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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1901)
jh eae wiBmwm Difficult on Tliat Is dyspepsia, it makes life miserable' Its sufferers eat not because they want to but .simply "because they MUST. They complain of a bad taste In the mouth, .a tenderness, at the pit of the stotnacn, a ieenng 01 putty fullness, headache, heartburn and what not. Hood's SursaparlllR cured Joioph P. Lalne, Flanniriin. Ky., who writes: " I waa troublod with dyspepsia for a number of yenrs and took meillcliio that did mo no irood. I wm ndvUed by friends to try Hood'a Simaparllla whlon I did and It put my bowels In perfect condition, gave mo strength and enemy and made rae feoj like a new person." Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. Beware of substitutes. Buy Hood's and only Hood's. When In Portland! try meals Perkin's Hotel Restaurant. Whlto cooks. LuiioU i cents, Journal on file. Mcals'a la carte, 2-27U M MMMBI HnnnMniHV Remember ...SPECIAL... This month, May, may flowers will bloom and to your happiness we can show you five now pattorna in China and Boml-porcolnin waro fordinnor sots and sold In odd pieces. Special Sale This month on dinner ware: this ad. will only appear a fow times therefore romombor tho heading. Yokahama Tea Store 297 Commercial St. Salem, Or. Phone 2411. troo Delivery. s OCIAL NEWS AND VIEWS Tlie sootatv editor tmjr be rnacliod through teleplioua Main U31 from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. News of toalal nature, porsonal now about Balem pooplo or vUllora, nud Komi of nodal Interoit solicited. Woman's Club Organizes. Tho Salem Woman's Club mot Thurs day afternoon at tho residence of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, nnd tlioro was an enthusi astic attendance. The number present was larger than at nny previous meeting and an increasing interest ia shown. Thoconatltition a id by-laws were adopt ed as presented by the drafting couynlt tee with only a few amendments. The constitution provides for ofllcors as fol fel fol eows: President, vice-president, secre tary, troasuror, und three directors, all combining to form tho oxecutlve depart ment. A committee was namod, con sisting of Mesdumes Buah, Kukln and Kellighor to nominate the ofllcors, which they did yesterday. The departments will ho ilvo In number, viz: Llternturo und Art, Home nnd noiiBohold Econom ics, Current Events, Education, and Science uudPhllauthrupliy. The chair of each commltteo of tho departments will ba tilled by those belonging to each de partment. 'A moniborahlp f( 3 of $1.60 is charged with 25 cents a quarter sub sequently. AtThursday'a meeting seven teen members signed nud a number more today and there is already Home funds in the treasury. Tho nominating committ jo uulected Mrs. T. T. G cor as presldent,wlth Mrs.Boan or Mrs. Davis sou utj vice-president, Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks for treasuror nnd for the secret aryship no one wua fully decided on by the committee. Mrs. Gatch Entertains Mrs. Claud Gatch gave the fourth luncheon of tho series yestorday after noon, ladies whose mimes are embraced in tho alphabet between M and R, to the uumbar of about -15 being invited, only part of the Ra being included howovor. Guessing games were played in which Miss Maude MacKay won Urst honor, securing as prir.e as handsome burnt leather bag, and Mrs. Frank Rider second priase of u photograph. Salem Y. W. C. A. The Young Womous Christian As sociation gave a social at the gymnasium building Friday night whore a large 'crowd wore served with ice cream , cake and lemonade. Tho re ceipts of seveuteen dollars are to help defray the expanse of sending a dele gate to the convention at' Oapitola, Cal'f. ' PERSONALS R. B, Fleming is in Portland. T. A. Farley was in Portland today. W.G. Allen has returned from Kugene. Miss Rose Moore has gone to Albany. Chas, A. Cawon has returned to Port land. McKinlev Mitchell, of Gervals, Is in tho city. W. T. Slater returned today from Portland. G. G. Bingham left today on a fishing trip to Klk City. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Muakor have gone to Tacoma for the summer. H. W. Cottle has gone to t ortlaud for a few days before going to Montana, Mr. and Mrs. II. Schaeufeld and Miss Hisenleld arein tho city from Wieconelr Il.iJ W" .. Iannis lav . b n l....n .,u. Iting her brother R. A. Harris, returned to Coryallis today. Misses Genevieve and Ethel Huglie attended theSlay. featiyalot mnste ai Albany last.nijihtf 1 J 1 1 J. W. BIckford, who has resigned his position in the Bush bank, goes to Port land Monday to accopt a position in tho Security Savlni B A Trnql Co li ntr fin will be followed later by Mr. Uickford nnd Mm. Hnnlnt Mr. WnWrml will! bo succeeded at the recoiving window In tho Salem bank by James Walton. Mrs. 8. C. Dyer, Misses Louise South wick Jennutto Brown, ;and Flo Ilolley mid Messrs. Geo. 15. Waters, D. 0. Mln- to, Chns. Ilolnistrom, A, M. Southwlck and James A. Allison formed a party of Hnlemitos .going to Lincoln county to day on their semi-annnsl pilgrimage to their timber claims. Wm. O'Malloy and Geo. A. Fltcch, ro- preeentlug the Brotherhood of Locomo tive engineers and conductors who have been in the city in the interest of their nnnual picnic to bo hold In Salem Juno 9th, returned to Portland Friday niter noon. Miss Stolla Lovo nud Miss Lonoro Kirk, of Honolulu, who have beon visit ing tho Mlssoa Kirn in Salem, returned to PorMand Friday afternoon. Mayor 0. P. Bishop, T. Studonmier, Lo RoyGosner,tho Mlsaoa Lolo Nicklin, Nina Wadsworth, and Ethol Raymond hnvo returned from Albany. Miss Kathorino Gilbert nnd Miss Lura Burdick have no no to Portland. Miss Burdirck will return to her homo in Michigan in a few days. Will Landou and Jorry King, of tho lute Thirty-fifth Koglmont, arrived in Salem Friday evening on their return from tho Philippines. Miss Sadie Roborta has gono to Port land. Rev. N. Shupp was in Jefferson today. Mrs. Thos. Kay is visiting in Albany. G, B. Putman is in Portland today. How An Tour Kidneys t Dr. Ilobbt' Spsrairus Pills ouro all klilnor Ills. Ram. MS iras. ma.aiii log ltsmsdf Co., UhloaKO or N. V. DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUNICIPAL FINANCIERING Marsliflold Coast Mall. Subscriptions to tho popular loan of Independence, Polk County, have already more than exceeded tho amount of tho loan, $8000. It is interesting to compnro tho old nnd now stylos of municipal flnanca as illustrated by tho results attained by Independence and Oregon City. Oregon City has just negotiated a loan of $300,000 in tho old way. Bids wore invitodfor thirty flOCO bonds bearing 5 per cent Interest and running 20 yenrs. The denomination ot the bonds nnd the fact they must be taken in a lump precluded nny one but the professional bond sharks from touching them. Tho bouds were awarded to Portland parties on a bid of 2000 piomium. The city gets $32,0C0, on which it pays $1500 a yenr Interest for 20 yearB, or f30,000 in terest altogether. Deducting tho $2000, leaves $27,100 net interest paid during tho life of the bond. It Is equivalent to a little over per cent interest. Now, by tho popular loan plan, origin nated by tho"IIay80od" city council of Salem ,siuco adopted by other towns, and now uaeed by Independence, bonds aro issued in denominations from $50 up, bearing -1 per cent intorost payablo in 10 years, or sooner at tho option of tho borrower. Thoso aro sold at par by popular subscriptions, tho smallest subscription being filled first. Tho pxperionco, so fnr has boen that these bonds wero engorly snapped up by local small capitalists in amounts of $500 and less. Now, had Oregon Gitjt borrowed Its $30,000 on this plan, it would have paid 4 percont interest instead of 5 per cent. U would have paid $24,000 Intoreit In stead of $2000 secured under the old plan s.ill leaves $3100 which Oregon City will pay extra tor the prlvilogo of dealing with tho financiers instead of with its own people. Further $1500 interest money will now go to Now York, evory year instead ol $1200 being bistrlbutod at homo. All this is tho difference betweon fi nance for tho people and fluance for the bonhdolders. IM. nx.1 ' 'I IIM-I mi- Dnauu. Genuine t lamped C C C Never told In bulk. Bcwtrc of' the dealer who tries to sell 'jomethlng Juit u good." The "Crack Train" of the Nortnvvesr Is the Northern Pacific's now train the "North Coast Limited" which runs daily butweon Portland aud St. Panl. This train Is tho surprise of easterners, tho pride of the Northern Pacific nnd the talk of tho west. This train is equipped with broad vestibules, Westinghouse air brakes, steel platforms, steam heat, electric lights and steel tired paper wheels. Observation and Dining cars and Pullman Weepers, also Tourist Sleepers aro operatea on tins train m wn latter in a separate compartment is a cooking range with fire use for the occupants of the car who prefor ' to prepare thair own meals. In short it is a complete up to-date train throughout. If you are going East do not fail to take tho Northern Pacific and you will be well cared for. For rates and other informa tion write A. D. Charlton, Portland, Oregon, or see any Northern Pacific agent. UAriTOIlIAi s ti. a Tl M Vm Haw Almrs Bwt &&$& Blgnatuo cf M AN Z ANITA HALL Palo Alto, Oallfornl A preparatory school of the highest grade for boys. Ita students enter Leland Stanford and Eastern uni versities without examination. Lays a most thorough foundation for suc cessful study, including physical preparation, football, baseball and i Minis the vear around. Only manly boys with highest recommendations taken, cnargea reasonauic. G D FRANK CRAMER. A.M.,Prlnolpal ram ma Ver. 1J WJy An Excellent-Combination. The ploxsant method 'atid beneficial effects . of .tho ayaH known remedy, Oritur of Ifios, manufactured by tho OAt.iromrr&.'li'iA'Hvnm rV, n..0t, r tliovalueof obtaining tho liquid Irjw uro iiriuuipios oi mants nnown to bo medicinally laxatlvd and presenting thorn iuthetformmostrofresniug-to thu tasUjmd acpeptablo to tho. system. It Is tho ono perfect .strengthening1 laxa tlvo, cleansing; tho system cffecMtally, disponing colds, headaches nnd tovbti trontly yet promptly nnd enabllngne 1 Tovorcomo habitual constipation per uianoptly Its perfect freedom, from, OTory objectionaulo quality niWl sub Btanoa, And 11b .noting .tin the kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make It tho Ideal laxative In .thqprocpsB of- manufacturing flga aro usedi as they .are pleasant' loathe taatc.-Jtjttlio.medicinal qualities of Clio remedy ur.o obtained from aenuaand other aromatic plants, by a method known toi the, Oaufohnia J?io Bvnui Co. only. In ordor to got its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tlioComnnnv . printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FHAUOIBCO, OAI LouiavitLB. jrr. jnew toric n. t. Forsalo by oil Druggists. Prlco DOc. per bottla. DENVER AND mo GRANDE RAILROAD Great Scenic Intcr-Mountaln Advertising the West. Route An advertising pamphlet issued this year by tho Denver nnd Ilio Grande Rallro?df(om jtsoillco ntPortland,tronts of thp vast rosourcos rof Colorado in an unique way, purporting to bo n story of prominent men traveling over tho Denver nnd Rio Grande road nnd their comments nnd opinions of thu various phases of tho country ae they wore presented during tho journey. The facts gl.ven havo been carofully verified by comparison witli late statistics and will attract attention because ot manner of treatment, The sceno is first laid at the Uniou depot in Denver on a Christ mas day when two friends .meet, nnd taking tho wenthor as a topic of conver sation, speaks of its mildness, and its contrast ti tho climate of tho East, Evou tho snow in the mountains through which the Denver and Rio Grando lines run, is not sufficient to cause blockades, and In winter as well as sutnmor tho trains nro on echedulo tlmo. Tho climate is ol such benefit to Invalids, especially consumptives, that it is reccommended by physicians iu prcforonco to Europo. Strangers visiting this fitato are amazed at its' beauty and woudorful growth. The public buildings nro mag nificent nud hotels are elegantly ap pointed, Familiarity with thu wonders of Colorado cannot dull ones apprecia tion of them, tho beautiful lakes and grand mountain scouory calling contin ually for admiration. Loadvillo, was originally n gold min ing camp but alnco '77 is equally noted for its silver deposits, whilo tho lead industry is also large, and other parts of tho stat) produces iron, coal and a variety of stono for building purposes. The population of the state is about 500,000, and there nro 400 churches in tho stalo, 42.1 nowspapors. and the intelligence nnd morality of tho peo ple !Is abovo tho average The educational facilities aro excellent, thoro being nearly 1500 school houses, and tho important manufacturing inter dits are varied and uumorous. Canyon City, MoutroBO, Delta nnd Grand Junc tion nre centers of tho principal fruit growing sections. The climato aud soil are particularly well adapted to fruit culture and a large variety Is grown. Colorado is tho only section west of Ohio whore potroleum iu paying bodies is found, tho output last yearboing 750,000 barrels. The Denver A Rio Grando has about four branch linos ra diating into as many coal measures and the shipments are large . None of the picturesque scenery of tho state can compare, however, .with the Grand Canon of the Arkansas, whoso fame gtowe with every year, Tie canon Is seven miles in longth and is a realiza tion of grandeur throughout. The D. A R, G. has lines oxtending to all points of interest in the state, thero being 070 miles ot standard guage and 0S7 of narrow guage. and with the ad dition -of the Rio Grand Southern and Silverton railroads the length of the linos in Colorado aud New Mexico is 185Q miles. All of the leauttea of the journey aro .commented on by these gentlemen, and anyone reading this book will find the information proeented in an agreeable way. BEST FOR THE BOWcLa I If too liTn ( r Bulr, tt itjiy m 'Tb6I or ia tlruwoi 2 CANUT TfaWMtt, EAT 'EM initial l'&UtkM LIKE CANDY K(r SMkru. WMkeD ". ."'... i ik iw w-- itkbuiu miroi coariiT, cuicico ti' itw-ro. 9 STKBUltl KE1KDT iwii "" " Zm -i KEEP YOUR BLOOD'CbEAN !L HOTEL ARRIVALS. .J& The Willamette. U K Freeman, Chicago. Jno P Sharkey. Portland. A King Wilson, Portland. Geo W Stonof Ban Francisco, J'.d Jncobaon, Bus Mgo Roanoke Co. Frank Howard, OhlciiRo. K J Haird. Portland. 'JUrsTEl-Jvnhn, Portland. . . V "Ally, San Francieco " , , l5WKartlot, La Grande. A 15 Pike, Omaha. W J Ball, Ban Francieco. J rJJOffman.Ca fornlft. dlnnryd) Bholdon, Kuge P L Catnpboll, Monmou no. Monmouth. EdacMfl Tnnr IKtwolsrWIth'cuacareta. dOQiKHs. It O. a O. fall, druBglsts rotund momsr Salem Woman Asks Support. Mrs. Gertrude Roach, who was recent ly granted a divorce from W. H. Roach, has filed a petition in Judge Bolsos' de partment asking that hor former hus band be required to pay her $20 n month nllpiony for tho BUpfort ot her children Petitioner alleges that Roach Is earning $84 each month nnd can afford to -contribute to the support of his children. ; i .IL Bed Time take a tilonsant herb drink, tho -next morning I feel bright aud my coin plojcton is better. My doctor saya it acts gently on tho stomach, liver nnd kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It is madu of herbs, and is prouarod ab easily as tea. It is called Lane's Mcdl cine. All druggists sell U at 25c. ntm" CO cts. Latte'8 Family Medicine mows tile bowels each day. If yon cannot petit, Hond for free sample. Address Orator F. Woodward, LoRoy.N. Y. Military Band Serenade. Lieutenant nnd Mrs. II. A KUrtz, wllo returned Friday morning from Sacra mento, Califomip, whom they wero wedded on , Wednesday, May 1st., were pleasantly serenaded last ovoniug by tho Salem Military band, which dis coursed eomo of its Ihiest selections. Tho serenade was n pleasant dopnrture from tho customary charivari iu which the yonugor element of evory commu nity findH much enjoymont. .Don't Accept a Substitute ! When you ask for Cascarcts be; sure you get the genuine Cascarcts Candy Catharticl Don't accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Jefferson Mills Sold John A. Aupperle, Into of Hull, Iowa, und for seyernl months a resident of Hnlem, has bought tho Jefferson (louring mills fot $10,500 of A. F. SchultK. Ho will tnke possession in about sixty days and will operate the mill with Otto SchulU ns partner iu tho milling busl nous. Tho latter gentlomnn owns tht warehouse, and has a good record for honest dealings with the public. Mr. Auppurlo Is n man of lino business ability and will move IiIh family to Jefferson. What Shall we Have tor Desert r This tieutlon nrluea In the family tvety duy. Let ns answer it today. Try .lei l-O, n delicious and healthful (lesRert. Prepnred In two minutes. No bolllngl no twklngl simply add holllut; water nud set to cool. Fla Fla eors: Lemon. Orange, Hnspborry and Strawberry. Get a package nt your grocers touny. m cts. tHink of iiingesi OASTOHIA. Bean the- y? Kln(1 You H,ra V B,18W TryCralnOI Try Craln-OI l Ank your Grocer todny to showyou u puckuge of GRAIN-O, tho now food drink tlint tnkos tho place of coffee. Tho chlldron may drjnlc It without Injury iih woll oh tho adult. All who try It. like it. GRAIN-0 lum that rich Heal brown of Mocha or Java, but It Is made from mtro grains, and the most delicate Htomuch rocolves It without distress. ' the price of cof' feo. 15c. and 25 cts.. per package Sold by all grocers. THINK OF IIINGESI Suit to Eject Tenant Mary J. Shaw has begun an action in Department No. 1, of tho Marion County Circuit court against J. E. Forris for ejectment nnd to recover $200 damages. Plaintiff nooks to rocovor nnuannalAn t 4li iiinnt rt rifl Wtt lil HIllB Fruit Farm, No 3 , which she alllges is her property. P. II. D'arov and John A. Carson appear for plaintiff. 8tatk of Oitio, City op Tolkoo, ) Luoah County. j HS Fkank J. Cjiknjjy makes oath that he is senior partner in the firm of F. J. Chk.nky & Co., doing business in the Cltv of Toledo. County nnd State aforo said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case ot Oatakiiii that cannot he cured by the uso of mau.'h Ca TAititu Cokb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed in myproeence, this flth day of December, A. D. 1880. A. W. GLKABON, Notary Public. SEAL ! t r ) Hall's Catarrh Caro is taken inter- nally, and aats directly on tho blood and I and Semi mucous surfaces of the aystem. for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY Si CO, Toledo, O, Bold by Drugglsla, 76c. Hall's Family Pills are the lest; State Fair. - Premium list can bo found at II. B. lhielson'aoiuce on (Jommerelal ttreot, 6 7 10 Proposals for Wood for State Capitol, tiealed bids endorsed "Propooals for Wood for Capitol," addressed to the undersigned, will bo received at the office of the Secretary of State until two o'clock p. in. June lt, 1001, for aljor any part ol four hundred cords of fir wood, cut while green from big fir and well seasoned. Also fot flffeon cords of split oak wood. AH wood must be four feet leng: reasonably straight, not less than two and a, hall inchw in diameter To ba delivered at tho 'Capitol ground, or within lour or five blocks thereof, closely corded without bulk-heads, on or . . -o .. t i-i KVlft rtl... .r..i.. Uetore oapiemuur ii, iwi, mo iikui reserved to rbjttot any and all bids and to waive any formality. ' a I. DUNBAR, 6 4 wAMd Secretary of State, ,i,iMW , HiMMiiil.hlyii.nto;: KALUUU&3 AYcgclablc Prcpntalionfor As similating ihcFoodnndHcgtiln ting lhc Stomachs nnrtBowcta of Promotes DigcslIopXhecrlu! -ncssnndRcst.Cohlalns ncltltcr Opiuiu.Mortiliiuo norllmcraL NorTtfAiicoTio. JVofaUlrSAMVB.ttrcHW flfiyhn Sttd' Alx.Smn testa CfmfUi&ifiir Apcrfecl ltcmcdv fnrCnnsllnn. Qon, Sour Slouuuh.Diarrhoca n orms .Convulsions .Feverish ness nnd Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. r IRJMTOaiirlBill EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Mm- , , ir-f mm f HHAr fe. I flll',lllllllll.l-. Iil'jt tlk'luA till i li,llll.. , ' tl , , .m ' .- - min vm -,Ht SCOTCH Anyone wanting a healthy nulriiious diet should try Scotch Oats. They area valuable aid to digestion and can be readily seived. iold by Harritt & of.ii ina-o-i"jK SOiVEBTHINO NBW! X X KERN INCANOUSOKNT UAU foOhlmnoy, no blackened MiintluH. Uivos 35 candle powur per foot of gas1 consumed. Several sIzoh. Wo h.tvu iu stock the No 1, burning orw foot per hour nnd giving n 35 candle jiowor light (or. '110 of one cent per hour. Also thu No '-', giving 70 candle ower at a cost of (MO of a cent per hour. INVEBTIOATE THRM Salem Gas Light Co. Chemoketa 8t. Tolophpno fl'ia Plumbing , and Roofing Make your contract for plumbing earlv to Hooure the best Job for thu least money. :::::: A METAL ROOF on your building is llurnhhi and economical, will protect your property from II ru in adjoining hulltflug and ought to reduue the cost of insurance. :::;:;::: A GALVANIZED IRON SKVLIOHT is lighter nnd stronger than wood, guaranteed not to Joule, Estimates furnished and the best of woik promptly performed by ::::::; : BURROUGHS & PRASBR PHONE 1011 IOa HTATU The Grcatagaa ilfoajest to-Steel IRange We have a new stock to Arrive . ...Soon... R. M. WADE & CO. SALEM OUEHON THE FLORENCE SALEM OHIiGON , , A flrsUolass pilvr.te hospital for the treatment of chronic and singii-Hl casus. Ilnilt ttie pawt year espHuially for thu purpoHO for which It Is used. Oonvennutiv lx:ated within four hloekH of the business part of the city. The moil mlwn furnish. iii and latut npiillanuua throughout the building. Heated y h-'i wuUr ami lighted by gas and eluoticity. Hurt Hie tirk can htvw the uomforta of an elegant private home, eombiiiHil with all Urn advantage of Jo. ttniifral hospital without the noise, confusion, and publicly Jtttndlutf i.iio. OiUfcliiw physicians bringing cam) in trealuJ vtith the giuateat eourtoiy, and aisUtod In operations if reqinfttil. Kr Utrtus niul furthi-r informa tion write or apply jH'iHoria ly. R, CARTWRIGHT, VI8IT0H8 WELCOMED BETWEEN 1 AM P.M. - njHIjOZTIIl 3?or Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always bom Bears the TMt t (MTAIIII CPMMNY. MtV TO CITY. mmrni A JUDGli OP PRIME MEATS nhvnys knows Just what he wants, and knows that he cun always gut it from our choice stock. If you Want n dull cious roust, steak, chop or cUllot that is totulur, rich nnd succulent, und cut by an expert hand, trimmed nnd not up (or your tulilo to suit the IJiihoii'h iutu, you will alwiws llnd It nt ukumi , ami nt lower prices than von nnywlumi uln In Knliui viini llnd it for E, C, CROSS SALEM ORE l'hmui 'ill I. A Fal! in Lumber InJIcalcs the wisdom or curcliajlnt now, antici pating the not unusual sharp advance In price responsive to an Increased demand, Take the llrst opportunity to place with us your orders I for hard and soft woods, outdoor and Indoor bullJlnf materials, doors, sash, shinties, door and window frames, lath and the like. Goodale Lumber Co. ., 1 Signature A$ I W iSa ll'Q'O kl mn j8R a B Un tv if" IV For Ov-fir 1 Thirty Years flfilTffi'Uli KM IJJ-i nU k a M it m m ALL2 wurw tmn WHITE OATS Lawrence fi-tiv '' v SANATORIUM I M. D. SUPT CLASSIFIED X A. ADVERTISEmENTS Advertisements, five for 25c. 50c a Week WANTED. WANTKD. Kor Cash 200 to 300 corJs lnrtte or small II r. Apply rttJouttNAi. olllce, 6 8tf V66Tf WANTED.orfers will he re- ceivrd on lots of lllty conU or less. On 1 1 or aildruBB Journal olllco, Hnlem. a-27-tf I'OUIntY AND KUdS WANTED I'orvnsh. Froah llehVlwiiyR.uh hand, lnyior 1'isii niul 1'onitry Alnrhet, j posito Now Opera Home, JtX4l Court Mri'Ot. c' 4 17 lm i 'jir WANTED-IIELP. WANTHD-Olmmbor nmid hotel. Willnmotlo C 10 tf G1UL WANTKO.-Inqulro ut Gorbitss lluHtaurant. 5 8 lit WANTED. Trustworthy men and wo men to travel nnd advertise for old established Iioiibo of solid financial standing. .Salary $780 a year und ex pctiHi'8, all paynblu iu cash. No can vanning required, Uivu reforenresand enclose Holf addressed stamtied envel ope Address Mnnacor, 365 Oaxtou Hide,. Ghirnitb. 4 17130 wlO WANTED MAN with horse and huegv to sell Pasturo Wtock Food. Salary $15 i or week nud ten per tent on all sulcs. i-'tuiner preferred. Previous oxnori once not essential. Pasture titork I'ottd is fhu greatest diccovoryr ever made iu practical and scluulitlu feed ing, aud is Hold on an absolutoguarnn too. Steady, permanent trade easily established, tjamplil ItOx, HUltlClent for two weeks feeding, free. Send 25 cents iu stumps or hilvor lo cover ex press charges Pasture, 8tock Food Company, !)2t Timos Building, Ohica. go. 3 21-tf LADY AGENT Your opportunity Hygela Straight Front and Military Corsets nro money makers. Every woman wants one. For tonus ap ply Dept. D. Western CorEet Co., Ht. Louis, Mo. i 18 3m "FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. ' FAUM FOR 8AI.K.-80 ncroe, tiuTm proved land near Hclo, Or. Price $500 part down, balauco on timn. Inquiro M W. Hunt. 4U0 1m KOIiTltKT OH HALE-UlavkBiutth shop, li sets ol tools. Four loti with hoiiflo and ham In buiini'ss center ol n good town, Inquire of Fred Hurst, Hnlem, Or., -I 24 Imot LODGES. I-OUESTEUS OF AMEKIOA rOourt Sherwood Forust No.-10. Meets Fri day nlghta in Turner .lilRcli. , Wm, Huck, O. It. A. L. Brown.-'Becy. BUSINESS O M. -MAOJK -sjiL Hucreessor to Dr, .1. M, Keeue, ol White Oornor. Balem Oro. Parties de siring Htipurlor oiieratlons at moderate fee In any branch are InoHpuclal request, Dr GraCe Albright Graduate offAnerlcaa School of Osteopathy, t : : Ever; y day except Sunday. Ofllco hours I I) to 12 a. m: 1 m: i to i ii, in. uuit Fellowfl' streotM. Temple, Cor, Court nnd High Phone, Main 2281. Money to Loan On farms and city property. InvtnN iiicntH Judiciously mudo, IiiHiirunco of-ffi-led. JOHN M01R Over Telephono nfllcu -) Com'L 8t J4 utr mmtomtmmitm i mmkmmiMmiimmwmmwmkmmammmmmmwmMmmmmmaawamm) ALBERT MESSUP, Phone 1071, ItWMS 1, AND a, QIUY PIX- HOLT LinfllftS." " Piano Tuncre anil Ropajrars PORTLAND ORE. For Balem and vicinity leave orders at O.-o. Will's Muilu Btore. maaammmimmmamatammmmamrwt Bottled Beer KllnRtrft UeGk,Uucceatfortr totloutbUalem Uottlir.jC Works. All orders forlottledber.wlll be tlllod. ;at tho brewery. Kept on cold storage. citm isiiy uoiivery, leiepnoim ii. lite House Restaurant Easy ol access. Courteous reception. First-class cooking. You enjoy what you order at 1o6 State St. GEORGE BROS, Props. WALL PAPER New up to-datu stouk of wall paper Just received. Our prices will compote with ull oom petltors. You uw save inojiey hy teqltur fr stook before you order your painting Cr pHiMirlng done. ",,tit T ,t Emlmatfa chuurfuU furnUjiml for nil work In our line. LEMMON a BURT, 105 Btato Btrettt, Summer School Tho llrst tfrm of the Marlon (V. Summer school will open May ft, and continue for six weeks. IU object it to rtwliw tubjeeta for statu and oounly examlna tlnmaa wall at fur ekvil mrvlcco nnd bTlitr Jxainlp f rt , Aldrfa j. j. ktfM, 1riAJhnt .oJalff CI M E ? ORE. , orL,cvi, v. !5S9t THE DAILY JOURNAL . 5lFRt,3,NP MEDIUM ' LrARtiBST? CIRCULATION f"or. Ic,ss. iBhisloiomii Inierted thrift times . $1 SO a month. All jver.flve,lnei attaine rtte! j m ik wr ,i FOR RENT. wllhbtirehenta'ndgoOl woll w'ateK Corner. Union, nnd High strfoti A Hclirlber, 424 High Ht. Q gjtf FUHNISIIEI) UOOMB-For light hqt,(e( keeping or for transients, In suits or singlo, largu und pleasant with wlu. dowB fronting oq. Commercial street. . r Ai ,.. , .t. ' HfTCHtks, P"ttlo Illock.'ovor llluo Front 5 1 tf !.. S . - .-...- jM . -T rAWUrUlt lvNT-rS X m an nnnH, , oi'miom lSOfuBrba Itll under cultiva tioni good schools.' noar church. Free HumI delivery. Grain rent. Address U. H. Caro Joobnal. 2 1 tf FOR SALE. rOU SALE-A half Interest in tho stock ol the H. M. Urown llvory buelnoss. Apply nt the stables. O. II. Udiio " B 0 tlt oal,c. imeon acres, one mile from big bridge, with considerable fru t, beautiful location, good, house nnd well. Apply at Jouknal offlco. ' 7tf MISCELLANEOUS I ' SPRAYING 80AP-A now mako of eoii suiiame lor spraying honi. fruit ow. aiiiiiuiio mr rjirnying nopi, Irult trees und chickoti heuses: nottwlson ons but efftctivo, call nnd seo sample at Halum Soap Factory, Ferry street. A SntAY DOG. -A large redd ieWbrown Shepherd dog was left aMInjfetitos; mnu ofllco yesterday ftnd ownBr.'can recover satno by calling af home' ol Arthur Welch nnd- pnyingfor 'this notice, 5103t RATES REDUOED-at Hall's Forry to 15c. Tako that road whon going to Indopondouco, Monmouth or other iiuiiua iu iqik county and save hour'a drive. Skillful ferrymen an al- wuyo rrauy w servo VOU. i , 4-2;i-tl&w2ni A. D. VgrirJoniyProp. DO YOU WEAR PANTd-If so, Mc Elarth wants to fit you with pair. - 500 samples of all wool, Imported shades and stripes to select' from (3 to f 10. BuItB guaranteed to fit. $13 to $10 J. M. McElrath, 078tato8t. 4 20 tf CLAYTON . VOUlJG-Ulcyclo ropalr IngBlO North pottage street. All work guaranteed. Rims put on, J5L50? clennlng, $1: inincturos, 25o; fork tips, pair, $1.25. All other work In propor tion. Whiiols called for and dollverbd freo. Phono Rod 2550. 1 13 lm Ni-V FEED BTOItE Oppoaita court house on Ulh Btroet. A full line of Hour nnd all kinds of food carried. Iluy aud grain bought and sold. Feqd -chopping douo at lowost rates.. .Get our quotations boforo you buy, yillU lit son, uarueit urain uo. QARDS. S. G. STONE M. D. Proprietor of Stone's Drug Store BALEM OREGON. The BtoreB(,two In number) are lo cated nt No. 236 and 383 Commercial street, nud aro woll stockod with a com plete lino of drugs nnd medicines, toilet articles, porfumury, brushes etc. DR. BTONE Haif had soniO 25 years exporinnce In the practice of nvxliclno and now makes no chnrgo forconsultatlon, exam ination or proscription. Badly Done Upr Linen Is some t hint that never leaves the Salem iJir am laundry. The color, flalah and, general condition of the shirts, collars, cuffi, shirt I waists or lace curtains Is rerfectlon Itself la the art of laundry work. Your linen Is safe la oar ! hands, for our methods are unrlvalled-our t work Is unexcelled. Salem Steam Laundry COlJDNXUJ DOHOUH II Phono 411 olmstku, rnorRiKTpi UI.MDIJ.1', MU. 3'JO Ltlwrly Btrjjj OflTlOB. OITV HALL. t water bervlco auply at. offlc Fpr unit navnble ruontliiy id aavanct Muko all oouiplatuU at fyo offlc Old Post 0fficeStab6s 5 Are large am have reirije atWnd. ants, your team boarded by the.,weelcTor jjay, (Iool teams for hire. Prices r sonanie, xour paironage buucucu. H. M. Rrnwn 4 Fory4PJwt! AMMttMnUiauttMHMlMBaMMniM a IB'.'F. JONES. i Attornev-ttt-LaW J Toledo. Ora'on WiuCUrk of Wroull Courtfor U yean wMJ Mimtatw atotraoloi all iiopeiylnIJiBWu louuty . 11 " u -- CaH ForClty Warript Notice ta lioieby given tha 5 (6ndson luind tlpnlleablo W 111 mentof all warrants of the City pf 8 .lrawn on tho general fund - I dorset on or before Oct. I, )wv. Z ! llolderaof aalil warrants wilj Vf toofthlarte. 4Xf, Sabii lir ft; ';!:-, ,1 L.MM:l S W t-n'tn'i ' .-.i.M '..,' i;. 7. f V ' .: 4. .'A&CSS m t?W i? . -&im rr i T' i n 1 vi m mmrnmossBKa