IS. is MaiwiiniratrtaiaMttBstjia tfitiSWUh Mi itftinii at.MinnMtfiaiff vniiyifiTTTrrri ;?.im,i; "rrT'"-,'"v ------ -.- .-- Here's Our... $10 Durrab! We think, we BELIEVE, we KNOW that we have the Best Ten Dollar Suit BEST FOR THE BOWELS Ttnrat et tat If tm fcTnf a rrUr haHkr m Unt,hjtlerDltll)oii,H dartta, 11 inootb- rfrei war oi ufiui ina ow mi. .ImL. nct I clar aud dean lilt t CANDY CATHARTIC VBrfMMHHPHRviHCp On the market. These sail would easily pass for $20 anils. Rut we were bound to have the best too dollar suit to bo bad anywhere and we've cot them I All now and late cut. Patterns neat and handsome. You will be aarprlscd wbon you see them. Como In. : : :: i : O- W. JOHNSON Si CO.. The People's Clothiers, and Furnishers 267 Commercial St. Balem. THE DAILY JOURNAL, Mombor Northwest Afternoon Nowep&por League. BY HOFBK BROTHERS. SATURDAY. JUNE 1. 1001. Dully One Year, 9S.OO In Advance Dally Four Month 91. In Advance Dally by Carrier GOo Par Month Weekly One Year Sl.OO In Advance Her. St. i 3214, sabd. 4, to the Internal revenue tar, as an Oregon liquor dealer, through bis method of transacting bust ncse may have been devised purposely to evade aucb tax. 107 Fob. Rep. 434. w ji Dally Befall A Bust Judicial om ClasslNcailoa c w wwwwat Ill aVtaltdaVdt T Decisions tev ,,&. flNsTswsvaV'a I There Is a CUss or Pes tit Wfco are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there baa been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAJN-O, made of pure Brains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives It witheut: dlitmaH. and but few enn tell It from coffee. It does not cost mucn. uniiaren may unnic treat benefit. IS cts. and 25 package. Try It. ask lor EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY rutMBt. ruuM, pcul TuttooeJ ,r22a"A R.rtr Sfekra, Wea, 01 drip, K, ..?.'" Kf box. Writ for In sampl 4 bookUt en th. A4An- ..,J?. nniiu mr rawrirr. rairico r St17 TORC KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Hint to rsnnge the suDjecr, assented." "And may I oak," said bis compan ion, "when a roan gets a fall, dos be fclre up bunting:?" And on getting the only possible answer to aucb a cju tlon be added. "I bare had a baJ f il and no mistake, but I count on better luck another time." Tills case is thoroughly typical. The I true professional Is not a weak crea ture who yields to uncontrollable Im puke. Loving a life of adventure and having a noul above working for bis living, he pursues a life of crime with a full appreciation of Its risks. Change those risks to certainties, and you at once supply a motive adequate to Influence bis course. If every for hunter ended by breaking his neck, fox hunting would bo shunned, save by a few desperate men, and the same would be true of professional crime of this character if It always ended In disaster. Nineteenth Century. tlon In the household Front street. ot Dr. Sholton on TsrVeT over V. M i it with C" ! rut v.. ,'.. r aiiAJN-o. date Unrub and family, who have resided in North Salem since last fall, left today to return to their farm in the vicinity of Webfoot, Yamhill county. Their ion Glen was a student of Wil lamotU University and Miss Margie a daughter was attending public school. The family will return agan in the fall for school prlvel'es. Guy M. Fowors and wife left Friday Worked (he PnenKcr: An amusing acene was witnessed one day on one of the mall boats running from Calais to Dover. The sea was rather rough. A young woman, pretty and nicely dressed, appeared to be sud denly taken very 111 with aeaslckness. She groaned and screamed In apparent agony for some little time. At length n person who appeared to bo a stranger to her approached and naked whether Bhe would like to take a lozenge, which be guaranteed would case her pain. He had often tried it, ho Bald, on people and nhvajtt with tho most marvelous results. Tho vounir iatir demurred a little at first, but Beneficial Associations Where a benefit certificate provided that plaintiff thonld receive sick benefits If bo were sick so as to be "totally dls-gln posresslon of the lands held by abled.and absolutely, neccsmlly, and i Mark Bkiff belonging to said Joseph, was Joseph-Skiff Case. Tho petition of Wm, Joseph for the appointment of a guardian of Wm, E. Joseph, an allowed spendthrift, and to continuously confined to bis house," be was entitled to such boneflta wliero he was totallydlcabled by sickness, bat re mained in the open air much of tho timo, under direction of his physician, ainco defendant's liability depended on Ills coaOnement to the house, which was merely an evidentiary fact, and not a condition precedent. 43 At. Rep. (N.H.) loai, Building-and Loan Associations The obligation glvon by a member of a building association, covering ten sharer of stock, for a loan, provided for the payment of tho principal remained unpaid, "unpaid, "according to the act of assembly and Uie torms and provis Ions of the constitution and by-laws of said association. The by-laws required a transfer of tho member's stock as col lateral security for tho loaa, and a monthly payment on each share of $1 till the stock was of a certain vatito. Tio member pald.In addition to liiterost.ouly 10,00 per month, which In the assocla- tlon'a account with him and in his pass book was entered under the head ol "Dues." Held, that sueh payments were not on tho dobt, but on tho stock. 4B At. Hep. (Pa.) 1076. Conporarlons. Promoters of a corporation, who bo come siocKuoiuora uiereio, assume a trut relation to the combanv and ilia other stockholders, which binds them to act openly and In good faith In all tnattora connected wills Its orgaulxatton, and the acquiring of the property necca sary for tho transaction ol tho business for which It was organizod, and thoy will not bo peruUtted to mako a secret profit on the aalo of such properly to the corporation, at least when by making themselves officers and directors In tho initial organisation they control tho corporation, and assume to act in Its behalf In making tho purchase. 107 Fed. Hop. 310. Landlord and Tenant. A distress for rent may lawfully bo mado after tho death of tho tenant, provided the term coulluues, and the tenant baa appointed an executor, or administration lias been grouted upon bts estate. 48 At. Rep. (N, J.) Llauor Dealers. Defendant, a wholesale liquor dealer la Ban Francisco, maintained a branch bouse in Portland, bearing his sign, and where presumably samples of his trade were kept, and wbore the public wero Jnvltod to purchase, Tho manager thereof was a "salesman" who Is requir ed to sail Judlolously, the right to cancel his contracts being reserved to his principal, who filled all ordors, aud, without prepaying the freight, delivered the goods to a carrier In Ban Frauclsco, consigned to purchasers in various parts of the agent's territory. Held, that the mIm were mado wholly at Ban Frauds oo, notwithstanding the agent may have b4n authorised to make bindlug con. tracts and collected the purchase money, and defendant was not subject, under heard before Judgo Bcott, Tilmon Ford, W. If. Kaiser, W. T. 8later, and L K. Adams appearing for Mr. Bkiff. Thoy claim that Mr. Bkiff Is owner of the land in quostlon, and ask tho court to dismiss tho petition,Zfirit, bocause Wm. Joseph is not a resident of tho county, seond, because of alleged defocts In thepolltlon, third, because tliore has been no person al sorvlce of the petition, and fourth, because the timo given by the published notice Is Insufficient. This motion was not argued for tho reason that tbero was an error in the publication of notices. In ordor to cor rect this error tho causo was set for 1 p. m.on Juno 18th, and republication of notices Is ordored. REMARKABLE SURGERY AT SALEM HOSPITAL Large Section of a Patients Stomach Was Snccessfully Removed. Is the Stomach Necessary? Its Total Removal is One of the Marvels of Modern Surgery. Cleanse Your Blood Tho cause of nil spring humors, pimples and eruptions, as well as of that tired feeling and poor appe tite, is found in impure, depleted blood. Tho perfect blood purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla, as multitudes know by experience It cures all blood diseases, from tho smallest pimple to the stubborn scrofula eoro from morning tired ness to extrcmo nervous prostration. Begin taking it TODAY. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Spring Medi cine. I3o suro to get Hood's. qHB -yAFOR p ATFTS sV it 1 1 sbsbsbsbsbsTsbiisbH RING WORM AND DANDRUFF. They Are Each Caused by a Pestifer ous Germ Rinit wot in and dandruff are some. what similar In their orltin; each In causad by a paras!!?, Tho germ that causes dandruff digs to the root c( the hair, aud saps Its vlt.UIIty. causing fall lug hair, aud, filially, baldness, Without dandruff thero would never to bnldnoss, and ' i cure dandruff It Is necessary to kill the gonn. Thero has been no hair S reparation that would do this until tho Iscovery of Nowbro's Ilerplcldo, which poiltlvoly kills the dandruff gonn, allays Itching instantly and makuslialr glossy and soft as silk. At all druggists. Tako no substitute. Thero is nothing "just as good." Salem and Vicinity. James Riddle, winner ol the Portland road raco, rodo ovor from Monmouth yesterday aud has entered tho racoa lor June Mb, The new residence of A. M. Utotigh, of the firm of Rlgdon d. dough, Is uearlug completion on North Liberty street and the family will move in soon It is a commodious and ornamental Improve ment to the North end. Mrs. O. O. Brewster Is lying vbry low at the home ol her daughter Mrs, D, A, While, lu North Balotn, For fourteen years iho has been a suueror from rhoumatlsm, and for two years past has been contluod to her bed, growing stead ily warse. Blio is 00 years of age. K. V. Ltttlefleld, couuty Buperontou. deut ol Yamhill county and W, O. Haggortyof McMlunvllle, and Krnest Hill ol LaFayotts, are among applicants for admlsslou to tho bar. 1 rof, Little field Is a brother of Dr. Ltttlefleld who mado quite a reputation In the Philippines. Among the excursion, visitors on Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. Davo Jansenof Portland. Mrs Janseu re malned for a weeks visit with relatives aud friends, bhe Is a daughte ol Mrs. Mary Bwarts. Her sister Miss Kmma Bwarts, who baa been working In Port land for some three mouths past, has returned and will take her former iosI. An operation recently performed at tho Balem Hospital on Frank Morgan, a barber of this city of about 28 years of ago is ol considerable Interest. Ho went to tho hospital on April 13, thinking ho had appondicltus but a diagnosis ol his case by tho hospital surgeons Drs. Morso and Plorco proved it to bo a gastric ulcer on tho stomach. This organ was badly perforated and had adhered to tho abdominal wall. Alter an incision was mado and tho ulcer discovered, tho operation was performed, occupying an hour and n half In preparation and work, and ubout ono-thlrd of the stomach or a pleco three by four inches removed. oad of his stomach was cutoff and sewed on to another portion of the organ. Complete, recovery Is reported from this case. Dr. Cutler also performed a similar operation on Olo Anderson of Kills, Wis. The man was suffering from cancer of the stomach. The operation consisted in Joining the small intestines to tho wall of the stomach. Tho man would have died but for this operation. It is ono of the most successful cases reported. Andoreon was 57 years old. Tho first caso roported in medical records is Anulo Landts, a resident of Zurich, BwiUerland. Her stomach was entirely removed. After completo euro Been Removed nnally accepted tne oner never was cure so Instantaneous. Hardly had sho swallowed the lozenge than the fair patient was ulttlng up nit smiles and ordering bnni sandwiches of the stew ard. Borne passengers wero bo struck with the Incident that they Inquired what was the remedy that had had such a wonderful result, and the gen tleman, who, as be said, was tho agent for the sale of the lozenges, disposed of a considerable number of boxes of them at 10 francs apiece. What wob the surprise of the purchasers when they saw the young lady and her pre server go off arm In arm on tho vessel reaching Doverl The boxes contained common jujubes. London Telegraph. Will tufe malaria aid cleanse your system from all Impurities. Now is the tint to purchase a inbfnsnn Rath Cabinet aaa ciesase your system - fore the hot weather arrives. Tne vapor bath Is also very restful an refreshlnr after a day of labor and durloj the hot westher CO Rnnlr Vrnci in Datrnnc A bath cabinet Is a yt uuun '"l" "tllu"J necessity In every family. For sale at my residence and G. W. Putnam's drur store, AgentsWanted Q?' C,J' on Jr fl"ress MRS. J. A. SELLWOOD 383 Front 8t. Balem Or, Phone 2771. A Bureaus Information. The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Information for travelers a place where tbey can learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in America or Europe; how long the trip will take, and what there is to see on the way. If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and get full Information, or, if you prefer, write me about it Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyond. jpr. f Shoht Line ami, union Pacific DEPAHT FOIt Chic jo rortlanj Special 9. tn. r!a Hunt ington Tr'antle' Kipreu 9 pm. tI Hunt-lugton Ht. Paul FMt Mall Op. m. rl Spokane T1MK B0HFDULE8 From Portland Or. Satt Lake, Denyer, Ft Worth. Omaha. Kin... City, Bt, Louli, Chicago and aat. Palt Lake, MDenrer Ft. Worth. Omaha. K&naaa City, Bt. Louis, Chicago dllt. Walla Walla. Lenltton. Spokana. Wallace, Pull man, Minneapolis St. Paul. Dululh.Mllwaukp. Chicago, and Eatt, AhltlVB FROM Jp,u, 7:00 a. a. 72 nrlffxTW!! lillllUU'llllJl A. C. Susldon, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. HOURS , PORTLAND TO CHICAGO no inante oi cars Through tickets East via all rial, or boat and rail, via Portland. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Portland. I p.m. DaJly except SuntUy 8. p ra. Saturday 10 a.m. All tailing datei aublect to cuangv For San Francisco Ball story i days COLUMBIA RIVER To Astoria and Way Landings. p. m 4 p. m, ex. tiuuday Famous Instances of Operations In Which the Stomach Has In Whole or In Part. Anno Lnndls, Zurich, Switzerland, 1897 Recovered Junn Patrittl, Ban Francisco, Cal., 1808 Recovered John Rotuile, Ban Francisco. Cal., 1808 Recovered Mrs. llunee, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1800 Recovered Michael O. Murphy, Now York (gullot operated on) Recovored J. W. Cutler, MUwaukco, 10C0 Recovered Jacob Wichmann, Brooklyn, 1001 Died D. K. Rodman, Newark, March 30, 1001 ".Recovered Frank Morgan, Baltim, May 1001 Recovering Ho showed signs of falling while on tho tahlo so tho operation was hurried as much as possible, tho aporturo closed and strong Btlmulauta administered. Evry chanco was against his re covery and for three weeks food was administered artificially, but ho Im proved In lwalth rapidly and was ablo to lonvo tho hospittl ou May 18, and at tho present timo can oat tho most substantial foods and is apparently in thu bust ot health, Tho removal ot tho ontlru stomach has recently boon performed lu two no tablo casus that of D, K. Bodmon of Newark, who recovored fiom his op oration, and Jacob Wiohmann of Brook lyn, who, alter rallying '.bravely from the shock, dlod, Cancerous growth had nfllloted Wlchtnnnn for a number of years. He had consulted many doctors both In this country and abroad, and overy ono had pronounced his caso In curable. At last Dr, Fowlor said that If ho were not be operated upon be would cortululy die. Another recent caso was that J. W. Cutler ot Milwaukee, On Decembor 31, 1003, at Bt. Mary's hospital, the pyloric f sho was enabled to tako solid food. From tho operation on the Landis woman doctors concluded that the stom ach was not an ossential part of the vital organism. This opinoin has been borne out by subsequent dovelopmonts. Anothor caso similar to thosu of Wich mann and Mrs. Landis is that of Juan Putrittl of Ban Francisco. Ho was dying ot cancer of tho stomach and went to Bt. Mary's hospital, Bau Francisco. Thero Dr. George McDonald pronounced the man's caso fatal unloss ho submitted to an operation. Tho operation on Patrittl occupied but nluoty in I n tea and was pronuueed en tirely successful. Patrittl was operated strong enough to leave tbo hospital. Ho ran away from the institution because tho atteudauts would not give him "enough to eat." His appetite was so strong that he could not stand tho short ration on whlch;ho had beon kept. He was not to tho hospital, wliero he was de tained anothor month and then disc hraged. He returned to dairy farming at Ban Mateo.Cal., where a year alter tho operation ho was found to bo in as good general health as he over had been in his life. Buy and Try a BotfTonight While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarcts Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, xoc. 9iunrea of Conarcntlre rtambera. Squares of consecutlvo numbers, as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., may bo formed by the simple rule: To tho square of the pre ceding number add tho preceding num ber aud tho number itself. Thus; o-o 1-001-1 2-lll-4 -: j-9 4-0-fJ-18 Tbo algebraic proof Is: -ii(iD New York Bun. SAVED BY A FRIEND One Woman Rescued Another. From Death By m A VOTING CONTEST 0 Ivan by the enterprising merchants of Balem, by which wi'ip Ktwa away FRKK to tho School, 1xlge, Church ihmm pjpular by Oct. 1, 1W1, Ailballots must be isereoanis imuihh same or mey win no; be countvu. a O0Q Kimball Piano or Uraanuatlon votrd marked with names of The following merchants Issue ballots with every 25c csslt purchase: & Crockery Melvrsa' Dry Goods. R4M iwkr. Grocers, State St. GIMff 2 suiur, Grocers, state St. S4ng' Restaurant and Bakery, CsssiMtircktl St. fait S Slore, State St. JIfJf t CrM ( Confectionery TTw.'Ev. trWr. Capital Cigar $ Twrll Parlors State St- Fruit Palace, Groceries m r. nineraan, rroo, Salem Steam Laundry, Colonel Olin stead, Prop, PhORe 411. The Ullte Studio, Cor, Commercial and Court street. Barr's Jewelry Store, Jewelers and Opticians. Eiler's Fiano House 5afal Western Wholesale gsftrUtlvei, Portland, Or. 00, O, WILL, Lceal Agent tor Marlou County. over the Grout Northern (or Bt. Paul Minnesota, and the Hast, Tho prin cipal polut they Intend to visit is But. faloaiidthe Exposition, but thoy will also extend their .trip to Indefinite dimensions. Mr. Powers says ho Intends to gathor a few agates on tbo Atlantic beach and see several ol tho Metrop olitan cities before ho comes back, The remains of Mrs. Kva Matheuy, a sister of Mrs. Jaa MuCormtok ol North Liberty street, were brought to this city on Thursday and Interred In Odd FeU lows cemetery on Friday, Tho lady died on Thursday ovenlng from tho effects ol complications arising from a carbuuolu and cancer, the former being located on tho neck directly upon the spinal cord, aud being it is thought, the direct cause ol death, 'The lady also had a cancer ou her face. Bhe leaves a husband, Bamuel Mathony, a fanner and hopgrowor, noar Wabato, Washington couuty.also a tarn llyol five children, the youngest being IS years ol age. Deceased was 45 years ot age. The funeral was commoted from the iiistdeuce by Rov McKillopoHho Baptist ohuroh. A Criminal. A frleud of mlue, the mlutstur of a went end chapel in Loudon, tells bow, In bis Iftat visit to Amerlcu. bo prv&ch ed In ouo of tho turgor jniU aud after the aervlco visited some of tbo prison ers lu their cells. Ono case lutenwted htm especially, a man of good educa tion and addrctu aud mnulugly of nbllltloa fitted to command huccuhs In ttio world. My friend gave vnut to hi vlnceru dlstrvas nt finding tmch n man lu such n position and was going ou to "Improve tho ocoaslon" when tho pris oner out lu with tho remark that he believed lu Uuglaud wo wore fond of fox bunting. Mr friend, nwtrdlug It as a br$ad it p WHIZ!! WALK A MILE Is a laconic definition of a toboggan rule. It's quick work K"'K down the slide, but 10a a loug climb back to the starting twiut It Is very much that wi with health, It Is quickly lost and slowly regal u va. Wlieu the first sunptoms of failing health ap pear, proper care ill a y prevent the dose cut to utter weaVn. . aud debil ity IVully the complication of dis orders known as general debility has Ha origin in a dis eased condition of the stomach and other organs of dl gcstlou aud nutri tion, These diseases are perfectly cured by the um of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery It cures through the tomach disorders which have their or igin in a diseased condition of the stomach. There I nn aliw. noi in tne"iikCovery " neither opium, cocaine nor other uarcotic. "tV U n duwu, had im Mrtnrth. had f'P d4H'u m. all through me . hwd aa.t UcW ach urciy day writes Mi. Plank, Caa- '. , Mwnuiwa N V l was abu trouUcU Mm m rKh a dUrtfMtJ SnUug la the stiuuMh aud lmln InAatttorthchinlkMnra. I had a Ktr tJogh and It araily klrkd iu todraw a loug WtV I was so tore ihruuuh my lui r cul me i ttnp ktud krwujth my wars, Dr hetrt UtHni og symptoms i wiv(c 10 nr metre as near as leuuM. He Ultej-. a4rUlug BtW try hU tuedWlac. which 1 dU, and URmc t Had UVea Ihtw a .k t was deMtdy btiiv I Uw twa bvMllc. ol the MfdUat rilMenry and wo at iht ' Va- Ytt f-lwUi and aut sura I ooer fell Uttee la my (ffc than when I quit taking them." Ik llerve's Pleawut l"ellets are a cure for bttiousuoKS. Her Parents Made Every Effort to Save Her but Were Helpless An In teresting Interview ssaa 0 "It it had not been for one of my friends I would not bo here to tell the Ulo." Those wero the words of Miss Francos Hathaway, of No. 410 Pine streot.Kala mazoo, Mich,, whos) interview is pub lished in the Holland. Mich,, Times, "It is really remarkable that I did not lose my lifo," sho said. "When I was 10 years old I was taken III. I was pale and weak and grew easily tired aud the family doctor seemed unablo to help mo at all. "Dldn'tyou try any other physicians?" asked the newspaper man. "Yes, but they did not help mo either, My parents tried various remedies and treatment but I only kept getting worse. By the timo I was 10 years old I was tbin and bloodless as a ghost." "What did tho doctors call your dle easoT" queried the reporter. "They said tuy blood had turned to water and I had aniumla. I felt dread ful. The other girls could go around and bavo a good time but 1 had scarcely strength to move. But then came my rescue. It was about this time that Miss Huntley.advlsed me to tryDr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, as she had been cured of a somewhat similar trouble by their use. I boueht a box and before I had taken all the pills I found that they wero doing me good. My ap petite increased and the healthy color began to show in my cheeks and lips. I continued to nse the pills until I had taken fifteen boxes when I found myself entirely cured." "Have you ever had any return ot the trouble?" asked the reporter. "Ne: nevor a bit. I cannot remember a time when I was as strong and healthy as now. I know that Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People saved my life and I believe that no other medicine could have done so, I advise all my friends to try the pills and always find that they are benefitted by them. I hope that this luterview, it you print it, may be the means ot buudreds' of sufferers finding a cure for their ills." Aniumla Is not tho only disease which succumbs to the potent influence ot Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. They are an uufalltng specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia,partial par alysitsSt. Vltus's dauco, sciatica, neural gla, rheumatism, nervous headache, thu alter-ellects ot tho grip, palpitation of the heart, palo and" sallow complexions and all form a of weakness either In male or female. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peop'e are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of prlce.fllty cents a box ; six boxes, (or two dollars and a half, by addressing Dr Williams MeJloIne Company, Schenectady, N. Y, O -a. 2? Xt X JSk. . ftut y?,MwtWrkw,0jaaj BJsV y tWssssBWiiS-L F. E. SHAFER Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes and everything" in our line at low est prices. 123 State St. WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamers leave Salem for Portland and way landlogs, Monday, Wednesday and Frldsy at 10 a. m.. Tuesdsy, Thursday asd tSaturday at 7,'a m. ror inacpeaaence, Albany andllCorvallls. Tuesday, Thursday asd Saturday st 4 p. m. For Independence, .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:30 p.m. Through tickets East via all rail or boat and rail via Portlind, Ticket office City dock, E. T. THAYER. Agent Salem, regon. South and East VIA Southern Pacific Co. THF SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Balem tor Portland and way stations at 6:40 a. m. , 7:54 a. m. and 4:68 p.m. Lt Portland,, Lt Balem. Ar Ashland Ar Sacramento At Ban Francisco.. .8.30 A M .11.-00 A M .12.56 A M 6:00 I' M .7.UPU 8.0 f M 10.S3 F V 12:83 K 435 A H S:4 A U Free Book To Weak Men Weak and norvoua men read "Strength ta Uio and Abiue by Men." Doctor Sanden 11 tells all about my DR. SANDEN ELKCTRIO BELTS, fcnd how they aro used to cure such cases ot rheumatism, lumbago, eciatn, lame back, kidney, liver and stomach disorders, sleepless ness, or any of those diseases peculiar to man. Dr. A. T. Sanden Suito 10, Ruiael Bldg. Portland Or. Largo Wall Maps oi the United States.... Given Away i HOW-TO GET OWE If you are roinr East, or thlnkinsr ol sending for your family, do not buy your tickets until you have secured rates from the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL ROAD Co. Their service is excelled by none, and tbey can reach all points in tho East, South or Southeast from auy point In Oreeon or Washington. Through tourist car from Pacific Coast to rew York. If you will send fifteen senta In stamns a.Bw a . .. to tne auareaa given below, we will forward yon by return mail a large wall map oi tne united mates, Cuba and Porto Rice. 34x40 inches. For particulars regarding passenger or reigni rates, can on or auureas, B. H. TSDUBCLL, Com'l Ag't. 111. Cent R. R. 142 Third St., Portland On ArOrdon Ar Denver. ArKansa, city. ATUOICafO. ArLos Aucolca. . 6.56 A id UJlM ,726 A U . 7:42 A M Ar Kl Paso. Ar Fort Wortn Ar city of Mexico. Ar uoustoo . Ar New Orleans. Ar Waablneton Ar New York .2MVU .IMPM .0.30 A M .11:30 A M . 7: 0 A M . 6J0 P M 8 42 A M -12:10 V M 7.WA U V.1& A U 738 A U 8:30 A M Hi A 8-00 P M 6.80 A U ll'T) A U 7.0Q A M 6:30 P M 6:11 A M 12:10 P Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains. Chair cars Bacmmonto to Ogdun and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, Bt. Loula, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Frandisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at Balnm Station, or address O. H. MARKHAM, 6. P. A., rortiana, Orogon. Three of a Kind Com"is & Wfirfl Mrfla( SOULE BROS. Piano Tuners and Repairers PORTLAND OR E. For Salem and vicinity leave orders at Qso. Will's Music Store. Satisfaction. Brown-So you lost your lawsuit with Smith? Jonea-Yes; but it's n satisfaction to know that Smith didn't win anything ..,!E"Jl.dMl,t you bavo t0 DaJ" Mm 1.000 damages?" ism?0.1'. I!l!t h,s ,a'ycr "ot """" Philadelphia Record. And multiples of threo praise tho excel lence of our laundry work. Xor aro their encomiums lll.dn.miriT,! stritn imru 10 turn out uio Dost possible work, we modestly claim merit for its quality. If you aro not numbered among our numerous nations, nrnv lot im ilomnn. strata tho truthfulness of our atnt.. ments In yourcaeo. t aSBiaBBMsS Salem Steam Laundry COLONKL J. OLM8TKD, rnOPRIKTOR. DOROU8 D. OLU8TKD, Man. pob H 320 Liberty Street SUPPOSE You Save 5 Alinutes Four times a day by riding a bicycle. Thst'e ten wholo workinir davn a vPr almost an extra vacation :: : Hartford Bicyc les Cost less than eomo others, but are Irong, light, handsome and perfectly adapted to road, runabout or pleasure service. :: :: ;: :: .. .. .. .. Models for 1901. $35 Models for 1900, $30 Columbia Coaster Brakes, 5.C0 extra CIHi1tnn . S a wuuunco, new wneeg to rant. arlng. re Otto J. Wilson DON'T SMSTflK mmimwg nai make weak All xil WtMUOY CO. wu pouuds ta tea ia u. i tnsn strong. Many Kaia ," i." I. o,F aoafa'an Ut and rft'lV,StJK"JJL" Bk- CO, Colcaa Dr ;. v'J""-i BaarsUs llMIIWtW .,!; ---- ate .u or HU vork. 4JT Our first regular factory for manu facturlng glass was established at Temple, N. II, Q nso and was oper ated by imported German glassmakers. When you forget thero aro otbera. you are nearlng a burned bridge. CANDV a,TWABTiB BREWSTER & WHITE FEEDMEN AND SEEDSMEN HAY G"AIX, MILL FEED, FLOUR, SALT, SEEDS, ETC. Wholesale and Retail TIMID O A im No. 2 For Yaqulna: ' Train leaves Albany 120 p. m Tra n leaves Corvaflls. . . . imo p m Train arrives Yanulnn r. n. J. , No. 1 Roturninn-: " Lea vea Yaqulna 7 0) a.m. Leaves Corvallla ll:?3 a. m. Arrliea 'bnF 12:13 p. m. No. 3 For Detreit: Loaves Corvallla l:30p. m. Leaves Albany 2:3Up m. Arrives Detroit 0:26 p, m, No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 5.36 a. m, Arrives Albany 11:35 a. m. Arrlvos Corvallla 12:15 p. m. Trains 3 and 4 between Albany and Coyallls, Tuoedaya, Tburfdoya and Sat urdayaonly. All othor trains dally ex cent Bunday, Trains 1 and 4 arrives in Albany lu time to connect with tho 8. P. south bound, as well as Riving two or three l'uj8 in Albany before departure of 8. P. rorth bound train for Portlaud. Train No. 2 connects with tho 8, P. west side train at Corvallla Crossing for Independence, McMInnvillo and all points north to Portland. J. ToRNkR, Edwin Stone, Agent, Albany, Manager. 'The Best of Everythina" The Northwestern Line 8 Trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago comprising the latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerlesa Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars, tree Rivtllnlnn nimU ra PttN2ii,',iCr'5n!.,lrJl''"-''TE NORTH WEST ERNLIMITED" Russ every day of the vtsr r,nlStJ,ral11 Electric U.bted in the World 8,"a nnui- To Oiiicago By Daylight The Badger State Express, the finest Day Train running between K.Paul and Chicago Via the 8hort Line. Connec tions from the West made via The Northern Pacific, fireat Northern. Canadian Pacific This is also the beat lino between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. .Ail Ats sell tickets Via The North-western llae." n. 11, MEAD. C.A. la a word this tells or the Passcater Service Yia. It. L.SISLER. , T A Phone 1781. PROMPT SERVICE RRI.I im W i'irna " ., UOODS 91 CouitSl. iWiTTSWTnanrTaaiaaMr-"-- 19 ie; tU.1, CtauiH itsfflped CCC. Nvw sM tabuft. 4 c who Ms to sell MMWtlNi wt as ood. O. C. T. Co's PAHBKNGKR HTEA,EH POMONA altonA LEATK8 FOIt rOHTLAND trlZ.tJjyr1 Sunday at S a. ta ICK tlMJC AND OUKAP HATES. Doeklbatwaao Stat and ConxftJls. M. P. UAlJJWIN, Aaf G0IN' TO BUFFALO? IF SO USE THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. Personallyconducted ex ruraiona to Chicago aud East three days every week. Through Pullman Bleepera Salt Lake City to Chicago overy day. Ask your ticket Aeent to mako your ticket read vis the Great Rock Island Route from Deuver. Write for Folder, A. E. COOPER, GENERAL AGENT 250 Alder St.. PortUed, Ore, T iitL4Laltfc...k., ..'. JiAUfratatStfSV .sWShSaa.aL ..... AdUrfrk! J1 - .r