31-$ per cent. Call and sco lis. 'iMmi,iM,MnM i nnyinmrttrw w .mmm yi "M ' .mmM mmmu uw wniiui "i-irWaSff """-lli'iag ntzzvz uf7Sf'SSMlmiWi 1 StSSbsS iabafLr F. A. WIGGINS Mjr- KnnAiaor tn K. M. Croliftii and K. F uggles, McCormick barvosling machinery, libuno blcyclo, Btnu Iarvl nnd Wl tto Bowlu 255-257 Liberty Street. Parkhurst. Studebaker wagons and Ruffell engines ana tiiresners g niachtnes. F. A. WIGGINS gJ0- Bucceswr to K, M Crolsau and K 255-257 Liberty Street. F. Parkhurst. Studebaker wairona and Studebaker Wagons, Bnggies, Hacks, Etc. Tk.. a!,i rUiini.i iiiinilitnlnav uivea satufactioK. The wiwiarmer 11 1 .1... i.u bum.. n lw rflmtili rrirardless OI thO I8CV .., uu, "'--"-"; ;r-i. v - r.. tuat ne may no amo 10 cave uoimr ur o u w' . . . i nn inav 10 lack birch Hubs . . t 1 1 .. t.A..l.Bv.ijI e n f . t na anil untrtol. btuaooaxer eiupe euuumcicu wo;i - . "i t. tlm 1 Etraln than any wagon wneoi maue, aim io ""V-V" , 1 Wlll.o t -;- OI l" liiml lonrn 1 nr.. n nnv wuvnn. Snokea madu of eecoud-growth felloes made A the game, boiled In llneeed oil. Every wagons madu right. Another Car In Soon. part buggies, McCormick Harveetinu Machinery, RuBsell ei: Tribune bicycles. Standard and White cowing uiachlnoa RuBsell engines and threshoie F. A. WIGGINS BuecoMor to L M. CroUan and 1.. F. Farkl buggies, McCormick harvesting n.a htnery. Knaeel eagtm Tribuuo bicycles, Standard and Into Sewing machines. ..Till - Suoceesor to K. M. CroUan and i:. F. rarkhurflt. "a jhrl ere , 1 1.. r.cn.n.,nb k.rw.iini. n. hinnrv. Itnuel enslnea una tnr- 255-257 Liberty Street. Rtndabaker wa-"p? . $H WMkl,