The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 22, 1901, Image 1

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rftfii'i'nirt Lmmm
This pacer receives the larsrest'As
soclatcd Press report taken In Oretron
outside of Portland.
This . Pacer, Is a member sfttUS
Northwest Afternoon , NewsMMn
hcuKuc ruiuauii aiaie neYS:lC-Jy,D
m -m s
NO 147
Special rates, lottery schemes and promtumB are simply
trade tonics w lilrh, like all stimulants, leavo tho patient
in a weaker condition than "before taking." Have you
tnkfii a doee bv denlint; with a firm suffering from general
debility which is always using tonics? Did you ever con
ciiltir Hint nu aro paying for these trndo tonics and
trHtle dootoisV In addition to this you pay for tho losses
from lud accounts when you doal with a merchant doing
a credit biiHim-sB. That's why tho :: :: :: : ::
Can and does undersell "regular stores." Wo pay Epot
cunIi for goods and got lower. prices t linn merchanta who
"buy on time, and Bull on eternity." Wo get all the crpIi
dbcountej and give you the benefit of this plan. Tlit'ru'rt
a big Hiving in every transaction. Our i-iuttant aim Is
to' keep tho quality nf ovcrv article in the etorj high and
the prices low. Wu'rp building on a solid foundation,
not for a day, but for all titno. Store upon
'till 7 o'clock during summer mouths. :: :: :: ::
Two Families Wiped Out and a Town Prac
tically Destroyed.
Only to Have Them Torn Away From Her By the Storm Demon Bodies
Carried Hundreds of Yards and Thrown to the Earth
" Maneled and Lifeless.
have fecured tho right of way and liavo
agreed to mtbscrlbo tho sum of three
hundred and fifty thousand dollars for
which they aro to receive tho bonds of
tho jatd railroad company atcighty.flvo
cents on tho dollar.
President Hates asks thai tho right-of-way
be deeded to his company upon
the filing of a bond in the sum of $50,000
that immediate work will commonco
upon tho construction of tho road, sixty
miles of which ho agrees to havo built
within a period to bo named in tho bond.
Our Store Closes CveryiEveilog atlSIx O'clock Except Saturday.
R. T. DArNE6.
1 tC5HgarIM M MUMJt'tWliUL'Lm
CorCommorolal nnd
Chomokota Streots
ft 4
Repairing a Watch
Of tho finest workmanship is a branch
of our businoss that we give special at
tention to. Our repairing department is
conducted with tho utmost caro and
skill ; diamonds aro rosot, and jewelry
of all kinds Is repaired in tho most per
fect manner, besidos optical work of nil
C, T. Pomeroy
vTrriC iE J 2 8 8 Com'l St.
Watchmaker and Optician
Is now ready io deliver ice to the. consumers of Salem
and surrounding country at existing rates A specialty is
made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday.
...Crystal Ice Works...
Tolphone 20 71 Main
It ,co? Hisr ' v2-
The Man With
Cold Feet
Needs a "hracer" as well as tho man
with an impaired appetite needs an
appetizer. Asa tonic, an appetizer,
or as an aid to digestion there is
nothing llko a good puro whiskey.
For medicinal "general" purpofes
there is nothing that touches tho
right spot like Tom Howo Whiskey.
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
Omaha, Neb,, June '22 Dispatches
from Naper, Neb., scene of Thursday's
cyclone, do not chaneo materially the
reports of last nUht. Bertha Anderson
has bcon added to list of killed and her
mother, Mrs. August Anderson will
probably die. Tho dead now number
oight, Direct communication by tele
graph and telephone is cut off.
Funerals of eight victims of the torna
do were hold yesterday. I'ho littlo town
of Naper is nlinost entirely destroyed.
Tho killed wore members of tho
Urueuiug and Antiunion families.
Jncob Greening, fathor, aged 10, fatal
ly injured.
Mrs, Jacob Greening, mother, still liv
ing, but not expected to survive.
Grace Greening, aged II, seriously
Margaret Greoning, ag"d 7 killed.
Maggie Greening, aged 0, killed.
John Greening, aged 4, kiilled.
Jacob Greening, aged 1!, killed.
Out of tho Anderson family .of six two
children, Ida and Olara,aged respectively
7 and 8, woro kllled.and the mother and
daughter, Dortha, and sou, Theodore, nged
respectively 10 and lU.injured. Ouo of
tho8A,chlldrcn liaa since died. August
Anderson, the fathor, wai away from
home at tho time.
Mrs. Greoning, mothorof t)io Groaning
family, io seriously injured au-1 is not
expectod to llvo. Her shoulder Is brok
en nnd ho Is Injured internally. Graco
Greening is also very badly injured, but
unleiB inlurcd internally may survive
Mary Anderson, mother ol tho Anderson
Family, is not seriously injured. Tho
fattier of tho Greening family, was found
a qurter of a mile from tho house badly
mangled, Both arms and legs and (lack
were broken, nnd thero is no chatico, for
his lifo.
Littlo Maggio and Jacob Greoning
wore found 600 yards from where tho
house stood. Thoy wore stripped of all
thoir clothing, but wore not disfigured.
Tho othor two children wero closo to tho
liouso and wore in full view of their
nnthor and oldest sister, who woro both
fatally Injured and who could auo thtm
but rendor no assistance.
Six hours before tho storm tho sun
was shining. Tho storm cloud appeared
about G o'clock and traveled down tho
Koya Paha river. It aeomod to rlso up
and skip some houses and then swoop
down and demolish everything. Tho tor
undo was proceeded by a govern hnll
storm. Stones fell that measured 10
inches in circumference. Mrs. Andot-
sou took refuge under a bank near liur
home with three children. She said :
'I saw tho cloud coming and knew it
wbb bad, and I grabbed tho youngest
child and took two with mo. When tho
storm strucd it took it right into the nr,
and that mis the last of it. I hurrii d
to my children, but tho storm took two
of thorn away from me ar.d killod them,
I laid down and hold my baby. Tho
wind also tobk it away from mo.f A
timber struck menndbrokemyshouldor
Aftor tlio storm all my clothes and shoes
and stocking wero gono."
Tho big wagon bridgo across tho
was completely destroyed.
Omaha, Juno 22. Tho storm followed
a southeasterly direction from Lyncl) to
B.tlgor, wluro it demolished three resi
dence! nnd several small buildings. Mrs.
James Porahall, wife of tho ownor of Jtho
Badger Mills, was so badly frightened no
result of tho storm that sho died a ftw
hours Inter. J
Lator reports indicate that tho storm
extended throughout the upper Elk horn
aud Kova Paha Valleys doing mitch
damago to crops.
a :
Troops Beseiged in a School
House by Excited Texans.
St. Louis, Mo., Juno 22. A special to
tho Poit-Dispatch from Houston, Tex.,
says a company of state militia and a
mob numboring 1000 enmo noar clashing
at Trinity last night over Ell Spencer, a
negro changed with assault on Miss
Laurin Trow. On account of tho high
stato of excltomont, tho negrowas
plritod to Houston by Sheriff Chandlor.
The situation is now calmer.
He Has Sayed My Life
m HMiWinriPiMiinniiTinTinnim
SSStr'S'SSSoa'- Sakm. Ore, May. l.0
To whom these present shall, come flroettnir.
Thli li locertlfr that I hare been afflicted with
IIouhto.v, Tox., Juno 22, A special
train boanng troops from Trinity ar
rived hero this afternoon riddled with
bullets, The cavalry arrived at Trinity
this morning and relieved the siege of
the light guard, who were kopt In tho
school Iioupo with tho armed mob form
ing a cordon around it.
The belcngured soldiors marched back
to tho train with tho negro Ell Spencer
in their midst and boarded it without
molostation, but as tho trafn pulled out
tho mob fired several volleys at tho
train. The soldier returned tho flro
and report at least three members of tho
mob hit. Tho nogro wan taken to tho
pen nt Huntsville for safo keeping.
Encounters Large English
Force and His Forces Put to
Fifty Thousand People Wit
ness the Chicago Racing
An Immense Amount of Bet
ting is Going on in Spite of
the Laws to Prohibit.
Albert Waddel Acknowleged
Chief of the New World
Turf-Parader Third.
Cincvao, June 22, Tho Giuht Ameri
can derby lias been won. Tho fourteenth
of theso classic events was speeded into
history today by tho acknowledged chlot
of tho now world turf. Tho world
of fashion, benuy and devotion
to heroics was breathless when tho
aristocratic contestants, each strain
ing every mneclo undor guidance of a
pilot who felt that honor, wealth and
For the United States in the Islands of the
Philippine Archipelago.
To Make Way for the Civil Administration That Is Bein? Establishcd-A New
Minister Has Been Appointed to the Hermit
Washington, Juno 22 An ordor has
been issued naming Goneral Ohaffeo as
military govornor of tho Philippine
archtpolugo. Tho military has been
ordered to vacato thu Ayuntamionto, a
largo public building which was erected
for Government purporo?.
This will bn occupied by tho civil ofll
cars in tho Philippines. Tho imluco of
noxt woek to meet tho semi-annual ro
qulrotneuts for dividend Interest dis
bursements on July 1, which will bo tin
preccdontedly largo. E"r)y rumors ol
the scopo of the so-called St. Paul deal
havo boon materially mod I Hod. Tho re
laxation of tho efforts of professional
speculators has left tho market valuer-
ublo to moderato soiling andloworpricos
Mnlacaynn, heretofore occupied as head- generally havo been tho result. Sharp
quarters of Generals Otis and McArthur, .upuvard movements In individual stocks
has also boon ordered vacated by
military authorities and will bo occupied
by Judge Taft.
Tho Estadn Mayo, another largo pub
lic building is to ho military headquar
ters aud will bo occupied by Goneral
Tho President today Blgned tho Com
mission of Horace N. Allen to bo minia
te r to Korea.
havo failod of lympathetio effect on the
on tho general markot owing to thoir
specialized causes. Although tho spec
ulation has assumed a waiting attitude
tho undorcteno Is ono of cohfidonco in
futuro prosperous conditions nnd earn
ings on securities.
Fourteen Casualties and Sixty-Six Prisoners Taken Show
the Dutch Farmers Still on Their Mettle.
Chaddock, Capo Colony, Juno 22.
In an ongagomont at Wottorkloof Juno
"Oth tho British lost 8 men killod, two
I mortally wounded, four porlously
wounded, and sixty-six men captured.
Tho Captain of Hoar squnrdron is re
ported wounded and one Boos killed.
tho plaudits of tho world awaited him,
turned into tho last half of tho en-
duranco testing distance
Albert Waddel won, Terminus second,
tho Parador, third; time, 2:331-5.
Chioaao, Juno 22. Everything Is in
readiness for the running of tho Amoti
on Derby at tho Washington Park
track tills aitornoon. Whllo tho weath
er was somewhat foggy in tho morning,
Forecaster Codd has promised a pleas
ant afternoon.
Eleven hones aro nnnouncod as euro
to go to tho post, with three doubtful
quantities on tho side. Thero was
lively betting on the race until a Into
hour last night nt tho Auditorium
Annex, where a well known
Linbmnln maila n llfl till tififltr Sill
UVURUIHBiUI Ulirnu M ttijMi' wss ,
a largo icalo, When hoj
opened up business His Eminence and
Bounihort wor equal favorites at five to
two, but pretty soon a well drsaod
strargor came tip and had a conferneco
with the bookmaker. As a result of
of this conference, tho bookmaker took
out hie book and did u littlo
altering in thu prices. Ho marked The
Parader down to five to two and put
Bunnlbertat 3 und His Eminence at
four. It developed that $20,000 hail
been offered on The Parader In ono
bunch. The bookmaker took $5000 and
announced that he would try to please tho
rest at Ovo to two. Bonnibert's friends
To be Dragged From Below!
the Bed of the Ocean
Special to Capital Jeurnal:
Bakkr City, Juno 22, Itoports ro
colvod hero Intimate that tho placor ex
citement, which hascausod a stir In tho
vicinity of Ontario, Oregon, Is largoly
exaggerated. Whllo definite Informa
tion is monger It Is not believed that tho
strike mentioned is more than a rich
claim in tho bed of an anclont stream,
which is a frequent occurrence In placer
districts. That a cement consloiuora-
tlon Is often found containing much
gold, but the areas aro always restricted
and minora boliovo that those who aro
staking all about tho Big Bend will reap
Vitoiiia, B. O., Juno 22. Tho steamer
Cottage City whlfli arrived list night
brought 10 paszongors from Dawson who
camo up tho river on the steamer Daw
Bon, which mado a record trip to White
Horso and was tho first steamer to make
a trip through,
Sho arrived in three days thirteen
hours, clipping two houre off lAst year's
record. Sho brought a shipment of half
a million dollars for tho Canadian Bank
of Commerce This arrived at'Skagway
beforo the Cottage City lelt,
Btoamor Bailey was sunk in tho lower
Fifty Mllo Itlvor, sho having struck, a
rock. Sho will bo saved howovor.
PATTKnsoN, N. J., June 22. Gang
worked all nlphtand today soarchlhg
for bodies In tho ruins of tho building
which was destroyed by. flrn yesterday.
Tho dead bodies of 15 porsons and tho
head of another has been taken from
tho ruins.
Manhattan, Kans., Juno 22. At
tempt was mado early this morning to
blow up tho FirstMothodlst church with
dynamite It is boliovcd to bo tho
work of joinllsts, who directed this spite
aiiainst Ilev.Millor,pastorot tha church,
becauso of his crusado against saloons.
No arrests havo been made,
Cot.UMiius, O., Juno 22. A severe
etorin swopt ovor a comlsidorable part of
Ohio today. A son of Geo. Rice, of
Whoelorburg, was killod by lightning
and much proporty destroyed In various
ri Coil
Ellis & Zinirs
54 SUte Street. 8lem'PBoge2874
Adkn, Juno 22 Tho Mnd .Mullah,
aftor tho recent repuleo by Captain Mac
Nolll of IiIh attack upon tho British at
Tirana, accidentally encountered tho, raled and that colt was marked down
main British forco which immediately l,i. .,. ,. in. uminnnx. ... (,,.
nvwHn Tutnnp fi a in.nitji, tf r,ir. aim .... ... luillioow uiivi ,,4...... . ft
liTCriroublfc 1 uetre to publicly .tato 'udou "Hckel and routed him. Pursuit was atour. The prices against tho
muiuiHin., i.uuk.w oum, urtuii, nuicOlllUfUed ttirOtlgllOUt tllO nlgllt. IJIII1-
dredsof the enemy were killed and the
MuIIhIi and Sultan of Nur Narrowly es
caped capture. The British force lost
seven killed and wounded.
Frnmprl in let fiber frames trimme'd with gold, 3
with easel backs. Picture protector with glass. All H
...How to Get Them...
With everv mirrhase of S5.00 or Over one will H
be divert free
See our line of iron beds, we start them at $2.50. g
remored !! tuition, (wo lit number, without
tle uw or kuite, pluteroruolionoiudrugf, and
that 1 am entire!, and as J beltere permanent
ly cured. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Cook to all
penoru amcteu I wa. I feci that lie liaa
ared my life. My home la three mile aouth of
miner, uregou,
Hubicrllxxl and worn to before me thli flrit
day of May, 1W1.
Seal attached. W W. HAI.U
County Clerk,
Do Not Listen to "Cappers"
Who aro hired to defame inn and my methods
of treatment. If I could not cure people there
would ho no Hie to rl1t me. It Is iievaute 1 do
cure people that I am penitently mlreprc
Minted, but, I keep on curluK folks Jittt the
atce. aud foineofthe best people In Oregon
stand by me. for whloh I am itiankful
Snd for Circulars coutalulnc UstimoulaU
from pallc nt cured both lu Oreoil aud In the
East. Don't rieapatr because you have beeu told
you nave lcti told you coold not be etired Dr.
Cook ha uured hundred or peeplv whr rajies
bare been pronounced bopelea lv i)m "old.
schools" ph)dcian.
The doctor ha deroted the best years or hH
life to the HUih of dlMate. and thie ueiul ar
I tluii of Nature's tegetable reme1la, until be
jkuos absolutely just what he can do. This
Dr. J. F. COOk Hhy?o?an
Core all kinds of dlteane.
Office. 801 Liberty Bl Saleai, Or.
Bjoldl 1 1 the lournal,
BoiHK.Juno'JS. The Boio olmnibernf
commerce, the trusteua of the right-of-
way and I'realdeut T. W. Batti of thu
Idaho Midland Railroad ootnpany are
negotiating with the purpose in view of
the building of a road from Caldwell,
Idaho, on the Oregon Slsort Mn via
Boifo to Butte, Molilalia. The citizen
of Boise and of Caldwell and vicinity
JM The Low Price Furniture House.
Enuiiuiiiiim i iiimiiiiiiniiiiii i iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimi
1 X0.-fe&S5l'
IlaKolibled up all the good oil wells.
Follow Ilia exBiriplu and gobble up thli
dtirabln and nec-tary article. Oar
line of titerlinK ullver tpoonf is large
and c miplete. Our pricea will relax the
tightest ol purau ttiioK.
Uiitrt la Low Prices US Mtlt St.
f Yotlai coupoas oa tela tUaoi r.vta for 25
ceot cash (tircaasc.
euro itartora this morninir are:
Six to one Beau Oallant, alx to ono
each Silverdalo and I.ady Koliorr, 12 to
one each Tertnlnuu aud Robert Waddell,
16 to 1 Bannazarro and ISO to 1 Badio H,
and Six Hhooter.
Whether thereli hotting at thetraokto
which the goneral public can wain acceea
In Hoinuwliat doubtful with woll
known bookmakers in obaruo althoiiifh
no open tlatei will b penurtted,
Thuru U r great crowd. Kven should
u ruin Htoriu como up and soak the Held
tho attendance will exceed 36.000,
and ahould thu skies m fair at
tlio time for starting tho first
race. 60.000 people will probably sou thu
uerny. iliura is tlio usual g'ui turn
out of flno riulppage and wull drewud
rouiety women, the Ktate atrcet tortta re
imrting tlio limn nine sale of derby dross
goods during tho lant fortnight.
The Congregational Church of Grlnull,
la., at a buelwes meeting by a uiinnliii
mis vote decided to drop thu name of
I'rof. George O. Herrou from Its church
rolls. This is the last act in the long
series of procedures ttiat has beun nec
essary according to Congregational ec
clesiastical custom to put i'rof. Herrou
outside of the church.
Thru men killed and five uthera In
jured by premature explosion of blast,
near Kalama, Wash,
Largest prune drier 'n the United
HUtcs will iMi erected at Corvalli, Or.
Nlneteen-year-olil boy under guard at
I'alouie, Wash., to prevent lynolilng.
Becretary (lay will protest to Kutsia
against tariff retalltatton.
Seventeen Uvea were lost in a fire at
I'atterson, N. J.
Tho plargdu Is beoouiming violent in
Hong Korg.
The surrondt r of Botha Is again rumored.
Wabiiinoton Juno 22 Tho addition of
a whole province of water covoreJ land
to thu kingdom of Thu Nuthorlandrj U
tho subject of reporta received at tho
Statu Uupartmunt from Consul Hill at
Amsterdam and Consul Ueuerul Gtiun-
' Ihtrat Krunkfort, (ieimuny.
lhu plan which has bo propotud in thu
Ktute Guneral Iiub In view tho closing of
thu Zuyduruu, which for couturiea Is
said to havo been more harmful than
helpful to Holland Coast, to tho Island
of Wlorlngmi, aud thence to thu Frisian
Coast. Tho part of the hay thus
encompassed will hu gradually drained
ami it is thought that In 18 years 110,000
acres of fertile html uau bo covered.
The total cost of tho work Is estimated
at almtit IM.000,0 K), which includes an
indemnity of f 1,800,000 to be paid to
Zuyiler Zeo fishermen robbed of their
Tlio completion of thu entire work Is
expected to prodticu 00.000 aarea of soil
valued ut $100,000,000. It iu intended to
call this twelfth province ol the Nether
lands Wllhelmlna In honor ol the young
HUrJMlfflMrrf fa MCk
Itiuumi.D BritiNuu, N, Y,, June -"-'.
The Amerioan luslitutu of Homeopatliy
itUauseud "Christian boleiico; a Menace
to Public Health." Dr. M. Bell Brown,
of thu Woman's Modlcal College, of New
York, madu a atatumoot denying that
Christian Kcienou is spreading among
wouiuu who boliuvu iu homeopathy. An
uaruest t ffort is making to secure united
vigorous actio t by thu institute against
the doctrines of Mrs. ttddy, who
recently characterized homeopathy as a
stepping stone from allopathy to Kddy
ism. WAlXSTr
iNKW Yuuk, June 3. Speculation has
Leon ruprmtml tu a growing extent by
the oondltfon of the money market, ow
ing to thu week's shipments of gold to
Berlin and the prospective requirements
...infinite' flDnarnL
NFW TAHAY Infants' Dresses. Slips,
n C YY I UU A I Sklrts.ShawIs, Bfbs, etc.
The cleanest of camhrln and iniiHlIn orfwls. frpali from nlan. wnll viintllatAil
factories, The perfection of styles, cut by the best skilled artists of the cuttlnj
Bring the Babies to Us
We nro cow prepared to caro for them. Don't fall to see tills line.
In pink, blue, uud white nicely ttipmeJ,
Just tho thing (rr thaso warm day.
Queen Quality Shoes
The pinks of perfection for comfort and style
(Juei'ii Quality Dressing lfiu
Gilt KiIku Drying 1IM
Itrgu Klltu DrusNitig ,, ,, Po
Babe Klito Dressing,.,,, 0d
Don't forget what you read in our ad. yester
day A ballot on tho bit; niano contest with each 3oo purchase.
A beautiful platino copy with easel with each purchase of $1,00 or more.
Ttj J rj by
. n , , ,i i .i .- i... isui. li... -irsn-m "f L .S...T