The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 28, 1901, Image 3

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    "'WSjff'llHJI'Wiaajiw '
' JM
"For t!x ycara I wo Ylctlm ofdM
pepal In Its worst form I coUW cot nothlntf
but tnlllc toast, nnd at times my stomach .would
not rcu n una awesi oycu wmu v
beean taking- OASOAKETS ana Bl
Lust Mnrch I
nee tlicn I
navo steadily Improved, until I am as well as I
v nm lnrnv 1
Munriiv, Newark, O
Pleaiant, Palatable, Potent, Taite Good, Do
Qood, Hater Bloken, Weaken, or Orlpo, 10c. Zic.lOo.
lUrllsff KMd Ctsapiaj, (1ilcr, Hnlrfklt Rfw Trk. 311
Bold and Diinrnnlccd bjr nlldrng
glita to UlJJti: Tobacco Habit.
Portland Visitors
Perkin's Hotel Restaurant.
White Cooks, lunch 10c to 25c. Meals a la
carte, 20c us. Dally Journal on file. 5-27 tf
Necessary to pay 15 or GOo for n otio
pound size can ot baking powder to be
euro nnd linvo good powder?
Why not try our Baking Powdor
"Diamond Brand"
put up by tia whoro wo guarantee every
can to bo pure; and if suited (which we
have no doubt) you save 15 to 20c on ev
ery pound size can. Remember it is
"Diamond Brand"
4 pound can 20 conts.
1 pound can 35 cents'.
Mabia Tea Sore
240 Commercial St. Salem, Or.
Phono 2111. troo Delivery
The Willamette.
Oscar Il'iytor, Dallas.
8. A. Kuyston, Ran Francisco.
J. II. Childc. Chicago
F. J. Calef, Chicago.
A. J. Inland, Portland.
K. II Cannery, Chicago.
1$. I). Fargo, Portland.
Dr. Ernest Warren, Newport.
W C. Birrett, San Francisco.
Mm. W 0 Wnrron, San Francisco.
G. B. Mcleod, Portland.
0 W. Fulton, Astoria.
II 8. Sohuldusinan, Portland.
F. I). Shields, Portland.
W. F. Watson. Portland.
II. L. Gibba, Eugcno.
How An "Tour Itldnnya f
Dr. Ilobba' Hnaraicus I'llli euro all klrincr 111', Riinj
plofrqe. Add, Hmrllmt llumeil)r Co., Clilcuno or H. V.
Roundlne up Ranee Horses
Hpoclcal to Capital Journal.
Bakhh Citv May, 28 A number of
rango liorses from this vicinity are being
gathered for the eastern market. For
the past year nil nvailablo horseflesh
was reserved for the government pur
chase for the Philippine cavalry servico,
but the eastern demand is now becom
ing strung. Two car loads were shipped
in the past week.
" C. C. C." on Every Tablet.
Every tablet of Cascarcts Candy
Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C.
Never sold in bulk. Look for it and
accept no other. Beware of fraud.
All druggists, inc.
Biari tie si i m uwn w iiarewwajs bobjm
Big nature
Have Your Hands Read
Prof. W. H. Montague
Palmist and Psychologist,
In the City.
Remember Prof. Montague
is the only true Palmist that
has ever visited Salem.
Nature liss bestowed upon this bright young man many advantages; he be
lieves, with the litalmmn, that the lines of the hards are the markings of God
Tho drawings and records of the science of palmistry are to be found in a
inonODtery at I niuet.
monuDiery nv i niuci.
Prof. Montague
ly revealed to you through the exaot science of palmistry. How, you may ask.
ly revealed to you ttirougn tne exac
ou have imprinted ycurselt by the
ed the part ol the sensitized plate to
deep or shallow that which revei
uu novo iuiiimuu j i in ecu u ino iuiio ui juur uwn juuiiuusi yuur nuiiii no- uui-
ed the part ot the sensitized plate to the picture ot the brain and engraved in lines
deep or shallow that which reveals your own life, and perchance the llvoa ot
tnose witii wnr m you come in contact,
tuoso wiiu wnc m vou come in contact, j
Prof. Montague's
ness, social and domestic life is of great value to all who consult htm ; he can place
wllljlnyour reach aremedy for every fallnre; there Is no heart so sorrowful or lone-
uesH, social and tlomesttc life ta ot gre
wllljlnyour reach aremedy for every
ly tha can not be benefited by a vii
Fortune Telling
Prof. Montague
y mm taa not be henetUeJ hy a visit to
a, !..... i .-.- . V.. .
""'" ihi, ueian on speculation, lawsuits. love, marriage divorces, aecuienu,
Bicknesi and death. Call on the paliniit and he will send ym away happwr, wir
and bolder than before.
Rtmembr the locatiens: The Chalwin House, 216
Church St Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. daily. Sunday 2 p, m;
to 7 p. m
Of the United States
On Porto Rice.
Supreme Court
You Can Read for Yourself and Form
Your Own Opinion.
Jiisliio Drown concluded as follews:
' If an act o( Congress be necessary to
conyort a foreign country Into domestic
errjtory, tho question nt once BuggestB
tho question, What la tno choructer ol
the legislation demanded for this pur
pose? Will nn act appropriating monoy
for its purchaso bo sulllclont? Appar
ently not. Will nuact appropriating
thu duties collected upon ltnportB to nud
from such country for tho benefit of Its
government bo sulHcient? Apoarently
not. Will nets making appropriations
for Hb poBtal Borvlco, for tho establish
ment of light houses, tor tho mainten
ance of quarantine stations, for erecting
public building-), have that effect? Wil
nn act establishing n complete local gov
ernment, but with tho reservation of a
rluht to collect duties upon commerce
l)e adequate for that purpose? None of
tlieso, nor nil together will bo sulllcieut,
if the contention of tho Government bo
Bound, since acts embracing all these
provisions have been passed in connec
tion with Porto KUo, and It Is insisted
that it is still a foreign country within
the meaning of the tariff lawB. Wo nro
unable to acquiesce in this assumption
that a territory may be nt the same time
both foreign and domestic.
"Wo nre, therefore, of tho opinion
that at the time these duties were
levied, Porto Itieo was not a foreign
country within the meaning of tho tariff
laws, but a territory ol tho United
States; that tho duties were illegally ox
acted, und that tho plaintiff a are enti-i
tied to recover them back.
"Tho judgmont of tho circuit court for
tho Southern District of Now York, 1b
therefore reversed nnd thocasoremnnded
to that court for further proceedings in
consonance with this opinion."
Tho Dolimacaso involved tho importa
tion of goods into tho United States from
Porto Rice after the ratification of tho
treaty of Paris and before the passage of
the Porto Klcnn act, Delinia it Co., do
lug business in Now York, imported
from San Juan, Porao Kico, during tho
months of Juno and July. 1801), certain
sugars, tho product of Porto lllco.
Upon those sugars tho Collector at New
York demanded nnd collected about
1 3,000 as customs duties.
Delinm & Co. sued Ridwoll, tho col
lector, as nn individual, In the Supreme
Court of the Statu of New York, to re
cover thodutieH thus paid, amounting to
$13,145, alleglug that they wero unlaw
fully demanded, in violation of tho Con
atitu,tion,Zand collected by duress, the
collector exacting the payment of duties
as n condition to tho delivery of the
sugars. On tho petition of tho collector
tho eult was removed to the Circuit
Court of tho United Stules for tho
southern district of Now York, which
sustained n demurer to tho complaint
both on tho ground that no cause for
action was stated nnd that tho court hud
no jurisdiution. From tho judgment
dismissing the complaint Delinm & Co.,
prosecute error from this court.
In tho course of life reasoning on the
mannor of the acquisition of Porto Rice.
Justico Drown held Hint Congress has
authority to control such territory.
"Indeed, It is scarcely to much to
say," he said, "that there has not been
n session of Congress since tho Territory
of Louieiana2waa purchased that that
body has not enacted legislation based
upon the assumed authority to give and
control tho torrltory. It is an nuthority
which arises, not nccossarily from the
territorial cluuse of tho Constitution, but
from tho necessities of tliecaso.and from
the inability of tho states to act upon
Has examined draringB, and after years c
scientific research asrerta that your entire
life. nast. nresent and future, mav be plain
added to this,
Marvelous physicsl power Is a great aid
in many important events he may re
veal tovmi! iience his advice on busi
this phenomenal jwlmist.
Uy carli, tea leaves, etc. is perhaps amus
ing and entertaining It UT, when you want
SECRETS OF HUTU, you should consult
lie la acknowledged m greatest living an t
thority ou palmistry. In his readtngi he '
"" - ,; v -- - -.'
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method and benoflclal
effects of the well known remedy,
Jriiur op Fios. manufacture! hv tim
California Fio Syhup Co., illustrato
uiovaiuooi obtaining-tho liquid 1
uvo principles of plants known to bo
mcuicmaiiy laxativo nnd presenting
them in tho form most rcfrcsnlnc to tho
taste una acceptable to tho ByBtcm. It
10 ino ono perfect Btrongthonlug lnxa
tivo, cleansing; tho system cffcotunlly,
dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers
(gently yet promptly and enabling- ono
ovorcomo habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objoctlonablo quality and sub
Btawe, nnd its acting- on the kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, mnko it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
nro used, ns they nro pleasant to the
taste, but tho medicinal qunlltlesof tho
remedy aro obtained from senna nnd
other nromatlc plants, by a mothod
known to tho Califoiinia Fio Syiiup
Co. only. In order to get 1U beneficial
eitecta nnd to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full name of thoComnnny
printed ou tho front of ovory package.
Forsalo by oil Druggists. Price 00c. per bottle
the subject. Uuder this powor Congress
may deal with territory acquired by
treaty; may administer its gouorntuent
aa it doos that of District of Columbia ; it
may organize a local territorial govern
ment; it may admit it as a Btato upon
equality with otlior states ;it may sell its
public ownings to Individual citizons or
may donato them as homesteads to actu
al settlors. In short, when onco acquired
by treaty it belongs to tho United
States and is subject to tho disposition
of Congress.
"Territory thus acquired can roinniu a
foroign country under tho tariff laws only
upon ono or two theeries: Either that
tho word "foroign" applies to such
countries as wero foroign nt tho time tho
statute was enacted, notwithstanding any
change in their condition, or that the
remain foreign until tho tariff law under
Congress has formally embraced them
within tho customs union of the states.
The drat theory is obvloutdy untenable.
Whllo n statute is presumed to
speak from the time of Its
enactment it embraces nil such
persons or things ns subsequently fall
within its Bcopo, nud cease to apply to
such as thereafter fall without Its scopo.
"Tho theory that n country remains
foreign with respect to tho tariff lnwe
until Congre8ahaa acted by embracing
It within the customs union presupposes
that a country may bo domostic for
one purposo nnd foreign for another.
It may undoubtedly become necessary
for tho adequate administration of a
domestic territory to pass a special act
providing tho propor machinery and
olllcors, as tho President would have no
authority, except under tho war powor,
to administor It himself; but no act is
necessary to make it domestic territory
if once it has boon ceded to tho Uuitcd
States. Weoxprea.8 up opinion ns to
whether Congrcsa is bound to appro
priate tho monoy to pay for it. This
theory also presupposes that torrltory
may be held indefinitely by the United
States; that it may bo treated in every
particular extent for tariff purposes,
as domestic torrltory ; that laws may bo
enacted and enforced by an ofllcerof the
United Btatoa bent there, for that pur
pose; that insurrections may be sup
pressed, ware carried on, revenues col
lected, taxes imposed; in short, that ev
erything may he done which n govern
ment can do within its own boundaries,
and yet that tho territory may still re
main a foreign country, That this stato
of thing may bo for year, for n century
nvon. nut inat until uouuruiin unuuia
Otherwise w III still remain a foreign coun
try. TO hold that ths can be done as a
matter of law wedeem to bo pure judicial
legislation. Wu Hud warrant for it in
thu Constitution or in the powers con
futed upon this court. It la truo the
non-action of Conuress may occasion a
temporary inconvenience, but it does
not follow that courts cf Jii'ticenreauthr
Ized to remedy it by averting the ordin
ary meaningof words.
' "A single further point remains to be
considered. It la Insisted that an act of
Congress passed March 24, 1000 (31 Slat,
121) applying lor the benefit of Porto
Rice tho amount of the customs revenue
received on importations by tho United
Htatos from Porto Rice sinco tho evacua
tion of Porto Rice by the Spanish forces
October 18, 1898, to January 1, 1000, to
gelher with any further customs revouue
collected on impottations from Porto
since January I, 1000, or shall hereafter
be collected under existing laws, la recog
nition by Congress of the right to collect
such duties as upon importations from a
foreign country nntll Congres embraced
it within the customs union. It may be
seriously questioned whether this is any
thing more than a recognition ot tho
fact that there were moneys in tho treas
ury not subject to existing appropriation
laws. Pei baps we may go further and
say that so far as these dutiea were paid
voluntarily and without protest the le
gality ot the payment was intended to be
recognized, but it can clearly have no re
troactive effect as to moneys therefore
paid under protest for which an action to
recover back had already been brought."
Genuine itunped CC.C. Never told la bulk.
Bewvt of the dealer who tries to uli
1 "omtthlni jmt u jood."
Butt the A IN Rd Y Hart WH Bffl
Mays for Mlntncr Interest.
Bpcclalto tho Journal.
Baker City, May 28 Baker City Is
making an effort to run nn excurslpnfrom
Doie to this place following the Inter
national Mining Congress, to be hold nt
Boise, In July, A largo delegation of
Eostorn Oregon mining mon will attend
tho congress, nnd it is likely thnt n good
ore exhibit will be made, as Colonol F.
. Drake is now here trying to Interest
miners. Hut bulsness mon would llko
more. They would llko to havo tho em
inent mining men from tho East nnd
foreign parts who will bo in attendance
at Holso to pass through this section be
fore they return homo. A wclcomo com
mittee of 25 hns been suggested, tho
duty of which would bo to excllo inter
est in the excursion.
Statu or Onto, Guy ov Tolkuo, I .
I.ucab County. J
Thank J Chknky makes oath that he
Is senior partner In tho linn of F. J.
Ciiknky Co , doing business' in the
City ol Toledo, County and Stato aforo
said, and that said firm will pay tho sum
each and every two of Cataiiuh thnt
cannot be cured by tho uso of Halvs 0a
TAiiuit Cuiik FRANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this Oth day of December,
A. D. 1880.
, - , A. W. GLEASON,
SJL' Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
anlly, and acts directly on tho blood and
mucous surf 'ices of thu system. Send
tor testimonials, freo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggistu, 75c
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Chcmawas wero defeated at baeoball
Saturday by a local college nine 13 to 12.
What Shall we Have for Desert f
This question arises In tho family
every day. Lot ub answer it todny.
Try Jcll-O, a delicious nnu uenuuiui
dessert Prepnred In two minutes.
No boiling! no baking! simply add
boiling water nnd set to cool. Fla Fla
eors: Lemon, Orange, Rnspberry and
3trnvberry. Get a packnge nt your
grocer's tqdny. 10 cts.
Mary E.
Lcaao has gouo into bank.
A Few Pointers
Tim recent statistics of tho numoor o
deaths show that tho largo majority dl
with consumption. Tills utseaBO niao
conunonco with an apparently hnr oy
cough which can bo cured instantly SB
Lungs, which Is guaranteed to euro nd
relievo nil cases. Price U5c. and nnd
For sale by all drugghtB. 1 60c.
Isaac L. Mlllor, n Snlem pioneer, who
has been a stato house janitor, has gone
to tho hospital.
Testify to the Efficacy of the New
Scientific Treatment.
A. E. Lanier, Denver, says: "Herni-.
cido has made my hair grow rapidly.
Mrs. A. Guorin, Great Falls, Mont ,
says: "1 find llerplcldo an excellent
dandruff cure.
11. Greenland, Portland, Ore., envs:
"Nowbro's Herpicldo stopped my hair's
falling out."
J. I). Israel, Dayton, Wash., says;
"Herpicldo has completely cured my
Charles Brown, president Flret Na
tional Rank. Vancouver. Wash., nays:
"Herpicldo is oxcollent for keeping the
Bcalp clean."
N. of 0. athletic team defeated tho
Multnomah athlotes
and 5MOKO
You can 1 cured of any form of tobacco utlnir
easily, be nmJa well, trong, ninciiftlc, full of
new life nnd vigor by taking HO'TO'DAO,
that makes weak meu strung. Many train
ten pound in ten days. Orer BOO.OOO
cured. AlldrucKlita. Cure guaranteed. Hook
let and advice 1'KItH, Aildretl HTHKl.INll
UltMUOY CO., Clilcaito or New York. iJl
Deduced Rates to the East.
Account Buffalo Exposltlou.tho BUU
LINGTON ROUTE are naming a low
rate of faro which enables passengers to
visit tho Exposition and other Eastern
points at greatly reduced rates. Before
making other arrangements call at our
olllco or writo for full particulars. R. W.
Foster, Ticket Agont, Burlington Route, J
Coiner Third and Stark Streets, Port-,
land. Oregon.
6 23 15
Timber and Stock Ranches
I can locato either or both on Gov
ernment lands hero in Union county,
Oregon. Parties wanting either timber
or Btato ranches will do well to look there
lanUs over before deciding Thoeo stock
ranches lay within 16 mi lea of tho rail
road, nnd there ia a railroad laid out
within 4 miles of them and will he built
Boon. Tlieso hinds are "A No 1" soil
and will raise all kinds of urass and No.
1 fruit- Part of tills laud is prairie, with
nothing on it but grass, balance
havoscatterlng timber, enough for feuecs,
sheds ai.d fuel. Parties wanting either
timber lands or stock ranches willdo well
to cull on mo or address mo.
22 Ot wit La Grande, Ore.
Bwi th a lha Hod Ym Haw Always BjjzM
isboiution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given that the ro-'
partnership heretofore existing between
John G. Wright, Frank Davis and B. J.
Thatcher under the llrm name of J. (.
Wright A Co has this day been dissolved
by mutual consent, Frank Davis rutir
ing fiom the firm and R. Davis succeed
ing to hla interests therein. J, G.
Wright & Co will continue the business,
pay all olaims against said firm and col
lect all debts due thereto.
5 4 1m J. G. WiuoiitACo
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
County Clerk of Marlon Count v. Oregon.
and marked "Bid for Road Work" will
be received until 1 o'clock June 5th 1001.
and then publicly opened in the
pretence of the County Commissioners
Court lor Marion County. Oregon, for
the following work.
Making a hll nnd constructing a bridge
on the county road lead nir from Sub
limity to bilvurton where the same
crosses Beaver creek,
Making a fill and reparing a bridge on
tho county road leading from Atunsville
to Shaw where the eafne crosees Braver
Making a fill and graveling the same,
on the county road leading east from
Hubbard, at he west approach to the
bridge over Pud ling river. I
Profiles, measurements and estimates
for the work may be seen at the olllco of
the O'rtjnty Road Matter.
1 he County Gommlwlonera Court re
twves the right to reject auy and all
bHi. W. W. HALL,
5 Mtfwld County Clerk.
kVcgclablc PrcpnralionrorAs-
slmilallng lucFncKlmuiHetftita
ling Uc Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion Cheerful
ness andivcsi.Contflliis nelllrcr
Opltim.Morplimc nor Mineral.
IS'ot Xajic otic .
JiVe ofOMDrSAKVa.tVraiER
lmJan SnA
4lx Strut
CfmA'ftl iiav
hint ij nn nanr.
Apcrfccl Hcmcily forConsliivi
Tlon, Sour Stonnch, Diarrhoea
ami Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
A Good Deal
In the construction of n building de
pends upon your lumber being of good
quality and well seasoned When wu
nro dealers you aro assured of thu best
quality that can be produced, You are
nlsoBiira of getting the boBt quality at
thu lowest prices. Fair nud rqunro
dealings, good goods and low prices is
our success. Near S, P. passenger de
pot, phono Oil.
Goodnle Lumber Co.
Eir.twif twri
Anyone wantinga healthy nutritiou diet should
Scotch Oats. They are a valuable aid to digestion and
be readily served, bold by
Harritt & Lawrence
r -n sr tntatt T TVT "T L7X7I " '
O L iVL St 1 JCX 1 i VjT IN Jti W I -W VI
.NOANnRBORiMT oa nnnaiRn
fo Chimney, no blackened Mantles, Gives 3-r candle power per foot ot gus
consumed. Several We have In stock the No 1, burning one foot or hour
and giving a 30 candle power light for 3-10 of ono cent per hour, Also tho No 2,
giving 70 candle power at a cost of ti-10 of a cent per hour.
Salem Gas LigcKt Co.
Chomokota St, Tolophono BHU
Plumbing and Roofing
Mako your contract for plumbing early to secure
the best job for the least money. ;:::::
A METAL ROOF on your building ia durable
and economical, will protect your property from
tiro In adjoining building and ought to reduce tlie
cost of insurance. :::;:::::
and stronger than wood, guaranteed not to leak.
Estimates furnished und the best of work
promptly performed by ::::::; :
. SALEM 0HEC0N ...
A first-class piivate hospital for the treatment of chronic and sutlcal
cases. Built tho past year especially for the purpow for which It is
used. Oonvennntly located within four blocks ol the business part
of the city. The most modern furnishing' nud latest appliances
throughout the building. Heated by hoi water und lighted by gas
and oleaticity. Hero the sick can have thu comforts of an elegant
private home, combined with all tho advantage of u general hospital
with ut the noise, confusion, and publicity attending ono. Outside
phyj Una bringing cases in treated with the greatest courtesy, and
ass d in operations if requested, For tonus and further Informa
tion write or apply personally.
The Great.
Em jest tc Steel IRange
We have a new stockHto Arrive
R-. M. WADE & CO.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Lamb Season
It is hero, nnd nothing can bo mote
pleasing to thu nppotlto than u superb
"Lego' Lamb'1, not old sheep, hut thu
real spring article, Wu lmvo the
article In all its Juiciness.
Phono 201.
Bears the A
Signature I Am
Sg3 M I
g??'. -" otmmk ... m 1
ft ASSIPIPn 2L s
1 ' ' .- ... ' u -
- . ' " ,1 - 11 . .
Advenlsemtnts, five tines or less. In this colnmn Inserted thnrnT
for 25c, 50ca Week. $1 50 a month, All ovti TeiinV&t Si?ffi
WORK WANTED. A man and wife,
indtvidualy or together want employ
ment nt any kind of work. Women
good housekeeper, man all-round
laborer nnd good farm hand but not
heavy enough for tho hardest kind of
work. Apply to "man and wifo."
care Journal. 5 24t(
WANTED. Wo are intending to paint
the Ruttovillo school building, parties
desiring to do this job will please put
hi bids on work nnd material sopa
lately. Address nil bids to tho clerk,
Henry L. Routs. Clerk School District
No. 5. intttovillo, Or. 5 14 Itn
WANTElWFor Ctuli 200 to 300 cords
largo or small tlr. Apply at Jouiinai,
olllco, 5 8 tf
. wanted-helpT
WANTED JI AN with horso nnd buggy
to sell Pasture Stock Food. Salary f 15
per week nnd ton per cent on all Balos.
Farmer preferred. Previous experi
ence not essential. Pasture Slock
Food ia tho greatest dlscovory over
made in practical and Ecientiuu feed
ing, and is sold on nn absolute guaran
tee. Steady, permanent trado easily
established. Samplo box, sulllclont
for two weeks feeding, free. Send 26
cents in Blatnpa or silver to cover ex
press charges. Pasture Stock Food
Company, 321 Times Building, Chlca.
go. 3 21-tf
LADY AGENT Your opportunity
llygein Straight Front and Military
Corsets aro monoy makers. Every
woman wants one. tor terms ap
ply Dopt. D. Western Corset Co., St.
aula, Mo.
3 18 3ra
FOR RENT Nlco Uvo room cottage,
with bareniontand gool well water,
Corner Union and High street. A.
Schribor, 424 High St. 5 2 tf
FURNISHED ROOMS For light Iioubo
keeping or for transients, in suits or
single, large and pleasant with win
dows fronting on Commercial street.
Cottle Block, over Bluu Front 6 1 tf
FARM FOR RENT Six miles Bouth
uf Salem 120 acres all under cultiva
tion, good schools, near church. Free
. Rural deliveiy. Grain rent, Addreaa
it. 11. unro Journal. 2 1 tf
Sherwood Forest No. 10. Meets Fri
day nights in Turner block. Win.
Buck, 0. R. A L. Brown, Secy.
shop. 8 ladies' wheels, 10- gents' wheels to choose from.
Prices from 6.00 up.
Jrt Commercial Street.
Sucecessor to Dr. J. M. Keono. of
White Corner, Salem Oro. Parties de
siring superior operations at moderate
fee in any branch are in especial request.
Dr. Grace Albright
Graduate ofiAtnerlcsn School
of Osttopatby. 1 : :
Every day except Sunday. Oillce
uours 0 to 12 a. m : 1 to 4 p, m. Odd
Fellows' Temple, Cor. Court aud High
streets. Phone, Main 2281.
Dr. Taclc Real, assistant.
' s ana mi i ii ii
Money to Loan
On farina and city proportv. Invest
ments judiciously made. Insurance ef
fect ed,
Over Telephone olllco 200 Com'!. St.
4 0tf
& O. Burkhaft
Capital Lunch Counter
Next door to Harritt & Lawrence.
Serves the beat meala and lunch orders
In the city, Prompt service, clean place
ml good cooking. Give the new plucu
Bottled Beer
Kllnger A Ucck,Successots to UoutbSalerc
Uotttr.4 Works,
All orders for bottled beer will betlllod
at the brewery. Kept on cold storage.
Fri h city delivery, Telephone 21'tl
Capital Summer Norma
A school for teachers will Ui
held at the Capital Ilusiiiemi
College, First te'in opens Atay
0, nud continues 7 weeks, Hie
oud term opens July 1, and on
tiuues 11 weeks Iiistiuctious
will bo given In all the brunches
required for State and county
papers. Address.
Till it Rains
But book your ordeis with
LEAAON& BUR I for your
house painting, paper hanging
or kalhomining at 105 State st.
Easy ot access.
Courteous reception.
First class cooking.
You enjoy what you
order at 1o6 State st.
George Bros. Prop's,
White House Kestauran
' .. - xJz ' R
Tlln rtAIIV lnm.u..
rAtcni hill nArr, n.
" " . . ". ""ua.ou acres, nnlm. -a.i
' s"'1
i'iuvu iuuu uear tscio. Or. Ptiidt'M&&b'&
! ' i 1 1 i it,
moiiiauu-u U7 STATE BTKKBl'-wlll
make vou a mil p... ,. ""! if.
workmanship for about the eJrueTas
you are paying for mlsfl ts. Uatsrwi
ovated. b beted nh.l tr(mm.i -B '
LOST. Spmowhore between cityrand 4
Labor Exchange building, smal) mom- ' V,
t. i m "V vo JUiA- Jounsoiior
Journal olllco for reward 5 25 u
' r
en away in order to Introduce rny ac-1
tual experience and full instructions
In trapping. One gopher trap will be
glvon away wth each copy of Actual
Experiencu ordered. Tbls ia the beef
trap on tho market and a trial whoro
instructions are followed will cinvinco
anv one, I'rlco per copy SOcta. each,
4 for $1.10. per doz. $2.J0. Frank
DoxtQr, Watsonville, Cal, 5 2J Ot
CAMP 8TOVES-And camping outfits.
Also Becond-hand goods of all jcfntla at
a bargain. 101 wtntn .ti -c n
, -.... uv.CS., iJ, ,
6 16 Im
SPRAYING BOAP-A now make of
Boapsuitablo forsnrayiug hops, fruit
trees and chlckon houses; notpofoon-1
ous but effective, call and seoBamplei.
at Salem Soup factory, Forry strbots
RATES REDUOED-at Hall's Ferry to .
15c. Tako that road when going to -"
Independence, Monmouth or other -.
points in Polkcounty and save "ifCWi1-
hour'ji drivo. Skillful ferrymon'-al-iiY
ways renth to aorve yon. ?" P
4-23-dAw2m A. D, Pettyjohn, Prop. "'
NEW FEED STORE-Oppoalte court V
houso on High Street. A full line of i ,
Hour nnd all kinds of feed carriel. '" f V'
Hav and irrnln Immrlit: nmt nt,l trLn.i
chopping dono at lowest rates. GetM J
our quotations Dotore you buy. Till'
eon, BarUott Grain Co.
Cedar Shingles.
Whoro did you got those shingles?
Thoy are tho Detroit brand made by
Hoover Bros., and aro tho beat shingles
on tho market. Yes nnd their prlco is
no higher than tho othor doalars. Go
and see their No. 1b, brand marked II,
5 buta to 2 Inches. Also thoir No. 2a
cloar of knots 0 in. from but. Ther are
Bold by S. P.McOrucken, HthSU Englo
wood. 5 13 Iin
in second hand wheels, all of
which have been thoroughly"
nvtrhntllpfi in nnr rAnnir
Proprietor of
Stone's Drug Store
Tho stores(two in number) are lo
catod at No. 235 and 383 Commercial
street, and aro well stocked with a com
plete lino of drugs aud medicines, toilet
articles, perfumery, brushes etc.
Has had somo 25 years experience In
tho practice of medicine and now
makes no chnrgo forconaultatlon, exam.
Inaiion or proscription. T
For wutor borvlco apply at u flier,
Bills payable monthly In advaSc!
Mako all complaints at the ofllc
Old Post
Are large ant' havo reliable attend
ants, your team boarded by the week or
day. Good teams (or hire. Prices rea
sonable, Your patronage solicited.
H. M. Brown
Femr Street.
Toledo, Oregon
Wai Clork of ClrtHiU Counfor tlx jaara and ba
an up-UHlate atxtractoi all prerarlyui Uncola
county IMTm
Phone 1671.
Express and Transfei
Meets all mail and passenger trains.
Baggage to all parts of the city
tarta of the city. Prompt
lione No. 241.
service, leiepn
Sewing Machine Repairing
I lmvo rented repair space of F. A,
WI....1..U ... k.u Ia... .I.,n nn T.ltwtrtv
If IKIIIO, HV l,q IUTf imv,v. wu .,.
street, aud will bo glad to see all of my
old friend ttfore. Any sewing machine
1-1 ...I . .. ...111 iu .-
roidiriiig uuiruaitM w uiu niu "!
anteetl satisfactory or money refunded,
N. II. UuBWtrr
257 Liberty Street
. m
Three Day Excursion wie ,
O.N TIIK 0. A B, n, . A I
A special round trio rate of $2,60 froin'
Albany to Mill City, tarry, Niagra atitj
Detroit has been nut Into effect on . th
Corvallla A Eastern Rail road for bunt
ing or fishing parties. " , ,
TlckeU Kood colng Saturdays and
returning Mouday. giving three day to if
the mountains ot good spoiUnd rNr W
tlUII. UIWI IIHWI VVHiw,-.- - ""-
Olty, Gates, Niagro, and Petroltftt L
mmhlA ratHH. No soaolal order nsWWiry. ,i
Icketa on sale at the ticket oflka. ' n
ost aw r