THE DAILY JOURNAL, This n-nvr rAflvfQ the lanrest A. This Pacer Is a wmmr f Nnrthwoet iffniii iS.!L2I', soclated Press report taken In Oreeon J Leaeue-Prlntsali State IHwtSm t outsiae or roniana. SAIiEM, OREGON TUESDAY; JUNE 4 1901 VOL. XI nh$jlyeK i nuu Miii mmmmmmm 'JSj ' s1 r- I-" - ll -V J J, 1 IH."'1,,'f Mi 'WW ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS Ifooteebtfte (gloves just IN: Ono of the beat wearing gloves you can get at any prico. If you've worn thorn, you know what thoy arc. If you haven't, you'd bettor got a pair and try tboin. OUR PRICE $1.15. Nino different styles and all weights from the lightest to tho hoavieat at tho tamo prico. Ladies' Bicycle Gloves, 50c to $1.15 Now line of Boamloss shoes for boys. Thoy can't rip. Isn't that tho kind you're looking for? Painters' whito overalls and jumpers at 35 conts each. ....The New York Racket.... I. SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Our Store Closes EveryiEvestof ati Six O'clock Except Saturday. E. T. BARNES, Cor. Commorclnl and Proprietor, Chemokota Stroots STATE SCHOOL LAND OFFICIALS SUED Attorney General Blackburn Begins Actions to Recover Davis Defalcation. SUITS AGAINST PENNOYER, METSCHAN AND EX-SECRETARY McBRIDE All Questions to Be Raised on Demurrers and Courts to Be Forced to Give a Square Decision on the Merits-Suits May Be Brouglit Against Second Board for Part of Deficit. ?... ? S .Repairing a Watch Of the finest workmanship is a branch of our business that wo give special at tention to. Our repairing department is conducted with tho utmost care, nud skill ; diamonds aro reset, and jewelry o all kinds is repaired in tho most ported manner, besides optical work of all kinds. 1 1 J Attorney General Blackburn has begun suits to re cover from the members of the State School Land Board and the Bondsmen the full amount of the Geo. W. Davis Defalcation. He has drawn the complaints to raise tho entire Issue on demurrer and his papers read in plain English: "Let no guilty man escape." I C, T. Pomeroy 288Com'ISt. Watchmaker and Optician I Q OLD tn I 5JM7 W A RARE SUPPLY OF PURE OLD LIQUORS Of all kinds, brandies, whiskies, rums, and gin, and tho choicost vintages of winoa, you wl.l always find in our cellars and shelves, and can bo bought by tho gallon or lrattlos a desired. Wo make a specialty of family trade, and can sup ply your tablo, wino cellar or buffet with the best. cottyyciix. J. P. ROGERS, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer 218-222 Commercial Street. CRYSTAL ICE WORKS Is now ready to deliver ice to the consumers of Salem and surrounding country at existing rates A specialty is made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday. Attornoy-Gonoral Blackburn today filed complaints in suits of tho Stato of Oregon against ex-Stato Treasurer Metschan, ox-Qovornor Pennoyor and ex Secretary of State McBride, jointly and severally, as members of the Stato School Land Board, for tho full amount of tho Geo. W. Davis defalcation of 50, 052.03. Suits will alio bo filed in tho namoof the state against Geo. G. Bing ham and E. 1. McCoruack as bondsmen of Geo. W. Davis in tho sum of $5000. Tho suits against the cx-Btato officials will bo begun in Multnomah county through District-Attorney Obamborloin, sad tho Bulls against tho bondsmen wlil be begun in Marion county through District-Attorney Hart. About $12,000 of this deficit was col lected under tho Tennoyor admtnlstra tion by Davis but bo did not turn the money ovor until during tho Lord admin istration. When tho pleadings aro sub mittod to tho trial court, it is the opin ion of tho Attorney -Gonornl that tho Ponnoyer administration will bo rolioved of this amount of tho shortage and it will then becomo charged as defalcation under tho Lord administration. In that ovent suits will bo brought for that amount against ex-Governor Lord and ex-Secretary of atato Kincald, Theory of the Suit. Attorney Genoral Blackburn has con centrated his talents upouHbeio cases in order to draw up tho complaints in such a mannor that tho wholo question of liability inuy bo detortuiued if possiblo upon demurrer. It is his intention thus to secure a square decision upon tho merits of tho mattor as freo as possible from all quibbles and technicalities. The stato law department has aimed to leavo as llttlo room as possible for any guilty wan to escape, as ho has set forth every possible form of dofonae, such as the plea of tho statuto of limitations, or whether the report of tho investigation committee of 1895 acts as a bar to recovery, or whethor thoro has boon any othor form of accounting and settlement between the stato, and tho custodians of tho School Fundi Thecomplalnt is found upon the theory that tho clerk of the school land board was tho agent of tho board and not tho agent of tho stale aud that his defalca tion waB a defalcation of tho board, for which tho members of board are directly responsible to tho state.. Judgo Black burn has drawn his paper so that it states all tho facts regarding the short ago, so that tho questions involved can bo triod upon a demurrer, thus making it unnecessary, if possiblo, to incur tho oxpensoofn now trial upon tho facta. The complaint states that the shortago occurred in 1B91, so that tho defendants may raise tho quostlon of tho etatuto of limitations by domurror. It will stato BULLET LODGED IN HIS BRAIN Yet he Remains Conscious and can Walk About. Albany, June 4, Sunday afternoon Nathan Bumpier, of Berry, accidentally sbot himself in tho head with a 32 Wiuchostor riflo, tho ball outering at tho side of tho noso and passing through the brain. Sumpter waB out hunting withaovsrel of hiscompanions and stood his rifle by a log whito ho sat down to rest. In gotting over tho log bo pulled tho gun after him and tho hammer caught on tho log and the gun was dis charged, tho ball entering at tho right Bide of the noso and went through head lodging in tho back part undor tho skull. Ho was carried throe mile to Berry and morning was brought to Albany on tho train. Surgeons drcssod tho wound and removed a considerable quantity of brain mattor. Sumpter was conscious during the oporaUon, and can walk with assistance. Idaho Fair Offers Purses Special to the Journal, Boise, Juno 4. Eightcon thousand dollars In purses and premiums will bo given by tho Idaho Stato Fair Associa tion year. Tho Merchants' Purso of (1000, will bo hung for tho second day. This will bo a milo-heat race, threo in five, tor trottors of 2:20 class. Tho Capital City purse, running nillo and n quartor for 4-years olds occurs on tho last day for a prize of 1 1000. Tho fair opens September 10, continuing six days. Last year over 45,0O0 passed through tho pool boxes and the gato receipts amounted to $18,000. All pool selling is under thocontrol of the Associa tion. The fall mooting will be tho heavi est racing program of tho Northwest and is attracting widespread attontiou among stockmen and owuors of racing strings. Secretary Lovoland states that thoro Is au incossnnt domain! (or pure blooded short horn cattlo throughout this section and inyites outsiders to exhibit and hold stock Bales during tho fair. Pacific Unitarians. Los Anoklkh, Cal., Juno 4, The sev enteenth session of tho Pacific Unita rian conference ope nod today at tho church ol tho Unity. He v. Frederick L. Hoamer porchasod tho conforonco sermon. A reception to tho delegates followed. NO EXTRA SESSION OF COipESS Will Be Called By President McKinley to Deal With the Philippines. ALL CONCESSIONS GRANTED BY CHINA ,,, TO THE EUROPEAN POWERS Will Redound to the Benefit of the United States By the Operations of the Host Favored Nation Clause How the War Indemnity Bonds Will Be Disposed Of. At Iron Mountain, Mloh,, by explosion of powder and suffocating fumes thut followed, eight in on wore killed aud near- facts regarding tho legislative Invostlga- J ly thirtyohildren rondorcd fathorloss. tlon of 1895, so that If tho defendants be-' Govornor Rogers of Washington ro- Hove that investlgationand tho report of fuf B,t0 con,hlor BubJcc,t of "ra session ... , , , of legislature to remody so-called do- tho committee amounts to a settl.mont, , fcc.,vo cai)ital 1,lin,B,1I110nt Inw. thoy can raise that question by demur-1 rnM0Kor trnin on Houthorn railway rer. Judgo Blackburn believes (ho board j , ,ito by switch engine this morning. , is liable and ho has ondoavorod to frame I Tiirco were killed and 15 injured, I liis complaint so that tho question may I Chicago University will celebrate Its! be speedily determined. J tenth anniversary Juno 14th. Nnw Youk, Juno 4. A special to the Horald from Washington says: Presid ent McKinley will not call an extra ses sion of Congress if ho can avoid doing so by avoiding tho establishment of tho civil government in tho Philippines. Tho question of whethor an extra session will be called was decided at tho mooting of tho Cablnot today (Tugs doy) though it may bo postpoucd to al low additional timo for Attorney- Goneral Knox and Secretary- of War Root to consider tho divergent opinions of tho judges of tho Supremo court. Tho Attornoy Goneral and tho Secre tary of War havo bad several conferences and although tho Attornoy Genoral would not indicate what conclusions thoy would probably reach, ho Bald their views thus far wore in comploto harmony and reports that thoro has been any disagreement botwoeu thorn were abtnird. Secretary Root said tho same. Members of tho Administration nil agroo that tho postpouomont of tho es tablishment of a civil government In tha Philippines Is to avoid It if possiblo to do so. Institution of civil government would materially change tho situation and the Administration wishes to avoid any Interim during which it would bo linH)Kfiblo to collect duties on goods coming from thePhtllpplnes for thu sup port of tho island government. Tho Attorney General and Secretory of War urocnrelully considering whether the Spoouer nmonilinant does not utilliorii tho col lent inn of duties on itu- iirtn from tho 1'hlllpp tics In tin V ilted Htnles for tho benefltof the treasury of thu Philippines, Just as duties on im f Unltod States may not suffer in conso quonco of advantages obtained by othor govcrnmonas, a clauso will bo inserted providing that any concessions grauted to othor nations will bo enjoyed by tho United States. It is tho Impression of Administration officials that tho Ministers in Pekiu will bo ordered by tholr government to ac cept tho British proposal regarding tho mothod to bo pursued in tho settlement of tho ludomnity domand, Tho British proposed an Issuo of bonds at four per cent interest, each power ,to dispose ai it saw fit of tho bonds It re ceived in payment of Its share of tlio In- Ef uu. jtm Nerva&& v m If you know It's' i .. i 3i m ii.t IIU'A k vnjBirc.v 1 xnmntlilnn ., . iirl?? ouuiwtuiug veiy swyyusj,01 naa Detter consult voim, ir '.',( vmmi?j:C,. Si (. f doctor. nui ii ir comes rmm wnrw .IbVJf impure blood, why notkfry - Ayers Sarsaparilla ? Your doctor will certainly V approve of this, and Sre confident it will doyoureat good. f You see, our confidence comes from a knowledge of this medicine extending over fifty years. ,, . II.M ( tall. AIIDnttliti- 'V J. C. AVEIl CO., Lowell, M)M,4 demnlty. It is practically certain that a proposition will be agrsed to prohibit ing individual action or eeixure of terri tory in case China should (all to pay the in tores t. ", pA BEEF ON THE HOOF ADVANCING Burdens of the Retail Market Thrown on the Poorest Class of Consumers In Laree Cities. STEAMER RACE ON THE LAKES English Champion Cyclists Com In? to this Country. Regattas In Which American Cup Defenders Will Participate ...Crystal Ice Works... J, MAQUIRB, Msrr. Telephone 2071 Main. IpiiiiniiiiiiniiniiniiniifiiiiiiinniiH m sitfr m --v i Y i ! 1 1 1 IgU5r7ryt! fiVil : I f Goingto Alaska This Summer I If not you had better invest in one of our Automatic Refrigerators 1 REMEMBER E The automatic is the only refrigerator built upon P clearly scientific principals. They use less ice and M e take less cleaning man any refrigerator now on the 3 H market. ....... a a t i With it you can have a young AlasKa ngnt in m your home. To be sure there would be no glaciers Jj P or dog sledges, but think of the deliciously cold but-' 1 i ter, milk and many other things which only keep well m E in a refrigerator. I BUREN & HAMILTON He Has Saved My Life BUlo ot Oregon 1 . Count of Marlon Hlem, Ore, M ajr, 1, 1500 The Low Price Furniture House. Tn whom theM prpMiiti iball. come Oretltiir. Trili u locertlix mat I bare ben mrtllcted wltb Ovarian Tumor for a number of jreari, alto llYfr Irouljle. 1 deilre li nuhlielr mtn iu..n oatbthatDr J. K.Cook, of Balem, Oregon, has removed tarn tumori. two In number, without tha uaeorkiiKa. Dlaaier or nulunoua druin. nrl that I am eutlrelr, and I believe permaneut- ly cured. I cbeerfully recommend Dr. Cook to all perooui altlctcU I wu, 1 feci that be baa wveu my rue. ay noine u tnree mile aoutli or luiuer, urcfoa, o Miia (akomnk noroi.u 8ubtcrlbed and iworn to licfore me ibis flrtt day or May, 1701. rVal attached. W W. IIAMi. Count Clerk. Do Not Listen to "Cappers" Who aro hired to defame me and my inethoda o( treatment. Ifl could not cure iot1e there would be no ute to nyht me. It la because I do cure ieopte that I am penitently mUrepre seuted, but I keep oil curing (olki Jim the Mime, and some ol the beat people tn Oregon land by me, for which I am thankful Hvud for Circular! cnnlalniiiir tullmnnl.t. from patlenU cured both In Oregon and In the &a.i. vva i nc.pair ukuiutou nnve Oven lou you hate been told you could not be cared Vt c'ook baa cured bundredi of people whote caaea bare been pronounced hopeleu 1-y the "old, aohoolt" phytlolani. The doctor baa devoted the beat year of hU life to thealudy ofdUeate, and thetueaudao tlon of Nature's egeuble remedlea, until be knowa abaolutelr lust mhst l.n ran ,1. Thi. aivra him confidence. Dr.J.F.CookaaA Curee all kinds of disease. Office, S01 Liberty Bt Balem. Or. Clkvkland, O., June 4. Two largo modern sldowhool pastcngnr steamers, City of Krlo, and Detroit, lined np this morning for a hundred mile dash from Cleveland to Krlo to decide the speed championship of the great lakes, It is estimatod over $100,100 will chango hands as result of tho race. Off Ashtabula Harbor about 10 miles from starting point tho City of Erie led by about a length and a half, Steamer City of Erie reached the stake boat ono minutolllsvcondsahuadsof the Detroit boat. Nun Youk, Juno J. Gscoyno and Jenkins, two of the foremost English bicrc'lo riders will rmih this country on Saturday next. Jenkins is tho one mile champion and Gascoyne the Ave mile champion of England and together they hold the tandem championship. Both will follow the grand circuit Oascoyne's specialty Is uu paced work, John J. Lovojoy, the chairman of tho regatta committee of the Lurchmont Yacht Club makes the announcement that two cup defenders, Constitution and Columbia, will sail under tho management of ithu Lartlituont Yacht Club for a (500 cup on June '22, Ar rangements for the coutest have Ikjcii fully settled and there Is said to be no doubt that the race will come off. The annual rrgatta of the New York Yauht Club comes off two days before Larchmout race, namely on June JO, and it was announcod on tho part of tho Constitution that this boat would not then bo present. Tho Qloncore cup races will be started by the Now York Yacht Club off Hempstead harbor on Juno 25, and as the Larchmout races comes Just between those two it Is thought that tho two cup defence yachts may be found lu at leiat ono of the re gattas, probably that of Juno 25, Tim Callahan, tho featherweight pug illst.of Philadelphiajeaves for Ban Fran cisco today. Ho will meet Tim Haggerty of Australia before tho Twentieth Cen tury Athlotlc Club on Juno 28. EniJIMIlllHlllHIIUIJH Waiting for Something to Turn up Well, here It I. Our gold filled spectacles and 't r Ban Fiiancisco, June 4. Tho Ban Francisco Atnlotio Clnb has seenred threo good matches for its opon air exhibition, which Is to bo held at Sixteenth aud Folsom streets on tho afternoon of July 4. Jack Moffat t of Chicago and George Gardner are to battle for tho middleweight champion ship of the world ; Jack Koot and "Kid" Carter who are now In the light-heavy weight class, are to box 20 rounds aud the opening event will be between AI. Nelll sud Charles Thurston, Nkwi-okt, It. I., June 4. Cup defend ports from Porto Itlco aro now collected for tho bono lit of the treasury of Porto Itleo. If this cannot bo dono, thoy tnny de cide that tho amondment portnits tho Imposition of an export tax on goods shipped from tho Phllllipplnes to the United Btatos, that tax to bo collected either at tho port of departtuo In tho Phllppluos or at the port ol arrival in tho United Btatos aud tho proceed tobu p4id into the insular treasury. It can bo authoritatively slated that Dlnglr? rates upou goods from Philippines entering United Btatos will remain in force. President will put into effect such changes in tariff duties on goods going into Philippines as Taft commission may rocomtuoud, Estab lishment ol civil government can pro. ceed without interruption as soon m military authorities consider timo ripe for Its establishment. Ciiioaoo, Juno 4 Beef on tho hoof, ns Block men say, has boon advancing In prico for tho last two weeks, until tho retail butchers of Chicago have found it necessary to raisb their prices to customers, just as tho butchers have dono In Now York. The usual fonture of. tho ndvnnco is that It affectod only the cheaper grades of meat and thus places tho burden on lite peopbt who cannot afford sirloins and portorhouso at IB and 20 conts a pound, Tho advance on what Is known as "cheap stock," such as loins, ribs, and chucks, Is two and a half conts a pounds as compared with the prices a month ago. Beof enrcassos havo gono up nearly $1 a 100 pounds In tho last two wooks, said n ropretontatlvo of Armour A Com pany, but this is nothing unusual, Cat tlo aro always higher at this season of tho year. Tho adyanco will not continue long and It has reached tho top mark already." n explanation for tho incrfasedtcost of beef is In tho lato arrival of ' Warm woathor and the consequent scarcity of grass fod cattlo from tho west. The packers havo been drawing on tho supply of corn fed cattlo. wtthifhe result that farmers have demanded bettor prices. r) Mrs. McKinley's physicians - roport that sho had a comfortable night and that her condition Is not materially chnngod since yestorday, " "C, A Salt Lake Railroad Co. has just got right of way across the Baldwin ranclvin California for 115,000. . 5S ' ; CHOCOLATE DIPPED JLOCUfl Ellis & Ziflifs 34 Otste Street, 8lera These 2874 r J?73H JJLJ1 4.9 ,1 W Ml NEW HAMMOCKS ARE HERE Concessions granted by China to other nations in treatlos to bo negotiated as the concluding chapter of the Chlueso crises will be enjoyed by thu United Btates undor tho "most favored clause" to bo iniorted In the couveutlon this government will preient for signature, It will Immediately upon the settle ment of tho Indemnity question consider the nature of treaties. It Is practically certain that the powers will not he will ing to negotiate a singlo treaty with China, though Identical treaties muy be drawn up. Ollluials of tho Administra tion believe that tho powers will prof, r to negotiate separate treaties. If this U done, different mmcesslous will bo do- ' maiidvd. li.mmn?k .Jtei o eompre wit i luxury, tho keen enjoyment, of a comfortable J ;!r,Kl . ,,n ,,"Vy' ,.,aco on Summer's day? Are you enjoying duo nlWZElWpfPtyhWiUnuni on a warmsofaT Better Cuy,a nice hammock. Ours aro tho latest Improved and roost comfortablo on thomafbet. This uoverniiieut pronoses to demand er Constitution was dismasted while on-1 reasonable safeguards for American In trial splu afternoon. ' terests but In order to insure t'lat thu eyt-glases. BlrMble real! you Imagine bow d- You tan they are till thera. We fit some erv dlifioult oaco, many other have failed to fit er give eaiisfjetiou, ly have teuu and tried that Herman W. Scientific OptUIan Barr lift State St. aF" We give voting oouijous ott boih pianos. One on rach piano for every 96c cash purchase. THE POPE'S ROOMS INVADED By a Lunatic Who Was Promptly Arrested and Sent to an Asylum for the InsaneHow He Penetrated the Apartments of the Vatican Remains a Mystery. . . ., .. . . '- "------ ! wv sst l a uig nne utreci irom tho Arawana Mills, Prices ranging from ...85c to $3.25... When We Glovl Your Hand... ? ,V3tY We Win Your Heart j Let tit win your heart tom'oriw, with a inlro our luiporttxllwlille kids at 88 cents pair- Nxw Youk, Juno 4. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Home sayst While the Popo was at work lu his priv ate room, a maniac made his way to the ante room and shouted, "the Pope Is dead, I am his successor ; give me the crown," Tl noble guards on duty seized the Intruder aud prevented him from pene trating tho Pnpe'n r-lMiuber, But the holy fathor had hestrii (he shout, He ordered that the man be arretted. Hu turned outto btt Valenluto Pateruo, a religious fanatic. He Mas takun to a lunatlo asylum. How hu passed ll.o gato keeper-, guards and ushers all the way from the outer gate of tho Vatican to tho ory door of tho Pope's room Is a mystery ns yet unexplained, Th mo gloves are equal to any $1.25 values aud we glove sellers on the supremacy of their value. We Don't, Like to See You Go But Would Like to Sell You a Trunk. We have the largest and trios com pie t Hue of trunks, bugs, lei eauopys, haiiipwsetc. In all Salem We lellyoiiatrinik wilhayear' gUaraiilfWQU look, Idugesj mount lugs, etu. ssBli t ' ' ' w& take our rcputatloras IsssSBmBIHbVSh sHMbsbGssssssssssbssssbbibbsssssssssb ;"