The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 06, 1901, Image 1

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This paper receives the largest As
.Molia1 Drnoo rnnnrt ttilAti In ftrntfAti
i t
ThlS lMsef iS A MHbr a
Northwest After towswt4
DUbiatvw V.VF.. .... ... W...W..
OUlsiae oi rornanu.
i.:ibmb riinoau Jiin HW JtmVi,'
hocgebt6e (gloves
Ono of tlio best wearing gloves you can got at any price If you've
worn thorn, you know wliat thoy are. If you haven't, you'd hotter get a
pair and try them. OUR PRICE $1.15. Nine different styles and all
weights from tlio lightest to the heaviest at tho same price.
Ladies' Bicycle Gloves, 50c to $1.15
New line of seatnlons shoos for boys. Thoy can't rip. Isn't that tho
kind you're looking for?
Painters' white overalls and jumpers at 35 cents each.
frc men a short century back and
dedicated to tho causo of liberty for
men, now crumbles In tho slough of
despotism, another ruin on tho sands of
tlm3 to mark the courso of man's in
humanity to man.
In the Opinion of Ex-Secretary of State
Foster of Ohio.
Decadence of the Republic In the Attempt to Hold and Govern the
Philippine Islands We are In the Slough of Despotism
and Don't Know It.
....The New York Racket....
Our Store Closes Every.Eveninj at Six O'clock Except Saturday.
Cor. Commorolal and
Chemokota Strootn
Repairing a Watch
Of the finest workmanship is a branch
of our buslnoss that wo give special at
tention to. Our repairing department
is conducted with the utmost care and
skill ; diamouds aro reset, and Jowol ry o
all kinds is repaired in tho most perfect
manner, besides optical work of al
C, T. Pomeroy
Watchmaker and Optician
Is now ready to deliver ice to the consumers of Salem
anJ surrounding" country at existing rates A specialty is
made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday.
...Crystal Ice Works...
Telephone 2071 Mnln.
Of all kinds, brandies, whiskies, rums,
and gin, and tho choicest vintages of
wines, you wi;l always And in our cellars
and shelves, and can be bought by the
gallon or bottles a desired. Wo make a
specialty of family trado, and can sup
ply your table, wfno cellar or bullet
with the best.
J. P. ROGERS, ga
Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer
New Yohk, Juno 0. Ex-Secretary
of State John W. Foster, in discussing
tho recent iusular decision with the
Washington correspondent of tho Times,
"I dcom it fortunate that tho court
took tho positiou it did, Consider tho
Philippino situation for Instance. The
United States now has possession of tho
archipelogo. Having the islands in our
grasp, it necsiarily follows that wo muBt
govorn them.
"Tho decision of tho court in tho
Porto Kican cases clearly and unequivo
cally delegated such authority to Con
gress. It, thoreforo, settles the much
mooted point as to whether Congress
had tho powor to regulato affairs in our
now possessions. For this reason, I say,
the decision was practical and sonslblo.
It will bo a groat bulwark for thoso now
in powor in tho future government of our
Urrltcry in tho East, Tho exigencies
of tho situation demanded just such a
decision as was rendered."
Bouldeii Colo. June 0 Deforo tho
graduating class of the law school oi tho
University of Colorado, Hon. Motes
Hallett, l)ean of tho Law Faculty, and
Federal Judgo at Denver, dollvored nn
address In which ho criticized the pro -pent
attltudo of the govorn mo tit with
regard to tho Philippines, closing with
these werds:
''And bo it appears that tho powers of
earth and air aro again nr Joyed as thoy
have always been arrayed, against tho
causo of civil liberty. Tho spectaclo
presented is that of a nation in rebel
lion against absoluto power and achiev
ing its independence of such powor by
force of arms ; afterward a government
established in protest against absoluto
power nnd professing to rulo only by
the consent of the people and according
to their will, an autonomous govorn
mout which claimed only tho right of
eelf-rulo for tho people and disclaim -d
authority in other lands aud over other
people. Such was tho United States of
America at tho ondof tho olghtoeuth cen
tury. One hundred years later, the same
nation and government, in total dis
regard oi tho principle on which it wua
established, repudiating evory declara
tion of authority on which it came into
power with shameless perfidy takes into
its possession other lands and peoples
with intent to rulo thorn absolutely and
with the powor of the sword.
" 'So fleet tho works of men
"Back to earth again.'
"This nation, baptized in tho blood of
For the Apprehension of the Coos
County Murderer.
Special to the Journal,
Roskdoko, Juno 0. District Attorney
Brown has been notified that Coos
county has increased tho reward offered
for tho arrest of M. D. Landls, to $1000.
Landls is tho suspected murder of J. E.
Eudally, below Coquille City, and has
Govornor Geer was asked to offer a
roward and furnish a braco of blood
houtlds. But tho law does not author
izo him to offer a cash rowaid, and tho
Orrgon ponitonttary does not keep these
tnanhuntingdogs, as do tho snmo insti
tutions in Idaho nnd Montana.
Congressman Livingston of Georgia, is
quol ed in a special from Washington to
tho"ribunoa.a saying that ho does not
bolMvoin the wholesalo disfranchise
meijt as a romody for tho ovIIb of negro
Resent the Action of a Church Convention
Denouncing Labor.
Surprised a Command In the Hills and
Secured Large Amount of Plunder.
PnKTOittA, Juno 0. Colonel with 240
of Kitchener's scouts surprised and
routed 400 Boors of Beyor's command 34
miles wost of Warm Baths. Tho Boers
resisted stubbornly but finally lied,
leaving 37 killed, a hundred pris
oners and all wagons and supplies,
including 8000 cattle, la hands of Brit
ish. Loss of latter throe mon killod and
15 woundnd.
Consumption Will Be Affected By the Widely Prevailing Strikes and the
mcnslons of the Harvest That Will Be Gathered
in Our Country This Year.
One of the Firing Party In the Couer
d' Alene Mining Riots Asks for Pardon
Aflomoon Prou AiiocUtloa Spoclat.
Boisb, Idaho, June 0. Paul Corco
ran, tho most noted inmato of tho Idaho
penitoutiary, has given notice, in ac
cordance with the state law governing
pardons, that ho will nn July 3 apply to
tho Stattt Board of Pardons, which con
sists of Governor Hunt, Secretary of
State Bassott and Attornoy-GsnoraJ
Martin, for a full pardon. Hois serving
a sentence of 17 yoars for murder in the
second degree.
Corcan's trial and conviction grew'but
of tho riots in tho Coour D'Alenes,
which wero tho precursors of tho ostab
lishmout of martial law in that soction
shortly produced showing that Corcoran
was ono of tho tiring party that killed
Ohoyno, ho boiug identified by Mrs.
Ida Sinclair as tho person who refused
to holp her carry tho murderod man
Oheyno, to her hoiuo. Corcoran was
Indicted and tried in July, 1801) (or
mnrdor. He was found guilty of uiurdor
in the second dogree and oontonced to
sevontoon yoars in tho state penltentlry.
Ills counsel asked tho State Supromo
.Court for a writ of haboas corpus but
their request was denied. An appoal
was than taken, various errors of law
boiug allowed, but tho Judgment of tho
lowor court was again afllrmcd. An at-
Leadvillk, JunoO. At tho mooting
of the Colorado 8tato Federation of La
bor the following resolution was adopted
in rcsKnee to tho action of tho conven
tion of tho Reformed Presbytorlan church
in socslon at Pittsburg, In denouncing
labor organization as dangoreus:
"Resolved, that tho convention desires
herowlth to statu for tho eulightonmont
of those over-zealous, bigoted, mis-
representatives of n large membership
o( that church that organized labor, as
operatod and controlled by tho different
unions of America Is today working for
tho good of humanity, not only for its
mombors but also for thoso who aro not
organlzod. That said organization is
doing moro good morally, bettering
tho condition of moro people,
causing tho unactmont nnd enforcement
of better laws, making poeslble tho hot
tor education of tho masBOB, aiding in
tho building of moro everlasting monu
ments of truo Christianity, promoting
tho brothorhood of man, making it pos
sible for more people to have three meals
a day nnd to wear bettor clothos. than
all tho religious denominations ofAmori
oa. And tho labor unions do it without
any grout amount of advertising."
track not 200 foot ahead of tho rapidly
moving train. Ho applied the brakos
but could not stop tho train until it was
upon tho unfortunate woman. When
the engine struck tho horso the animal
was hurled over tho bankment, but tho
woman and child foil I in front of tho
engtnonnd wero passed over by the
entire train. Coronor ButH was noil
of tho accident, nnd with au extra
.engine wont out to tho sconu and
brought tho remains to town. They
weio frightfully mangled, both bodlos
being cut In two. No inquest was held.
If He
Says Sj
Don't doubt your doctor!
It you haven't perfect con
fidencc in him, get another!
If you have Just the-onLyou
like, ask him this JtralgHtJ
plain question : -m
"What do ypu thinkofi
Ayer's Ssrsaparilla?"
If he says it's good J ton
tired people, good for ptnl
fying and enriching the blooSJ
good for weak nei
good for building
general health, then rememj
ber his advice.
Perhaps one of these days
you will want to profit byljt?
it.M fc(tl AII4rU
J. C.A.YERCU, Lowell,
... ... . . ..iC
turougu uie principal sire W joraiael
new water system from WlachlerTifiTsJ
miles north." . P
Tho largo 12-Inch mala lwjfl
place tho entire distance, tho reVorvoiril
aro ready for cementing and the wa4r
The People Who Were to Be Burned.
L .
Bt. Louis, Mo., June; 0. A apodal ' will bo turned In next month. TtSS
from Aurora, Mo., say,s: Mrs. John1 wate,r company will receive thelrptj?
Stallion and her two sons by a former purp next week, giving trlpplethlir
marrlogo, James and' Will Crabtree, proaont capacity, and a lively coatosTftor
havo confostod to thtf'murdor of Alice business is expec,tod. ', ' &
Stallion, a 16-year-old daughtor of the . .jSR
woman. Thoro is great excitement and Grand Lodge of Modern Woodmen.
lynching may result. I Bpeclal to Tno Journal,; 'P1
1 r Abtohu, June 0. Oswald Westjloft
v..... w. i j , a today for 8t. Paul, Mian. TUo'HmS
Kansas Woman Tried for Murder ' r. ' i .. r. w.iwr.
uuuif ui mo wuumu iiwuuiiiiiDUi
Kansas Cmr, Jnno 0. When Lulu America raoota iri St. Paul. MinrT.fSne
t l r . . .... - f
rrinco-ivenny entorou court tins mom- u,i ' "
ing It was to hear au outline of her
case In tho tiial for inurdoring her
husband made by attorney N oaring for
(ho dofenso, Tho prisoner appearod
bright nnd cuoarful, faking of testl-
oiiiiano. urieilytho acts ere: On tmnnt was made which was iiiiiiion.
the 20th of April 1809, eight hundred or I fill to obtain a writ of error from tho su-
a flintianml nrttinl n.A.t trt il.n .. -M st . . .. .... . ... .
jirojio uourt oi me unitou mutoi.
Owing to the great oxpense of a trial
He Has Saved My Life
a thousand armed mou from tho town of
Burko, Gom, Mullan and Wallace pro
ceeded to Wardnor, destroyod .tho mill
lot tho Ilunkor Hill A Sullivan tnlnluir
company aud killed James Ohoyno, a
mill tiiiui. Some friction between tho
mining company and tho minors union
sinco 1802 but the Immediate cause of
the dlfllculty was tho demand that tho
employees of tho Hunker Hill A Sullivan
Company should Join the union and the
refusal of the company to employ union
Paul Corcoran, financial secrotary of
the Burko union, was nr-eitod together
with three or four hundred others
engaged in the riot. Kvidenca was
and the dlfllculty of obtaining a Jury
none of the other mou arrestod for com
pllcity in tho crime wero over tried.
Sinco his incarceration, Corcoran has
beou a model prisoner, obeying all the
rules and regulations of tho prison and
conducting hlusolf In a very creditablo
manner. The question of his pardon
may take a political or partisan turn, as
the present stato administration has
abolishod martial law in the Ceour
u'Alenes aud was supported at the polls
by thojMiners' Union, which is prepar
ing an immense petition asking for
Corcorhii's release.
Beginning Monday 5
June 10 we will of-
fer all our Brussels,
Tapestry, Aoquet, M
and velvet carpets at II
a X X X X !
Big Reduction I
Where thore is less than a roll on hand. We want to olose out all HI
scr small rolls.
Our spring sale was a great suecess. We Intend to make this one
a success. Do you want the benefit? We start them at 4fc for Topes-
EE try Brussels worth 65c.
85 cent Tapestries, 65 cents.
$1.00 Tapestries. 75 cents.
$1,20 Moauet. 85 cents.
Axminsters, 85 cents.
E W We want to show you carpet, you don't have to boy.
The Low Price Furniture House.
t 5j
gSiWaiSSon - o. wy. '
To whom ttieM prnenu thai), come ((retting-.
ThU li tocertlfr tbtt 1 Urto Ixou nilctxl with
OrnrUn Tutooit tor a number of rear, alio
ner irouuio. i ucaire 10 pudiicij male upon
oth that Dr-J. F.Cook. of Salem, Oregon, liai
remored id tumon, two In uumbur, without
the ua of knife. rliifer or tMiltauoua drum, ami
that I am entirely, and a 1 bellere perwaneut
ly cum). I otieerrullr reoominend Dr. Cook to all
terfoai aaleted an 1 wm. I feci that be baa
aartxl tar '" i'y home la three mllet aouth of
Turner, Orejon,
SuUcrllied and sworn to before me tbU tint
day of May. 1W1.
Pal attacbKl, W. W. KAI.L.
County fltrk.
Do Not Listen to "Cappers"
Vt bo nre Mreil to defame tne and my methoili
of treatment. If I could not cute ficopUa there
would be no uae to rjy'it me. It la becauae 1 do
cure people that I am peralitemly mlarepre
aented but I keep on curing- folka J tut the
tame, aud tome ol the beat people In Oregon
itartd by me, for which I am thankful
tWnd for Circulars eontalulne teatlraonlali
from patleutaaured both in Urrrjou aud In Uie
Cam. Don't despair becauae you bave been told
you have been told you could not be cured. Dr.
Cook baa cured huodreJi of people wboae caaea
bare been pronounced hopeloa by the "old,
achoola' phyilclana.
The doctor haaderoted the beat year of hit
life to tbeatuily ofdtteate, and the uae and ao
llon of Nature' veifetable reutedlea, unUI he
knowa abaolutely Juat what he can do. ThU
gltea him confidence.
Dr. J. F. Cook at
Cures all kJndi of dlaeaaea.
Office, Ml Liberty 8t Balem, Or.
Baker City Celebration and Carnival
of the Red Men That Will be Unique
Speclcal to Capital Journal.
Bakbii City, Jiwh 0. Itlglit o( way
was Anally seemed by tho Hock Greek &.
I'owder Klyer Irrigation Company, a
local concern, (or a distrlhtit'on canal
five miles in length. This canal is
surveyed from Itock Creek to a large
tract of land of between 6,000 and 0,-
000 acres area, south of tho village of
Unities, in this vulUy, It ft announced
by the management that wurk Is soon to
commence on the canal, which will
carry 1,230 inches of water. The sections
of land to be irrigated are fertile when
watered, and well adapted to cultivation.
It Is not the intention to construct the
canal in time for use this year, A
storage reservoir Is contemplated in con
nection with the enterprise, but will not
be undertaken until after completion of
the caual.
Governor T. T. Geer today wiiod the
Fourth of July committee of this place
that he would attend the celebration
hero aud delivor an addrtut. As a re
sult of the Governor's acceptance of the
invltatlop extended to him, muoli
enthusiasm prevails In the work of
planning for the celebration.
asWv'JswW X
Waiting for Something to
Turn up
Well, here It Is. Our gold filled spectacles and
eyi glasses. You can't really imagine how da
tura' le they are till you have seen and tried
We At some very dlillcult cases, many
others have failed to fit or give satlifautiou.
Herman W.
Scientific Optician
118 8Ute 8t.
tX-T" Wo give voting ooupoos on both pUuos,
One on rach piano for every 25c cash purchase.
Local Rod Men are preparing to hold
a carnival of sport here on the occa
sion ol the meeting of the Grand Lodgo
In July, A mass mooting of citizens has
been called for this evening, at wltlch
timo definite plans will be formulated
for the carnival. Bed Mou state that
they will give a unique carnival, includ
ing the presence of many Indians, if they
nre supported by the citizens.
Anew Knights of Pythias Lodue was
Installed at Ulchtand, in Kagle valley,
forty miles from this place. Many pro
mlneut Knights from this part of the
State, including Grand Vlco-Cliancellor
J. II. Aitkin, assisted at the ceremonies.
A membership of 27 was on tho charter
A destructive frost was experienced
le a good portion of this volley, killing
in some bectlous all the fruit. Full re
ports have not been received from all
parts of the valley yet, nor tho rich ag-
glcultural districts of Eagle and IMne
valley and the Burnt river valley, but It
is feared that great damage has
been dono. Fruit here Is not far ad
vanced, owing to the lateness of tho
spring, and was lu the right condition to
be killed. For the past two days un
usually cold weather has been exper
ienced, one day there being snow In the
air most of the time.
Citizens are at war with the local
electric light company, ' t a meeting
of the council last evening the City
Attorney was instructed to examine into
the franchise and ascertain if legal
redress was possible for exorbitant and
unwarranted rates. Borne business men
advocate) holding a mass meeting aud
having the oltirens pledge themselves
not to use more lights of company until
the municipal plant, for which bonds
wero voted, has been constructed.
; Ci.kvki.ani), June (1. "Surftico Indica
tions in tho Iron trade contlnuo to point
bettor conditions," Buys tlio Iron Trado
lie v low this week.
Tlint thoto Id likely to be tin early
resumption of buying appeals strour,ly
to thobo who look for n uantluuanco of
tho pruet'iit basis mid thl" vl" Is rein-
luicoil by the iKirslsteully heavy con
The questions como in attempting to
Judge whether tho present rate will con
tlnuo; tho effect of the machinist strike
and tho Blze of tho year's crops. In
certalti localities tho strike has cut down
consumption, though tho curtailment is
not n largo percentage of tho material
onterlng foundries and machine shops
There nre signa that in those shops tho
struggle may bo drawn out, with pos
slbllty of extensions through sympa
thetic strikes.
Thus far tho inolders huvu kept at
work except an tho idleness of connected
machine shops compelled n shutdown
and at the prenent moment thuro la less
trouble lu foundries than for mouths,
with both sides disposed to secure m
amicable settlement at tho wage confer
ence of next week through tho publica
tion of less favorable roports.
"In pig iron tho woakur tendency here
tofore noted ct utilities. The principal
transaction of the past week was tho'
purchase of 60,000 tons of hoisemer Iron
from Central Western furnaces for nbl- j
metit to a Colorado Bteel works, The
bulk of tho order went to Central
and Houthoru Ohio producers.
mony was begun at nodu.
New Hotel and Improved Water Sys
tem for Roseburg.
IlosKnuito, Juno U. The fund for the
establishment ol a. creamery hero of a
capacity to hantllo tho milk of 1200 cows
is completed, and accepted by Mr. O.
Italston, the promotor. A alto desirable
in evory particular has been solectod and
n building will bo orected at onco. Tho
plant, with now machinery throughout,
will bo roady for oporatlou by August 1st.
Bricklaying was commonced today on
tho lino throe-story hotel being erected
by Mrs. D. O. McOlallou. It will bo
roa ly for occupancy by October 1st.
Largo mains aro now being laid
Tho delegates from Oregon
V. Simmons, Portland 0 West?
lem;S.'A. Hulln, LaQrande.' '
n ' n
Monument Unveiled.
WiNoitESTin, Va., Juue 0. A -monument
erected in honor otthe Tonnepeo
Confederate Dead was unveiled hero'ftc-
doy in tho Stonewall Cemetery amid1 im
posing ceromonies. Charles Broadway
Roussof New York had contributed
(360 toward this monument. , ',ft$M
Fresh Pop Com
uispsai -
- ac. "i
Ellis & IMS
54 Bute Street.
ywvswAJUM HSVLjrHS H6r
I jtmWYi
Piano Given
trading in i
In theso vulluys
bessemer is practlcully
pending tlio placing
United States Steel Corporation for Its
supply In the second hulf, This buying,
when It comes, may glvo the whole
market such au impulse as was felt in
February, when tho merchant furnaces
lu the valley took on so large a tonnage.
Voters Comlntr From Other Counties
Do Not Gain Residence
BpceJal U Capital Jeurnal:
Boisk, Juno 0, The supreme court
awards the Ida county school superin
tendence to Ilolon Goatoii, ousting
Helen Spaokmau. The decision throws
out the votes of the Inmates of tho Sol
diers' Home coming from other coun
ties, asserting that they cannot gain
nor lose residence.
illy at a standstill, j name of the best si
of contracts bv tholetl? Valley This v
01 contracts uy o J aa oveti our wonltl
By a Passenger Train On the O, R. &
N. Railroad
Afternoon I'reat AiioeUtloit tfieolal,
Tux Dalli, Juno (I. A distressing
accident occured on the O II, A N. line
five miles east of this place at 12:30
yesterday. Passenger train No. 2 was
going east nt full speed and when
rounding a sharpcurve on a high fill the
engineer discovered an Iudlan woman
and small child riding horseback ou tho
In 1H76 two words desluuated tho firm
store in tint Wil am.
wo know to be a fact
I IrO enmnetitors ara
a a .... T-I--- ----.
loyal enough toBulem to mmlt It.
The Salein people are always proud of
"Tho White Corner" because It out
rivuled all competition for good goods
aud low prices.
Times liave changed since 1875 The
old style merchanta of those days have
glviiiavtay to youth and pregress: llio
country has grown at.d o ha 'The
White Corner " It Is today the beat
and largeit More In the Willamette Val
ley. But the old building would not
grow so this prngrpsiiivo firm was ob
liged to seek larger quarters.
In 1874, twenty-six years ago, the
store was comparatively small, but the
last tnenty-one years, under the nnn
agement of Jos, Meyers and his sons,
madu it the largest and strongest Arm,
in tlio whole Hate nutsiui ol I'ortlsnu,
but for good goods and low prices wo
except none.
For twenty one years past; fir Ueu-ty-one
yenrs to rnmajc'we were and
promise t"t- vour for ijso.l gxids and
low prices uuJ fair Ircatmout.
Kverybody knows that we had our
plnno Brat, but that don't ms'ke any
difference. '
It is a good honest piano worth .U0
and will be given away to the lodft,soc(
ety or other onrsuixat'on voted the
most popular by October 1.
A Ballot With Eack 25 cent
fi rudi
r i t
Are You PatroIzjNr
Salt Sate? -m
We are giving big rednottaw o
beat lino of skirts in Balem.
i f
On Our
Wednesday SpccUlf
r S