An Excellent Combination. Tlio pleasant method and beneficial cfTuots of the well known remedy, h itur of Figs, manufactured by tlio Camfohnia Fio Svhup Co.. illustrato thovitluoof obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally Joxativo and presenting them in the form most refreshing to thu tusto and aooentablo to thq system It Is tlio 0110 perfect Htrongthuuiug lnxa live, eloaiihlng the Bystem effcctiuilly, dlupulllng colds, headaches and fevers cently yet promptly and emibjing ono overcome habitual conutipatijni nor-; .anently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub jtntino, and Its acting1 on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritating them, mako It the ideal laxative. , In the process of manufacturing; flgB are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other "aromatic plants, by a method known to tho OAtiFonmA Fio Srimr Co. only. In order to get Its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please, remember the fill 1 name of tho Comnany printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FltANOIBCO, OAX X.0UXBVXI.&S, KT. KHW TOHK, N. Y. Fors&lo by atl Druggists. Price Wc, per bottla When In 'Portland try meal. Perkin's Hotel Restaurant. Wtittn cookN. Lunch 25 cents. Journal on 111c. Meal) a la carte, vn-ita s OCIAL NEWS AflDiVHjWS Tho society editor my bo readied through tclephopn Main 1)11 fr-im 8.-J0 a 111. to 6 p.m. dally. Nowra of social nnturo, personal utwa about Halem.pwplo or vUttori, Rnd lfrrn of nodal IiittrolC solicited' SOCIAL EVENTS. Til IMS DAY, Mnrch 28. Basket ball Kamu at Armory. FRIDAY, March 29. Annual Intor- Colloglato donating content, Public School Union at Lincoln school. Chlckon plo suppar at Congrega tional church, Quarterly inspection of Company "F." SATURDAY, March 30 Wlllamotto university gymnasium day. Meoti.ig at Mrs. 0. V. Bishop's to organize Woman's Club. The Ynntls-Roftews Weddlnr. John J. Roberta and Miss Elsie Maude Ynntla, another couplo of Salem's pop ular young people, wero united in mar riage toduy. Other than tho immediate relatives of JI10 young jieople, only a fow immedluto acciuuintunceB witnessed the marrlttgocoreinony.whlcb.watprononced by Rov. W. C. Kantnorof tho Firat Con gregational church of thlB city, nt tho houio of tho bride's undo, W. T. Bl.ator, No. 320. Capitol Btreot, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Thobrldo is the daughter of Mrp. S.E. Yaiitla, of this city. She is a handsptno young woman and a splendid represen tative ofOregon'o Natlvo Daughters, having been born In Eastern Oregon. In 11 two years' rostdonco In Oregon's Capital City, Miss Yuntls, being possess ed of a moHt agrocaljlQ disposition and womanly qualities', won a warmfplqco in tho clrcliv of Salem young people who unlto Jn wishing her much happlnois In her now relations. Slio looked charming at tho wedding, being attired In a costume of lavender, elaborately trimmed in Inco. Tho groom is an honorable and a very successful younj business man of this city whoro ho has resided the greator part of his life. He Is tho eon of Mrs. Eunice RobortB, of Portland, nnd for some years has been a member of the hop firm of T. A, l.tvosluy A. Co,, of this city. He pobsosses splendid,' business qualifications and is a young man of the strictest integrity, enjoying the lull com fldence. of tho badness community. Pierces the. .mother's heart like a sword. Often the nipther who would do every thing for tha little one he loves, it ut terly Impotent to help and finds no help In phyaidans. That was the, caae with Mrs. Duncan, whose little one ww , almost uiiuu wuu scrofula. Iltt ! fortunately she was led to use Dr. k Pierce's Goldep . Medical Discov ery and so cured the child, without resorting to a painful operation. 1 The meat blood- iss?Sr.ffis: Golden MedictlT I sx msgovery uv.c . ueen provea over aud over again in eases of scrofula, ecziinifl. eruntiont and other diseases which are caused by an impure condition of the blood. It entirely eradicates the poisons which feed disease, antl builds up the body with sound, healthy flesh. "My tittle daughter became afflicted with crofula, which anccted her eyc. writet Hr, Avnci L. Ppocan, of MatuScld. Stbattian Co . Ark. 4 the could not War the light for over a year. We tried to cure.her eyea, but nothing; U4 any good. We bad our home physician and he adviaed u tu take her to an oeuJUt. aa htr cyclkd. would have to be craped.' They had become to thick he thnuvtit i muM nnrr itcovtr her iht A there waa no one li to whom wc oouia apply mv heirt unk within Golden Uedtcal Dttcovtry I hare eotlrelir auA mv i-hIM - uopiag- ihu wtn b or some use to you and a blading to other auffcrem, with heartfelt thanks, I rem.lo Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are aa excellent laxative for children. They are easy to. take and ; thorough in action. " ' ' rj ' " ' " M lAl .. J. . - ou and A cuffs erg HHSh iruw " J JY IU T Wtli tn u. AdrlMr. read your tratmeiU,oo aerofula. get U8iL,' "Trtlejvf madldnea there adied. Allor tho corotnonya luncheon was ivnni! ami tlin Imnnv vnnnif (Vinnln unrvnri and tho Iinnnv voumr coudio vwerd driven to thodopot and .took fho afternoon train for lJprtl,anawhero Ihey with thom,theboat wishes of .a host pf friends for tlfcoir happiness id tljo new relations tlifey have assumed. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roborta will bo "at homo" to their numerous friends at tho Holvereon residence, corner" ofChetiiek eta and' Winter streets, after -April 4-th- The County Fair The great race econo In "Tho County Fair" is this aeaaon mado ovon moro In teresting than horetoloroby tho Intro durtioh bf; Beyerat-flow ; patented effqeta and tho producUon in its entirety, with ,. .. , i'l '!... A,ltt Prim. en DureeBB niuiu o ----. will be seen in Ibis city in tho near fu ture. Farm Lire or City Life for Women, Mnrgiiret K. Snngntor. Thoro aro hundreds of womon with (Very decided vl'ewa on tho question, ?whothor farm Hfo or city life la tho easier for tho ralstrosa of tho house. Until rccontly, tho writer supposed that thoro was only ono anawor, that town Hfo, with tho modorn conveniences, tho greater feasibility of procuring hired help and tho greater variety of Interests, was much tho moro dosirablo. Vomen in cltiea aako moro out door oxorclso than their slaters In tho country. They Ihavp multiplied opportunities for ontor- talnmont, lectures, concerts, pauurauiuB nnd tho liko. Meoting many peoplo, thoy have tho advantago of Intellectual friction and montal elimulus, ns those havo not whoso horrlaon la bounded by tho Bame Intorcata, antl wnoao rouuno from dav to dav ia varied. , But ray country friond dl8sont8. Slio Baya, that at certain porlode In tho year .farm work-may bo pregsingnnd domea tie help hard to obtain, but that tho daughters willingly aid tho mother then, and learn valuable practical los sons, surpassing thoso of any cooking school or laundry school in town. In tho. autumn, wlntor and oarly spring thu farmer's wifo haa time for roudlug.and her mind is alert and eager ly, rocoptivo. Tho faj-mhouso library has a dictionary and an encyclopedia, and periodicals arrivo regularly by mall. Tho bdekbouo of our woman's mission ary societies ia In thocountry farmhouse, where womon take timo to road mission ary intelllgonco and to Btoro their minda with tho facts which precedo Bolf dental and systematic giving. But this is a question with two sides. Which of them do you take? Why does tho women In tho country grow old sooner than herclty cousin? Which has tbo Aimer hoalth? Which bettor brings up her children? Our reiulors may free ly express themeelvos, but porhaps thoy can help ono another. Thoy may con sider, as bearing on tho thotno, which has tho moro sympathotic and helpful husband, sho of tho city or bIio of tho town? PERSONAL Mre. W. D Pugh Is visiting In Port land. M, Kllnger waa a Wood burn visitor today. McKlnloy Mitchell returned to Gor valfl today. J. M. Lnwronco, tho grocer, wua in Portland today. Geo. 0. Will waa n busluesd visitor to Woodbu n today. Mrs. Lot L. Plerco.aud daughter.6pont thu day in Portland. Mra C. II. Cuslck has returned from a visit with Albany frionds. Hon. E. D. Bricga, representative from JackBon county is in tho city. Clyde Phlllipa and Ella Anderson pro cured a marrago llconso Wodnesday afternoon. Rev. II. W. Elliot, Jr., pastor Salem Unitarian congregation, went to Port land today. W. McDonall of tho Oregon Whole sale Nursery Co,, has gono to Missoula Montana, on a business trip, L. II. McMahan left this morning for Now York City, where ho ia Interested in a case before the district court. Ho will bo gono about tbree.weeks. DIED. David B. Pickens, of North Salem, died Wednesday night at the family homo on the corner of Division and Fifth streets, aged 83 years, A months and 21 days. . Tho deceaaed had beon In poor health for several veara and last Sunday Buffer ed a stroke of apoplexy, from tho effect. of which he dted. tie waa uorn in ion- neseo and came to the Pacific coast in 1862, locating in Polk county. After residing there several yoars, ho moved to Washington county and. 10, yeara bro came to Balein and haa ajncb resided in Jho north part of tho city. Ho leaves a widow aqd fl e sons and two daugbtera, all grown. They are John II. and Joseph N. Pickens ol North Salem; Thos. n. Pickens. of Montana, Lewla F. Piokeiis.of Repuhlic, Wash.. Cha. 0. Plckena ol Caktle Rock,-Wash.', Mra. Nancy Haley of near McMinn vllle, andMrs. Sadie Lewis of Castle Rock Was. Mr. Pickens was a raambor.of the M. E. church for 70 yeara and was for many years a Free Mason. The funeral, conducted Dy fciuer Wileon.wlll be held Friday at Oie family riilHnea at 10 a. m. and Intermen t will be In Lee Mission cemetery. Whit Stall we Have for Desert t ThlH question arises In the family every day. Let us answer 11 touuy. Try Joll-O, a delloioua and healthful .w-nt-t Prnnnrml III tWO minutes. No boiling! uo baklngl aimpiy am boiling wiltor and sot to cool. Ha vora: Lomon. Orange, Raspberry and 3trawberry. Get a package at your grocer's today. 10 eta. Bdntt XPVi 'awn power to. bhipp HtuWand ibava tftm cbarpened and" overlfauledfortheapfmgieaJon.3-4 tf. I Qpi STORY OF SOL I . j .-..-.. ABRAHAM'S HFE Mr. Abraham was born at Dobrxyn, Poland, January p, 182$. lip came to Din TTnttfwl Htntnn when ho Wasl7.0X.18 years old and tradod among thopfaptera of South Carollba. 'Coming to Oregon In 1852, hoaeUledat Oregon City, and bogan buaincsB in, a Braall way. Pagk ing his gooda on hla back, ho .tTampod, over primltivo roads oud through forests and brush to mako Bales to tho pioneer settlor.. Putting part of his profits Into' a horse and wagon, he wai.enabletl to Cover a great deal more territory, and soon accumulated ft Bmall sized fortune. In 1853 ho oponed a gonoral morchandUo Btoro at Rosebnrg, which had just then wrested commorlcal inpromacy from ita rival, Winchester. Mr'. Abraham had branch stores at CqnyonvMe ad con tinued in active business until 1887. Managomontof hia prlynto Intoreata oc cupied the laBt 14 years of his Hfo. Ho owned tho townalto of o( Qlondalo, an addition at Grants Pass, and had hold ings of real eslito ill Roaoburg ;ond other towns, bealdoa large tracts of timber land. Ho becamo by frugal in duatryan.d closo attention to business ono of tlio leading pioneer morchants and business men of Soutborn Oregon, and leaves an estate valued at $15,000. The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. Q01CK HELIKP FROM TAIN All who uso Ohambotlaln'o Pain Balm for rheumatism aro delighted with tho quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "Soroo tiino ago I had a Bovoro attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remodios but got no relief until I was recommondod by Moasrs. Goo. F, Par dons & Co., druggists of this place to rv Chamborlaln'a Pain Balm. Thoy recommondod It bo highly that I bought a bottlo. I wbb soon rcliovcd of all pain. I have) sinpo rocoramended this liniment to many of my friends, who agrco with mo that It la the host rorapdy for mus cular rheumaticm In tho market," For Bale by F. G. Haas Druggist A Record Breaker, DttTnoiT. March 28. Charles M WhiMlor will take part In a dual raeot with tho Buffalo Y. M. 0. A. this ovo nine. Wheeler recently mado running high dive of flvo feet eleven inches, tho highest previous record, Ave loet ton and one-half inches, having .been mado at tho annual carnival of tho Y. M. 0. A. March U, 1890, by Dana Crawford. Mr. Wheeler Is 20 voara pld and a freahraan at tho Detroit College of Medicino. Ho haa beon a member of tho 1. M. O. A nhout bIx wooka. Hla nrevioua athletic training waa limited to practice obtained wbllo ft member of tho potroit School for UoyB ono yoar ago last winter nnd to three yeara' oxporlonco on tho football team of that school. Mr. Whcoler'a homo la at Kendavillo, Ind. Ho ia stay ing in Detroit with an undo, Mr. F. D. Wheeler. The llomllest Mao la Salem Ab well as tho handbotucst, and others nro Invited to cull on any druggist tiud got freo a trlul bottlo of Kcmp'fl Ilalsani for the- Throat and Lungs, u remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and believe all Chronic and Acuta Coughs, Astlimn. Bronchitis and Consump tion. Price 25o. and 50c. cod&w Gold Fever la Samoa Sam Francisco. Oal.. Mnrch 28. An expedition set sail today for tho Samoau islands as tho reault of the reported die covory of gold. Black sand running as high as $540 a ton ia said to 1 havo been found on Island ol Upolo. Capt. W. Best, formerly ol the Oceanic .Steamship Company, in an 800 ton schooner has been bought to work the eand and carry tho product to Pidnoy. Tho company consists of Walter Sejby and J. WBtore of San Francisco, and H, B. .Doarborn, of 8ldnoy, under tho firm nnmo of tho Satnoan Gold Mining Company of Apia Ten tons of tho sand already snt to Sidney la stated to havo ovoraged 47 ounces of pure gold to tho ton. Nlckol and tin aro also declared to oxlBt In largo quantities in Samoa. Tho company will send these, ores to San Francisco. Tho Latest Yam. A PIttaburg drummer tells this how yarn: I alwaya carry a bottle of Vnmn'a rtnlanm in mv orin. I take cold easily and a few dose's of the Balsam al ways makes mo a wen man. i-very whore I go I apeak a good word for ITomn I tnlrA fiftlit nf mv fMistimnrn I take old men and young men, and tell bom confidentially what,! jlp. whqn I alee com. ai uruggieia, mc ami uw, 1 Talr vXnr wIipaI in. Hhlnn & Haueer and have it cleanod or repaired. Riding 3 4tf,P season is almoft here, Oii.isVOl.XAa Bwstts ygito Had Yon Hm Unit B?0t Bliatoro fjf' . 'Wfc x I Jo ad red ThoDjsnWanttd. Mo.twmxrv, Ala.,f JJasclj' 2a.Tbo Presbyterians of Alabama and Florida who havo been In convention hero since March 25, adjourned today after taking action, looking to the establishment of a college in this city. Tha matter waH dis cussed carefulh and subscriptions will probably bo asued froin various rresuy terlan churches in the two states. One hundred. tbusnd,dollara la wanted. Uow'aTtiU? WeofforllOO reward for any case of Catarrh !that cannot bo cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. " ' ' , , , n F. J. Ciikhkv & Co , Props.. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for ,the hut 15 years, and Kait.vJ Mm rK.rfer.tlv honorable in all business transactions ou iiubuuibiij able to carry ont any obligations made by their firm. Wkot & Tkcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. , . . . M4R .mvu!i fAuJ" T5v ""i ImiiBOUB aurfawe; of the aysted tntirn? uirectiy uwu vu uiuuu u .TwlmoniaiBjiree..- , j Hallpa FarnllyTllii arelbe beat.. AAAA AAAAAAAAA X HUTEL ARRIVALS. Y wSwmette ,V S.MqFarlatid.San Frnnciaco. IT R.IIinkio rti'iitlli'. wdG Marsbttll.iPprllond.. J Reninlmtis, Michigan. W A Hardy, Ban Francifco. Jamed Dloy, San FianciBco. L- JM James i wifo, Lomnc(n. J U Popo, San Francisco. Harry Cochran, $y$acti8e,New York. W HenncBsy fe wifd, Portland. .1 0 Friendly, Portland. II N Wheeler, Boston, Mass r, ' , IT, IS THS WAY YOU USE IT. the Method Employed Which Makes It's Success or Failure. Pfte man with pen, lnk(nnd paper can produco ftlandscapo, . another man with BPino pen nnd Ink may not bo nblo to write hla own namo, legibly. It la all In knowing how. It is equally truo In tho uso of medi cines. Tlio Bamo romqdiea wo havo to day have, .existed for thousands ol years, hut if their oxistonco was known tho knowlodgo of how to uso them was lack ing. Thoy becamo valuablo to tho human raco only when exporlmont and science ahowod tho woy to ubo them to got re Btilts. The grip la a old.iHseaeo with anew namo, it is really catarrhal in character and tho usual symptoms aro thoso of acute catarrh, but tlio old tlmo catarrh powders, salves and Bpraya do not euro It, neither does tho nppll ation of antiseptics through an Inhaler glvo any thing moro than rollof for a short time. Tlio antiseptics are all right) thoy will kill tho germs of catarrh and' grip If thoy aro applied rightly, but their local ftp plication to tho noso and throat avail little, bocause tho corniB ftro in tho blood and through tho wholo Bystem. 8tuart's Catarrh Tablets contain many of these samo nntlsoptlcs, that nro used in epraya and inhalers, but Instead or applying thorn to tbo inflamod mem branoB of tho iiobo and throat, thoy aro taken Into tho Btomach and thus roach thq blood,, tho roal seat of' tho dlacaso and drivo out tho infectious germs through tho natural cbannela of tho fjowols and kidneys. In other worda Stuart'a Catarrh Tablets roach tho causo of tha mischief instead of merely local aymptora8. ThoromarkabloBUCccaa of thoso tabloU in curjng grip, catarrh and throat aud lung troublea ia because thoy drive tho catarrhal poison from tho ayatom and tho noso and throat becomo clear of tho excessive soerotlou of mucoa, which caueea the hawking, spitting and gag ging, because tho secretion is not sup plied from healthy blood. Tw o voara auo Stuart'a Catarrh Tablets wore uuknown but today havo bocomo bo popular through positive morlt that druggists everywhere in tho United States, Canada, and Wreat Britain now sell them. 8 20 28 80 Prom Maclcay. Hev. D. L. McLnIn is recovering from n serious attack of la grippo. John Craig line recently returned from Douglas county and reports everything in good condition thoro. Tho ocliool is qulto prosperous now undor tho managomont of Mies Loin Good. A number of new buildings are being constructed hero and considerable re pairing is nlto being dono. Br. ICOUQH SYRUPi cures Hacklnp CoughB, Boro Lungfl, Bronohltlsw Grippo, Pnoumonlft nnd all sovoro lunpftfrcctionB. Why then rislc consump tion, a alow, suro death ? Tako warning 1 A"t nt oncol Buy a bottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, a doctor's proscription, uaodovorCOyooru. l'rlco, only 25 conta. Insist on having' It. Don't bo Im posed upon. Ilofuso tho doalor'a eubstltutot lb Is nob as good as Dr. Bull's. Salvation Oil curca RheumatUro Acbraaodl'ainj. IS acacia. SALEM LODGES DORKSTBRS OK A-IVlKHlOA Court 8UerWood KoreM No. 1. Mecu Kilday ntgbU lu Tamer block. Wm. Buck O. It. itnnE ii. tL. A u. Brawn Baor tl-n-ln Bids Invited. Tho building committee of tho Y. M. n A Ufa nnvt rwnilv tn r-onivn nronoealB on propvrty auitably located for ft V. M. 0, A, bujldlng. Tho ground nwt ap proxlinaui 50x100 feet or more. In casu of movable buildings price must bo quo'ed with and without tho huildinga. hiA.wtmniltieat- will nlno consider nro- positiona 011 down town bunlne?8 pro- rty mat can pe remoueieu i" " lid la must bo sealed and-wJll,bo received by lliu onderslgned up to 3:6'cjo;k p.m. nf Anrii 10. luui. Tlio re it 10 reieov any or ull bids is reserved. p. P. Dihiioi', Cliairman. 3-20-td Johm Fkciitbh, Secretary. Prppojals for Wood for the Orcioafgool for ine ueai. Bida aro Invitwl for 400 cords of wood to bo delfverod at tho School not later than Sept. 16th 1001, upon the following conditions; 05 corda of first growth, tilir flr nnt trhiln crrnen. and Willi 1-eBS oned. 35 corda of split oak, cut hIiII'vI groun, and well Beasone!. ah wooo; must be -t leev long, roaaonamy mroiKiii, 0 average aire, and olotely corded with out bulk lieona. "Bids will be received at the ofllco of the. Superintendent of Public Instruct fon,8aletm Or. until 2t00 p.m. April 0,UI)Q)M wbtc.11 tlipebey will ba open ed by the Board. of-Trusteea.-"- The rlgni to reject or accept an or any part of any bid ) hereby rrBflyed By order of the Board of Trustee. Clayton Wk.ntx, 8uierinltiitlefit 3 13d&wUl Brace Me Up. A oop of good eoffw puts you tn the mood to enjoy the entire day, JorthU purpoee ajwaya get "Sal Brand" Java and Mooha. Bol'l only by JJuansw & Baax r ij i- I, " I V ? mm AYcCdable PrepamlioitrorAs sltrillating iticFoodantincmtla Ung Ihc Stomachs nndDowls of ISMJECTCmiTITOl Promotes Digcsllon.Chccrlur ncasaiulJlcst.Contalns neither Opium.Morpliinc norfiurdL Hot "Naiic otic . , J!MftofOlttJDrSHVEl.VnxmXR Itnpkm Seal' Alx-Smn III Ctaianalr Sola HjtiftSfJ-' MTiMfiftutV- Apcrfccl Itcmcdy rorConslipa Tlon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcwrish ncss nnd Loss of Sleep. wwlamiB Hiaw Facsimile Sjgnnlure of . NEW YORK. exact copy or wrapper. ii Old Time Judges And. good ones will tell yon that tho wIiiob and liquors sold by Uogeia oa eas all of tho, good qualities llavor, ago, mellowiioss, purity, ripeness jou havo tho rlcfht to oxprct. If you aro a iudgo of good whiukoy, n conno'ieccur in wines, wo most certainly can please you, Imported ami ilomonlic whu-s, Iiquora and cordiala alwaya ou baud. Ji P, Rogers 2l8-'2'22 Commercial Street jgWWholosalo and Ketail liquor dcalei ?"rr. SOMETHING n !Sr Qwi-.o-ri KERN INCANDESCENT OA8 UURNER ?o Chimney, no blackemxl Mantles Givea .'15 catullo power por foot of gaa consumed. Several tutus. Wo havo lu stock the No 1, burning ono foot por hour and giving a 35 cundlo power light for 3-10 of ono cent per hour. A loo tho No 2, giving 70 caudlo power at a cost of 0-10 of a ci'iit per hour. , INVESTIGATE THHM Salem Gas Liglit Co. Chomokotn St. Telnphono SHS Plumbing and Roofing Make your contract for plumbing early to sntuiro thn bust Job for thu least money . ;::::: A MJ'.TAl BOOF on your building Is durable and economical, will protect your property-from flro in adjoining bniluing and ought to rod 11 go the cost' of insurance. :::;:::;: A UAIyVANJZHD IKON .SKYUUIT ia Hglifer and atrongortlmu wootl, guarantiMid not to (enk. Estlmatea furnished and tho best of work promptly porformed by .::;::: : 1 BURROUGHS & FRASBR PHONE IRI1 loa STATE ST THE' FLORENCE . , SALEf! OREGON A Urst-clasH piivate hospital for the treatment nf chroiila and mugloal eases. Built tho past year uspuolally for the puipiMto for which it is iibod. Convenontly located within four blockn -f tho IhihIiiuhs purt of tho city. The rnoiit modern fiirnlshiuxd uul latitat appliiiuoos throughout the building. Heated by hot watar and ligbtwl by gtis nnd elect lotty, Horn tlio sick can havo tho oouifort nf an eluguut private home, combined with all tho advuntaipH) Of a goiiMral hospital without the noise, confusion, and publicity attending one. Outside physicians brjpging cases in treated with tha gruHtst courtMy, and assisted in operations tf rmiwM. For terms and furtbwr Informa tion write or apply personally. B..CARTWRI6HT, M. D. SUPT. VISITOR3WELCOMEDHRTWEEN2AM P.M. Any Man vvitn a. Stat Safety IRasot In fact you could not cut yourself if you wanted to. We have them. R. M. WADE & CO. y 7 ' ALEM 1 In wV H W mf m vftiy nH He. H For Infants and Children. ji '" f The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years THt OtTU eOMPkNY. NIW VoBM OltV. A JUDGE OP PRIME MEATS alwaya knows just what ho wants, nnd knowH mat no can tiinnys got 11 irotu our choice stock, If you want n deli cious roast, atoak, chop or cullot that la tuiidor, rich and auconlont, a ml cut by an oxport band, trimmed aud got up for your table to suit tho Quoen's tusto, you will alwaya find it nt CROSS'S, and at lowor prlcea tlmn von cau (1ml it for nuywliero vino In Sah-iu, , E.C, .CROSS SALE.VI OR "fl 'I'uonoJ'oT From'tlie Mountain Forests Of Orugoii and whorovor tho host eoft woods are obtainable, wo obtain our supply of good unable Itunhor for in door and outdoor construction, flooring, moulding, siding lath, nhlnglo", scant Ifug and every kind of inatiufactnretl or rough lumber. Goodale Lumber Co. NEW! f i 'r1 SANATORIUM Can Shave Hlmse OREGON " rX - Iff '- 1 Bears the I I Signature u lUf For GASTORIA hMNHMMMWM BUSINESS CARDS -T 33E3390nip JE&S'SS. Succccpsor to Dr, J. M, Keeno, of White Cornor, flalom Oro. PAToif .do. Siring superior oerationa at moderate feo in any branch nro incspcclnl requost, Money to Loan On improved farm and cttyprorj. orlyaKlovest current rates. J ; . " v .; . t, K. FORD im Over -tadd & BubIi'b Bank. Dr. Grace Albright Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, s . J ! S .vory day oxcopt Sunday. Office houre 0tol2n. m: 1 to 4 p. m. Odd Followa' Tomplo, Cor. Court and High trtets. I'liono. Main 2281. ALBERT A' JESSUP, l?hpno 1071. ROOMS 1 AND 8, QUAY HLK. soul?: UBOS. Piano Tuners and R6paicrs FOBTJjAND OHE. For Salem and vlolulty teavo orders at Goo. Will's MubIu Store. B. R. JONES. Attornoy-at-Law Toledo. OreTon Wan Plerk of arcult Counter U yean and ha an un-to-dato atVraotur,all property laUncoln comity. fi jM7m S.-C.-ST0NE-M.-Dr ifPtwrtotpt ot , ' Stone's Drugstore BALEM OREGON. Tho Btoros(two In number) aro lo cated at No, 835 nnd 383 Commercial Btroot, nnd are woll stockou with a com ploto lino of drugs and medicines, tdllqt artick8, perfumery, bnlnlioa ot'o. DIt. 8TQNE Hits had sonio 2f yeara oxporlonco In tho practlco of modlclno nnd now makes no chnrgo fbr consultation, oxam tufttloh or proscription. Bottled Beer Klingerft Beck,Succeeaora to SouthSaletc Ooitlir.g Works. All orders for bottlod boor will bo tilled at I ho brewery. Kept on cold storage iwe del Kroo citv ilellvery. taiopii liqnoSiai. Huie Wing Sang Co, Offer latjloa' wrnnpoia, former prico 05 reduced to (1..6 for 0110 wcokouly. Now Hock of eilks, eilk handkerchiofs, ladles' furnishing gotxli, wlilto under- wuiir. chluiiwuar. muttlnufl and Jnnan. ooO fancy goods. All offurvd at low I til'ln.. 1 140 State Strcot, Salem, Ofcgou. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfei Mootn all man and noasengor trains. Bnggaga to all parts of tho olty. Prompt Borvicn. Telephone No. 851. D1SQUK A HOMYKK Old Post OfficeStablps Aro largo nut havo roliablo uttoud. ante, your team boarded by tlw.wopk or day. , lood teams for jijro, I'rjcos' rea uonabo. Yodf patronago sollcltod. H. .M. Brown Forrv Mroet, 'Eas ol access. Courteous reception. First-glass cooking. You enjoy what you order at 1o State, st. GE0RGEBRQS, Props, OFITIOIB, 01TY1HALL. For water dervlco uoply at unko Dills payablo monthly Id advuuco Mako all complaliitH at tlio oRlc --jr tr-f-v TT 15 Impressing It on Him With Emphasis Ih what our fine laundry work docs tn tho man who la looking (or something rxniimuo in rojor unii unn on ma lin en; We aim. tojuako our- laundry work peerless In besuty.upd in the perfect cpn tfltlon ft) which wm fnX IilioniOj. Bend usTfl rsmplolnindlt) aud we will sur prtio yiif lew pr0ceBiJisaPJto' Salam Steam Laundry COWHUUJ. OI.VSTKD, l-HOPHUTOtt. IKinOOa II, ptMSTKD, . Ta,MQM4' ; Phonatll M Wieiuse Restaurant Siofli'law h MWSlCxr uQ; O TT( q ' q J itmv AWKmm BTliAMKll jf altonA l irlfUVESFOIlirOllTIiAND lnllyj''5P' StmilaT at B a m QUIOt.l'MK AND CIIUAP ItATKB. '' t)MKMtwn8UtaanilOonrttita. M. P. UALDW1N, Agsnv i 1 ? ' T -? -Mf ) "wy - 1V4 klj ;r . MoW todny ndVonloomohta fouf linos or Ions In thin column Inserted throo tlmos for 2 Bo., DOo a. week SI.OO per month. All ovor four linos at snma rats. FPB'JTBADEOno ladles' Hartford Bicycle almost now for, good rowing machino;- also Bolid gold watch for lafm wg6h, Wi'jtito preferred. En quire BtJouRNAij office. 5-27-lw WOOD WANTED. offers will bo re- eolved on Iota of fifty cords or loss. ..Call or.addross JptniNAivpIlco, Salem. 0-27tf LOST, on j-'rlttiiy ovoning fsU ajtlun colored leather shoppineVbag .ith urnt nattqrn, BOoral dqT!arB'yioin a car book, nnd soma memoranda. Liberal rowari to any ono bringing It to thla office. VPsr" 11UYTHE BES.T. I offer" for aalo on " easv tdrms. (I16 Ibcet tlfreo residence lofaln Sftlem.vlz: 00x140 foot at N. orcd. J. K. AliBEIlT. 3-25-tf WANTED MAN-.withhor8aandb.4rey to soil Pasture Stock Food. Salary fit per week and ten por cent on all salot. rarmor proierreu? irraviouB exyenj. oti'co .Food not "ossontisl. rastaro ot blOCK ovt 1b tho greatest discovery made In Pi practical and scientific c food- ing, and-ii eoldon an nbaoluloguflran tco. Steady, permanont trado easily established. Samplo box, sufllclent for two wooka fooding, froo. Sond 25 conta In stamps or silver' to covonex- Srosa charges. Tasturo Stock Food ompany, 324 Timos Building, Ohloa. go. 3 2b-tf WANTED, To rent comfortablo small houso in northern part of Salem. Enquire 11, JouiinaI, Ollloq. 3 20 tf. WANTED. Homos for two well trained kittens. Apply lit porson nt Jouimi Ofllco 3 SO If. LADY AGENT Your opportu mil Mill nlty. Hygoln Straight Front and ' Military Corsets are money makers. 1 Avery woman wants ono. For terms- up IS ly Dopt. D. Woitorn Coraot Uo.,' ,t. uis, Mo. 8 183m FOR BALE fl acrca, house, well, ono aero bearing orchard, balance garden, biased In. also 10 acres moatlyyonng npplo orchard and garden land, both on rural route. SeoG. W. rearmino 2 miles north on IMver road, !1 10. tf. - ' t'r. 0HOI0B furnished rooms or goa,tlo men, or for man and wifo. Apply at cornor Statu and Wlntor Biropin, 3 13 Iff FOU RUNT-Cottago on Trade and High atreota. Apply at Thoa. Hot man. H70 High atreet, or Capital prug, atoro. . 3-o-tt W HNlSIlE D ItOOMH -For light hobao keeping or for tranalonts, tn sultea'or slnglb, largo and pleaHant with? wth' iIowb fronting on Commorclnl atfeot. M HUTCIIIMB, Cottlo niock, over Blue Front. 3 6tt. FIVE'ROQoI COTTAGE, with aero of ground for aalo cUcp. Enquire of E. 1). llorgan, agent. 3 4 lm BACK AT THE OLD STAND.- Tho farmers and horeomon will bo glad to know that Arthur Glover ilia well known horBO ahber ia back at tbo old stand 60 State strcot whoro ho and hla partner W. M, Flymala will ahoo yonr Jiortoa or uo any piapKsmitu work nootlod. IM HEED WHEAT. Choice Dqllaujo.und Klnnoy wheat at tho lowest market prices for seed wheat. Urowator & White. HI OuurtBu I'JionoiyBl.. NEWFEED HTOUEOppoalta cjurt housS on High Hi root. A full lino of flour and ull kinds of feed carried. 1 Haynnd grain bought and sold. Feed chopping dono nt lowest rate. Get QurjiuQiationa beforo you buy. Till aon, IJfaftlott Grain Co. ' liXlTrt FOiTlHiNT-Slxmllea aoutU of Halum 120 acres all undor cultiva tion, irood schools, noar church. Froo Rural delivery. Grain rent. Address 11, II. Cato JounNAi.. 9 i.if tliobuWof thoiJalom Light aud Tlc- tloa com pun v. 1-30-tf FRENirLEQfiONb. Given at homo or taclasii in auy part ol city. Horn ahd educated In Franco. Ly ,ydla Rich. D. Hlreot, baloin. 11 27 U .Wonotoiilyibft'll lJi clo class of laundry work but wo cloan carpota. Wo will carpets. clonil your carpet '" ou Bro Dor plood it will cost you nothing. Amer. lean Laundry. 100 Church Bt. . jllrlngyour lawp j iirniu vmir iawu iiiu mowers, to Hblpp A HauBo?and havojthom Bhajpnorf and ovcrha.ulod for thgiiprlngBoaaoii(-8-4 tf. sr tiAAtala fnf Waa.4 Illua aro hereby invited for furnlihlng 4000 corda of wood to tho Oregon Bta'u Insane Asylum. 3,500 corda tobodellver. otl at the main building and WW cord at tho Cottage l-'nrm. Tho comlltl6u ro that the wood shall Ini tut, w iII3greon, from first growth, big fir. well Reasoned, anddollvored as reiulred. plowbt coHetl, without bnlkhoads. lllda wtirl bo received for tho delivery o?5 corda. of grub oak, at tho main building. .tfJlda will bo ruoolvtxl for tho wholo or fuy part and owned at tho atatd IjoutOjiat 2 ' A"',,aU"TT,GEERl CHAB. B. MOORE, Hoard of Aaylum Truateoa. WALTER LYON, ; Clerk of Hoard. 3 8 lmo. BW for gupjllei. Illda aro Invited fpr supp lo for the School for tho Deaf for. a torlod of fl montlv (rom April In ept. SO, 1W1. A liatof prtiolM uoedoi hAfurrdshed the bidder lipon appllotldu t5 Qie 8 u nenntondeiit Hula' will' bVoyened M."SlV80. lUQt. CLAYTON WSftZ. 3 13 d&wtd BoporlnUndent. Guaranteed S900J Yearly Salary... .... J . ...... ..MrrU L MDIMCUl lit wu or womn to, mn P'S''a, k22' neutiHltlon. Hbrl,lOBiumVJuw. ? - Ulllliui How. Wrltoti.' 1 Stafford Press 23 Ctiurca trctt. New tUvea. Cos is, cornor 01 uourt. nnu uottngo ew tnr 49WVI Thn tn Inld lIntr lllrnVi II. .1 B1II4.1 ....I. ILaL.'-, rtLCI street, for 12000 ohch. All Well soweri jjs?pyi- 1 U 1 19 F ita i f? Y .