The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 11, 1901, Image 1

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r.' rittgdilak.
This oaoer receives the largest As
This Paper, Is a 'neater0?
sociated Press report taken In Oregon J
' nonnwesi Airermen ntwtMMf
League-Prints ll SWe ItafijgtSr.
OUtsiuc ui ruinuuu.
TT V -V fTi . "m. T k
mH. Ji!aV
ffa.37 " .1
Why Not Be Comfortable When You Can
Get Good
At reasonable prices. Oloao woven cotton hammocks, Inigo also, without
pillow, 7Cci close woven cotton hammocks, largo alzo with pillow, $1 ; eamo
na above, fringed at $1.25; finorgradoa with detachable pillows for porch
cushions, $1.02, (2,10 and $2.65. Haven't you a cool shady place to hang
one? Wo have a beautiful lino of lace curtains and frilled curtains in all
qualities. Just compare our prices with thuso offered elsewhere, You'll
havo to seem to do it because qualjty counts as well as price
Largo assortment, low prices. Our ribbon counter is ono of tho busiest
departments in tho store. Ladies know that wo give the best values, that's
why they trade with
....The New York Racket...
by Mckinley
Would Not Accept a Nomination "if it Were
Offered to Him.
Continuity In Office Might Dull the Public Mind to the Dancer of Life Tenure
Plans for Avoldintr Serious Economic Problems In Deallne
With Situation in Cuba.
Our Store Closes EveryiEvealst atl Six O'clock Except Saturday.
Cor.'Commorolal and
Ohamokata Streets
Repairing a Watch
Of tho finest workmanship is a branch
of our buainoss that wo givo special at
tention to. Our ron-alrlng department
Is conducted with tho utmost care and
skill; diamonds aro reset, and jewelry o
all kinds is ropairod in tho most perfect
mannor. besides optical work of nil
C, T. Pomeroy
.M --
288 Com'ISt.
Watchmaker and Optician
Js now ready to deliver ice to the consumers of Salem
and surrounding country at existing rates A specialty is
made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday.
...Crystal Ice Works...
WABiiiKaTox Juno 11. President Mc
Kinloy has decided not to bo a candidate
for third term.
Following statement has been given
out at the Whito Heuse:
"I regrot that tht suggestion of a
third term has been made. I doubt
whether I am called upon to giro it
notice but there aro now questions of tho
gravoit importance bofore tho adminls
atratlon and tbo country, and their juat
consideration should not be prejudiced
in tho public mmd by oven tho suspic
ion of a thought of a third term. In
view, thorcforo, of tho reiteration of tho
suggestion of it, I will say now, once
and tor all, that I will not bo candidate
for a third term, and would not accept
a nomination if toudored mo."
"William McKlnley."
Wahhinoton, Juno 11. President Mc
Kinley's ofllcial anuouueemont, dispos
ing; of tho third term idoa suggested by
eoino admirers, created no great
surprise among his friends. Whun
Senator Dopow's suggestion that tho
President should bo re- elected
(or a third term began to bo seriously
dlscuseod, tho President decided the
public mind would bo instanty cleared
ot oven ino suspicion that no was
seeking to become a candidate for
another term. There was unanimous
conuurrenco ot the cabinot in tho
bolief that discussion of a third term
for the Iprosidont, If allowed to go
on, would not only placo the president
in a lalse light before the countrj,but
would arousa antagonism and would
badly embarrass tho administration in a
solution of tho great questions heforo it.
third term. Continuity in ofltao might
dull tbo minds of tho pooploaml provent
them from percoiving the dlfferenco be
tween election and life tenure.
"Aftor 12 years In offlco, oven people
cursed with Boetlan dullnoss will ask
'Quo Vadls?'. The people Invatlably
rectify our tendonoy to error."
J. M,GUinE. Mer.
Telephone 2071 Main.
sr-.iSVM 'I I 'copfraoNT
Of all kinds, brandies, whiskies, rums,
and gin, and tho choicest vintages of
wines, you wi.l always find in our cellars
and shelves, and can bo bought by tho
gallon or bottles a dublred. Wo make a
specialty of family trade, and can sup.
ply your table, wiuo cellar or buffet
with the best.
Nkw Yokk, Juno 11. Hon. D. B.
Hendorson, Speaker of tho House of
Representatives, is quoted by the Paris
correspondent of tha Journal and Ad
vertiser on the third presidential tonn
as follews: "Regarding tho third term,
I will say first that I am opposed to It
as a rulo.
"Secondly, there may arlte conditions .
demanding it and therefore the hands of
the country should not bo tied.
"Thirdly, as to President McKlnley,
tho time has not arrived for discussing a
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
-To Buy Goods Cheap is the Place
He Has Saved My Life
that I am entirely, and aa 1 bellava ruirniannt.
ly cured I cheerfully recommend Vt. Cook to all
We are setting the pace
right now iu prices, on
Garpete 1
The largest and best stock
in the city.
Our sales are great money 3
savers. Do not delay if r
you need a carpet, for ev
eryday reduces you reliance
for good selection.
Tapestry Brussels worth 65c at 45c
Tapestry Brussels worth 85c at 65c
Velvet, and Moquet worth $1.20 at
85 cents.
Body Brussels worth $1.20 at 85c.
The Low Price Furniture House.
ttfo&D . Ore, May, 1, 1000
To whom theM prevents thall, coraeflmtlDK-.
Thla It toCertllT that 1 hare ln aflllntnl trilh
Ovarian Tumort for a number of yean, alio
iiTcriruuuie. i ur.iru in piiDiiciy tiaie Upon
oaththatWr J. F.Cook, of Balem, Oregon, liai
remorea iaiu tumori, two in number, wllliout
meuaeor anna, (iiaaterorpoiaonouaarUKi, and
a i
rerODi atllcted ai I waa. I fel that hs h.
aared my life. My horn li three mllea aouth of
i uruer, urcgoa,
Bubacrlbed and iwora to before me tula flrit
day or May, 1901.
Heal attached. W W HALL,
County Clerk.
Do Not Listen to 'Tappers"
Who are hired to defame me and my methnli
of treatment. If I could not cure people there
would V no uu to fight me. It U oeoatue I do
cure iieopie mat i am pvrtueutly mUrepre
emeu, but I keep on curlur folki Jutt the
aame, and aomeofthe beat people In OreKon
itaod by me, for which I am thankful
Bend for Circular containing teatlmouUU
from patient cured both In Orcemi and In the
Eait, Don't detpalr becauae you bare been told
you ha e been told ) ou could not be cured. Dr.
Cook ha cureil hundred of people wbote caaea
bare been pronounced hopelet by the HolU
achool" pbyalolaiti.
The doctor ha derated the belt year of hi
lire to tbettudyofdUeatend theuaeandao
tluii of Nature' vegetable rtniedlea, until be
know absolutely juat what he can do. ThU
five him confidence.
Dr. J. F. Cook gfttfJffii
Cureaall klndiof diieaaea.
Office. S01 Liberty Su Balem, Or.
I I' tsi J- - -1
lITl tiaaiJi in" ,--r- f
A special from Washington ays: In
spito of atatumonts of Cabinet officers to
to the contrary, It ia strongly bolieved
that their call on the Paosident last
night wob not otrictly social. It Js
ganorally surmised BombthirJg has oc
curred In Cuba which tho Prosident
wanted to lay beforo'tho regular ecssion
of the Cabinet, ao that they my have
the subject well digested before bo! tig
called to account ou it.
Lato advices from Genoral Wood indi
cate that two or throe membora of the
constitutional convention who at flrst
wero moat actlvn and outspoken in their
hostility to tho Piatt law are now about
to align thomsolvoa with the supporters
ol.tbat law and It is strongly intimated
aa probable that it a final vote (a readied
In the convention this week, tho
Piatt law without modification or
qualification will bo incorporated
iuto the constitution ot Cuba. Tho
sharp noto, tho second on tho subject
sent by Secretary Root to tho convention
through Uenoral Wood bolieved to havo
had tho desired iniluenco at Havana.
In this noto the Secretary of War sets
fortit plainly and unequivocally tho
attitude of this government as firm and
It tho convention conforms to Piatt
law within the next two or three weeks,
it ia considered probable that the ten
tative plan can be carried out by tho
original date. It this should dono, It ia
belived that tho President in compliance
with tho Piatt law would bo able
to withdraw all American troops
from tho island soon after the begin
ning ot New year and that
by uert spring, the Cuban Goverumeut
will bo wholly in the hands ot tho Cuban-..
In tho meantime a joint com-
mlsflon, representing the two countries
could bo formulating some scheme of re
ciprocity, on which Congress could act
and thus Cuban serious economic pro
bleuis would bo tar advanced toward so
lution about tho timo the Island attained
independence and sovereignty.
Out of Danger.
Nkw Yonic, June 11. It is hoped that
Mrs. McKlnley will be strong enough to
bo removed to her home at Canton by
July I, says the Washington oorreioml
ontofthe Tribune. The members ot
tho cabinet, who called to congratulate
tho President had learned from tho
President himself by telephone the
gratifying information that the doctors
had declared Mrs. McKlnley out of
Later: Mrs. McKinley's physicians
rejxrt that she continues to Improve and
is slowly gaining strength.
"How long have you boon heforo tho
public?" asked a Joukkal reporter.
"Ever sinco I was all years old, re
sponded the brilliant virtuaso, "but I
I am not going to toll you how long ago
that was," saidsho with a twinklo.
Madamo Urso is accompanied by her
husband, Mr. Frederic Luere, and by
Mlits Hall, contralto, and Mrs. Pearco
pianist. Sho la enthusiastic over Satom
as a city ot homos and saysour wonOor
f ul roBos remind her of Iior homo In old
Franco. Sho was glad to hoar that Sa
lem has a now opera house, and prefois
ono of about 800 seating capacity ns the
most comfortable for audionce and per
former, Madamo Urso is progressive in
hor art, and hor old-time admirers will
bo delighted with her work tonight.
Marlon County Growers Arrange for
Strawberry Fair Saturday.
Under the Direction of Press Club, and
in Honor of the Farmers Mectlne.
Tho strawberry industry ia assuming
such importance that a number ot
prominent growers havo decided to hold
a show at Salem noxt Saturday, opening
at 10 a. m. Iu the absonco ot any other
organixation tho Halom Pross Club, with
tho aid of somo ot tho advanced fruit
growors of this section, hava undortakon
tho conduct of this enterprise. Tho Hon .
O. L. Smith, ot Minnesota, is going to
bo hero to talk to tho (armors and all
others interested In thoir work and It is
proposed to givo lilm an object lesson of
this country's rosourcos in tht straw
berry line.
A meeting of tho Balom Press Club
was held last ovenlng and it was deter
mined to givo a Strawberry Fair on noxt
Saturday, tho lGtli.Mhe exact location In
tho city to bo determined today. A gen
eral committee of arrangement was ap
pointed, consisting ot K. Holer, Mrs.
It. E. Wands, O. V. Allen,
O. h. Dally aud Frank Davuy,
who will look up a room, arrango pio
iniutn list and program, appoint sub
committees etc.
The intention is to secure as fine a
display ot strawborrios as possible aud
havo them compared by compotoiit
Judges for the awarding of premiums.
All tho borries entered will bo tho pro
nortr of llio manaiteuiout aud in tho
evening a program of music and singing
and apeakiug will bo rendered. Some
society, church or organization will bo
uivon tho riizht to dish out tho borries
with croam and sugar at so much per
A partial list of premium was mado
our last night as follews:
Oest plato (quart) ot Wilson berries,
1: second best, CO conts.
iiost plato (quart) of any large variety,
$1; second best CO cents.
llest plato canning berries, any vari
ety, $1 ; second boat. -1) cents.
largest display of named varieties by
any one grower, f I ; second best CO cents,
In addition to those specific prizes,
thero will bo a substantial prize given
by tho Salotn Cannery for tho best
crato of canning berloa; a inereliant'H
prize for the best homo market berries,
and a prize for tho best shipping berrios.
It la desired that every grower ot
strawherriea around Salem take an in
terest In this and mako it a big day for
Salem berries.
The managers ot tho Fair will conceit
trato thoir onergies upon special point
to bring out tho best in the following
Tho best homo market varieties.
The host lamlly canning varieties.
The best commercial canning variotles,
The best sliipp ng varieties
To theio ends prizes will bo offered
and awarda mado by committees selected
for these special interests.
Sailors on a Schooner Cooked a Murderous
Chinese Cook.
The Bribery Investigation of the Kanaka Legislature Has Taken a New Turn-
Battleship Oregon ou Her Way Home From the Now Peaceful
Scenes In the Orient McKlnley's Advice.
Honolulu, Juno 5. Details ot a
shocking tragedy at sea have been re
ported by schoonor J. A. Campbell, (mm
Port Stanley with lumber. Mate ilubor
vim murdered by tho Ch nose coo tlnnd
tho lattur, aftor terrorizing tho wholo
crow by holding possession of tho galley
for nearly 24 hours, was subjosted to
tho steaming process to bring him out,
out shot hlmsolt rathor than bo cap
tured. Tho Cliiiuinan'a body was lit
erally cooked by stoam.
Tho Hawaiian Uar Association adopt-'
ed a resolution asking for removal ot
Circuit Judun Humphreys. A com
mittee waa appolutud to submit tho cano
tp Washington.
The grand jury investigating tho
charges ot bribery in the Legislature has
submitted ? partial report to Judge
Humphreys, hut tho report was not
mado public. Today Jtidgo Humphreys
gavo tho jury a statotnont Hubtnittiug to
them, it is said, now lino ot Inquiry.
Tho battleship Oregon arrived hero
the thirtieth, on her way home from the
Orient, lloatswalu Murphy, ono of men
who helped Hobson sink tho Merrinmo
at tho entrance Santiago Harbor, had ills
leg broken by tho breaking ot an anchor
chain on iho Oregon.
Tho return ot ItepreHutilntlve llcckloy,
from his trip to present the homo rule
resolutions to PrcHiduul McKlnley In
San Franclico, hati been tho (or
commencement o( harder work in tho
llousu and Nuiato. Hockley reported
that the President has advleed him to
toll tho linme-rulera to work (or tho
ptiblin good, Iu harmony with tho Kx
tcutlvo Department and forget past
Nkw Vonx, Juno 11. Commenting
upon tho report that Mrs. Botha has
brought Doer peace proposals from her
husband, tho loudoii correspondent ot
the Tribune says: 'iho 'Netherlands
CoiihuI ia reported to bo tfiu Intermediary
by whom peaco negotiations are carried
on and tho cable, It is tald, has
been placed at hla disposal (or iho pur
pose. If curtain BtutoinoutH emanating
(roin Amsterdam and llrMntels are to be
trusted, Mr. Krugur mill holda uptlmla
tlcviuHH with regittd to tho Doer pros
penta It in also reported from Brussels
that at a Boor council o( war, held at
Piet Belief, In tho Kasteru Transvaal, a
vigorous continuation o( hostilities wub
decided tion.
A largo number ot jnombora turnod
out, and for tho now recruits tho drill
was especially good, as thoy will bo pre
pared for regular duty In camp. The
now recruits are requested to drill cvory
night this week at tho Armory. On noxt
Wednesday evoning tho Militia and
Band will attend a Trolley party and a
good time Is expected.
Taken Up by the Marlon County Grand
Important Witnesses
tlon by the State.
Under Examlna-
District Attornoy Hart thin morning
subpoenaed Attornoy Oonoral Black
burn and M. L. Chamberlain, clork ot
tliu land board to appoar before the
grand jury with thoir books and report
of tho legislative committee for Investl-
tiounl. Tho first question to bo decided
upon is aa to whothor the statute of
limitation!) has tun against all parties
responsible (or tho Davis defalcation.
Alter finding that thero hao been a de
falcation tho legal phase ot tho question
will bo raised an presentment to Judge
Hamilton. K ho decides that tho timo
limit for prosecution haa expired no
(urthor testimony will bo found. Tho
Diet-lot Attorney will pursue this policy
to eavo expense
nave You
Been 111? v
$$ &
If very sick, you had
doctor. That's right. Wclfif
uuvu iu uuciors. t ncy nrc
among our best friends. M
Now that you arc recover-
ing, don't you think, tha A
bottle or two of Aycr's Sarsa- '
parilla would do you greafl
good? Askyour doctor about
it and do just as he says.
We believe he willtell you
that this blood-purifying and
nerve-strengthening medicine
is just what you need.
It will certainly take out all
the Impurities in your blood,
caused by your sickness, and
will make you feel better In
everyway. si.HaMin. ah a:ii.i.
J. O. A.YER CO., Lowell, Mats.
inspector Callaghan and fire Boss Mc
Foo may die.
Homb. Juno 11. The report cabled to
tho Uuitod Statqa that tho Pope ia again
HI, ia without foundation. Hla Holiness
ia woll and yeatarday granted audienco
to the Belgian Domlnon Ministers.
Wkht Nkwton, Pa., June 11, Another
explosion occurod at tho Port Itoyal
Mine shortly heforo noon and several
rescuora wore dangerously Injured. Firo
Imhchwooii, la., June 11. During a
cyclone this morning, Kdward Ugland
and child were carried somo distance
aud landed in a wheat field, bruised, but
otharwlso uninjured. Near Letter a boy
waa killed aud soveral people badly In
jured. This morning a tornado struck Adri
an. Minn , and awept clear a strip half a
mllo wldo. number ot houses badly
damaged, but no fatalities reportod.
Commander Tlllev, governor ot Tutu
ilia, has arrived at Ban Francisco.
Fresh Pop Corn
Crisps at
Ellis & Zinn's
54 State Street, StIetB'Pboa3874
i mrJsirfM'f
MPmiaM uyrL(LKjr
Iff MKThi
Madame Camilla Uran, the world-famous
violinlsto, ia at Hotel Willamette
with her concert party, and will play at
the Grand this evening. She played in
Salem 22 years ago, and on her return
trip looks aa young and is as .bright aa
of yore.
Waiting for Something to
Turn up
Well, here It is. Our void filled spectacles and
they aro
till yon
eyiKlaeses. You can't really imaulne how da
i . .. .... r . - i .
nave aen ami irieu
We fit Mine very difficult cases, many
others have failed to fit or give satisfaction.
Herman W.
K iiitiHc Optician
MB State St.
ljSf Wtt give voting couixjus oa both pianos
une on eacu piano lor every ax, casn
Lincoln Public School will Give
Social Saturday Night.
The Library Union of Lincoln school
announce a strawberry and Ice-cream
social on tho lawn (or Saturday night to
which they invito the patrons aud
friends of the publlo schools.
The beautiful grove about the school
will be lighted with Chiuese lanterns.
The sweet-brier on the grounds Is In
bloom. Tha ladles will serve berries
aud cream, freth and frozen, with cake
and there will bo tnuelo aud moonlight.
It will bo the last gathering there until
the achool open in the fall. Some funds
are needed to pay for pictures and fram
ing tor tha aohool room and the proceeds
will be used for that purpose.
Siianuiui, Juno 11, Admiral Sye
mora, tho British Comiuatidor-in chief
In the China station, waa a guest of
the China association at Ita
annual banquet lust ovenlng. Iu tho
co rso of a bkjocIi pro
testing against tho policy ot trade
oxoluslon, the Admiral aid Great Brit
ain had three powerful arrivals, tho
United States, Hussla and Germany.
Iho United ritatea was the great ot her
trade rivals, hut rivalry waa not In con
flict with Great Brltafn'a policy of an
ojhiii door,
Salem MllltlA.
Company F., 0. N, G., last evening
praotlcud "Guard 5Iotint," so as to be
prepared (or tho coming enuatnpment,
to take place atKugenuou the Will ol
this mouth. The Company formed at
tho Armory and led by tho Military
Band marched to Wllaon'a Avunuu,
where the band took tho baud stand
and played while thx officers proceeded
to perform the ceremony ot Guard
Mount. Captain Lyon acted ai officer
ot the day, while the lieutenants bur
goante and cornorela were given coin
niand o( the different detail.
Plcketa wore posted at Intervals
around the Square, aud after being on
their beat lor som? time were relieved
by a squad o( relief detail. At different
parta ol tho plakit Una blank shots were
fired, which means danger, and as the
cry went down llio line to meguaru
house, the sergeants aud eorporaleoll
The Marion County Grand jury this I the guard had a "hot time" Iu answer I
afternoon foun-l a not true bill against the calls.
Hay Gilbert, accused of anassultonj At a lata hour the pickets were picked
Pearl Damon. up and the drill waa over for tha night,
Are written with tho soja object of enticing money (rom the creduloas and over
confident reader. Wo don't advertise In this way Our nubile annonrceiuenta
are plain rlutemenlH of (acts connected with our bualuesa. No misraerekentations
or Jugglery about them. Wo invite the public to investigate every statemoot we
Iu response to tho bold attack made by a certain firm In tlila city, we sent a
representative to call upon them. Wo armed him with a written agreement bear
ing tho llrin'H signature, offering to accept their bluff to buy Kimball pianos at
I !!' 0 each, or to trade two for one.
Both offers wore rejected by that firm.
This ia a truo copy of our final oiler to accupt their own propesition:
Wo promise and uureo to deliver one now, style 0 Kimball Piano (or two (2)
new Gramer pianos offered as your bluff, and further agree to grant you ten diva'
time in which to deliver the two. We further agreo to pay you tha euni of 00,
the price of a style li Kimball It wn (ail to live up lo our agreement; provided how.
ever that you sign aud deliver tho enclosed agreoment lo show your good faith
and that you will live up to your proposition.
Tho following la a copy of the original agreement expected from youi
Jos. Meyers & Sons
I promise and agree, (or valuo received, to deliver to 0. W. Pfljf r 8ri
upon delivery of shipping receipt to ua for each one new Kimball plsno 0
two (2) new Gramer pianos or (oi(eit tho turn ot 300 for each Gratner PUoo not
so delivered within ten days of eatd receipt ol Kimball Piano.
Tills agreement they refused to sign. -. -
Wo elill have style 0 Kimball Pianos for t300 to those who want them t and
positively ntluse to ctmtlniiu this controversy, but leae tho good public tojuuge. r
When you see it In our ad., it's to be had.
for honorable treatment.
- in i W II ill l
" LTwfwiPjmt-wMtmEEB