The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 20, 1901, Image 4

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'- --- rtnimrir iinlm ,,,. mwi wn inmirn -in . '-- - - - -" '
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BK. -
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KG. .,,' " Sj 3aMgHJ5
I irll 75,4 r " - , , , , Ti mini n ' " I
HHigjt -rl""r---' ' - -" ---' j
...To Our New Store...
The doors of our new store in... ;
Will be open to the public on TUESDAY, AFRIL 23. from
4 to 6. and from 8 to 10:30 p. m and we fcordially invite
everyone to be present and share win us in v
hddental to such an occasion as will be this, the opening of
Salem's Best Store
ecsner's orchestra will render the following program
andwe will try tomakc it an enjoyable event for all.
xc o
C3h 3 -- Mfc
March-Carnival of the Golden Gate.
Waltz Mercedes. J
3. Overture Orlando. , ,JaJ
OagRhie flunky Doff (new.
5'." Valse cspagnole. f
6inAaroh frbim Wagner's Niblunger
. V '
.-,. ....j. . ij n
sk . i N
jr. mi n
7. Overture Felica.
8. Cavalleria Rusticana.
, Dancing With Ma Baby.
10. Overture Black Diamond!
11. Rag Time on tfieLe.vee.r4
-121 Marcli Under Fire, jj f.
....r.llADCDC MFFT
tMUEATU..w .-.---
in j-""
The Hlh Annual Convention
to Meet in baiem wjr ,
Rev.F. E. Clarke, Founden
of the Endeavor Movement
to be Present.
.. . ... ..,.. f rhnrcliefl and con
403 enthusiastic you.. -.- -;
senting the various i""s -.--Sieties
of Christian Kodeavor tlirotifth
St the state. s convention prom i.iwre. - -
Executive committee, ana m
Union are making extensive i-re,-.-UonsthalH
poible It may prove the
t.iot profitable vet helil.
lev. F K. Clark, of Boston Maw.,
ounder of the Kndeavor movement ho
, li nnr ol tlie vesv --
IS IIIHMI'B .... ., t.
has leen everat yearfl since rather
Clark has visited tills coasi, u ....
prweiire here will auu greav.,
the iteneral Interest of the convention
ThB local Kmluavorers expect to .urn.
.., ..w,i1 futures of entertain-
ment to the visitors. A visit to the
State 1'rison and Asylum 101 wo !!....
will likely be arranged tor.
An excellent pronratnmo lias been
arranged, and some of the moat promi
nent Endeavor workers of Oregon and
Washington have been secured to speak
Following is the programme In full :
Thursday Evenlaf.May 16
ti n,Un wtrmon. K'JV W. II. U.
Temple, I), D., Seattle.
Fr.3y Aliernoon, mt
Qulot Hour, led iy Uov. C. T. Ilurd,
4'ul,',!lM.,Chri8t's CHI to Us to Serve
Mm," by Kev. J. II. Heaven, of f)regou
The Chief Justice of Samoa Niys
Perana Is the Very BestCaterrh Core.
j n , z -i zzmxi
. i nLtained the Supremacy of fhe United StateB in Samoa,
where Judge Chambers cZsaya the '''oin'flfl ; . it.
CourtRoom SceUO 0 YrZ Co Chid Justice Chambers says tnc ,u.un..y. - tt.
,-. r,nt letter to The Peruaa Medicine Co., Chief notW.nn find I CaU trUttl'
have tried 'one botue u use(J d
fully say it is one of ttu J H t n sufferers who
i take Pleasure in recommending it to -. ,
- i izriir'tn&. i iciii i wwv
need of a gouu - rMtttu
are in
, neea or """" inr catarrh
of the very oes-i rcu. L chambers.
.i ,nrn Cuban, serving as ,
tosomoparvoi . "' Ttil,i ionic
different kinds of '"'X",.
mostneoded In this country, tl"t
Urrh li so provalrtit, U a tonic , tu
operates on the mucous mbrno
Toruna Ja a wnic ... ----
LA.i.lrWs, "Doing the Tliin Which he whole body. Itglveston.
Lies Nearest." by Uev. Hunry Mircotte, br n0"" clrcuUtlon which con-
of Astori.
V. II G. Temple,
A.lilross. bv Kev
....... ---, .
rrldav Aftemooa
l'nper, "The I)okout Committee,
Mrs. Klla li. "ice, oi abhiu.
SrcTpnUrVcTrcuUtlon which con.
itltntes these aeuciu"."
lion. J. E. MtlM, recent postmaster
,t Porto lllco, in a letter from HI. K
street, K. NY., Wthlngton, D. 0. says .
ijvo "- -
yellow roror ",,,;, ,.ndful dls-
fromtheuienecv. t""""T .. .A.
n is a fine tonic, and la In every way B
ionderSl medicine. Pernna has bo
cotno ofnatlonallmportance.
it Iim the record of thogroaUat ca
tarrh remody of tho age."
Pornna Is a spoclflo In ltp oporatlon
upon the mucous membrane. It Is a
tonic that (strikes at tho root of all ca
tarrhal affoctlons. It gives tono to the
minute blood vossolo and tho terminal
norvo fibres. Catarrh cannot oxlst long
whoro Poruna Is used Intolllgontly.
Pornna seeks out cararrh In all tho hid
den parts of tha body.
Address tho Poruna Modlclno Co., Co
lumbus, O., for a free chtarrh book.
I Ml I l "
Your Kyes?
Do you know?
Do you want 10 kho iA
luruunL sensible,' li.telflgent ;o;rm.
BH-erlaln tITo oiuw. Hc-u If ft kmhI glnw
,..Our Kind. .
to slip on occasionally won't rallovo; von.
11 imiy NOW-ll n.ivy not l-ATMl.
Cmiin to us tmlay-lho cost Is trlvUI,
thu savlna iiret. Wo also duplloabj
any lens that's mailo, repair frainos nm
mako them Mine w on ,lon
iimj.1 to send tlii-m away whun yon
bring thoin to us.
Watclics clMiita 7 St, MalWlil 1 5
Charles II. Hinges
rviKrif! AN
over ao vtr fxttrlrocs Eyes TeMtd Prte
He Was Rescued by Barney
Pompeii y.
Tontiriit anil
with occasional sbonori,
Bunday jwrtly oloudy
Adverllstmeflts uedtr this
tictd Sc a lias tscn Uiue
Wheat Market,
Hah Khahiiko, April V0.-0ashll.01li
Ciiioaoo, I)l.,Apri 80.-MX
.,!,. ,, U i i-J
8ianUl. Boolnlliitti havo ileoiittM to
.jebiaU. My Day .wlUi a gt'onl
"ArlKo. AnaroliliU rufuswl toeo-opcr-
Ht wltl them
i i
i i i-
Wbt Shall ve Hsvt for Oticrtr
Lion nrltR'B In thu funiuy
.HM.Im niuut1
1 j.'?.z.rr," . .nkW-rMt toiy
Try JcllO. i tlelleloua nd henlthful
ilcworU rrqrad In two wmutiv.
"?fo iwlllngl no iMklnRl "Imply M
bolllnii water Rd wt to cool. H-v
owi-Iinon.', llasplwrry mm
I Wwbe'rry. qet n pftckutso at jour
growr today. 10 eta.
tkW -1" rwiiovi. li 'l-t
oasliprioo. WlllamottoJIotol. I IfO tf
in... RimllHra" under tlioillrwllon of
Crosbv A I'onnmi appear at UiaUraml
otmra lioiua tonlkht. Tlie tlle wrvw to
attraotlvoly aihvrllin a olftyer vauduvllu
trduim They will present spMialtioa ol
BOinodlwi. tlaiiolnu, iato Hngs and aomo
Mxrelli'iit juggiory aim ai-iuifn,i. "..-
Mtallh. Moil Ylutl At.
In Search of Lodgings But
Above Ground.
Fell 18 Feet and btrtick on
His Head Unharmed. ,.,
A transient negro tnusiomn, mi
as Diamond," experienced a mud belli
nbout rn0 tills morning, y ibihuk
heudlong Into a wall ISfeetduep. No
Horlous InJurloMonsuwl, as ho struck on
his head. "Diamond" had ovldunlly
been "out with tlio boys" and
not "ncoustomtMl to hunting waWir
rather smldenly found the opunlng of a
well on Water strwjt. lllacriiw aroused
Uarnoy Pompttlly, who weuplwl an
oh'gant buUo of rooms in the vicinity In
a dllapltated building. IU hastene.1 to
thu Afrloan'H aid, ami proourin.
ladder, plaml It In tl. wall, and
Diamond" aswtndiil from his mipkttii'
nt iiiiitilmi. "
Whun charge.! y,'lth taking to, tl
water. dUo negro repltod .ho w" l
search of a lodging and his l ll
Ixhiii rewanlwl:
Isadcro Greonbaum whoro ho made a
small purchaio tendering In payment
therefore a check for $S.60 drawn on
tho Ladd A Hush bank and in lavor ol
himself, representing that he had uionoy
donoHlt In the bank. Mr. Greonbaum
accommodated tho fellow by cashing tho
check retaining therefrom the amount
of tho purchase. Mr. Greonbaum as
curtained by oxperionco that Denny
hud no money at tho hunk.
And Other Crowned Heads of
Agents of Anirchists Society
Jn Arjjent.intF.
People am continually patng innuoy.
hoping to obtain health, n.uoh boil.-r to
t.t proper LkhI and ralatii your unjl h
llu-ad from woIe wh'at llotit that
1 inaxos von vinma ' "imv "
'wld at Utrong's Heslanrant.
That sliow wtiklt way the bargain wind blows.
Sec our up-to-date street hats, exclusive designs.
MraJlooBr, 17 Commwrolal HUt.
The teinual l'ottorfl .larai if 170 acr
locate! Just t of Maelay. was W at
sheriffs wlo thU H.orauig U Itotort
Downing for 1H0 The pUlMliK in the
ease us Uao W. liod, exeeMUr of th-
...,.,.. i ui Kali. i1mmh1. Hd t)
Indgmeiit with lalest to data aHtoaat-
h! to $707. Tlta jwirvhana ot Uie laad
at tha agura glNWi U iwaWtwl aoar-j
gAlu. n.erowera to oat data ior u
Nnw Yohk, April 'JO -The Herald's
correspondent at llosarlo sends a ills
patoh that ho lias seen tho Ger
mail Consul there In regard to tho an
archist conspiracy to kill tho Kmpor
or ol Germany, tho Csar of Hussia, tho
King ol Italy and Couut Turin of Italy
The Consul wild ho had not boon In
toruuHl of thaarrebt of Anarrhlst Ito-
magnoll In Germany, to pievent an
nttompt at the assassination of the Emperor.
Haganling the conspiracy mo Herman
iV.nHtil said that ho had proceeiled
ugatnsl tho jmnrchut society in Rosarlo
uoeording to Instructions ho luiu recoivcu
from llarlln. Hmtxplalued that he had
not been convinced ol tho xlstenco ol a
itiosplraey against the lives of Kuropoan
NriMmnnnars in Kosario stale that a
ertain Cai-eree toUl of the conspiracy
Paper, "Honorary Meinborshln."
Address. "Social to Save." Miss. Hoi-
brook. , .
Address, "unr Heeources ui mm. u
l'rayer'" Frldsy Evenla,.
Address, by Dr. A. W. Ackerman.
Saturday Mornlni.
Quiet Hour.
Address, "Wo Nexl to Serve Chris
More Than Christ Needs Our .Service,
Rev. G. W. Fonder, of McMlnnvllle.
Address, "Tho Twentieth Century's
Need of tho Christian hndenvoreis,
Uov. G. 8 0. Humbert, ol Corvallis.
Address, "The One talent Man and
His Tragedy," '
Address, Kev. F. B. Clark, I). I).
Saturday Afternoon.
Junior Rally. , n , t
Adtlress, Kev. F. E. Clark, D. D.
Korvlces at the usual churches, in the
Sunday Evcnlni.
Address by Kev. F. B. Clark. I), p.,
"What is Ual Worth While is Christian
Bndeavor." .,.,,
A special rat of one and one third fare
for round trip, has Iwcn secured from
all points over the O. It AN. A large
number who are not Endeavorers are
expected to take advantage ot theeo
rt and visit Haletn.
Alldo'egates with credentials will be
furnished rooms. The custom hereto
fore has been to furnish both board and
lodging. The present arrangement will
please our restaurants ami boarding
houses, and give our local Bmleavorert
more time to enjoy tho convention.
For special Information regarding
entertalnmon, etc , delegates should ad.
dress Mlsi Celesta M Luton, Salem,
before May 10
To Connect Los Angeles and
Salt Lake.
Rival Interests Struggle for
Right of Way.
)0. Continued
of the opposing
and tho Harrl
of Senator UiarK aim ....... .him "-- ,
interests, who are engaged In a U m for a visit with friends
Salt Lake, April
antlvhv on the part of Senator Clark
mat. .-' -- -
..mi Inr the oosseesion ol the aban
done.1 right ol way in noiiuiwt"
Nevada, Is reported.
Oregon short line Is laying track to
..r.i .nmmlt near Uvada. while tho
Clark forces are hurrying teams and men
to tho front of the tunnel where the
grading is in progress. W hatever ma
bo the outcome of the appears
certain that the road will be built con
necting Loi Angeles and S.ilt Lake.
FCCroes is in Portland on business.
S. W. Jon. of Gervais, was In Salem
MiJ-ie n'h ,B vU,tt,nB nt
J. T Bkipton in vlrilinu In Corxallla
for a few daye.
Col. Jcfferaon Myers was a Portland
visitor Friday.
j J Dalrymplo, a loi'g S5,t'"
merchant. Is In Portland.
.. .. . illt.,. Ima UOIIO tO 1 On-
Miss Miner wi'
Seeds in BulkJS
m.. k A.M er.ol uregou o.v,
visiting with Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Campbell re
turned to Chenuiwa this morning.
,... i, i?nnn.of Portland has re
turned after a visit with Salem friends.
Mrs J. !' Robertson left frway
evening for a three weeks visit In Han
.. ... -i c...t,i. nt l'linidr. was in
ur. vv. u. cim, --
Salnin today.
.. . c -M Tlinnr f VllRll!nitOn. U
ot 5ijj?ir?"' ''
You Reap What You Sow
I the variety, quality at.d growU. , oj
SfSd. SrwUlbo
picaHoy.iu. j . . oftn0ll
IIS., bit oily oni quality, .ndtlmi I.
tho best. .. .M,. .,,rt
Wlieat and Oats on hand
NUI rUDLIOncu Mrs. S. M. I'ipor, oi ' (..; - -
ELSEWHERE NEWS) ClBlntheolty vliungiirwir,.u.. SAVAGb 5. KWU, aecamwi
I i A .InftRlin. I i, .1 ln,.llrir Rnnnllnt.
1L'U HUU miiui; -'"l-l
to the Argentine xliee with tin object
u( obtaining money and alto an
Dra..iT. Mich , April 80. A sneolal
Tlie pollc are loeVlat: (n a maa giv
lag the hbwb ol Jol.u DBylio.s
wautet! Uwre lor fr). ( KrWay
availing, alter iMnking aur, L)ay
BidervJ the dry gwdi wrtaWiaiiaieai w
I to the Kvauiug New from St. Louis
Mo,, wi) s. ,
TIm faet has laake.1 out liore that the
ontautaatbHi (Ha hego store trust Is
Nearly eomiiletal, taking In all tho large
rtdvt. maHalaeliirliig eoncerns in the
Unit! SlafeBd.
Ill(h Preivurt Days
Mon and women alike have to ork
Incessantly with brain and hand to hold
n,.ir nun nnwadavs. Neser were the
demands of business, tho aants of the
i.n,n tim rmuirttinonis oi socimiv.
more niimeroua. The first effect of the
nmUoHorthv effort to keep up with all
t'lese things Is cominoD y wn In a weak
ened or debilitated condition ot the
nervous system, which results In dys
iKjpsla, defective nutrition ol both body
and brain, and in extreme cases In com-
plete nervous prostration It is clearlv
seen tnai wnai is netMi u nm
luetaln the system, give Igor ami tone
to the nerves, ana xettp me iiigesuvu
and assimilative (mictions iiaiti.y ami
active. From personal knowledge, we
ran recommenti ueoi a oarnpr.iia iur
this purpose. It acts oa all tlie vital or
gans, builds ill) the whole system, ami
Iltt men ami women ior u.we mgii
Plflo.r. Iinalnnaa ImllMtM blimiHl tit
k-M-lk. (Till. IXMS C10.000.
In Taeoma whist tournament tlio
score stands: Portland 2373. Taooma
ojut? SaaUIh 38t0.
At DuvHnnort. la.. J. F. lUrrettdrop
Uvi ,1,1 (mm lioart disease while wait
t,. .. ! iliMit to heln a sick friend
...h ... ...- ....... ,
Judge Clancy today awarded Thos.
Handee f281,fJ0Otor eervtcea rendreil
while receiver for Rostou A Montana
Company about two years ago.
JwdG. Goldenburg, wortlt n,W w.
ofUoldenborgllrothers A Co , laeelm
jwrttrs, New York, dropped dead from
heart failure while waiting for a brunt
street car.
AtSyracruw N. Y. sale of regutered
cattle' 13o head Holsteiu. Friesiani
brought $16,000. The highest price,
fSOO was paid by II D. Crewman of
Cayuga County (or a cow ami calf
a. A. JoMP,
Albert Stelner and Frank M. llrown
went to their uncom cuunvy mmic.
claims today.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Riegler, of Turner,
lelt today for Kansas City, Kansas, to
rosldo permanently.
Jkselmll Hafon in this locality opened
todiy with two games at Cheinawa.
The gms are being phtyed this after
noon between the following team.
Cheiiuwa first team s. Mr ngel:
Salem vs, Chemawa second team.
pressure days,
J J. ()kll. Chieako attorney, killed 0nu hundred thousaadat Undon
ht wile a4 jreoably fataly wounded I wnnP8eea great foot-ball match between
biiweaN Maoetly Mrs. titilen leitmr ci,omea iJnltM and Tottenham
.afetUad. Uottpdtt comiwting in final.
everybody appreciates
. tit
'thewahtsuch an article at-nn.
Our $2s50 special is a great value.
Our $4,00 Hygienic pillow is what
w..t ttsuallv oav S5.00 for
?We have iust received a lot of comforts
lent to us by mistake, They must be sold
and ou can have them at cost They are
f pDjrpi season but might clieop,
J0 r m
bLV9La SkHlk&BHs1sHlBHsH TS I ill " Tn Mttfiwia 1 1 1 r 111 Vtv li 1
Twentieth Century Medicine. .
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C C. C Never sold in hulk. All
druggists, ioc.
Palo Alto, California
-LS door.
Prtpttrm jnr Lihiml Munwrrf or
auy other college or uimersity.
Kauai in every respect to the lest
Kliools of the Last. -1 hnmt neh'Htl
for fort niinh bos. Splendid
equipment perfect and invtRorat
injjthinate PaloAltoissituatwlin
theSan"iv.laraaile literally the
laud of uwer, fruit and sunshine.
u uiti a u h i rivt
FRANK CRAMER, A.M., Principal
Never too Much
Trouble to do anything that &
convenience of our patrons. Our nwi
or ! that the best goods In tho nw
! ket arrive at our store. 0rW
is that our prices are right, and effltleni
1 and carelulealesmen look after joor m
Iterests. Our third Is, the gooda read
! your residence promptly and In i
I condition.
1 M, T, Rineman
1 tine c. .. PhOOt I)
l J 7IIC 3llfcVi
The Easy Running, Noiseless
Roadsters, S35 and S40
Light Roadsterc and Racers, 550
Chainless, S60 and $75,
The low Price House Furnishers.
Th tHanJanl rularv and WWW
ka lav? umrli.u, ri nMiMSiued a.
lw(UbM tHtha wwWV4y.
Wo il tM lr eU ar m asy
paywaaU a4 taka yr tl tea
WwHUada. Wa ppb' HMV
(eraH iuakt.iwl f
aelli al a tem. Ftan
ivarw Ma wwiag HWtiuw !
as il at Wwa4l ol all
F. A. Wiggins
WtKlM aivd Pewiap Machmra
1901 Model S75.O0
1900 Model S60.00.
Coaster Brakes or
Cushion Frames
S5.00 Additional
Of the immense popularity ot
1 ribune bicycle lies in nothing else
but their sterling woith, which
combines the world famed quality
of every part of the wheel, with
the perfectly shaped bearing and
cycloidal sprockets that have
made its easy running qualities the
talk of wheelmen the country over.
Come and try them for yourself.
There's as much difference in
wheels in witches.
Tribune Cushion Frame
We now have in stock the cusjyw
frame that so many have d.c
looking forward to. and mut sa
that it fulfills our most sanguwe
expectations. It is unquestionaw)
the most marked improvement
recent years, and for the class,
riders who appreciate real oniion
in wheel riding it fills the denu
exactly. Come and see this. wc
a ride on it. and you will know an
about the cushion trame.
wnccis in water:. aooui inc cubuiuu jiamc.