U-3 .St-Ar- rnfOa attacllvt woBisfthooa aad Kjejp her for the davits of wtf t and motherhood. AH dmjuki Mil $L00 bottles of Vtoe of OtJai. The HaElrwQo, Ascao. aaOlM favorably lapreafted 1 reaa votir MTtiuaeeseBi ta rtcara daiin3lhaboUlMTBlpiirc)iAnbXUtot it tor B adopted dcaWr,wBO WMaafieriDfwitiifei&aletraiMat. fib had been sader IIm doctor' cut for soma tlra. and when her period voaldeoat os aeri a Cerise was tent tblor teirlbla, 1 Jadoeed tier to try It asd Vbt trH dM brrM on br xnensea. fSbtookitreUu!raeeralBt't4lB d(ncUe, aad w irtraUy raUcrtd. Ttotuatoowa word, "Usar tor Ilia.' J. Vt'KSLET CKUSS. J"r MrlM 4 tfetrrtvrr. ta&M. d5r rt'jrmt- "Tfc 1tlm' XMttj WHAT'S ON TO YOU. what's on your head Is not of as much Importance as what's tn it. Nor to us. For to a head with something In it, we can appeal; can prove that S3 tuys the test of Derbies; toys 'If purchased here) correct shape to the fraction of an inch, correct color to a half tone. The most costly Item the exclusive hatter puts In his hats is his name. Any popular style you wish. All the Spring Styles are now ready. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. Tho People' Clothier. and Forntshera THE DAILY JOURNAL. Mombor Northwest Aftornoon Nowapapor LeflKUCI. BY HOPBR UnOTHKntt, TUESDAY. JUNK 11, 1001. Daily Ono Year, SB.OO In Advanoa Dally Pour Month 91. In Advanoa Dally by Carrier OOo Per Month Weekly One Yoar.SI.OO In Advanoa POLITICS AND THE SENATORSHIP Hero la an editorial endorsement ol Joe Simon by a Democratic paper, the italeui Jeurnal: There ii a great deal of fly-fishing for the nomination for governor a year from now and it Is a gocd thing to setthopeo ole thinking what kind of h man they want in that office. It ii also woll to ciinildor what are tho rlaht ditnoniloni for aspirants (or their olllcci. The next legislature electa a senator and there will undoubtedly Ins a hard fight to defeat senator bimon on the part 01 me auicii ell faction, Iltpuhllcaas (generally am tired of tho factional ItahU, but tho grafter element nover tiro of contnctlona that throw places open for the cla who afterward! cost good money to ln vestlgate andjuoeocuto. It would bo a Godtend to Oregon politics if it had a man In his prime who could be sent to tho Benate and kept there for 110 years and became a eourcu of power and credit to tho state.. Uonator Bimon is that kind of a man, and wilt be a candidate, but, of course, the Mltchrll faction will fight him and do all in their power to render him unavailable, In the langungo of tho Immortal Ohlmmy I'adden, wouldn't It Jar you I It Is far worse than Democratic support of Mr. Mitchell, who Is really half a Democrat, anyway, and lias about as many frisuds in tiie Democratic twrty as I11 the Itepubllcan. Pendleton Kant Or egonian. Tiir Joubhal does not profees to know just what political party tho Knit Ore- gonian favors. It should know and does know that as between Mr. Hlmou and Mr. Mitchell, the formor voted agaimt tho Porto Itlco tariff and that hu Is unequivocally against thu ship sub sidy bill a propaaitlou to tax a thou aaud farmers for the bunllet of one ship owner. If Mr. Mitchell U half a Demo crat let. Kaat Oregoutan tell thopeoplo In whatounuor ho has shown It? Will it point out what Mr. Mithell has ever done to entitle him to the support of any DemocratT We challenge It to pro duce ono Iota ol proof that Mitchell is one-half, one-quarter or one-hundredth part a'Detuocrat. Tim Jouiinai. does not profess to bo a Democratic pHir Ilka the Knit Orfgonluii. It is not a. Simon paper or a Oojbott paper. Hut It does favor few fundamentally demo crats principles that are !u the interest el all the people. Free trade "nth all or own posseeslona it ono ol those. Mr, Mitchell ddro not come out as did Shnonaud vote for that principle, lie twthetwo wen honest cltlcons will mpct tho wan of principle, Tub Jouknai, gueaees the East Oreganfanae ieuli JaocntJo party orgatt would Jike to KM. a fautloual fight for - l .... ..i. .a i4 ....... , . .. tn nuKwnrui(, 11 vruuui tin sure another vary corrupt v tend axtravagaut, !ktur )!(! fJiBf would; fimr sto'i the btJt,'thaWkiAfl(,):(of,irf kiui Start Girls Right! Nssy tcwtSal ttit twsexnt fasrafcot for Me, fectaaett at (he craoil pcrted of puberty liity Fyma4f4&jfcnita'ftelivsc4het!eV Mc&trs ataaM prs&Ki tSdr invpdai' ht-tXh fcy $r 1J thorn ntccsaary Wonattioa sod proper Lrta&sacet. VSei the tstaMS cocne a 5W eatvartJ ta her inexperience she b cither f rftttaed faie eoovuliiottf, or scared Into try faf to check the thnr. HMnyptis htrt checked the flow and K has never started jaia, Aad M a radt they have row-a paie-fstti, vith trew-tradu" os their cheeks, tad dark hitf BMOBJeaderthtJrcTU. Adoscof IVINEoCARDUI Ikkea tray rnomfoj after a 5M Is hrthx years oW vSB bri$ (he meases 0 property aad keep (hem rtjolar. It vI help her to develop late AsearT Put, X J, Frfcrairr , in Fttnurtim. il la ta HitUmoi to w.m or Oardal ta UM B&Ktaore tsa that ea 097 TlH to Baltimore YOUR HEAD? Si 367 Commercial Ht. Salem. that It not in payer. the interoit of the tax JOURNAL X-RAYS Muntey'i Magazine for Juno ha ommited from lie cover the customary egoistic endorsement of its owner. e Tills is the Public Bohool and Academy week. There will be no end of tarletan dreetee, pink ribbons and bouquets The ning'a Daughters probably had Uielr first impreiNlous of ths interior of au almshouse when they visited the Marion county oor farm, No newipupcreodovold of puroeoor character but it will rope In a few suckers. No fakir no rank tint hu unu do somo business in any community. 0 1 MoKinley Is a rookldou' t bu alarmed). In the woary land, In the weary laud. To shulturtho trust In the time of storm. Aggie D Borne allrgod nunspapers are too en tirely destitute ol original character and so devoid of nowa that ono has a fueling of repugnance against oven removing the wraper.' They have had a killing front In Kast oruOregon and IhoDaker Democrat says: Klsies at Inopportune times always causa trouble, and It does stem that the hoary old spirit, Wiutor, with his cen turies ol experience, should I hi learning this truth. Wo want no moro of his "cold embraces" tills spring. m m Who wouldn't be a bank receiver? There's six months to II lo claims. Iu the aioantlmo there Is a lot 0! the fundi of the receiver of tho Williams A Kug. laud Hanking Go, tied up Iu the new recelvorshlp and that Job will continue. Don't "Accept a Substitute I When you ask for Cascarcts be sure you get the genuine Cascarcts Candy Cntliartlcl Don't accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stump cd C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. AU druggists, toe. . aj m Mniiii Fund to Prosecute Hocus Failures. Glkvklanu, 0., Juuo It, UlovoUad has, as her guests today nearly 400 of the most prominent business men of the country. The credit man Is a powerful factor Iu business and a national contention ol such an organisation is no small affair The Cleveland Credit Men's asaoula,. Won, which lias a membership of sev enty-live, has made extenslvo arrange ments for tho entertainment of the vis itors. Thu headquarters and tho eesslini of tho convention are at the Colonial hotel, Crala-01 GrslaOl i Remember that- name wheu you want a dullclous, appetising, nourish ing food drink to tuko the place of cotfoe. Bold by all grocers and liked by all who have used It. Oraln-O la iiiudo of pun) gruln, It aids dlgeatiou and atrcugthomt tho iiervva. It la not t stimulant but a health builder and tho ohlldreu aa well an tho adults can iirinr wun I'n'iii iuiiiiii. 1 uusin ubout u luucU rr. 15c. nm, 8e. per package. Aalt your grocer wr uraiu-o. c OAWTpXlXA.. iM tk m nn ,r ""P -tw tZ&&&kc IT WILL NOT DOWN. Plain Dsty" Remains Just Where It was Before. rMf later Oeeaa. . Another sUce ef the PrU Rle tariff dts-fifdoa isabont tockxe. A 1 U demien oi the Sa prenj Coart j now ttanda, CoB?rei ae fall per In matters of Perto Rieo liilation. liowerer.tt e derteioa ef ib Coortoees not nrt:earily impair te vnlwl-tr of the rolHw ileclarei hr PrefWnt MrKln le; i hl9me-a!!vf DeeetnbrS. 3UV. There waa at that time no cowti'atw al queslioH invoJve.1. No oae had raiiod U"P v- ) . the issue whether the ComUtution foi-1 Corporations- lone-IUieflsg or not. The Present . Where n corporation agrees with its declared Ibat it was "onr plain dutr to eloeklwlders that only a certain amount abolUh all eustowi tariff between the of t0k "nbecrlLed by each stock Uniled State, ami- Porto Kteo. arnl give , "' " id in, but credit is ex her prodtwts freeacces to oar markets" itw,ed to l,,p ooroporatlon on faith that TherefcafMintrUfkin of tho eenitf- 'ts rt)orate stock is payable in full, tutioaal qupcttoa by the PreWet or by a,,J "ItlwU n" ' a liffercnt agree theRepaWwan Iwdersin Congrew. It mB,,t lten the cororation and its wa a question of pohcy and duty. jf0 stockholders, the unpaid subscriptions one doubted the Mirer of Coiiffres lo,Rre "el for tl,e payment ol such letritlale at the President recoin mended. No one doubts that power now. After all has been rahl ami tlrxte, the pxjple are today face to face with tho atmeiefueai in K9andlO00. The tar iff elaute of the Furaker bill expires in less than a year, and then the question whether Porto Rieo shall have free trade with the United States or be subject to new tariff will have to be passed upon. Then the Republican party will still be duty bound to stand where it stood at the onUet before the sugar lobby ap peared on the scene and railed the con stitutional hubbub to cover an act of bad faitb. Free trade with Porto Rice Is still a question of Justice and plain duty. If the Constitution extends our customs laws to the new territory, free trade wai and is Porto Rice's organic right. If tho revenue clause of tho Constitution did not extend to the island, then Congress had and has tbe power to enact a law In cluding Porto itico in our customs system. This wes ths original position of the Republican party. It was absolutely un assailable then. It was absolutely un salable today. It will be absolutely un-J sailable next winter, when the Porto Rice tariff will again be the question ol tho hour. CdoeatoTour Home! ttt Cuacarat. Oandf Catlisrilo. cure constipation (ocorer. 10c, So. If C. O. O, fall, drugging refund xnonoj Y. M. C A. Jubilee Bohtom, Juno 11. The most Import ant religious convention of tho prexent year and, with the possible exception ol the ecumenical council of missions held in Now York in 1899, tho gathering with tho most world-wide ulguiflcance ever met in this country is the Y. M O. A. jubileo horu today. It com memorates the beginning of association work In Boston and In this country in 1801 IJesIiIes large numbers from all parts o( tho United (Hates there are atsoala tlon representatives from Austro-Iluu-gray, Australia. lielglum, Denmark France, Germapy, Great llrltlan and Ireland, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Rus sia and Finland, Hpnin, Norway tind Hneden, bwiUorlaud, China, Indu, Ja pan, rJouth Africa and Hraxll and other countries. Kvery dopartmunt of thn organiza tion Is represented by some of lis brain lost mon, who havu the movement what It is in tho Railroad, College, Army and Navy, India, Colored, County and for eign departments. Striking exhibits of th work in all departmuats occupy ucres of space iu tho oxhihltion halls o( Mo ohanlcs' building, whero the conven tion is meeting. letters were recently tent out tn tho Y. M. O. A.'so'f American colleges nnd universities luklng for information as to tho religious conditions in these institu tions. Out of 05 institutions reporting, iu only live does the religions prospect ooein less eucouragiug than formerly, while in the other CO it is holding Its own, and In more tlitm two-thirds of these It Is quite encouraging, seeming to be much bettor than ever before In a large number of oatos, at least oue-third ol the 50. Right Institutions report the entire senior class to hu Christians, and many more show nearly as good a record, Fifty two reporting institutions fur nlsh estimates of number of Christians among mon of senior class, the percen tages being as follews: In Congregational oolUgos,77 iwccnt; I'rosbyterian colleges, 8'i (Kir rent; Hap- llst, OS per cent j Methodist, 7-' per cent; otherdoiiomlnatious, 73 per font; un denominational, 02 jor cent, State I nl varsities, 47 per cent. Blxty one Institutions give the mini berof candidates for tho ministry and missions ry work among senior men as follows; lull Congregational colleges, 16 for ministry, 6 (or foreign Held ; in 4 Pres byterian colleges, 15 for ministry. 1 f jr foreign Held; In 5 llantlit colleges, 1'.' lor ministry, 10 for forelgu fluid, in 0 Methodist colleges, 37 for ministry, for foreign field; iu 7 other denomina tional colleges, -is for ministry aud 4 for foreign Held, In 10 uiulenonuna uonai colleges, 07 for ministry, SU (or forelgu field; in 0 State universities, 12 for ministry and 6 for forelgu Hold. Total, 2tt for ministry, 65 for foreign Hold. Klevun of the colleges reporting show uo students for the ministry. Twenty live of tho remainder show nyno for the forelcn Held. Forty-nine of the xl'J candidate for the ministry are looking definitely to ward tho foreign field. This Is xJt per cent, of the ministerial candidate, or 3l of the whole. There aro now 43 Y. M. O. A. s In the theological Institutions. They will be represented In the Jubilee eanvoaUon ud exhibit at Boston, June (1 to IS. Investigate Mower draw cut Champion - .i Ur2iSrvM sr"aKJBrrNar m -mrm - JF A fWftw Dt One!- X I Illrfffft ee$i CUMlficitloa of P JUU1LIU1 ,k. .,-,I RBlP.f. of nprfcirfriC laterest to the Beacn iVaravrjBTiiNaJsNNat Cannine Factories. Where canued pears r sold by Im nortersbya lecription known to the tra'le to refer to the highest grade pack ed by Utetn, no warranty aa to their quality is implied, where it is ascertain able by inspection of one or more cans j hi every hundred, which inspection trip hmi1 custom of the trade. GO N. E. creditors on the insolvency of the corporation. 00 N. i;. Itep. (Ind.) 307. Draymen. An ordinance of the board of park oommisaioncre of the city ol Minneapolis provides that no vehicle which, together with its load, neighs more than" 2,030 pounds, and which I" 1 1 use for carrying good, merchandise, building material, manure, dirt, earth or other article or commodity, ana wnicii lias tires less than six inches in width, shall pass or enter upon any park or parkway. Held, as applicable to a parkway, tho or dinance In void, because unreasonable, and in its effect prohibitive of traffic thus classified. 80 N. W. Rop. (Minn.) 93. Physicians and Sureeons. Tho plaintiff's right hand was so severely injured in tho feed-grinding mill as to mako amputation of the fingers necessary. Tho operation was perform ed by the dofondant and another physician called by him. Thereafter for somo five or six days, the case WkB treated by the defendant, when another physician was called by the plalntlfl; and the dofondant rofusing to consalt or act with him, surrendered the caso. Borne eighteen days after the Injury it was deomed necessary to amputate plaintiff's arm above the elbow, which was douo. Proof was given, over defend aiit'o objection, of what plaintiff earned heforo and and after the loss of his arm. Defendant contended that proof should be confined to the tors of his earning ca pacity aftor tho removal of his fingers, which operation was conceded to bo nee useary. Hold not to bo reversible error, where the jury's verdict showed that due consideration wus given to such difTcr tuico in physical perfection, 80 N. W. Rep. Iowa 6'J. Street Railways. An Hlectric railway company owning and operating a road upon a street of a city and an interuban electric railway company may, by favor of the tralllc ar rangement for the carriage ol merchau iIIko for liiro upon said street. GO N. K. Rep Ohio. m. A street-railway company Is not, as to its paasengers, guilty of negligence in attempting to oporato its cars during n strike of its employes, unless tho con ditioiiM are such that it ought to know, or ought to reasonably anticipate, kthat it cannot do so and at thu same time guard from violence, by the exercises ol thu utmost caro on its part, those who accept its Implied invitation to be come passengers. 8(1 N. W. (Rrp) Minn. DO. Telegraph Companies- Hum's Rev. Ht. 1801 M 6511, C113- (Homer's Rov. St. 1697, $$ 4170. -H00 a), making a telegraph company liable for such iKiualty for the failure to deliver a message received within the Htato for transmission to a point outside tho state. ION, K. Rep. (Ind.) 305. How Art Tour Kidney I -I?! .1iobI',.'i'fcy,F.M ,'!" U Mdii lilt. Hn. plarrr. Add MtrRue ltmU;Ca,cSlcouf N. V Editors at Bu.t'alo. Ilurt'ALO, N. Y.,June 11. Newspaper publishers from alt parts of the country thronged thsassembly rooms of Sutler's Hotel this morning at the f)nnal open ing of the annual convention of the Na tional Kdiloiral Association. Tho session opened with tho aunual address by Pre- HURRY UPf Rvcowhete one hears that cjireiilon i" Kcnmne Amcticiium expreive of the "ruti in which we lie NotUlugUnwifl eituugh for u. Wc race Katut tea m ami lightniiKr ami find them ow. We Brudge the time situ to eating;, and ruu through meals an though life depended upon our httte Life doe denrnd on our hatte, but not in 'that letue look at Ihe obituary columns of the paper and ee how many promi nent men are carried away by "stomach tumble, "acute iudl. crtiun " and other re lated dieaM Their lue he in General been .icrifieti to the luute mid iuU of tHiMue which over liHiVr.1 the fart that food ran only tumrWn the body when digest ed and aHtiaiilated a till .at ttiM lt.A..s amUMiniiUthepnce4ea,dM7AANryA Iir nrivt-'a IVuUlcii Medical Dltceveiy cuir ilteM ut the ttoaiacU and the ajiio- rKIl!lia"? n rfu,en ' nutrition The wutce of alt physical strength is food. iMvptiU digMtcd d perfectly a.imiUtetl H) eiwWiMg Ike nerfeet digestfon aud ain lUttoHof food "Oolden Me.liel DUcovery" lurca and enriches the blood snunly fl IxhI '" Uc,18,U to cery or o IM at one time I thought altnoM t it,h1 ,,4W " ' Mr J 8 n4l ,rf LSad2J Va Uhu Co. Iowa. Mw oo6nJ mv s&y nsjaa.1!. fjS eajH ir mljius; b JWdthlrtyene I w,cria,Trw':",tf d'- "T"i tmr iot Mom bound book or I v Hi akl 'I I $$Pffi An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, Jtbop or Flos, manufactured by the CAuronHtA. Fm SrBur Co . illuntrato thevalueof obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting themin the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It ia the one perfect strengthening" laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers crently yet promptly and enahllngono 1 overcome habitual constipation per manently. IU perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub ntarve, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bouels, without weakening; or Irritating- them, make It tho ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing- fifr aro used, as they are pleasant to the teste, but the medicinal qualitlesof tho remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAMronrrix Fio Svnor Co. only. In order to get its boneflcial offecta and to avoid imitatlono, please rememl)or the full name of tho Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN rnANOIBCO, CAL. TjOVisvxllz, kt rnrw york. k. t. For sale by all Drulst.-Prlce60c.perbottla sldent George E. Matthews, after which thecommitteesjwsre appointed and the convention adjourned until this evening in honor o( deceased mombers. The af tornoon was spent in slghtseoing'atthe exposition, Tho feature of tho evening will be memorial services in tho Temple of Music inhoncr ol tho late president ol tho late presldentof the associatfon, Matt Parrott, of Iowa.t Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulk. Btware of the dealer who tries to sell "jofncthlnt; just as food." so jol. tei T O H. X .. Brs tk Ito "lnil w Hot Wwyi Bwitt A Master Stroke in lino laundry work wo lay on every article laundered by us, whether ilbe linen or Madras white or colored shirt, collar, cuff, shirtwaist or lace curta'ns. Our laundry work is unapproachable iu point of beauty, in color, finish and conscientious earn. We win approba tion by giving satisfaction and peerless work at low prices. ammma Salem Steam Laundry COLOSKL J. OLMHTKD, PROrBIBTOlt. DOnODB D. OLMHTKD, MOI1. Phone 411 320 Liberty Street Reduced Rates Are now in effect to Buffalo, New York. Do you expect to attend tho Pan Amorkan Exposition? If so do not buy your ticket until you have investigated the service of the Il linois Central railroad. Our accomodations are tho best that can be hod, our t ruins aro always on time, and employes courteous and ac comodating. Through tourist cars from Pacific coast to Boston via Buffalo. II you will send 15 centn in tamps, to address given bolow, wo will forward to you, by return mail, one of our large 84x40 Inch wall maps of the I' tilted States, Cuba and Porto Rice. Any information regarding rates ac comodations, service, time, connections, stop ovore, etc, will bo cheerfully fur nished by B. H. Trumiidll, Com'l Ag't. III. Cent. R. R. 143 Third St.. Portland Or Free Book To Weak Men Weak and nervous men read 'Strength ts Uifl aud bu10 by Mon," Doctor Saiiden II tells oil about my PR. SAXDKN ELECTRIC BBLTb and how they are used tQ euro such cases of rheumatism, lumbago, rclsts, lame twiek, kidney, liver and stomach disorders, sleepless ness, or any of thoeo disease peculiar to man, Dr. A. T. Sanden Suite 10, RusmI Bidg. Portland Or. TURKISH BATHS WILLAMETTE HOTEL Tire repair s?cost' J ATtMxaln and savc tr,c expense. "IBl Fitcnyrim. No cement required. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0. Snell'Yale Cycle Co., Distributors 0Brutt Portland, Or. . - . . . " --iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaWSWDBlf''aM Are You Going East ? Perhaps I can be of service to you. I can ticket you over any railroad running trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave home; where to change cars; when you will reach your destination, and what there is to be seen on the way. Call or write I 'll take pleasure in answer ing your questions. Omaha, Chicago, Kannes City, St. Louts and EVERYWHERE beyond. Cor IF YOU ARE A You make about 1531 l.-g thrutu t fitted with a Columbia Hub Coaster Brake Keep your feot on the pedals and coast down gradt. You ill Kie yourself 528 strokes each mile. Think what a saving of effort ihi would mean in riding a Century. Bring us your o'd wheol and let us put one on It better still gut a Col umbia or Hartford, they are strong, light and handsome Columbia, Models 63 and 64, $40 Hartford, Models 23 and 24, $30 OTTO J. WILSON EXTRH Return of the Big Moral Shows. The Well-spring From Which all Pirates and Would-Be Showmen Receive Their Inspiration NUI I leMX IVUWt) d BIG SHOWS TRAINED ANIMAL Tuesday June I8.ii Shows 2 300 PERFORMING ANIMALS Trained Pffin,s Bring " the JTrained Rfys See the Funny Clown Band TRAINED PIGS TRAINED FOXES EVERY ACT AND FEATURE NEW WAIT FOR SOULE BROS. hano 1mm and Repairers PORTEND ORE. RRIO more than Tires. RIDE GOODYEAR DETACHABLE TIRES EASY' TO REPAIR. EASY to BUY. Every puncture don't mean vulcanizing. A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, Third and Stark St:. Portland, Ore. BICYCLE RIDER the m.le. Suppose vntj Iuvp your wheel WILL; exhibit; IW o A i cu lINoALhftll m and 8 p. m. Trained Zebras Seals ' Children TriitiiAf4 Goats Zebus Only rv KT Qf I MJl&l Show Coining THE REAL SHOW DON'T BE DECEIVED ADULTS 25 cents. children, 15 cents. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Jf1" M nl and passenger train, Bggage to all parts of thocitv IW; wrvke. Telephone No. 341 mpt DISQUE A HOMYER 300 im m .BBBBaVBBaaBBBBV B I a union Pacific tiEPAKT FOR TIME STIIPDIM.RS From Iiurtlsnd Or. AttltlVK J-UJM Chicago frirtlam (jpeclal 9u m. via Hunt- Ingtou VuntTc" KxpreM U p m. via Hunt Itinlon alt Ijikc. Denver. Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kansas City, 8L lAUlt, ClilcaKo! IM '. m. anu cisi. alt Uke, "Denver Fl. Worth. Omaha. Kantn gt ritr. St. L-uM, t'hlrsgo 'ltr. tlldJ East. Kt I'at'l iWalla Wall., toftlklon, Fast Mall I.Seokune, Wallace, Pull Cp til, 'man, Mluneaticlls 81. via iPul, Duluth.Mllwaukc Spokane Chlrsgo, and Eitt. 'Wt ju. HOURS , P0RTLAMD TO CHICAGO 72 no tnante 01 tars Through llckts East ia nil rial, or boat and rail, via Portland. OCEAN AND RIVEB SCHEDULE " From PortUnd. At (ailing dates subject to cunpo KorSan Frri cls;o Sail erery & day Sp tn. p. m IMI i expt BuiDlay 8pm Pal'irly IU COI UMI1IA RIVKK To Aitorlu and Way Ijindlngi. i p. in. rx. HuikUj WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamers leave Salem for Portland an J way Undlms. Monday. Wedsesdsy and Friday at 10 a. m, Tin illy. Ttiidliy nl iSitirii at 7 a m. For Indeceadence, Albsny andnCorvallls. Tuesday, Thursday ahd Sanlrdsy at 4 p. m. For Independent;. Monday. Wednesday and " Friday at 4;30 p.m. Throu-h tickets East via all rail or boat cad rail via PortUnd, Ticket office City dock. I E. T. THAYER. Asent Salem, reron. South and East Southern Pacilc Co, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Salem for Portland and wa id stations at o:4U a. m. , 7:o4 a. in. an 4 ;58 p. m. Lv Portland 8.30 A M' UM P tf 10.IJ P V 12: P M 4Xi AH Sit AM 7:004 H 9.15 A U 733 A M 8:33 A M 805 A Si 80 P 11 6:30 A U 11: A H 7.00 A M 6:80 P M 6:1! A V 12:10 P m Lt Salem llflO A U UM A M 6O0FU 7.45 P M b'jbt A M 8.30 A II 7S3 A M 7,2 A M Joi V U Wl'M . 6.30 A M 11:90 A M 1:0AM . 830 P M MIA M 13;10 P M Ar Ashland Ar Bactamento. Ar Ban Kranclioo. ArOgden. Ar Denver- ArKansa. City Ar Chicago, Ar Lo. Aulos. Ar iu raso.. Ar Fort Wortn Ar ('ttyofMexl(t). Arl!ouilnn Ar .Now Orlean - Ar Washlngtou Ar Now York Pullman and Tourists can on both trains. Chair rura Bacmmento to Ogdon and El 1 j? an I tourist care to Chicago, St. Lon -. '1w, Means aud Washington. Connecting at ban Frandisco with sev eral steamship linos for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at Salon' Station, or addross 0. H. MARKHAAI, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. Corvallis k Easlero Railroad TIME OAED. No. 2 For Yuqulua: Train leaves Albany 12:60 p. m Train leaves Corvallis.... 1:40 p. m Train arrives Yaqulna . CG5 p. m. No. 1 Returnlnp;: Leaves Yaqulna., .... t xjj a. ni llr.MJl n m weaves uorvallls. No. 3 For Detreit: ' viiivuh anunv .lia n. m Leaves Corvallis... l:30p. m. 2 3Up tu. 0:26. p. m Leave Albany Arrives Detroit. Vn A Vmn- TiitmAl . ,W. 7 A,U,.l 1CLIUJb: Leaves Detroit 5:35a. m, fficoVSK '1a, " Arr es torvallis 12:15 p. m. Trdins3 and 4 between Albany and uiiiu, luesuays, lnurruaya anu:aat urdays only. All other traina dally ex cept Sunday. , Trains 1 and 4 arrives in Albany iu time to connect with the 8. P. south 1 bound, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of 8. , P. rorth bound train fbr Portland. I Train No. 2 connects with tho S, P. west side train at Conv Ma Croesiug fot 'Independence, McMlntat 'e add all points north to Portland. J. Tun.vMt, Enwih Stomk, Agent, Albany. Manager. "The Best of Everything" la a word tbls tells or the. Passenier Servlcs The Northwestern Line via. 8 Trains daily between Bt. Paul and Chicago comprising the ateat Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Observation Care, Th. ., Fe Reclining Chair Care. EHN'LiMir'pfvHfyTrala -"THE NORTH WEST ehn LIMITED" rubs every day or the year finest Tran eu. in the World s,c,m "",ed- To Chicago By. Daylight The Badger State Express, the finest Day Train running betwcen t.Panl and Chicago ia tiie Short Lino. Connec tions from the West made via 1,1B ortnern faciuc, Hreat . Northern, Canodian Pacific This Is also the best line between wiimua, ot. raui and Minneapolis. .AflA,atJ!kV'i!l.Y! . .. .. ""iiu-TTtjicni unc. rr. ii. mUAD. G. A. II. L.SISLER. T A G0IN' TO BUFFALO? IP SO USE TIIE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. Pereonallyconducted ex cursions to Chicago and East three days every week. Through Pullman Sleepers Salt Lake City to Chicago every day. Ask your ticket Agent to make your ticket read via ceat Rock Island Route from Denver Write for F6lder. mm A. U. COOPER, GENERAL AGENT 250 AUcrSt.. PortUad. Ore. m r,