The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 06, 1901, Image 3

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eVivT'VjrA ' '
., 7un ,
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pletiBnnt method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Jvitur ok Fias, manufactured by-tho
California. Fio Srnop Co.. Hlustrnto
tho valuo ol obtaining tho liquid luxa
tlvo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
thom in tho form most refreshing to tho
UiBto una" nccoptnblo to tho syatem. It
is theotio perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing-tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and feven.
gently yot promptly and enabling ono
overcome habitual coustipatlon'per
...nnently. Its perfect freedom f rom
every objeetionablq quality and sub
stati"o, and Its acting on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irritating thom, mako It the ideal
"iu tho process of manufacturing figs
aro used as they aro T to the
taste, but tho medicinal qunlitiesof the
remodvnro obtained from teemm and
othor aromatlo plants, by n method
known to the California Fio Svnir
Co. only. In order to g"ct Its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
.remember tho full namo of tho Comnany
printed on tho front of overy paekrigje.
xjomsvzutJt, wt. irfcw vork, n. r.
Fdrs&Ie by all Drnaglatt. Prlcq 60o. per bottla
Whott In Portland try tneal
Pfirkln's Hotel Restaurant.
WtaltA cook'. Lunch 25 cents,
journal on file.
McslL a la cart 6,
'. . jNlcely Colored Caster Gits
Given Away
With every purchase of 25o 'andiOver of
Teas, CoffooB, Spices, Baking Powders,
Extracts, etc. until Saturday evening.
- Best Goods
lowest Prices..
Also ono picturo curd with every pur
chase, including crockory and glaesware.
Ifobliiima Ton Sore
Phone 2411.
1toh Delivery.
The tU.tiic m ly bo reached througU Main t. from !:. k. ni. to 5 p. vr.
dally. .N.iwa of sooul nature, ponhiiml
now about Balem pflflpln or vUlmrs, and
Items of eoclal lntcroit solicited
SATURDAY, Apri! 0. "Tho Telephone
Gul" at tho Grand opera house.
There Is Ttuth In Science.
Mrc 0. 8. Fowlor, widow of tho emi
nont phrenologist, Prof. 0. 8. Fowler of
Now York will, gtvo a eciont'flc coureo
of flvo free lectures at the Qrund Opera
Houeo, beginning April 8, 8 p. m. Mrs.
.Fowlor is an educated woman and
thoroughly alive in all tho problems of
iuiraan life. She is interested in all tho
linos of reform, and especially that of
motherhood, for "woman." euya she,
".1ms geatatod overy criminal that cume
Into the world. Lot Ameiica have good
mothers and she will havo good cons,
and I uuderstand tho law how able
mothers can have trood children that
will bo a law unto thomHolves." It will
bo a arand opportunity to have with
us Mrs. Fowler who has beon engaged
for the past twenty years fof tho better
ment of mankind. All aro invited.
Rlil up niack 2474 aa order Stats
Saturday Evening April 6.
The Merry
Do They
Like Her?
She U vivacious, chic, charming,
lovely. Every member of the company
an artist. Up to the moment, pretty
girls. Bright rnd catchy music.
They come with oaunera waiving I
Bo advised. Secure Beats quick I
Prices, $1, 75c, 60c and 35c,
Free Lectures
Oa life Its science and Laws as
Belated to oul and Scltlt By
MRS.O.S. FOWLER, widow o
the Eminent threaolojljt. Prof.r
0.3. Fowler of New York at the
GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Monday. April 8tb. 8
p. m.. "Pbrenoloiy, Soul and Spirit." To alt.
Tuttdiv. Olh l-in n m. "Niture llwl"
Ladle only. - - - .
Thursday, tuh. 8 p. ra.. "The Cleanslot of the
Temple and Improvement of the Race." Gentle-
iu uuiy.
FriaiV. 19fh a -. iiDI.HrUlru Nitnr't
.hi.1.?.1"1' ' ,,s "W . n4 effect upon
meiiunua System. To all.
OFTHbarp Tftin bi.....i.i..i p..-l
.'ISV"4 1iConsulutioa,dl.yfro9
" .... 9 u, iiu ubiuabtu oin ai iflc wuiimnie
.. ...' ..
.. inc lprnir. rniirc
wW b Utructeil ia the application of Electricity
locuredlmjti? Bejlaalo"! AprUJdth.
... . ........ ........ nn .v
fr fv 1 ; iry ' i, i ,,, j i l(V
1'hilllps Ilrookf.
sWCsflUogolhcr ifi -our souVHhigl
i w:u
- -dim-; uearcet,
, .That looks tipnu the street of human
Within, one happy homo; without, tho
. Ivforld tlinu iearrst:
Within, oilr peaoo;without, mon'a nn-
.gry sttile.
book out I Sim how strange eyes look
Hnw poor they thlnkour dwelling and
how cheap ;
They droanihpl of our godlike j'ya and
pofrows, ... ...
Tho rich, ripo fieldB of blessing that
wo reap
Nay, clo-o tho curtain; it is wrong, my
. pweotcst. . , '-,. . .. .
Thai they should eco'llle lovo they do
Our love, tho purest; darling, and com-
God over trusted to
onr earth below.
See lirr.-iny love;
with nlltho world
Sit hand in handi ndr daro to speak a
word ;
'TIs wronglnsGod to sharo what He
,, consigned us.
With every outcast of tho huhinn herd.
So pit wo hv the soul's sweet fireside,
Tho days go by br Unlit winds kiss tho
They seek through all earth's sweetest
utid earth's rarest,
A love so sweet, a lovo sorare as ours
At The Grand Tonight
Looked at fromtho popular standpoint,
"The Telephone Girl" which rbmes here
tonight is n very diverting affair indeed.
It is light and frothy and as n whole it
is an exceedingly merry amiiHoment
and II It out an evdiiiug'a Ielsuro cap
itally, ""ho incidonls portrayed alid tho
dialogue inserted bear upon a subject
which is familiar to nine-tenths of tho
cfimmunity and that perhaps orihancoa
its valuo. Tho scene in tho first act is
aid in tho operating room of a 'met
ropolitan tolophbno exchange The girls
are ranged round tliq switch-board'while
in the foreground aro tho desks of tho
chief operator and tho others in chargo
of tho establishment. A great deal is
said and dono which is a side splitting
exaggeration and burlesque of
what takes place iu such a placo,
This sort oi thing naturally appeals to
tho telephone-using part of tho pop
ulation and is inexpressibly comical.
The interest novor for a moment lags
and la continued throughout tho sec
ond act to tho finish. Harry Ilormsen
as tho Gorman Inspector is amazingly
funny. Ho ia without doubt- tho lajst
dialect comedian now on tho stage, and
in all lie does and says ho is soon at ids
best. Miss Mabel llito, as Estollo, 1b
intensely cunning and chic. In hor
slngloand specialities sho is very clover.
Tho others in tho company aro all efll
clout and fully sustain the claim far
special excellence put forth by tho man
agement. It Is seldom that an organ!
zation boasts so many talontod per
formers. Tho feminine chorus'haa been
awarded tho heartiest tneod of praiso.
Those who aro fond of bright, viv
acious performances will not feol like
missing "Tho Telphone Girl."
Mrs. Bud Chapmau returned to
land Friday aftornoon.
Mrs. T. T. Geer. went to Astoria Fri
day for a visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Giosy roturned
Friday evening from Portland.
L. D.Jacks, Horst Bros, representative
returned from Portland Friday evening.
Mrs. M. Porter, an employe at the
insane asylum, is spending a few days
In Portland.
Fred Obermuller, dork in Gilbert &
Baker's grocery, Is visiting will) Oregon
Oity friends.
Rev. D A. Waters left Friday after
noon for Forest Grove where he will
spend Sunday.
Prof. A. W. Mizo, principal of
Gervals public bchiols, is In tho
to spend Sunday with his family.
Mrs. F. G. Boworsor and nophow,
Master Harold Allon, returned Friday
afternoon from a visit with. Corvulll
L. It. Btlnson left Friday aitornoon
for fiumpter where ho will tonight as
sist in tho Institution of a Knight'a;of
Jythias lodge. ,
Mrs A. Ohmart went to Oregon City"
Saturday morning for a short.yiit, he-
fore going to Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington for a few weeks.
Mrs. Frank Keith and son, who have
been vialtine at the parental home of
I Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Tarpley, returned to
rortinnn, rnuny miriMuuu.
Mrs E. H. Pipr went to Portland
Friday to miot Mr. Pipr ho is return
in from a business trip to Texas. They
I mil return to Salem this evening.
I ... .. .... . i ...i .. i
W. I. WlWOm, lormeiiy raipninnu in
Fry's pharuiaey, but now with the
V idard, Clarke Drug Co., of Portland,
re unel to tha motropohs Friday altur-
nt, a(ter a bhort visit in balem.
HAM'T T t m no
s?i - YourUfeawayl
, w ,..v uv ". '' ".."; ... raii
... 1
- -- .-- -y " LT" M n n " n ft
inn miip. miu m.u niuM.. ...
tea poanai m icn mji, ww avfjrfM
cured, ah aruzruii. vi. k"- "r".r
ltt ana anea riec. uii bihwi-w
" . i"s. . j. tfwiiaf itin
Directory of ' Business and
Professional Men
Amount of Personal Property
Assessed- in Connection
' With Each
TituJouitNAiipresonti below an almost
comploto lfstof Balom business firms,
occupations and profetBlons.omittliigtlio
clerical proteasion and educational in
stitutions. Thoro ia also takon from
the Shciiff'a records the asidsdtnGiit of
fctock or personal property used in carry
ing on tho business or occupation, Some
of the facta disclosed will be interesting
to the owners,and possibly even to pub
lic ofllclals.
These figures represont simply what is
asBCBsed against a man's business, aB
such, including merchandise, stock in
trade, machinery and implements, tools,
libraries, vohiclcB, livo stock, office fix
tures. So few business men occupy tbolr
own buildings that it was not deemed
adviaablo to give tho real cstato valua
tions. Many of tho business moa aro
also as8o?ecd on real and poraonal prop1'
orty which is not a part of their busi
ness, and is therefore omitted. In tome
instances whore tho amount is left
blank tho business has come luto tho
namo of tho present owner sinco tho
tax was levied and In other cases tho
owner is taxcdln connection with somo
othor business.
Tho lint is published to assist in ar
riving at a just conclusion in tho all
ombracingquostion of an occupation tax.
A groat many persona who appear as
not paying any ax aro probably given
exception under tho $300 householders'
exe nptlon. Thus a lawyer or a black
mlth who is a householder might bo ex
empted to tho above amount in excess
oi hid nctual household articlos.
Banks. 4.
Ladd & Bush $54,855
Capital National, 500 shares 37,500
Gilbert Bros GW0
ItMWado i, $ 7,600
Gray Bros . ij
StoinerA Bergor , 80
IDoots and Shoes.
Krnnaie Brdi .."..r.?f:fr,.r:$, 0,000
Salem Shoo Storo
(See Ladd & Bush) .;
Lacy & Sons
EL Irwin
I)B I vln
0G Given
Jacob Vogt
W Armstrong
Insurance and Brokers.
Bozorth, Ryan &Co..
Thomas Walt oc uo
J W Roland
T M Kirk
II B Thielson
Carey F Martin....
Bolto A Barksr ..
W A Llston
John Payno
John Moir
E FPark'nuist
E M Lockwood
W A Moores
J O Wright & Co.
Hops. Wol' and Etc.
Squire Farrar '. $
Ueo Li jcobo.
I? A Livealev
OL Fitchard.
Ed 0 Ilcrren,
Lllenthal Bros
H J Ottonhoimor ...
Jack Carmichael & Co
! I
Catlln & Linn..
Hurst Bros,
GeoW Hubbard
WmBrown& Co
F Levy
Grace Albright. . -, $
Alico Pretty man v ....
W II Bird .
0 'A 'Ballard
John Shaw
A B Gilllu
J F Cook
W HMott
D1I Bradshaw.
, t t
R Cartwrlght
J N Smith -..
W A Cuslck
A F Jeffries
W D Jeffries.
0 II Robertson..,.
, !
W S Morse
E A Piorce.
8 A Davis..
E Y Chase
J A Richardson.
OH Hall
0 FLane
Grocers. .
MTRInoman $ 1500
Weller Bros 8C33
Roth & Graber.. 1C00
Rteiner&Co 1000
Gilbert & Baker 3000
Harrltt Lawrence 2030
Branson & Ragan , 10C0
Damon Bros. ,....,.. 1750
John Hughes '. 22CQ
FX Albright ...i 800
A S Epply 1500
PrlnthtrOlfxn. -
Catdtal Journal $ . 700
.OregotPSUteeman ... .. S'JOO
Salem inaepenuet.v ,. iw
Xalem Sentinel 300
Robs. E MoorcBCo
mtitnA piih
EO Cross
liWrrington &Itoblnsou. .... . .-
John Ifaokett
I A. Taylor
..'..' r i
aiuoftoji vy . . , ,, v
t t
Ueo renUrlc!'.... ...
JURozers ...w I f800
VSchriaW 1 v.. 400
B Eckerlln 760
V I .ilranche -id
.W'T$L Anderson. .....,.., j
Mel Hamilton
(Uoh h Nadslanek
II Backtusto
Alex Cornoyer
l P Talklngton w
J I'hlllp
J Roth r
Butte A Weuderptu .......
Dry Cmms
J .1 D-drymple
Ifwi Muiera & BOUi
T Ilolverson M
T Greenlwum ..... : ',J
Y Frtwlman
"-". ..
Dabu) & noibrej.. ,..... -p.. 1.000
Drkf UtArrc
11.. II Ci...,l - .... iTJM
It I . . .
Jll. ' " ...,..,.
i jj i uruei
Huie Wing Sang Co
. t . t
Y Nakano ,, iOO
G over & Plvmalo f
WUI SfrgoiantUU.
Samuel J.ucli
WF II Smith
Weidmer & Relgelinan..,.,.rf.. "'
b'b cfojk i.'.J , .:. . ! iKJ A u T
John Holm .f, . ,: t i. Ji f.X K. . .
Druts -.
FGHtaa . COO
,8 0 Stones ,..i..'....v.-t 2.C00
J H Lunn ..'. ". 1.260
D J Fry . ;.... i.. 2.000
Stelner Drug Co 1.000
G W Putnam.... 2,000
Gcorgo Broa $ 200
Fred Gerbitr. ...,.,..;... h. ... i.u. ,
Westacott & Stole, .. -rl800
Soda Works '
R H Westacott. ....",.;, SCO
G Btolz '.:..'vl 00
Attorneys '' ."
John A JefTrleu. .............. 1 ; J' ' nr
8T Rlchard"n .w. - 203
McNarv. & McNary ,,,
L II McMahan . . i.
Cnrson & Adama
T Ford i....
H A Johnson, Jr ii-
Jefferson Myora ,
Ed. Horean ,
Frank Waters ....'
Samtiol Ilaydeu.. I '" ''
RJ Floming ...-...
Frank A Turner ,. ..... ,
M W Hiint ", .
H J Bigger .V. .'. ! '
Hamnov fc Bingham, . ,.,..'..'.. i " .
W M Kaiser . ' M
W T Slator .
P II D'Arcy
Holmes is. Holmes. . . : . . .". i ."' '
A O Condit , .'. . . .v. . . .- .v ' '
O A Park w i
Bonham & Marliu ,.... ,
John Bayne
W H Holmes ?
A W 1'rcjcou..
ME Poguo
Jewelers ,
Herman W Barr .,.$ ,3000
OH Hinges ' ' .j
8 W Thompson 4000
J II linns..
O T Pomoroy
Second Hand
J F Goode ,.$,
Geo. i Hmltli
J J Longcore '
J F Shupo '
JL Frceland ... i
mi (aery , i
MrsMEFraser f
Mrs D L Fiester
Mrs J G Hooker ....rv. "
J R Solomon
Miss Smith
Misses Goodo t)
Wsions Etc
Wrtrnnr irnnnnll . . . ; '.'.' '.'f ' 400
Pniiin .t ninimn .;. ' ,1000
I'eter Larson.. s m.
I? Norgren. ,.,..,..,...,
Cnnfrtt Inner
(Seo Westacott & Stole i
EllfB&Zinn ,:.".'.I- 400
Seeds and Feed "
BrewBtcr A Wlilto '. .;
Savage & Reed. s. .
TjllHon BurtloUJc Co..
Thos. Miluo
.. i
' :CommlssloH andl Fruit
JG WrightA Co :
H SGilo
- Music
Goo OWill w... I 20CD
O A Whale
Dentists. ! , . (( .
Epploy & Olinger. . .'. .'.$
OH Mack '., ...'.....'.'
Albort A.Jessup
HklH ISrcs
JO Griffith...:
EM Ilurd
) !
TO Smith
Cigars and Tobacco.
Stutcsinan A Co
II WInrut A Co
Goo K Waters .
RA Kirk
Hotels. .
Willamette ....,$
Hotol Saluiu
nullder"s Materials.
DSBontleyACo $ 8(10
Goodale Lumber Co "05
Capital Lumbering Co 5IKJ0
Mrs A C Clark, Front;8troet. ....$
Salem Lotlgitig Huuso
Feed Yard.
OG Schramm , $
Til Simpklns
FE Sliafor
Roiintree, Tomple A Co.
.'.. 280
!,!' 1076
...I 310
!!!! sc5
K a Lamport.
W W Johns.
G A Back
John M Habor
Ste'oves A Woa tacotto
Fenclm and Etc.
Walter Morley, ...
.( 150
Rex Studio .'
Elite Galler
Oronise 8t
Books and Stationery.
.t 2CC3
W H liurghar dt'.'. .V. WO
Machlse Shops.
AH Forstnor
John Maurur
Burroughs AJFraser t
Knox Murphy..
Bernardl & Dutuford
A'J'Hamllton ,'..T. .".T.T.. '."." .
QrlswOld t Cha'o
BarrMc I'etzid
House Furnlihtrs.
Buren.A. Hamilton...... .t"-f
F W HolirB&Co
- Rtl Eitite.
IDHoury 7,
BBCatterlin & Co
nprapue a iwuuiua
A F McAte
ir ,ou t
bol ir7
.VMB'Bt t( tk
rj dy. juura.ll or wl I b.
a rU w.lL ure to U. 5
U. .w
ti? '..tilt iiL.i rfc.T of kiio lb. bovtu
t9r tea oin i m
"l"""7M" -1. -.!. -
nuBt :-". "v.-usrn. :. Vi 14 li
p-'i'-y- r -vaL.va1 rL.'sSi.'
!." "TI---'.r7j .n.1 .
u4 kokWlJ
L..llh lUn
vrni4 li. . .w.r-.
. --- -...M HUUT
rairice B?i
I ." - '-." -'
Oft Uttr lUUli DLUlJU, ULtrMI
250 rm rii'iiniiLi
400 1 MwWWWWt0wWy
uiAm 7iir.Yj4Lf'i
Canfleld Jlarsh ....
Breweries and
KlincerBeckACo..., ,u,$ 3800
Jas Maguire 160
Clothing Stores.
GAV Johnson ACo. ...... .,..-,.$ S000
.Tnhn Hurt oivn
Woolen MlliCo!!..'.'!.'!!;.'.,.'!.. ' 7270
OPBiihopI 6600
L MHatne $
Sash and Door.
OttoHanBon M$ ll30
Hansen A Landon 050
Sewing Machlne.Repalrs.
GooHDoano .'.'...'. .... .$
. Bicycles '
ShippA Hnuser $
OJ Wlleou
Wilson A Bollinger
Frod Wiggins ....
WhttdA Mooro ..
G A Roberts
Farm Machinery.
E M Crolsau $
E F Parkhurst
Mitchell' Lewis A Staver
Telegraph, Telephones Etc
Oroeon Teleitranh A Telephone.. $
Wostorn Union T Co 4031
Postal Telegraph Co 2524
Wells Fargo A Co 55
BlnderyanS Paper.
Ge6 F Rdgers t
Salem Steam Laundry. ....... $
American Laundry, L D Lewis,.
Hop Lee
Sung Loung
Clmx'Ii Burgraf $
ErbAVan Pattou
Erixou A VanBatton
Livery stables
H M Brown $
B O Bordighehner
E EGilllam 660
Page A Suphous.. 410
EC Hanson
A .1 Basov 075
Radabaitgh A Francis... 60.2
Barters and Baths.
II George Moyora $ 00
J W Wilson loO
J O Ms 10"
I B Bunco.....
Geo W Plaster
OW Evans
Uarvy II Honllno
Earnest Anderson
Y,u Have Heard of Way Remedies-Old You
Ever Try This One.
Evoryhody you ineot 6n tho streets
nowadays either liaBjuat had tho grip, ia
coming down with it or Iibh a auro euro
for it.
Tho dlsoaso liaahoon npuszlo to phyBl
claiiB over slnco its appoaranco several
years ao and it ia as much of a puzilu
today aa it waa thon. It exhlblta Buch
nvariotyof Bymutoma Iu dlfforont In
dividuals and loaves jiuch dlsastroua
resultfl after apparont rocovory, that an
yet Its prevention and euro liaa ballled
medical nclenco.
Howovor therolano doubt but that
n,n urln 1. rntarrhal in clinractor and
tho leading symptom In nearly overy
case is Incroasod eccretiou In tho head
and throat, In fact tho first Indications
of lagrlppo aro thor of a cold in tho
hoad which cxtonda to tho throat and
Dr. Johnson Amoa ad visoa aa tho safeat
cohrso to pursuo on thO flrut appearance
of rlp Bymptonta to keep to mo nouso
fn. n .inu nr two and tako StuarlB
Catnrrh Tahlols overy hour tho flrut day
and every two hours the following day
and states that thla will break up tho
trouble before It become deep nuated.
Theeo catarrh tahlota aro untitiepHo
and hnrniiossHtid prevent lever and the
further development of grip germs, and
ward off tho ever preuent danger' of
Dr. Ueruld Simpson fay v. "1 havo
found Stuarl'n Catarrh lawou u
ploaMint and thoroughly reliable reined)
for tl.. rlp, epeelull with elderly
people with whom this prevailing disease
is alwaya dangerous ; tho tahleta can be
found at any drug Btore and if used free
ly during the first few dayaoftheat
tadk will break it up.
Lagrlppo Is catarrlial affection, the
gorma aro fn" the air and no ono ia prool
against It, but tho timely use of Stuart's
Catarrh Tahleta will prevent any serious
results. , 4 2 4 0
A foreclosure suit was Instituted Fri
day afternoon In Department No. 1,
wherein Anna Schmidt and Fred
Schneider, by Anna E. Schmidt, his
guardian ad litem, are th plaintiffs and
I). E, Dettweilej' and wife, of Turner,
are tho defendants. Judgment Is asked
for 1400 with 6 per cunt interest from
October 1,1800, tho amount alleged to
bo duo on a promissory note. Attorney's
fees to tha amount of (50 are asked and
also the foreclosure of a mortgage on lots
7 and 8. block 3, Turner, given to Bocure
payment of the note, McNary & Mc
Nary aro attorney for pla'mlff..
Deafness Csaaot te Cured
by local applications as tliev cannot
reach the d If eased portion of thueafc
There U only ono way to cure deeear t f
and that 1b by constitutional remedies.
Iteafneaa la rauwi bv an inflamed con
dltion of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube h
inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or
tin perfect hearing, and when it U
entirely closed deafness ia Hie result,
and unlet the inflammation oau be
taken nut and thin tub rtmtored to lt
normal condition, liearng will
destroyed forever ' nine caaiu out of ten
4ro cued by Catarrh, which is notliiuy
but an hilliined condition ol the mucou.
W will givr One Hundred Dollar! for
any cab of Doaltient (cauaud hy catarrh)
'hat cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Bend iorutrcitlars, Ireu-
K. J - CHEN B Y & CO., Toledo, O.
8pWbyX)liggiit, 75c.
Hall's Family I'llls aie tho In-M.
Htw Bicycle Shop
complete new shop, wiih the finest
Ulbea sud machinery known to incAlern
mechanism where ,wh oii repair any
kfhdlof wheel, tor build au entirely
nlw l.lwnl rriiB1a In nlifiruH lA It &l.
Boeorth Ilvan A Co
A Bauer, Chicago.
P E stowell. Portland.
Geo Bancroft, Cincinnati O. , ,,
A IrNewbitn;h,L.hlcugd.
J 11 Brook, Portlahd,
W F JeIIrC8H, Portland.
Goo BMairis, Philadelphia.
Daniel Huff, 8 F.
W A Duval, N V. ' ' ,J ,'
8. E Burnett, Denvor.
O D Peel, Memphis.
R A McAlister, Milwaukee.
it Jaudorf, Oliicngo.
S 11 Jones, city.
Harry O h rledlander, Chicago.
H N Ttirrell, Boston.
LS 11 ighy. Chicago.
A J LUutl, Portland.
Geo A Peel, Portland.
W J Giady, Decatur, III.
Tito Courier Uerald sayB it will tako
Botnolhiug bosido n moro pull to here
aftor securo poaltlous in tho Oregon
City public Bchoolf. An application
blank Iuib been printed, and o.ich appli
cant will bo required to answer 10 dif
feront questions, exclusive of tho post
office iiddresa, on tho blank spaced lu
dlcated. Tlio applicant will bo required
to givo hor birthplace, ago, whero ed
ucated and graduated, all about oirtifl
catoa held, ability to toach singing and
drawing, all about subscriptions to ed
ucational papers, possession of books on
pedagogy .time taught, placos and gradotj;
weight, height and complexion ; required
If accept n position In tho Oregon City
school not to Book or accept position
olaewhoro during torm of contract. If
at tho opening oi tho school tho toaoher
has not tiled with tho school clork somo
ovidenco that alio had attended a county
instltuto or statu aaboclation durlnu tho
past 12 months, bIio will forfeit $u from
her llrut mouth'a salary. Tho blank
space for the agu occurs in tho third
lino. Thuso blanka aro especiaily in
tended for outalde npdicants.
Special Eaater program morning and,
Regular tcrvicoa and special Easter
program. Rov, M. Oliver preaching 7:30
p. m.
A Rormun will bo delivered, (if the
ord will) at the Betliel of tho church ot
Uod iu
North Balem. at 10. UU a. Ul
Second Personal Coining of
Corner Sovunteeiith and Chemekoliv
Btreot. N. Shnpp, pastor, l'reachlng
at 11:00 a. in. nut! 7:30 p. in. Iho
Lord'a supper to follow tho morning
Merritt Davin pabtor, hervicesat 11 a,
in. niid 7!!tll n. m. tub uot of the morn-
Borniiin "l'hu Awakening." Sunday
School at 10 a. m. I'rayur meeting
riiurbday evening at 7:30
Riionliil Huhtur nroiiruin. Communion
7:30 w. in. and 10j30a. m. l'lill ullleo
by Monk inutdcally rendered. Sunday-
schooi 12 m. Kulghtd service
3 p. m. Evening prayer 7:30 p. in.
Stiniliiv murnlnti Rev. J. Roth of
Kutieua will preauh. In tho oveiiiug
Rov. Eichler of Salt Creek olnireli will
prouch. Rev. Schulte. Uuueral Mission
ary Secretary from Now York, Bpoaka
.Afouday uvouing.
Second Church of Ohriat, Scioutlut,
201) Liberty Btreot. Services ut 10;30a.
m. and 7:30p. m. SundayBj and overy
Wednesday oveulnit at 7:30 o'clock.
Biibleot of loasoii Hounon "AruStn, Dia
ease and Deatli Real?"
Corner 10th and Ferry otreoU, T. II.
Henderson, l'astor. Borvices totnurrow
at tho usual Iioiuh, Sermon subject at
11 a. in , "Naturo'a Reatirrectiou Bug
gestloiiB.'' at 7:30 p. in. tnoro will be un
Easter Service by tlio Children of the
Sunday School,
Cor. Ohemokota and Cottage Sts,
William O. Eliot, J., minister. Services
at 10:30 a. in and 7:30 p. in. Sunday
Bchool at 12 m. Morning nervlee iu
celebration of iiastor Subject of boiiiioii
'My Father and your Fntlier." In tlio
evening Mr. Eliot will deliver the first
of utterleHol fieriiiou-leetureH upon the
genenra! limine '. "Tho Life Af lor Death."
Easter Bahbath Hl be observed at
the First I'rurbyturian church an f !
Iewa: 10:30 n. in , Easter aeniion. two
authoms for iulxil voices, alto nolo and
tadlea trio. 0j30 p. ni , O. E. service on
Easter theme, Bjn-olal music. 7s30 p.
m,, u Bervico d praue, with short aer
mon, supratio eolo. alio and baritone
duet, UdleH trio, ladles iiiarlet, and
three authuuiB for mixed voice. All aro
cordially invited to thenu services.
Haiti. Tciitmcif.
10:30 a. in, 0.enlug voluntary Iu
vocation, IIiiiii, Scripture Reading,
Anthom---CoiiHlder tho Llliea" by tlio
thdr, lraer, Rentioiifo by tin Choir.
A.iuountomenta A Offerings, Anthem
MIjb I'arrl.h and Choir. Hymn, Hermoii
"The Tower of tho Insurrection,"
Bolo. Men. Will Kklff, Benediction ami
i reltido, OrgHiilat Mrs. H H Leabo,
Sunday School at 12 in.. Young Teoplu'a
meeting led by Mr. Vull 0:30 p. iu
Topic Tne Symbol ol tht Raufrpotlon
or Baptized for the beml nmw p. in.
Baptismal theobseof theoveiilng son
vice. Thuio h ll he u song service at the
IUIU Wll II W DlJH .VI I .WW ... ...V
by Iho iholr arid congregation,
Itiet by . I'arrith and Mr
alao a duet
Dr. Bull'a Couirli Syrup will euro a
Coutfh or Cold at once. Conqttani
Croup, WhoopinR-Couph nnd Moiutlo
Cougu without fiill. ilotliere it-nIao
It. Doctora preaorlbo It for Brunt hi
tie, Iloorsonoau. Grippo, 1'iiotunonliv
and Coufiumiitlon. It glvon quick,
BuroreflulUi. I'ilcu,25cta. lUiAntotho
dealer's Btibatltutu ; It la rrnt no irool.
Cough Syrup
Always cure when othero fail.
Dr. Hull's Plus cur Coatlrtln anJ Uvtr
TreutUa. go puu, lo cu. I rial box, t
go pUli,
3Lvo y-
IAvotmon pontortm ftf tMft!
by lyrtla W Ptnkham'm Vega"
tablo Qontpountlm Ttmk tat
tors aro on fHo ansl strove thta
statomeht to bit , Mbi mot m
moro boamU Who m rttoitY
olno ham boon ssKWMsfwf At
curing so many woman, you
cannot woll may without try
log It' I do not heifevm H
will helm ne."
Vegoiable Compound
Is a positive euro for all thoso paintot
Ailments of Women.
It will oritlroly euro tho worst forms of
Fomalo Complaints, all Ovarian troublos.
Inflammation and Ulceration, Jralllng. and
DlsplaoomontJi Of tho 'Womb, and consoquont
Bplnal Woaknoss, and la pocullarly adaptod
to tho Chanot of Lift.
. ."' T ii i .. i -i .
IVJB tltilo fwoale lllnea. .. ..
V Mlt. M.K. Moxucn,
K OolloorJ Bq., llotton, Mtitt.
It has cured inoro oases ot Backnoho and
Loueorrhcja than any other ramcjuy-tho,
world has ever known. Itlsnlmost Infallible
in such cnies. It dissolves and expola
Tumors from tl6 Uterus In an curly stage
of dovolonmoiit, and chocks any tendency
to enncdrnus huinoni.
li i g' urn t fiini " VrrntnUr frini 1 ro-
htmwp niotPil a I'lbrolit Tiiiinir from my
Uif'w womb niter ilooton tullmt to give
U'1lr, A. l.rMHAnti,
Wcalilala, ilu.i.
Bearlng-down Fc6Ihg
M'omb troubles, eauslntt pain, WMRlit, and
backnolio, Inatintly rolloTOd and penua
nnntly ourod by its uso. Under all olrruin-,
stnnoua it ncU Irf harmbliy with tho laws,
that covorn tho foumlo systom, apd is as
ImrniiivM nH Wilier.
Tiiiokuplio loft mo alter tnilnr
tlio awoiut tMittle. Vour medloli.
oared rno whon iloctori felled.
DuyIh Block, (lothnm Ht IaiwuII. Slum.
Butinroiail or rnhilul Monatntations, Weak4
ii-it hf th6 BtorrthClii Indleatltni, Uloatlng,
Flooding, Norvous rroatratlon; lloadacho,
Qjiioral Debility.
Krnml medlolne. 1 am
for tliffSiWd II lini dono
.11 m. i, w..i..
70 Carolina Atbu
Jnmalca 1'lalu (Iloiton), Mm,
Dizziness, Falntness,
Kitioino Lassitude, "don't caro" and
"want to bo luft nlono" (oolinr, oxoltabll
Ity, irritability, norvousnoaa, alcsplpsaiieas.
iliitulonoy, iiiclaiiolioly, Or tho "blubs," and
buckivolio. Tlieao aro auro Indications of
Koinalo Woaknoaa, aomo dornngomentot tlio
1 vriu tronliliNl with Dlitlnwn,
IteiulaoliM, KalnlaaM, HUlngl
Utuua. Your inauioinnoufouiiio. i
Mas. HAllAlt K. IIAKKR. I
Huokt(ott, M.
Tim whole story, liowvr told In an
llluitratod book -which R-iwa wmi won noi
tls, tho moot ooiiiplnto trntl( on femala
ooinnlalnt ' nuhtUhed.
For olalit Tear 1 aurrared with
urnrnll trnlltiln. &nil WBM BntlrelT
oured by Mrs. I'lnkliam'a medlaloo,
VIHB. AM It. X U W t. ,
MttUtOH, N. H.
Kidney Complaints
and Uackaoho ot tithtr tea tho Vegotabl
Compound alwaya enros.
Tim Vf,rftl)le Ootrt.
Ljdla E. Plniham's
Liter Pills oura
Sound Is sold by all
rittrirlltl or IflUt VI
mall, In form of lllta
or Ixnge, oa ra
oelnt ol l.oo,
Sick Headache, 25o.
v. n .i.lrm. Initrlotixt oonfldenee.
ITBU K. riKKIIAM MKU. CO., tjaa, Jtaaa.
1'outland, Aiirll fl. Wheat Walla Walla. 67
FlourPortland, beat grades' f 2.70
J3.40, qrahm.2.!0.
Oats Choice White 11.25 per cental:
gieytl.20() $1.2'.' pur cental.
MlllBtuff Bran, till 00; ahorta,' U7.50
Hay Timolliy tl'J12k per 'ton.
OnionsS2.'J5 to 3
Potatoes 10 to 54c per sack.
Uuttwr Beat dairy, lBQi'.'Oj fancy
creutnery.20g to 22c Store 11. to 13
per pouiul.
KggB-Oregon, ranch 13 to 13j perdoz,
Poultry Clilckena, 13.00 to 6.00 j hena
B 00 to O.OOr turkoya, livo 10 to Ug.
Muttofi l)reBod, 6) to 7c jer pound.
Iloua Dresud7o. per pound.
Beef Top Bteora.f 4,6001.76 jcow,4
W) iuresotHl beef, 7 to Ho.
Veal Bresswl, 8) R o. for small.
Hopa-(lQj7c. for 1800 crop, 'ii to
)6u for new crop.
Wool Valley, 1012o( Eastern Or.
gon, 012oi Mohair, 25,
Hldoa Uroen, utltod B0;lbj. 7J4S
under 00 lbs, 7MirJX? ; alitfep peltB, lojQj
2.c 1
Wheat 68 ounda and ovor, 60
Wool, 13 to 10c, Mohair, 26c.
Hops U to loo
Oats 38o. to tOo
Hay Haled, cheat, 7 J timothy, $10
Flour In wholesale Iota, 13.00; retail
800 Back. . ' t f
Millatuffe Bran, f 17;,hortn,10 50.
1 1 oun Dressed. Oe.
Live cattle-Bteer;, 4to4;fowJ fli.W
to 94
Hhtxi $4. prosi
DrurtK-d Veal 7 cent.
Hut tor Dairy ,'VIH to 15ui orenltfy.
1'oultry Hena por lb., 8c.
I'ntatiwa 20 26o
Apl $1 00011 25.
G M. lipi'Iey, east Slate atreet ia of'
furing 12b for eggs.
Ulils tot Wood at Oreioa School for BllsJ,
Itida aio rupienleil (or wooil to he
delivered u'. the Oregon fchool for llllnd
not later than September 15 lVOl, for all,
or part ' aume. A a follews:
100 cotda of large urowth lodr Ur.
10i cords o 6tfcond growth fir best
18 iorda of grub oak of medium size.
5 rntda ol body oak, atralght split,
All of this wood to bo cut in (our fool
leug lis from solid green timber and to
bo tlosely corded without hulk heads.
Bidato bo sent to the Superintendent
of l'libllo.InMructjon and will b opened
I y tho trustees of said Inbtitulfon ou the
Oli day of May 1001 at 10 a in.
By order of the Board f 'frustoea.
h .rintendent
4 3d.wi-wW
llrirg your lawn mow. ra to fihlpp &
lUuitr aud liavo theto Bhajpened and
U.MU-U WMHVM'r-injteMon '
Qa m 4T tUBM
rA6thNU6R 81AS.VK
JL AHJl tr
, Oaljjr Mcupt Htinday ai 8 n. tn,
Uook JxitTioen Htftto imd Cotuft U.
M. iVUAMWlrf, Aaenf
Adyortlsomonts flvo linos or loss
In this column Insurted three times
for 26c, SOo a witok SI, SO cor
month. Alijovor flvo llnot at spme
FOR SALE ve, head of goats,
ia nannies and 3 Wetliers. Apply to
W. O. Hubbard, 13lh and Leslie SU.
"HAlem. " 4 6 lw
SALK.--Thlrty bead- 6f
goats at 2perhad4!Apply.toD
Henry, Zena. Oro
4 43t
DO YOU DRIVE? If so you want tho
bonollt of our fine stock-Hftrirtsj, 8ad
dlea, whips and Roboa, wo havo tho
best of everything inotir Ita'tSIF 123.
Stnta Street F. E Hhafor.- t . tf
FOR TBADE-A Boliu,.old watch for
farm wagon, 2 Bixri preirred, En
quire at JouraI office, ., 4,1 8t
FARM- I'OR SALE-80 acres uiiim
prpved laud near bclo, Or Pric$500
. partdown, balanco on time. Inquire
33114th atreet. 3 gO Ira
FURNITURE upholstered and repaired,
mattreea renovntedt nnd springs
mado. giod. Furnituio called for and
returned promptly. Call or,sond
orders to F, L. JJuoll, 147 Court St.
WOOD WANTED.-offorB wlll-Mxi ro
, colved on Jots of. fifty cords or lees.
Call or addroea Jouiuut, office, Balem.
BUY THE BEST. I offer for sale on
eaay terms, tho best three residence
lota in Salem, vis: 00x140 feet at N,
E, cornor of Court and Cottage street,
for 2600. Tho two Iota lying direct
ly cast, 51) feet each, front on Court
Btreot, for2000 each. All well sewer.
ered. 'J. H. ALBERT. q.25-tf
WANTED MAN-wlth horeo and bupgv
to soil Faaturo Stock Food. Salary 111
por week ami ton per cent on all ealos.
Farmer preferred. Previous oxperl
' once not essential. Faaturo Stock
Food ia tho greatest disco vory ever
made in practical and aelentllld food
lug, and fa sold on an absolute guaran-
tco. . Steady, permanent itrado easily
ealaulishod. Bamplo box, sufficient
for twowooks feeding, free. ' Send 25
centa In stamps or silver to cover ex
press charges. Fasturo Stock Food
Company, 324Timo Building, Ohica.
go. 3 21-U
WANTED, To ront comfortablo small
houso In northern part of Salem.
Enquire R. Journal Offico 3 20 tf.
LA D Y XUElfi' Your opportunity
HygelaStraightFront and Military
Corseta aro money makers. Every
woman wants ono. For terms ap
ply Dept. D. Weatorn Coraot Co., St.
LoulsJMO; 3 18 3m
FOR SALE 0 acrev, house, well,' ono
acre uoartim orcuaru, uaianc garuen,
closed in. also 10 acros mostly.. young
apple orchard and garden land, both
on rural route, JScoli. V. Poarmine 2
inlles hortlt on River road. 3 10 tf.
O HOICK furnished room 6 for gentle
mon, or for man and wife. Apply at
coruur Statu and Winter Streets.
3 13 tit
FOR RENT-Coltage on Mill and
High Blreets. Apply at Thos. Hoi
man, 370 High street, or Capital
Drug storo. 8-0-tf
NEW FEED STOllE-OppoBito court
houso on lllgh Hrcet. A lull lino of
Hour und all kinds of feed carried.
Hay and grain bought and sold. Feed
chopping done at lowest rates. Get
our quotations before you buy. Till
BQiu Bartlett Grain Co. -
PATlMFOR RKNT Six miles aouth
of Salem 120 acres all undor cultiva
tion, good schools, near church. Freo
Rural delivery. Grain rent: Address
II. II. Care Journal 2 1 tf
UIGTiTrWoOD WAfWfclU.-Oalt at
the oillctf of the Ealem Light and Trac
tlod company. 1-30-tf
FftBNOU LESSONS. Glyon at homo
orUcclaeB In any pat of city. Born
and" educated in Franco. LydlaRlch.
D. Street, Salem. it 8 ti
Bring your lawn mowora to ShippA
Tlmmnr ami have thom Bharnened and
ovorhnnlod for tho ilprlngBeason. M tf,
Proposals for Wood,
Itlna are lierebv Invited for furnishing
4000 corda of wood to thq Oregon 8ta4.
Iiiaano Aaylum, a.ooucoruB io ueueuver
ed at the main building aud 600 corda at
the Cottage Farm. The condltlcna are
that the wood shall bo cut, while green,
from first growth, big fir, well seasoned,
anddellvereil as required, cloaolv corded,
without bulk heads Hlda will also be
received for tho delivery of '5 cords of
grub oak, nl tha main building,. BIda
will bo received for tho wholoor any
part and opened'aithe etate'houeo, at 2
Hoard of Asylum Trustees,
Clerk of Board. 3 8 Into
$3000 of 4 per tea upoa Fu4U Bosds for
The City of Independence, Oregon, la
atcordftneo with an ordinance paiaed Iby
the City Council on March 19. 1901,
has oifenwl in the office of theOity
Recorder, a book for subscriptions.
Bubacriptiona will be received In tn
lollowlug denoudnatlona at the option ol
the purchaeer: 50, 100. 'J00.d 300,
Intereat payable semi annoally. Bonds
payable ou or belore April , 1011.
Principal and interest payable in U.
8. Gold Coin. . .
The last asaessod raluatlon of tha
Oily of Iudnpindetn waa 2H,000.
fho total Llabllllleaol the City aro
The bonds will bo Issued May lt 1901
but dated April 1, 1001.
Bubscrlntlona received atTnq JouanAL
II. M. Linim, City Recorder.
3 23 lm d
Farm for Sale.
200 acres oue mile wuih of P ernrd lJ
and. jaju acres uuuor mu !- -i"
house, barn, cow table, and wgonshed.
Goo! well and cistern at the Iwfi.wA
stoTk. Ted near by. WVj&
... ...!. n.l ni,n nrchard of 1CO0 applOJ
trwia. 800 tH-arini!. raoa 2 and 3 year.
old. I'nerl85 'prjfcte. ona " H8
halence ou gnounerwia t-v vzsx
wsfeif s sir H,vw,w zjm
tjsi7n'ti -w?
-, m
r a
u ..
4-3-511 KUUDYCO.
CUcafO ot lit IOF. VI
Ohung LeeUi... ,
' i n i iMft "WA ii