The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 29, 1901, Image 2

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The Tooplo'e Clothier, and Furnishers 267 Commercial Bt. Balem.
Member Northwost Aftornoon
Nowopapor Longuo.
BATUBDAY, JUNE 29, 1001.
Dally Ono Yoar, S8.00 In Aclvanoo
Dally Pour Months 91. In Advnnoo
Dally by Carrier OOo Por Month
Weakly Ono Yaorrst.OO In Advance
TION. It Is too carJy to open even tho news
paper campaign for the election a year
hence, and all newspaper announce
ments of candidates for state ofllces
should bo discounted. Tho Jontnnl ed
itor Spent tho day at Portland and
found great apathy and a gonoral do.
alro to shovn tho disagreeable features
of sUto politics as far into thefuturoas
pdflalblo. Tho Democratic belief is
strong that their day for control of tho
Btato has come. With divisions among
tho Republicans and n strong ticket mid
a reform platform tboy hope to sweep
the state. Uut oven a reform party on
a reform platform does not always mnnn
relorm to the people It Is perfectly
plain that tho mercenary tamtnnny
elomont that gooa straight for spoils as
do tho birds at sea for a floating carcass
is strong in thn Democratic party, and
llko in Now York and elsowhore, It Ib
handdn-glovo with Hopubllcnn spoils
men. Tito promlnont Democrats who
oxert thomsolvcs to shield tho school
land frauds prove that this is tho truth.
Tho greatest grafts in thn history of tho
state, llko tho Kastern Oregon asylum,
tho JuUwnill, and other schemes woro
expedited during tho only Democratic
administration tho ntato has had in
years. Thn school land funds woro
stolen and loaned right and loft to po
liticians with a pull when tho stato had
a Democratic Governor, Treasuror and
Attorney General. Bo thatfuotnething
moro than tho more name Democrat la
neoded to protect tho poo,ilo.
Home of tho leaders among tho Mitchell
pooplo told tno that thoy exiected all
cauio for fraternal differences to Im re
moved wthon tho next Itepuhllcau Btato
convention had met. It is pretty certain
that Mr. Corbett will not make an
active fight, or any light at all for the
eonstorshlp. He Is not a qutttor, hut
will novsr seek tho eouatorship unless
It comov to him as an unsought honor
because tho party cannot ngreo on a
man. Ho has fought so many publlo
battles for the olty and tho slate some
man with fewer antagonisms Is likelier
to be chosen. Take ono instance t when
tho Portland electric (machine expired
ho offered to cut its bid Into two and
nut In a plant for tho city to reduce the
bill for lighting ono-lmlf. The result
was that tho light company had to
comedown f 10,000 a year on Its city
charge. It fought tho Corbett men uud
liolnod elect a Mitchell delegation to
the leitlslature. Corbett lias dono many
such things in a hearty manner and has
heartv enemies. IJut ho is not a nuitter.
A gentlemen Ju't down from Luno
and DoDKlas counties says it is unite
certain that delegations will lai brought
to the state convention from those coun
ties and from other Bouthorn Oregon
counties for Senator Ilooth for Uov
ornor. District attorney Drown of
Itosoburg and his deputy Harris of
IJugcne liavo tho matter in charge and
Dooth will be pushel hard for Ueor's
rTrcmbllnKi frinhteiicd, (.he knows not
why. Between bur sobs she tells her
husband of her misery. It is not
enough for the husband to comfort the
wife In this con
dition, she nerds
belt). In those
any days when
tho shmlow of
muterulty first
befits to fall
upon tho woman
alio la often nerv
ous, sleepless,
without atWtltc,
and full of vague
The help need.
ctl by women at
this crisis is fully
furnished by Drd
Picrce'a Favorite
Prescription. It
nourishes tho
nerves and no
ijtiicU them. It
restores the appe
tite and induces
rcfrcshlnjr sleep.
It give physical
strength and mental buoyancy to meet
the trial ox iiiotucnioou, una limited uic
baby's advent jtractlcally painless.
I will very
U1 to My (tvt vrMiU Cur
tit. '!' 1'svoiiie ,ie.UjHlun."wiHM sii
t.ll,- WMIM III
llroinc C., Qu
r. S. DouaUi. e MauMiivmr
MDMriiur fh " l
vthen I lodkea
to bcoomluar a
wotlicr I sultctrd vry hiikIi
fiom nue ami
aisle i could trt
vmultiiur, J I IcU u UtiiUy
could c'rcly et or di uk Huvtnntir i
ktJ ell fciibU o
TrUetttAim a4 a liotllo f rOMt Medical
BUoorciv. Iioli bottle or rtcii iJ i
liu 1
lutd taken tbciti few U4js I lll wucn uei'
ami wta I hsd lsko hUly lluw jiu oi
i4 umu tm weiUH4.MiU t wn a
umiad eMiklde w vrwk wKht juv
IriWJe ( it4 lit g auyfWui Wurrk I
X WW afl vilio ! W lliay arUlfi5tl Um:
iwUtsM m- wtlte IP Ur. narecv
Xr. Pierec'a Pleasant PcllvU regulato
(bu bowel.
Wb Ji
GETS AN Wei Into his tiejid. Iff hard to tt It
cut. This year Its Vests tetter humor
It. Mother. and get your toy a Vest-Suit - It's
the easiest way. Fancy mixed Worsted and
Cheviot, Blue Serre, Oxford mixed Cheviot.
$2.00 to $7.50; ill sizes. 9 to 16 years.
Some have Vests with emtroldered dots. :: ::
place. In Marlon 'county
tho Mltclioll
organ ban begun early to make a vigor
ous fight on the fieor and Hlmon mon
and will keop it up each week until the
primaries are held. It expects to muster
a groat many of the samo Republicans
against Gecr who were for him four
years ago. Talking with somo prom
lnont Republicans from Umatilla coun
ty. it was learned that Judgo Lowell's,
circular letter announcing himself for
Governor, will cot no hay and is doomed
to an early frost.
Tiik Joun.i at, hello ven that thore is a
general princlplo that tho politicians of
Oregon have shamefully and utterly
disregarded In tho past tho right of the
pooplo to roti'n a man's services for n
second term when he has dono fairly
well, regardless of tho interests of fac
tions and rlarty mon in need of places.
Mon havo been thrown out of stato in
etitu'.ions at Balem who wero giving an
ideal public servico in all respects just
to mako places for others not nearly so
competent. Of course, thoy will become
competent, but they learn tho trade
anew while the stato loses tho service of
a trained crow. No master of a ship or
manager ol a business would do such a
thing. Whlio men aro improving tho
public servico tho people havo a right to
retain them. Where men have degrad
ed or debauched public administration,
tho nartv should uot bo used to foist
them upon tho people In one position or
Ono thing scorns certain, from talking
with leaders on both sides, no such leg
islature will be returned In many yoars
as tho last one. Tho !ounty legislation
has sickened tho people all over tho
stato regardless of party or faction. Tho
excessive appropriations in all depart
ments hIiows that there was no chock,
no conservative element in either home.
Tho only good law, to abolish slot ma
chines, Is nullified. The stuto will bo
embroiled in tho courtu for years over
tho bad laws enacted.
It will cost thousands of dollars uud
tako thousands of mines of leiral onluiaiis
to determlno the meaning ami validity
of tho six-hundred pages of now laws.
Tho Kuykondall clorkshlp gratt law
will bo repealed, under which over 12V
000 was looted for senatorial InhhylstH.
Tho factional lluht in a deadlocked
legislature has cost tho people hull a
million dollars and tno people win linn
some way to put manacles on mono
follows. A cleauor nnu more rcspooiuma
class of men miut he put to tho front by
the Republican party if it doosn't want
to go out of existence, Borne of tho
more outspoken factloulsts say tho
party will havo to bo defeated before
any good result can bo uclneved.
What's the matter with having the
editor of tho Oregoulau as the candldittu
of the Kopublioans for President, and
editor ol The Capital Journal for Gover
nor on any kind of a ticket. They are
both reformers, und relorm Is what the
psopln aro wanting. Portland Dis
patch. J. II. Gates was a uassotiirer from Kit
genu to Haleui yesterday afternoon, lie
will not visit Willi uoi. uo'er in mo
state library this time, us ho will ho
kept busy at tho big statu institution, a
short dlstanco from tho city, where he
will spend thu noxt three years. Bheriff
Withers had him In charge. John Pohl.
sentenced to the penitentiary for iiu
yours, and Titos, Grady, arrested in this
olty by the police for passing worthless
cheeks, and under n two years' sen
leant, wore ulao in thu party. Albany
btrnngo as It may seem, tho ''two
renegades" from Linn county who voted
(or J. II. Mitchell for United tttutes
senator, have not denied tho charge
that they wero bought and Judgo Whit
ney, a fellow-member, nays he will fur
Hints tho namw and amount involved In
thu transaction. If Judge Whitney has
slandered thono "patriotic" men, Senator
J, 11, Mitchell has come to theirdeteiuo.
But he, too, is silent. In tho (ace of
tills open oharge, tuoHonato should tako
this matter up mid iiu)uiru Into it.
Either Judge Whitney has lied or Mitch
ell purchased his election, The matter
is up to Mitchell and tWo "two roue
trades" from Linn countyPortland
K J. Bell, who was arrestwl at Port
laud Friday on tho charge- ol stealing
two horses front Wm. Crump of Aums-
lllo ou June 'H, and was brought hero
last night by Slioriff Durbln, appeartnl
in Justlco (VDoimld's court at U :30 this
morning and waived examlnutlou uud
will appear lwforo Judgo Burnot t, at tho
adiourmHl session of tho olrvuit court on
July 8th, at which time ho r,lll pkad
' guilty to tho allegations against him.
Peter UiTorty. who stolo thehorso,
cart and grocorios ut8U Paul Friday
this morniiig watvod uxumluatlon aiul
gave bonds to apixxir bsforo tho grand
jury at tho Oetober term of court.
The Annual County Teachers
Institute Adjourned Friday
The records show a total enrollment
for the institute of 223.
Tho teachers who attended every ees
slon and whoso name otijhl to be placed
upon the roll of honor are: Myma
Robinson, Carrie Rradehaw, Ida Towne,
W. J. Smith, W. J. Crawford, Chae. H.
Jones, K. T. Moorot, It. F. Robinson, F.
!;. Bowerman, Orvillie Ballou, Trossie
Carlson, Etta Pearson, Mrs. Carrie
Ogle. Mae M Thayer, Carrie K. Bent
ley, Ella I,. Welch. Ethel M. Fletcher,
M. D. Gordon. M. W. McKinney, Cora
M. Massey, Wm. Parker.
Resting by tho highway, near his jour
ney's end,
Nearlng the eternal gateway, we hall our
Catering to none in his raco well run,
His pride was alone in duty well done.
But with that pride his cheek could
Or, like an Innocent child, could blush,
Exposed in many a kind or kingly act,
A soul most modest, not in theory, but
For servilo gain ho nevor fawned or
Or opened thrifty doors on favors hinged.
iter law once known no followed duty
Nor swerved to right or left through any
Paying to that mistress his only vow.
No solf-graspcd tun dry laurels decked
his brow.
Loving truth in others, still ho loved it
When it cut to tho quick on his naked
Bearing no malico, harboring no hato,
He went with a smile to an untimely
As n rare rose crushed, in its latest
Yielding its perfumo oven in death;
Modelled on tho creator's noblest plan,
An honest, modest, virtuous gentleman.
E. Hofku.
Cutting Timber Land.
Dakkii Citv. June 29. It has been
communicated to tho initio operators of
Eastern Oregon that tho last Congress
midooii amendment to the mlnlnguct ol
1878. including Oregon nnd Washington
in tno list of privoligod mining etnten
and territories. Thu effect of this
amendment is to givo operators of this
stato right to cut timber on government
land for mining purposes, uudor certain
regulations. Announcement cf tho fact
is very timely, as many of tho largo
operators thought Judgo Dnllinger'H de
cision in the United District court somo
time ago in thu case of tho United Htates
vs the Golcondit Mining Company, had
left Oregon iniium without adequate
timber supplloS. The Golconda company
was fined for cutting timber on ground
taken up ostensibly for placer work, but
really for its timber. A clamor was at
once raited to havo this stato given tho
same privileges that wero accorded Col
orndo, Nevada, Now Mexico, Ari.oim
Utah. Wvomlnu. Dakota, Idaho. Mon
tana uud Ctillmrniu, which has been
done by the Amendment mentioned.
How Ar fiiur Kliliiry I
Dr. 1Iobt'Hnrni(iia I'lllaourpnll hltlimr Ilia. Ham
Dlolrvo. Add HiciluiiiIleuHHlrCu.,(;iilaitiurH,r
Rlvcr Harbor Junket.
AHroitu, Oro., Jund 'JO. On Monday
July let,, tho joint committees appoint
ed by lint Uliumnor ol uommetco and
Progressive Club will entertain tho
mamhersol the rivers uud harbors com
mittee of tho lower houmi of CongroBs,
their wives nnd about llltv prominent
men from Portland and other parts of
the stato including Governor Geer, Tho
nartv will arrive In tho city on a special
bout and spend the aftornoon in viewing
tho government improvementH ou the
lower Columbians well as tho new fortl
flcations and a trip out over tho bar is
proposed ou the I'. H, H. Combine,
lliion roturnliig tho party will ho enter
tained at tho Hotel Flavol at luncheon
where the local committee has arranged
for un elaborato spread, Tho nartv will
leave by special train at 1) o'clock for thu
Tho career of tho Florout'o Baiiitorlum
Is now entering upon its second year's
ttork, It having opened on Juno 1, 1000,
and it has enjoyed prosperity during
thta time, hut iscortulnly worthy of more
patronage. In tho past year about one
hundred cases have been treated. R.
Cartwright, M, D, is tho superintendent
and chief surgeon, a, B. Gillie, M, D, Is
eye, oar, nose and throat physician and
Miss B. A, Dlemer Is suporlutouduut of
tho nurses, who urofour in number.
Tho visitor to the institution is iitouco
nttrautod by tho homo atmonphoro
everywhere prevaluut. uud indeed this
is studied as an cspooinl feature, us an
aid to tho rapid recovery of imtlentn. It
Is mado nosslblo to forget all business
euros and worries in the quiet homelike
air of this auultorlum,
Tho furnishings of the buildings aro
all that could bo d mi I red in the way of
ulrgunoo uml comfort, u.ul the order and
thorough cleanliness aro only tho results
of u perfect system ol mauagemeiit.
The Only Ulr Show Comlne.
Frank E. Grls wold's mammouth pro
duotlon of I' nolo 'loin's Cabin, under a
water-proof pavilion with a complete
stage a:ul carload of speeial wauery.
Few Companies carry (lie amount o(
scenery this show dims, on aoeount o(
opera nouses holug too small to aeamu
UKvluto or humllo it. Mr. Griswodl'a
Company only phi) a at the opaiu home
of tho larger cities In th winter and
uses his own tent in tho summer and wn
can guarantee the niumt production
oyer seen lu thts or auy other oouutrv.
Tho prlco of admission to I'ncle
Tom's Cabin has Ikmh placl at 26e for
adults, children 16o. All i-liildreu un
der (I years, wheu accompanied by tliair
parents, will bo admitted frtu.
Wo oan afford litis sotileof prletvsas
we show m a tent and ouu aooommiKlAto
lXX) peoplo. bo a father can iwuti and
bring his whole, family,
One of tho biggest amuseumiit onter
lirUes ever atlemidiHl iu lato year Is
the produotioti of Uncle Two's Cabin
ou au elaborate scale, with apwtkl soon
orv. their own special statro. uiul all lira
tluctvl under canvass. Von will stw It
playod in full, without WlHgattt start
on aooount of small hall and u .
Dou't intMtwe4ng It at Balwm, July .
O. A. Rabing, Pastor Cottage between
Marion and Center Streets. Services
Juno 30th 1001, 10-30 A.M., Preaching;
Subject: The Alter of license, symbol of
prayer 12 o'clock, Sunday School 7 P. M.
V. P. C. E. prayermeetiug. 8 P. M. Gos
pel service, Subject " Our Liberty.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist,229
Liberty street. Services at 10:30 a.m.
and 7:80 p. m. Sundays; and every Wed
POBUaj cyuuiuK ' iwv. uuujcvt
lesson sermen: "Ulirlstlsn Bcienco."
Unitarian chtroh; corner Chenvkela
and Cottage street". William G. Elliot
Jr 'Minister. Services at i0:30 a. m,
and 8 p. in. Sunday scohooi at VI nv
Subject of morning sermen: "Belief In
lKVh ui iuuiiiik ccifjiuu; ajviiiti ill
i Father." Subject of evening hermon
he Period of Jesus' Ministry."
Services at tho Mission, at 201 Twelfth
street, (old Hospital Building) Sabbath
morning at 10 :w a.m. At 2:30p.m.
and 7:30 p. m. All aro invited. Salem,
Oregon, E. P. Kyle.
Ronald McKillop, pastor. Subjects:
"Reconciled by His Death, Much Moro
Sacred by His Life." at 10:30 a. m."Tho
Attractive Christ," or "Behold How tho
World Has Gone After Him," at 8 p. m.
Sunday tchool at 12 m. Yonng People's
meeting at 7 p. in, Services conducted
at HaycBvilio by tho young people at 3
p. in.
cnvitcit OK OOD
North Salem. Preaching at 11 a. m.
nnd 8 p. in. Rev. A. Wilson, pastor in
charge, Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Itov. W. O. Kantncr D. D. Pastor.
Preaching at 10:30 a. m. subject "Llfes
Overwhelming Experience." Sunday
school at 12 m. Y. P. S. O. E. at 7 p. m.
Miss Oda Chapman, leader. At 8 p. m.
there will bo a sacred song concert.
Seventeenth and Chsmokota streets,
N. Shnpp, pastor. This is Children's
day. Tho pastor will preach a sermon
to children and young pooplo at 11 a. m.
Subject, "Liko Trees." An Interesting
program has been arranged which will
ho rendered by tho children at 8 p. m.
Tho pieco entitled, "Building for Etor
nlty will bo beautifully illustrated by
ttansparonces. Tho parents of tho
children iu tho school are especially in
vited to attend thoso services.
John Parsons. Pastor. Services at 10:
30 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School at
12 M. and Enworth Leaguo at 7 P. M.
Sublect of tho mornlue sermon "In tho
Chambors of Imagery." Special music
by tho choir f rol. Francesco celoy, ui
H. A. Kotchutn pastor. Preaching
services at 10:30 n. m. and 8 p. m
Youmi peonies meeting at 7 p. in,
Subject of morning sermon, Where Shall
I ttnonu iuv utorntivv Matt. 'o:io.
Evenimr sermon. Text Hosea 10:12
Subject: "How Shall I Spend Time?"
Quarterly Communion sorvio on noxt
Hahlmth July 0th.
Corner 10 nnd Ferry streots. T. II.
Henderson, pastor. Preaching tomorrow
ut 11 n, in. Subject. "Hovoral Different
IvindH of Christians." There will bo no
Horviceu in tho evening
Ahtoiiia, Oro., Juno 29. Tho Astoria
eighth annual regatta will bo hold this
year on August 15, 10, 17 at which timo
tho tidal and weather conditions are ox
pocted to tut us desired. Whon tho As
toria regatta was first inaugurated it
wns a purely local affair with Halt boat
races being tho principal features. It
has now outgrown this and is recognized
us the 'ending event on thoPnclllc const,
carrying witii it all coast championships
for Duramen and will this year tlnd scul
lers and crews present from California,
Oregon. Washington and British Colum
bia. With tho growth of tho regatta the
social features lmvo multiplied while
thu ceremonies surrounding the Qiteou
equal thoie in spectacular interest of tho
llestas of California or the Madri Graa of
New Orleans. This year the committeo
hns decided to purmit tho citizens ol
Portland to select the Queen and sho
and her maids of honor will bo tho
guests of tho city during the carnival.
Utst year Astoria spsut f 10.000 iu pro
paring for the regatta and double that
amount will bo available this year if
necessary to make it a greater succoss
man in uio pan.
Pension Rolls.
Wabiiisutov, 1). 0,, Juno 29. Tho
statement of Pension Commissioner
Itvuus of the work of his bureau for the
nscal year ending tomorrow is not cal
culated to bear out the oft asserted
theory that as the years go by tho pen
stou rolls will decreaso in length, Al
though death has removed many thous
ands of mimes during tho mat twelve
mouths tho Hat nevertheless shows about
2,000 moro mimes than woro on it at tho
same dute Inst year, Bolides tho now
pensions granted on account of tho civil
wur.und thu restoration o( several thous
and names that had been dropped for
one uutiBo or another, more than 3,f00
nnmua woro placed ou tho peuslon roll
during the year ou account of the war
with Spain,
lMucnta Your HuwrU Willi Cutrarott.
Owmly Puiburtto, euro coumlpatlou lorover.
lOo, J6, It a 0. 0, fall, druggists rotund money
Naw Yokk, Juno 28. Ella Campbell
inarlutt, M, 1) has silled for South
Airiest 10 lake up modical work among
th refugee in tho Orange River Colony,
says a dispatoh from tho Tribune's l.on-
dun oorroapoodeut. Sho has recently
finished a year's service as court phy
sician in Coroa and she it tho llrst
woman appointed by the Colonial Olllce
for medical work among tho Boor
ljtHra. She l the daughter ui the late
General Lord Abiuger, and despite her
uooitf uiriii lias interested liorselt lu
medical sotenee, preparing hersolf as a
student and hospital nurse (or a proiea
slonal career ami pawing au examina
tion for a medical degree. She will ork
among the Beer Hnmen aud children in
tho ttHeawpmanta of the rutugi and
will oSwr Ummh tho btmeJtt o4 axporUuee
gained Ih tlioUst hosdtals aud medical
schools In Europe.
The Teacher Reported
Haye Gone Insane.
She Was Injured In a Run
away Accident and School
Work Became Physically
and Mentally Impossible.
In October, 190, one Monday morn
ing, the Riishford tchool did not open
and it was reported that the teacher had
gono ippane. Tho physician In attend
ance pronouueed the trouble nervous
prostration and said that school work
was mentally and physically impossible.
Thd teachtr, who is now Mrs. L.. Gul
lickson, of Rushford, Minn., in a recent
Interview nubllshcd In the Star of that
place, gives tho true story of tho event.
"To begin at the beginning," sho said,
"when I was about seven years of age
a sudden fright brought on a dreadful
condition of nervousness. When, in
1800, 1 was injured in a runaway acci
dent, this combined with my former
trouble, made mq so ill that I wns unablo
to open school on tho following Mon
day." "Was it true that you wero repotted
to be insane?" asked tho enterviewor.
"Yes, and tho members of my family
thought that I was becomming so.
Words do not oxpress the agony I en
dured with my head and eyes. Tho
least noise would cut through my nerves
like a knife. I was hot and cold by
Hashes, and piercing pains in my tem
ples and in tho back of my head and a
red mist was constantly before mv oves.
"I was dizzy and faint with fearful
nausea, which nothing relieved. I could
take no solid food for ton days, but lived
on milk and llmo-water. Tho doctor
who examined mo pronounced tho
ditcase nervouu prostration, with a
rupturo of small blood veseols in my
Btomach. After passing n quantity of
clotted blood tho nausea subsided, bu t
I was still in bed with noitiior strength
nor appetite."
"To what, then, do you owo your prce
ontgood health?" was OBked.
"To tho good advice of a neighbor,"
was tho prompt reply. Whon tho doc
tor had treated motor nearly
without helping me, Mrs. J. Webster,
a nearby friend, rcccommonded Mr. Will
iams' Pink IMIIa for Palo People. Tho
first fow doss of tho pills mado me no
better, but I was dotermlnod to gl vo thorn
n fair trial and kopt on taking them,
with tho result that I soon Baw an im
provement. 1 had always been troubled
with great pain nt certain periods, but
the pills entirely removed this and gave
me a regularity that I had never heforo
enjoyed. I continued to uso tho pills for
nearly three months nnd was perfectly
cured.- About two years ugo l took ono
box of tho pills for a feeling of languid.
hubs nnd exhaust nn,causod byoverwork,
and was groatly bciiofltod.and have had
no occassiou to uso thorn for similar
troubles since.
'I havo rocommendod Dr. Williams '
Pink Pills to many peoplo, ono of whom
is my sister, living at Decorah,Iowa,who
took them with good results for head
aches, gonoral dobillty and indigestion.
I have never heard of a single case
whoro thoy did not prove beneficial und
know of sovoral persons who havo takon
them successfully for rheumatism."
To make Mrs.Qullickson'a romarkablo
story moro convincing to those who
havo no knowlodgo of her high charac
ter and responsiblllty.tho reporter asked
her to mako affidavit to tho above facts
which alio did on March iiO, 1001, boforo
G. W. Rockwell, notary public,at Rush
ford. Rheumatism is a blood disease but,
as Ib shown above, it has frequently
been cured by tho samo remedy that
rostorcd Mrs. Gullickson's shattered
nerves. This is becauso Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People are not llko
other medicines. They act directly on
tho blood and nerves. This makes them
Invaluable in such diseases as locomotor
ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus
dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,
nervous headache, tho after-effects of
tho grip, palpitation of tho heart, palo
ami sallow complexions and all forms of
weakness either in male or female. Dr.
Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale Pooplo are
sold by all dealers, or will bo sent ost
paid on receipt of price, 60 cents a box,
or six boxes for $2.50 (thoy are nevor
sold in bulk or by tho hundred) by ad
dressing Dr. Williams Modical Com
pany, Schenectady, N. V.
Mies Annie Rice lias returned to her
homo at Isadora, Douglas oouutv. aftsr a
Fevernl weeks notice with friends here.
Excursion July 4,
The Steamer Pamona w ill make the
following schedule between Salem and
Independence. Leave Salem at 7 a. m.,
lO.llott. in., 1:30 p, in, and 5:110 p. m.
Leave Independence at U a. m 12:30 p.
m., 4 p. iu, aud 8 p. ui. Fare round
trip, 50 cents. G 20 -It
X'lXl l H lut lA.t f f.. .'
eailjr Vo made well, moat, uuinimc, full ul
new life and vigw by taking NO.TO.BAO.
that nuke. wek meu irouK. m1bv et.i
ten twupiU in ten d, oer SOO.aUO
cured. AltdrurcUtt, Cure guaranteed luioK
HUUUUt CO., llucjyo or New York, 437
I'nlted States Senator Frederick T,
Dubois, of Idaho who is beim? tr.vt.l
lor sciatica at nuntera Mot Spriugs.
.Moot , s not m serious condition The
doctors say he will be mred in tvt.i
fQ) CANDy CAJWArmc, ts.
ikm.1 'iiMill vliinifcM,J7
Gtnuln sUmptd C. C. C. New sold in botk.
Bwrt cf the dealer .ho UUt to sell
"setntthint, just as jood." iffTr.Trrrr1,) r 1r'r,1T vr
Yourisrest Scottish' Rite Masons.
WttltlTA FihlB.
Texas, Juno 28.
Messrs Thomas H,
niacins arid Sam"
tiel 11. HIJfglns, ttVlnu, of this plate, aro
perhaps the ytitlngest Scottish Kite
Masons in tho world. Though it will be
but ono year tomorrow since they be
cmae of ago they enjoy tho distinction
of being thirty-second degrco members
of the order. Thoir applications for Die
Blue Lodge degrees wero in to the local
lodge on the day they came of age. They
went through tho eoveral degrees in
about the regular time and then went
to Galveston, where thoy tooic every
degree up to and including tho thirty
second, nil within a year, ihey aro alto
members of the Knighta Templar and
othor branches of Masonry.
Buy and Try a Box Tonight
While you think of it, go buy and
try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca
thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll
never regret it. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. AU druggists, toe.
Lower Postal Rates.
WAiitfJaTON, D. O. Jnne 28. Tho re
port of thopoitofllce department for tho
fiscal year ending tomorrow is awaited
with much interest. It is the general
hnllnf that the flun res will show tho
receipts to bo more nearly equal to. if
not in excess of tho expenditures than
at any time since 1884. If this should
prove to bn tho caso it would probably
mean a reduction of first class postage
from 2 cents an ounco to 1 cent an
ounco. Tho history of tho department
shows that in the past whenever tho
revenues have oxcoBeed tho expenditures,
a reduction has been made by Congress.
Bsars the . m hm m nin Al"a's Bmffil
Always settlnir them up free.
"Bee Line Buztrlcs."
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver.
For Sale or Rent.
Twenty-five aero tract of land, sixteen
I a'Tes orchard with heavy crop, prunos
s ..! rtl nl! a A frttltr flA
and cherries.
John II.
iM'l'iJ ,u
Salem, Ore.
12 lni
Remember the Mitchell Bicycle.
Sheriffs Tax Sale Notice.
Notice if hereby givon that I will on
the eighth day of July, 1901., at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the
West door of the Court Iloueo in Salem,
Marion County, Oregon, sell to the
highest bidder for cash In hand on tho
day of sale all tho right titlo ami inter
est, that tho said Marion County or any
public corporation, have in any property
Bold for delinquent taxes on or before
this uate.
Dated this 14th day of Juno 1001.
0 14 4w. Sheriff, Marion Co.
Bids Invited
For supplies for tho Oregon state peni
tentiary. Sealed bids for dry-good, groceries,
shoes, leather and findings, plumbing
supplies, hanlwaro, wood, Hour, fish,
meats, etc., will bo received nt tho olllco
of tho Superintendent of the State peni
tentiary until Monday, July 8, 1001, at 3
o'clock p. m., at which time they will bo
Sealed bids for drugs will bo received
until Saturday, July 20, 1001. at 3
o'clock n. in., when they will bo opened.
A denosit of 1200 in cash or certified
check payublo to tho superintendent
must accompany each bid for meat and
of $75 for bids for Hour and fleli, nil
other bids must bo arcompnnled by an
amount equal to 10 per cent of tho
amount of the bid.
The right is reeorvod to reject any
and all bids and to accept or reject any
portion of a bid.
On each envelope bliould bo inscribed
the nature of the bid. Goods of Oregon
manufacture or production will receive
preference, other things being equnl.
All goods and supplies must be deliv
ered to tho ncnitentiary. Schedules of
tho various lines of goods will bo fur
nished upon application to tho superin
tendent. Vouchers will bo issued for payment
on tholst of tho month following corn,
piotion of contract aud monthly on con
tinuous contracts.
Didders aro invited to be present.
J. D. LKB,
Superintendent Oregon Stato Ponitenti-
Salem, Oregon, June 21,
0 2120 20
Royal Insurance Co.
A. T. Gilbert, resident agent of above
Insurance Co. is now prepared to do a
largo Insurance business. Will also
handle real estate. I havo a team and
carrlngo which is at my customer's ser
vico and I will take pleasure in showing
parties what I havo for sale. Olllce at
present with T. A. Llvesley it Co.
Frances G. Parkhurst
Resident Aeent-
The Liverpool &' London &
Globe Ins, Co., of Liverpool.
The North British & Mercan
tile Ins. Co., of Edinburgh.
Offices in tho Masonic Building, (for
merly Reed's Opera House.) Second
Iloor. First door bb vou step out of the
Given by the enterprising merchants
of balem, by whiehaftlOO Kimball Piano
vvil bo given away FREK to the School,
Lodge, Church or organltation voted the
most popular by Oct. 1, 1001. All bah
lots must bo marked with nma nr
merchants Issuing samo or they will not
bocouuted. Tho following merchants
issue ballots with every 26c cash pur-
llolvtrsoa's Dry Goods.
Ruth 4 Crater. Grocers. State St.
Gilbert 4 Baker. Grocers. Commercial St.
Stront's Restaurant an! Bakery, Coml Si.
Salem Shoe Store. State St.
The Sra Ice Cream as Coafectlenery State st
C W Eans,Prop-r Capital Clrir stere and
Tonsorlal Parlors, State St.
Fruit Palace, Groceries aaa Crockery. M. T
Rloemao, Prop.
Salem Steam Laundry, Coloael Olmsiead.
Prop.. Phone 411
The Elite Studio. Cor. Com'l and Court St.
Barr's Jewelry Store. Jewelers & Opticians
J F. Goede. Steel Ranjes. Furalture and
house furalsblof s.
Emporium. MHHaery. Miss Cood. Prop.
Eiler's Piano House
W General Westera Wholesale Rep. Portland
Ceo. c WIU Local Ateat tor Marioa County
- yfrmiSi
Finest beor on tho market, has stood lllo teat of twenty years1 and 'is
bettor than ever.
Our puporlor beer, kept In cold itornge, nil orders filled promptly.
Free city delivery.
The purest crystal ico mado from pure distilled water. Free delivery
nt lowest rates.
MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor.
Wllh'our extra loud reports, Fire Crackers, bl sales. Note our display In tho window. Cer
lain next week 24th Inst. Call and examine the stock, style and our prices lower than others.
LADIES' furnishing roods made to order. Silk waists and linen waists, any color and Amljlik
skirts, any color, and men's and women's underwear and women's wrappers, and our prices lower
than others. Call and examine the stock style,
CHUNG LEE & CO., 329 Commercial Street.
Agents Wanted
383 Front St. Salotn Or, Phono 2771.
Frank K. Grlswold's Pavilion Railroad Undo Tom's Cabin Co. will Exhibit st
Salem, Wednesday, July 3. This company carries forty pooplo, a carload of
beautiful special scenery and mechanical effects. Ono of tho finest bands and
orchestras on the rond. This company lias boon organized at nn actual cost oi f 20.
000 and should not he confounded with other so-called companies playing this
Admission 25 cents, Children 15 cents.
gM Location of tent corner of Commercial and Hollovuo streets.
Some time ago Tub Daily Journal
reducod its price to mail subscribers from
50 cents to 30 cents per month Cahu Ik
Auvakck. Tills was done to save book
keeping and expense of collectors, and
the subscribers are given tho bonefit of
the reduction in price . Such subscrib
ers enouut not expect to get time on tho
paper, and as thoy get the benefit of tho
reducod price they should not expect it.
i nero is ttio furthor advantngo about
this system of not having a bill piled up
against you. A notice is sent out before
subscriptions expire, and should bo
promptly obsorved.
Your Best Friend.
Tho good pooplo of Salem enjoy one
uxury that they don't fully 'realize,
but all who know of her mcrils fully an-
MI-MMilta ia, ltnDl I.I. i -w. -
,-......., .., .iiuauiiinuio cervices, net-
erencois niatlo to Jlrs.C. II. Walker,
of tho Salem Dye Works, who is always
the first iwrson thought of when there
is to be a party on hand, after a picnic,
when there is grease to remove or other
misdemeanors to wipe out of wearing an
poaral. At that establishment you can
of soiled gloves, to the most elaborate
Mlicgown. A gentleman can get Iila
trpueers oreaiod, his hat cleaned or his
whole suit reiuvfliiRin.1 t ...u .i.
SemY 1 TlL. ,a, ".
"" a isii. Liiu
i - bittern ui i.iii i it li ! am sxn w .-
spilled over her party dress, ami it ..
luniKi ironi a ue fcate tmt to tho vilest
black wherever the counterfeit beverage
KS.1,1- T,,Voun8 !nan who Pr!
petratedthe careless act thought itwould
hnfe .'i I!,0n,h'8 8alar' t0 reP,ae 5t.
but to their great surprise Mrs. Walker
.. I , . !. " -rf
o7 i-i i " ure8a l0 l18 8inal boauty
and cleanlinew, And so it goes. Every
iv'J. ... t10W "emonstratioiiB
tho boat kuui of a step mothor ia
fcalem Stoam Dye Works.
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Will cure malaria and cleanse yourlsystem from all Impurities. Now
laSA 5!SS Robinson Bath Cabinet
fore the hot weather arrives. The vapor bath Is also very restful
and refreshing after a day of lator and durlnr the hot weather
$2 Book Free to Patrons Jei2, "l",;
family. For sale at my residence and G. W. Putnam's drut store
Cood pay.
Call on or address
Express and Transfer
Moots all mail and passenger traini.
Baggage to all parts of tho city. Prompt
service. Telepuono No. 241.
Masons and Contractors
Our warenouBOB aro crowded with
representative linoa of high grade build
ing materials. Giant cement and Ilocht
Harbor Lime a specialty, clean, clear
sand and concreto gravel.
Phone 301 319 Frost St
Capital Bakery
133 Court Street.
Fresh Broad, Cakes, Pies, etc, D"7
delivery and old at principal groceries.
Pastry mado to order. , . ,
QDPPIA I Sunday roast and B
orcLIAL ueana dono free for oar
:usiomers, Givo us a trial.
C. E. Mcllwain, Prop.
The A. T. Gilbert cottage,
with lots 4 and 5, block I
and lots 6 and 7 block
Olsson's addition to Newport.
Also lots No, 11 and 12, block
40. city of Newport, ana
strip of land 300 feet by 50
feet in Nye & Thompson's
ditinn tn th ritv of Newport-
all for sale cheap. For ft'1
particulars apply to
Claud Gatch, Receiw
6 20 3t