The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 30, 1901, Image 2

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jilj ijjte8ihi h tfrfrJiiftnMjfltmip'aiiv if
ifi-i.iMiMii iim. nHWira ml nil )m liia i M
,, , ii- ! i " 'Ja" """llllir ' "' 7
-m -r . . ----- i arm 'nfitmfl wwifr"-1
Neves thatk Die
Fr lack ojfjjpurishmcnt are justadwdas though dicy; were
(mSItUftlci&fe.' In eftfTcrTcase the base of supplies has
WettJ mtetfered with. Nerves that need nourishing make their
wwtts known through headache, backache, lots of appetite, indi
gtion, fluttering oT the heart, irritability, sleeplessness; aiul gen
cod weakness. Feed the hungry nerves, build tljciy yp and-
.midcc'thcm strong and vigorous, full of vim, vitality an.d power,
with, the great nerve food and tonic, Drilescryine.
r '- ' My dcxvc became bo TrcafTand run-down frtfm tho
effects of an old wound that I became paralrred i P
I fectly helpless, fflno years of my life wMjASMd In an
, Invalid chafr, and during that time I endured io most .
' -- Intemw Buffering. "Wben I coimucnced taWDgDrIHw
Kerrlne it seemed to giro me Instant relief, and Ja a few: -
weeks I was able to be m and about once more.
E. J. Penman, Garden City, Kans.
D. Miles' Nervine
quiet tho nervous Irritation, .tlmnlates the jUmgUca
and fills the blood with Just tha rpnrWimcn needed for .
weak and run-down conditions. Give It a trial.
Sold to druggets on guarantee. Db. Mnxs Mbdioaj; Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Lonely Homes
A hwaa U new complete without chlldVtn.
Yl nuny fconwl arc MUttttt. Mny wlvsa are
dtioUU for U lack ef child lo km. Their
Uyts art alrrJeii void of the hljh motives of
nwtherhood. Wills barrtnatn Ii eauuns; Inul
euUbU uiaut end lorrow, It cxlitt In moit
cut on secetmtof son llttit fmal trouble,
whkh Was of CsnM would .pccdlly tt rljM.
Thla wr Wins rsguUUa th oWdcr d ftnult
crtMU by bulldiiit- op th worn out name uA
rtfulttlaj thi mtaatnul flow. It rtitor u ths
hiitm womb to IU proper pl. Dy atrtnjuv
ln$ ths generative orjan. It inIm prea
Kwicy poilbU whr berrtaneia cxliU. You
cm dfpend en
Satiating women ll over the land have been
Ipendb on It for aeventy.flve yesre. No
mora tonvlncln proof can be given than the
luUmony of Mn.Benion, whole only one of
iiixiuJi of wamtn la whom Wine of Ctrdul
Km ferousht pemsntnl cure. Heay eaaea of ttitunU$t-UM uouwe
vrfdsh robe motheri 6f their hopee-fuvt been avoided by timely uu ( the
Wine. You arc wked to try Wine of Carod end Thtdford a Bleck.Drau,ht,
IU companion medicine. Nine out pf ten Miei ol femele trouble, berren.
mji Included, yield to them. All drujjliti eell Sl.00 bottlei of Wine of Cerdol.
yunatrroon, Arc , jni i, iw.
Lr hatrntUK iuivv eviii" e w -..- .-.... -- - ." ...
S"we,,wlu,,,,m nw,,"rn mSI'sIab riiMdoK
PDBLlCORALSa jbw to o fior Worn9n
- Wltnn OootOPS Fall
Can SeeINo Wrone fn Takln? What . ,.
Hirnii Mit-F!irrr"-,,,-,y' T IT8W Bladly 'would mc' fly toirt
Ills Excuse Is, That tae Chief Clerk
insisted On It.
fib 'Necessity for'a llowl About It -He
Drew ihe'Money and Spent It.
The Salem cotntpmAml ol the Ore
goulan In an article un the expenses of
the lait leiitature, has the folUmiug!
"Ilnvinon of tho eennto Journal oMt
flOO. and thoeatno nork in the Iioum-
cojt 1070. Hiteaker L. JJ. Ilwler drew'
1160 for helping to correct the houeo
journal, and spenl.all hia time in
Cnllfornla while tho work wns yol"K
on." Mr. Hclr was aked by Hi"
Bist Oreonlan rcKartlln the matter
ami laid: "I pay it no aiUjntlctn, 1
am only human, and did Juet what
otbpra would liavodono hail they ben
In my iwBllion. 'i did not want my
name Included in the reolntton, hut
the chief clork inilated on It. Therein
no U8o now for anyone to make a howl
about it. I drew the monoy and have
spent it."
DUoonrasU- (he Book Aatt,
"Oot books?" napped the diminutive
gniard at the threshold of tho big ofljee.
"Yes, young man; I have booka," r
sponded the woman with the portfolio.
"Just stop aside. I'm going In to seo
your employer."
"Afore yer roes," snld the boy, still
covering the sill, "I wants to tell yer
dnt dc boss Jtiat upset his Ink. He ain't
In no lovln mood "
"Oh, he will listen to my demonstra
tion." "Maybo he will, but I wants to tell
yrr rtnt ho Just got a telephone call sny
In dnt burglnrs had carried off de walu
hi of his house."
'Htlll I"-
"Den do news Just enme dat his trot
ter run away an smashed up de trap an
"That Is very bad, but"
"Just nforo yer como a young fellar
rushes In an tells du boss dat his naph
tha launch hns been fired by tramps."
"I sympathize with hlra, and may
bo" "Do boss goes to look at his watch an
finds de mainspring broken."
"Oracloust Hut"
"Den conies do news dat S an Z stock
has dropped 20 points. I)e boss finds
dnt mice has gnawed up his new Insur
nnco calendnr. I)e gluo upsets on a
thousand stamps."
"Torrlblol Vet"
"Hut waltl Just ns you comes up
stairs do boss asks over du telephono
whether It's n boy or girl. Bomebodj
saya twins and"
Hut tho book ngont hnd vanlshctf.
Tho boss enmo out and patted tho boy
on tho head.
"Patsy, you nro n brlckl Tako tho
rest of the nftcrnoon off. Hero's faro
to Lincoln park." Chlcngo News.
r i a. u L.a sh1w -wi sm
man's am auw mvj mui. uuun-." -'
woman's feollngs, triaU, Bensibllltica,
and peculiar organic cuMuroanccs.
Tlioc things are known only to
women, and the aid a man would giro
la not at his command.
To treat a case properly it Is neces
sary to know all about it, and full
information, many times, cannot bo
eiven by n, woman to hor family pny
sieian. She cannot bflnff herstB to
toll 57erytbinKl nad the physician is
. o.
It Would Like to See a-Corbett Boom
Started Early.
Its Idea of the Purpose of Organlzlne
Republican Clubs. ,
Still Tliey Come, i Sjtili: Tliey Go'South
Rambler Blcycles'sre Leiaeri. There niul le mat
ltM ThtrelJ. OurwheeUsrerliht. Ourpollcv
bin Jwilie llaes sad finish aake the: :
3L & o a.
and East
Pacific- -Cor
Trains leave Salem for Portland and way
PstHtIonsafr6:40a. m. , 7:51 a, m. and1"
4:68 p. m.
at a constant disadvantage. This U
why, for the past twenty-five years,
thousands of women have been con
fiding their troubles to us. and our
ndrico has brought happiness and
health to countless women in the U.S.
Mrs. Chnppell, of Grant Park, 111.,
whose portrait wo publish, advises all
suffering women to use .Lydla E. Pink
hom'ft vegetable Compound, aa it
cured her of intlnmmatlon of the ovaries
and womb; she, therefore, speakafrom
Icnowledgo. and her experience ought
to give others confidence. Address Mrs.
Plnkhatu's Laboratory, Lynn, Mass.
Columbia Bicycle Given Away
Tuesday, Evening, April 30
Don't Forget to Call and Let us Tell You
How you May Procure this $50 wheel.
Remember Only pne More Day. a. a.
; .W. JOHNSON Si .CO..
Tho People's Clothlori. and Furnlaheri J7 Coiiunerrlal 8t. Paloin.
1 tubbuaV. apuil aoTwii T
Dally Ons Voar. a.OO InAUvano
Daily Four Month l In Advanoa
Duy,by, Cirrinr oo ' M0"')
ko president has ever vliltod Kaiteru
Washlnuton. Mwto than !f0. years ao
lnwidoat Hayoa eamo to 'Oregon, and
oxtaaded his Journey to tU Intrder ol
tko Inland Umpire. trvn)liM Irom Tort
)nd to Tho l)all by stealer.
3'resldoot llarrlsou wasul hero lu
April, ton yus ao, but h(s Itinerary
oUttd theeastorn wollon bj this slite.
I'flsWsnt Hayes traveled Injm Bau Fiau
cSpo to PorUsud by steamer, but 1W
d"t llsnlwn mado the overland
Jwrnoy, On tho occasion . pf his visit
Governor Pennoyer Mulled national
uiiorlety by relualnst to send a deltas
tlw to welcome the president to Oietpm.
orlhelets Urn trip up th atata ai a
iffinnlld ovation. '
jfhe presidential party eider! Port
land under weoplntcakles and the rain
otiniiUdluterferred wll the uroet
iwEi at Tacoina and Beatjilo, At all
ts places tlia president -poVo In a
dwelling rainstorm, -at Tseoma lie
fatlomly referred to previous visit
ijivMn before, whon tho reat.suow
IHsaks of Uio OascAdo rame were obscured
bJftmoka from forest tirea, roiuarklng
ttet ho must again Uk tltelr) preieueo
aUvenHWts of tha ploneorf,
arid tho growth of tho American mur
chant msrlno.
Jteuritng a rortlsnd, the party went,
ctovr tlioO. U. AN,, tho president
speakltiK at Pendleton, linker City and
a fuw olliV fijiaees.
'V- mm-mm-
. . . ,h
Etiarsts rear luiviit'Micrunnii.
Ocndr Okltisrtlo. cur. eotiilliMtlon (ur.r.
J,B9. OvOiC7.iu,crutjtrfBaaiEtfntx
rirmt DrsnlRS to m IlobJl Fair.
"Tho most remarkablo draw I ever
saw made at poker wua In a Chicago
club onu nlfiht," said a Chicago man.
"Thoro woro Ave of us In a little social
gnmo, with a limit of $35 and all Jack
pots. A frlund of mmu whom I will
call Jones was dcallnr. I wns first un
der tho guns and passed, ns did also
thu two men sitting next. The fifth
man we will say his name wss Drown
-oiiuned thu pot for $3. Jones didn't
have tho shadow of n thing In his
hands, but he raised Ilrown ?1Q, In
tending to stsud pat uud bluff It out.
Ilrown had thres aces, and ho came
back at Jones with S10 batter.
"Now, Instead of laying down, as a
wist man should In a case like that,
Jones determined to so. It through. He
knew, of course, that It would be use
less to try to bluff, so he drew three
curds to a king and queen of spades.
Ilrown had drawn two cards to his
sees and had got a small pnlr. As a
bait he led off the tatting with 15.
Jonrs hadn't looked at hts hand until
Ilrown bst, and when he picked up his
cards he almost fell dead. Ho had
drawn an ace, Jack and ten of spades,
making a royal Hush They raised each
other back and forth until ouo or the
other hsd all his money In, and when
the hands were shown the game broke
up right there."-Vaahlngton Post
Warren ClllUirt has left for Now York,
and thenoo will sail (or lCumm about
tho middle ol May. It Is hli Intention
to sjiend six mouths or a year abroad
studying lu thu art suhools ol I-oiulon
and Paris, lu this ay he hopes to tit
hlmivll lor a plaeo In tho very (rout
rank of his profosslou. - ,
ailbortfrjroiK Ittp,' well mider
tho 'J6-year mark, and has chiefly made
his reputation, sluoo h has Uhui a mow
ber ol tlje lVst staff, lie. has i Indi
viduality peculiarly lid own. Nobody
sees a tiling precisely aa he does. While
an exceedingly o)ver portrait artist, ho
Is at the Nuua.llmo'a earlmturtst a
very uuuiual combination. I'ew men
ean get more groleMine humor (mo a
small ipftd I bau b. HVittiout e.inMiJi
effort many ol Ids drawings fairly Irra
dlata humor. For mouths pait he has
leeu devotiug himself to a dajly stort
lug cartoon. No other apiV In tho
country has had anything Jiul like
Utem, and few features ol the 1'ost hae
apiHJslivl to a wider rauge ol readers.
"Uil's" aMoolatos wish him a pleas
ant and prodtauJa tnp abroad and a safe
return to the vteleamlug arms of his
Western oouitltuvuoy, who will sadly
miss htm while he's gone. Peuer
"CCC" onjvery Tablet.
- liver) taVfct of Caiioansts Candy
Catharjlo boar the famoui Q. Cw.C.
Never toluVm bulk. Iook (or it ami
vBoccpt no othbr. BcrWstrc of fraud.
AU tlruKuUt, too, j
1 TbtrtlssCUttof I'rotU
W he Up Injured by the use of cotTee.
itpcenlly iiiero has Wen phiced In all
tlie grocery stores a new preparation
callwl nilAVNO. made of pure
grains, that tukes the plaee of coffee.
The most dellento stomaeh receives
It without dlatrww, and but few can
tell It from coffee, it doM not cost
uvir V, as muolt Children may drluk
It with great Wnenl. 1ft cts. uud m
elH, per (atekage 'IVy It Ask for
Tho now White Corner is the black"
corner this morning.
He a A
Tho oorruptlonlat of one party Is al
ways nppreointodly tho bonaos of the
t A ft
Tho thumb reveals character oopect-
ally when It thumbs other peoples'
Thu people, of Balem are not unite
ready to have their Klro Department of
thu Kola pattern.
'A 6
Tho Oiogonlnn roally novor tackles a
subject It knows anything alout until It
dleouaeca religion.
A groat many peoplo aro deeply inter
I'Hted In what the Cospor heirs will get
unto! tho pilbert Uank.
A 4ft
Orogou Iiuh tho honor, or other wise, ol
having a IIhIi commissioner uud flah
waiden whoso duties aro the same.
This puums to bo thoageof small,
cheap and nuitv politiclann. Look at
e a o
A Klbin man who can keep three
oranges in the air while driving an ex
press wnKon in a crowded struct, list
married his third wife.
RpeaUlug ol bnnku, Harney Pompolly
nays- "I can keep all I've got In my
pocket." liolualeo quoted as Buying:
'I never not so full but what I can lay
A Halftiu youth with a dove-llko voice
and a lllmy mould-like down on hts up
per lip gets oil this double-headed pun,
and ho knews: "11 you're not in soci
fly ydu're not In it."
Jo. Meyers dusones credit for nerve.
Tliuy wero Interrupted ut tho play laat
night by tho lire that laid their beauti
ful new store lu ruins. Alter seeing thu
wreck they coolly eamu laok and sat out
tho play,
Au old-time woddlug uotico ended
thus: 'They took uisHt)ge for Kola on
thu wean liner HhooFly-l)on't-liother-Me,
with Captain Kd. Dove at the
wheel, where the bride's family once
moved In thu highest society.
A late Kugeiio pnpor has the pictures
of Senators Kuykondall attd liooth. It
tells how they saved the state vast sums
In tho matter of clerk hire and how they
inauaiml the senatorial victory. The
same paiwr te(,( Mr.llemenuway's in
tention to remain in Lane eouuly, but
strangely doeeu't have a word about
Dfsfaos Csaaot t Curf4
by loenl nppJJtatioMi at they eanuot
rMoh the dntuuied Hirtten of time,
There U only one way to wire deeear al
and that u by owstitHtional nuHediefi
IHtatnesa is eeuiel by an lullamad eon
dltton ol the mucous lining of thu
Kuitaehiait rul When tbie tulte Is
utliontHl )m hate a inwU iig bohiuIck
mperlect hearing, and wlieu it Is
eullrtdy etueeti dealneit Is the result.
and unless the tullamiwatioH can Ins
taktm out and litis lube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing will bo
deelmvikl forever t utue ea out ol ten
aro csuhhI by Catarrh, which is nothing
but au luinumM condition ol two mueous
We will give One Hundred Dollar fo
any ease o( lvalue (eaused uy eatarri
that eaaaot to ourtM by Hall's Catarrh
Cur,., bend for eirvulars, free.
P.J OIll&KYO)., Toledo.
Hold by Urutrgiit. 76c
'Hall's Patutly PUtt ate the u
opqtj Violation of
Strange Example of Lecturer In an
Educational Institution.
Albany Demoorat, ApillSd: I)r, J, I..
1 1 ill has begun the erection of au addi
tion to his brluk block on First street, a
plsuafor sheptng rooms lor the hotel
adjoining. Itelug within the tire limits
he revolted notice to discontinue, Ac
cording toaustom heretofore established
in Albany the work continued This
forouooua wairaut was usued for the
arrest ol the doctor and fmir carpenters
working ou the place, and they were
taken More Recorder Van Winkle, ami
their hearing set' for, toniormw si S
o'clock p. ih., wheH they returned ami
contiaiied work on the building.
Iter auoiher warraut was iieueil up.
ou eotuplatHt of Chief Kagineer Stewart
and Dr. lltll. A K lUoota. K. K. Wag
staff, Kar Kropp ami F. II, Hankius
I were again uImm before the rvHtnler ami
3 o'clock towortow set lor their hearing.
Tho men returned lo their work and the
eh lei engineer begau arrangements (or
tho iituiNgol another warrau . it looked
ery mueli as II It wenkl eoiittuue.
The budding is 10x18 feet, partly a
atruature being rebuilt, ami the Doctor
saya he will aomplete It wltfertMtt eornig.
aled Iron roof and sides.
Take your wheel te ShiM, A
and nave it eleaaed orrejulrtti.
seasoH Is almost here.
a, xd v o art. x a .
Ti.,. c.Iaiii Jiinrnah One ol II.
Corbeti'a personal oritans, Is out with a
denisl ol the story which hns been going
the rounds of the re ol the state to
the effect that Portlands' old man will
u . .M..i,lMte for United States Sena
torial honors two years hence. Accord
Ingtothe report published here ar.d
e1sewh'n, it i the Intention of Mr.
Corbett to orpanie olitlcal clubs in
overy toan in Oregon, and In this man
ner create a Corbett sentiment that
nobilog could eet a'lde, I.Ike a good
dog, The Joca.f ki. denies all this, but In
such a manner as toleave some doubt aa
to Its (incerity In the same editorial
The Joirnal take occasion to olfer Mr.
Corbett a little fatherly advice, telling
him that he should not attempt to swing
the party his way. but that he should
follow the party until It should be
unanimotisfor something like that)ln Its
determination to honor him with a seat
in ,i.. cunain. In view of the fact that
Mr. Corbelt is now nearly 75 year of age,
the siiMtektion that he wait some more
sounds like ssreasm. Better Btart the
clubs. Mr. Corbett; you'll get quicker
IIakkb Cuv, April 30. (Special to tho
Journal.) Uig majority in mcai eiecunu
todny favoring Municipal Ownership of
Public Utilities Kdward Kverett
'ihe Evening Kepublican and Morning
Democrat Iwth made a good campaign
for Municipal ownership. The election
carries the iguano ol ilOO.OOO bonds
About the New Catarrh Cure.
The new Catarrh Cure Is a new de
mrturu in so called catarrh cures be
cause It actually cures, and it la not
simply a temporary relief.
Tho new Catarrh Curo is not a salve,
ointment, powder nor liquid, but a
pleaaant tablet containing tho host
specifics (or catarrh in a concentrated,
convenient form.
The old style ol catarrh salves and
ointments are greasy, dirty and incon
venient at tho best; thu new preparation
being in tablet form is always clean and
Tho new Catarrh Curo Is 8Uerior to
Catarrh powders because it is a uotorious
fact that many catarrh powders contain
The now Catarrh Cure is called .Stuart's
Catarrh Tablets, a wholctomo combina
tion of blood root, beach wood tar,
guaincol and other antiseptics, and cures
by its action upon the blood and mucus
membrnnu, the only rational treatment
(or catarrhal trouble.
You de not have to draw upon your
Imagination to discover whether you aro
getting bonellt from Stuart's Catarrh
Tuolols; ;niproeniuius ami relict are
apparent from the (hit tablet taken.
All druggirts sell and recommend
them, Thoy con but 50 cents (or (nil
sized packages, and any catarrh sufferer
who has wasted lime and money on
sprays, salvos and xvsdern. will ap
preciate to tho full merit of btuart's
Catarrh Tablets. 4 30 rJ 4
The Vancouver and Salem bank
failures, each canning large loares to
doKsltors, will not make surrounding
communities lose continence in banks In
general, Hankers aru human aud In
boom times are as liable as thu average
citizen to make miscalculations. That
caused Uio downfall ol thu Vancouver
Lank with the attendant tragedy aud
losses to doposltorB. l'.ugeno Guard.
ici, mil u isn't likely iliaiuny more
collections will bo taken among the
school children for banking purposes
until these deposits are mado good.
Thoro ought to 1m ououuh religion,
morality and common honesty at Salem
to sec them whole.
-rue i- vris FAVORITE
j"s"rciHiiiisr$5(rj 'Sir
UdlC.adC.nt,' - ' -4 Ladles' ndCts'
' ... t-niUfl arcnnii w
lUaillUn rPAilt jv.vv.
DON'T "SLUFF" of vonr money on
their riders.
ONKOWNS " Pny a rollablo wiieei
Leva, a vjw. "---". .t ...! .. l.rt 11.111 nrOllJCt
from a reliable concern who is In business is innnins n jeur u..-. - .
whopIc cnid on casv oavments. Your
old wheel taken In trade. A full line
bicycle sundries, tires etc.atrleht prices
5 Shipp & Hauser
358 Commercial Street.
n.,.- Mltiil WemveaeomeUteretalrshoplneonaettlM i an J are crtfsrtd to do all
Bear 111 nulla Kiads or Blcycli repair work Lawn mowers shirrened.
New Food Preparations
OltAlN.O.thenewlcddrln'kJs'aaubstitiitefor coffee that cither children
or adults may use without Imrmlnl effects. ..!,
For dessert try JELL-O. It can bo prepared in a (ew minutes and in ariou
flavors. Only 10 n package.
Harritt & Lawrence
ntn postofhcb oit'irppv
Tire repairs cost more than Tires.
yjw2$iu nnd snve thc exPcn5e
iBB Fitcnyrim. No cement required.
Every puncture don't mean
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0.
Snell Yale Cycle Co., Distributorstt'SPortland, Or.
s.M a ff Pio trto
12 MAM : !" i
V .w Ak
l.V Ilrtlna.
l.T Wmr..
Ar AthtsDtt .
km a.nrn..nln
Ar BU PTweetvo-.- . 7 T 31 8 41A
A? Bcurcr -" a M ij.n a w
Af Knw. CUT 7!W A M lit, A J
Ar Ohlfyo 7 42A it 8:jn a y
aTLw An?ol.w ioj Pit 8i a M
Ar Kl Paw J-ro J' ' Jw P m
Ar Fort Wonn. e so a M Ho a m
Ar City or Mexico 11 30 A M ll-vu A $
Ar Houston 7, J A M roo , vj
Ar Saw Orleaiw flja 1' M 6t3) p jj
Ar WMbluKton 6 4i AM 0: r a v.
Ar New York U.10 !' M lXlo p
fullman and Tourists cars mi CotTi
trains. Chair cars Bncrtimento lo Ogdoi,
and El Pa"o, and tourist cars lo Chicago,
St. Louis. New Orleans and WpaLIn.irton.
ConuecilnK at Kan rnndleco with to
oral Btenraflhip lines for Honnlnbt.
Japan, Ohlna, rhilippluea, Central nn
Bouth Amorlca.
See neent at Hnle station, or address""
O. U. MARKHAM, (1. l A
Portland, Orevi
In a word tbls tells ot
the Passcntcr Servlci
"The Best of
The North-western Line
8 Traina dully between St. I'ntil
and Uhicngo comprlalni; tho latent
Pullman Weepers, Peerless Dining Uais,
Library and Observation Cms,
Free Reclining Chair Curs.
The 20th Century Train -'THE NORTH WEST
ERN LIMITED" Runs every day of the year,
Finest Train . Eitnc uihte
in the World s,Mm lltui-
To Chicago By Daylight
The Iladger State LxpreoB,
the nnest Day Train running
beta cen -t.Paul and Chicago
Via tho Short Lino. Connec
tions from tho West mado via
Tho Northern Pacific, Great
Northern, Canadian Pacific
This is also tho best lino between
Omaha, bt. Paul and Minneapolis.
All Areata sell tickets Vis
"The North-wejtern line.".'
". T A
neb it and
Ranch it anl roti
Kct rid of that weak chest and
inir coush H That is what the doctor
you'll soon
I that hack -
! . i ...
bum tit a youtiK mamru man wttu a wile
ami clitni to care
for aud a modest
salary to support
them on. lie
tvuMn't w Wet
Iavc and duty tied
him to bis desk in
the city
People don't
have to travel to
cure couebs or
strengthen weak
lujW J)r Iherce's
(TOlTlen Methcnl
iMvcovrfy curca ob
stliiatcdcepseatetl eouehs. bronchitis,
bleeding of the
lungs, weakness,
euwelrttwu aud
othsr forms of
dlao which if it'te! or uiwkill
fully treatetl tvruiuiatc fnully m con
sumption. I will writ you wlul Ik lttv noUra
Mr4kl Wsvfyh)cfcirf 'uyillimc
II IWlc. Ko) al IVMlvm. like Owslj Ky
ThUtfta )t go I wou4eJ by fed)
Pliiir Ihretuh rar luur I hT
cuush liuM. ever miwc. with thoMncu o
brtath. and H "- r y la take oU the
kijhU. hag ot vMthfr wwikt aiw the
CMash lo b a uj wuuM ! lo U up tti W4
tfafllM CuuLt iw( t e Up at iwn w
U nt 4u cwuld nM wk at aB A fcw
nnlht ro I began ualax li Pierce t tloUWa
MfUU-al (kity Have iwt u.e4 vuh ilua
tr bottle o4 u m eat aleen. aoj wfk
aiul I feet Hke a new ma I caajiA aa4 wank
U ulfi.Hrotly rtvntuBieitJ IH Heaec'a lVUe
MnlWal DUcevery ar leW Ike CJ ft ka Ouoe
Dr. Pierce' Coaimon Seae Mstlical
Adviter in paper covers U xot Jrt am
receipt of 31 cue-cent sUuips to uy
spnse of nulUHjf (y. The book ku
tiS pare aud over 700 ttluatratfcm.
AOtljr Oh K, V. Mew, Buffalo, N. Y.
Are You Mm East ?
Perhaps I can be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; toll you whtm to loave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or write I '11 take ploasure in answer
ing your questions.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, Bt Louis and
Cliicaio Rock Island k Pacific
Mako your trip East pleasant and
comfortable by uslnif the G- at Rock
Island personally conducted excursions
in tourist sleeping cars which go Knit
every week of tho year via Halt Lake
City aim the Scenic lino.
Pullman sleeping cars every day to
Chicago. Toll your ticket auont you
want your ticket over tho
Great Ruck Island Route
from Denver. All tickot agents soil them.
Write for folders.
A. E. Coopbr,
Q. A., Portland, Ore.
A. C Sheldon, General Agent,
Cor Third and Stark Sts PorthnJ, Ore.
f.arjjo Wall Maps of tbe
United States....
Given Away
K you are going East, or thinking of
ending lor your family, do not buy your
tickets until you uavo eocurou rates
ItOAD Co. Thotr service is excelled by
none, and they can reach all points In
the East, South or Southeast from any
point in Oregon or Washington.
Through tourist car from Parlflc Coast
to New York.
If you v ill send fifteen eentfl in stamps
to the address given below, wo will
forwanl ou by return mall a largo wall
map of the United States, Cuba aud
Porto Rice, 31x40 inches.
For partlculara regarding passenger or
(rot(ht rates, call on or address,
B. II. Thumbdll,
Com'l-Ag't. Ill, CentMt. It
142 Third nt Portland Or
The tourist travel between the East
and the Pacific Coast has reached enor
mous proportions in thu laat few years,
and calls for a special class of equip
ment. To meet this demand the Pull
man Company has itsued Irom its shops
what it technically calls the "Pullman
Ordinary Sleeper' These cars appear
similar to the regular sleeper: being
builton the rams plan, but not furnlehed
with thosamo eleganra. They are equip
ped with mattresses, blankets, sheets,
Cillows. pillow-cases, towels, comba,
rushes, etc, requiring nothing ot the
kind to be (urnlelied by Uio passenger.
Each car has a stove for inakiug tea and
coffee and doing "light housekeeping,"
aud each soutioa ran be fitted with an
adjustable table. An uniformed porter
accompanies each car, his business be
ing to make up berths, keep the car
clean, and look after the wants and
comforts of tha passengers. lu each ol
the trains which are dispatched dally
from Portland by the O. ft k N, Co la
to be found one of these "Pullman nP.
diuary hleepers." The ear attached to '
1110 "umcaso-roruauii Spocials" goo
through to Chicago with change, and tho
ona in the 'Atlantic Express" runs to
Knis City wltlmtit change. Pasen
geri la thin car for Chicago change to a
similar ear at It ranger,
Much ol the ttret class trawl is being
earried in these cars, the rates being
lower, ami the wrvloe nearlv equal to
that lu the palaee sleepers. '
rar rate and lull information, inelad
ing (older, write to
General Passenger Aeeut.O. R A N. Co
Portland, Oregon.
Royal Insurance Atrency.
Mr. A. T. Gilbert has this ilay bw
appointed to represent Uw Roal .
uratHM Company, ami la authorised to
solicit Insurance, to makeeadoneweats,
to collect laeneyi due, and in every way
to represent said oamcsBv it. ..,,
lor Saleai and viatnity.
Hv John O. Thomas, Uoaeral A goat lor
Oregon. 7.u
UtiHU vauir lan uaw. k--.i l.
Hatisor and bava tiuuu t,.ruu.u.i':
ovar hauled W tha spring season. S tf.
Free Book
To Weak Men
Weak and nervous men road "strength
its Use and Abuse by Mon."
It tells all ahnnt mv III! QlVm.-v
ELECTRIC BELTS, and how they a're
"B 'wture rucu eases 01 riiepmatism,
lumbago, sciata, lame baik. kidnev
liver and etomaah disorders sleeplsB.
"w'i r any 01 mow (tiseuH neeu ar t
Dr. A. T. Sanden
Suite 10, Ruwel HldB. Portland Or.
Summer School
The first term of the Marion Co.
Sumnwr school will open May
, and continue for six weeks
Its abjwt is to review subjects
for state and ecuuty examina
tion aa well as for lv4i .u.,
aad other examinations , address
SUverton Summer School
CooduiibyW. J. Crawford,
A. M lBinliig Mommy, July
1. aud oontiaaiag slxtweokf,
i;log Augf tt. T0QI. Tuitiou
tor laroi fa 00 la advaueo. Two
awrs taaohera" reviuw
eoarea, A ixYpils review ooure
or iaformatioo. address
W J, Crawford, BUvcrton, jDr.
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
No 2 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany 12:4IS p. 111
Train leaves Corvaitis.... 1:50 p. tn,
Train arrives Yaqulna . 0:45 p. tn.
No. 1 Returning:
Loaves Yaqulna O'
Leaves Oorvallls ll!30 a.' ui.
Arrives Albany 12:lf p. ru.
No. 3 For Detreit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m.
Arrives Detroit...,. . ,.. .lltSO a. "in.
No. 4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. iu,
Arrives Albany 5:45 p. tu.
One and two connect at Albany and
Corvallis with Kouthern Paolllo trains,
giving direct service to aud from New
port and adjacent beaches.
Trains for the mountains arrive at
Detroit at noon. Hiving ample-time
tp reach camping, groands 00 the
Breltenbush and Santlam rivers the
Jatue day.
T K, 4 P. A Maeav
K Ut KbWf
Motlceito Coatractors.
Salem, Ore., April 13th, 1001.
bids will bo received by tho under
signed for building a school house iu
District Nr. 48 Marlon County, Oregon,
said house to bo SO by 40 feet and 14
feethh. Bidders will specify amount
they will build for and furnish material
and also amount they will build for If
school Iward furnishes all material.
All bids must be In the hands of the
clerk by May 2nd. For further
particulars call on or address, J. U.
Jontrud, one mile north of school houee
on the Hall's Ferry road Tho board
reservoa the light to reject any or all
bids. Rids will bo openo I May 4th, 1001.
J U. Jonsuud,
1 t -. , . Chairman.
A. P.Gordon, Clerk, 4 15 dtd
Correspondent wanted iu every city
town and villages in America. New spa
per and other work. Experienced and
Hon, New York, Good remuneration
tnexporienced. wanted. For particu
ewa and atoriesBulletin Press Assoola
Iars address The 1 16 tf
Bring your lawn mowera to Shlpp &
iiausor and have them eharpened and
overhau lorthespTTngaoaBon. 3-4 tf.