-- t 1 THE DAILY JOURNAL. Thio n.inor receives the InrcrMt As This fritter Is a Hiemfcer of tfce sociated Press report taken In Orciron J Northwest . Afternoon Newswwr League Prints all State News Today. OUISIUC Ul ruitiauu. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MAY 28 1901 j' VOL. XI wo mi House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. I ITwo Special A lot of ladies' flt'o vlcl kid turned solo Bhocs, sizes 3 to 7, leather top nnd ...! . in imt.li IiIacr nnd tan Our regular price 12 70. lIHa lot ol as sorted styles reduced to 2.25. Tboy'ro flno goods and will go lively at this price. Bettor goto pair todny, II you need a lino dresfl shoo. Not a pair In the lot that's out of Btylo. Anothor lot of ladlea' Qno vlcl kid shoes, assorted styles In black and tan. Our regular prico was $2.00 and $2.C0. Ro duced to $1.05. We're expecting a largo assortment of ladles' flno Bhoes next week and want to clear out all brokou lots to make room for. them. They're nil tho famous SUPREME COURT DECISIONS FINAL First Case Was Decided Clearly Against the Government DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENES ATTENDING THE OCCASION Attorney General Grlees Says the Administration Won In the Second Case the Dissenting Opinions Were Very Ably Presented at Washington, May 38. W BROWN'S MARKj Wfv3KZ3WRi IN SHANK That's tho brand to look for whon you want stylo (It and sorvlco. ....The New York Racket... SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Our Store Closes Evcry.Evenlng at Six O'clock Except Saturday. E. T. QARNEb, Ptoprloior, aaxaaaiiMaaggggT-a Cor. Commorolnl and Ohomokota Stroots IffMMHH Anticipated bottlo of It is for tho eplcuro to get hold of our pure, lino TV KIIVV and volvetyold Tom Hnwo MJ 1 1 J J wliickoy wlion he nuwls "a hrnivr" or stlmulant'to put him on his feot whon he is weak, woary or run down. Good wlmkoy drank in niodi'in tion is tho bust appetizer and tanic that you ran tnkti. When you want the pure stuff, drink Tom Howe, J. P. ROGERS, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer 218-222 Commercial Street. """ - - 7" ?"1 j Vj '" 1 Repaying a Watch Of tho finest workmanship is a branch of our business that wo give special at tention to. Our repairing dupartmoht Is conducted with the utmost caro and skill ; diamonds am reset, and jowolry o all kinds is repaired in tho moat perfect umnnor. beeides optical work of all kinds. Washington, D. O., May 28. It was the volco of Justlco Brown rang out tho now familiar title: "Do Lima against George It. Bidwell, Collector." Tho Crowd then know that tho court was ready to deliver its decision In tho great cases and impatience immediately turned to an eager interest which was. marked by a silence that was aweiusplr ing. Juetico Brown read scarcely a third of tho opinion boforo it became evident that the decision was against tho government. In tho Second opinion rend by Justice Brown, it was mado manifest that tho revorsal of tho court below in tho Do Lima claim was bated on grounds materially different from thoso on which tho government has planted it standard Do Lima Lad paid tariff duties prior to tho passage of tho Forakor act and most of tho other cases wero a challenge of this law. Tho latter casos wore all "Tho decision scores a victory for thb Administration in tho first of thoso classes. and upon thoall-impottant third. 'The antt-administratlon party wins in the second class. That triumph is n more matter of dollars and cents. Im porters will got back tho monoy paid In tariff between tho ratification and tho passage of tho Forakor act. Importers who paid without protesting will not get their money back. "Tho court decidos that the Forakor act is constitutional, that this country has the legal right to govern Kb now possessions as territories, to inako special laws lor them and to tax their products. Tliis has been tho contention of tho ad ministration from tho vory start. It was the principal issno in tho last campaign for President. Our Porto Iilcau legisla tion was solcctod by Mr. Bryan as the main point of attack in his Indianapolis speech. Tho decision puts a quiotus "Do American trainers doctor tholr hones?" Mr. Drako won tho Prince of WaloB, Doncaster, Royal Hunt, Stewards nnd Ksoveral ithorcups. Tho notod horso of his stable was Royal Flush and Leator (Rolff rode many winning races In the Drako colors. Drako's wlnntngs for last ! season aro reputed to havo amounted to $100,000. CHICAGO ZI0NITE LEADER ON TRIAL 'Rcllelous Aeltator Accused of Wo J man's Death. OmcAuo.May 28. Tho Record-Her aid ays: This aftornoou tho grand Jury ill tako up tho caso of John Aloxandor owle, deacon Judd nntlitlio other mom hers of Zlon hold by life coroner's Jury for the death of Mrs. Judd and will hpnr (testimony continuously every afternoon fiumig wie wee u uocossary until somo uociston is reached. All tho wltnosSOS who tcatlflwl hnfnrn 'tho coronor's jury will bo Bubpoenaed and In addition Dr. Ludwlg Hokloen ;who had charge of tho autopsy at tho ,cometory and Undertaker Haggard, will appear and give their ovldonco. Another death of a Htonlto occured 111 ts t evening, this tlnio at tho residence of Deaconncss Bratsch, one of tho women hold in tho caso of Mrs. Judd. Tho natno of tho victim is Thomas Stool. Hocamo horo several months ago suflorlng from consumption and applied for admission to Zlon homo last weok. Tho pollco department is Invos tigatlng tho death and Inquiring into tho circumstances undor which a certifi cate was Issued by a doctor. decided in favor of tho government. Tho , P" u,nt BOrt of tbin8 and tnko8 tl Philippine caso, essentially like that o( mauer "o' pontics rorau umo. inn lht.lm im. tint limn madiad L lint decision in Mnnl. Thorro can bo no np i. i. i,it,,i it win I,., .i.Mn.i onnn Hull peal. Tho decision will not hurt Torto ' 111..... .-.! I .1. I . II court having adjourned after n, "" -"" "'"' continuous aesslon of three hours to. ' meet again on Tuesday. Justice White waB particularly eloquent and forceful in expounding his views, showing a depth of conviction and breadth of learn ing that will givo him a high standing among tho great jurists of the world. In his dissenting opinion Justlco Har lan was passionate und oratorical. It Is declared by people who heard hla fa mous dissent in tho Income tax decision that ho waB even mora earnest and vehe ment than bo wus on tho othor occasion. Justlco Brewer, who also dissented from the majority opinion spoko not a word during thoentiro proceedings nor did Justice Shiras, who agreed with tho ma jority decision. Chief Justlco Puller's dissent is regarded as a flno specimen of composition and it was delivered with a calm demeanor that is characteristic of tho learned head of tho court. A MAJORITY FOR PLATT AMENDMENT Which is Supposed to Guarantee the Stabil ity of the Cuban Republic. DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION ARE NOW IN PRETTY GOOD HUMOR Immigrants From Porto Rice for the Hawaiian Islands Said to Be In a Sorry Condition and More Than Half of Them Women and Children Unfit to Perform Labor, PROMINENT Rev. SOCIALIST MARRIES AGAIN. From Ilerron Who Separated Ills Wife and Children. Nrw Yoiu, May 28. Announcomont has boon mado of tho marrlago on Satur day ovonlng of Prof. George D. Horron and Mlts Carrie Rand, tho corcnionv I tho prospect of final action. . .... Nkw YonK, May 28. A dispatch to tho Tribune from Havana says: Court esy to Uunlborto Gomez prevented a vote on tho majority report, ai-coptlng tho Piatt amendment at Monday'd ses sion of tho convention. Ho had gono to tho country to mako n political speech and was detained though ho announced last week that ho was through with Bpeechmakinic in opposition. Ills as sociates declined to tako advantago of Ills absencn. Thu revised and modified roport of tho majority was discussed and support nl by Honor Borrlel, rector of Havana University nnd by Manuel Sangullly. Tho pharaseology has been imgraved and appoars satisfactory to the majority Privately somo dolugates havo Inquired whether it is satisfactory to thu Wniiii iugtou authorities. This is assumed to be tho caso. Portuondo, 'tho Radical from Santiago, has roglllrmed his opposition but thu Radicalsall concede u majority for tho umendmunt. Tliu delegates aro In good humor over If no ono C, T. Pomeroy 288 Com'l St. Watchmaker and Optician CRYSTAL ICE WORKS Is now ready to deliver ice to the consumers of Salem and surrounding1 country at existing rates. A specialty is made of fine ice cream. Free delivery on Sunday. ...Crystal Ice Works... Nmv Youk, May 25. Ex-Attorney General Uriggs in an interview on tho Supromo Court Porto Ricodecisions said : "It is a splondid victory for (ho Administration on the vital principle of expansion. It is unnecessary for mo to say that I am thoroughly satiefled with tho result. It Is a clear cut victory for tho government on tho only really im portant point involved. Three distinct classes of action wero involved; ono protesting against the collecting of tariff upou imports from Porto Rice after tho date of our armed occupancy of trio island and before tho date of tho ratifica tion of the treaty of pcaco; another protesting against tariff charges on inports between the ratification and the passage of tho Forakor act and a third attacking tho Forakor law ns unconstitutional Decision Against Preferred Creditor Washington, May 28. Tho Ualtod States Supromo Court has alllrmoil tho decision of tho loworcourt in tho cato of John T. I'i'io and others involving a construction of tho bankruptcy law of Borne interest to bustnoss men. It came horo from Chicago. Tho case iuvqlves tho proposition as to whothur, under the bankruptcy laws, it created a preference to pay money on account in tho regular course of business by one who at the time was insolvent, to a creditor unaware, of tlmt fact and who had no reasonable cause to holieve either that thu debtor waB Insolvent or Intended by such payment to glyoa preference. Tho lowor court held that it did and tho Supremo Court, through Justice Mc- Kenna, uphold that ruling. Chief Justice Fuller and Justices Khiras, Peck ham and White dissented. having boon performed in tho apart monts of Dr. OharUs Arodlo Pattorson, of this city. Rev. William T. ilrown, pastor of Plymouth church, Rochester, N. Y., performed tho roromony, which nas extremely simple, tliore being no vows taken by either party. Mies Itand, prior to her marrlago, de voted much time and money to tho cause of socialism, and it Is tho intention of hor husband and herself tn dovoto their lives to socialism. American Plunecr on British Turf Nkw Youk, May 28. .V dispatch to tho Journal and Advertiser from Ion don says: John A. Drako of Chicago has reappeared on the English turf at Hurst Park, Hi played heavily and won. urako'a plunging last summer was ono of tho big sensations of the turf. His winning were enormous, especially at Ascot. Drako is thu American around whom Dritish attacks on American horsomen centerod last season. In the fall he sold his whole stable and vowod that not another horse of his would race 1 1 England again Wish ard, his tralnor, had made winners of animals previously rated as platers and provoked such articles a) one. headed : Salem Militia News. At tho regular meeting of Company "V," O, N. G,, Monday ovonlng, orders wire received to the effect that thu com pany report at tho Armory next Friday for target practice, and next Monday ovonlng at H o'clock for quarterly in spoctlon. Thomotnhomof the Company will tako part in laying thu corner gtono of tho new poitofllco building at lM.'tO n. happens to bo ill or away, a vote may lw hud on Tuesday ol this week, Tho main obstacle ie in tho municipal campaign, tlm denlre of candidate Fe tiers friends to eub.ilu him to avoid committing himself until f!r he Is electid Major. Thu National puil In Hu.iiuii l.aHRpllton this subject, Soniu delegatus aro also du'iiaudiiig open Missions hut thu llrst ntu will bit taken in secret. "'"w,-,yi-nl,l,fm'll :"' island Landing tn inspeut th at 1:110 p. in. and7::t0 p. m. Tlmrsduy I ., . , ,. , ,', , thoro w III b.i a coninot tlvo drill given iK"""8 ll " connection at the Armory in entertainment. Last evening ten applicrtions for membership woro handed tn tho re cruiting committee, and should thoso become members, tho Company will bu full. TODAY'S CURRENT EVENTS OF HISTORIC INTEREST The plague is spreading In thu Punjab, Uritiuh ludia. ratl in Sail Fi court h j MAOUIHE. Mgr. Tal-jjliono 2071 Main. MWMMMttwwMwwwmjwmmrmmmMm ZZz&ttEE? n.iinni- kUcirn This Summer If nut you had belter invest in one of our Automatic Refrigerators REMEMBER I he automatic is the only refrigerator built upon I clearly scientific principals. They use less ice and 3 E take less cleaning ihan any refrigerator now on the market. With it you can have a young Alaska rigrrt in 1 your home. 10 De sure mere wouia oe no glaciers E or dog sledges, but think of the deliciously cold but' 3 & . Vn 1 .,1 ,l! ...u:i. I.. !. ...,,11 3 j xer, miiK ana many oiner imngi wmui.uiuy rccp wcu JE in a refrigerator. BUREN & HAMILTON The Low Price Furniture House. sjiuumiiuimauimuiiuuiiiiiiuuiiimuiiuiiuiiuuuimiiiim f ' 7 " ' ' ' urs ' An Invitation Is uxtondud to Cuba to add another star to our Hag. Llkewlso wu invite you lo vlult us hilo unfurling our flag of values A look through our etoek will be convincing that our prices aru throw n on thu ground floor. Our lino of ring, diamond, fancy Meno, and plain band is very extensive. You mako a big niiHuke if you buy a ring b iro seeing our tuleutlotib. BARR'S JEtfiLRY STORE Imdors in Ijjw Prices, , Unions gaining grounds Cisco strike situation. United States Htmremo adjourned nntil October. Proiidontial train croaslng Iowa today. Mn McKlnloy gaining. Supromecourt decision will notchuugo tolIcy of goveriiment in tho Philippines. Loadvillo, S. I), clerks strike for six o'clock closing sustained by national labor convention at Denver, Largest receipts of coffee In ono day at . 11 r sow urieans was esterda steamers urougiit ioa,uuu Dagr HoNoi.ui.u, May 1(1, via Snn FnMietftco, May '.'8 Inspection ol thu Porto Itlcan iiiimigiautu brought here by the htuamyr Colon fhnwH that they are in such stale ftiuii thu need of food on their voy a'i)lh t hoy uiiist ho held at thtMiuar- milli u l if ton mid fed until lhe regiitn stieiiglh biiflhneiit to enable lluinto h Ul lllijolllliu li ulilul In'.llillu lllill to thu plantations on which they wil work, A joint committee of thu legislature yesterday paid u visit to Quarantine iu imiiil- irivmi I " -u rip oi iiiu legislature with tho ' resulted in disagreement ns to the condi tion of thu IminigraiitH mid their value as citizens of Hawaii. Tho thrcoSeniitora who wure on tliuconimltoo havo adopted a unanimous report to thu effect that thu I Porto RicaiiB ate all right hut it Is understood that John Knineuliith of iiiu iinusu coiiimiiieu win present u report severely denouncing thu planters for bringing thu Porto Riuutis hero ami on account of alleged ill treatment of them when they arrived. Oyer half thu Immigrants on theColmi weru women and a considerable number of thu men, wuru liillnu while all weru more or less umuuluted, TIiIh Is attri buted to lack of food in their old homes, Home of thoHu who come will never bo ablu to work and it Is suul the planters will sucuru u roprusuiitativu to act for tin ui iu Porto Hico and see that nut morusuuh Immigrants am sent hero at their ox pen bo. Objection is inadu hern to thu bring and was removed slio died. to n hospital whoro TKat's Ayer's Extract of Sarsaa 3 s.rJBP5 Undergraduate Recitals. Tho first uudergraduato rocitals of tho season wUb hold at tlm Klrt M v. church Monday ovonlng. Tho program was renuereu ny pupils ol tlio music de nurtinont waa com posed ot excollnntso lections which woro without an excep tion woll delivered. Piano numbers woro contributed by Sophie Oatlin, Vin nlo Wilder. Rhoda Gosnsr. KMUh Afcinln. thorpo, Nelllo Vaul'atton, Drtha Dun can, Vora Hendoraon, Gertrude Giozon lannor aim uouuie ana tilplo piano num bers by Nollio Richmond, Biancho Kan tnor.UottloRobblnsandMyrtloDjncan. fho Misses Jeannotto H'ada worth and lulna Price gavo vocal selections which woronuch onjoyod much entovad hv those nreaont.atul Miss Hois Tlllgun gavo n violin solo, 'Norclssis," iu a delight in nJf. A Becond musical tonight at tho samo place will bo conducted by pupils. Ordered Outside the Capital. An Ind an named Motcali, thought to bo from tho Grando Rondo agoncy, waa arrested for druukoness Monday evening fnd this morning discharged by Chief ol Police Gibson with orders to remain outside tho city. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR TELEGRAMS Tell of Disaster and Misfortunes on Doth Sides PfttrroiUA, Moy 28. Uoer Gon., tfcho man und daughtor have boon killed, his wife and two children badly Injured by explosion of a sholl. General Schorman, his family and The only CompoundidonS ccntrated parllla That's Aycr's. The only Sarsapnrlllan- dorsed by the mcdicafWol Fession That's Ayer's. The onlv Sarsnnnrlll.'iAJuMKl i c of.. .v4tegi a iwvuiu ui uvci liny ycursj or cures- That's Ayer's. "M The only SarsaparllialOT makes rich blood and string! nerves That's Ayer's. The only Sarsaparillif2a Ayer s Sarsaparilla. II.M a twllle. All tfnuUti. J. C. AYElt CO.. I-owell, JliSJS ' z-sss somo friends, were examining a lyddltej biioii, wincu moy Kepi in me noue astis curiosity wlion tho shell exploded. London, May 28. The Timca Diibltsh oa tho following from Cradock, datwl iiiny i.-( : "Krltxslnger'a invaders of Cape 'Col onv captured a Brit sh nost of 41 mon near Naoisburg.nftora stoat resistance ri PnisToniAMay 23 Advices received! from Lord Bxvltchoner announce tmTt? aince inay :v too urttiih columns '6 port 03 uoors killed, 30 wounded, 2013 itiKuii priouueru umi oo aurronuereun ...FRESH... Honey Chewing Chocolate AT Ellis & Zinn'sl 54StsteStr(tt, Slm'fboa2S7.4 -- . . . ' "g f M I V sr w mi Ur tt . M A V r m v JL. A m M . " kWMJfiMto'xwam I f H MM JW bxj- ujar j fB v j n I Minna i i HOME MUTUAL BENEFIT VOTING CONTEST i Votes. when flva a n elegant Uramor rhino mado hy tho Kmoraon Piano Co. (not Bjilctltloiujl nw pianoj will bo given to tho lodge or society receiving tho largest numborlofl i Tickets Given With Every 25c Purchase " at Our Store. M Supreme court of United Statosafllrms , ' ,.. , ,,,, , ,. .,. sontunco of death on Chas. W. Words- ." '" " ' """"" " " torm of thu atato of Wacniigton. The Astoria rato war is off and tho faro of 25 cents, is abolished June 1st for a rate of $2 by rail and $1 76 by steatnor. Lord Kitchener reports tiuco May 1st 0U lloera killed and wounded and ISO I prisoners. Doers captured a British army post of 41 men iu Capo Colony, The'withdrawal of German ships and tniops from Chin) has been forced upon that govermeut bv the powers In accor dance with the policy of the United States. huvo to bu educated at thu uxtieiiMw of the territory and ol many men and woiiiwu who au) suul to Lo unlikely o ever become luinllhy and strong. Wliltechapel Murder I.omion, Mu) 28 -A miiBHlioiniliimider and it moo of umleHiilhrthlu iniitilulloii hu conned Inn low lodging huiuu iu )rut Htiecl, Wl.itiH'hupel, clonu to thu I N'i'lut ul I no "Jueu thu ltipH)r iiuiriierH joflriH8. Thu victim, a woman named Annie Aiistiii, 2H years old, won found jd.ng in a bedroom on Suiiduy morning, IMITATION IS A FORM OF ' FLATTERY u novor llatter. But with a kind goal will toward our compotllors, woiwlfll over strive to keep our store Iu tho load at all time, "8 Our neighbors think it unkind of us to sell our flags so cheap, hut you kncjM wo buy them cheap and can afford to do it. We Love the Dear Old Flag And wo think that every American should own one; so wo offer lhiaopiwrunfffl as our fifteenth original Wednesday Surprise Sale, Ti f BOSTON STORE ECONOMISTS FOR THE PEOPLE The Boston store is certainly a puzzle to competitors. They wonder why it is that we are always busy. Direct buying from the manufacturers does the work. We place on our counters goods at prices that cannot be undersold. For the next two days it will pay everybody to visit our store. Ladies' vests from Ac to 25c, worth double. Ginghams and calicoes from 5c to 8 1-3c, regular price, 8 1-2c to 12 1'2c. Dress goods, 12 l-2c, 15c, and 25c, worth 20c, 25c, and 40c. Sailor hats 39c, 48c and 65c, worth 65c, 75c and 51.00. Wrappers 45c, 65c and 85c worth all the way to 51. oO. 25 doz. kid gloves worth 75c, 51.00 and 51.25. Sale price 50c. If you want pillow casing or sheeting just for comparison sake-get our prices. Ladies' capes 51.50. wonh 53.5o. Ladies' dress skirts 51.25 and SI. 90, worth up to 53.50. Ladies' suits selling regard less of of cost. 303 COMMERCIAL ST. Opposite Postoffice, Salem, Oregon. He Has Sayed JYly Life giWK? - """ ow- ' ,w To whom lliwo iirrwnU lill. ooiuo tlrerlluif. TliL U toowtllr ilit I li Ijii hMIUIimI wltli QvarUn Tumor fur a miuiber of fei, alio llrer iruuMe. I lelr to imblwly tiaiw uikjii tmIIi thai i)r J. Y. Cook, of HaWui, Ori'KifH, iu rujofl iail minor., i wo In uuwbur, wltlitHlt llic moor knl fu, lajiii ur JMtlwMMMM Urutfi, and that 1 aui millrulr, ami I IxlleTe riflaiiaul If eurwl I olirlullr imiuuiuiduU Ir. Coot U all (xirwim Bllloiwl at I wim. I (mel tliat Iio liat wd ibx I'le. My liumo U tlir iuIIm hiUIIi uf Turner, lirvnuu, MIIH I AHOI.INK IIOT7.()I.I Huloillil anil nworii Ui ImIiiid wo Itila fl ilaxufMay. IVl. rai aiiuwini, if ... iiniiu, Ul A Great Sale of f.' 'H . 'fA American Flag! nl W. Uiuiuyl lerk. Do Not Listen to "Cappers" Wbu arv lii'tl UxlsUwe w and wy mttholi u( irtwiuivui If I Mtukl wit ur io4e llmitf wouM lv iu) uk lu flyii ui. It I iMteaant I ill) pure iwul llial l aiu pwnKwtuy Miirupf otitcil, iu i ktwp on wiring in. juh tlir ama, awl Mmie l tlia Uwt Im-jio Iu Urrnull alaiHl by i for wbteli I uw ibankful NrliJ Ut Illulf guuUIiiIiik lHwiilaU fmm pallctiUeurwIUjIb uJlum liJ lu Ilia P,aM. Puo Ue.ialr lau yu tiavo liil tultl yuM uav U tuM you ontikf nol Ui puid Pr Vuttk ha twratl uuuUriHl of xl'l wIiom ara bare MH pronouuetMl bufolvM I'V Ilia "oM. leUooiit" pbyalalaui. 'rirtawKirii)ti4l Hi Lent yr of hi EU Um lil uf illM), aiJ l)i um ami atv of Nature'. vuUe rownndlM. until u xa aUulUlly JUU wtiat h Salt ilu. Tb'a glut Mm uoiiflilciMti. Dr. J. F. Cook H0far (Aire all kluJaof 1U0, oai. m uimtxj m. BaWw, or. ..Tomorrow.. BIzuh rmiKlinj from from 3 Inulius to 12 fuet lomj American Buntlncr 4 l-2c 4 yard.every Day of the Week .. . No. U92 Muslin i cents a ywd A our M till In anil rheetln aale, Look (or the brsuds tb number l orrevery bolt, V,;