j1 , 4 W&diiZKmOmilieiimim jESaj THE DAILY JOURNAL. MilVrft ijainirii This pacer receives the lanrest As- nlittflrf PiCO rAnnrt- rtktrnn In HrarfAn This Pacer '" is ?. .wwiwr i..ifA rtp DnWtiiNrl "1 r, Northwest AfteriiMr KewsMftf UIU9IUC Ul (U1UUIIU, VOL. XI SALEM, OREGON MONDAY JUNE 10 1901 NO 136 irilllllllllllllllllHfllllllllllllllllllllHHHHHlllKI (Salem ill H m a Goods M?D anlBojBl CIotbiD BOER LEADERS ARE CONFERRING AT THE HAGUE Wife of General Has a Message Asking for Peace. . I ALL SORTS OF RUMORS AND 5 SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN r, General Kitchener Compelled to Deny the Reported British Victory ofa Few Weeks Ago, When It was Reported a Boer Commando Had Been Surprised and Captured With Stores and ,', Eight Thousand Cattle. . THE LARGEST line in Salem. A minute inspection- of our stock will convince you that we are showing the 5 -largest assortment of clothing of any house in the city. 3 SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; CLOTH, .FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. iVJOOVfliUU STORES 2 BBO COMMIIROIAH M (milllllMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIllIHHHBIIHr protection To the feet is what you want these warm days. A pair of oxfords or canvass shoes from our large assort ment would not come amiss at . J 1 1 l9BBn ll I flY Ttvw&Au M Wf fv 4bBBHbRBH Vim.Y3ir BBBTBBBBBBBBtL v t KRAUSSB RROS - ' TTTItl m ---"- V I 1 ! lT Repairing a Watch Of tho finest workmanship is a branch of our business that wo give special at tention to. Our repairing department ii conducted with tho utmost care and skill ; diamonds are reset, and jewelry o all kinds is repaired in tho most perfect manner, besides optical work of all kinds. C, T. Pomeroy 288 Cotn'ISt. Watchmaker and Optician London, Juno 10. Tho 8un hoars that Mrs. Botha starts Wednosday for TheHague, whore Kruger has been sum moned to attond a conference of Beer agents to consider reports Mrs. Botha has brought from her husband, in which ho advises Kruger to sue for peaco and . best tonus obtainable. NkwYohk, June 10 A dispatch to tin Tribune from London says: Tho Wur Offlct authorities say thoy havo re coivod no nows of a meeting botweon General Kitchener and Botha near Standerton last Wednesday and tho re port of a tentativo settlement be tween tho British and Boar com mandors is consequently discredited in official quartors. Mrs. Botha's arrival in London lias, nevcrtholcsB rovlved poaco rumors to which publicity han been given on Bovoral occasions recently. It is im possible to say what oxactly is going on, but tho general opinion is that thoro muBt bo some foundation for tliu rumors. Mrs. Botha's visit is still shrouded in secrecy and although it is frooly stated that she is on a psaco mission no doOnlto information on that point is ob tainable at present. On the wholo, tho opinion of the nowepupors this morning is that Mrs. Botha's visit tq Mr, Kruger can at best have but an indirect Intlueuco on future peace ne gotiations so long ns tho Boor persist tii holding out for butter tormrt than were ottered at Middloburg. Thoro does not seem the slightest ground for the Btntomont which appcured in the Weekly Dispatch that Mrs. Botha was rocolved on Saturday at tho Colonial OIllco, then by Lord Roberts at the War Office and afterward by Mr. Brodrlck. Meanwhile tho war iiowb contlnuos inconclusive Ueueral liloou's opera tions In tho Eastern Transvaal havo apparently come to an end and cannot bo called decisive Botha is somowheru between Ermolo and Amsterdam and there seems no Immediato prospoct of surrounded him. Soma disappointment has been causod by Gonoral Kltchoner'a CRYSTAL ICE WORKS Is now ready to deliver ice to the consumers of Salem and surrounding country at existing rates A specialty is made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday. ...Crystal Ice Works... Telephone S07I Main. donial of a circumstantial account which was circulated by a nowa agency last week of the surpriso of Boyor'a com mando and tho capture of his convoy and stores. BIG Wheat Crops. Toi'ka, Juuo 10. A cry has gono 'up f om this madedonla of wheat land Jfor help to gather tho harvest which beni today. At least 20,000 hands more tian enn hn fttinnllnil within tllO State WO needed to cut and house the crop, wluch promises to bo larger than any prev year. Railroad officials havo beon for Bomu tlmo sanding out in all dl: tlona for men to meet this demand, and it bs hoped that nono of the harvost will fall for lack of help to tho garnering, Thoro will bo plenty of work during the next nlnoty days in tho way of cutting stacking and threshing. Bie Sunday Baseball. Bakhii Guv, June 10. Baker City and La Grande balljtcams played a very ex citing watch game SundAy afternoon, La Mrando winning by a scoro of 6 to 4. Till tho olghthH inningtho scoro stood 2 to 2, in that inning each mado two. In the ninth Baker becamo rattled, and lost some by rank errors. A largo crowd witnessed the game. PROHIBIT SALMON ' FISHING Industry notwithstanding tho artificial propagation of salmon. Second Tho river at tho cascades is so narrow and the gear used along the river thero is so destructive that tho salmon havo no chanco of oscarm and most all salmon ascending tho river are caught before reaching tho natural spawning grounds. For liko reasons fishing for salmon has beon prohibited above tido wator on tho Frasor river In British Columbia. Indian Supplies New Yoiik, Juno 10. Tho Journal of Commorce says: Controversy ovor placo of opening government bids for Indian supplies is again attracting attontion. Thrtatonod transtor to Chicago of bids, that under presont arrangements aro opened hero, was brought to nitention of Kxccntivo commlttoo of Now York Board of Trade and Transportation, and matter is being considered. Patrick Pleaded. Nkw Youk, Juns 10. AlbertT.Patrick pleaded notjullty of the murder of Wil liam Marsh Rice, the Texas millionaire, in tho court of gonoral sosslons today. With him woroarrainged David T. Short and Morris Meyer, charged with forgory in connection with case. They pleaded not guilty also. All were remanded to tho tombs. . THE TAC0MA POLICE 'Irak. Ha,vc Te'rrJfnV Struggle With a Wild Man. ' Tried to Arrest Him on the Theory That He Was a Burglar. In the Upper Columbia the Scheme on Foot- Latest, He Has Saved My Life Siuntj'or'lliSSon M 8,lew-0ro- May- . ,30 To whom these presenta shall, come Greeting. This Is tocortlfy that I bare boonjimicttxl with Ovarian Tumors for a number of Tears, also lWer trouble. I dealro to publicly state upon oath that I)r J. K. Cook, of fcUIom, Oregon, has reinorw said tumors, two lu number, without the use of knife, plaster or poisonous (Iiuks, ud ly cured. I cheerfull; that I am entirely, and a I believe permanent- J, MAQUIRE, Mar. Jiinniiiiiiiii'iiiifiiinnnniiiinnfiiifiiinnniii'ni'ii1'!!!! innnni v ffr j I I I F fi, J The Early Buyer Like the Chick Has the assort ment From Which to Pick r rooommend Dr. cook to all lersons articled as I was. I fee I that ho has sated my life. My home Is three miles south of turuer, ureioa, MI18. C'AUOUNK KOTZOLU Subscribed and sworn to before me this rlrst day or May, 1901. &al attached. W. W. HAI.L. County Clerk. Do Not Listen' to "Cappers" Who are hired to defame me and my methods ofltreatmeut. If I conld not cure people there would be no use to flgbt me. It Is because 1 do cure people mat i am pcrsuenuy murtpre- same, and Mme stasa by me. for Bend for Circulars contaluluv testimonials from patients cured both lu Oregon and In the East. Iion't despair became you bare been told you hare been told ou could not be cured. Dr. Cook has cured hundreds of people whomi raxes uiid uci'u uoiiiDuiirufi nniiifia. iiv fiiu ,'Aiji schools" physicians, .The doctor has derotcd the best years of his life to the study ufdlaease, and theuteand uc- know i absolutely Just what he can do. T. gives him confldento. Dr. J. F. COOk PaBrl Cures all kinds ofdltewei. Office, Ml Llbcrty-BUBalem, Or. j keen on curlnir folk. Inn Dm Mme of the beat people In Oregon e, for which I am thankful This is so in regard CARPET BALE having at our store to the we are The assortment Is good and the prices on all pieces of BRUSSEL8. E MOQUET, AXMIKSTER and TAPESTRY, where lees than a full roll E remain on hand are greatly reduced. Tapestry Brussels worth 65c at 45c Tapestry Brussels worth 85c at 65c Velvet, Moquet and Axminster worth $1.20 at 85 cents. Body Brussels worth $1.20 at 85c. See tho display of pstterns and prlcea in our north window. jj Q, BUREN & HAMILTON The Low Price Furniture House. rillMUliJlllliLlUUIIIIIIUIIIlllLllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimillllllllllllllllllllllll m 'I sr- rrt Wmw CNfia fif.I mmh- - . " 'isas-njw.j, jrisw- s-J 1 i -fla. rncsJJ ims i, i T n n n- ..aimiiMi sfnmli it E - ' f'T. 5 X i vmmsm i. iWJ2tI . TW& Ifhf' WW . Atr "s i 1 1 fr-su i N Wof News League. Abtoria, June 10, Tho commlttoo appointed by the Columbia Itivor Fithornian's Protectivo union to circu late a petition, requesting the state flsh commission to prohibit salmon fishing in tho upper Columbia rlvor, is meeting with unexpected success. Nearly overy business man and taxpayer in this vicinity huve signed. In support of tho petition the promoters assort that tho bi'l passed at tho last session of the legislature, but which was killed by s'uewd manipulation, prohibited Ashing above tido wator, to the commission in granting tho request will be acting strictly In accordance with the law the majority of tho legislature Intended should be in force. The petition will be presented at tho meeting ot the com mission in July. It reads as follews: Hon. Board of Fish Commissioners of tho State of Oregon Gentlemen : Wo the underHlgned cltUens of tho state of Oregon most respectfully peti tion you to close tho Columbia river against salmon Ashing above tho lower cascades under authority of sec 15 of the act of the legislative arsembly of the stato of Orogon, filed with tho Sec rotary state February 2ft, 1001, Wourgo upon you the closing of the above portion of tho river in the In terest of the Balaton fishing Industry and assign the following reasons in sup port thereef: First The river above the, cascades is tho salmon's natural spawning ground abd the Indiscriminate catching ot salmon thereon la destroying the llshiug Tacoha, June 10 Yesterday afternoon the police were called to arrest a suppos ed burglar on A Street. When thoy arrlvod thoy found tho man had ontored a houso by a rear window. The officers followed and when tho Btrangorsaw thorn approaching ho seized a board and pounded it to splinters ovor tholr heads. Reinforcoinouts woro sent for. Chief Fackor bolng loft alouo tho man sprang at him with a hammor, but tho latter dodgod and Sogoant McCoy, who had Just entorod, wrenched tho haininor from his hand. A desperate fight to put handcuffs on tho man followed. Tho man was en dowed with superhuman strongth and snarled and growled at tho mon at tempting to overpower him. One ol tho man's arms bad fallen free and a hand cuff was snapped. The other was doubled under hit breast on the floor and in spite of tho efforts of hall a dozen men hocould not be made to give up. Finally, Sergeant McCoy managed to wrench tho arm out and tho other cuff was fastened to hia wrist. When takon to tho station It was discovered that that the stranger was a wild man who hud been on exhibition here who had been locked out of his house, I Botween 300 and 400 butchers, meal choppers ami drivers walked out of Oak land Oal,, butcher shop today. Trouble is between the men and wholesalers at Stock Yards, who refused to display union cards. John David was killed by O. B. llvrd, at Pioneer, Tenn. David is said to have been conducting a blind tiger and to havo killed four men. CONFIRMATION OF THE REPORTED PEACE OVERTURES The German Chancellor Does Not Refer to Holland at All. THAT COUNTRY IS REPORTED TO HAVE ENLISTED THE EMPEROR He Admits That the Court of Arbitration May Have Consider Terms 'for Putting an End to In South Africa. Been Called Upon the War to Bkhun, Juno 10. Following etnto mont is authorized by Count Von Due low the Imperial Chanceller: "Neither Great Britain, Franco or Russia havo approached Germany to participate in any action aiming at ending tho South African war. Germany bus all along distinguished between offering her good olllces and Intervention. It Is quito possiblo that tho Boor side has now formally asked Tho Hague arbitration court to loud Its aid to end tho war and that tho court has hold a session regarding tho matter, but that, ol course Is entirely different from any serious step to end war," Shriners Gathering Kansas City, Mo., Juno 10. Shriners nro coming to town by thousands to at tend tho twenty-seventh '.nunuul mooting of tho Imperial Council ol Myotic Shrines. Tho Imperial potontato and his eulto will come on a speclul train this afternoon. TWELVE JCENTS A hopbuyor offered n Marlon County urower twelve contH a pound flat for seven hundred bales Saturday at Salem. About u month ago tho Hop Growers Asfoclallnn hud '" offer of twelve cents on u pool of thirty thousands bales, Gold Comes From Australia. Han Fuancihco, Juno 10 The Ocean ia Sleamselp Company's new Hte.imor Ventura, dipt. Haywnrd, which palled from Sydney, Is expected to arrive hero, She bus on board 100,000 Hjuirelgii". Ohio Catholics Meet Hamilton, O., Juuo 10. I'hreo hun dred visitors are in this city today in attendance upon tho annual convention of tho State Verbund or Statu Uathollu Societies. DAILY SUMMARY OF CURRENT EVENTS of Chile Is slowly re- Leyds, ar-- The president covering, President Kruger and Dr. rived at Tho Hague today. Dr. Daly, who started tho"embahned" beef agitation, committed suicide. Sir Waltor Bosom, tho novelist, died yostorday In London from influenza, Now Orleans has displaced Boston as the second exporting city of our country. Gonoral Miles has named his son-in-law, Samuel Rober, as his military sec retary. Mrs, Mckinley's physicians report her condition favorable and alio contlnuos to show gradual improvement.' The battleshln Illinois arrived at Boa- ton today. Makes Hair Grow Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half-starved hair. If you want long, thick hair,.fced it. Feed it with Aycr's Hair Vigor, the only genuine hairifobdiyou can buy. J.-V- '' Your hair..wUagrow thick and long, and will be- soft .and glossy. , , " Aycr's Hdir "Vigor atyay3 restores color to gray hair; it keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and stops falling of the hair.. One dollar bottle. If your druggist csnnol supply you, scud us It oo and we will express bottle to you. all charges prepaid. Be sure and give us "? ttB 00' "N' M" Send for our beautiful illustrated book on The Hair. Kr. t . . shot and killed himself today In public gardens near that town. He was a res ident of St. Paul, Minn. At Kansas City Lulu Prlnce-Konnody baa recovered sufficiently from her break down of Saturday to ait in court today and tho trial for murder of Phil II. Kennedy waa resumed. On account ol the breaking of tho power dam in thoArkansas River, Buena Vl.lO nl . will hn In .lorlrnn.. .... She la to havo a trial off tho I oral months and tho Buena Vista smcl- Now England coast during tho week. J ter will be closed down indefinitely. By collision on tho Louisville and Nashville near Colesburg, Ky., seven trainmen were Injured, hut none fatally. Lord Kitchener in n desnatch sava the number of Boers killed, imprisoned or surrrondored during last mouth totalled 2.010. King Kdward and Queon Alexandria of Suglauu received special Marrish Am bassador, Kaid-Al-Mahcdl-El-Mcnbhl and suite today. Shipments of cars, locomotives, rails and steel from Now York for railroad bridges to Ecuador have commenced in enormous quantities. Department of Auriculturo ronorts nverng.i condition of winter wheat 87 8; Upring wheat, 1)8 percent. The ofllcer named Leo, who was killed in recent battlo at LI pa, waa Lioutenant Uhs. of tho F.ngluoora, not Lieut. Fits hugh Lee, Jr., as previously cabled. A Ohlcoco judgo todav announced a Uecoslon, that blacklisting of a number of girls by tho stockyards Arms was le gal. Tho girls struck last February. Shamrock II Is expected to arrlvo at Glasgow, Scotland, Thursday. Sir Thomas Llpton la arranging to start hor in Bomo of tho races of tho Clydo re gatta. FIroin tho RoizoFldlercolllorv was bo. yoml control this morning. Coal Run creok wau turned into tho elope. It will lw several moutliB boforo tho shaft can resume. J. a, Llndoruiau, of Lewisvlllo, was a Salem visitor today. He reports crops fall wheat in bin section as a trifle dlssapointing, hut thinks spring grain will nverago better. I-ouIs Stern, former commercial agont of I'uitod States at Hamburg, Bavaria, I ICamn Hay ward at the Pan-American grounds, occupied by U. S. marines, waa opened to public today. Marines are In command of Captain Leonard, who lost an iirm during light near Tion Tain. PERSONALS END THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR Queen of Holland and Emperor of Ger many Demand Arbitration for the Boers Bkiimn, Juno 10. Dan Klolno Jour nal prints a dispatch from Tho Hague saying Queen Wilholmlna'a recent visit hero was meant to obtain Kmporor Will- bun's aMlHtauc) to end the South Af ricau war through Tho Hague arbitra tion court, and tho Kmnoror consented and tho court began work thereon Tho j The (itsputcn ,'ias created seiiBaiion iiero, Ujm BOOTH MAY BE RECONCILED Tho increased power of this store to serve you, now that its building Is in keening with its Immense business, is seen in a study of those prices, and a com parison of values with other stores. And Family War Within Salvation Army Be Brought to an End, I Dr. fou the work in which he Is engaged. Wo Nkw Yokk. June 10. The Rev Robert H. MeArtbur has mado the' very raroly idvo unour liulplt. on this following Blgnlflcant announcement In occasion wo do so lh more rewUbly be n i ii .i . i i mi , a..- I... causoofthe possibo reconciliation be Calvary DaptUt church: "Next Sunday i tW(JJn tt,t,m iiooti, father and night Ballingtou Booth will speak hero I himself." It's Selling Such Mtuulard goods at prices like those that kreps our big force of sales people on tho Jump. Waiting for Something to Turn up LEAP FROM FAST EXPRESS An Aged Female Somnambulst Walks off a Train Unharmed Well, hero ft Is. Our Kold filled spectacles and ivegiasaes. lou can't n slrablu till really imagine how d. you nave seen ami trieu eglasaes. You ablo tliev aro them. We lit some very difficult cases, many that otuera nave lallcl to lit or give satisfaction, Herman W. Barr Scientific Optlciau 118 State St. We givo voting cotiona on both pianos. One on each piano for every 25c cash pur chase. A RARE SUPPLY OF PURE OLD LIQUORS Of all kinds, brandies, whiskies, rums, and gin, and tho choicest vintages of wines, you wi.l always find in our cellars and shelve, and can Ixi bought by the gallon or !ottles a desired. We make a tjelalty of family trade, and can sup ply yxtr table, wine cellar or buffet with the Inst. Dknvkii, Juno 10 Passengers form the Pacific Coast report the mirasulous escape form death of Mrs, Phoebe Davis, an aged lady from Los Angeles, Calif., who In a somnlbnllstic state, walked off the swiftly running train soon after it left Wluuemucca., Nov. Shu was only sightly hurt. Samoa. Col., Juuo 10 0. N. L. Little, claiming to bo a brother ol tho Auditor of the Oregon Short Line, Jumped from an east bound Denver A Rio Grande train nexr Riverside, 'M miles west of hru, while It was ruunlnu at a high rate of speed, hut was only slightly bruised He was rent lo the asylum at Pueblo until his friends could be communicated with. J. P. ROGERS,! cori i 218 222 comatrcui Street. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer AN AGED FARMER THRESHED By Two Young Men In Baker County, But He Got Hold of a Gun and They -Vanished Bakrr City, June 10. An aged collected outside and administered a farmer, living In Pleasant Valley, 10. sound beating. He called his son, a miles from this place, came to Baker j mere boy, who brought out a Winchester. City and offered to surrender himself At the sight of this the assallats started for shooting one or two men, he did not to run, and Pierce fired at them. When know how many. Further investigation by the county ofliclals revealed that n young man named Mnnn had been shot in the leg, but so far as could bo learned the Munn boy's companion, named Hooker, had not beon Injured. Bo far no complaint has been made against Pierce, and it Is bollaved that the affair will not go into the courts. Particulars are meager Pierce says the two young men rode up to hii place, we came to the city he did not know I whether he had killed u man ornot.as he 'admitted being slightly excited at the time and laboring under great passion, lie asserts that the act was purely rolf. d(iise, and that he Is willing U rtat d trial, if nccesiary. He still leinaiua In Baker Oity but no eff rt Is being made i to prosecute, as it seems to have been a neighborhood row in which all were at fa,ult more or less. Best Lonsdale Muslin The genuine four-quarter 7)iJc yard. Fruit of the Loom 7J(i cents per yard, Lonsdale Cambric The host soft finish, 10c oryurd. Hooks and Eyes 1 cent per paper. Safety Pins All si.es, Ha per dor. Aluminum Thimbles 1 cent each. Sweetwater Pearl Button 5 cents per dozen. Good Wire Hair Pins 3 cents a box. Large Cube Pins 6 cents. Kimball Pianos $300, Bleached Muslin Soft finish, 5oyard. Colored Oil Cloth Best quality 15 centa a yard. Calicos. Ginghams etc. Cheaper here thau elsewhere, Style 6 Kimball Piano, $600 This piano is one grade better and (50 higher in price than the style 6 which Is offered as a f tiOO gift piano in this city. Our Price $600 Special Wednesday only we will sell our en tiro lino ol 50c Men's Ties for 25c Our Seventeenth Wednesday' Sur prise Boy's Waists Ages 3 to 9 years " 60 SO W f 75 Values Special 1 00 Values Special I 'V Value Kneclal 1 5J Values Special 1 15 2 00 Values 8peclal J M 2 60 Values Special 105 Men's Shoes .TniMnh Mvora & Son's shoes are tec; ognued to be the best 13.50 value over sold In Salem, f Special $2.98 "." For this Week Only ar-r Yerily Salem's Greatest Store Eyer Since 1875. .mmmmsssss Major R. II. Leabo has returned from Albany. Mrs. Ida Vaughn was In Portland yesterday. ' W. 0. Bramut of Portland has re turned homo. Mrs. J. D. Myers has returned to her homo at Marlon, Mrs. II. P. Smith of Roy, Wash., la visiting frionds hero. Miss Gortrudo Gelzantannor has returned to her home at Winona, Wash. H. B. Meyers, formerly day manager of the Western Union telegraph ofllco here has gone to Arixona, whero be wilt accept a similar position. He is suc ceeded here by h . DoParcq of Portland. Fresh Pop Corn Crisps at Ellis & Zinn's 54 Slate Street, Sales 'Phoa 2874 bc;2