-- THE DAILY JOURNAL. WILIAHETTE VALLEY WEATIE Fattirday and Snaday partly ctoudy with Brooaily sfaowtrs.. .. AnwcnT!5PHl' rind the Journal the only ADVERTlSEia medlufn to use tecause. It i- ' Ms read by mosti Marlon jrtARK THIS FACT11 county txotlc evtry day. it ji j3r SALEM OREGON, S-MTUJIDAY AUGUST 24 1001, 2stO . 200 VOL XI jfifJ iy Is, ! Ba'BBBaHBBl To make Room for have Instituted a B S " MM 1 B B 7 M IMrN a m III 1 u u y m jl ml js Btsaf a. sa wr IW o FAKE sale, but a bona fide Iri clearance the trowser line at regular prices. That means a good pair 1 of work pants, all wool, at from $2 up. I BOYS' KNEE PANTS Are included in this sale. All prices 1 jnarkedin plain figures. Come and examine a f0i 290 COMMERCIAL STREKT. lIlBMMKIliBIGBBBSSIHBilHHilHHflllHBBilHISHHiaiKliaiHi GRAY A Fine Line of State and smms'-A &sPJ:'i3 c ca b C3 is a a a ra m Dress Goods ZK'UVW: .It m& i'lUVllIL.Au-KJtrrm. "J"irVvKI 'U 'iffiill w mm, HEW YORK 6ITY this year, fcyamanof life-Ionir experience In this line. These dress goods have arrived and they are swell:- flCrORIAS COUPE CLO'l HS GRANITUS. SA TIN P ANNUS 'AUfiATUOSSES ARMOURS Walstlngs from 25cts per We have the latest We have the roost We have the best H This store Is a success. ,Yhy7 lht reason H Is the goods and the prices suit the people. j S 111 K N U-J1WVU1UIJU l4-1 - B 298 300 Comraerclal Street. B IMBIIBliiialilMalKillKBIiilalKk w ta m Our Fall Lines we Special Sale of PANTS sale of everything in 20 per cent off from EH f.Ui& STORE DDAO JLSSJ&. Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose. Liberty sts. A Kentucky Colonel savs: "Thero'a lickera and llckers, nurltv mid tor this thuo of your wo suggost for vnur tialato and dliwstlon our Tom llowo Whiskey. J. P. ROGERS, 218-222 Comraerclal Street. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer ." TrVnairinp a Watch " but aoine'a bettor than otiiura. . " J third , to raise tho prlco of W.' !" : L' B.. " , lo"n ,d in ' tho assistance of the .lata . . It. . I. Hialortlli.jl " 1. ........ l.lua 'I tin II Ivor BlHIlllP miiivwiii:u. ui uionuiy unnomi mu Of tho finest workmanship Is a branch Tho reports showed of our business that we tfve pec "1 at-, ' , , atrJko tentlon. Our repairing department, Most of iho t rnnductcd with tho utmost caro and,""4"'" " ..: ' . . -...i u.,.-..lr r skill; ulanionue. aro ruoci, " j"'-j all kiuds is repaired in tho most perfect manner, besides optical work of all kindH. C, T. Pomcroy 288 Com'l St. Wtchmker and Optician m n a b i a b bj m m m ffi i TOCRTON'SF e were Bought In COATINGS VENETIANS MELROSE CLOTH CHRVlOTS PRBNCH SERGES CREPE CLOTH B H m m yard to $7.00 Per Pattern. Reasonable Prices NTUU m . B STRIKERS GAINING - BOTH EAST AND WEST Shaffer Satisfied With Steel Situation to Date. ONE UNION GAINS DEMANDS FROM 'FRISCO MANUFACTURERS Shirt Waist Makers Resolve to Increase Their Strike From 2500 to 4000 Hands national Association of Brewers to Make War on Brewery Workmen. PiTTBtiima, Aug. 24. The closing of tlio sixth week o( tho great eleol etril o finds tlio controversy apparently bb far from a settlement as on 13th of July, when a conforeneo of tho labor leaders to doviso somo means of bringing about a settlement was devoid of results iaud it rests with tho conferees as individ uals to seek another conference with tho United States Steel Corporation exo cutivca and to arrange for arbitrating tho difforocces. Tho meeting made no effort to extend tho strike to tho affiliated trades. This morning Prcaldont Shaffer expressed himself as satisfied with t'-o H situation. New Yoiik, Aug. 24. At a meeting of tho oxecutivo cominittco of tho Shirt Waist Makora Uuion last night it was decided to oxtend tho striko andincroaso tlio numbor to 4000. Fifteen shops will consequently bo tifd up today. Han FnANCisco.Aug. 2s. Tho strike of tho structural ironworkora involving 260 'men has been tottlod. Tho omployors ttgreo to givo tho men a nino hour 'day lor work in tho shops and an olght hour day for outside work with no ro duclion of pay, Tho demand of tho ! union was for a shorter work day and tho employers concede tho demand in full. New YortK, Aug., 24. A circular has been issued by tho National Association of Hrowora making tlio announcement nf lint commencement ot war to tho j knlfo on the National Union of Brewery j Workmen, commencing 8optembor 1. i Tho brewers llrst ask owners to assist thorn in brinaing first t. general move ment against tho unions of brew ery workmon ; second to bring pressure to bear on tlio government to ' withdraw tho now tax on boor, and beer, with organizations circular con cludes with tho annoucoment, "wo will take action on September 1," On thoothor hand tlio workmen have sent out an appeal asking their utombors to stand together. It is estimated that 20,000 men will he locked out. NkwYokk, Aug. 24. Thore will bo ; no ceneral striko of tho silk workera of ' Paterson. At a mooting of tho weavers I union last nlcht the shop unions to I -.i. t .1. it.. ..nnttAM It ml linati vnfnrra1 wuavorn UIU .1UV vvuv. San Fkancibco, Aug. 21. Yesterday was a day of suspense in tho strike situ ation. Jtumors of all sorts were in tho air! u"ut t',oro wns nothing tangible ro- He Has Sayed My Life State of Orown ) .. Oountr of MrtonfM Bilem, Ore, May, 1, 1900 To whom theie prwenta thai!, come Greeting-. Tl, i. la Kwurtlfv that I til, IkiI1 afnletod With Ovarian Tumor for a number of year, alto Hver trouble. 1 autre w puoucijr upon oath thai Ur: J. K.Cook, of Balem, Oregon, Iim remored mUI tumon, two lu number, without ihH dm or knife. Dliuter or poImiioui drun. uJ tut I am entlrtlT. ul i I bellera prmaneut ly curwl. I cheerfully recommend Dr. (kk to all aul i t bellera permaneut. linoua afneted ax I wu. I fuel mat lie ti iavetl my llfo. My homo li three miles touth of iuruer. ureio- CAU0UNK 6ulrtcrlld and iworn to before mt tbli tint day or May, 1901. , , ..... teal attached. W. W. HAM County Clerk. Do Not Listen to "Cappers" Who are hi rod to defame me and my method oftreatmenu UI could not cure people there would bo no u0 to fly'il me. It U bcrauto I do cure people-that I am penitently inltrcpre wuieJ, but I keep on curing ("! Jutt the muce, aud Mjme of the beat people m Oregoo Utid by we, (or which I am thaukrul ' ecud for Circulars oodtaluliiB' teiUmnnlaU from pattenu cured both ftiUreeou and In the Kali, Ik n't depair bet'aun; you bare been told you hare been told you could not bo fared. Or (,ook hu ourel bundredi of people wb e ratei have bten prnnouueed bopcleat by the"olil. aebtott" philr4an. TtwdoetorbuaerAieu me mi yean oi nit Ufa to tbeludyufdifci'a, aud theuHtaodaa lion of Naturi'i Timetable retnedfea, until be know atuluily lu what he Can do. Tb't tfirt him i-oiifldetice. Dr. J. F. Cook KSWifiR arrt all kluda of dlwatet. Offli. tOl Libert y 8L Salem, Or. DO YOU WANT A WATCH? If so we are the people to get it from, we carry a big assort ment at prices from $3.50 up. We test and regulate our watches and guarantee them tJ please you. We have a few especially good bargains to ofc'or in ladies solid gold diamond ornamented cases. We will be glad to show you through our watch stock any timo if you are ioteretted. BABR'S JEWELRY STORE Leaders in Low Prices, 118 State Street Rnnling devolopmente, bo far ob nn approach at a eottlotnout 1b con cornod. Members oC the variouu poaco committees woro an air of mys tery, and hinted that Important dovol opmonta woro on tho ovo of conBumma tlon. but the representatives of tho la. bor element and of tho employers stated positively that ho negotiations of any sort were going on. On tho city front work progrostod on all tho docks oxcept thoBo devoted to tho lumber tratto, ana In ttin wholesale district It was declared that buBlneis was moving moro briskly than at any time during tho strike. Amntifrttm lnhor leaders thero aro still tho same reports of coulldenco in tho ultimato victory of tho unious, and thov point to numerous defections from tho ranks of Umbo who havo gono to work. Tho fact that 126 special pollco- n,n follod to ronort for duty in taljon as ovidonco that tho efforts of tho cm nlnvnra nrn not RUCCSIlful, &nd that H.n a-nrktntmin nra fctfllldlllK with tllO strikers Bovoral freight vobboIb arrlvod and de parted yosterday, thoso comlntr. In being principally sailing vobbo'.b, whoso orowB at onco reported at tho headquarters of tho Sailors' Union and got their strike cards. It wbb stated that a numbor of coal shovolers who quit work when tho RtriVn wnnnnlorod had cono back to work, but thla was denied at tho head quarters of tho City Front Fdoratlon, whom It was aald that no breaks had occurred in tho ranks of tho strikers. Tho unions are well provided with fund, and are receiving liboral asiiBt anco froin the national organUatloiiB.tho wator front unions wero well prep;reu wlion they went out, for thoy had full treasuries. Thoy can stay out for months, if necessary, and they will not need outside aid. Thoy aro in much hotter condition tho iron workers woro when thoy struck, and thoy have been out now for throo months. Thero is eomo proipoct that tho Iron workers may get niaistance from the national organization. It was rehired at flret benauso thoy have not takon the proper stopB toentitlothem to assistance under tho regulations which govern the mat ter. But recently thero has been sorao further correspondence on the jubject, nditfieoms probablo that aid will to granted. The teamsters nro all right now, for donations aro coming in overy day from othor branches of their or ganization. They aro jotting all tho money thoy neod. Tho attitude o! the employers has aroused general sympa thy for tho unions alt over tho State. If tho Employers' Aisociatkm should win this tight it would become drunk with power and would terrorize the whole State At tho headquarters of tho iron work, era it was stated that ten ol the mpn who had retained to tho Union Iron Works had quit as soou as thoy aicer tained tlio truo condition ot affairs. Secretary Wieler said they had bejn misled by non-union men, who conitlit to break tho ranks of the strikers. Ho said that thoso who remained at work could nover again bo admitted to tho union. STEAMER JSSUNK Antiocit. Cal., Aug. 24. Tho Ran Joaquiu Kiver steamer Dauntless, from San Francisco for Stockton, was sunk early this morning by the steamer Mary Garrett, bound for Ban Francisco, with a load of wheat. All the passengers and crew were saved. The Garrett is uninjured. BETS0N SHAMROCK Nkw Vobjc, Aug. 24. Profoslonal bettrr mpn are beginning to show keen interest in the coming international yacht raco and lomo who aro well knojjn In tho sporting world nro In clined to gho tho long ond to Shamrock. Onojot tho mo9t prominent of theso sporting men is quoted ns saying that tlio men who mako bets are ditgustod with (ho trials of tho American boats, and that those with tho banK rolls do not like tho performances of Gonstilti tlomjHo has expressed tho opinion that oven money bets on tho raco will prevail. Another high authority Of this classays that ho has found feeling and sontimont in favor ot Shamrock and ho citos'oiie incident of a bet mado by a Obicftfio man of $100 to $50 that Sir Thomas Lipton would win. Nojieavy betting Is reported from any placoy -" RAV1SHER SENTENCED IUWUN8, Wyo.,Aug. 24. Judgo Craig has eontenced J. M. Caldwell ol Vernal, Utah, 'to tho penitentiary for a term ol 10 years. Caldwell was convicted on tho chargo ot having criminally assault ed a 14 year old girl who lived near Unggs. Caldwell was captured by n posso and a mob had formed for tho purpose of lynching him hut tho plan was frustrated by tho authorities. INDIAN LABORERS Phoknix, Ariz. Aug. 24. Atrange monts havo been comploted by which sovorat hundred Marlcopalndians, who have suffered much in lata years by droutli and famlno will bo eont to South ern California to work on tho California and Eastern Hallway. If tho experi ment proves successful, largo numbers of Indians may bo given permission fromtlmo to timo to accept various forms ot employment outsldo of Arizona HORSE SENSE ) Dayld Starr Jordan Talks About Labor Troubles. i Bases Chinese Exclusion Up on Reasonable Qualifica tions. Dbnvkr, Aug. 24. Pros'dent David 8tarr Jordan of Lolnnd Stanford Univer sity Is hero on his way to California, after having spout several weeks In Kates Paik with Professors Kolloggaud Catijp boll of tho Lolnnd Stanford University. In an interview he said thero woro thrno groat questions now prominently boforo tho country, tho labor problem, theOhln- eeo exclusion question and tho problem of the Philippines, "Tho question of tho tiuet and tho unions," ho said, "miiBt bo fettled by ballot, If tho laboring men havo not tho common cenno and thn Judgment to voto rightly thuy will suffer the consequences. Thoy havo it In their poor to solvo tlio problem. If force or bloodshed aro resorted toIt is a mlstako I do not hello vo In sympathetic strlkss,as thuy oblige many innocent individuals to uffur. Why should a fruit raiser lose his crops becauso the freight handlors aro on a sympathetic strike? The striko of freight baudlors on tho '. Pacific Coast has cost an immenso amount of Incon venience and lors to travelers and mem bers of tho community who know noth ing phout tho grievances huv uro mode to suffer. "As to thn Chlnoro exclusion, said the doctor, "it is not at all otio sided, I am not in sympathy with tho senti ment that would exclude atl Chinamen from our country. I nm In favor ot admitting a Chinaman who comos to there shores accompanied by his family. If ho biings his family he will have something to anchor to. I would ex cludu all paupers and Chinamen who eomo alone. Wo should hoar lu mind that if China is opened to the trade of America we cannot afford to antagonlzo that great nation by a rigid law of ox cltulon." Dr. Jordan said his travels in tho Philippines had not caused him to change his views regarding expansion. He said: "I do not believe in expan sion and did not, but as we have put our shoulders to the wheol we can't pos sibly hack out. We must see tho tning through somehow. But the Philippine coinmlslon is a very nblo body ot men and the country should have the great est confidence In their ability." Armenian Attacks. CoNNTANiNorLK, Aug. 24. Serious dis turbances are reported to have occurred at Mush, Armenia. No details received. FRENCH GERMAN APERS Nkw Yobk, Aug. 24. A Berlin dis patch to the Herald quotes a blgbGer- msn official as follews: j "When the Prenoh Government heard rumors ol poulble meeting of the Kaieor and the Czar it mado every pos sible effort to induce tho Czar to coma to Franco. "Thore is nodoubt that tho acceptance of President Louhet's invitation by tho Czar is a great success for tho Wnldeck RouBacau Cabtnot, which is vow identical with tho ropublic. Wo dp not think that tho Czar's visit is in any way directed against Qormany. If it is directed against anything, it is, flrit and foremost, against tho opponents ot tho Waldeck-RousBoau Cabinot and tho adversaries ot tho republic. ''Iiowovor, it is not Impossible that tho chuuvlnlBt elements in order to hido their dofeat from tho Fronch pcoplo will try to draw tho Czar into somo nntl-Ger-man or porhaps antl-Gngllsh'domonstra-tlor. "But" ho added with sharp omphnsis, "ns far &n Gprmony is concerned wo a'o porsu&dcd that tho Czar will never lot himself be drawn into an nntl-Gor-man manifestation. AMERICAN TARIFF WAR London, Auk. 21. Tho Saturday He view says: It would nppcar as if stops wero actually being taken in Austria Hungary to commence tho threaten ed tariff war with tho United States, Wo understand tho American invasion ot tho Vionnosso boat industry is one of tho principal causes ot grave dlsconont as It greatly rcducos tho prices ot tho Austrian producers and may lot lead to sorlous social troubles. "Tlioro In no doubt North American interference In South American affaira may In tho future lead to European ac tivity. Wo do not rogrot this, as wo novo oiwaya -poinicu out that Kuropo ought not to allow herself to bo eliminated from South American concerns. It would be well if tho various states of tho southern contlnout would agreo to settle their . i .1 i i own quarrels unit rumnvu uiu uatuisu iui North American interforouco." COLOMBIA IN REVOLT Gen. Pietrie Heads Men Carabcbo and Aragua. in i European Press and Public Centred on Uncle Sam's Actions. Nkw Yonic, Aug. 21. According to( advices from Caracas, Venezuela, tho 8trttonf Carabobo, a former province of Guarico, and tlio town ot Aragua havo revolted against Prosidont Castro, says a Port ot Spain, Trinidad, dispatch to tho Horuld. General Juan Pietri is at tho head of tho revolutionary move ment. St. Pktkubiiouu, Aug. 24. Nows papers hero continue to comment on tho isthmlamconlllct. The Uossln says: "When a union of tho South A mot lean IlopubllcB hai boon definitely reached with tho Unltr-d States of America at Its html, they will form so powerful a combination that they will le able to dictate to Kuropo. oven on questions outsldo their conti nent. The BlrzhevlyaVIcdomostl Bays; "Tho declarations of tho Washington Cabinet j maan that the United States is siding ' with Colombia against Venezuela and will prevent any intorvent'on on ' tho purl of Kngland, although the latter has a right to participate in qiiuttlons concerning Venezula (Sic) undor tho Clayton-! Bulwer treoty. Tho British Govern incut must smilingly put up with affionts that two or three years ago would liuve seemed Incredible, Decla rations from Washington would then' have ovoked a declaration of war." j Nw Youk, Aurf. 21. Signor Branchl, tt.n Ho i Inn Oiwittnl Drwiftrul hero has ' written to tho Tribune at Home protest-, Inir affuliiit that Journal's attitude on i,i...m.n.ilnn lie defmds the the Panaqia question He ilelmda the United States which ho declares has the , the right to pr vent rebols from stopp- ingoommunlcatlon on tho Isthmus. Ho Ufl .,-,.., ,, ,,,. I 000 Italian subjects llvo in poace and" prosperity In the United Htates and that, Italy has no national interests lu the isthmus of Panama." The Kngllsh press says a Loudon dls pateh to the Tribune is convinced by tho departure of the French Mediterranean squadron for their Atlantic maneuvers thattho Sultan will bo allowed the time required for borrowing the money aud paying the dock claims on an easy In stallment plan, It turns from the Turkish capital to tropical America lor , livelier foreign theme and the attempts to explain the bearings of the Monroe Doctrine on the relations of Venezuela and Colombia and the control of the isthmus. The fu..t 1 Cw.1l, niui la not at Its . .. . ., ..- II. t.l in uisserwtuuns ujjuh m wvhiw rvvtri n tint It Is maklnt 1 progress. The best journals havo die j covered that the United States has a treaty right to prevsnt Interruption of isthmus traffic and exerolsoni It as trus j tee for the protection of 'the comraerclal InterssU of all nations and not for the expansion of the Monroe Doctrine. B0ERISH Large Conuoy of Ammunition and Provisions Captured. -:- The Last Batch of Yeomanry Contains Cripples -.and Af flicted Men. Nrw Yomc Aug. 24. Iho capturo of r largo Boor convoy of provisions and ammunition, says tho London cor respondent of thoTrlbune, is tho chief fact in the budget of war news. Tho weakness of the military guard pro tecting the convoy when suppllos aro ecarco and cannot bo oaslly roplaccd is trcsh eign of exhaustion. Tho pro-Door Journals nro still assorting that tho black men will bo armed and stationed in block hoiuoe after tho cIobo of the war, but there is no authority for tho rumor. This is only another way of saying that tho Boors never cun lw subdued, for block houses will not bo needed when tho last band of guorlllas has been dispersed and poace has boon restored. From a detailed complaint which it is allsgcd has bcon mado by Lord CARDINAL GIBBONS COMING; Thousands of Prominent Catholics Will Meet, Him at the Steamer. Nkw Yonk, Aug. 24. A numbor ol promlnont Catholics are In the city to ! welcomo Cardiual Gibbons who le ex ported today on tho steamship Ltrttria. Among thoso who will moot tho vessel at quarantlno aro tho Rev, William L. Kusnoll of tho Oathodral at Baltimore; Uov. John D. Itoland ot Bt. Vincent's Church, Baltlmoro, and Uov. Dr, Staf ford of Washington, ' Thoso gontlemen will act as an escort for tho Cardhut to Baltimore. Cardinal Gibbons is expected to remain as a guest o f honor ot Major John D, Rellly of YELLOW JACK, NIT Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 24. Tlio throo men landed on Bwinburno Islaud on Thurs day as vollow fovor suspects from tho steamship Ethel Brytha havo dovolopi-d no furthor symptoms of tho diseaao and Dr. Doty, the health ofllcor, Is quoted as saying that thoy may bo discharged lo- ,tn, ft. ulnwnf t Iim rntmit itnvnlmmintltll In Havana aud tho assertion that gormrf aro propagated by tho bite ot mosquitoes, it is interesting to note that among tlio other precautions takon lu thn case of theso three suspects slnco their arrival they have been carefully guarded friim the possibility of being blttou by mos quitoes. Nots surround their hods and the attendants have continually boon on the lookout least a mosquito should bile, Itsolf becoming Infected and in (urn communicate tho disease. IT I f B BABY TO BE SATISFIED whon you coma to us to buy. Our enormous ntock nffordj an excellent assortment to choose from, and the quality of our goods l Mich that you have con ll.lenoe In t,,e,n- You don't feel always as It something was going to Iwprcu or k wrong wtf t gnd o mo k ow- 0Uf Hf0 r qw . i , Woro pjjmblng fast Into the heart of public confidence. Pquaro dealing, brains, cash, great buying, courageous selling that's sll. They're winners, .,... r ' In Connection With Our Sale of , jVlGH S SllllS. navss w' Wo havo Included two lines of FANCY OA88IMKUB PANTS Good values W Mj special, 2 85. Note the Suit prices which wcplre Haturday, August 2"" ! '" $50 01 values 11(100 15 00 valine $12 00 1 18 60 values $14 60 )0 00 yahns f,S 00 Straw Hats for TM-,. tharaati,.t .irw h.torlmr toro i0 Ut tnl worj( Bnd jt , not nkay any other time and place, See Lure. This Season's Styles One Half f rice Watch for Our Wednesday Special Announcement Ballot on Piano Contest PROBLEMS Kllchoner to tho War OfTlco, It would actually appear that the) last batches of Imporlal yeomen sent out to Bouth Africa actually includod cripples and men oflllctod with heart disease. There lias bcon shocking carelessness In many Instances In tho medical examin ations and general testing of the Imporlal yeomanry. No , ono assorts that thero woro not any thoroughly sultnblo men among tho latter roinforcoruonts, but it is ovldont that thore nro many ntterly hopelotscasos, and If Parliament Wero sitting attention would surely be drawn in tho House ot Commons to tho sorlous waste entailed by tho cost ot sending out, attempting to train and returning homo again such impossible material ns tho War office dispatched in a hurry to General Kitchnor. Brooklyn until Monday. At Baltlmoro tho Cardinal will bo given a lnagnlQcisnt welcome. lie wilt bo grocetcd by at least 12,000 people. Tho procession of Cath olic sociotles of Baltlmoro and Washing ton and towns throughout Maryland will numbor over 8000 mon. Acting Mayor Williams and a delega tion of city officials will receive tho Card- . ittal nt tlio station and the Acting Mayor will doltvcr an address of welcome. The procession will oscort tho Cardinal to Ills rosidoncoat tho cathedral whoro he will hold a rocoption. TURKEY WILL PAY Constantinople, Aug. 21, Tho Quay Company matter hai boon settled as was expected in accordance with tho . dcatro of Franco. An Imperial trade has boon issued ordering tho company to exorcise freely all tho rlgfiti granted h concession. Fresh Cocoanuts AND Fresh Bon Bons AT Ellis & Zinn's WE GIVE COUPONS 34 Ststo Street. Salea'Pboss 2674 Men and Boys madB bv the bhr store or any other to be surpssjed' If, Indeed equalled i with every 25c Purclwss, -i-'niuM"'-- - fy"f -