The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 23, 1901, Image 2

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. . . j 'i - ij i'ini,artiniiiimir m ! ..- j , .
,.,., ,iiMtfi-inWYiiiTSr iiiiiiiiMWM'""iiiMiM'i ! ' I , mnHKHHSKSSKE
prt M tiMl "ww,a ii'i' ii mam atfr
a-mEarSe ntffc rtfac---Ttfir;
A Strong Woman
Iowa Cltr, low. Anj.U, 1M0
nW ? Hinofc two mora .toptUef,
na nowip -
merlr he wJ weak and tlrecl Jna J wJe
Mm. BtaMtr hid tried cvwylhlns An
htrUtytr slcknui and had ptnt m.Id-
Now. ftfUr Uklmj the Wine of prdul. the cm
wo with htf hubnd In the hy fit d. Th.t
. ncQy'""I,':y.n!0odhMllh. The
" j- m tn w ihi ..rnmn ina uciiuuimi if -- - , t.
rthnri. liliin wi " " r . . nA.lilnfl. mean
ymiuimm -
-- --- wnptnwosL
MomuuNowP&Por Loaguo.
"rv hopbr brothers
FRIDAY. AUGUST 23, 1001.
i ' .m r Arlunnnn
nallv One Yonn vo.uv mn"
SSiy Four Month. SI-n Advance
Da lv by Carrier BOo Per Month
Weekly One Year SI.OOInAdvanoo
The utterances of many rollego pro
.... In iheao days convince ono of
the falsity of .the old adage that God
made nothing In vain. The last addi
tion to the column of educated
for the fool killer U Prof. Starr of
the department of Anthropology, what-
of Chicago urn-
vor that may bo,
versty. By tho way, that college la fur
nhhlnr mote than Ita quota of half
baked Intellects, and tho latest has n
worm on the Indian question. Tho
apoclal manifestation of tho grub in
bis brain la that tho Indian cannot be
successfully christianized, and as thin
gontlcman is supposed to bo an author
ity on tho native races oi Amonu.,
the extent ol the misinformation ho is
capable of disseminating is almost un
limited. Ho r.vb: "It is Impossible
art tho really good Indian to the
progressive civilization has Boparaled
lot no man attempt to join together.
e ,
Smaller matters than the fllit or
the navy clljue oa Scbley have made
men President.
. m
Probably the best sample of tho dcla
nidation that cornea to public property
from lowdown politics can bo Been at
tho fllletr. Indian reservation. For a
llttlo dirty work at election tlmo tho
agency was given to a relative of ono of
tho delegation, and anyono who goes
tboro can boo tho result. Tho place looks
llko llftcon cante.wlth tho wlndowB
stuffed full of hate, the onco beautiful
thrifty fields are unculttvatcd.tho fences
broken down, the buildings unpaintcd,
and tho people not prosperous. The
horses and cattlo havo been ncglecteu
and hoes bglonglng to tho govornroont
are nld to have been lot Btnrvo during
tho winter. Tho first of July tho poli
tician agent was removed and a special
man trained in tho Indian service
brought on from tho cast to build up tho
tho romainB of a onco beautiful proporty
and a thlfty and progrcsslvo community
of Indian pcoplo. Ho was maue now
agont and Buperintcndent of tho school
thero.and with the liberal treatment ui
1 ever bo removed, f he thith will never
bo known about this whole public land
Infamy becauio Ufd pollttotahB of
the same trlpe will be sent there
tn cover dp and protect tho
work of the gang In power. One mail
like Harvey 8cott on the extlook com
1 mission tun.od the conduot of a piece of
public business that had stunk to hraven
under the dirty polities Into clean and
'resectable business channels. O le
noh man on Iho delegation from Oregon
win could get at the faota about this
land business and-publlsh them to the
' world wuld shamo tho whole Unitea
' 8otei Into better meth ls. The people
'want honest administration of public
' landa and hon-sat government, but they
'can't get it, beoauio to overthrow the
J little dlrt-ootcra and parasites who
maulpulnto the primaries is a joi iimv
no one relishes. No doubt the platform
in 1002 will contain eovere condemna
tionaol public land frauds in Oregon,
compared to which the Davis defalcation
Isamerodrop In tho bucket. Oregon
has a lot of politicians who wotiiu avow
themselves cannibals to net oflieoif there
were no other way to geto.nco.and then
steal tho corpses of the peoplo to gratdy
their appctltes.and charge per diem and
milcago while they were doing it. How
can we expect reforms in our public land
management at the hands of such In
A Valley Paper Seems In
terested in Casting Doubt
on their Validity.
110 Ss v le derl d f rt such
. i.. i. -nt. venture. The benefits ifq U dertVM jrom sucn
or time and money : Sy,55lsTSSaii cllTend every dy. These tacts .rB mm -
a course last for life "JW' .'., of the
the uniform success or the iraauaies hi "'. .-
capital uusiBcr..w. k.
SVeeMdVn,n,d4f " mrethSr Class anTlnilvidua. Instruct.on. Llvini
i um.tmim.amm
State Fair
Our students i are
Any man out of a job these days
either doesn't want one or ho doesn't
deserve one.
, .
Merchants who want results from their
advertising expenditures patronize the
i.,.i.imi nnwimaners. and avoid all
temporary makcbhifta and sido gralte.
A as
A new business era has been reached
In tho Willamette -valley. Merchants
low find July and AugUBt good buaineie
...iii In.tflfld o dull vacation perionB.
Tho fruit Industry ia virtually adding
two months to the busy season In towu
no well aa country.
Wo hear that editor Niclps, oi tne
,..i v.... .na nltntit to trado IiIb
nowspaper for a piece of land. Among
other advatitngoo tho owner oi tho land
mentioned a fine cold spring on tho
Borne. It was nil off then, lor ua imiu
.,.. furmnm told him that n cold spring
ruined tho crops a few ycara ago, and ho
was not going to buy any land on which
grain would not grow.
Bed Time
The Srtlom city council has passed to
secondTeadlng, an ordinance providing
of IIW.000. for tho pnrpfxe of paylne that
amount of bridge bondB, which will fall
Z on October! , It I. 1 houg l,t b, e
llmt tlieconlempiaieii ir:uu ir.u..i....e
nd Sot nntfiorlud by the city char
ier, an.l that the city must wait until
1 .. .i i .o.tfnri of tbb leBislaturo.
In the meautimo, however, the city has
two offers to curry tho Indotlteddces tor
the city at a reiiuccu ram oi (.
The Capital National bank, at tho meet-
Inir of the council iwo wucnu . " "
to carry tho bonds at 4 ier cont, and
. ii n...i. rfnmil to take careof them
,U H Per cent, and It I. Iho-ghl tb.
bonds can ue iirmeu v v. b ,
":....:i.i ,.. r.n l.n !m v Issued at
thUtimo. Albany Hoarld.
Tho propounding of tho foregoing in
quiry by a paper In a town twenty odd
mflPB away Indicates an inspiration
i.u,.llv trormaln to the town of Albany,
but savors rather of an interest inherent
to Salem. Yet public questions aro
always pertinent, and this 1b deserving
of the best answer that can bo given i.
To this end a Jouhsai. report, r called
uponOity Recorder N. J. Judah, who
itated that tho present character of tl e
City of Salem does not furnish, perhaps,
direct and specific authority for the
refunding of tho $30,000 bridge bonds
maturing on Octobor 1st., but there aro
certain rules govornlng tho disposition
of public matters that aro not laid down
in statutes nor ordinances, hut wmen
are. in the light of public safety and
Integrity, quite aB imperative as the
formulated and written edlcta under
which most public business Is trans-
acted. This is a cbbo in point.
Subdivision 10 of section 0 of tho ex
Istlnu character of Salem confera upon
the Common Council tho following
.. i..t T nnnrpciato money for
nuiuuuv;. - -i-i
any item of city expenditures, and to
provide for the payment of the debts
and expenditures of the city." Aride
from this general authority, tho charac
ter Is silent db to what tho city shall do
In the matter of meeting ita fixed ob
ligations, audi as the maturing bridge
i,nnd. aa the orinlnal law under which
they were uttered contains, nothing in
...initnn tn ilmlr redemption. Nor wouiu
fS'tX'c- w L STALEY, Principal. Salem, Oregon.
Dun 1 runuii vw i recalr shop l0
Call us uo when your whee. neeas ki "Mn a complete stock of all bicycle sun-
dries, tires, etc., always on "
OUR MOTTO: Best wirkrannsblp, prompt
BICYCLES, the Good kind. $35 d$40
r VV5t 'J d4c&iR
i wWiMJyfM
Kv7r1. mm
mMOISSk " ''JUrBvoHK
." -Ha r: vf t7-v. . ;o
ciiiDp A MAUSER 258 Com, st.
uiin - fl
Always knows just what ho wants, and
know that ho can alwaya et it Irom
our choice Block. If you want a deli
clous roast, steak, chop or cutlet that 1b
tender, rich and succulent, and cut b
nnnri hnnil. tr mmed and got up lor
your table to ault tho Queen's tasto, you
will always find it at CROSS'S amf at
lower prices than you can imu .
anywhere elso In Salem.
SEPT. 23-28.
Great Agricultural and
Industrial Fair.
Phone 291.
Good Horse Racing in the
and union Pacific
Loading Up...
For coming demands should be the
aim of every builder, as to run
short of lumber just when it ia
most wanted is always vexatious.
Wo nlwnva havo a completo stock of
building lumber of every kind and
builders will find that It always
pays to get our estimates. Near S.
P. Passenger depot. Phone 051.
Goodale Lumber Co.
Latest Attractions in New Audit-
K nriutn Bulldlne Every tvening.
y With Good Music :: :: ::
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free,
Special nates on Campers Tick
ets. Come and Bring Your Fanj:
files. :: :: '' '-' :: :-
Reduced Rales on all Railroads.
For full paitlculars addrosB
M. D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland.
9 a. m.
via Hunt'
9 p. m.
Tla Hunt
ltiRton "BtiVna"'
Foot Mall
From l'ortlanl Or.
?Alt Lake, Oenror, Ft.
Ulty, M. Loult, Chlcagb
Mill lJISt.
JU Lftlcc, Dciiyer Ft
Wortli, Omaha, Knnt
Cltr, St. lxiuls. Chlcam
nml Rut.
Wnlla alln, IajhIIoij,
8(K)konc. Wallace. Full
man. MIntiRiinnlia hi
Paul, Duluth.Sllhraukcf
uuirago, ami Kgt,
7:00 a. m
79 HOUR -v, -70
Wo Change of Cars
Through tickets Eaet via all rail, or
boat and rail, via Portland.
Prom Portland.
8 p.m.
K p m.
10 a.m.
All aalllna dates subject
flail every 5 days
TuAi-lnrla ant Way
4 p. m
Id. m.
ox. uumiaj
In a word this tells oj
the Service
Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should try
Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and can
be readily served. aotopy
Harritt & Lawrence
Gas Stoyes for Summer Cooking
takoapleaaantherb drink, the next I ho w,Jq q Uq Bpirlt 0f tho organic
mnrninit I fool brlgllt
nloxlon ib neuer
. ii.. .. i
i.iiv mm iiiv tuut-
My doctor Buys it nthorlty
livor i"
under which thoso bondB
... ...i... .1.1. Flunoy.' M. ,':.r. ' .-.I i- .,-nt.arpri bb ,..t , ...i .m(ii. nnt. forthonurnoses
white man's religion. The Indiana wlio
bavolcen chrltianld am all liars,
thlevca and knaves. The, really good
Christian Indian docs not oxlt. Ho is
tn impossibility." This la au Indict,
pient of tho missionaries that ii almoBt
eavage, and it is hardly truo. People
learn by contact witli each other, and
there aro no closer observers of others,
even in tho savage atato, than the
American Indian. If they have become
tiara, thlovcfl and rascals from obaorv
ina tho babltB and conduot of the white
man.whoifllo blamo? Certainly not
"tho Indian. Thoy havo not learned an
their ideaB.of moral conduot from tho
missionary, or tho statement of Prof.
BUrr would glvotbat profoselon a black
eve. Tho "really good Indian" does
nolneod much of anybody's religion
to bo a good man, and If ho is not a
good Indian he does not become worso
by becoming a Christian, unless it is
by adding hypocrisy to horse-stealing,
druukenucea and squaw-baltlng.
An outlaf for the famUy seldom
proves an iBDlot for tho doctors.
m m m
The Japanese have made such progress
thov do not propose to fall Into any pit
falls of church and stato, or controversies
glowing out of a slato religion. Marquis
Ito waa appioaohed tho other day as to
the attitude of the oriental Yankoo
nation toward churches, and he eald
Uiey would not deviato from an entirely
impartial attitude toward all denomina
tions nor seek to prejudice the Interests
of any church. Ho was sounded with
tho je-ultloay proportion, that no nation
had ever received au Impulse toward
jireatnueB but by taking up a pronounced
crusade of a religious character, oven
though it had been what some call
uerpstltlon or paganism. Tho Marquis
parried this Insinuation that ft religious
war of persecution of some kind wau
nectjasary to develop national charaoter
by saying thot tho religious function
waa fulfilled by an Inspiration (or Bolence,
culture ud knowledge. Tho little lelaud
aatleti doea well to wnvo off all sugges
tions of etato collection with any
.ioflilimtjoa. The time Is past wuon
stefe , wondjH)ly proved profitable to
aovernweat or rollgion, A Webator
jml tlisit Jt was unprofitable for
tte to K9 lutof)rtnerlil with a
BocporaticMi, w Utne baa proven that
poraUudtnJrihialaffalra better be
eoiiduetd UBdr separate management,
Tlwtttmaivprc Ntwtiertphurch and
comtrcsfithpro is no reason why thlB
proporty of tho government cannot be
mado to bloseom llko tho rose and be
,,lnmiHl from dirty two-for-n-nlcklo
polltloal mothoda. It is ono of tlio iiiobi
beautiful spots In tho Btoto and aBBOcla
ted with the efforts of eomo of tho boat
men and women In Oregon In behalf of
Indian education.
a e e
cln7 Al Tnigg o Bell it at 25c. and .60
c t. Wa I&mlly Medicine moves the
bowelfl each day. I you cannot got It,
send for free rampio. a.
Woodward, LoKoy, N. Y.
3 jUl. Ki 1 O I1..3C A-
Bears tbe
lhs Kind Yon Haw Always
Mr. 8. W. Doughly-Tho .concert
baritone, will elng tonight at Lastwooil
De ye therefore perfect as your
raihtnin iiMven Is cerfect would
leave little fcusnless for the learned
Borne ono has mado tho wiso Biigges
tlon that all tho publto lands bo turned"
over to tho sovoral statoa,' and taken
entirely away from congress. It ia plain
m tho nose on a man's faco that public
land frauds nro being reducod to a mini-, irlnk It with grunt Dunolit.
mum by tho etato governments,
no progross Is mado in chocklug the
tlilovea by congress. In fact all tho
rascality with timber lands and lieu
lands and foreat rosejrvos Is now carrleu
on by tho connivance of our federal
ofllolalfl, Bonators aud congrosamon. As
all know, one Oregon Senator has been
attornoy for one ol these great corpora
tion thieves and hiHBon In tho land1
dupartmont of atiother.and yet populists
and demooratB humped themselves to
re-elect him to tho eonale. Heally tho
state government has mado great pro
gress toward an honest management of
our public lands, If tho federal Ib bUU
In the hands of the looters. Lallie.
kings and aheap monopollBta are crowd
out the settler by lousing tho public
lauds when thoy cannot steal tholr Use
outright, and tholr hired men at B0 to
lUOa month fill im inanuu uayium.
TiiRuffalra of no state aro so badly
managed as by .national administration,
Wo could not possibly keep a let
ol olllulnls In Wahlngton who would do
more to keep out Buttlcra and
enable the enemlM of the liomovtMdnr
to prevent the development of tho state
tlun tho crowd there now who have the
ear of tho administration. Our public
I....1 ...anftirniuont at Wliul 1 1 IlljtOll llttB
inipi imsu" --- --
been thoroughly grounded hi prolllgacy
ami corruption, and If tho light weio
turned on would iw found to bo houry.
..nniMl with etty Infamy. Millions tip-
la mado ol herbB, and la propwrcu aB tnnorot,and aulllciont, toruio j.ur,.u
eaally oa tea. It le called Lane fl Meo t conUnKonoy and to amply
and legnlly Justify the laauanco of tho
proposed refunding bonds.
Tho council and officers now In chargo
oi Bhlein'a public affairs aro duslroua of
maintaining the credit of tho city, and
whllo too ; well-known local uui"B
hoiiBOB havo agreed to take caro of tho
puirtllng obligation at a aharp abatemont
nt ilm Intoroat attachlnu to tho debt in
question, it ia Btlll deemed tho duty ol
tho city to redeem the bonds heraolf, if
authority sulllclent for that purpose
atmll bo found lu tho code under which
alio exists and doea business. I lua ia a
matter, for tho presont, at least, in tho
hands of tho special committee up
pointed by the council at jts Into sossion,
in Haiti relation, and whatever shall bo
done In the handling of thla loan, will
Imvo tho sanction of tlio law itsoii, bb
of the accepted rules of commorco perti
nent to tlio honorable adjustment of all
Gas Ranges, Gas Hot Plates, Gas Boiling
low prices. Special rate ior das tor
Cooking Purposes.
Salem Gas Light Co.
Teiepnona ooo
4- ChomoKota
"The Best of
The Nortliwestern Line
Trains dally between St. Paul
aud Chicago comprising tho latest
Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation LarB,
.. t..-l!..:.. nl.nlr Cara.
I rree""i " "
The 20th Century Train -"THE NORTH WEST
ERN LIMITED" Runs every day of the year
rincsi i rain Eicctnc uiMed
in the World s,cara ilmti'
To Chicago By Daylight
Tho Badger Stato KxpruM,
tho finest Day Train running
betwoont.Paul and Chicago
Via tho Short Lino. Connec
tions from tlio West mado via
Tho Northern Pacific, Oroat
Northern, Canadian Paclli'
This la also tho boat lino between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All Agents sell tickets Via
"The North-western line."
Steamers, water pcrmlttini. leave Salem for
Portland and way landings, Monday.Wednesday
and Friday at 10 a m.. Tuesday tbursdayaad 7 a. m. For Independence. Albany
and Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
st 4 p. m.For lndependence,Monday,Wednesday
and Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Through tickets East via all rail or boat an J
rail via Portland, Ticket office, dock,
E. T. THAYER. Agent
Salem, iregon.
South and East
Soutbn Pacific ui
Train b leavo Salem for Portland and way
stationoat5:40a. m. , 7:64 a. m. and
1 :B8 n. in.
8UW 1' M
l.r rortiana.
Lv Balem
Ar AahUnd.
Ar Sacramento.
Ar Ban Kranclaoo..
. s A M
.125 A M
6.00 1 M
, 7;8 V M
G. A.
Call and examine
Reduced Rates
vr Donvcr.
ArKama, Ulty.
x umcago-
Best facilities for making the
tin and iron work on fruit and
hop dryers in the valley. We
htivfr the. machinery and the
mpn nnrl 1 vast Stock Of macoaat to Uoaton via Buffalo,
men alia a Vail Jw-J u' Vl II you will Bend IC cents
tenai reaay 10 mi an ui
promptly. X -
Ar to Auelc
ir Fort Wonn
r (JityofMoxlco
r noiuioa .
r"6i5 A M
9:30 A M
7as A M
7:42 A M
2;0U P M
6O0 P M
6:30 A M
11:30 A M
7?0 A M
.. 6:30 P M
C:42 A M
H;10 P Ml
1053 P V
1'ialS P V
435 AM
8:4S AM
7.-00A M
9:15 A M
f:30 A M
d.Ui A M
C.-0U P M
0:30 A H
11'tO A M
6;3U P M
6:11 A M
12:10 P M
Craln-OI Craln-OI
lleiiiuinber that nntno when you
want a dullclous, nppotlaliiB, nourish-
(UK food drink to tuko thu place of
...Vi-. u,i,i i,v nil L'rocurs and lilted
by nil who havo UBod It. ariilii-0 Ib
inuilo of pure grain, It nldB dlsestlou
mid HtronuthoiiH the norvos. It Is "ot
a Htlmulunt but n honltli liullder anil
,i... i.iiiii-.iti iih wull as the adults can
drink It with uruiit benefit. Costa
about aH much ns coffee. Inc. nnil
iioc. per piiuitiiKC. " Jul" """
for Clraln-O.
,T . -
Rcnovatlne Collcec of Music.
Prof. Soley has been unay tne paai
A flrBt-claaa ptlvato hoapltal for tho treatment of chronic and surgical
iiS7 Built the past year eapecially for the purpose for which It ia
uaod Oonvonen lv located within four blocka o tho buBlnesa part
ol the dty! Tho most modern furnishlngB and latest appllancea
Uiroughout the mlldlng. Heated by hoi water and "K Jby gaa
and oloctlclty. Horo tho sick can have tho comforta of art elegant
nrivate home; combined with all the advantages of a general hospital
without the noise, confuaion, and publicity attending ono. Outside
nlivMans bringing cttflos in treated with tho greateet courtesy, and
Sfflinoperotlonelfreaiiieated. For terms atul.furtber Informa-
tlonwrito or apply personally
Are now in effect to Buffalo, New ork.
Do you expect to attend the Pan
Amorlcan Exposition?
I ao do not buy your iickoi tiiuii you
havo investigated the aorvico of tlio Il
linois Central railroad.
Our accomodations nro tho beat tliat
can bo had, our trains nro always on
time, and employes courteous and ac
comodating. Tlrmii?li tourist cara from Pacific
II you will Bend 15 cents in tampB.
to addreps given holow, wo will forward
to you, oy return man, ono oi uu
large 84x40 Inch wall maps of the United
States, Cuba and Porto Hico.
Any Information regarding rates ac
comodationa, eervico, time, connecliotiB,
Bton-overB, etc, will bo cheerfully fur.
nlihed by
B. II. Tudmdoi.l.
Com'l Ag't. Ill; Cent. It. K.
14'J Third Bt Portland Or.
Vr Now Orlcana-
vr WMMiiciou
Vr Now Yorlc
Pullman and TourlBta cara on both
trains. Chair cara Sacrumonto to Ogdeu
ind El Paso, and touriBt cara to Chicago,
St. LouIh, Now Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San FrandlBco with bov
jral Btoamahip llnofl for Honolulu,
Japan, China, Philippines, Contral and
South America.
Soo agont at 8a!em Station, or address
Portland, Oregon.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
No. 2 For Yaqillna:
Train leaves AlDaiiy.
fow weeka with a corps of niechanloe re- business affairs, be thoy public or private
painting, repaperlng and renovating ina
(jnartora in tlio Collogo ol MhbIc, pre
poratory to opening for.the coming year,
Bept. Und. Evorythlnit la aa fretili and
clean ua posslblo for the now year.
The Oldest and Best.
S S S is rt combination of roots
nml lierlw of ga-nt cumtive power),
imd when tnkvit into the circulation
Hcarchcrt emt nml remove tm iiiatuwr
of tKiimuiH Irom the blood, without
.i 'i t ...1. ..-1i..t..ii in (lir vhIi1I1.
On tlw contrary, the general liwtltli
UkIuh to improve from the fitut done,
for H. vS. S. iB not only a 1)1ihk1 purifier,
but an excellent tonic, nml treugtli
,.,, nml builds no the constitution
Tho substation ol autlioriiy, tiiougu
that authority bo meagre, coupled with
the reduction of the annual interest
ohnrgoBto tho tune oI,t4B0, should disarm
violent criticism, or even tho alternative
oi Injunction, in a matter of Btich grave
Importance aa the prompt meeting and
liquidation oi a popular obligation.
The ttest Prescription for Malaria
chllla and four iia bolllo of tlrovtfa Taitolea
UkU'lOk lurui, nuii-iii'-" --
Excursion Rates
OK T1IK C. A E. It. It
A 8 ccial round trip rate of f2.50 from
Albany to Mill City, Uerry, Ningara and
Detroit hsa been put into effect on the
Corvallis & Eastern Rail road ior hunt
ing or fishing parties.
Tickets eood tolne Saturdays and
returning Monday, giving threo daya in
tho mountains of good Bpoit and rccrea
tlon. Good hotel accomodations nt Mill
City, Gates,Nlagara and Detroit at reas
onable rates. No special order necoieary.
tickets on sale at tlie ticket office.
Aleo a rato of $3.10 Irom balem
while imrjritifr the blood of iuiputi
ties. S. 8. S. cures nil duteaseD of a.
bl'xxl iHJttKiti orlKt
UCH. P. f. i3- Wllivn .ii. .-v., . ... .. .viiii cirk'in. Cancer, hcrofulu,
Ul'rVof - --(--- - - .
. 3 .. ... fMtnititf Qitr.u uiul
Ulecw, ltosetnn, l'orifti, qrh
Rheiitn, llcru) nnd similar tnnibKs.
and i n infallible cure and the only
antidote for that inot horrible dwcune,
Contngioiw R1o(m1 l'oinoii.
A record of nearly fifty year of
auccenHful cured f a reconl to be jiroud
of. S. S. S. in m"r Joulr twlay
th in ever. It immbem it fneiuU by
tlu thousnnd. Our metllcal corrwi
rx.mK'tice Ib larger than cvvr in the
liistory of the medicine. Many write
to thank us for the jjroatpootl h. i. b.
Ima done thorn, while others are ncek-
advice about tlieir caaes. m
ami carciui
..... . and for tha welfare
"""rsr:;:," .. . ...... ,-.. .) a..
ZZZ,' -h-i w ju----o-. ....r - n ...
ui.n! rw-c.v. nroninr.
i.. i i,.,.i,. niiiim, nnrniix aiclnnii liaw iitaiitt
on millions oi aeren ww.. .-- , -;-. ,, ftlootUmiaki Dla
given away to speculators, Jobbers and , nUcrMuderstnudsuchcn-ea
cornoratlons. What haa not been given tllftn tho onlmnry liractitioncr who
Jy has been enclced in forest rose, "?ZX
vations to Veep forest fires from destroy. m gm pood to aufferins:
Ing the timber supply ol the future. JW sW human,ly,lr,?X
Thus theSantlam country hasboonkept ..SSttf.X
Close 1 to the eetlhjr, whon it is a positive tQ wrjte w if you imv0 My blood
fact that where tho oouutry is settled up or 8un trouble. We make no clwrge
Umber grows wnniww """.r:; ..-. na
THE SWIM rfctiriu vv i..i -
D. E., Funeral Director. 107 State
Street. 'Phone Ilea 24 J 3, SalernOrejon. Resl
deuce 390 Court. 'Phone Black 2181.
Tor Tourist Berth.
If von nro golim to any point East vou
orni purehafo your lickot over thoHur-
Itnision uouiu uy luuiiiK .-";
gwil nt your own Hailroad Station that
you want o go over ihb une ami i w
UuilltiRton eillierby way ol Halt I, a be
Cttv Df ttver. lUHItig, Mont., M. J aui,
or Omaha. The rate via th; Bui .mgton
aorvico are the very host to be had tune
tbo quicken ai.d if you want a IWili in
Tourist oar It will cost you onl) f tw to
KniifnaOltv Omaha, or St. 1 am U
olintiig chair oars on all lUulmglon
iiniiiu irulnu oinlH free.
Wrlio for niton and fall particulars
boloro making other airaugoments We
sell you over the Boutherti. orihen,
Great Northern, Caimillan, Oregon
Short line. I'nlon Paclllo and Rio
i:.....i..Sndiiio Lino of the orul
A.l.lmaa R. W. Foster Ticket Agent' i
Burlington Route Corner Ihlrd and
stark 8treetB, Portland, Or, I
For lufaata aud Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Fineat boor on iho markot, haa stood the teat of twenty years and is
better thnn over,
Ournuporlor beer, kept In cold itoroge, all orders filled promptly.
Free city dollvory.
The puroat crystal Ice made from pure distilled water. Free deliveiy
at lowest rates.
MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor.
Newport, Yaquina aud jtointa thla aide,
good going Saturday and returning Mon
day, giving a threo day's outing at the
coast or along the lino for hunting oi
fishing partioa Amplo hotel accommo
dation at Eik City, Toledo, Yaquina and
SeaionoxcurBion tickets Salem to New
port of $5.00, and Yaquina ol f 1 50 an
also on ealegood to return until Octobei
10th. For full particulars apply to S. P.
Agent, or Edwin Stone, Manager.
5 24 3m
12:60 p. tn,
Train leaves Corvallis. ... 1:40 p. ui,
Train arrives Yaquina . o:oo p. iu.
So. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 2B,m
Leaves Corvallls 11:33 a. tn.
ArrlvoH Albany 12:13 p. w,
No. 3 For Detreit:
Leaves Corvallls 12:n0p.ra.
Leaves Albany lajp. "'
Arrives Detroit 6:20 p. nt
Vn A BVnm TlAtrolL-
Leaven Detroit ,6 30 a. &i.
Arrives Albany 10:30 a. w.
Arrives Corvallls .11:16 P
Trains 3 and 4 botwoen Albany anu
Covallls, Tucadaya, Tlturfdaya anil bat
urdaya only. All other trains dally ex-
I'ralns l and 4 arrives in Albany u
tlmo to connect with the 8. P. south
bound. aB well aa Riving two or ttiree
hours in Albany before departure ol b.
l. North bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with tlio S,
weat aide train nt Corv. Mfl Crossing lor
inderendenco. McMlnn -e -
points north to Portland.
A,,nt Alhanv; Manager
Are You Going East?
Perhaps I can be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your quosttons.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,
Car. Third nod Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
Royal Insurance Co.
A. T. Gilbert, resident agent of ubovt
Insurance Co ii now prepared to do e
large Insurance bueluosa. Will ai.a
1 andle real estate. I havo a team and
carriaco which is at my customer's eer
i vice nnd I will take ploatmro in shonitif
parties what I have for snlo. Otlice a
present with T, A, Livesley & Co.
Succo?or to
Sash Doors, Blinds, Mill Work in Gen
eral, nop ami rruu diukbib, rruu
Trays, etc , a specialty. Church and
tclwcl furniture. Estimate promptly
furn.ahed on all kinds of work.
Church and Aill Sts., Salem
IS'the name
of the new
and luxuri
ous ROCK
island train
. I CnrlnffI
Which run f between Coioiaui.-r-.y
... I'.nirfluro. ----
ami -''-o
Colorado Snrinwi evy UV
.. . t 7 I- ill,, it"--
Boars tho
Bargains in Vehicles
Two now farm w agons,
Three new spring wagons.
Two now buoK-boarda-
One old buck-board.
Three old repaired buggies.
hlx old farm wagons, light and heavy.
Ono old carriage,
Ono old delivery wagon,
Oueold heavy spring wagon.
One old light Bpring wagon.
One new Democrat wagon
New work to order, any style or finish.
Painting and repairing dono ai prices
to suit the times.
At the Salem Wagon and Carriage
Factory, SOI Commercial Street.
7 31 ltu Wkkner Fimxel, Prop,
j7 at 1 :3J P. M
(Vone night out-
making, clow ;.,'. til
with evening rains "om',"a'tb Omaha
points east; also connectlnit at .
with moruliiK trans or ""n,;V in
cillo Coast points to Chicago wiu
hATyour Ticket Agent to make year
ticket read via tho ,
Great Rock Island Route
Write for particulars npNT
250 Aldtnst.. ror. -
350 Aiacn3- ",
O. C T. Co's
Pntnntia and Alt0I
i .vo for PortUnl Dally
Quick Time;.Cheap Bates
MDk Bctweea SU'udSiN. Alt
liti. 1Mb.' --