The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 28, 1901, Image 2

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    .. J ."ffl
-.-.. A "1.1 ?T l
Hme Wrk J Haid Work wf tlwut OOLDDUp
- - ' " ' ' gggggSSSSSSS- 7
J - -- 1 . I -
"""' ' "" ;
s 7 r
HChe flew (Hut
BnaAShouIders anH coaPbt close
fitting the form.
.... ..... 1 . L. ew MrJi IfltliM
Ar tt flaw alxiBn u www r lyogg - c - - . j-r -- 4 n-
'tTorlhe li&t artfcia at tfaBTkhtprkrf, cma mast f "
. pr$a foiow yWH Sad tea Hty b'aV - - -Keawmter
e to ivaay W CdBsaHa Wcyale Apt W-
Tbe rwpto' CiotLJer. Bad Fnrnlsber. 7 GHBaaerrfa! f. Sale
n&rr inteHili H&
'teJHX i ! tie paC
Iasd ibereky ate has lately
Mt let'ers sasater e ceMejepn
I Mta oad jwHOecJ ceuPSBtst aakea
far earsreaoses ewHwatag tie s7
DHL AsBtrjii1esWrecflBeiB.
tot tansy have aC bB prtBted. T"
estedenleas were as tfte wtb: te tf
Far tMfcMKBe. rrefeaaar F. IL Old
2s ar OtmnMa BUtrenfty la writ
ing af te Mil MM: Tbs WH I feoHere
fc a tWrBtr rttB ,p awr
al t4 vtUX f4W3iTttr. Ii h P'
rr ksws Uut tb Usitd
pr Ums a ofcr oatlos. Tbre
twn K If Aek tor tm aaBpW-
ttat rt MMd; MM f 0m1. kB97
rrA-Mr UvMU f t Mttr l
v4iOJ iKwuijr, OlMibU inUTcnitjr,
Ut -TVrt H jm rUJtT Uiat Um
kmw7 facWIlM for export tr4" to
nwliin Crtc tt ami W
MMriMts for t Casfod SUtw wUI t
Dally On Yy. 3.O0 In Advano
Dally Four' Mentha 91. In Advanoa
Dally by Carlar OOo For Month
Waafcty Ona Yaar ai.Otf In Advanea
FOR UXJor t-K.JrB-
4!JfiatbUW)adlBg pf tba P&pelUt
jr Ba tb diaclocdr Uiftt a noatber
rf ailetcl DwnocraU were SSitobell
K4p?WJen In dltjcaU, the qawtUoo of
trsal will U ifift t political alUjn
Mest in Oregon. Tlicre will probably
U afSoeJallit party, Uj regotar Pomo
crMiepartf and lha regular RvabUeaB
organlialkKJ. T Jovxsai. woW
mdriM bctli l(pablicat aad DttaocraU
Md ldpwdU to go flew aboat
IitMy Jswpfflj tato any orjanltatioa,
aa expsrieoee Ijm prorea Uuit tuot of
tbeoTpi(atl)B are only to further
one ajabUbma iwUIWm'o porwaal
atpf rtttoB.
;; ji gv. " s
JfttiajM. 'x-IaY,
At Kogeoa a exeamery l to Ui wUb
Utiiid,aoil at Baln and Canliy one bat
hwa abaadoatu.
Oa ChlBan talking 10 another on
a talrpboo U atMtO ba one of lU real.
ly faany tblnp.
Wa At aaooriied low well tba world
ru aloDK whoa eoa of o drops out for
a wblla or permanently.
A 4ft
II V, Allay retiree Ifotn uus iar
City Rwpttblkan and Kdward Kterett
Ifoantof tba Basnpter American take
IT pwple would Ilka to aea more
eommoa boaMiy and runllD and lets
Mits-Kaaey tacttonaHiin amoBB Ore-
eon ll atedeeU.
t j "
"Aali t,," W0'"!? 'beau.
tlful spring poem.
IJeaatlfol trailing win 1 here,
llta fact may bo doobfod by soma;
Uat for tUJr. donbU Jdo rwt eare, , ,
lftr-bibleia plant baa)&mj.
rir' ' l
7i wok of UylBg w cable Use
between Kmdeu, I'roTinea ol Maaoyer,
PreSla. andTUatSn, County ofKorfolk,
KilaBd' iUi M VfgHiKBextroelayj
ghU will ba tba MiyenUaoUt Anglo-Uer
sian cufa
Wnat Porli
JTieaWef tbelr baiUiwa )(eome far 'the
MfoqoarUri ending ilarcb 31, amount
Ng to f IK). Thle wm very gratllylBg to
j$ elty offiolab,ai tha couij"' tgeut,
2 "'1111am Dsniare, bad demurred to iay.
g tba lleente and bad talked of taking
He natter Into tba eeorU and eouteit-
81 tba rslidlty ef Uto bualQetedleenio
law. Tbe geserU asaMjer of tfceaaea
paay, bowerer, decided tJat t w
be oacietf , asd evea H It were profeebie
that tba law eoWJ be deftaUd, w wwrfd
net dwlr to aostMt it, as W eoenpany
waa dofoz a rxJ betiswtibere and had
recired liberal treatment from tba dtyf
and waa wllMsjt to pay any Joat Ux that
might ba Impoeed. It I not probable
that any one will now offer to eontcet
tba Portland btur ineM-liotate law. '
Tba Fenntylrania railroad adila 100,-
000,000 to IU etock. Tlie Union Pacific
J to liwoe $200,000,00 new ttock. Thoe
in wa create our thrifty femlallt m that
thall batten on tbo tbriitleao millions of
band'to-mootli prodoocra,atieb as farm
ers, miners, mechanics and the nno-
phlsticated biborlng roams generally.
a a
Arbor diy might be employed to tcaeb
boys and girls to graft. Ona of tboaa
who are referred to In tba American
press sometimes as ignorant foreigners
might be got at each tchool boas to
taaeb tba art by a few slmplo objeat lea
oat. Grafting as understood by the
HOsge American youth la an art sot
edaaeeted wltblmprovemeatof orchards,
but it Is coning to be one of the few in
dCftries really well understood.
And tbeaa are called gifts by tha Al
bany Itemoorat;
Before marrisge the girlseteaU the
show, 4ftar marriage the man.
KUstng' may be dangerous on account
of microbes, but there Is nothing Ilka
learning the fact from experience.
1 1 Is never known bow mean some men
are until alter tboy are dead, and then
newspapers ana tamuieis emooui
fte I'rnOsw S. M. KacTasw of tlw
fclr et itfaawasicj aad Matory, Ilar
rard mArrrmj. "11 tJKr KsBBMfcran
laarry waata to eoeaaatt sasctda, U
MMUf of UJa sMb t4batdy WM wM
b all thai wvbM a mtemtmrj."
IWmmmm- T. X. Carrer t JlarTard
AlrvriHty mM, "Owtog to tbe dcTelop
HfK f the ateel tltry. tMa wM
I be worst osalo for pladng a
iMHit on sMpbalMte? ainl tbe OB
traae Hi owr Matory wbea U la least
i'rofwiwr Cbarlea IL IXail of the
chair of eaoBomiea, Ore ell sntrcrsity,
wild. "neb eooaTestonai dictation
may hr In woe canes for the public In
temt, bBt the presumption Is strongly
against Its being so. In this particular
rtw I hare wx-'ii bo argument of public
fntarfst that aoBis toine strong onuugb
to orereoute tbo adrvrae presumption.
Wliat forces of private Intercuts nre at
work tbo mens economist has no means
of knowing."
8ild IVofMsor Daniel of the- cbalr of
political economy, Princeton, "In gen
eral, snbtfdle nach as tltoco proposed
are. In tar opinion, indefensible."
Profeasor Jamea W. Crook of Am-
Itefmsoethe NEW
Discoveries JiadeJn. Oregon
In t&e -Eigqties
How They Bored for It Years
Ago-Wfut f bej vfik. i
j . .""X"
MrWtdparUX Oregosi tfcare are
alleged flpooreries of U- At fcaiexo,
Aawlaad, hs Wabtortow oNty and
elaewbere Usereare sUtaaeU f Mx
bondiBg orpflrebawof Urg tracts of
tasd In wbleh It Is beHrfed ell dposiU
will be foBd- Tbe exatteweat a the
sabjeet. Is a retnlader f f-naer days
in Ben ton.
It all happened la tfie eksteg mfrtbs
itlte Fte- Tbe CorralUs Tl
tAkbowtbe notto ewtered 0eheadsefa
BBsaber ol CorralWsttea that there were
depoeita of oil ia BestoB eovaty. The no-
tfoa grew asd oi-efopea ta expaBaea
aUI it batet forUi teta aatiM. A
MsapaBy waa organised. The arttolee
iMorsoratkM of tfaU cefflpaBT are
itill aa file at tbe ert boe is the
etork's oOee. A!og wHh tbem, too
threistb otMaplaiat aad record of
jodgaiCBt of a soft brtfagbt against tbe
aoaspaBy by tbe bsb w)w bared for it,
bwt etraek no nil.
Tba aoroorattea was named The
Northwest Mjluag eotapany. Tbe in
corporators were T. E. Caatborn, T. 11.
Cooper, W. A, Wells. Z. II. Paris and
J. W Kaybarn. T. E. Caathorn was
preridest and J. V. Bayborn was sec
rebiry. Tbe buelriets of tbe company,
as set forth In the articles of incorpora
tion was to en age in owning, leasing,
operating arid -bunting for coal, coal oil
and natnratgas in Benton county."
Tub company contracted with O.
81oper to do the boring. On a certain
spot on the farm of J. E. Wyatthe
bored, and bored and bored, but the oil
depotit was never struck If there waa
oil, natural gas or coal there, it U there
still, where tbe unfinished hole drilled
by Hlopor long ago ceased to be a hole.
By and by the work was given up. A
relict of tbo operations was a note of
I ICT6.W, eiven by the Northwest Mining
. 1 uM br the
"'-J u. Men wbo do nM
v mtr-m nir r-A.m --
to $109. Exef btk "
... .-aJr be taken sp from
7r-TT?lZZw lefarire, Tbre
LL mux be eo.pKaoy poetI,4
tad, rtfciB 10 days tbe owner raanre
or a. aBal by tbe paymeBt of
fee f $i asd a reasonable charge for
ksepiec. AfterMdaystbecoanrjclerk
artte aaliied and tbe animal Uap
praiKd aa4 raW- H tbe appraised ratae
fa,i,taasaalmaatbesiTarU8ed in
a Beataaper by te stera
late legielatare
....Your Chance Has Come....
joot 0f brrsiness since the Eagle people have
'Mrrst'sald, "Our experience U against lCorntny to b loner as iort payment on
tbe efllcacjr of sneb a system." I tbo boring contract. Tlie closing chapter
Professor V. It. Jonss of Union col
'ego saU, "Not one sound economic ar
gument ean be urged In support of tbe
shin tHhsldy MIL Tbe principle Involv
ed la a species of paternalism, having
none of tbe redeeming featurea of tbe
protection theory and all of It falla
These are but samples of n largo
number of adverse opinions expressed
by cutlejco professor and political econ
omist. They are men who have no
uhlps to sell and no exports to ship and
whose views am entirely unbiased.
And Yt IV Hual l'ar "' Vor
tile newspapers and ministers smooth TJ0 commissioner of navigation, In
things over satlIactorHy. I , )s rcMrt for 1000. sots on pa go IB un-
ti. ii ifiiiatv m Jint biisiy nuinri ..-
.': ZTi '1 ... i... i..i ;. der bend of "Increase of Hpeou
says of otfu
in this brief, narrative of oUl'CXcJtement
in Benton Is Uie suit brought by Slojwr
in the circuit on Beptember 20, 1800, for
recovery on tins note, lie won the caed,
and was awarded judgment for 1 278, to
Mother with ISO attorneys fees and costs
of tbo proceeding
Besides the incorporators a considera
ble number of enterprising citizens of
Corvsllis and vicinity wore interested in
thu tchomi).
CcfctrsteJ AKtisfes.
Catao. Bin Hard. -'
tbeMBrrearyofUeaecrfon of the
Kfcediw, aad tbe ereBt was celebrated
fcr t pardoa of Arab! Paiba, wbo has
bea exiled f wreral years. AraW
Paefca will retarn immediately to this
dty f rooB Cejkw. Tbe preeeat Kbedlve
saeeseded to the tbroae ia 185.
Kt. laata Stock.
PBiuuau,F-. Uttth 3d.-Tbe
iiiu. mi tK PoBBsrlvania rail-
read wiQ bM their annual meeting
'ate thas aJtoracoB tad rote oa tbe
qaeatioa of bxreaxiBg the capital itock
umcoitO. TJe capital stock is now
Uel.TWW, and toe tecreate will bring
tbe total to ll,7O3,O00.
Don't gie..tbteaor coffee nave
yoH tneo ie new i u... -.
OItAI0 It is delicious and bout
Uhlnc and takes the place of coffee.
The more Grain-O yon give the i chil
dren tbe more health you distribute
through their systems. Graln-O la
made of pure grains, and when prop
erly prepared tastes Uke the choice
rradea of coffee bat cost about as
. ... !, It inn Itrill
mocn. ah gnxxn bcii "-
2 too don't have to gel your, - , ---
ing this on our gents' mwe e. '"'
giJe as a call at E. M. OroiEan's 257 Liberty street,
Some snaps in seoond.hand wheels.
Lt PortUbd.
Lt Bajem.
Ar A11n1.
Ar scnunento
Ar Biin
Ar in
AlKanu. CUT-
- 830 A U
-U.O0 A U
-Ui4 A U
7t5 P M
. 8.A5 A U
725 A M
Take a few spare minutes and
Bellinger & Wilson
JTrairu leave Ealem for Portland and way
stations ai 5:40 a.m. , 7:54 a", m. and
4 :53 p. m.
J20 f u
101 p y
. A M
aoA u
lA Jf
tm p h
8 A X
M30A M
7J00 A M
6J0 p M
6:1 A 11
12J0 p u
Pnllman and Toarists cars on both
traias. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden
and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago.
St Louis, New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at Ban Frandhsco with eev
It's in;the running of them that makes the
Because a bicycle looks nice is no sign it is of
of a women, but what
ter woman.
A number of years ago a dfolilon was
rendered that it was unaonstitutlonsl
for tbo legislature of Orrgou to ap
propriate tbe stale's funds lor the con
struction ol public road. Now it It is un
eouttltullonal to appropriate the people's
money to aid awHinty in constructing
highways, what makes it constitutional
to appropriate a portion ol this same
money to help some olty in soma sister
stal gel up a big show? Bandon Uo
4 jt
& fr.rllA.t,n Itfilft T1arn)i (VitA.
r" i.y .v-B.-r'- ( "7
land ba iVM to '& Sn7
A Ittfart of Nabaldr Ir "a
na la I(Tlop Stippvrl I'rvv A
The prres'burcaii -maintained by the
sub4dy bill lubby .and tholr senatorial
roiifreres Tiaslnifln doIngheroIe service
at late. l"or soino tluio Mr Aloxnmliif
iC.JBiulib.oiio of tbo well known whoop-pr-up
of the ship subsidy propagsiida,
baa botu thj dlrettur general of fbta
bureau.' IUcily Ir. George W. Hou
ar, formerly thu head of the Washing
ton bureau of the New York Herald
and later the press represofitatlra of
tho llepubllcnu nsUdtml rewwlltee, has
been gUeu a high poaltkin on the staff.
Ills atquslntaiwe with Washington
newspaper uy as widl as with reprv
viUtlvM aadaenatera tuKkes ins scrv
"The Increase In tho Bpcod of steam-
sblps is much less general and note
worthy from tho commercial point of
view tban tho Increase in the sizo of
such vessels. The reduction of a frac
tion of an hour In the transatlantic rec
ord excites Interest on both sides of tbe
ocean and Is a proper occasion for fe
licitations on the attainment of fcrcat
mrcbanlrat skill, but It does not add tn
tba general well being of the world, as
does the addition of a dozen or score of
net tons to the average carrying capac
ity of the world's steamships."
Under the Hanna-Payne Mil, bow
ever, despite this testliitotiy of a reeog
uUed authority, half or more of the
pressed subsidy Is to be pah! for shnn1
power solely.
Sh. Karr,
A clergyman while eateohlslug his
Bunday school had oceoalou to ask the
children tbo meaning of tho word
'epistle." A Utile girl In tho youngest
cIam was so certain that she knew
that she did not Imitate a minute, but,
with tho greatost of confldt-uec, an
swered, "An eplitlo is tbe wife of an
apostle." New York Bun.
Tha Star.
"Now," we avked blm, "who should
Im considered the star of your coin
pauyr "Tba bleedbeuHd, me boy, the Wood
hound," sakl the gvntlamsH that playi!
Iegree. "lie has sewieuttBg to eat ev-
Pew Sclcstlfl DinJroff Treatment Rrcon
mtsded by a tPbyslclaa.
Mrs. Marv 0. Crawford, Oakusdale
Wash. : "Ilerplclde curetl mo perfectly
of dandruff and falllni; hair."
Dr. K.J. Bcardsloy. Cliamnalen. Ill.t
"I used llerpicide (or dsndrutf and fall,
log hair, and I am well satituod with
the result."
Alf U. Kelly, 2105 Dfteadero street,
Kan Praneftee: "llerpicide pat a new
trrowth of hair on my head, llerpicide
does more than is claimed."
llerpieide kills the dandruff germ."
"Destroy the cause yo remove the
effect" dandrafl, falriBg hair and
fiually Uldnecs. At all draggists.
Atumlium Comtisr.
Pamw, Frarioe, March JbL Klforts are
UstHg made at a mntlnghere today
to BrgaBisa a gigantV: combine to eon
Urt the aluntlBUw oatat in this coon
try. The present boom in this oobi
modlty has been brought aboat by the
treiuMMloM strides automobiltsm is
bow making bare. Aluminum bids fair
to iMpplant wood entirely, and even
Iron, In the oonstruelioii ol machines,
whWt will hereafter eausitt almost
rxduslvrtly of aluminuiN and steel,
Moreover, the French deiKxits of the
light metal are said to be the richest in
11m world.
Issettsl et Cow Urctsy.
1 ho iwo men, whose Ustentloi at
Cottage Grove Ohief of Pellee Qllefl, of
thhi eity eaUMd, susnestinir thnv hul
MHik. TUldYMHiTiWnrtBairJiJ
Marios County Claims
Amt. Amt.
eld. all'd.
BUtesmsn Pub. Co., $80 50 0 20
Htatatnsn Job office. 7 76 7 76
Rom E. Moores, 19 63 10 68
C. B. Irvine, 11 00 11 00
Patton Bros., 20 46 20 46
Woodburn Independent, 1 95 1 95
Oronlse Photo fitudto, 80 CO H) 00
Geo. P Kclgers, 41 71 41 71
M. L. Chamberlin. clerk, 1 00 1 00
Hofer Bros. 12 36 11 05
J. H. KoUnd, 660 6 60
SuriOt jfmiMmnmKWixsU
Chainless S60,
Light Roadster, S40,
Roadster, S35,
A high priced bicycle is not always a high-grade one.
insist upon
Safest way la to
tttenrattosi to Opes.
The Kiowa and Camanche country in
India Territory will be opened for
setfleaseat this rammer. It is a grand
eoBBtry, and reached only via the Great
Itock Island Roate. If you are in
terested, write for booklet "The Okla
homa Opportaoity." It Ulls you all
about Oklahoma and the country to be
. A. E. Coopsa, G. A.
360 Alder St., Portland Oregon.
2 6 tf
For Infanta and Cbildrrn.
The Kind You Haia Always Bough
Bears the
Slgn&tare of
Bkydt RttairSbep.
Complete sltop for repairing bicycles
ami expert workmen employed lilch-
ell, Lewis & Ftaver Co., 61, M, 55 State
street, Salem. 3 8 tf
stolen A. W. Drswr's Jerv. nrovd la
be lunecunt overiaml travelers having
started from North Balem about the
ttrae the eew disappeared. The animal
to their iHw.Mleu , eerrestendd vrv
cry day, whether the rest tto or Bet. asaely in eetor and appearattee to that
ludUiuiuels Press.
af Use Uraser nw.
Southern Pacific- Co,
Ar Lot Anrelea
Ar Q Puo
Ar rort Wona-
Ar catyofUsxloo.
At New Orleans
Ar Wsahlarum
Ar Kew York -
- 60 P X
. SA M
-11.30 A M
.7 0 A U
. 6:2 A M
-U;I0 P Jf
oral ateamahtp
Japan, China, PI
South America.
lines for Hnnnlnin
hilippines, Central and1
See agent at Balem btation, or address
C. H. MARKHAM, Q. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Corvallis & Bastero Railroad
No. 2 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany..... .12:45 p. tn
Train leaves Corvallis.... 1:50 p tn'.
Train arrives Yaqulna . 6:45 p. tn
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqulna 010 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. tn
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m
No. 3 For Detreit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Detroit 11:20 a.m.
No. 4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. tu,
Arrives Albany 5:45 p.m.
One and two connect at Albany and
Corvallis vylth .Southern Pacific trains,
giving dlroct service to and from New
port and adjacent beaches.
Trains for tbe mountains arrive at
Detroit at noon, Klvitig umple time
to reach camping grounds on ttu
Breltenbush and Santlam rivers the
same day.
T F. A P A Munst
tg tit. Jbtny
"The Best of Everything"
In a word this tolls of the passenger
eervice Via
The Northwestern Line
Trains dally between St. Paul
and Chicago comprising the latest
Pullman Bloopers, Peerless Dining Cars,
Library and Observation Cars,
Froo Reclining Cbair .Cars.
Tlie 20th Century Traln--T1IE WORTH
WESTERN LIMITED" Runs every day o the
Finest Trains -in- rthe World
Electric Lhjnted Steam Heated.
An old and honored name, quality which that name demands shall I be 1 kept THE
nrr-irrcT . r.l !,. ! (air tnr a wliwtl known to be ol the HIGHESr UKAUh.
No bicycle of any sort is worth more, none at a less price can be Rambler Grade,
We take in old wheels In exchange.
Wo villi sell you a wheel on easy Installments.
A few snaps on second-hand bicycles
r-m.,lotollr, n( Uli-ur-lo Snnilrina. Tirpp. ftc at riizbt DriCCS
Remember we are now lolly prepared to do any kind of bicycle work, having
put in a complete shop under the manaepment of Paul Haueer, who has had sev
eral years experience at tbe business. No matter what It is you want. Our
Jereeysand sweaters will soon be here, wait until you see them before you buy.
258 Commercial Street, Salem Oregon.
r. . "i
To Chicago By Daylight
The Badger State Express,
Day Train running between St
Chicago Via tbo Short Lino,
lions from tho West made Vie
Columbia Bicycles i
JJOflg' 't- .at JTi
r- avnsttrir. n
a ilSBS I S I ,TS? V M " Ul.
a; W M k mJbbPV bbbbbbbBBw Is V
BS -r """"",BSBSBa)BjaBBjMSBB
1. lW--Pap ay d iflstf he
jblXwtlliold ni, Ut.yo
r heah af so big dat u'o At
beU) 'sw, IMHue
1 (Trttatday tMtbcBMWBiB', whataxbisa,
10 lw t- f " '" fS&t ibbV lit' SL&kMb1?"
h, J 1Jfe u t-z . jS SisB&r "Wb
,iiBjiKipnij -
s . ' ' i" i
say HuBBaJilTrflr s I Faat Jt0 K. saauBLa
t J
i. Ai&atf-lva tost U bak by thuuJw.
Strawberry Plants
a: for sale X
TEESSEE. very early, lose Uirtr.wlOO
COVtHORIIOAPD, Uie ni last ttrcr. tr
100, $1.00.
DU MAURIER" Imported tteck.UU is ki(
UutT.VT 100. $2.00.
I ean recommend these as very fine
tested varieties for the table, home mar
ket or eannlnir. Delivered at above
prices at express or Journal otUee. By
mail add 36c per 100 for postage.
E. HOFER. Salem. Ore.
The Badger State Express, tho finest
Day Train running between St. Paul nnd
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys.
This is alto the beat lino between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
All Arents sell tickets Via
"Tbe north-western line."
Chicago Rock Island t Pacific
Make your trip East pleasant and
comfortable by using tho G-at Rock
Island personally conducted excursions
in tourist sleeping cars which go Kait
every week of the year via Palt Lake
Tbe Btaufacturers of ColumtU as J Hartford Bicycles took tbe American InJuitry
m cinnna niveieaiiinrouin c;n jicpoi iij Froncjj. muicr raiajj ia mcininnj p; ., ,i,o0 n
K.vr hr. hlr ritt ihoiiht tft eerftttlflf the Columfcla ill llirtford. 10 hirmonlilnf iJ 'v B,m wie PCeniC line.
sal laprovlBi iselr tarts, to embc4lst is them every feature of ee!lence. Year after 4 Iul'man sleeping
year ibey have retreseniea me most savaocca consiruciion.
First in the Field the Columbia Remains Forever.
550 and $40
The orerattos of threui traias te
tweea Saa FriscUco ssi Us AnH.
taSurfas3 saats Lmrbr. will U
(la a SUNDAY MARCH 31. 1901 cn
tbe new
fQ Tbrouth Tralss Dis. Tke
Coast Use UstltM learisf
each lernlaal la the aiaralar, euJtttJ
Mhh tltfast cafe aal partof cars. W
casks daUhttrttareii(k the most
skturtttue, varied as 4 tsttrtstsbat
sceses ea the ceatlatst. Is'iulrt or
$35 3nd S30 .
We have all models Is stock ready for delivery. We have tbe osly ColumtU Hub
outer BrsVes. senetlaes called tbe A B C. la tbe cltv. They are fir ahead of inv-
tblsi la this Use ever shows tefore, call and see tbem. Wheels sold os essy payments
Old wheels tsVen la trade, wheels to rent.
New Food Preparations
GRAIN-O, the new food drink, is a substitute for coffee that either children
er adults may use without harmful eifots.
Por deseert try JELL-O. It can be prepared in a lew minutes and in various
avers. Only 10 a package,
Harritt &, Lawrence
cars every day to
Chicago. Tell your ticket ajjent you
want your ticket over Uie
Great Rock Island Route
from Denver, All tickot agents eoll them.
Write for oldere.
A. E. Coopkh,'
G. A.. Portland, Or
Prerosals for Furalshtaf Wood for Oreisn
State Reforn School.
Sealed nreposals will bo received at the
oHjceof the Superintendent of Publw
iBstructlon, Salem, Oregon, until 12 :00
w-'Ailtb, lWl.lor delivery at the
mala building Ure,on btate Reform
sorool all or any part of twelve hmulr.l
. i-.i -- -..- ...
L-m oi nr wool, out
orst xrotli but fir. well sesMiM.!. tn h
while green freai
.1 V ." "". --"wm., .
eioseiy corutu witBout hulk .,!. ai
weod must be four feet long reasonably
straight ami not lest thau two awl one
half iBchealn diameter.
IWds will be epeaed by the trvstees of
aaUiBstitutkms at J p. m., April th,
"sbtto acaept or retail or any
By order el the Board of Trustees.
U. s. Bkkxbs,
3 8
n0i .
BriasyaHr laws mowers te SWwA
Haer aad have them sharBeaed asd
BvarBav fer the spriag season" S-4 tl.
$8000 of A wr cent upon FusdlarBoads for
The City of Independence, Oregon, in
accordance wit b an ordinance pajsod by
the City Council on March ltf, 1001.
R?!0ea m,th? m 0 nOity
Reoorder, a book for subscriptions,
bubeenptious will be received Tn Uw
wln?dwmlnations at the option of
payable ou or before April 1, 1911.
S . Oofffir?1 i,Uereat Wnb,e ,n U'
fsTI?iiia,i asMed valuation of the
Wty of Independence was S04,000.
I80W. toUl UabU!Uea ol lhe Cty e
The bonds will be issued May 1, 1001 ;
bat dated April 1, 1001.
J. L. Stockton,
, H. M jjsj o,ty iieoordenUyer'
3 S lta d
.i w !' 83. SniPPA Uouser
aadyeiteiaBojrepaSred. Ridhtg
season ia lmmt l,. V ..V'6
. vtv. ,
Large Wall Maps of tbo
United States....
Given Away
If you aro going East, or thinking of
eendtng for your family, do not buy your
tickets until vnu have secured rates
ROAD Co. Their aervice ia excelled by
none, and they can reach all points in
the East, South or Southeast from any
point in Oregon or Washington.
Through tourist car from Pacific Coaat
to New York.
It you will send fifteen senta in sumps
to the addresa given below, we will
forward you by return mail a large wall
map of the United States, Cuba nnd
Porto Rice, 31x40 inchea.
For particulars regarding passenger or
freight rates, call on or addresa,
B. H. Tbumbutx,
Com'l Ag't. 111. Cent. R. R.
142 Third st.. Portland Or
...,The finest service to the
East and South
TheO. R. & N. Co.. In connection
with the Oregon Short Lino and Vnwn
Pacific, offers the finest eervice and
fastest ilmn to RH lata TVim-Ar. Kan
sas City, Omaha, St. Paul, St. Louis,
Chicago, and all points east. Three
trains daily from Portland, with choice
of many different rontes. Palace and
tourists sleepers, library, dining auu
chair cars on all trains. ,
Write A. L. Craig, G. P. A., O R.
N. Co., Portland, Oregon, for Jar-ticulars.
Correspondent wanted
id villages in America.
every city
town and villages in America. Nevrjj;
per and other work. Experienced fana
inexperienced. Good remuneration.
News and stories wanted. For paruca
lars address The Bulletin Press Associa
tion, New York. 1 W "
Take your wheel to Shipp & iJfe!
and have it clea.ned.or repaired. Rlumfi
season is almost here. 3-4 tl.