t4 ffr.l THE DAILY JOURNAL, This Paper -Is a swmic? f m Northwest Afternoon rfeWswwtf Ttiiij raoer receives "the lanrcst As sociated Press report taken In Oreeon J Leaeue mius an aiaie newsTtMy. outsioe or ronianu. L!iii ;V' m SALEM, OREGON MONDAY JUNE 3 1901 NO 130 VOL. XI lllIlIIKlKlllM!isllmIBIIlIIlIlaIlin,, S - g Isalem Mills Goods! EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS POSSIBLE to da established, From what In known It la tho purposo of Germany to dis tribute tho brigade ot 4000 men now in I klu among tho legations in Pekin and tho two posts which will be established. Great Britain and Franco, tho latter of which originally mailo the proposal for the Harrisons, will alo havo troops In tho garrisons. Whether tho Japanese will bo represented In the forces to stay in China is not known. LUCKY BOY MINE CLEAN UP l-g ' r As Result of Decisions in the Insular Pos sessions Cases. mi I -rV M j S 4mI V V I 5 3 ilmiGA-L'li a ' m llMfflxIBoys'l a - S 1 s sTHE LARGEST line in Salem. A minute inspection sof our stock will convince you that we are showing theg m m S largest assortment of clothing of any house in the city. S s E SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED; CLOTH, M 5 S FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. S gg .. a NQQUPUU STORES S aoo corvirviiCHOi-A.& lirjHIHaillllllllllllllllMIMIIIIIHlHIIMIIIHHIlllEIlT UlJ TLMc. rjTv mtw . dsvZB r a rMk BKtSBf 'fLGMfSTf ffK eP K-.- t Sss? i CRYSTAL ICE WORKS Is now ready to deliver ice to the consumers of Salem and surrounding country at existing rates. A specialty is made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday. ...Crystal Ice Works... J. MAOU1RE, Mar !lTfl!flffl!llflnlIllfT, w I 'i m iM . 1t i sr '.fcJSJL l PflW SB erx cj e REMEMBER B The automatic is the only E lnl.. - .-I!?. ::.,1,- m. v-icauy icicilllliu ymiuydii. E take less cleaning ihan any market. ...... With it you can have a E your home. To be sure or dog sledges, but think E ter, milk and many other E in a reirigerator. BUREN & The Low Price iJiiiiii'.iiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiilJlllllOlllllliilljlllpilliiyiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiii protection To the feet is what you want these warm days. A pair of oxfords or canvass shoes from our large assort ment would not come amiss at x a jv" . airing a Watch Of tho finest workmanship is a branch of our business that wo give Bpcciul at tentlon to. Our repairing department is conducted with tho ntmost caro and skill ; diamonds aro reset, and jewelry o all kinds is repaired in tho most perfect manner, besides optical work of all kinds. C, T. Pomeroy 288 Com'l St. Watchmaker and Optician Telephone 2071 Main. inniiniifitTTi Going to Alaska This Summer I If not you had better J invest in one of our 3 Automatic Refrigerators i refrigerator built upon TUoii nca lace 1-0 nnA 1 mcjr uji. itw i-u au 3 refrigerator now on the 3 ..a a . young Alaska right in 3 there would be no glaciers 3 of the deliciously cold but" 11 things which only keep well i HAMILTON Furniture House. ijrA-OS) 3 WASHINGTON MAY BECOME A GI- GANTIC POLITICAL SUMMER RESORT Leader of Illinois Does Republican Identical With the Case of Porto Rice That Has Been Decided. New York Juno 3 A special to tho Herald from Washington says: Officials of tho Adratnlatrotlon for tho first timo since tho announcement of tho decisions of tho Supremo Court in tho insular cases, admit that thoro is a possibility of an extra teesion of Congress in July. If Attornoy-GcnoralKnox aftor a care ful review of tho decisions, concladea that tho Piosidont will not havo power under tho 8poonor amendment to tho army appropriation bill tolmposo dutlos on goods goin into thoPhlllppInes, from tho United 8Uitos, or coming Into tho United Statos from tho Philippines, tho President will seriously consider tho advisability ot Issuing an immedlatocall for an extra session of Congress. This statement Ismado on thoauthority of a moinbor ot tho Cablnot. Attornoy-Gonorul Knox and Seerotary of War Root havo spent considerable timo dlsciiBsingtho legal points involved. Mr. Knox is working hard on his opinion in order to hnyo It ready for tho Cablnot meeting ou Tuosday. This meeting is oxpectod to bo of vory groat importance A call for an extra session would play havoc with the summer plans of Senators and Representatives. They liave scattered to tho tonr corners of tho earth. Bovoral including Souator Bacon of doorgla aro about to start for thorhillippiuesTllopre. sentatlvo Cooper ot Wisconsin, chair man of tho insular committeo of tho Ilousoand Representative Tuwney of Minnesota, a member of that committee expect to go lator in tho BUtnmor. Several Including Sonator Beveridgo aro in Europe. Mr. Henderson of Iowa, Speaker of tho last Houso is on his way to Europo and many moro aro arranging to go. If Congress should bo called back im mediately the House of Representatives He Has Saved My Life To whom thete prwenU ihall, corao CJnxtluf, This li tocvrtlljr that 1 hare Iteou altllctod with Orariau Tumora for a nunilxir of jrtari, aim llrer trouble, I deilre to publicly ulatu upm oath tbatUrJ. K. Coolc.of Blm, Oregon, haa remoTed lata tuinon, two In number, without the uie of knlfo, plutor or p)mioui druK. and that I am entire), and as I Wllere permaneut ly cured. I cheeriullr reoomineud Dr. Cook to all uersoui atllcled aa I wu. I feel that he bai aared my life. My home la three mllM south of luruer, urcgou, 11 HS t'AKOMNK ItOrOLU Rubscrlbed and iworu U) before me this first darofMar. 1V01. ik-al atuohrd. V. W. IU1.I,. County clerk. Do Not Listen to "Cappers" Who are hired to defame me aud lay methods of treatment. If I could not cure people there would be no use to right me. It Is because 1 do cure people tliat I am persueatly murepre ftcuieu, uui l keen on curing folks lust th same, aud some of the beat people In Oregon standby me, for which I am thankful bend for Circular containing- testimonials from patient cured both In OreRon and In the East, Don't despair because you bare been tola ou have been told you could not be cured Dr. 00k has cured hundreds of ueonla vhnu bare been nroiiouneed hoileu lv ili "nbl. schools" physicians. Tho doctor has derated the best years of his life to the study of disease, aud the u-e and ac tion of Nature's vegetable remedies, until ho knows absolutely just what he can do. This give, btm coufldeiue. DT. J. r, LOOK I'hyslolan Cures all kinds of dlieases. Office, 801 Liberty Bt. Salem, Or. .,..... Not Regard the Philippines as Bclne I might have difficulty in finding a place in which to moot. Tho hall la complete ly torn up and an af my of worknmon is ongaged on tho alterations mado neces sary by tho increase In tho membership ot tho House provided for by tho reap portionment law enacted last winter. If tho work should bo pushed nlghtjsnd ilriv It would ronulro several week to get tho hall In condition. Representative Cannon of Illinois saidinnnintorview: "I don't bollovo thoro will bo an extra Boislon of Con gross. In my judgment an oxtra session is not necessary. I don't know tho President's vlowa ou this subject b I havo not soon hlra, Tho responsibility is his, however, aud if ho drcid8 nn oxtra bpbiIou Is necessary ho will, of course, call one. "Tho Philippines, In in) Judgment aro not on all fours with Porto Rice and It will not bo necessary to refund any of tho dutlos collected from tho timo wo took possession uf the archipelago until tho establishment ot a civil government. British Officials Suppressing Hows. New Yonic, Juno 3. A dispatch to thoTrlbuno, from London, says: Tho uncertainty with regard to reconl opera tion in South Africa is causing a great deal ot uueaslness in this country. It la bellovcd that tho responsibility for the, concealment ot news .does' riot llo with General Kitchener. But owing to a to cont warning from him ns to giving news to tho public it la bellovcd that the homo officials havo suppressed almost all the news he has forwarded. Meanwhile the daily Hats ot casualties aro anxiously studied, but thoso lists doiiot fully indi cate tho actual number of di'uths of the British soldiers caused by tho war. A good many men invalided homo have died in England without being included in the list. At tho presont moment all the military hospitals in tho United Kingdom aro crowded with patients, a largo number ot wliom are suffering from enteric fever contracted In South Africa. OUR POLICY PREVAILS IN CHINA. Russia Joins United States in Reusing to Post Troops. New Yokk, Juno 3 A special to tho Herald from Washington says: Neither Russia nor tho United States will detail troops to garrison the posts to bo established by tho powers between Taku and Pekin. Russia's determina tion to refrain from maintaining troops upon tho territory of a neighboring empire is another indication of her purposo to the end tho policy which hu originally adopted. This policy is absolutely In lino with that ot the United Sutes and In fact from what can le learned it Is the inten tion of Russia to act with this govern ment iu futuro quebtious dUcusfcd in Pekin. This attitude has given the Ad ministratlrn much satisfaction. The points between Taku und Pekin which will bo garrisoned by the powers, osten sibly to maintain a safe egress for the foreign Ministers iu the capital have not beou finally determined, though it seems to bs understood that troops will be stationed at Yang Tiiung and atone other pein: near Tien Toin. The slzo of tho garrisons also rouulns An Invitation Is extended to Cuba to add another star to our flag, Likewise we invito you to visit in wlulo unfurling our flax ' values A look through our stock will lm couvinohnt that our prices aro thrown on the ground floor, Our line of rings, diamond, fancy stone, aud plain band is wry extenrlvo. You make a big mistake if you buy a ring More seiog our selections, BARR'S JEilRY STORE Leaders in Low Prices. Anticipated It Is for the epicure to get hold of niJA Dottle of our pure, flue KIlVV and velretyold Torn Hue UllUJ wlilfkev wLonhe needs "a bracer" or stimulant to put him on his feet when he is weak, weary or run down. Oood whiskey drank In modera tion is the best appetizer and tonic that yon can take Wheu you want the pure stuff drink Tom Huwr, J. P. ROGERS, figs Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer Popular Loan Ordered By the Euzcne School Board. Bpeclcal to Capital Journal. Euokne, June 3. Lucky Boy miuo in tho Bluo rlvor district exhibits this month aclcan-upof six thousand dol- n'0' AUU bciiooi umnci 8ic lor nonu- jnr b,d8 for lwent.fl tl.0URnnil .' psreout twouty year bonds. This is the flnt Inatanco of applying the popular loan claiiBo of tho new school law. A Duchess to Become a Nun. Nkw Yoiik, 3 A dispatch from Lol. don to tho Journal say; A rumor Is current to tho effect that tho dowager Duchess ol Newcastle, mother of Hie protont Uukoand of Lord Frauds Hope, Is about to becorao a nun. She has long boon a Roman Catholic ar.d since tho death of her second hutband has de voted herself almost ontlroly to Roman Catholic mission work In tho East End Blums. Christian Science Trial Proceeding. Bobto.v, Juno 3. Tho trial of tho libel suit agunit Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, head of tho Christian Sclonco church, was resumed today. Judgo S, J. Huuna, foundorof of tho First Church ol Christian Science, who last week could not bo found by tho court ofllcorb, wai presont. Lightship Floated. Afternoon l'resi Association Special AsTOHU.Ogn , Juno 3. Tho Columbia Rlvor lightship which was Btrandcd at McKcnzIo head olghteou months ago was lloatcd this morning aud will bo re paired and put iu sorvico again. Funds Discovered Under Sidewalk. Minkhai, Point, Wis., Juno!!. Hevoral thousand dollars was found tindor tho sldowalk uear tho former boarding house ot Stewart Jellon, held on chargo of robbing tho First National batik recent July Wheat Corner in Chicago. Ciiicacio, Juno 3. Rumors of corner iu July wheat woro rife on board trade today. Despite situation which other wlso would havo cauued decline in prices July prices sold up to 78 'o and closed strong at 77?. JOHN STANLEY FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED Chief of Police Gibson Discovers Ills Old Friend In Death. This afternoon City marshal I). W, Gibson found his old friend John Btanley dead in his bed at his home near tho blind school. Ho wus Informed by tho latiy who has been doing tho old gentle man's baking that ho had not called for bin bread for some days, and upon visit ing his homo Mr. Gibson was soon con V need that something was wrong, by the btuilng of innumerab.o files about his door. Tho place was locked, but upon looking In through a window Mr. Gibson saw his form lying prostrate ou hl bod one hand projected, aud was entirely black. Tho old goutlomaii'a faithful dog lay on tho bed with lilm. A number ot evening papers were found at his door, dating back to May LOVE AND MURDER IN GOTHAM A Bride of a Month Languishes In Jail Since Last January, Young Kennedy Who Married at the Point of a Gun is Afterward Foully Murdered by His Wife. Kansas City Mo. Juno 3 Mrs. Lulu I Prince-Kennedy, the bride of a month, who has been In the County Jail since January 10 last held under Indictment for murder in tho degree for deliberately killing her husband, Phil lip 8, Kennedy, contracting agent of the Merchant's Dispatch Transportation Company was brought to trial in the Criminal Courts hero today. The wo man's father, O. W. Prince, proprietor of a billiard hall, Albert Prince, travel ing musician, who hss circled the globe on a concert tour aud William Prince, a young business man, will bo tried later on a charge of conspiring with Mrs, Kennedy to kill her husband. The father and Albert Prince are ont on bond, while William Prince is in Jail, his relatives canvaw for bail having proved unsuccessful. Thucase la oua of the most unusual lu local history and sensations are promised by the state. Roth the Kennedy and Prince families have lived In Kansas City for yrars.tho Kennedy's being pro minent In social and business circle. Phillip II. Kennedy was 'JU years old. He had known Lulu Prince for a year aod In that time hail paid her tome attention. Iu December last they wero married at the court house by a local judge. Keuuedy refused to live with Talk That's about all there is to the scores of cough medicines you see advertised. They talk and talk and keep on talking. They haven't any record back of, them, no cures to report, nothing to rely upon. When you sec the words, "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral' you see the medicine you took when a child, something your parents and grandparents used. There's a record-of sixty years of cures back of it. For asthma, croup, whooping-cough, huskincss, hard colds, and coughs of every kind it is the standard remedy the world over. ; I "All one winter I could not speak above a whisper because of a severe throat and lung trouble. Every thing vras done for me that could bo done, but without relief. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral It relieved me at onco and soon I waa completely cured." Mrs. W. J. Bkll, Feitus, Mo. Throe sizes: J5C 5oc" $oo. All druggists. 27th, indicating that Mr, Stanley had bpon dead probably bIhco Sunday, the L'dll'. Marshal Gibson immediately no tilled Cornuor Lane aud an inquest will no doubt bo livid, Mr. Stanley had not been especially 111 and It In pr ostium bio ,thnUitlnssed,away.ai a result oIhla advanced age. HUNTING ACCIDENT NEAR ALBANY SUNDAY Alan Has n Bullet In his Brain Yet Can Walk With Assistance. .MIcriiDJii I'lewi As. Delation 4 ivl.... AniANV, Oro., Jnno 3. While hunt, ing last evening ut Horry, on tho Cor vallis and Kastoru railroad, Nntlinn Bumpier placed h a gun on n log ngalnst a tree from whoro it slipped off ami was discharged, the ball passed through hfs noBo and right eye, and lodged In his brain undor tho skull, and yot ho ran walk with assistance. Ho was brcu.ht to Albany for surgical aid, Baseball at Gcrvals. Ua8-lmll toa ;is of Canby and Gorvals played a matched gume at the latlor place Uunday, the result being n tcoro of I) to li In favor of Canby. TODAY'S CURRENT EVENTS OF HISTORIC INTEREST luteiisu heat prevails all over Kuropo. Nationalists carried tho city elections at Havava. his wlfu aud n month later brought suit to have the marriage annulled allegiugdiiroBs. Ho charged tho womau's father and brolherWIIIiaiii of compelling him at tho point ot revolvers to go ho (ore the Judgo aud be married, threaten ing with death if ho demurred. A few days after tho suit was flUd on January 10, at 6:80 lu tho evening, Mrs. Kennedy appeared ut her huthuud's olllco in tho Riggt hulldiug aud nulling hlut into tho hall shot him live limes killing him instuntly aud kicking his (tostrste body, Ken nedy's brother tried to disarm tin woman aud while doing so wus struck down by William Prince. The letter's presence In 'the bul'ding and the move ments in the vicinity of the Princes that day led to their arrest on tho uliarro of being accomplices In a conspiracy to kill Konnidy. During her Ave months confinement In Jail Mrs. Kennedy who Is hut 29 years old has shown no remorse for her crime aud has frequently enjoyed! concerts from the violin in tho cell by her brother. Kaoh side has worked up thulr case oantfully, tho state, having summoned 1 witnesses, and the defense nearly that number. Last time for the first time since her daugli has been In Ja I, Mrs Piiuco visited her, who talked coolly of her coming trials To keep on hand you will like the l.oo size best, and you will need this amount to cure a chronic or very severe case. The 50c. size Is just about right for bronchitis, hoarseness, la grippe, croup, etc. The 25c. size it convenient when traveling, and li enough to break up a fresh cold. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mais. Viscount Kastura of Japan has formed n now cabinet. Now York butchers hav advanced tho price of meats Machinists In Newport News ship- yards' havo Btruck. All papor mills at Holyoxo, Mass., closed by strikers, Flro bugs tried to destroy McContiolls- yllle, 0. last night. Mrs. MoKinloy's continue sorious, and linr physicians look for slow Improve ment. Numhorof 'aupromo court Judges in tho Philippines has boon Increased from 5 to 7. National Tubo Co. today voluntarily advanced wages all workers In Young! town, Ohio plant. Cuban constitutional convention will hold an informal mooting this afternoon to discuss tho situation. Afif FIRE EXHIBITION ON OUR CORNER TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK. Ladies' Suits At Sale Prices W 7 CO suits M 85 4 fO suits 18 05 27 60 suits 15 00 Our stock Is vory comnlote and wo guarantee tho fit of every ault. Wednesday Only Wo will soil our second shipmont of ltnK)rted white kid gloves at 88c pair This Is our Sixteenth Wednerdiy Bur prise Kale and it promise to be a lively one, Summer Petticoats 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 $1.35, $1.50 to $20. Ladies' Neckwear Stocks, Ties etc. Special Offerings This week in some tractive styles. at imH PIIPA MLuuwwr Tho police of Yonkors, N. Y., havo arrosted llonjaroin Adams, member of tho Hoard of Education of that pfaco,. on tho chargo of playing golf on Sunday." Fire, at tho Jorsoy Colliery of th, Dataware. Lackawanna & Western Com pany at -Wllkesbarro, Pa., which hai ' toon racing tor 10 days, is now beyond-' control. Bananas 1 5c a Dozen 2 Dozen for 25c Ellis & Urn's $ 4 Btate Street, EsIcm'PriOBt.2874 Wash Goods The very daintiest ot dainty fabrics far Hummer dressos. A store full of choice valuos. 15c to 65c yard ' Dollars do double duty when invested in.... r rs A. "" w b. torseis" Summer styles. 50c, $1.00, $1.25. Summer Hats ' A II vn In trails conditions. A line that appeals toi taste and economy iu ivory sense.. 40c Socks Special 25c;; It Is a feat to fit the feet In value HM theso. . i r Queen Quality Shoes For Ladies, $3.00. Oxfords. $2.50. CSm A Piano Free -; To tho lodge, society o church vei4. g$j the most iwpular by Oc. I, i! , tjk lutnl with each 23o purcnaet iwrw. 'Si 'A 1 4 , . IrSlfl i 'V KEia