The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 22, 1901, Image 4

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f in -""' ili(-T-"HlliCftIhrntelkiiniin
Declares the Intellectual Backwardness of
the American People.
a:: of x x x: zc
iimrii-m-rr-iKinffltiii-iri'ii rr.rtYrin.iViiv.rifirii. wn i.Mijirin WxniiMtKnmniil(rmmMfimmaiii miHMitkij,'
B ii VAX IspmW
TO9 H -. W I f T 1$
-Wo have bad an immense sale of all kinds of-
And other wash goods thin week so far, and we'll liavo the banner
day today. Every piece reduced from 15 to 25 per rent. In price.
Not n few unseasonable ones, but every piece In our store. Store
open 'till o'c'ock this evening. To whom will the fOOO Kimball
be votcd7 Every 26 cent purchaeo ontitlea you to ono vote.
Why Pay Fancy Prices for Doubtful Goods When You
Can Get Reliable Ones From us for Less Money.
...At Special Prices all the Week...
Fifty tnoro of those (2.00 Walking Sklrto which linvo set tho wholo com
munity to talking, have Juat arrived. Have sold 100 of this one stylo. You
can't match thorn in tho country for lost than ft. 00.
Wo make ovory now and tfion some eurprislntr offer. Hut hero la a
chance for this week that outclasses anything we havo given. In the way of
skirt reductions. Tho quality and stylo of our skirts is known by tho
majority of pooplo to be supurlor in ovory detail. lleginnlng Monday morn
ing and continuing through tho week ull dress sklrta reduced in price. Wo
quota fow to show tho extent of the reductiens:
13.60 Hklrl f'J.05
15.00 Skirt 4 10
0,00 Skirts 7.46
00 Sklrta 17.05
(.00 Hklrtn fH.(M)
Alterations mnde by our
own dressmaker.
s2kwW S
sAtlM" E1 la a noticeable (aut
NgLIUlI I Til that not one pair of
glasses out oi ten wlilcu
you no upon
tho street aru correctly lifted to the
wearor face, tho leneea may bo selected or they may not. I cannot toll without
examining mo oyon, but mo loct re
mains tho frames aru carelessly ud hinted.
If you havo good lenses, wo can Jit you
with good frames at reasonnblo prints in
Gold, (Joltl Filled, ilortnnii Hlhur or
Nlcklo. I take great prtdu In Booing
them look well and feel woll to tho wearer. Ilrlng your glasses in and havo them
measured and registered froo of charge,
comothlng may liappju to them nud
JO then wo enn mutant) Ihein at a lenaon.
ablo ohargo.
CHAS. II HINGES ayo'commcrcUlilrtct.
.ilEi4i. " "X VMMfri.
h mSMSSs ffif m & j
V2g5fl "WUSEZZ
All Styles!
All Prices 1
F. W. H0LLIS & CO.
Finest boor on tho market, has stood tho tost of twenty jeara nud Is
bolter than ovor.
Oureuporlor beer,' kept iu cold itorage, all orders tilled promptly,
The purest crystal Ice made from pure distilled water. Free delivery
at lowest rates.
MRS. M. BECK, Proprietor.
WHlirMtrtedrert,FtrCrktr.WMls. Nete our 4 Ittisy U wloiow. Ctr
UtaoMt ytH,K24tbtt CaH ! to stock. uyUaeleur wWs tower ttuo cUtr.
' . .Btait.,,.i,vi...iJ.mAliitAiir4S. Silk Willi! ABitlfltO VHiltl.SBV COlOr tlAmlUK
tklrtf. say Wfcr. a wa' 4 ' vitttu as4 woana'a wra? Kri. a4 wx v kes kwr
CHUNG LEE A CO., 329 Commercial Street.
J. II. McNary, deputy district at
torney, was riding a wheol down Court
streot obout 7:30 o'clock Friday evening
when ho mot with n novoro acldont.
Near the corner of Liberty and Court
he turned off tho eidowalk to allow a
lady bicyclist to pnsii and on turning
in again tho front wheel of his bicycle
ran against tho curbstone in such a
manner that ho was thrown on his face,
striking tho pavement in a position to
cut a gash ovor his right eve about two
inches In length and his faco wna other
wise badly bruised. He was taken to
tho office of Dra. Hinllh and Hyrd, in an
unconRclou condition, and his wounds
dressed, Ho returne J to his homo lato
in tho evening nnd today, nlthough IiIb
faco 1h badly swollen and vory sora there
Is no probability of eerious results.
About thirty members of Capital
Assembly formed nmorry party going
to (Inrvaia last evening, whero they as
sisted In tho Initiation of candidates,
onjoyed ablgsupporat Mother KoosterV
and a lino banquet ut tho hands ol tho
Qervaia assembly, returning about thrco
a. m, Among those going down wero
Mr. and Mrs. W. CI. Westacot, Mlssoa
Cora Lltohllold, Mary Aiken, Hannah
Kurtz. Laura hlmrp, Miss Cunningham,
O. 1). Mtiitmi, Hdw. Chorrlngton, Mr.
and Mrs. Clough, Mrs. Itoaeh, Mrs. Kiln
Watt, Mr. and Mrs Hollo, Mr. and Mrs.
Godfrey, Mrs. Ida Plckard, Mm. Mabel
Hawyor, John Qault, Mrs. Hubbard,
Henry Wiprut, Ohas. Ostrandor, Mrtt.
Ht. Helen, Al Godfrey and T. II.
Gov, Geer yesterday afternoon grant
ed a full pardon to Charles A Combs,
who was sentenced to tho penitentiary
from Marlon sounty in February, 181)5,
for a total of 1 years, two years ouch on
two Indictments for forgery and 12 years
for a murderous nssault on Sheriff John
Knight, iu which ho participated with
twoothsrs while ha was oontlned In the
county Jail. Ills pardon was strongly
Maxwell & Ilayden, Moorcs Block.
Aavertlitnuou under this
tiead sc a line uctt lnue
dolea made, for sale at low prices.
Will take old vehicles In part trade
for new, If you want a ilrst-olasalob
of painting come and see us. Our
prices are reasonable. Werner Fennel,
Balem Wagon Faetory, 801 Commer
cial street. y x tf
LOST. A lady's gold watch, between
riont streot and Yow I'ark. Case en
graved, the Initials 8. H. on front case
and a picture in the baok caw. Find
er pleake return to N. J. Judah. eity
recorder's ullloe. Howard. m:ft
FOUND A chisel. Owner ean get
same by calling ut Journal otlko and
laying charges. Q tt 3t
Delicacies Served Free.
A youug lady will Ixt at tho Yew l'ark
Grocery on next Monday and Tuesday
to servo seasonable deltoaeltHi made with
Whole Wheat tihedded Hlnoult. Call
and sample them.
Royal Insurance Co.
A. T. Gilbert, reildeut agent of above
Insurance. Qj j now prepared to do a
largo luiuranue bualnes. Will alw
handle real estate. 1 have a team and
carriage wl-ieh is at my customer's ser
Mcoand I will take pleasure in showing
parties what I havo for aala. Oiltoe at
present with T A Llvosley A To,
According to Him .We Occupy an Inferior Position in the Sphere of Culture
Democratic Institutions Favor the Upllftintr and Development
of the Multitude.
Nkw YoitK.June 22. PrcsidentSahur
man of Cornell University is quoted in
a Herald dispatch from Ithaca as say
ing in reply to n question lost night re
garding thestalemcnta in hlacommence
ment address concerning American in
tellectual .barrenness in certain direc direc
teons: "It is undoubtedly truo that in Amer
ica there have been no first cla e creative
productions of tho human mind. "We
are living on Europe for tho best there
is in poetry, art, literature and science
and the danger is that we are apt to bo
content to go on living so and neglect to
use our own creative instincts.
"Ik'foroauy betterment can be ex
pected wo must come to roalizo that wo
do occupy an inferior place in this
rphure of culture We must forget that
in many things we lead tho old world,
and this is thu hardost thing for as to
"I believe that tho liopo of tho coun
try is In its colleges and universities. If
universities and tboir professors realize
our secondary place in first class science,
they will themselves bo moved to greater
effort in tho direction of tho highest in
science, literature and art and tholr
efforts will radiato out from them and
will do much to build up an inviron-
merit conducivo to producing the boat.,
"It is impoBsiblo to nay bow many
generations It would tako to put Amer
ica In hor propor ration. It may take
CO yearn or it may tako 50O."j
Dr. Henry Van Dyke, head of tho
Kuglieh department at Princoton, is
quoted by aTrlbuno correspondent as
cuying in an Interview upon President
"On the gonorul proposition that
America is intellectually inforlor to
Kurope, I will first question tho fact and
then confess my ability to oxplaiu tho
cause, It seems to mo that thoro is
nothing being done in England at pres
ent either in tho way of criticism,
fiction or poetry which is superior
to what is being douo in this
country, with tho possible exception of
Stephen Philip, in dramatic literature
which is of groat promise. At the pres
ent moment fiction is tho leading form
of literary activity nud bore I think wo
can hold our own with England beyond
question. In criticism it would also b
ousyto namu ut leant four Americans
wIioho work is not oxcollod and to my
mind not quite opualled by anything
being douo In England,"
it Lawrence's etore. A young lady was
riding past tho store nnd . O. Kiyht
linger nae niountinc his wheel on the
croselng and having his bead lowered
was not aware of tlm young lady's ap
proach loasthpy met on the crossing
they were bo'h thrown to tho ground
and shaken up.
1 M i bf Ml , J iTI I j b$ I!
Hib1iss '""'wKjkH i
WPv?o, m Newark, fwlpZfSm
Attorney General Hlnckburn ill s
afternoon Hied n complaints in the
Davis defalcation case, which will open
the matter up on Its merit, ns iwniiifl'
thomemberBof the state liud I'O.imI and
The complaint ulletto lhi( from Jtn.
1,1800 to Dec. 31, 1'4 wi'h Slvester
Pennoyer, uovernnr, U. W. McUridc
Secretary of state, Phil Mt-dnm, ftate
treasurer constituted tlielwudiif hnd
commisiionors nnd w mi. h elented
G. W. Davis, clerk of their board, they
fixed his bond at $5000 and Davit cave
gave bond in that sum with O. Q. Ding
ham and E. P. McCornackas sureties.
Davis was short in his accounts
$30,048 at tho time of expiration of his
term of ofllce, therefore tho
judgment against Davis and tho bonds
men for $5000. The complaint Is sworn
to by J. N Hart, district attornoy,
signed by J. N. Hart and D It. N.
Dlackburn attorney for the state.
' So many housewives sudor from ner
vous dapresslon due to catarrhal weak
ness peoollar to their sax, and suffer on
year after year, not knowing what their
ailmont is. Mrs. Mary Cook, of Pitta-
ford, N. Y., snflorod for six years before
eho loarnad of Pftrana. Mrs. Cook re
cently wrote tho following letter to Dr.
Hart man :
"1 wms not well tor alx years, paid
many doctor bills, but never Improved
very much. I gave up hopes of ever
"Finally, I wrote to Dr. Ilartman,
end I am thankfnl to say that I am
now well, through his good advico
and medicine. I am gaining In flesh
and foel yonng again. I was Tory
madated, bnt now my own children
are aurprlsod in the great chango In m
When they visit me."
Miss Annie Zlotr, 72 Livingston stroot,
Nowork, N. J., took Peruna for oxtrome
nervousness. Sho says: "I was very ill
and thought I would dio. I had o(tor
rlblo headache and my head swam; I
thought I would nover get woll; I
ssemed to havo n great complication of
dlsoased and bought medicines, but tuoy
did me no good.
"Finally I gave up and thought I
would w.'4t for my end. Ono day 1
happened to pick up ono of your books.
I read of other women who woro near
death and had been cured by Parana,
so I thought I would try it.
" took a couple of bottles and began
to feel better. 1 continued Its use
until now lam a well woman. ! praise
Peruna blzhty and wish other women
would use IL"
Mrs. Anna Roos, 2318 North
streot, Philadelphia, Pa., wrltoa i
"Four weeks ago I believed I bad
consumption; I took a severe cold, and
although tor ibe first tew days the mu
cus in my throat and chest was loose.
It finally became so bad that I bad dif
ficulty In breathing.
Fain in the shoulders followed. As I
had placed my confldonco in you and
and improved from day to day, and
am now woU again.'
Most womon fool tho need of tonla
to connteraot tho dobilitatlns offeots of
sammorweathor. Perunalsanoharom
ody. It euros all catarrhal conditions
whether it bo woakncBB.norvousdoDres
sion or summer catarrh. For a froo book
on summer catarrh, address The Ponm.
Modlolno Co., Columbus, Ohio, e
. i i
Having disposed of our bushiest e
tako this inennn of thanklnc our niltn-
etate asks cro,la patrons for the favors extended
to us in ino paii ine new urm w
continue to rervo the public as our
successor?, and we bespeak for them
ho samo liberal patronago on
jovwl by uq All bills due to ut will b
payable nt the store 275 Commercial
street. Very respectfully,
Thu four year old daughtor of J. E,
lleudrluk Was run over iu thu street this
morning, by a wood wagon and its ni m
Approximately 60,000 pounds of wool
was sold at DakerClty Fiiday, tho price
ranging from 0 to 10 cents per pound.
Thoro is more than usual activity in the
wool markot, sheepmen in large numbers
being aBsomblod hero to discuss tho sit
uation, nnd somo boliovo that both tho
old nnd new clip will quickly bo disposed
Miss Sholtou'a pupils recital this
this evening at the First Congregational
Tho Salem Military Hand furnished
music fur tho bate ball gamo at the fair
grounds this afternoon. They will also
give mi open air concert this evening at
7:30 o'clock.
A bicycle collision took place on Com
mercial street this morning i.ear Harritt
Mrs. John Krausso and on, Iludolph
returned from Eugene today.
Miss Margio Parkhurst who is it the
Salem hospital, is reported much better.
Mrs. M. V. Charlton who is teach
ingachoolut Summit, waB in town today.
Otlo Schultz, the Jefferson miller,
came down on his wheel today, of course '
it waa not to see the Uloomer girls play
' ' m mm
homo of the bride'r parents near
Cochrano, Polk county Oregon, on
Wednesday, Juno II), 1001, Mr. Cllf
ford W. Kantner and Miss Nellie L.
Whiteakor, Itov. W. O. Kantner,
otllclatiug. '
The groom it the oldest son of Itev.
and Mrs. Kantner, of this city, and a
highly esteemed young gentleman. The
bride is n popular and acomplishcd
young lady of Polk couuty,
0 22 Ot
Khalhse Duos.
Weather Report
Fair tonight and Sunday.
Wheat Market,
8am Fkancihco, Juno 22. Cash IW5.
Cuicaqo, III., June 22-July. 00?,.
Cnr. State and Commercial Sts., Salem Ore.
Extra Values in Clothing and Hats
Ladies' and gents' .Furnishing goods. Our
special bargain sale is on till after the 4-th
lof My. An immense line of men's gloves
GOLD DUST FLOUR t0 seIect fim
maok nv
The Sidney Power Co,
Made for family tine, aek your grocers
for it. Iirau ami shorts always on hand.
A. T. WALN Agent
No admission will be charged this
evoning to the musical recital given by
Mlsa8helton's pupils.
Dr. Noble, for the 22 years pastor of
Union Park Congregational church,
.Chicago waa presented a $5000 cluck
.by his Congregation upon retiring last
Hay Tools
Rafter Hooks
Track Hooks
And all the necessary tools for handling
the hay quickly and well. We have sets
mounted up that you can try for yourself
at our store.
McCormlck Mowers and Rakes
Are coin out this week like hot cakes
The critical buyers always land on Mc
Cormlck goods, for they always win out
In the comparisons, point for point.
We are always more than glad to have
prospective buyers look them over.
I have some ereat bargains In second
hand wheels. $5-00 and up.
There is no
Place Like Home
And to fee and be at home Is to
tiade at
The Fair Store
l he latest in be t buck es. nair ornaments
back combs and belts. Crash skirts from
50c up. A large assortment of crash and
dust skirts, nicely trimmed, only 75c each.
Velvet ribbons just arrived. Lots of new
goods just received including dainty dimities
and lawns. We give away a high grade
sewing machine July 31. For particulars
see our window.
Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store
First door south of Post Office.
Where you can find bargains in
everything, for mon, boys' ladies'
and children. If you want any
thing to use or wear, you can get
it at the lowest Itacket pricos lor
cash. Come in aud get our prices
whethur you buy or not.
The Fair Store
274 Commercial st. Salem. Or.
CW SiitNuar to . K. M and K. P. Parkhnmt. - ' ,
1 '!i '"tV 'r Wn'i'sMT"(tr
Of what you would gain by dealing with
us. That proQtnblo knowledge can
come only with experience. Our sup
erior grain nnd feed is tho best that the
farm and mill can produco. Horses and
othor animals properly supplied with It
overy day are greatly enhanced In val
ue. Short prices aro tho result of quick
kales, and our business la quick. Ex
amine our stock of poultry and bee sup
plies. Savage & Reid,
Seed aud Feed Morchants.
Stv T T r- 'n second hand wheels, all of
i J. 1 S which have been thoroughly
d, o t v . , , overhauled in our repai
shop. 8 ladies wheels, 10 gouts' wheels to choose from
Prices from 6.00 up.
-to commercial Street.
'Filling an Order for Grocer
To the letter, aud with th vrv boat
tfcat is in tin s tor, wJwUwr the order
i? 6t by aiwrtor. UWnhoN or w
ticitor. is always anprwaiakol by the
sood owwkwuw. 0r food aro all
hlh crade and yo uevr make au
oiwule whn i0a ordr from
M, T, Rineman
mstttt Strut pbons tSt
Frances G. Parkhurst
Resident Aeent.
Capital Bakery
133 Court Street.
Froah HraAil. finlrnfi. Pioh. ate. Daily
Tile UverDOOl & Iftnrlntl l '0ivery and rold at principal groceries.
pi.l. i.. f - 7T""'" amry maue 10 oruer. . ,
ulobe Ins. Co , of Livei pool, spfc iai Sunj,ay roast pkwl
! h glltlAL neans done free tr our
The North British & Mercan
tile ins. to., or Edinburgh.
OfflcM In the Masonic Iwildlng, (for
merly Reed-a Upra llouse.) Seoond
noor. rirst ilivir a vnn iun .ni .1. .
An A No. I ong cok, froah, also a
tailing h.ifer, erada Jersev. fnr .u
I'hHtn li I I lllnjll.,n. V,.l. -.
t tiapman corner, near harden Road
t 22 t.
msiuwcrd. Uive us a trial.
C. E. Mcllwain, Pro
Mascn and Contractors
Our warehouses are orowded wltb
representative lines of high grade holla
ing materials. Giarit cement and 1W'
Harbor Lime a apwiially, clean, clew
(and aud concrete gravel-
Pboae 301 si9FrctH