feJtWtntfJjgg(hditoMMMhWMi.i'. "W'l- rtii'.'in. Ji-. TWfc mi I ttmi inr in ifi mi ntitrvr i i trim IslsHstaSt V V'. .'H- Ik IS 9 TOW ' ' '' 3& . ' . r-' tmra. ure En - A ' -. y r .,.,,,. We'rd located In our Wbito Corner" Don't Think We're all "awelled np" and are going to raise tho price of our (roods, for re're not. Wo promise the samo low prices with a much larger atock to bhooeo from than before We pro mi bo, too, the eamo courteous treatment and fair dealing that has made our aloro so popular heretofore, t : : : : : : HolVersonIs C. H. Hinges, X Don't be Deceived When Buying Refrigerator, Buy a NATIONAL And have one that can be easily taken apart and cleaned as if it were an ordinary 4 box. The great fault with most refrigera' tors is that the ice chamber is non-removable, hence it it impossible to thoroughly cleanse the interior. The ice chamber in the National is removable. The circulation is perfect. The shelves are of galvanized iron. The panels are hand-carved and the prices arc right. X X X X X F. IN. HOlllS & 60. The Low Priced Furniture House. Hartford Bicycles, $30 and $35 LIGHT. STRONG, SPEEDY. orttodp..,c J WE AU NOW PREPARED TO PIT'CQLUMUIA HUB, OR A. B. C. COASTER BRAKES ON tinW OR OLD WHEELS, OTTO JL WILSON 'SUr'J-'L'iV'J1 !! THE FAIR STORE 374 Commercial St. Salem Ore, X Deald-s In Everything X 6toec Pent' I'urtljhlois. Dry toods, Notions, Tin and Crash ware, Trunks. Valises. Oil (loth. Unit aid Baskets. Uveryihlni at wweui ntcKct meet. : . i DABNEY & GILLMORB I fcsVsVmIVXVV HU IKUUBLfc --bwS Wd1 uTOS?) i i iii 1 MMBsIWIivl Tflfr m itfi vAS riffr'w I f " 11 tit ....OUR CUSTOMERS.... WITH THE LINE W AJLL FA r fc K. WB ARE NOW SHOWING. XlB PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER, GOOD WORKMEN TO DO THE PAPERHANCING. J -A jssw- BUREN & HAMILTON , -Xhe.LowJrice House Furnishers. akmmm.skm.ikHi - Wj. A Bec&uee new store in tlio "Old ht Tl.EBIGBARGAN HOUSE OF SALEK Do You Wear a Pair of Our Glasses? IF NOT GIVE Ufi A TRIAL With our latest scientific Isstruments. we ore certain we can fit you tetter than you have been ever fitted before. We tlve each Individual c.tie particular study and attention and furnish you flasscronly when we are satlsried they are what you want- If medical treatment Is newi sary we will tell you so. We can recommend you to fifteen hundred customers who have been fitted by us and are satisfied. Scientific Optician 296 Commercial St. a Land Enriched Two cur loads Nephl Utah Land plaster jUst received. Now stocks of fence K)t, l.atli, Bhlnslea etc. tlhuit GciMonkaud Uoolio Harbor l.linu. D. S. BENTLEY & CO Phots 301 319 Front St s 1U FLfcAbfc I i 4 4 i 9. CM Jm. t i i i i i i NEVVWHITE CORNER SHOW WINDOWS BURN Laree Plate Windows Display Destroyed. and Most of Quick Sharp Work of the Salem Fire Department Saves the Block. Flro Monday ovenlng did consldorablo damage In the new store of Jon. Moyeri A 8on, corner of Court and Liberty atreota. While tho flames wero con fined entirely to the diuplay windows, tho damage from tho blaze and tho water cannot bo accurately estimated until Investigation Is completed by tho management. The origin of the flro Is not known but is supposed to have lcen caused by a defect In tho olcctrlc wiring. Tho stock of goods was Insured for J9,000 while tho building, which Is owned by K. I. McCornack, nas also insured. Tho flro was discovered about 8:45 o'clock by L. A. Dlnsmoro, an employe of tho ilrm, who gavo tho alarm, the flro department reaching tho sceno and having water upon tho flames In tho creditable short space of threo minutes. Tho highly Inllarnmublo material of which tho window displays consisted, proved ready fuel for tho flro which In nn instant spread llko a flash through all tho windows between tho Court and LUMrtv.strcnt entrances. K Iff lit of tho largo plato glass windows had been shattered by tho heat whon tho depart ment arrived and within n very fow minutes tho blazo waj entirely extin guished. J'oter Qrobor, a member of the department, was denlod admission to tho storo by tho management. Ho carried a iJabcock oxtlngulshor with which ho intended fighting tho flro from within and preventing its furthersproad. Kolatlvuto criticism o( tho department by parties for throwing wator into tho Interior of tho storo, Chief Kckhart this morning said: "No wator, whatovor, reached the interior of tho aloro until the members ol tho department wero In terfered with in thoir work by bystandors. H. W. Hobnail, ono of tho forco of clerks, whllont work In tho upper part of 'tho building, becamoovorcomu by tho deuso smoke and required modical at tendance before being restorod. Tho flro was an unUrtunata and ex pensive disaster to tho very enterprising Urns ol Meyers ft Borm. lly tho excellent work ol tho department a serious coir Ihigratiou was narrowly averted. Had tho Humes penetrated tho thin partitions of tho display window (hoy would have found an Immense stock of dress goods and other iullammablu mutoriala and tho costly building but newly rebuilt would probably have boon guttod,il"Bpito thu.beat efforts of tho department. Thu While Corner has suspended Its retail triulu ponding un adjustment of thu loss. The Ilrm ol Joseph 'Meyers &. Hons suffers a uevero blow In' the de velopment of their trade In a new lo cation whluh they have lit tod up ru gardlens of oxponso. They iro entitled to tho sympathy ol the community In their untimely loss. K. 1.. t'ound of Aitmsvlllo was pro. bubly tho tlrst to see tho 11 ro start, as he stated In tho second window from the corner. A towel hanglutr. nour In- candescent caught from tho wire and that burned uud fell burning Into the tnasn ol materials below. ' The flre was exactly three months from the opening night. Meyers A Hons expect to havu another opening as soon as the lots can Ihi adjusted and stock replaued. Insurauod adjusters are at work today. Thu proprietors oxpruss thuiuselrea pleased with tho very prompt and ollluleut response of tho lire depart ment. The general opinion of all who six a tho llio in that n truluod metropolitan department could not have done bettor, UNFOHTUNATU STNANGCK COMBS TO HIS DEATH livKHin-r, Vn,, April. SO, Au un known man was found last night north of Marysvillo with hisfondiead crushed ami brains ooalug from n dtnip wound on the head. Thu man was alout -10 years old and wasiwell draed. Nothing by a way of IdMillloaUon was found. A i'ctitionTo"h LUIIRMAN'S PARDON Friends of J. 0. l.uhrinaii uro busy nlroulrttlug a Htltlou (or his pardon, and it Is uxptctod that it will soon bo lirwuuted to (lov. lUnr with tho alg uatureaol a largo number ol proiulunt and nKH)tal)lo oltlsons. MARION COUNTY PROBATE COURT J. A, Olvlun was today aivelutisl administrator of tho ftntu ul his de- Tribune Bicycles Mark Him standanl for ooHiparleon liiMoliii. TriliunoiUaHty stands unHriMiwl by any whvl in the world, u any battue uf thoir omi struotluu. Tribune lWarln; tribune Ovololt up ilUal tiprooket- Trllmno Pontinl For rk Uiqmiis. Trlbuuo Touahemyl 8tt)l tirauki. Iirtbun iMrtied HtMl nubs, Tiltmna Porks ami FranttM. All of these part an lis perfect tttoMtty and skill van pndiwA. u rununig UUt(Ni of tho whif I prov the olaims. F. A. wieeiNs Bicycles, Sewing (Machines and Supplies. Opposite Postofflc, Salem Oregon. ceased father, tho late Norman Glvlrin, who left an estate valued at $1000. Objections having been withdrawn by parties Interested, the final account of Henrietta Parrlsb, guardian of tho estate of N. O. Parrtab, an insane person, now deceased, was allowed and the balance of $710.44 belonging to tho estate was ordered turned over to the administrator. Qenoral Alejandrlno, a possible suc cessor of Agulnaldo has surrendered. Padro Agllpay, ex-Communicated Filipino priest, who preached the doctrine of Holy war against the Unltod Hta'tes, has also surrendered . HOUSES ON "MADE" GROUND Tho Ileon Thrr Teem With Malo rln and Noxloaa Gas. (food gravel ban so largely como Into request that innny suburban lands with that valuable substratum are quarried to a considerable depth be fore being sold on building' leases. But It Is essential to restore a level surface, an even Uio most speculative builder would hesitate to run up "neat villa residences" In deep holes. The owner fii-qnently sets over thlo difficulty by allowing urban refuse to bo shot Into tho excavation; In many cases he even exacts ft small sum for every load tilted on hla ground. Tlio surface ueing tnus levuieu, a cur ui ivvu uic ununcu iui the soil to sink and becomo compact. Occasionally grass Is sown to give a natural nppenrance to tho spot. All Is now In readiness for the build er, who proceeds to lay tho foundation for hlo "terraces," "avenues" and "gar dens," which ho subsequently adver tises as "on gravel hoII." Bo they are, but between their ground floors and the gravel lies a thick stratum of partially decomposed rubbish, teaming with malaria, and not for many years will tho deposits ceusc to give off noxious gases. Hut tho tenant, coming from a dif ferent locality, knows nothing of the "making" process to which the plot has been subjected. When, therefore, III health dogs IiIh family, he puts It down to defective dialnage or some other structural deficiency and spends money freely on remedial measures without tho least bcnetlt. All this misery might bo prevented If It were legally prohibited to build huiuuu habi tations on decomposed refuse until the Roll had acquired a wholesome char acter. Loudon Globe. The Time to Break the Itule. There Is an anecdoto In some volume of French theatrical memoirs narrating an experience of Mile. Clnlron, tho great tragic actress, with a pupil of hers, n glti of strong nntural gifts for the histrionic art, but far too frequent and too exuberant In her gcstlculutlou. Ho when the pupil was once to appear before tho public In a recitation Mile. Clnlron bound the girl's arms to her nldo by a stiff thread and sunt her thus upon the stage. With tho first strong feeling she had to express tho pupil tried to raise her nrnis, only to be restrained by the thread. A dozen times In the course of her recitation sha was prevented, from nuking the gestures she desired until at the very end she could stand It no longer, nnd In the climax of her emo tion she broke her bonds and swung her hands to her head. When she camo off the stage, she went humbly to whre Mile. Clnlron was standing In tho wings and apolo gized for having snapped the thread. "Hut you did quite right!" said the teacher. "That was the tlmu to make tho gosture, not buforel" tlrauder Mat thewa In IInrper,a,Magazlne. A Cktneie Mohr-ln-laT Slur?. "The lSxperleuci'U of a llrltlsh l'har maclst In China" wan the title of nn address by Mr. Frank Itrowue, who wits Introduced as the government ana lyst at Hongkong. As Illustrating the Ghlneso regard for ftllnl piety the lecturer told an Interest ing mother-in-law story. A man uud his wife maltreated tho husband's mother. As n punishment the scene of ths net was openly cursed, the active agents wero put to death, and the mother of the wife was hambooed, branded and ox lied for her daughter's grime, 'l'lie house In which the offend ers lived was dug up fiom the founda tions. Moreover, the Hcholars of thu district wero precluded from attending public examinations, and even tho magistrates wero deprived of their of tQ. Those druxtlt' measures were de signed to rtnWw the empire llllsl. Loudon News. The (looil Man's Jake, Two gentlemen of the cloth were standing on a corner the other day, Hvldontly they wero talking about ex tra servleea to bo huhl dining the week. "I anticipate a grout nwakenlng la my church." sold tho flrwt mwikcr, "My people never go to sleep," said the seooud. "Ah, there eiuin-s my ear," replied the tlrst, and the) priod company. Albany Journal Too Well tltimliij, "After nil." suggested the cheerful Olie, "It may tie a hlesslNg In disguise." "If so." returned the dlxgruntled one, "I may say that I never saw a more perfeot dUguWe "-Washington Tost Standard Rotary and White... slewing luavluues. We s) ma chines on Muy installments. Ute your old machine as ptt py, arid rent uew machine. Machine re. pAlrlHgtoo, We do ymir uiachiue imkvL or no ckarc. Needles, oils, and parts for all makes ulmashiuos. Rest uMli 6c a do.. vkypay40c We van lurnish yu with elieap usMl at 16 er 'JOe a dei, but Utey're not worth Uk-luUewe. irxrzs&sm&ZZ-t-' irrf as& STOCKS GO CRAZY ON NEW YORK MARKET Most Terrible Rush Trade Circles. Ever Known in Heaviest Hour's Busluess Ever Re corded in American Stock Markets. Ne- York, April 80. The resistless tide of buying orders was poured Into the stock market at opening this morn ing, marking an additional stage in the progress of the speculative craze which seems to have rushed upon the Ameri can people. Thousand share blocks seemed to bo the normal unit of business and they ran up from that to 5000 and 0000 sharo blocks. Alter a violent congestion at tho open ing, dealings continued on an enormous scale, and the price movement was violently erratic. Dealings In tho first hour wero far In excess ot any single nonrs uubhicm. i ,,, U(0 hutor of tha Neff York market BRITISH TAXES ARE HITTING HARD Tories Ridicule Sugar Tax. the Protest Aealnst Salvation of the Masses Does Not Lie In Jam and Marmalade. New York. April 30 A dispatch to the Tribute from London says: Tne shipping and many Industries are sottl Ing down to tho conviction that only concession which can bo oxpected from the treasury ia the oxomptlon of the contracts lor a short period from the export duties on coal, and can did men among thorn are beginning to admit that agitation has beon pitched too high and that tho mines will not be closed or ships drivon from the sea by the uew methods of taxation. Contractors now assort that foreign natives, like tho French will bo forced to pay the export duty on Welsh steam coal and that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's forecast that tho tax will fall upon the foreigler may be fulfilled in tho course of time. Liberal protests against sugar duties have been met by Tory ridicule of tho old-time Gladstone doctrino that the salvation of tho industrial and agrluul tural classes lay in cheap inarmalado and Jam. The Chancellor's hold tion Tory affections is increased when proof is offered that ho is running counter to Uladstouian principle. NOT PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE NEWS His Hmiuenco won the Kontucky Derby. Tho contract was let for tho Juneau Bkaguay cable. ISoycott-iti declared against moral cru saders in Astoria. General 'lino, Hlipino leader in Abra Province, has surrendered. Troops will uot bo withdrawn from China until tho indemnity question is settled, Joseph K, Widener, of Philadelphia, who was dangerously Injured Saturday by th'e overturning of a tally-ho coach, will recover. O. P. Austin, bureau of statistics, Treasury Department, sails for Ktuone today to collect statistics on the foreign commerce of Europe, The National Steel Company will soon remove Its olllce from Now York to Youugstown, O., where lis most impor tant plant U situated. At Seattle revenue olllcer seized in various hotels, restaurauts and saloons upwards of 150 eases of Imports! wines for alleged violations revenue laws. At the War Department efforts are be ing mado to have the reorganized stand ing army fully otllcered aud equipped and enllsUMl to the strength ol 75,000 by August 1, At Manila, trial of Captain J as. C. Iteed, ox-Depot Commistlonary, charged with soliciting and receiving bribes and with other olllcial misconduct, Is being fiercely contested, An extensive nihilist plot has bceu discovered in Kussia-1'ohunl. Six hundred arrests were made, of which number two hundred were transported to the Warsaw citadel. Dtsfatss Csisot It CurM by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased porliou of timers. There Is only ono way to cure deoear at aud that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by au liitlamed con dition ot the tnucou lining of the Eustachian Tule When (his tube Is ullamed you have a rumbli tig sound or mperioci ncariug, ami when it is entirely dosed dealuess is the result. aud uuleas the iiituiumalion oan be taken out and tnts tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will 1m destroyed forever; niue cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but au IndaineU condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ot ttoaliiet (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curt-. Send for circulars, free, F. J, OIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c Hall's Family Pills are the lest. Correspondeut wanted in every olty town and villages in America. Newspa war aud other work. Experienced and tlou, New York. Hood remuneration. Inexperienced, wanted. For particu. News aud stortastlulletia Piws A'! Urs address Ths 1 Id if Uring your lawn mowers togklppA Hauaor and have them sharivui.! . ovcrhau kwtkeiprtngseaaoti, 3-4 U, pihsONALS f, j. 0. JohuBOtl has returned to Jeffer son. William Spauldlng has returned from Portland, W. G. Allen, of the Allen Canning A Evaporating plant, is in Eugene. Ray Goodhue has gone to Lyons to manage the Geo. Goodhus crea"mery. Carey F. Martin has returned from Seattle, where he went on legal busi ness. Mrs. J.H.Lunn will return Friday afternoon from an extended visit in California. B. B. Uerrick, county survoyor, has rntumed from Gervais, where be has been surveying a new road. Hon. W. U. Hobson camo down from Stayton today en route for Sumpter. He goes to Portland this evening. M. Kllngerreturned today from Wood- burn. Today ia the last tiay mat ww will have a licensed ealoon for a year ai least, the newly-elected temperance administration enteriug upon us amies Wednesday. J. Forbifl of Woodburn is a Salem visitor today. Ho says the saloonmen are to blamo that the town has gone dry. Ono or two well regulated saloons they could get along with, but not four tlio way they were run. TRIBUTE TO A HUMBLE WORKER How a Poor Minister Helped a Marion County Town. How He Built up One Little Country Church. Oeml fiUr. ltev. Broulllettennd family of the first Presbyterian cliu rch left Tuesday for their futurohomo at Nowhere, Oregon. Thoir household effect procodod theraMono'ay. Rov. Broulllettfc and family has beon atnnntf us five and ono-hall years. The fm" . "r.r:r S! u,e town, his salary of something like tcooavear was Entirely spent among us and by his children a largo sum was . ,iroun tn tlwi ntihllc school fund. Dur ing this time the church has Increased wonderfully in membership and the as instrumental in adding 1)4 persons to tho membership In his several places of worship. Tho church building and parsonage have been greatly Improved, largely at his own expense. Mrs. Urouilletto haa bson an actlvo worker in church affairs and has dono much valuable and con soieutous service in all branches of the church work, and Is for tho second time President of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbytery, of Oregon. WhstShsllwe llsvefor Destrtr This question arises In the family every day. Let us answer It today. Try Jell-O, a delicious nnd henlthful dessert. Prepared In two nilnuteu. No boiling! no baklngl simply atld boiling water aud set to cool. Fla Fla eors: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry nnd 3trawbcrry. Get a package at your grocers today. 10 cts. Notice All bills presented on tho first of tho mouth I will pay 100 cents on tho dol lar. After that only 30 cents on the dollar. I want to pay all my bills on the first so my friends can go to the Capital lunch Counter aad et one ol those tijusre meals lor 20 cents. Dili, Andeusox. The New Broom Sweeps Clean. A large lot ol new brooms just received from the largest factory in iho country A first-class broom, cheapest in the city quality conBldored.Hraneon it Ragan. Take your wheel to Shlpp Sc llausei aud have it cleaned or repaired. Riding season Is almost here. 3-4 tf. Weather Report Tonight and Wednesday partly cloudy, with probably light showers Wednes day. Wheat Market, Wan FaANcisoo, April 30. Cashf, 1 00 Cuicaqo, Ill.,Aprll 30 May. 73;. GOLD DUST FLOUR MAUI BY The Sidney Power Co, SIONKV ORIXION" Made for family use, ask your grocers for it, Hran and shorts always on hand. UAaTn Agent TURKISH BATHS WILLAMETTE HOTEL KMray Notice. Nrtlr u bily ln Uut I hue uVu up 4 IraikMiuiUl the blluM lug tlwertW J talatal fouo.1 muibx t Urrtv witblatb l"uy of S Um, t-wit Onturl hofe It btudi hUh. while rnilw In Itt tv wkltt fel, vrtgttt, VMH, h U round TUuwMrof ik! aulHitl cu bai tU4w bjf ivruftB( tnrtir aad parlag ih KI ear(ad ativauxef taklagrap aad kvefdag, W . and IndsUulttfwwul ft nr df, 1 WU pwxwt t Um aald aainal at pattlic aa ten a vvyWM la ufdiaaaw .Va. AjO f tb aforwuld aiu. IM1 SaWM.Afkril M,.IN(. D.W QllWO.V. QltT Mir.hu. Esuay Notice, aad UafwadM h WlawtBK drttNd aalnul WKtnMiBUtatUr wiutln ikf Mf r s Oat torn! mar, is kiadi h,h. a dim nc u, RHtanad. ttttid all leuad, walfht WW. TUowmBlaMaaiUMl MB feat tU ae bf rrfta ptvrij aad wl xk Im.) fcarj. aa.1 txfmt af uta w 41j k JT, te, aud (a dUuli Urvt to, h, .u V7?, It W.UIMON. Utj Uajtkl. Friedman's Big Clothing Sale Is a Cracker Jack and No Mistake And no wonder for lie is selling a coat, vest and pants for $1.00, well worth $5.00. And the $4.00 Suits are just going like hot slapjacks. The $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 suits are the biggest bargains ever offered in Salem or any other place. Hats and Caps at prices that beat all. Come early and save cash, to FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET Cor. State and Commercial Sts.. Salem Ore. Great Reduction Sale Having purchased a choice dry-goods stock at 65c on fin!.!- i win pive mv customers the benefit of mv the purchases, by disposing of the reductonsTrom regmai win-ca. Large size bed spreads, well worth $1 00, now 75c. Marseilles bedspreads, well worth $2.75, now $1.85. Lace Curtains, well worth $1.25 a pr. now 85c a pr. A few pieces silks in bright colors, worth 50c a yard, now 28c a yard. Lawns and calicoes now 4c a yard. PArr sifts a vnrd wide only 7 l'2c a yard. Ginghams, the Zephyr brand, worth 12 l-2c, our price a yard. Tahifi linen, all mire linen, for 25c a yard. 9c Corsets, the 50c ones for 38c, the 75c ones for 60c, the $1 25 ones for 75c. Also any corset in the store, size 18 for 40c. ,, Dimities, dainty patterns worth 12 l-2c yard for 7 1-2 cents a yard. DlmTt S. the 25c to 35c Dimities for 12 l2c per yard that is regular 20c goods and these are all this spring's styles and patterns. An assortment of spool silk. 100 yards, 4c each. An assortment of spool twist, 10 yards, lc-each. Thimbles lc each, any of the skirt bindings 4c a yard. Velvet baby ribbon, the best quality, 25c a bolt. Fleischer knitting yarn worth 30c for 20c a hank. Ribbons, laces and embroideries at 65c on the dollar. Silk veilings 8c per yard. Dress bindings, brush or corduroy 4c yard. Ladies' fast black hose regular 15c now 10c a pair. Green baum's Dry Good Store First door south of Post Office. SEED We have n cholco lot of field Becd corn, of the following varieties, which wo nro Helling at 3jij conta per pound. KING PHILIP, PRIDE OF THE NORTH, EARLY CANADA FLINT, EARLY WHITE FLINT. CHAMPION WHITE PEARL, EARLY WHITE DENT, WHITE CAP DENT. EARLY LEAMING. Wo gut teBtlmoniulB every day from our patrons, who planted our Beed corn Inst Ewieon, It is tho best in thu market, and the bent is always tho cheapest. Romomber that wo do not soil cheap seed but wo sell moio good seed for the money than you can buy anywhere else. : : : SAVAGE & REID Seedmen, Salem, Oregon. The Crystal Ice Works Creamery Co. ? A new and modern creamery is oponed in connection with tho Crystal Ice WorkB ut Corner 10th and Stato Streets, whero all the prodncta of a first-class creamery will be kept. When you are in need of pure, sweet cream, ice cream orm T t,cl8f rtielo in tho butter lino, be sure and giro us n call. Also butter milk dollmed to ai.y part of the city. J. IDAGUIRE, niOR- Telepliono 2071 Main. BOCK BEER The Capital Brewery's famous on i. alight in all Nook will Salem and country miUxmu on aud alter APRIL 6, 1901 Try it aud lo happy. It's the uw vTwr uirneii out. We also put up our Bock hW u, lxittl i. Klinger 4 Beck Phone No, 2131. SEED CORN We have a complete stock; ol all the well-known aneties, Includinu Early ivfJJfonTollow lhiXxX Ear,v Orepon UitteDent, Early Iaminu Pride of Uie North, Champlou White Pearl Early Canadian Flint, King Philip Flint Mowella EverKreen Sweet Fodder, etc. Prices f row 3c a pound upw ards. BREWSTER & WHITE FEEDMEN AND SEEDSMEN P boat 1781. goods, at the same average grades for 18c a yard. CORN New Arrivals Of fine goods are a common occurence at our grocery. Inferior food products are never cheap, no matter how low priced. All our lines have the true cheapness of prime quality. Stapls and fancy: green, dry and liquid; domestic and Imported, It's all the same: oar storo Is the place to do fine tilings for yourself, M T, Rineman 132 State Street Pnoae 13 Dr C. T. Knowlton The eye spU!lst,from Sao Fraaclsco bJ Pb ti aa office for two weeks la tbcEMrldse Bide-, over Post Otflce. Toose havlaf defective vUloa htijache and nervous troutles sbouU Imtrove the oeportualty to have ihetr cases (JUgaosed ty a comteteat specUltst. Contultatloa free. 91 Com st" J Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. 4-15 iw