The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 03, 1901, Image 2

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    !5J-JWBl)MWtBJiM ' vj
'"MUW ,
. t&ttim3mttniAM!i&
i I
) f.
Mood Poison
X. x. jwjrj , v- A .war
met jKtmUitmt beta tat mea ami pah
Ifr oftsUlseif Mf aky" t-d eat
-a-md y, e baakteg c n r iwjBJMiJJirMmMnrTiwrnn
that Haxee far the r-akek interest
a.-ai . final.
UX) risn wa B
Bess CltWBcnna w r
the LnesJ Patets f
to pirAcUrtlrfieB mfMt &t4 , M It peeslk? the baakraptcy DedSiOflS JgSg elm'ftSl J
Bteraly can-end hi grave wish Jewera. J law.
There are ae in tMc wM, who re , argae
'The pdeas eject?! faa tke Stags ef tie rxt"2e
stsstbe is &et store raarriy fatal Hum the vims ef
CtMt, wj,JtM .good Pasoa, -ariacb. trahttm eari, isaafes
A caafcextaere Sato tie Statu
tie gliais Vt-pa to aw-esl. jassa fercak estt on the teir, tie ae-ati asd threat
trasetBesar-e,.maHaq-kpesaaite crater swaSew; trraJBcrr Jjptas- esx tic
tessgae, essfper ceuered r-iutcbe sad rathe cirrtrrie sagas eT Bfae.1 Ieaea
rj-atsa 7ac&c43Ercsre&stcnIrpcr?kxdcTTrtiec&anicierc lbtikod
imiirin im r-n-r1 tWvtf31BBtetib-tsHmRTsi Tn-tLii -JtgnMtrJT fer tigceTCagS.
Wifeeetoeataief aotegrabecarfthiatre!iMrrtVwr;.tt3Biestaey9 i
est, care laecawBC pessaaaesaay, aa urenmcaa waao -crrc cj- . w.
ci a. a. j use vbbj
I -tartly tbwl their haeteMf, making
few pe-tfetjiant ef taaierleiitr. bertie
Tie RFj8at-a bankers wH
tasreegh their lseyers
that are set baakrapt. Yet eTeryeee
losers that tie rtJatlst. It eae el iaeetv-
BstMlfi? TrsiCi.
Where a h-wee for a tnn I jere,
uI;.. . rl atrsM rMnlrisr hisi to
nh.j tfeBHct f e anh iwC7 kiBerwee to tie !-'-,--- bild oa tie property,
-. 1 1 at Jl 1. J .J.u ..J 4kla akf tWjt ! II1IM Hill nti il Yrr I . 1.1 a. -..t . V 1
iBtvarmtvuwj wiKmapuiwu.iH " - .- - . rj pi aViaVWlXIVS rii. wm wt
TfXZXrXQTOar, 3C&&, Seyt-, xsox J
Ktkft tm ptxaVSdLta9 trr a 33jSlcia viAiOr vSt-T-
j . i 1 z.
X eM&rtu4A2lee.7sdaaa tt rn. -ro tiU MJ.'S!CZ.2j
"- -"" ,l"1' "
Urn iy nair oasJBr Caera. Z -wm - ? "T, r'
fntrtut to par lrr askoxrt la adraa, aa can wu pBracatr Tiras ;
trstitfaUr mx that X "raa -vresa -vies, ti truttmteat it
wx.lrft -eX tb.a. -wiuea Z Mfts. aBe&saai r" ', jliJIili ap tie otwstatB
'irevteinaccnBtcAaaCavStiTaavisa.smattcT; coi-'--. rv- .... t ,
xwrHec3r plefcsii aa atn wosJd apjwar a T . wfcl-
body;20ireiiBaMtarIixMJLrra Jf""Jf
aj&4 aar aarati asl tcsraa itiildtr-m frwt firwa owe. e"afe
aletn; tomfla -rT jrvalXts a&3 tErltlrvutiea Menr p ietKag,
Ja,,rct y541y. mtla-raaxc3i.iMttga-witaIbraa asd tie SBncfaOr. dkt
arwar S. S. S. X ia-ra aaed draeET-tv fce&alea, Ai?fZotAe tm tffwti9M
aaa ,frllEr apleaan. 2Tttt wa es r bwJr iaa , -aw - B d nater.
helaiviEirUrral- JJUOT atABTCff. iSlfi-Vipeljr'
- &S.S.ieaarwmfdvaae: iartHadysoyeartkia beeai kaonra aJ Bed
tMaJndvncsRmaailiaaitien. Sd for r free teak es bae J" " ,WM?,'JW P1
lraiBtx&M&4vi7&c&aTfiiT&tnffmt. yawrcaae. f TilllHiypK jwwfll
kkats atatassJmn, a
aatara, aaJ tte iat J. M
traa e ef tkesu
m.6i4 ' Urrer afca are uU to stake tie
y4ea reevrea tiwBreirca wlti eelatter-
preief ad rrtala thetbeliad wiUi
eat pajiac reat till tie rest at as azreed
As rWaoHtint. naavfttoa laai iM
eaaaaerittg tie rUtsi af a Bataaa
JestMattaaal aaMee. For tlatt K
feari it iat be raaatag la it atl
aaln iare reacied a rritac li afiart
kae 1m ale hr htnvral years Va rabe
ait, bat tie aaaaagcroot has iees
stWtaata4l ( af tan eh arti pwMc
esiiaHiHB, aaJ th upoa vbaaa it
reMea iad m fsJati? eaaUaat aiti
pabtte-rpiritc-J twreaaett. r were
aerergaiHy ef afrocMs -Jtaallaei
Jet M.; w su3:e so cUarne for 4nee. ami all tiwjutitibiatare it oo-afceted la
zicteito38idesc& THE SWIFT .APECm" PAMY. AT
. . J J' Jg?
Here's Our.,.
We think, we believe, we
KNOW ttai we have the
Best Ten Dollar Suit
aad ieore there baa bea b rally Va
npfrL as Utera-ite rthy iititti
It ii fefrctoa ta gire adriee t prBf f
tie alter Jack i Jagwrat tKipiayed by
a Ker.Gaeaad otbert rf U&jiyle. TiU
oUeiaf btgatc xn eat ( taach arfch
s4a-teati af iaattalty M at tha it,"
aad are eat fit te rpeak fcr aaJ eJfwa
Uaaal hntatioa that aii feaerai
pat-He rapport.
afad yet here it tie rpectadc
) a4a ratpeawam that k caedacted eo at
Vadettraj paailc easidesce. Tbi it
the TUl delect is the wbote Vaslnrtt.
It itt what thit or that 'depodter viH
late u aa iadirWaal bat tie dftraolion
a( twa tfvisfi af eeafdesee, ptaaalsK
the iratera ( pahtle tairit aitiwit
vfcJeh aay raannaatky w laag4ti.
Let m bape there awy yet be eae Uaw
itrack inm the rtaadf-atot e( aaself t h
pabiM latereet.
"Perfectly SatlsficJ"
it what eTary fc7 wia eaekes La
Oraaa l-ceat rapai. Made in Sales.
.wooer HversFtrtsor.
B(lnr M Avml&mehe,
Oae of the aaest exdCtes AJptee ad
Tetatares a rvceol tu ifr. Tockett'a
rare with aa aralaacbe oa tie Blger
glarter la lSTL lie was aaeeadteg tie
CtaHer with tira friesds aad a pattle.
Hays TraTri:
Tie gtaier aloped aaaewiat steeply,
aad m tie apper part, abare tie diaab
ers, a ataas af loose, fueaily fallen
Haaw bad cattected. Saddealr tie txar
5eh Baasaeriaeat will i 4ra ieard a tieaderiaj celae and
Oa tie eaarkti. Tieae caita waald tarfly pavt iar f 99 nita. Dat we
were bossd to bars tie beat tea daHar aait ta be bad aay where aad
we're ze& tiesa 1 AM sew aad late cat. Patient seat aad haadixHac
Yew wW be rarpriaed wbes yoa a tbeta. Case ia. : : : : : :
Tie FeopJVa dothierx. aad Fsisiaien
267 CaaisaraUl Bt. Salem.
Member North weat Afternoon
Newepfcper Uaasua.
paMkbert bare beea io saay iaitaaeet
wflUas to faith aeaer aad iaaprovrd
oiiUaat at redaeed prke. Tie great
ralae the Daly UU will be fasad to
Mstkt la tie fact that it threat the
tat epea ta eatapetitiaa a&d eJialaatea
tia prkeajaeaUaa fraat tie aoatreverty,
becaate all eetDpaatet will fire Oreyaa
Uxtbookt at tie beat prieet tie glra
aay ttate.
Io tilt Tiew el tie natter tie text-
THE TEXTB00L CAM- I DW'1 tobiwmwb aaa oe lairiy ezpeciea
PA1GN IN OREGON lOKlT,0mwD toxUpabKtbaJ
Dally On Year, 93.00 in Advance
Daily Four Montha SL In Advance
Dally by Carrier BOo Pmr Month
Weekly One Year SI.OO In Advance
Tie atrncclc 'or better lextbooka far
Oresoa psbtlc aehoolt began ia lSeS.bat
bees ooaUaaeJ to the preeeet aad will
net etwl.Hntll tia EUla CoaDmlukm cea
cladt ita labora darlag tha month el
Jaly of tbl year. A atraKglo ao pre
leastd, ia reralted in prodaaiBg a great
deal ef healthy peUie acatia.ent eo tb(a
aabject and there itetery maaoti to hope
Uiat.Orf'cea tr get eat el tie aeaop-
tAf rat aad that obi pahHc acieo) ty
tea. arW set leager b prostituted la the
tpeiMtk farpaca ef aay se teitbewk ear'
peratlan witah isapeMd iaf eriar. if aet
rides, texibaeki ea tia people el aa
entire eeaataaoweakb at sea eetapcti-
tire prkaa.
Tbaaa tsatten hare been gaaeoTeras
bio that tkeceacral wbHe aad the
taaabiagprafaMiea matt bo vaary. Bat
iaiiSereaaa to rotelU da aet ebaraetcr.
iias tie AtDerkaa pcopla la a matUr ta
rital aa tia eJaeatiea eftbalrehKdrea.
They are deeply latemted la tia eat
ceao ef thit easipaJga, aa4 tie jmJf
eat they irW ra oa tie work ef tie
Textbook Oeaaaalsaiea eaght ta be aa
tidpaUd. by a eewttaaaaa aad haaltiy
felercat ia tha raVrt. Aa waay ef tie
pteple aa potaAda aieahl let tie Ceai
Biicaiaa kaev tieirdetirea m laaadedea
their owa exprieetMi aad the iatta
f tirfr eiiUrin. Textboakt eaaaern
tia teaaber, at tie ohlfd'a wtuJaod
caiUre, aad tie pareat'a taeral aaa
fiaaaelal later rata. There It aoihiBgge
lag ea ia Oregoa IhU year ao inporUat
m UdtaeleotieB ef Uxtbookt that ia pro
aetdisat at tha haaia ef Are geatlecaea
aruoed by tia Qevvraor laai Jaaoary.
Titir Meala abeat edoeatlea.tbalr idealt
aboat the pabtic aohoola, tieir tbeoriaa
aloat Utaratare, eoieeee, Aaaace, eda-
catka aad gtrrrrssBei wHt aN b leaad
reAaotad ia tia work ef that Cea.a.ia
akaa. They hare tie exparieaee ef etiar
aiaUa to gwae ti Bat thay M iad
is M ttate a titaatiea aa te textboakt
aeoh m haa etiattd ia Orages tbiwigh
thedefraHtyef foHUeias aad tida
plieity of edaaatefa ir tia pt 9iyeara.
Ut tia tUoUw of texlbooV aaaaat
be aelrtti, ao far & tie pablk Galad eaa
eeajrhea4, with a flew te eooaaauy ia
prtae alaf. There Ii o taaeh eatupeti
Uea is Uda hnaah ef aaaaafaetarta tiat
jpeedi bevk,the heat, are at aeeaaaaarity
tiLa daayett, The beat beM that eoet
Naah taera tfeaa the eheapeat ar yet
"1m ia price belearwhaS the people, are
MMr,eeapeUad(efiay. A iejboekteeia
fmyikU k ahug luot fa aay
i4a4e.JMWtelt lUg taraJiw.,
w, prlfaa to held lis btulaeat. Saab
Oregoa iat taiTered ieag eaesicb lie
mental cdlpaeef ita grewiag geaeratieai
behiod a CMarae wall ef txtboat te
teoted eatirely apoa aeeataiereial batia.
Far eace let price be teoandary aad
faa.'Hy, character aad the latere adare
aad eWeiaeta ef ear citiaeaibip tnU
Iet it aet be aaid at tie ead ef tie aext
twenty yeart ef pabHe Khed aatirity,
where are year writer, year eta,
year thlakera, year leeiaUat.aa a rvaalt
ef all ywr expMultlarea ler pabUa tde
eaUea, aad let aet the aatwer eeete at
It dot aew is atearafal aateality : we
bare Beee te brag ef.
Let tie taxtboek cewariniea beaaie
ef tie prefettieaal aJeeater who eta
phaalcee tie ImportaiMM (A tbla or
that textbook. Tie beat edacater hu
patud tle paiat where bk mtod aaa ealy
dlaoharge lit bnnleo of illaralaatiea tate
the yeath before him aleag tha aighta
arraaad by aay eae pnWlteilog heate.
lie er ahe wait lx prepared te ata aay
aeapeaer M weapoa and jet produee
the reaalt ef avakealag tlie Intellect,
rtirriag thmberiaf; apabitltlfa,aroatiBg
the tMagiBative aad ereatiTa faealtiet
that are the BKMt daeirable retuitt ef
edaeaUea. Tbataaeber who It under
the tBeaaply ef geaiat feaad ia ene pab VITAL DEFECT IN
raa it down juod get it farther oat ef
teach with tie aaet ef raaakiad. wie
hare adraapfd te a higher plane ef
tbesgbt and Hriag. Certain depart
seata bare a cedtgred aad liberal
Btxsageaeest that felly oceapiea tieield.
battLereat it iepeleatly iBreirtd aad
BMuhacked. Tie tpfcUle of aa iattlta
tten raaaiag theasaAdt ef doNara ia
debt aaaaally ia tie Bane ef edaeatioa
aad reUgtoa ia aaeagh to give a saodera
Ameriaaa batiaeai aaa tie eeM ebMit,
wieaitoegbttoelidt hit eatbattaHk
fiaaaoial rapport
There it eae bepef al ga ia all tie
Ulk a boat the Bext goreraer ef Oregee.
The baakaaabor poMUeiaat. wbrte
tbey get aoeae nestiea, are aet being
aeriostly aeatidered. It will b Gear
er rose yeasrer aaa. The etd-atrie
pereaaial ptaee-beater it at a direeaat.
Oat ef the ycaager geaeratiea tie aUte
will get aeaae progreti if it does eeae
hUb ia tie way ef apprepriatioai. Oat
of tie aetirity of deaagogt there wilt
eaae acwer aad mre progretafre law.
They taay beexpeatireaadexperiaeatal
aad tie feMowt he path thea aay aet
better e thea, bat the eeaditiea ef efler-l
reMwes it better thaa lUgaatiea.
Ger hat aet aet the dteoaadt of all the
theaghtfeM. leekleet, paihiag eleaaau
ef tie party aad aay be paahed atide far
ier a Kgbter weight o44tieaB, at the
Hghtweighla aad peity )eb-hBtert ef
the party aeea te be la the aaddle.
ganeat-Btiaded taea who have aearie
Ueet are thad by lie Irvthy eta a
eriegt areead tie pieeaater. While
a let ef the elder peirtieal gaaettera will
be atraaded ea KkM laad ditlcaUee,oe
eaebelleTea that eae paaay will be
reeerertd lrea aea who are proeataeat
ia peteUea aad have their waiitbaadt
eraaaeeted wtth Mge baagitrt at large
at pie pltte. If eet ef the agiuUew
the people get a Mtlie canaaar aad a
little heaeater act ef eficiala aad etWU
the; will be the great aaaaart lrea the
thakiag ap that it gwaa the wkete
raaoaliy baiiaeat. Hat Gr it aet yet
dltpatahed ea the ielitieal block aad
way die hard at the baada ef the haegry
aed thirtty whoa he hat aet We aUe
te tatitfy.
pervttred a hage aa&s of saow aad ice
tlMtec dewa toward ties. They
t-eid ealy try te reach ti rocka at tie
ride ef tie ctacter, bepiag to do so
beere tie aralaacie sheald aweep
tiea awny. Tireaph tie knee deep
iar tiey raa for tieir I've.
"I reaeaher." said Mr- Tuckett, be
tog Krack witi tie idea that It aeetaod
aa If tie aralaacie were acre ef its
prey aad wldted te play witi as for
awhile. At oae aaeaeat it let at laas
iae that we iad gaJsed oa it, and tie
Bext, with aere waateaaeaa ef riadic
tire power. It aaddealy railed oat a
raK rotese ef grtodias btecks aad
whlritag mew. aa if te ahew aa that It
coeJd eaUUak ae aay aeaent it ciese.
"Nearer aad aearar it caa, ita frost
a alghty ware aboat te break. It aim
ed straight at aa, swift, deadly, im
piacabfa. The aext tastaat we aaw ae
ore. A wild ceafaatee ef whlriteg
aad fragacau of Vee, a freaea
dead, swept erer a, eatirely ceaeeal
tar as fraa eae aaether. Bet atMI we
ware aa teach td. aad M1U we raa.
"Aaotier half 6?ceBd. aad the atet
parted. There lay tie body ef tie taea
Mw, wiese hd was still careeriag
away at Mshtaias speed far below us,
attaoloaa, rigid, harmless."
Maher'a haada it a pitiful ereaUre, aad
the Oreea textbook oecnwlMtea better
get rid ef vaeb. aad giro the teaching
progrctlea aa aaay aa peetihie bookt ta
dm that tiey da aet already kaew by
heart, if tiey are the eheait. Of all
litagt to earae a people, textbook (er
pahHc soboalt, eeatliered only (rata
BMey ralee are meat abominable.
The death aad faaeral ef J. M. Reeea
berg wat lie cause ef a great deal ef
hMxtfell BAirew ta thit eity, where he
bad baadrcdt ef warm peroneal frieada,
who did aet faliy realbe their attaoh
meat te tha departed (Head eat!) ha was
beyead their recall. Abteat from the
eity (er erer 10 years be was yet ototely
eeaaeoted. with their affoUeaa aad iH
be rexiembered for his many loreable
taaUtiea (er fears te eem Modoat aad
aaeateBtatloas, this batiaeat aaa had
aaay of tie qoalitiea of a true Chtiatlaa
geetleman. lilt many acts of kladaeaa.
Ma geaenKts dltpoeJtiaa, hit thoagbU ul
neat for ethers, the Urge ex teat te
which he gate hi life and time aad
thought (or all ethers, all aaatea him te
be remembered aad te Hre ia the mem-
cry ef tie who kaew him boat, Tilt
aeeouatt fur the larjpj 8UB.U)- of allde-
1Baulsatloas, iacladiaj ma ef the.
In all the talk by lawyer aad Weber
aad ether eltieialt aboat the ii.iMMibi
ef the tiilbert baak sarpaatiea, theee
hat cat beea eae word aaM trea tia
tUadpeiat ef the pahttc, the pablk hi
tartMt la tha tatpeatiea, the iartereet ef
tie pabNc teheela, the iatereat ef the Y.
M. O. A. faada. All thttae aaMert are
treated with sMeaee, er taeaed eal with a
laugh . Yet there it a pahltc IsMereat
that It would seem ta be eee'a deny te
preteet. A banker eaaaet reo-dre tech
depetita aa are aeere referred te, that a
Hutef tha public Ufa aad eaterwttee ef
the eeawaatar, parcel thaa eat te
la re red eae who are advtaed ef tha eau
ditioa ef the baak, aad the public aterala
ef tha coma uwity aet taffer. Of eeartc,
the public Mbeo! aaviaga baak ayttam ia
dftt.lrt.yed. Tiabiager ehMdrwa habits
ef tbrtlt aad ecoaemy it UKed aad tie
eld theory of ealy a (aw pereeae ia the
eammaaity beeamiag aoeawalaters u
revived. The blew that hat been
atraek to the Y. M. & A. eat,
prite la eae that the eawwauHy
witi eater (rem far geaeratieas. Ke
tuh eaaaet agam be pat ea
fcotif tbeos (amis are treated aa ordeaary
depoalta ia be looted by aa crowd he
happea te be la poalilea te help them
selves. It teems there la aa stale law,
uo ledttal law, aepebMc prtceeator, ae
alt hi advaa ier their fe. Eaaklag rate th all eqaal the ralae el the bwWiaS,
, . , , , , VJ. , TefoBtarily abaadeaed the property, he
taabeehaes depesdaat apea pabtic ' . Wa.-i.-li. K-iU.
tvtaVs JCajaj-a-c eari - -ara - w "--- -
iaga S S. W. Rep. (Tea. 9S.
Ispieneot Men.
Wbera aa eagiae it setd aBder a
w-arraBty, aad k fail te eeapfy there
tnth, bet the wtler reeeesta tie
perchaer te eoetieee te aee aad te
repair it, aad prerahs te pay ier the
lets of Uai aad repairs, the parcbaaer (
mar recorer rpfciU daaaeet (or leet of
time aad expeaee ia atteaptiag to'
axle the eatgiae aewk. SS X. W. Rep.
(Wi .
Where aa eregiae foW aaeW warraaty
iaxl te gire wttaactioa, aad the agent
ef the eeller, aathertaed te eeule the i
aatter, arraacee with the pert-hater to
rabetit.teadiffereateegiaeaadeeBtraet, '
it will be pretaaed, ia the abwace of ,
coatrary exJeoce. that Ims vat author
ised to agree to a coadithaa that rach
chaage tboald aet defeat the eeller's
caaia for breach of the warrasty. So X ,
W Rep Wii.)S0.
Loan Arents
If a debtor appbea te hie creditor for '
ao exteaitee, thelatter aetl te the former '
property at aa exorbitant price, which
bekaoatie doetaet want, aad makes
tceh a sale a condition iorthe exteniiea, .
tie traaMCtioB coasot be cearidfred a '
bona fide eal e, aad is nothing more Or1
leas than a awrient loan. SS . W.
Eep. iMidb.) &.
Mines and Mialn?
Uaier tie deeietens of the eapreae
coart-cf (HSto relaUag te the construe
tioaofoii tBd pat lea w bicn bare
t-ibi;bed a rale of property ia that
state, tech Iratcs, carry an implied
coreaaat oa the part ef tie lessee that
be will drill aad operate tech number
of weilt oa tie premises at would
ordinarily be repaired to develop their
proJacttoa aad to afford ordiaary pro
decttea aad to afford ordiaary protec
oe to their Haea; aad tie leaaor may
eaforee each coreBaat by action, and
u BOt rhbged to permit cie leuee to
bold the laad iadeflaitefy (or speculative
parpoeet, aotwithitandlBdiDg the ab
eeaee of aay expreea Haltatiea ia the
leaee. 106 Fed. Hep. 74.
I'laiBtitl pawned a diaaoad ring, and
afterwards lost the ticket, wat fc-and by
a rtntBger, who redeemed the property.
Plaintiff had pawned many article! with
lie taae pawnbroker, aad other persons
bad predated tbe tickets and redeemed '
the property oa different occasions,
There was no special ajrreement at the
tirae of pawning the nag, and tie bro-
ber acted in good faith in givine it to
tie holder of the ticket. Held, that
plaintiff eeaU Bet recover the ralae of '
the ring, (rem the pawnbroker, aiace Le
was e&titled to attarae that the aseal !
coarse of dealing would be persaed, and
that be rat aatborued te rive tie Dreo
erty to the holder of the tiekeu X.
Y. Sapp.886.
Phj-slclans and Snrreons.
Where an employe of eae ef the mem
bert ef tbe lira wat terieasly injured by
machinery, and the persea who tele-!
pbeeed te tbe rargeon, who ti ereeroa '
atleBded saah tvcii employe, testified
that both tia members of tie fins di
rected him to say te the targtoa that tbe
irm ae&t (or bim, a verdict agatnit lie
firm for tie sargcoa'e bill (or tech st- j
teadaace sfeoeld BOt aot be eet a tide, as 1
amapported by tbe eredeaee. iw
So. Rep. (Ml.) S2
Blue Flame
It ivill do anv cooking that can be done on any
kind of a stove.' It is dean, qukk, convenient, and
cool for the cook. It uses the cheapest fuel -kerosene
but -without -wicks and without the least
danger or odor. It does better cooking than a coal
range, witn tne convenience ui
gas range, at a fraction of the cost
ot eitner. jtaae
r-g s-3
Ill I i.-t afc - D ii ,
CalTpgJHjpgip B- i-- K. -fT KJ er docs not have B
lpl ,,S W them write to the 1
ilw'' J " ky " nearest agenc' of E
ahdUnion Pacific
t'ryja lviUaixl Or.
la. a.
lt Lair. Dearar, Pi
iCilr, (X. 1-Jl. trtiioifjl
Eraren ran Lake. Danrer F
t. a. MnM. oraakau Kim.
iMnaV tltr. SC Uwfa, ClrtetcJ
r Itcl WUta VmBi. Luj.Lo.
rutvil tt9V.Bt. ntiure, ran.
ilt. I -Ml, Daliufc.UJwKcit
ip-Kaae nunf, ana tin.
-p a.
ro .pisc oi tars
Throeca tKk-ts Ki rfa all Hal or
boat and rail, via Portland.
Frsa PorttaaJ.
lt MlUtu; duet aUct,
to ebtftpr
tpm. Tvr Bia FnjtnKo
aaJI every t Uy
Itather Oatapokra.
"Wiea a aaa ia tie weat likea net
aaetier,M aaid a lirtUsi CdumbU man.
"he to m ae way diaposed to hide that
fact aader a bushel basfcet or te cos
eeal K frea estier tie geaUeaua dis
liked ia particwkir or tie rest ef tie
ceaaoaity m gaeraL
I roa ember aa exaaple of this trait
I that caate aader my aetiee soae years
iMto la Idaho. A eertala eld feUew
aataed Ilaat raa a iaper there, aad he
aad Judge Itock. tie Jadf-e wie r
oVrwd tbe ceiebrated jledatea ia tie fa
arnas 'Peer Maa Tiger lltlgattoa. were
swera ciealia. .Vaotber oil Uaer
aaaed Cheaey disliked liaas and Buck
and bed It la for thea both.
"Oae sight at Wattece a dtaaer waa
gtrea, at which Back. Haas aad Che
ney were preaeet, aad at a hue ttce la
tie preeeedtepi Clwaey was calltd ap
oa t me a rpech. I doa't retaaater the
teas he ehet-e er hew he broatrit It la.
bast wk-a be got throagh Cheoey Wft
ia the sated ef hts hearers ae aaaser
ef do ait aa to hew he felt toward the
other l we.
- Oeatleiaea.' said Cheaey as ie
baac saiaesdsly te the ead of tie ta
bae. for the wtee had Wea paaelag
freely. M aaaa Haas says Jadge Hack
to a perarer aad a biackaatkr. and
Jaataw lieak i? ehl aaa Uaas la a
bee thief aad a Iter. As both tie
(BMttcaeea are extremely well acqwalBt
eat with each other aad tiouid ktvw
w hereof they speak. I do not feel call
d apoa te aiiatt ttUher utetamL'
"Aad thea be sat down said uimal
taoaa ap-daat ."-.NVw York Tribvaa.
is 8,000 Miles Long.
The Burlingoa Route ranks among the
greatest of the world's railroads.
Over 8,000 miles long; employing 35,000
men; reaching 1,300 towns and cities in the
eleven states traversed by its haes; having
through-car arrangements which extend more
than half vay across the continent aad earn
estly striving to give its patrons absolutely
unequaled service, it is the line YOU should
s!ect, next time you go east.
Osaka. Cbjcaco. Ka&aes City. St. Lseia aad
eieT '
SaitUy 1
T '
TeArterta ia4 Wat
i p. a
t o. a
ki SvixU
A. C Sari-ww. Geeeral Agect,
Ox. Third aad Stark Sti-, Portland, Ore.
Straatrslrave Salem for Psnluid sai waf
laaiia(s.aHoaiar.Wrdses4araal FrUsyatlO
a.m. TjhU, TbnnUfAjl SttuUr at 7
a. For laJ'ptsirace. Attasr asli(Corrainj,
Tcwlay. Tbursiar si Satnrtay it 4 p. n.
For lBdtTBien:t. Moaday. Wedacsdar asd
Tbrotttb tickets East via an ran or boat aad
rail via Portlaad. Ttcketoffkc City dock.
E. T. THA YEP. Ajeat
Sakn. reros.
Soutrj and East
Solium Pacific Co,
Trains leave Salem for Portland and way
stations at 5: 40 a. m. , 7:64 a. m. ana
Su ml
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes
and everything in our line at low
est prices.
123 State St.
Lt w,. t-ao a at tao e h
Lt Siien lUO X U 1BSX P V
at Aihiaad iii5 a m lias p y
Ar Stcraaeate SjOO P H ISA.
At Baa rranrttm 7S5 P H MS A M
irrvj-t.r. a.A a w 7A M
Ar Denrw jo a M UiiH
Ar Kiau, City '35 A M Will
t AT ChlCir' - Trtl A M J0 A M
m. AnpaLr. t-m U U tSA X $
XI Q v"" fcDO P U ISO T M
I AT Fort Wnrtu
Free Book
To Weak Men
Wtakao-l nervous men real '-treogti
tal'wiji i''ibrMa
Tbedinweta aad faiataeM iroa which
eaei atfer aay be dae to oee ef
eiaai caaea Mat the mu coarunoe
ceaae a daaie 0 the debcate kobuIv
aa. The taorr of Ut. Brum
la her totter below, atves a fur
of the raadhiuai uair wfauh
ae waasy eaaea wA : Wo.t
ntuly U ikt hm au.jj.vai
ewwttW tty wmut cU kr4. . .Vr ai .
Iktmr U ttmdt me.
I mmU awl m hi.
tU serW tktm
it draw a trdiZr "
PaUiar to oUata
aorr uaaa laapor
ary relief ftaw ber
aWtaar'a treatawnt
Maa. hroun t(m
the aw M l: t
rHerce'a -avj-ttc
IHieriptKm, w ih
the aweal rceii't a
cnaiplrte curv
IV Pw ) 4
write lrriri)4Ka
w tha beat ate ' u. iec
iar the cere o lu-
mt pecahr t Hrn U eiAbtttwa
Unnecessan- Loss of Tine
Mr.W. S. Wbedoe. Cashier of the
Fir iif National Raak of Wialertet. loaa,
u a recent letter give toae extmae
with a carpenur ia hit em ploy, liat mUj
1-..W III . I atk afS S 1 .-. f HI A-L a. . . . IX. 1
wui imuD svwuin cHervueiM3
II teili all aboat ar DR. SANDEN
ELECTRIC BELTS, aad bow they are
eeed to care rach eat ef rheamatitm,
lamltape, cctau. lame back, kidaer,
NTeraad etosaach ditorder. ekeplaf!
bom, or aay of tbtee dtoeases pecabar w
SS'Dr. A. T. Sanden
Sail 10. Resel Bidg. Portlaad Or.
"I bad a carpenter workiazfor
was obliged te atop work for evral dars '
oa aeeeaat of wing troubled with diar
rhoea I mentioaed to bun that I had
una BtiutisriT uwfiuif"u in ulii i.dji. i
berlain's CoC, Cholera and Diarhoea'Pi'ana Tannw nnJ DmAir-Ai
Remedy haJ cared me. lie boeght a . I ItluV IDliClO alW llUlfali Cite
iweaaaeity. lrv . liiaiaa.
maammnliini nd uUrratioa and curt
feaaU weakaeaa H make weak jaaea
Kieaae. uck wjnea wt.l
A Jfrw mr. I rrl u-rmtr .tab
ar klt. txa I mM cm ( ea l2
-Jt: mm I , ajr mM hhM tbwCW mi ,.
to. Miik. a. 4g . aaT;tS2
fcS . at torn eWcWS!t
l at (ko m-x wh m tarn. jJUt
W WW P. FlW IS.oor rW
"""'r "f M.tKfcl Mm
Mttv aaa Bnuiiit- uw aevtet tm -
a Uw Ufaaa Tiaimv I cm trak tuiUn
j.. - . . ". - -
w. ama, mm H HAS BMne aa
battle ol ft from thedniegitt here aad
informed cue that eae dote eard hue,
aad belt again at hia work." For tab
by F O. llaas, Druggist.
Tbe Salem JoorofAL taya the good
name o( Salem "will taSer permeaaeat
iHiary if there ia not ataie efiort made
to protect such faada at the pablie
Klioel aaviBga aad the Y. M. C A.
faada" in the teUlemeat ef tha affairs
ef the badly berated Gilbert Urea' baak.
Eugene Guard.
Crala-OI Crata-Ot
Heuemtwr that name when yea
want a delicious, appetixlag. aoartah-
ittff food drink to take tbe place ef
coffee. Sold by all creeers aad liked
by all who iare used it. Grala-0 U
made of pure grain, tt aids digeatiea
For Saiem aad rsetaky k&re orders at
Gto. Wdl't Mauk Store,
Notice to Contractors.
ixsaled propoalst addreeted to the
Coaaty Clerk ef Marioa Oeaatr.Oresoa.
aad marked "Bad for Road Work" will
be received aatil 1 o'clock J eae eth 1W1,
aad thea Mblieiy epeaed ia the
pmeace of the Coaaty Ooaaaiieieaerg
Coartler Marioa Cooatr, Oregoa, for
wriueiiuE rc.
"""B u aaa coaeinactmg a Bridge
oa the coaaty road le&diag (raa Sab
nauy io mirertoa where the same
cro Baver erek.
M.kmg a ail aad repertag a hridg oa
tfc",IM,,r leeamjS from AamtvUle
to bhaw where the aame ctomi Beaver
1U tAM
ArCTtT Of Mtlloo 1130 A St 11 -CAM
ATHo&Roa 7-0AM 7-39 A M
AX Sew OtSM ( JO P H ti) F M
AT Wuhlar-C 6-2 A K till X K
Ar iew York n.H F K MJ0 P
Pullman and Toarirta cars on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento ta Orala n
j and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago,
I St. Loam. New Orleans and Waahington.
! ConnecUng &x San f rxodJeco with eev
! eral ttfmihin linna fnr TTnnnlnln
Japan, China, Philjppine&r Central ani
Soath America.
See agent at SrJem Sutioa. or addrect
C. H. HAP.rTHAM, G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Corvallis fc Eastern Railroad
Xo. 2 For Yaqulna:
Train leates Albany .... 120 o.m
' Train leares CorTallU. .. . imo p. xa.
Tiafg arrlrea Yaqulna . s.55 p, m.
ho. 1 Eeturnlng:
Learea Jaquina 7Wa.m.
1 Leaves OorraUls 11:33 a. m.
v 'IF A-hany 12U3 p. ir.
No. 3 For Detreit:
Leaves CorrallU l;30p. m.
LeaTe. Albany 2.p m
'Arrives Detroit &25p.m.
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Detroit 5:85 s. ru,
AtrlTes Albany 1135 a m.
Arrives Cor vail is 12:15 p. ai.
Trine3 and 4 between Albaar aed
Covallis, Tuesdavs, Thnrrdavt aad tat
nrdayt oaly. All other tralnt daily ex-
imi . . ' T ijuaay.
-mBluplMof thre praise tb excef . fraiat 1 and 4 arrives in Albaiiv in
JLJI',! wwk; Sor are J"iaetwUh tbe 8. P. sooth
larf !!? .J?1 w'W'. Su,TUe I00114' " MRiTing two or three
w. mJUft S1 bIPW wk, hoow in Albany before departure of &.
If voc,"Tit l? ,U ' PVNrtBv.b0QDd ior Portland.
BnotT! oaed .aoa- oar Traia No. 2 connects with the S. P.
HrTTPtJS-.pfr ? Bl "" -w.tinat CorvaUla Croasiagfor
mCnt. , ?t, ibia,MM r iwIesKe. McMinnrille and aU
mmts in yoor ca. peu.u j to prtnj.
J Traskx, Eowor Stoxt,
Agent, Albany. Manajer.
Three of a Kind
Salem Steam Laundry -Tiof
ojuwtL j, ouuTin. rsorturrox.
Ptl ? -rty Street
aad atrengtieas tie'aerrea. It Is aet ! Jfk,K a ill aad graveliag the same.
a stimulant but a health baHder aad lf Hj rf'T road toediag a.t from
iteeoara, si .- wk aperoAch to tbe
ottc- mw iMSdueg rtvwr.
the children aa well aa the adaiu eaa
drtk it with great beaeat. Coats
abeat U mack aa coffee. lc aad
35c, per package. Ask year grecer
for Graln-O.
The Function Gvty Bulleiia
a memorial day editiaa that aheaht have
been highly appreciated by that
PrO&let. "" - a Sal daai.L.
the Uaaly Road Matter.
Tfc 0"'-"itBBat Coart re
eerres the right to rewet aar aad all
bW. Vp w Hit r
- a a 1 e-e .rfl..
a lttfwtd
Coaaty Clerk.
A MUUters Mistake
A eity minuter was rvceatiy haaded a ' ? Uxii l
aetaeetebe rwul f rom his Mdpit. Ac iPHhaabwse
eou)jvaajtB it was a aifpplag from a
aew paper Dearia upon tie aatter. The
Tfcree Day E.xttrsloa Rates
ea Trac.iin,
a aeeeaal mend inn Mia j t 1 1
Albaav u, Ui.l tv. fe.rry S
CorvaUa A EiWa Bad load lor haat
r or tiabmt; aartx-a.
You Save 5 Minutes
Fw Umes a day by a bicycle,
.e tan wuoi workiife J. .
aao aa extra nntn. .".
a. ;;
Hartford Bicycles
Cot les tiaa son othe, bat are
. light, haadseae aad perfectly
red to road, raaabeat er alaa.
erne. : .
Models for 1901. S3-;
Models for 1900, $30
COBmamnHft 0.v at.. D 1 - -.
::: "ww "K- -wwtra.
w , aew Wtwte ,o reaj
nag. '
Is a word tab itit f
tbe Pasaesxcr Srnka
The North-western Lioe
8 Trams daily between St. Paul
and Chicago comprialn-f the latest
fnllman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cut,
Library and Observation Cart,
tv. ,-. V2 R'i-"ng Chair Cars.
tJi LUtliED- Baas every cay of it"
Finest Train .,,i
ywr-; m the World ""
to Chicago By Daylight
The Badger State Express,
tie asm Day Train running
bet ween st.paol and Cbicsso
V ia the Short Line. Connec
tions from the West made ru
The Northern Pacific, Great
.Nortnern. PntKln raac
Thit is also the beet line between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapetu.
AJ Axtsts sen tkkets VU
Tbe isonk-wtatera Mae.
C A. T A
BMitat- parttM.
Dr ISarrc'a COnanea S-e Medical
Advor, i paper eavem, ta mnm ftt ea
Keetpt ef s eae-ceat stamsa to pa
eafoaic ef aaaMag -tfy, er U cleth-
ka. Sllal... .-it
.r.k.. i" :.T-r TT"""iw,.r... ." --. w
ai..h; -lase iveap .--.. , priac inrve day ia
. tia lMt Coaidi rtor. ' -n.FZ U rneuataia.a e J uLt i '.
was hardly what he had expected aadd J?? 1 aoateagdauoas at Mdl
after a momeat'a heetut'jm, he Uraee l'.. . Viagra aad Oatreit at rest
avkaaVB k tn.l lAltn. I .In L -L a tMt 1 lai BKa LbJ Va. .. . .. I ft
.. vm vu u nn mrr sane Ui 1 7r" mmmmmi " eau etiter BesarT
aiatter iateade.1 far tie readiag. i j " at lh ueket etiee.
o -a. m cc o . ac j. .
i-atia .frJd!HWhwfrrdt
Ottoj, Wilson
O. C. T. Cos
rX-ak.Uw. SuLta u4 rt Bu.
M. P. BALBwUi. Aj.,
Personally coodacted ex
rursiona to Chicago and
Eaat three days every
week. Tbroagh Pallmaa
Sleepera Salt Lake City
to Chicago every day
Ask year ticket Areet to
make year ticket reed via
the Great Rock lsUi
Route from D-mver.
Write ferFoUer.
2 S 0 Alia St. PertUad. Ore.