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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1901)
" :T f it W " - liMM i iTtiili a Trfi Hidil 'l i nbriflm ntumimni tStfJiiiTii' Mirtiriii'Bi1iiWiilfliaia3attAri'ini, ffnfBKTiltiffTTfie -Another WeekTi!s ur inc pf Bargains . . . rf Kr'. V. fer AT OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE y Special Sales Every Day OREGON Wltlkn n.L. 1. u.1.. 11.1 It t.... 1. .1 ..... HlflVil tVlttlft nlfllllH ,j u iu uuig iu iiihku huh Biiuiuur uunv nt;cK k uut muioi n " v.... complain of tho qutot llnaos, wo do morotlian our share of lniBloeea hecauso laacriuclug profits to kcop our store moving. 1T v WO raroi V .'"r WP t Monday's Site of Dunllnts and Flits. Tuesday's Sale of Wrappers and Sunbonnets. Wednesday' Sile or Sheetings. ' ' Thursday's Sale of Hosiery. Friday's Sale of Crasli Skirts. Saturday's Sale of Corsets. Every Sale a Money-Saving One for Our Customers. HolVersoiis THE BIG BARGAIN HOUSE OF SALEM SALE COMMENCES JULY 15. MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT SALE PMCbb i "" LADIES' SILK Waists Ladies' Summer Vests ton values up to 25c ' '-? Expansion rnce $3.49 GREAT EXPANSION SA m The phenomenal.and rapid irowth of this business makes It Imperative that we enlarje the store. Changes that will afreet every department will be commenced at once. In order to facilitate the work of "Expansion" or the store all stock must be reduced to lowest tide. Every Item In the two stores at prices to move the stocks quickly. Among the many Im provements will be: Building or a two-story brick annex extending one-hair block on Court street. Opening on second floor or large Cloak and suit department with an entirely new stock or ladles Suits and Wraps. Opening on first floor annexr Men's and Doy's Clothing and Furnishing Goods Department. Fitting up Ladles waiting room, changing office, rearranging departments, etc. $10.00 Silk-Waists $7.35 $7.50 Silk Waists $5.60 All Skirts Reduced.... e t'. nn nt. . :i 50 vuluoH at . . $Jj 00 vnluos nt. . . $1 20 1! 1)0 $1 00 Values in White Pique Skirts 88c $1 50 Values in Ladies' Wrappers 98c Branch Store EXPANSION" prices Prevail on nil Table Linens and Napkins Lay In a year's supply now an limy will never no as cneap again. 00-lnch Ore gon bleachcdDamask. Superior Batin Damask, In now pat terns us-incn, vo cent values, "Expansion" prlco Organdies, ron aim Lnwna, values to :iu coins. "EXPANSION" prlco 28c yd c, In now pat 63c yd Foulardinos, 14c yd At 297 Com'l street. Expansion prices on all men's and youth's clothing t....t. UI U.,ll til unlnna 'l UK Men's Wool BultB ll values ., U IK)1 Men's Wool Bulls fit) values f7 70 1 EXPANSION SALE UOYa' CLOTHING Prices Cut to Lowest Notch Hoy Vacation suits, lino for knock .about ft Hoy's two-piece suits in mix tures; hkos 11 to II, 2.r0 values .... $1 Hoy's Doublo-nronated suits, (I to II years 7 00 values nt. fit 08 no 08 i IT IS REALLY REMARKABLE The number of choap plated wotch case Hint nro motlo and sold thoso days cases that will wear anywhorn from six weeks to thrco years, vet most of them con teinlnit n Kuarantoo to wear twenty. A uold tilled cno, onu that wl I wear twenty years, coat within dollar of what It did six years nuo. That dollar represent the reduced coat of making the uold coat Just tho same. Wo sell uold 111 led cases cases that have stood tho teat of yoarB and personally ituarautvo every case which wo sell in addition to tho manufacturer's warrant. Any movement you want. Watches cleaned, 76c. Main Spring. 76c C. H. Hinges, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 20 years Experience. 296 Commercial btrcct. UAH ION COUNTY HEAL ESTATE ir t rHANSl'EHS.- 11. J. ilollarti and KlUaboth Hollarta to William Ilyan, blk. 0 In La l'orto ad UTUutevlllo, 355 -1 Anma 0. McNulty oud James MeNulty to Maggie Cogdal, laud lu tecs. 5 and 8 tp, 8 , r3w,2G0 W. 8. Cogdal and Magtjlo Uogdal to Auna 0. MeNulty, laud In sees 6 and " tp 8 s, r 3 w, 260, Samuel M, Tomlinaou and wife to Anna Blanco, lot 0 block 17 In tho towu ofJScott's Mills. -7-'. NEW TODAY. WANTEDAt the Oottaiio hotel a irood gill lor general housowork, porma iieut job for right party. 7 16 3t ' Tho Mines Davey and Muster Daisy have gouo to Nownort where tliuy will bo Joined by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daiuy lu a few- dus, and remain during tho summer, Judgo H. 1 Holto has gono to Albany to conduct tho regular term of court in that district. Ml 198 Uomx Thurmau has relumed to her homo at JtfTorson. Mr and Mrs. J, U. Balm urn have, gone to Newport. Mrs. It. H. Hold has gone to San Fraualvoo, Kov. W, Steward has gone to l'hilomath, Prof. 1). W. Voder has returned from Portland. (leu. W. II. Odell has gone to Albany. W, II, Hyars has gone to Hugene A New Invoice of. MEAT SAFES LI Tho commllteo of arrangements on receiving tho Oregon bnttlo flags tomor row has completed Its plans as far as posslblo up to this time, and they will hold a final mooting tonight at 7:.'!0nt tho Hush bank parlors, when the full membership will consider and close up all there is to bo done. Tho program be low is a forcecnet of what will probably tako placo tomorrow, and is not official. rnooitAM 11 a. m. Ilcception of committco from Warship "Oregon" at depot. 2 p. m. Formation of pnrndo at Hotel IVillamolto. Consisting of Salem band, Company "F" 0. N. 0., Spanish Wnr Veterans, Grand Army of Iln public, Cliemnwn Cadets, Carriages containing committees from Warship and General committee on arrange ments, Citizens, etc. 2;U0p' m, Itcception In Hall of Itepro Bontntives by Oorornor T. T Oeer and State olllcinfs with address of welcome by His Excellency. 2:10 Itcsponso and nddreps of repre sentation of flairs by comtnitteo from tho Oregon and acceptance by tho Governor. 2:65 "Columbia",-by Mies Ethel Kaymond. .1:05 limitation, "Tho Launching of tho Oregon" composed by tho lato la mented Bam Simpson and dellvored by Miss Margaret Harry. 3:15 Flac rnlsiwr on tho staffs anddomo of tho capitol, of tho "Oregon" ensign Jnek and pennant accompanied by bnud music "The Star Spangled Banner, salute of 21 guns and other demonstrations. AGAINST LYNCHING, Va., July 15. A resolution aiming to provent lynching was Intro duced in tho Virginia constitutional convention today. It provides that tho government shall offer a roward of ;00 for tho nrroit and conviction of ovory person who shall oiigngo in tho offonto, that tho crime ehnll bo murder in tho first do greo whoro hanging or lynching In ac complished and tho governor ehnll pny 11000 to tho holrs of any porBon lynched, tho money to bo charged to tho county or city In which tho crime is committed. CONTRACTOR SKIPPED State Fair Grounds improve ments Abandoned. Workmen Bring Suit for Their Pay From Their Boss. COFFEE REDUCED Comimiiuh, 0 July 15. Tho war be tween Arbucklo Hrop. and tho Woolsou Spico Co. has apparently hrokon out nguln. Both flrniH reduced prices on package coffeu half cent per pound to tUy. HANNA SEES Mckinley Canton, Ohio, July 16. Henntor I fauna spent tho nfteruoou with Presid ent MeKinley. It Is said that there is no signlfluuucu in the visit. MONEY TO LOAN, TERMS TO SUIT Maxwell & llayden, Moorcs Block. Tlnplntn strike reported out at 1'itts hurgh, C'oveland, Ynungstowu, Nllos and other points. TIiouhuiuIs out ol work. The construction work on tho new buildings at tho Stato fair grounds has boen stopped by tho lumber being at tached by tho Goodalo Lunibor Com pany to (secure payment of the claims ot tho workmen amounting to $271 with intorest from July 15, with cost and dis bursements of tho suit. It. T. Donham tho contractor Is plaintiff In tho suit. As it Is already lato in tho season it is absolute I y necossary that work on tho buildings continue and as tho Stato fair board aro in tho city today the matter may bo compromised. Mr. Denham, tho contractor, loft last Thursday for J.os Angeles, and it is re ported that ho will not return. It is rumored that he went in company with a California lady. It is beliovod that ho secured an ad vance payment from the board, amount ing to about (500. PERUVIANS JUBILANT Nkw York, July ID A dispatch to tho Herald from Lima, Peru Bays: lies' idonts of Corro de Pasco are jubilant be causo so many mines aro getting in tho poscsslori of American and European syndicates. Tho latest nows from Corro do Pasco is that an American Byndicato has purchased many silver and coppor mines for $100,000. Tho construction of the railroad between Oroya and Corro do Pasco is now assured. Congress has commenced its sessions. There have been no disturbances. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS Huntor vs. Grando, Rondo L. Co., Wolvorton, J., reverped; Union Co. Stephens vs. Foot, reverted, Bean, J. J Hakor county. Somers vs. Oliver, affirmed, Bean, J.; Union county. 8tnte vs. Siinonis, rovereed and now trial ordered; Bean, J. Pirey vs. Thoulson, rovorsed ond re manded, Umatilla county; Bean, J, Brown vs. Baker, Moore J., alllrmed; Baker county. Western S. & L Co. vs. Houston, afllrmed, Wolvcrton, J.; Baker county. arMij DIED. AJAKTIN. At tho Walker resldenco at tho corner ofChurch ondUnionBtreots, July 14, 1001, Mrs. Anna Martin, ageu 40 years, of heart trouble. The funeral sorvices wero held at the residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon, conducted by Roy. P. S. Knight, and interment was at tho I. 0. 0. F. cem etery. The remaining members of her family aro her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Walker, two brothers, T. F. and II. Walker, one sister, Mrs. Savage and three children, Nina, aged 14,Byrdle Marie, aged 8 and Ernest, aged 10. Her family camo to Salem from Ulionis in 1880, and in December, 1881 cho was uiarri.d. Deceased was a mem of tho Robecca lodge. She has been an invalid for the last nine years. A Theatrical Hebo. Judge Judah this morning gavo audienco to ono Patrick Smith, u theatrical hobo, from Albany, who was royally drunk. Ho was awarded 10 days to servo or !!0 minutes to skip, The latter was accepted with avidity, and he was able to got outslda tho city in that time, by his own locomotion. A Child Enjoys Tho pleasant llavor gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup, of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and it tho father or mother bo costive or bilious, the most gralfying results follow its uso; so that it Is tho best family remedy known and every family should havo a bottle Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. GERIG. At tho family residence, llvo miles eaet of Salem, at 3:30 o'clock this morning, Peter Gerig, aged 5!) yeors, of brain fevor. Mr. Gorigleaves a wife and tlireo chlldron. Tho funeral sorvices will bo held at tho family residenco at 0 a. m. Burial will take placo at tho Minito cemetery. D. E. Iluntslnger, Funeral Director, 107 State Street, 'Phone Red 2423, SalemOregon. Resi dence 390 Court. 'Phone Dlack2l8l. Always setting them up free. What? "Bee Line Bueeles." Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Weather Recort Tonight and Tuesday rain. Wheat Market, Sam Fiiancibco, July 15. Cash 00. Chicago, lit., July 15. September Cdju BORN. ISA UMGARTNKR. At the family homo cornorCeutorand front streets, Salem, I jiii., iu .. nun ii io. tiuo. uuiuiiKitii uer,on Sunday July 14th., a daughter GOLD DUST FLOUR made nr The Sidney Power Co, HIDNKV OltEaON Made for family une, ark your grocers for it. Bran and shorts always on hand. A. T. WALN Agent! KMrifca ?ifrni?rTMraiiiiirvirMfc. There is no Place Like Home And to feol and be at homo Is to trade at The Fair Store Where you can find bargains iu everything, for men, boys' ladles' and children. If you want any thing to ueo or wear, you can got it at tho lowest Racket prices lor cash. Come In and got our prices whether you buy or not. The Fair Store 274 Commercial st. Salem. Or. lit W Wei Friedman can't go tho Buffalo Exposition on account of the heat, bo he will content himself by going to Eola. Wo had unpreced ented success with our clearing salo. Our sholves aro about half empty, our counters almost baro. Wo nro ready to receive our fall Block which is beginning to come In. On account of tho heut wo abandoned tho eastorn trip, and wo havo mado our selection from swatches of cloth that wo ordered from tho manufacturers and wo have solected very choico patterns of which our clothing is being mado exprcsely for us. Wo havo Inaugurated a final clearanco eale that will keep us busy during tho Bummor months. Evory article is a leader In our store, from a suit of clothes to u pair ol kid gloves, Wo still havo a lino lot of llnon coats, suits and dusters, and an extra choico let of hats. Our pricos will convince rou that wo aro strictly In It to serve you with clothing hats, ladies' and men's furnishing goods, notions, otc. It la money in your pocket to coir.o to Friedman's Now Rackot bo fore purchasing. : : : : : : : : '' : : : : : : FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET Cor. State and Com'l Sts. Salem' Oregon. The Popular Hostess Is tho ono who knows how to enter to tho tastes of her guests and ticklo their palato with choico tablo delicacies, such as sho can select nowhere of such high grndo quality ob at a flrst-closB grocery liko this, wo have tho finest sauces, fruits and vogetnbles, and canned goods you can find In Salem . M, T, Rineman Our Midsummer Sale is now on. Great re ductions on dimities and" lawns. We are determined to close out all summer goois. Great reductions on laces and embroidery insertions. Silk gloyes and silk mitts. Girls oxford ties for 50 cents a pair. Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store First door south of Post Office. 132 State Street Phone 131 Capital Bakery 133 Court Street. Fresh Broad, Cakes, Pies, ote, Daily delivery and uold at principal groceries. Pastry made to order. cpcpiif Sunday roast and Baked orciilAL. I5enna jono free for our :uBtomers. Glvo us a trial. C. E. Mcllwain, Prop. ROCHE HARBOR LIME ROCHE HARBOR LIME ROCHE HARBOR LIME ROCHE HARBOR LIME ELLIOTT.- Sulem Ore At thilrhome,323MillSt.l ,, Monday, July 15, to Mr. mid Mrs. N. D. Elliott u son. D. S. BENTLEY & CO Phone 301 319 Front St Good, Pure Food is just as essential lor beast as it is for muu.nnd u makoit our business aswoll as our prido to supply it for tho lowest prices. When well-fed your stock will look better, do better work and givo lietter returns on your Investment than where false economy Is practiced. To try us is to be convinced. Try ub for poultry supplies, our prices are the lowest. Savage & Reid, Seed nnil Feed Merchants, s- 1 Sfiiftii c.nioMr 'vwhA. CAPITAL BREWERY Fhiest boor on tho market, has stood tho tost of twenty years and is better than ever. CAPITAL BOTTLING WORKS Our suporior boor, kept in cold Uorage, all orders filled promptly. Freo city delivery. CAPITAL ICE WORKS Tho purest crystal ico mado from pure distilled water. Free delivery at lowest rates. MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor. New Line of Clears. 0 K. Mullwain, proprietor of the Cap ital BtiUery, uuiiouiiuoh that he has just opened a new lino ol excellent cigars at his retail department on Court Btreet. Ills bakery is oorwhelmed with orders, but up to date- has been ublo to moot ull demuuds for that superior bread, cukes, pies and other pastry. 7 12 ill spun s eat Post u' ouiora uwuiii Kgpextito ridingftoiCa cushion Qframe En bicycle,Wiere'snotliing?good asiaa springfscatSpost. We arelldailyZHt-aiJiflgiSi ttjta sacaain.iK Ja.MI.ll I. . .Mi jWaJBRF) tinfiSthcseStol- wheels Joffl allj.inakes. The ESmithfrollerB post Is3 $1.50. Coine:in"and!! ::!:::: :: w 2 rF. A. WIGGINS gW Successor to V M Crofsan and K. F. 255'257 Liberty Street. Parkhurst, Studebaker w neons an liMgles, Mel orinlrk Harvesting Machinery, Ruseel engines and thresher niumiu I'liucivpiHiuitini una 11110 sowing mig'innchlnes. GRHND pnnrfnnnnnnnnnTTnnnnnnnnrfnnTTTTTTnrrrmnc I THE CAPITAL STORE I DUilUllUUUUUUUBUUUllUBiUlUUlUIUUllUUliiiiiC I THE CAPITAL STORE uuuuiiuiiiiiiuuiiuuuiuiuuuuuuiiuuuuuuuuun ON FRIDAY OPENING J. L STOCKTON will open the Capital Store, No. 300 Com'l street to the public on Friday, from Are You Going East ? Perhaps I can be of son ico to you. 1 can ticket you over any railroad running trams out of Portland j tell you whon to luave home; whoro to change cars; whon you will reach your destination, and whuMharc is to bo seen on thu way. Call or wrlto I 'II tako ploasuro in answer ing jour quvetions. Omaha, Qtiwgo, Kaba City, it. LU ami EVERYWHBRtt lyd. A. O. Shkluon, GeMral Agtat, Cor Third ami Surk Sic. Portland, Ore, All are cordially invited to inspect my mammoth stock of dry -goods, shoes, men's clothing and furnishing goods which are new, choice and up-to-date. My opening has been delayed on account of the arrival of so many new goods, and the necessity of arranging my store so that the shelving reaches the ceiling, and still there is not enough room. $ 1 have been very successful STRICTLY in a mercan- O tile line and have a stock that will compare favorably in quality and quantitv with any in the city. I have sacri' (iced a large trade in order to come here and ?m satisfied that by applying the same principles to my business that I have already applied, that is strict honesty, courteous" ness, giving the best quality of goods and selling at prices within the reach of all, I will receive a liberal share ot your patronage. Come in Friday a Surprise Awaits Yqu L- STOCKTON THE CAPITAL STORE ...Just Received at... K W. HOLLIS & CO. the low priced:furmture ;house. m