The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 23, 1901, Image 2

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    $W- W
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, 4
I '
tut firmiffht a nermanent cure.
which robs mothers of their hopes have been avoided by timely use of the
Wine. You are asked to try Wine of Cardul and Thedford's Black.Draught,
Its companion medicine. Nine out of ten cases of female trouble, barren
ness Included, yield to them. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardul.
Vanderroort, Ark, April S, 1600.
Last May I had a tnlaearrlafre, hlch was followed by flooding. I read
your Almanac nod my husband not me bottlo of Wlno of Cardul and It
topped my floodlDftnd restored my fallen womb to ltd place. Now I am
cured after taking tRreebottlea and hava another to tako which I cot this
mora In ir. I am expecting-to becomo
my doed
fof aitrtM and IMmlura, addrttt,
btpartmtiil," XL CtiaUaoooga
Mombor Northwest Aftornoon
Nowspapor Lonuo.
TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1001.
Dnlly Ono Yoar. VS.OO In Advanoo
Dally Pour Month 91. In Advanoo
Dally by Carrlor DOo Per Month
Wookly Ono Year 8I.OO In Advance
Tho quack-remedy politicians who
nevor go to tho bottom of anything nro
Jubilant over the adoption of public
ownership of "Utilities" Hint has been
niiulo part of tho now Portland city
charter. Tho quack la always resorting
to omo nostrum, somo euro-all to mako
himself and his brood honest and to
svov society from thoir depredations,
tfo'iho (itiaclc howls for tho Initiative
and Iloferondum-dum as a sure-thing
protection against bad laws and boodlo
legislatures. This ono patout will heal
all tbo skulduggcis of rotten politics and
tho rallkaboos of a majority of fool
lawmakers who grind out 000 pages ot
new laws when tho people novor askod
for a lino, and would have been tlmnic
ful if they had wiped out that many
pages of old ones. Now tho 100 thlovos
.and rascals who run tho politics of
Tortland, In partnership with tho gam
blers and retailers of deviltry of nil
sorts, aro going to ensuro tho salvation
of that city by "l'ubllo Owuorahlp of
Utilities." Why tho people thero don't
own their City government, and to glvo
tho real ownore, who aro tho political
bosses and their partners In tho fantan
shops, assignation honsoa and variety
thoatoru, the control of Publin Utilities
would bo liko giving his Satanic Ma
jesty a thousand barrels of Carolina
pitch to cool off the Infernal regions
with. It will only Incroneu tho oppor
tunity (or plunder for a crowd already
train od to nn abnormal rapacity at tho
art of stealing in tho name of tho gov
ernment. Hat it's a new iiaf,k remody
and widely advertised as a cure-all and
will havo a big sale, whiln tho nostrum
doalois will bo doing n larger business
than over at tho old stand. The down
right dishonesty of spending more than
,your inuomo, and not getting down to
any iionest and serious purpose ot pay
ing what you own, will bo covered up in
a fow years while tho patient Is dosed
Willi "Utilities."
If anybody cun beliovo any of the
statements of politicians printed in
the Portland paper, that Olty hns a
debt of nearly ten million dollars and is
taxed half a million annually for In
terest There is a County machine, a
City machine, a School machine, a Park
gan, and a Port of Portland Push, all
spending money, getting legislation,
levying taxes, and creating debt.
Founded on the statement of 1'. V,
IlOlmau printed July llUh. 1001, Port
land has a debt as follows;
Water Ikmd $0,100,000
Other Honda a,8lll,fi00
Port of Portland Hoods, MO.QOO
Bcbool Districts Honda, 130,000
Bridge and Ferry Hands, .... 750,000
Street and Sewer ltotids, esti
mated, 100,000
City, County ami School dis
trict warrants, (the Lord
ouly know show many,) but
at least 500,000
Total, debt of various kinds, $10,691,600
With VO.OOO voters Portland has fftOO
nor capita debt, and with live to the
family the householders owo f 10,000, or,
at six percent, 30,00 a yoar Interest
burden in each family. The political
sharper III say this is making a case,
and that the water debt shouldn't be
counted, because It Is soK-suataiulug,
to all folderol mod tolnk the com
munity deeper iu the polltleul m I re
that Is swallowluK It up, aud Is now all
to be cured by tbo Public Utility mania.
The above statement of debt is not
vouched for but Is, taken iu part from
Mr. Ilolman's printed statement and
other statements printed at different
times, which may be all lies, lit fact,
about the last thing the munlulpal
InllatlonUt will dots to sit down and
figure up how much the community
really owes with a view to ever stop
ping tbotoboggap slide to repudUtlon(and
bankruptcy. Tho City and County
aud School District and nil the otiier
political machines, Including tho
senatorial factious o( hosiers, rounders
and sluggers who cotno up aud camp
With (he legislature, are all public
charges tnoro orlew, aud all the floating
warrant debt, much of whioh is sold at
Lonely Homes
A horn li never complete without children.
Yt nuny homei arc chlfdlen. May vtlvu are
dciolite for the lack of a child lo love. Thtlr
lives are almlen void of the hltjh motives of
motherhood. While barrtnnm li cauiinj Incal.
culcble sadneif and ic-rrovf. It exltli in moit
cat el on account of some little female trouble,
which Wine of Cardul would speedily set risM.
This pure Wfne regulates the diiordered female
organs by building up the Worn out nerves and
regulating iht menstrual flow. It restores the
fallen womb lo Its proper place. By strength
ening the generative organs, it makes preg
nancy possible where barrenness exists. You
can depend on
Suffering women all over the land have been
depending on It for seventy.llve years. No
more convincing proof can be given than the
testimony of Mrs. Benson, who Is only one of
thousands of women to whom Wine of Cardul
Manv cases of mlicarrlaite that trouble
a mother and Wlno of Cardul will bo
Mrs. MAltY h. IlENBON,
elrtnB ajtnptotni i Tn Ladles' Adrlsorjr
altoTcliie Couipany, CUtUuoog Item.
a diecount, plica up and swells the real
rato oa interest, to abovo tho live percent
rate on most of tho bonds. Then the
city has to pay tho bond sharper and
tho bnnk sharper who "place" tho
bonds and collect tho interost. So un
less thoy retract some figures tho abovo
is tho sizo of Portland's tnanuro heap.
Thore is not much uso ridiculing and
roasting tho aforesaid condition of things
unless Bonio ono has a remedy to sug
gest, There Is no remedy but common
downright plain plug lionoaty. Tho
honest people' of that community aro
probably in ahopeloss minority, but thoy
should at least stand np and declare
thomeelvoa honest and rofuso to bo
hoodwinked with, any moro claptrap
nostrums or golden medical discovory of
raw and unslaked socialism. Public
ownership of utilities is all right in
theory whon it Is accompanied witli
common honesty, and when it can bo
shown that the "utility" to bo unloaded
on tho city can bo really made a rovunuo
producer instead of amillstonoto further
sluk tho community in dubt and mort-
gigoall Its belongings to tho bondholder
deeply enough to keop nine-tenths in
porpotual poverty and finally make them
candidates for anarchy or tho poorhoueo,
To increase tho bondod debt of Portland
to Bovon per cent of an honest valuation
of its property would moan a bonded
dobtot at leust ? 11,000,000. It would
moan anuw hurvest for tho Interost aris
tocracy aud new burdens for tho laborer
who earns the incomes of tho public
"utilities" by the sweat of his brow and
has to keep tho Jawamltbs who forgo
charters lu clover besides. Let it be
plainly stated that tho city of Portland
must stop tho great"utility"of manufac
turing bonded Indebtedness and fix lior
charter so that no utility can bo acquir
ed that is not a rovenuo-piodurer that
is to jay, will pay ita operating expenses,
wipe out its debt in a reasonable time,
and oarn somo money towards tho ox
ponao of government and that com
muiilty will got on a solvent basis and
start toward real prosperity. Thoro is
no other road, Socialistic, Democratic,
Republican, or Popullstic. Common
honesty is ruinous to tho politician uho
only wants place and power nml an op
portunity to experiment with his nos
trum. Hut common houosty is thoouly
salvation of common people and the un
common pcoplo.nud tho uncommon nro
not proper subjects for worry. They will
look out for number ono aud cup-aml-bloed
all tliocommon herd that are like
ly to bo misled by the loud-mouthed
vender of iinak-noatruma ami prixo
paokagu remedies.
There Is n great deal of iunocent
ploasuro to bo extracted from a good
humorous papor one that is not bitter
and is clean enough to not leave a bad
taste in tliu root of your mouth, Non
York Life comes the nearest that sort of
a wookly Illustrated publication iu our
country, for a time It was too much
given up to polities. Ono ran stand
somo political humor, hut it fur from
being the main staple of consumption.
Tho last I.ifo 1ms an excellent mine
j tone free from rant or over-emartntMs
I its humor suggestive and bantering in
tone, leaving considerable for the
imagination to work out. The main
cartoon is obvious enough A mlr of
lovers Bitting on a rail (once iu a sum
mor sbowor, neither willing to give up
tho sweets of the situation even for the
sake of getting In out of the wet who
has not been there 1uh Indued gone
through llfo empty-handed aud lean
played a shabby trick by Dame Fortune
If this writer had the making ot the
woild ho wouldn't havo anybody gu
through life witiiout at least omw falling
in love head over heels. If there is a
parson we foul sorry (or It is tho girl
that has grown up to middle ago with
out having had n chance to hang over
the gate with her fellow, whether itoer
came to cryslss or not. Hut we can't
all lie millionaire and oau't alt have
oven an ordinary love affair, but for a
tiling that la fco cheap and so prodMetivo
of pleasure It aeems a pity anyone has to
go without, Ulbsou'a oartooua are
enjoyable because they do not slight the
common weakliest, of humanity, aud da j
not tread them under foot wlili inn
much austerity. It was not tho intention I
of nature or tho divine will that human
beings should tadoprivednt any Innocent '
pleasures and the systems) that try to I
displace ordinary human eoolal inollua. j
tioua with the religious stratght-jaokttt.
that would eliminate a) Wiling amlf
cooing, ouly wake biulue far the
courts, prisons aud madliouioa. 1aU iu
fcavo a Mttlo fun nml Jollity m wo
travel along, and not masquerado as
hypoarltes. With only good will for
others we cm have n lauh and be Jolly
and appreciate tho funny aide of things,
aid jot do our duty in the serious rela
tions to God anil man and hoc ety, with
out making lite a graveyard, or one con
tinuous round of solemnity.
Editor Joursaij I have read with
interest tho editorial of tho "Water
town Timed" on tho subject of Christian
Science published in tl o ".Ioukmal" of
July 11th, and while tho evident effort ot
this review is to be impartial, there np
pear, however, a number of mifitate
ments, one nt loast of which, I trust you
wilt grant mo space to correct.
In speaking of Mrs. Eddy, tho
oditorlal asserts "alio is conaidered
almost a saint by her followers, who
believe the following passage from Rev
elation to refer to her: "And there ap
peared a great woudor in Heaven, a
woman clothed with tho sun and the
moon undor her feet, and upon her head
a crown of twolvo stars."
Now while Christian Scientists aro
morit grateful to Mrs. Eddy as
a menu and benefactor, In that
through lior noblo and solf-sacrificing
work for humanity, she has brought
hopo, health and happiness into
tho lives of many thousands, yet thoy
do not beliovo the abovo nor has Mrs.
Eddy ovor referred to herself as tho wo
man in tho'Apocalypee. In "Scienco ard
Health with Key to the Scriptures"
pago 553, sho writes referring to Revela
tion 12, "Tho woman iu tho Apocalypso
is tho vignette, which illustrates as man,
tho spiritual idea of God, and God and
man as tho Divine Principle and Dlvino
idea," which statoment would indicate
that tho passage quoted was symbolic of
God's infinite creation, and refers not to
any personality, .
While it is true ns tho editorial states,
"many leaders ot Chriatain thought,"
havo of lata antagonized the teachirga
of Chriatnin Scionco, attempting through
vigorous pulpit denunciation apparently
void of "Ghrlttain thought," "to wipe it
out" of oxlslonco.yot thore aro occasion
al refreshing ovduoces, that all ot our
clerical friends aro not of this inclina
tion. The following excepts from a recent
sermon by Key. W. II Morrison ot
Llrocktou, Mass, aro apt and timoly :
' From many sermons and articles in
nowspayors and magazines ot lato, it
looks as though on organized move
ment had started to drive those forms ot
belief, off tho face of tho earth, In tho
light of these facts it seems to mo, a
sermon on the Christian way of treating
Christian Scienec is iu order. First,
lot us consider tho sins of Christian Sci
ence according to what is Eaid ot it.
'"It is not founded on the Hiblo,'
Every church has been accused of tho
aamo sin.
" 'It is contrary to common sonso.'
If wo beliovo somo people, this Is trueot
every church.
" 'It is a monoy-making scheme.'
There isn't a church in tho world that
Imen't had the same charge laid at its
" 'People havo been mado Insane by
It.' Other forms of religion havo mado
people iiuaue
" 'People havo died under tho treat
ment ot its doctors.' The samo Is true
of ovoiy doctor.
" 'They nro inconsistent.' Do you
know of any who is perfectly con
sistent? "Iu a word, every sin charged against
tlih sect has been charged
ag-tinst every other sect that exists
today. Oi.o more fact let us
romomber. Peoplo Just us wIbo, just as
great, Just as level-headed as nro iu
this world aro in tho Christian Science
church, and they are our friends and
nleghbors. To respect its followers and
give it fair field without any favors is
the Christian way ot dealing with it.
JosiiBsald. 'Hy their fruits ye shall know
thorn' ami again 'Whatsoever ye would
that men should do to you, do yo oven
so to them'. If Christian Science is n
humbug, tills is the surest way to prove
It Truth nevor (ears fair play, but
eiror always doos. This is the only way
of treating Christian Science It wo ure
to get at the truth, keep our own self
riKH)t and the respect ot the world.
Tho world Is wide; thore is room enough
(or all, Let us dwell together lu
harmony," Thanking you for your
courtesy and apace. I am Hespeottully,
David H. Oodkn
State Correspondent,
Portland, Oregon. July 18, 1901.
lldnrntoVnnr HowrU With Cuararets.
Owjtly JW"uUe. euro eooaUpaUon forever.
lOo, c It a a 0, fall, Urusvtiu refund money
Headquarters for Portland Cordage
Company's brands of binding twine, in
cluding "Clover Leaf" and other
bnuuts. Cull early. Mitchell, Lewis fc
Stuvor Co , State street, near HuhIi's
bank. 7-23 3t
Cardinal Gibbons' Birthday.
IUltmokk. Md , July as. Prominent
priests and laymen ot the Catholic aich
d tceu of Haltimore today sent a oable
grwm to Cardinal Gibbous, who ie
traveling lu Europe, congratulating
him upon his Mxty-wventh birthday.
It is the first time iu a number ot yean
that ills eminence has, been absent
from Haltlmoro on his birthday. Dur
ing tho last year or two he has not
enjoyed the best of health and his legion
ot friends aud admirers are hopeful that
his present sojourn In Hnropo ill result
Good Shoes.
ltedUM yur shoe bill. That' the
klud you'll Bud at the Sew York Raoketv
Prices loweat Iu the dty. id 1 w
"C" With a Tail.
The "C" with a tail Is the trade
mark of Cascarcts Candy Cathartic.
Look for it on the light blue enameled
metal boxl Each tablet stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
Mcliwaln Breaking the Record
At the end of two months Mcllwain'a
new Capital bakery on Coijrt street has
made a record ot consuming SI barrels
of Hour nml over a ton of sugar. Tho
delivery wauon is out all da) ,ii d he
branch bakeries havo been established,
at tho Huffman grocery in North Salem,
at Maguire's grocery in East Salem, and
Allon & Bowersox In Yew Park. Tho
demand of Capital bakery bread has
grown so that one baking of 550 loaves
has to be pulled off in tho morning and
another of 4C0 loaves in the aftornoon.
Mr Mcllwain has introduced a new
thiug In tho way of broad baked espec
ially for campers, one party returning
from tho Santtam after a week's outing
and this camper's bread kept perfectly
fresh. Tho varioty of paatry, caken,
rolls, pies, and fancy baking that is dis
played there on Saturday is a sight
worth seeing, but it is all gone by Sun
day, showing it has quality as well ns
fine appearance Mr. Mcllwain is to
be congratulated on building up such a
trade in the short apace oftwo months
You can be cured of any form of tobacco uslne
taillr. be made well, ntronp. magnetic, full of
that nukes we ale men strong. Many gain
ten pounili In ten days. Orer 500,000
cured. AlldnigcMn. Cure guaranteed. Hook
let and advice l'Rl'.lt. Address STItKUNU
IUSMUDY CO., Culcaco or New York. 437
John II. Wilzcl not Bankrupt.
The recont statement'that John M.
Witzcl had gono into bankruptcy, is an
error, and should havo been James N.
Witzel, of Turner. Thero seems to havo
been a general mix-up of initials in all
the papers, as thero is no such a porson
as Johiu M. Wltzol, but many suppoeod
it meant John II. Witzel, which is not
a fact. Tub Journal takes pleasure in
making the correction. ,
2 There Is a Class of People
Who are Injured by the uso of coffee.
Uecently there haa been placed lu nil
the grocery stores n new preparation
called GItAIN-O, mndo of puro
grains, that tnkes tho place of coffee.
The most delicate Htomach receives
It without distress, uud but few can
tell It from coffee. It dooa not cost
over Vi aa much. Children may drink
It with great benefit. 15 eta. mid 25
eta. per package. Try It. Ask for
Is the name
of the new
and luxuri
ous Rock
Island train
Which runs between Colorado Springs
and Denver, nnd Chicago. Leaving
(jjw Colorado bprliiM ovary clay
iui:;iut'. ii., arriving in
Chicago at 7 P. M., next
day only ono night out
with evening trains from Chicago for all
points east; also conncctim; nt Omaha
with morning trains for Minneapolis
nnd St. Paul. Weekly excursions in
Personally Condncted Tourist Slceninit
cars via tho Groat Sconio Lino; from Pa
cific Coast points to Chicago without
Ask your Ticket Agont to mako your
tickot read via the
Great Rock Island Route
Writo for particulars
250 AlderiSt.. Portland. Ore.
For getting your clothoacleaned.'lyod,
ropairod and prossed, anything from a
pair of gloves to tho most elaborate silk
gown, a gontloman can got his trousois
creased, his hat cleaned or the whole
suit rejuonated to suit your taste, at
The Salem Steam Dyo Works
Miw. O. II. Walkkh.
Royal Insurance Co.
A. T. Gilbert, resident agent ot above
Insurance Co is now prepared to do a
largo Insurance business. Will ako
handle real estate. I have a team and
carriago which is at my customer's ser
vice and I will take pleasure in showing
parties what I havo for sale. Ollice at
present with T. A. Livesley & Co.
Successor to
,il. TWIN HIIihIh Mill Wnrl- i. i:.
oral. Hop and Fruit Baskets, Fruit
Trays, etc.. a specialty. Church and
ichoel furniture. Estimates promptly
furnished on all kinds of work.
Church and Mill Sts., Salem
Reduced Rates
Are uow in effect to Buffalo, New York,
Do you expect to attend the Pan
American Kxposition?
It so do uot buy your ticket until you
have investigated the service of the II
linola Central railroad.
Our accomodations are the liost that
can be had, our trains ure always on
time, and employes courteous and ac
comodating. Through tourist cars from PacihY
coast to Boston via Buffalo.
II vou will send 16 cents in tamps,
toaddws given below, we will forward
to you, by return mail, one ot our
large jhjhu men won maps oitite United
States, Cuba and Porto Hioo.
Auy information regarding rates ac
comodations, service, time, connections,
Rionovers, etc, win ih) coeeriuily lur. '
nibbed by
It. H. Tkouuoll.
Cotn'l Ag't. 111. Cent. R. It '
142 Third st Portland Or
For Infimts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho STX sG '
SlKuaUiro or cvxfT&r
Is now ready to deliver ice to Ihe consumers f ' Salem
and surrounding country at existing rates. A specialty is
made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday.
...CrystaT Ice Works...
Call us uo when youi wheel needs repairs wc
DICYCLES.'.thcIGoodSklnd. $35 and $40
I havo romnvrd my harness and saddlery business from Stole
Htrcet, to No. 232 Commercial street, two doors south ot
Hush's bank cornor. In my cnlnrpcd miurtors I havo hotter
facilities than over nnd nm prepared with an enlarged stock
to sorvo my patrons. :: :: S! " :: ::
232 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
jam. "" .Jrv:
Anyone wanting a healthy nutritious diet should, try
Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and " can
be readily served. Sold by
Harritt & Lawrence
Gas Stoves for Summer Cooking
Gas Ranges, Gas Hot Plates, Gas Boiling
Call and examine low prices. Special rate for Gas for
Cooking Purposes.
Salem Gas Light Co.
4 Chomokota St,
PHONE 1511
A first-class piivate hospital for tho treatment of chronic and emgical
oases. Iluilt the paat year especially for the purpose for which it is
used. Convenently located within four blocks of tho business part
of tho city. The most modern furnishing and latest appliances
throughout the building. Heated by hot water and lighted by gas
and electlclty. Here the sick can have tho comforts of an elegant
private home, combined with all the advantages of a general hospital
without the nolso, confusion, and publicity attending one. Outside
phyeclans bringing cases in treated with tho greatest courtesy, and
assieted in operations if requested. For terms and further informa
tionwrite or apply pertionally. ,
Are You Going East?
Terhaps I can be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; whore to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or write I Ml take pleasure in answer
ing your questions.
Wvov.l?:,,ChteoSO' Kansas Clt st' Louh-aod
Telephone 2071 Mnln
have the most complete bicycle repair shop In
the city. Also a compete siock or an cicycic sun
diles. tires etc , always on han
A.ti, vnrrn! Itoat . wirkiiinnshin. nromnt
SHIPP & HAUSER 258 Com. St.
Always knows just what ho wonts, and
knows that ho can olways got it from
our choice stock. If you want a deli
cious roast, steak, chop or cutlet that is
tender, rich nnd succulont. and cut by
nn expert hand, trimmed and got up for
your tablo to suit tho Queen's taBto, you
will always find it at GROSS'S and nt
lower prices than you con find it for
anywhere clso iu Salem.
Phono 201.
There's a Nigger in the Wood
Somowhere if any concern selling lum
ber tells you thoy can undersell us or
even compete with our prices for quality.
You can tnku It with n grain of salt, as
we phavo profits down so lino on tho
best quality of kiln dried, well seasoned
lumber that they will stand without
running too close to the coat mark.
Near S. P. Passenger depot. Phono (lfil.
Goodale Lumber Co.
Telephone 563
Best facilities for making the
tin and iron work on fruit and
hop dryers in the valley. We
have the machinery and the
men and a vast stock of ma'
terial ready to fill all orders
promptly. X X X X
A. C Siibuwn. GeMral Agent,
Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
Union Pacific
From Jutland Or.
On. m.
Tla Hunt
lugton "AlaiTtio"
Kx press
9 p. ra.
Tla Hunt
Fiwt Mall
Op. in.
Salt Lakr, Donvcr, Kt.
City, tit. Loill,' Chicago i
and Ka8t. B '
Pall Lake, Denver pil
Worth. Omnlin .".,..
City, Ht. Louis, Chicago
and But. ""
Wnfir'vfi f"i,iVit..:
8pokno, Wallace, Iiill-
TYIAfl. Mlntlnhtll n.
I'jiul, Duluth.MihvHukco
ou ,
muwiiju, nnu itt.
w HO.TJR ,,
h t ckets East via all rial ..
boat and roil, via Portland
-i t t "
From Portland.
All wiling dales subject
tp. m.
For 8au Francisco
call every 3 days
4 p. i
8. p 111.
10 a. m,
lo Astoria and Way
4 ti. tn
ex. SuiiditT
Steamers leave Sa m for Portland mi
landings, Monday, Wednesday and Frldixifio
a.m Tuesiay ' tiursday and ISsturdty t7 ,
m. For Independence, Albany andiCcmtUi,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday t 4 t. m
For Independence, Monday, Wednesday ni
Friday at 4;30 p.m.
Through tickets East via all rail or boat ol
rail via Portland, Ticket o t flee City dock,
E, T. THAYER, Ateot
Salem, ueton.
South and East
Southern Pacific Co,
Trains loavo 8alom for Portland and way
stations nt 5:40 a. m. , 7:64 a. in. and
4:58 p.m.
I.Y Portland -
I,v Halom. ...
Ar Ashland..
Ar Sacramento.
Ar Ban Francisco
. 8.80 A M 8.30 V M
.11:00 A M 10.83 1' V
.12.65 A M 12:85 F N
6.00 ! M 4:S5 A H
,'7:45 V M 8: A M
. 5.55 A M 7itWA"U
O :lfl A M D'1.1 A M
Ar Dourer.
ArKansa, City.
, 7S5 A M 7S5 A M
. 1M A M b:30 A N
aTTw Anccloa a.OJ 1 M 8.0J A d
Ar Kl l'aso 6.00 P M 6AIQ 1 M
Ar Fort Wortn 630 A M 6:30 A M
Ar City of Mexico 11:30 A M ll:0 A M
Ar Houston V 0AM 7.00 A Jl
Ar Now Orleans 6:30 P M 6:30 P H
Ar VMhluRton. 6.42 A M C:il a m
Ar Now York M;10 P M 12:10 P '
Pullman nnd Tourists cars on both
trains. Chair enra Bacntmunto to Ogilen
and 1 Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago,
Kt. Louis, Now Orleans and Washington,
Connecting at Ban Frandisco with Bev
oral steamship linos for Honolulu.
Japan, Olina, PhilippinoB, Coutral and
South America.
Soo agent at Salem Station, or address
r 0. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A.,
Portland, Orejcon.
Corvallis k Eastorn Railroad
No. 2 For Yaqulim:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m
Train leaves Corvallis.... 1:40 p. m
Train arrives Yaqulna , 6:55 p. m,
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqulua.. 7 00 a, m
Leaves Corvallis 11:33 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12:13 p.m.
No. 3 For Dotrelt:
Leaves Corvallis 12:00p.m.
Leaves Albany 1:30 p iu
Arrives Dotrolt 0:20 p.m.
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Detroit 5 30 a cu,
Arrives Albany 10:30 a. m,
Arrives Corvallis 11:15 p. m.
Trains 3 and 4 between Albany and
Covallis, Tuesdays, Tliuredays ond Sat
urdays only. All other traius daily ex
cept Sunday.
Trains 1 and 1 arrives in Albany in
timo to connect with tho 8. P. south
bound, as well as Riving two or three
hours in Albany before departure of 8.
P. North bound train for Portlaud.
Traiu No. 2 connocta with tho 8, P.
west side train at Corvu 'is Crossing for
Independence, McMlnu 'e and all
points north to Portlaud.
J. Toknb.ii, Edwin Stonb,
Agent, Albany. Manager
"The Best of
In a word this tells ot
the Passenzer Service
The Northwestern Line
8 Trains daily between St. Paul
and Chicago comprising the latest
Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cut,
Library and Observation Cars,
Freo Reclining Chair Cars.
The 20th Ceatury Train -"THE NORTHWEST
ERN LIMITED" Runs every dayoftMT"'
rinest Train EiectncLUhtii
in the World s,eam "",el
To Chicago By Daylight
The Badger State Express,
the finest Day Train running
Between ht.raul and Uhlcago
Via the Short Line. Connec
tions from tho West made via
Tho Northern Pacific, Oreat
Northern, Canadian Pacific
This is also the best lino between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All Arents sell tickets VU
"The North-western Hue."
C. A. T A
O. C. T. Go's ,
Dee" ItMtw it BUte.aad Ooort BU- ,
td. r UA1DW1M. ! ,
jfc3nfaaaaiZf1 H