VvV y- - i ;!" , - jC5i t 3-r--, null i in'iirirffwifnMrtTfcii ffhr i rtfi rlifMffm'ou fiftyitoSwii sW&M! ftfUMUM tatfcJyiy-. uW fc. A WHAT'S ON YOUR HEAD? TO YC YOU, what's on your ticad Is not as much Importance as what's In it. Nor to us, Forto ahead with something in It, we, canappcal: can prove that $3 buys the best of Derbies; buys (If purchased here) correct shape to the fraction of an inch, correct color to a half tone.' The most costly Item the exclusive hatter puts In his hats Is his name. Any popular style you wish. All the .Spring1 Styles arc now ready. In almost every walk Of Ufa thero have lieon great women, But ban there ever been a woman who lias reached the very highest pinnacle In any field? In tho Juno Cosmopolitan, Ella Wbeolor Wilcox answers this question In tho negative and declares that even In the essentially feminine Vocations of cook ing, dressmaking and millinery, men excell women. "Women," says Mrs. Wilcox, "have not the concentration which gives a clear perspective They lack system and pationco and ore (lis traded by do alls or turned aside by vanity." Bust- A of P Dillv Beoort A new Classification KVJNRsarssssTsss-: H InfMil y tUvs)lVll4l Um f tff Outturn nf LnPfJdon Interest to the Bench L UWUSIUIO Braoii Business Man, J I G. W. JOHNSON & CO. Tho People's Clothiers, and Furnishers 2G7 Commercial Bt. Balom. THE DAILY JOURNAL Mombor Northwost Aftornoon Nowap&pe-r Longuo. BY HOFBR DnOTHERO, TIlUItSDAY, JUNK 0, 1001. Dally Ono Year, S3.00 In Advunoa Dally Four Month 831. In Advance Dally by Carrlor OOo Par Month Weekly Ono Yoar.SI.OO In Advance Town Topics Publishing Co., Now York, have Issued one of their char Brokers, A seat In the New York Stock Ex change ia not personal property, within Laws 1690. c. U02, 2, subd. 4, defining personal property for purposes of taxa tion, and is riot taxable to a nonresident ttndor section 7, providing that personal proporty of a nonresident shall bo taxed "to tho extent" at if owned by a resid ent. Tho valuo of a teat in New York Stock Exchaniro is capital Invested in . ' business in tho stnto, but is not taxable, fi&z$k say nothing, must go." I am not appreciated. I LATE LITERARY NOTES Ylctory Onco mora to tho chargo and repent Tho fearless, undo'nbtlng endeavor, Tho grasp of tho hands and tho spring of the feet Unwearied forover, Atlantic for Juno, Small, Maynnrd & Co., Boston, have added a Ufa of Grant to their Beacon biographical series. It is written by Owoa WIstor, and is complolo as aro all those little studios that tako not ovor two hours to read but aro tho product of groat ability and critical application to tho mass of litoraturo that has galhor cd around bit naino. The estimate of Grant lathe noaroat truth of any that has yat boon mado. It does not cook to deny that Grant was naturally Indolent, .that ho did got drunicand that ho did mako mistake. But tho whole picture does not dotraot from the grandeur of hit chatactar nor diminish the eminence of tho services ho rendered the nation. Trado auppllod at Salem, Ore, by Patton Bros., booksellers. Wellington'! personal tattos and habits, like thoso of tnott great men, were very simple, nays Goldwln Smith in tho Juno Atlantic. Ho enrod not for show or pomp of any kind. Inttoad ol building a counterpart to Blonholm, (or which money had beon voted, ho bought and improved Btrntlitloldsay, a common country gentleman's house. In hit diet ho wos very abstemious, oven to the injury, it appears, of his lioalth. Ho of course kept a first-rate French cook for hit guests. Tho cook, It wat Bald, out day suddenly retlgncd. The Duke, in astonishment, nsktd the reason. "Wat his talary lnsiifflclont7" "No, 'tnytaUry Is vory handsome, But I am . not appreciated. I cook your dlunor myself, a dlnntr fit for a king. You say nothing, I go out and leave tho under cook to cook your dlnnor. Ho givos you a dinner fit for a pig. You Scott, Foreiman & Co., Chicago, havo rapidly gaiued(pramliienco by publishing bolter than ordinary toxtbooka on subjects of tho greatest educational im Krtnnco, such as music, English literature, rhotorla and composition. In tho latter field of study thay have publishod "Composition and Rhetoric for Schools," by Profossors Herrlck and Damon of tht University of Chicago. Combining tho talents of a man and a woman teacher In such a textbook Is a practical Idoa of groat Importance. Tho groat success of women writers in modorn fiction proves that thoro Is a nocesslty for imparting tho roflnod touch and the Intultlvo perceptions of tho fnmltilnn mlml In mnatinir the world's jdomands, Bosldns cultivating good taste, this work Is strong In teaching what to avoid, whllo not crippling tl'io creativo faculties by overloading them with rebundant rulot. Trade supplied by Patton Bros..bookiollois, Salem, 0 o. nctoristlo stories of tho four hundred In their quarterly, "Naughty Elisabeth" by Mark Livingston. It is a novelotto of lite loud order and will pleaso summer readers of lively fiction. Tho volume contains othor stories of humor and so ciety. Trado supplies by Patton Ilrop.f Booksellers, Balom, Or. Tho Womons Home Companion for Juno has an unuBally varied table of contents. A chatty artlclo on "Early Visitors at Wullesloy" and two papers on "The highor Education ol Women" aro timely. Especially suggestive of summer aro the pictures of piazzas and porticos. Tho houso hold departments aro conducted as usual, and thoro aro six pages dtvotcd to matters of fashion. Published by tho Crowoll & Klrkpatrick Co,, Springfield, Ohio; onodollara year; ton cents a copy j samplo copy frco.. F. M. Buckles & Co., New York, havo published tho English novol "In Lon don's Heart" by George K. Slma in paper oidltton in tholr Century teriot. It Is a good standard plrco of fiction , put up in good typo and in durable form. Trade supplied by Patton Bros., book sellers, Salem, Ore. BAD BLOOD Apropos of the Intoreat in all matters electrical, stimulated by the Pan-Amor lean Exposition, Mr. William C, An drows contributes to tho IUvlow of Reviews for Juno an Acouut of "How Niagara kas boon 'Harnessed' "tho complete story of tho engineering tri umph which has brought about, within tho past derado, tho utilization of waste unrrgy In the form of electric powor development at the rails, in tlis eamo number, Prof Joseph S. Ames, of tho Johns Hopkins University, desrrlbos the recent work of Macronl, Testa, nnd Pupln, In tht domain of eloctrle discov ery, nnd especially tholr inventions In wireless telegraphy nnd long dtstunce telephony. "Tho Beginner's Header" by Florence Bass, anther of "Plant Life," and "Anltaal Life." Thtso "Lessons for Beginners in Band, ing" are Intended for the youngest children In school. Bubjoct-mnttor, vocabulary, nnd method, have lieon largely determined by their natural In terests and Immediate netdu. Tht book begins with nature study, unit also givos attractive and corrtct Ideat of tho moon, stars, little peoplo hi other countries, and of early conditions In this country, Throe very easy stories conclude the hook, Thoso giro prautioe in the reading of connected paragraphs, With colored plates. By I). C. Health A Co., Boston. Trade stippllod at Halom by Patton Bros., Uooksellors. Reveals Itself in times the impurities in many ways. Some- inc dioou marie trj y PJ jftj trJ and mar the skin with blotches, pimples, bolls or other eruptions. Sometimes the result ol l)ii(i blood is rheumatism or n debili tated condition which ia popularly described na "fcelinir played out, hardly able to drug myself around." The Impurities and poisons which corrupt the blood, clog the liver and cloud the akin ate removed by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It does more than eliminate the poisons : it iuurcAsett the activity of the blood-in ik I iiu glands bo Unit there is an Increased supply of pure, iKxly-biilldiug blood. It brightens the eyes, cleanses the skin, and gives new, physical energy. Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. "I llmtik Oixl for the kikk! your mrdlclnri have done mr." wtlltrt Mr Jump M. Hltcmorr, of Mitchell, tjiwrence Co, Iml , Ilox joi "I wih nut well fur two yenrm My thnMt win nlwayii wire, IimiI nrlicil ami tuck nclml namly nil the time My weight wn 15s jhmiiuN I wm taken Kick with typhoid finer, nml when the fever left me I liml mich n twin In my tell hlc I could nut hrruthe without pain. I thought I inut illf My wife went to the ilrmr More nml procured n ImltleofDr Tierce' Holilen Mnllcnt lllwuvery nml n vial of hi ' I'leiu.iiit I'cllciK ' I illMxiiitluurtl the line nf my doctor1 nmllciiic iiml Imkiu with the '((olden Mcdliid lllwmcry ' nnd ' I'ellet ' I nl outc twKli tu feet Ixltrr the xtlu wwil left my Me nml I could lirmlhe wltliene In n week or mi I fell w iniml could not ly In the nm I lieKOti townlk ntHiut the tirt, I felt Iwiter wch moruliiK Alter h mi)iith'mieuf the me.ll cine I w well That wj over n jtr ajjo Now I wrlxh 1H4 iwiimU mid del belter than ever In my life" Dr l'iercc's 1'lcas.iiit I'elleta cure cou- tlKtti0lt, as tho taxing statu to does not cover it. CON. E Rep (N. Y.) 205. Liquor Trades. Where, in a prosecution for retailing Hrjtior without having paid tho time, de livering it to the purchaser In less quan tities as required by tho purchaser, and receiving pay fortjio jamo.but there was no evidence that any specific eighteen quftJts of beor vero set apart for the purchaser with tho Intent that tho pro potty thcroln should prosontly pas, do fondant was guilty of retailing liquor, within Com p. Laws, 4 C380, defining a retail dealor as ono soiling one dozen quart bottles or less at one time to any person or porsons. 83 N. W. Uep.(Mlcl),) 1081. Logs and Logging. In an action brought undor Com p. Laws of Michigan providing that, wheie thoownor of logs placed ia a stream hnt not made adequate provisions for driv ing and keeping the stream unobstruct ed, any othor person driving logs on the dream may causo such obstruction to bo removed at tho expense of tht owner of such obstructing logs, tho defendants undor the general issue may show that that thoro was a contract betwoen the parties that each should drive certain portions of tho other. 85 N. W. Rep. (Mich.) 1103. Newspapers. An agrocment betwoen sovoral inde pendent concerns, each publishing a nowBpaper and furnishing thoroby means for advertising, to compol a fourth porson engaged in like business to re duce his rates for advertising orloso cus tomers, indicates a mallrions purposo to injiiro the business of the latter within tho meaning of section 4 1 GO a, Rev. St. 1808; but sovoral porsons, con ducting iudopondont business enter prises, may, in tho absence of a statuo, combine to control prices for the purposo of promoting tholr individual interests, nnd In their operations to that end impoverish n rival and drive him out of business, thero boing no ma liclout Intcut In their conduct, using the term in tho sense of malice In law. 85 N. W. Rep. (Wit.) 1040. Street Railways A strtotrailway company Is not liablo for ejecting a porson who pro sontt a transfor ticket from a connecting road which was not accoptable under tho rtusotmblo rules of the company, where n mlntako in issuing tho snmt was mado by an employe of tho connecting road; thero being no community of onterprlro Imtween tho two companies, and the business of each being independent. WIN. V. Bhupp.031. PlaliitllT, driving on a load of hay, turned onto a street used by an electric railway company, mid passed upon the track without looking, and was struck by a car coming up from behind, and win Injured, Held, that ho was guilty of contributory uegligeuce if tho car was in sight and could havt beon teen when ho turned upon tho track; or if, whon plaintiff drove upon the track, tho car was not Insight, and he traveled about An Excellent Combination The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known romedy, Jrnur or Fiat, manufactured by tho CAuronmx Fio Srnur Co.. illustrate thovalutof obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to do medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most ref resiling to the taaU and acceptable to tho system. It it the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, eltansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fovcrs gently ytt promptly and enabling one overcome habitual constipation per .ianontlr. Itt perfect freedom fr every objectionable quality and sub .aanently, everv obli starve, and ltt rreis, wimout wcaitcnine them, make it tho ideal actlnc on tue Kidneys. liver and bowels, without weakeninc or Irritating laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, at they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tht CixiroiutiA. Fia Srnur Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, please remember the full name of tho Company printed on tlio ironi 01 every pacuage. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAK TOAMOISCO, OAXj. XAUiaVILLS. KT. H3JW TOKK. W. T. FornaU by all DruexlsU. Price Wc. per bottle. 300 feet along the track without looking for tho approach of a car, and was in jured by a collision with ono, ho was guilty of contributory negligence. 85 K. W. Rep, (Wis.) 1018. Get WhaTYou Ask Fori When you ask fo,? Cascarets Candy Cathartic be smc you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware I All druggists, 10c. Public Stcakliig. Rev. J. Stitt Wilson of Chicago will talk to the peoplo of Salem on the com. Lug issues of tho day in Salam on Mon day afternoou and evening at 8 p 111 The Ministers, Ladles au1 City Council are cordialy invihd to hear him. one of tho groatest) speakers in tht United States on tho Issues of tho day. 0 fl 3t CARiTOHZA Burs the A li Yoil llatl AltwrS Bot TODAY'S MARKET. DRAW 6ut mm IT JDJRHWS THE B75R NO PUSH.. '('OOOOOOffiX (Ill 'WAE!CW"JST -mm ui x m 1 j.uv r m- m Ibi mm t A -f. t -j- A SPECIAL FEATURE Knife can be lined up with Pitman when wear occurs. t A A! A Pobtlano, Junofl. Wheat valley nominal wana wana.UHty toouc. Flour Portland, best gradea $2.00 $3.40. Graham 2 GO. Oats Ohoico White f 1.32 per cental: irrev ll.IiO $1.32 tier cental. Millstuff Bran, $17.00; shorts, $20 00 iiayiimotny irJOSfH per ton. Onions $1.60 Potatoes $1.10 per sack. Hill 1.1 - tin.. .lal... tU In II ,-..... mv. J.ua. ukii;. u ii , 1 lltliuy creamery, 10 10 itftc btore 11 to 12Jfc per pounu. r.gKe - uregon, rancn ia to 12 per uoz. Poultry Chlckons, nilxctl $3.50 to'$t ; hens 1.00 to 5.00; turkeys, live 10 to 12c. oiuuon uroseou, i to He por pound nuK urcsseuc. par pottnu. Reef Topstoers,$5.005 26;cow8,M 50:droBBod boef, 8U to 8c. Voal Dressed, 7ii 8c. for small. Hops 12 to He. Wool Valley, 12 to 13c; Eastern Oregon, U12c; Mohalr.SO to 21c, Hidos Green. saltod GO lbs. 7 S. under 00 lbt, 7J6Q8J6 ; sheep pelts, 16 20c SALKU UARKKT. Wheat o5 to GOc for feol. Wool, 12 to 13c. Mohair, 21o. Hops 11 to 130 Oats $1.10 to 1.15 percental. Hay Ualod,cheat, $7.50 to $8 .timothy $10 to $11. ' Kggs-ll 12o. Flour In wholesale lots, $3.00; retail 70 to 85c sack. Mlllstuffa Aran, $18.50; thortt, $20.50 Hows Dressed. 6c. Live cattle Steers, 8Jto jcows, $3.00 to $3 25. Sheep $2.60 gross Drossed Veal OK cents. Butter Dairy, IS4 to 15c ; creamery, 18 to 20, store 10 to 12 kc. Poultry Hons per lb., 8c. A Bureau! Information. The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a verltablo Bureau of Information for travelers a place whero they can learn what It will cost to reach ANY point In America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and what there is to see on the way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and get full information, or. if you profer, write rae about it Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. mm npjnsjsjsjtjia II A. C. Suhldon, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. m liinilkljSp ML SHOJtlNE and vmon PACIFIC DK"AtlT FOH CtllUHgO lVirtlnnd Ppcclftl 9 a m. via Hunt Ingtoit "Tuaritfo Kxpreaa y i. m. tI& Hunt Inglon "Hn'mil" Fmi Mall C p. m. la Spoknuo TIMK SHU iui.ps Vtom 1'urtlatjd Or. 'alt Ijike. Dolivor. Ft. won 1. umalia. Khiiimi City, Bt. JLOUlf, L'lllciKO a I'.nsi. P!t Ijike. Denver Ft Worth. Oiulm. . Kuntiit City, 8t. Urnli, Clilcagj aim r.ifi. WsllVwafle, LulVto'nr Bpokunc, Wallace. IMill maii. Mluneanolls 8L l'aul. Dululli.Mllnaukco Ciuragu, anu ki. AntJIVK MtUM :30.p, a. r:oo u. F. E. SHAFER Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes and everything In our line at low est prices. 123 State St. 72 72 HOURS , POPTLAND TO CHICAGO no tnante 01 tars Through tickets East via nil rial, or boat and rail, via Portland. OCL'AN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Portland. 8 p. m. Free Book To Weak Men Wi'ikand nervmi mnn re.td"Streiiih ts U an I buH by Men " Doctor Sandeii jUHP-iUiCf "), j jjjjj lllCOHVHIC,HT I Dally except 8uii(ty 8. p m Saturday 10 in All eallltiB: dates subject to cbang-o For Han Fraiioisco Hall ererjr t days COI.UMMA R1VKU To AHorla and War Landings. 4 p. lu 4 p. m. ex. Uuudiir It tolls all about my DR. RANDKN ELEOTRIO HEI.TS, and hnw they nre used to cure such casts of rliutiniHtism, lumbago, sclata, lame back, kidney, liver and stomiicli disorders, sleepless ness, or any of those diseuces jiecullar tc man. Dr. A. T. Sanden Sulto 10, Uuscel illd. Portland Or. SOULE BLtOS. Piano Tuners and Repairers PORTLAND ORE. For Salem and vicinity leave orders nt Geo. Will's Music Store. GRArtD RAILROAD EXCURSION Clven by Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers to Salem, Sunday June 9, 1901 Potatoes 35o .M. Eppley, east ing l'.'o for eggs. State street is of "SSfiT Thla Draws tho'lUrd AililcU Tracllojw fTHE WHEELS WILL NOT LIFT FnOM.THE.GROUNO. Wheels Cannot Lift, Balanced Adjustable FingerBar M Flexible Swath Board Draw Cut Size 4 1-2 ft. and 5 'ft. Big Draw Cut Size 6ift.-and 7 Champion Binder lias tteel frame- and tteel guard. Hat force food elevator canvas. Has awoutrlo wheel to coin prest bundles. Duly binder with relief rake to prevent cuoIiiik- Platform vanvass runs oloey to knife. Kitted with ball aud roller beariuut. No nock weight uti horset. Gun bo (uruishwl with elityf.carrier. ft. Whit Co the Children Dilnk? 3 Don't Klvo them tea or coffee. Huve you tried tho new food drink called (JUAIN'-O It Is delicious and nour txhliic; and takes the place of coffee. Tho more GralnO you glvo the cull divu tho moro heulth you distribute throiiKh their BystetUB. OnilnO Is miiile of ptiro gntlns, and when prop erly propurtnl tastes llko the choice grades of coffee but costs about VI b much. All grocera sell It. 15c. and -IOC This oxcurslon will bo the most pop ular event of the senson and will be con ducted throughout by capable aud ox. porioncrd men in first-class manner, No intoxlcatlni! Ilauors will be sold on tlm grounds. Tho amusements at Pair Grounds will be numerous and varied, consisting ol BIOYOLE RACES. ATIILET10 SPORTS. A GAME OF RASE HAT.!.. and other attractions. Tho State institutions will be open to viBiiurs irum i p. m. to p m. Arrangement! have been mads with hotels aud restaurants to accomodate all who come. The street cart will havo ample ac comodationt for enabling visitors to vis it all points of Jntorest, Band concort at Stato Fair grounds. Judging By Appearances Of conrao, everybody does that, nnd laundry nork can't bo judged uny other way Everything Btibjecttd to onrartls tie treatment comes out as clean uh n Dohskid surface, as clear us crvHtal and us bright iuj a Summer's day. ' Articled washed nroncrlv last twice us lone, and look twenty t.ines better than goods uauiy laundered. Wo make cheap fab rics matqtierado for something better. Salem Steam Laundry COLONKl, J, OI.M8TKU, 1'IlONttKTOIt. UOUOCH II. OLMBTKI), MOIt. Phone 411 3M Liberty 8tret SUPPOSE You Save 5 Aifnutes Four times a day by riding a bicyclo. That's ten whole working days a year almost an extra vacation :: :.- Hartford Bicycles Cost los-i than somo others, but nro strong, light, handsomo and perfectly adopted to road, runabout or ploasur'o servlco. :: :: ;; ;; .: Alodels for 1901. $35 Aludels for 1900, $30 WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamers leave Salem for Portland and way landings. Monday, Wednesday and Prlday at 10 a. m TuJiday. r.urjjj a j j .34turJay at 7U m. For Independence, Albany andiiCorvallls. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday st 4 p. m. For Independence, Monday, Wednesday and rnaay oi -;ju p. m. Through tickets East via all rail or boat and rail via Portland, Ticket o f flee city dock. E. T. THAYER. Atent Salem, retoa. South and East VIA Southrjtn Pacific Co, THF SHASTA ROUTE Trains lcavo Salem for Portland ant stations at 5:40 a. m. , 7:54 a. m 4:68 p. m. Cv Portland wav and Lv Bilera.. Ar Ashland Ar Btcrmento.. Ar Bau FrancUco ArOjden. .. Ar oeavcr. ArKans. L'tty. .rumciRO 8.80 A M .11.-00 A M .125 A M , 5:00 T M . 7:i5 P M Kt Los Angclci. . 6J A M . 9.30 A M rain . 7:42 A U Ar Kl Faito.. Ar Fort wonu Ar City of Mexico. Ar Houston ,,...., Ar New Orleans Ar WMhlngton Ar New York 2.fl0 r M 6O0 P M 6:30A M 11:S0 A M 7:vO A M .. 6:50 P M 0.42 A M U2;10 1 M 1M 10.83 P V 12;ttP V IdHAN 8:4i AM TooTTJ 8.15 . M 735 A U 8:80 A U Xl M S.05 A 65)0 P 6:30 A H 11: A M 7.-00 A M 8:30 P M 6:11 A M 12:10 P Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdou aud El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. LouIb, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Frandisco with sov oral steamship linos for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Oontral and South America. Soo agent at Salon Station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, 6. P. A., Portland, Oregon. Columbia Coaator Brakes, $5.00 oxtra oununes, now wheels r0 ront, aring, re Otto J. Wilson P.escript - ion The I'orce Feed Chtmrloa Ulader Is trovUed with the corrtct prlscltle for elevatlai tnle xid r5uMwuS,,,,l,, ThC,CM,vlueor ,b, "ltleefele.t..wl.tepronp.; The sutstaatUI rutlcr lerlo sever tet lose nor out or slupc. it s provided with ball beer Ion whereur tVMlble to (ct the test elfect, Miileatle Iroa U ujed wherever Vtee Is not aid CoakeiuentlylhentachUelsbeihlUhtaaCluratle, nni,tr icci u aot. aid il,f5rwiltailta"0rm Ml Utl W1 ,r4Mf-,,",,ur,1,',l4cu'llwi of te proper t1! ZV i tCf tUy tU W,,W" "$y rt,h of J,'tr '' 1 Mlly owrated Tht Chatnpioa will work oa hilly Uai where eU tlc machlats wUI Up over. om,,J- III I UUIlUlIf . Lewis & er- 60. Brancli 'F, .'ft CARY,Mgr. Salem, Oregon OATOIIIA. Wite 9 ' Mil Ym Hw Alwin BaigH Your Best Friend. The good peoplo of Salem euloy one luxury that they don't fully realiie, but all who know of her nit rils fully ap prolan hor iuodtlmablo services. Km. erenco Is made to Mrs. C. II, Walker of the Salem Dye Works, who ia alnava' tho first person thought of when there is to be. a party on hand, after a picnic, when thoro is grease to remove or other uinuuuu'Hiiors to wipe out ol warim; an. Notice of Guardianship. To Win, K. Joseph and all persons In terested. Notice ia horebv civen that .Tnnn in 11)01, at the lour of 1 n.m.. of endl ilm.' at tho ofllco of tho county judge of Ma rou county, Oreon, Is a tlmo and place appointed for tho hearing and examina tion of the net'tlon of Wm. .imoi.ii in. ,i,. . ...;' - .".'. . r" " I .BiiAiiiimiDiivui euaruian tor the , person and estate of Win E. Joseph, (spendthrift, and notice la hereby given to the said Wm. E Joseph and to all l oraons intereaieu to appear at said time and place for the- purpose of show ing reasons, if anv tharo be, why the prayer of petitioner for n piinr.lt-m m i, appointed for the person and estate ol the said Wm. K. Joeeph, spendthrift, should not be granted. This notice is published pursuant to imicr 01 me uon. j. u. Scott, Juduo o the above entitled court, make this 3lst day of May, 1901, n i i . .. . y JOSEPH iiy I.. II. MoMahan, his attorney. 6 3 tf I o. C T. Co's PABaENUEIl arEAiKH PpMONA altonA LEAVKS VOW POltTLAND DICK HME AND CllEAP ItATEB. Dook botweso Bute ami Cunrt rjt M. V HAU)YIN. Agent- ReducedRates" Oil Notice of Ilial l.-. erah At that fitabliahtnent von Jn Prtnorhip heretofore known . vu! iiL utivlliliif ba in. vLvlifts. s-.v... . .. ... jr ami It.L- In Iia O. ..,:! r h. of soiled gloves, to the most elalwrate silk gown. A gontlenun can get his trousers creased, bis ht nlm..! nr i.:. la .. I '-"- Vt 4111 wl wnoie- suit reiuvvtiattHl to suit tl. ,iiei at once ouren's taste. Uet week a 1'ortlai.a Urew.orT The do we hau a glass of oitric acid lemnamle pilled over her party dress, and it was turned from a delicate tint to the vilest of Termination Partnership. rotice is hereby given partnershm liertnfnr L-. . -...i i.. "..:."- .-".""" T " v !'" "'8 1JI "rewery and t,,.ri ."xi. ,IU'.V.rK0".'. " term. va wu .iibv n. iisiii aii a..... . il?ii,e.?r,n ,riop ,0 h i Mi" be ,r- black wherever the counterfeit beverat-t. touched it. Tho young man who tn-r- .1.11 --'", j "loujjni hwouIU aVolila month's salary to reHaee it. hot to their great surprise Mrs. Wikar reetoreu the.dreas to its original tantv anil eleanllnM, Andsoitgoee. Evey ra r.i'i" rs .u.,"Bo"ru- tb.t SalemFeam lVe"woksmOUW U at the olllce Uiulertigurd of said retiring member o said flm, of Kl.uger t Beck bjwpeaks (or the new proprietor Mra MarKonto Beck, th.t iKi 1. .'!.!." retofore been extendftl to au.MiKK A HECK. MAl'KICK KLiNUER; ...i . : --i wnwn has here tiieoM tirm. the 5-H ltn Are now in effect to Buffalo, New York Do you expect to attend the Pan American Exposition? i. ..! B. do V,01 bl'y '01,r tlckot until you have investigated the service of o II linols Central railroad. B.?kl i."?,,Jon,' nre th0 -l'8t that .-.. .,, ullr iruiiig Bra niuu.. . oomecilaating.0U,,,1Oy08 C0Ur,e0U9 and nrougii tourist cars from Punlrto ooast to Boston via Buffalo 0i"C j".00 w "nil 15 cents in .tamns large 8 ineirwal. masoTthe gnS btatw, Cuba and Porto K.co. ' Ativ Information rogardlni; ratn . oonjodatlons, eervice X e, cotmecfions' n .. . ?' H TrOMBOLL. 3ThJnl St., Portland On Corvallis & Mm Railroad TITVLJiJCARn No. 2 For uauluaf ' Tra n Lavta Albany 12:60 p. m Tru n leaves Corvallls.... Imo p. ux, Train arrlvcH Vaqulna . G:55 p. m. No. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7-0) a. ni Leaves Corvallls AV.SS a. m Arrives Albany 12:13 p. m No. 3 For Detroit? Leavos Corvallls l :30p. m. Leaves Albany 2 3'jp m Arrives Detroit o:26.p. ut. No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Dotrolt 5.30 a. m, Arrives Albany JltS.'Su. m. Arrives Corvallls 12: 15 p.m. r. . ,n8mna(? 4 "otwoen Albany and Coyallls, Tuesdays, Thuredays and Sat urdays only. All other trains dally ex. copt Sunday. Trains 1 and 4 arrives in Albany In time to connect with tho 8. P. south bound, as well as Riving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S. P. .North bound train for Portland. Tralii .No. 2 connocta with the 8, P. west side train at Corvallls Crossing for Independence, MoMlnnvillo and all points north to Portland. J. TtjRNut, Edwin Htonk, Agent, Albany. Manoger. "The Best of Everything" The Northwestern Line 8 fJ?,'?8 daily between St. Paul PnJimn at80 C0lJJPri8lnB the latest X ullnmn Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars, The 2n.hr,n,Rec!ini.n8 Chair Cars. finest Train ElKtrIC Llghud in the World s,era Hwti- To diicapo Rv naviifriit The Badeer State Express, the finest Dav Train running bcUm:iin.Pu.ilandOhicago ia tho Short Line. Conner tions f,om tho West made via Tim Northern Pui-IHf flnul Northern, Canadian Pacific I his ia also tho best line between Omaha, St. Paul and 'Minneapolis. w n MDinThetorn-wtsteniUae. W. II. MEAD. II. USI3LER. C. A. t A Is a word this tells of the Passenrer Service Tl. Three Day Excursion Rates ftV rim .... Ketiring mwMber of said firm. I . ,A Pwial round trip rate of .50 from . iauy IO.VIU IJltV. rtrrv Nf. " " n ?& Pt into VCon the J "" Et" Rail rxul for hunt! i"g or fishing parties. UCkBW BOOil CO nt? ShImhI... GOIN' TO BUFFALO? IF SO USE THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. CASTOR I A f xamni and oblldren. Be Ol YouHare Always Bought , Bears tho I SJiPttturo of GG, vtfmfa and s in recrea It tion. lioo.1 mi .,.'JLi.:'"z'' '".'PS. rt f!v ?.::: rrivm hh ?$ te. No BKHJIal onler necUa?y iekets on sale at tho ticket oHiee. y 5 34 3m A. E. Personallyconductejr ex curslons to Chicago and East throo days overy week. Through Pullman Sleepers Salt Lake City to Chicago every day Ask your ticket Auent to make your ticket read via tho Great Rock Island Route from Denver Write for Folder. COOPER. GENERAL AGENT 250 Alier St. Portland, Ore,