"HMHM m a 1 WNrWBj ? 9t . THE :dTOTT"R AT 7k ttl n- UTtm?' iC -w, . i A ri ' iT f 1 tiiiiai44j r;K. VOL. XI PRING n At e Rolling in Lively", ' ttttt NevV'goods in all lines this week. Bi.lme. new pat terns in allover lace and-allover embroidery at 40c to g!l .25 per yard They're genuine "racket" values. Splen did assortment of lace curtains, curtain swiss, scrim, white gfo'Sttsrtfed "sprelBs, laces and embroideries, spikes, hair ornaments, hair pins, hats, gloves, shirts, clothing, shoes. The New Is the place to trade, if you want reliable goods and lowest prices. f Salem's Cheapest One Our Store Closes Every Evenlnr I E. T. BARNES, Proprietor, Salem is the valley surest REPAIRING A WATCH Ofth flm-at workmanship ia. a brunch of our business that wo givu special at tention to. Our repahing department ia conducted with tho utmost caro and skill; dlamoiKUuiro.rofcot, and jewelry r( all kinds i repatrfcd In tin; must per fect mrn.ier, Ijoaj'lei optical work of all kinds. " K c. T. P0MER0Y 288Com'l. 8t. Wm&Wi A- . - 5 j neiier uuuas, same money, same uooas Less money, j feat Easier- Sale of Silt Waists Sow 0 5 w Better Goods, Same Money, ...THIRD CROWD WRINGER SALE... day We offer a fine line of ruf fbd Swiss Curtains in an elejjant assortment ot stvlesat ' " ' m w LADIES DON'T BE IMPOSED UPON mm We advertise what we have we sell what J we advertise; don't drink in all the "bar-J gain nonsense you hear nowadays. No big word, no high-sounding claims, nog misrepresentations. 5 pamp with the rnnwn 4 SI t 60008 jwrfiW York'Rackfct Price Cash Store. t Six oWkjJxctpt Saturday. Cor. Commorolnl and Chomokota Streets best trading point in the and The Journal is the medium for reaching trade. TEETH TROUBLES Ar'1 i.',noinlly earned through neeloct fn parly llfif. Teeth roliof cornea through tho application i our modorn Crown and Bridge Work Our teeth without i)l at 03 nro moBt nat ural. nMpot ond lasting, nave atood tho tent of yearn and proved their high finality. Drs. Eppley & Olinger Postofllco block. & ""-,tj?' Same Goods Less Money. $1.10 Dr. X. A big line of extia fine quality ruflled swiss curtains in reat variety of patterns at $2.10 a pr. 4 i Met w omu! i rim ,TJtAri MMMIIII II tl II AGGIE'S i CAPTURE Was Successfully Effected; By Funston AS ANNOUNCED Tl -: MARCH 23- Kansas Man Probably Had His Story and His' Prisoner in Hand Then Manila, March 28. General Fred erick Funatau'fl daring projoct for Uio capture of Aguiualdo lu'lila hiding placo in tho Province of Ieabola, Island of Luzon, haa proved .completely success ful. Aguinaldofwaa captured thero on March 23. Aguinaldo, who wan captured by Goueral Funston rind brought to Manila on tho United Statoegunboat Vickaburg, was brought ashore at 3:30. p. iu. today and tukou before Gonoral MacArthurat tho Malacanang l'alaco. Ho talked freely but scorned ignorant concerning recont. events. Ho appeared ' to ' bo in good health and was oven' cheerful. Ho (lunched with tho ofllc6rafor Gonoral MacArtbur'a staff andVaa thotfuacortM to thoAuda-Btroot Jal. " , J " Agulnaldo'a capture wna ijatlonded with conBidorablodltHculty, an Insurgent major tning killel at tho time of the oyout. Twtuty riflos and a quantity of important papers wero captured. Washington, March 20. Tho proes reports of tho capture bf iAguinaldo by General Funston woro confirmed today by General MaoArthur in tho following cablegram : "General Funslou has just returned from an expedition to Palawan, Province of Isabella, whbro ho captured Aguinal do, who ia now in my possession at Mul acanan." Malacanttit is McArthur's headquarU in Manila Admiral Ilomoy cabled thu Navy department ns follews: "The Vicksbura Balled Morel ,8th when Gcnoral Fimiton and olghly-throo . .w..u.,. . ,,..... Maccabol)ea. .aboard, on nn expedition to capturo AgQtnatdo. Iteturncd today. Aguinaldo and three staff oflipers woro captured and delivered to General Mac- Arthnr. JNOWB 01 Agutnaluo's capture y Goueral Funston was received overy whoro in otlklal circles with intenso gratification. ' 4 Prosidont McKinle'y tfatnrally is much gratified ikap tho chief mover iu the insurrection has boon tukou, It is a romarkablo tribute to tho daring and roBourcufulnijsa of- Funston that long bpfoVo bo madotho attoftt V was aeloMod by tho authorities hero as tho officer who might (rccompll'sb. it, t It was tho intention of Funston some tl no ago to return to tho United States, but bo waa detained in the Philippines in tho hope that juatsuch a contingency aa did ariso should give opportunity lo tost his prowess. Tho President and tho war department woro fully informed ot tho trap laid to capture tho insurgent loader. There la much speculation as to tho reward which Funston may receive for his work. It ia considered not improb able that ho will iM-fclvon a commission in tho regular army. Iu cabinet circles Funeton's exploit' was referred to In laudatory terme. Secretary Long oxpreasod.tho prevail ing sontimont. Tho capturo itsolf was of much importance, he said, but tbo moral effect probably would count quite as much aa the brilliancy ot tho expfplt. Ho considered It a significant feature, of ' ...a.. nr tf- BOTANICAL WONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Mot a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis ease and the moreawfuleffects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto Dublish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors i ana inenas wno nave ueen healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Oftice 301 Liberty btreet M a m. pjp b a " ' SALEM, OBUCJCHtf THUESDAT MAKOH 28 , . r r? tho nffair that the natlvoa thdmselvo'sl had been instrumental in bringing about tho capture i ' ' Secretary Root said Aguinaldo would probdbly bo treated tho oaraa as othor highofflcers of tho insurgontB Who havo bcontakoh by Americans In prosecution of war. Admiral Dewey waa Intorviowed as to' tho proboblo effect of tho capturo'of Aguinaldo. Heeaid: 1 ' "I'm dolighted to hear tho news. Of courso wo , had warn ing a fow day ajo that it1 tailght occur.v but t lookod llko'"" I n risky; undertaking and li Funston had )6st hii lifo, ovory ono vould havo said, 1 told1 you,iq. It appears to bo a vgry crod? itablo pieco of work ou thp part of Funston and In keeping wltfi his provlous oxplolte." Lincoln, Nob., March iS.-W.'J. Bryau gavo bxproasion to tho following in discussing tho capturo of Augirialde: Whllo no ond can predict Avltli c'ortainty tho effect ot his capture, Its possible that it may ond th6 wof nt th6 prosont but tho objection to imrjorlrllsb IB not removed by tno aurrondof of thoso who havo boon, onnosinK it in I tho Philippines. Imperialism la , wrong bocauso It changes ovory theory qf government. Vfe canndt adralnUtor an ompird in tho oHont and maintain a republic in Amorlco. Jolo, Island of.8ulu:Marv2. Tho-rhilp. pine conlmUslon was heartily tocolved at tho .headquarter of tho Sultan. Itosktencea woro docorated with tho flag?, sUn&vand otrlpeo -.floating throufjhout tho town. . Acutttor waa aont to investigate tho flultunjo yielt tho ahlpi Thoy hrc-juga!?' -back' . his majesty, clothod In gold and purplo and docorated with jowola. Ho pro sonted a comic-opora aspect as ho came on board. Commissioner Taft explained to bis majesty that thoru was no disposition on the part of tho members of the commission to inter- (uro with tho .administration of tho Sultan's; offalra. In tho af tqrnoon tho 8'iltaln was received at the American military headquarters and inspected tho troops. , Lonuon, Marcli 28. A Uispatch from Manihvitayi! thatr-fiorverah memora of. Aguinaldo'H .ataff woro. captured, with him and lirouiiht'to ManllSST(o Insur gont Toador ittadj" Uh m&ipwero captured noar Uasiguran. noar uuior in tlio i ,,, . !" v Wu. t. . Iola, Kan , March 28. linhlnosa In Lola, tho-homo of Gonoral Funston, was prnctCRy Bufponded today whilo citl zans gavo vent to tho enthusiasm thoy f0lt over tho ICuisaHBoldlor's feat. Fun- oton'H parents from Iola. live on a farm five miles Tho Province" of Iaabtra, whoro tho capture of Aguiualdo occurred 1b on Iho Wand of Luzon, about 20Q miles uorth- oast of Mauila, ami about 70 iihich norm ! of Haler, on tho eastern coast, which ' pleo was made memorablo by tho capturo of Lioutouant Ullnioro ana ma I party from tho gunboat Yorktown, In April, ltWD. Isabela Provlnco la wild and mountainous, especially along tho coast, where tho high rango known aa Gran Cordillera Oriental extends' for 100 miles or more from north to south, tho highest points of tho range bolng but a few .miles from tho shore. Hug. god trails, in aonio placuB being but a foot or two iu .width, load across tho mountains, frequently crossHnl by ih log streams and where these overflow their banks, tho trails are waist deop In mud. It waa to this uninviting district that Gonoral Funstan and his small band went a abort time rnio, It was a part of tho island that had never before beon visited by American troops. Gonoral Fuustan'e plans, as outlined in a, dispatch from Manila a fewa days ago, wro to make tho trip over the Isabela Mountains to Agulnaldo'a hid ing place, accompanied by Burgeon Major Harris, Captain Newton, of tho ThirtyvFourth infantry; Lioutouant Admire; of the TWentyBeoond infantry; Lieutenant Mitchell, of tho Fortieth infantry; Blr veteran scouta and a com pany of scouta, all picked men. Thoy wore to bo landed by tho gunboat Vickaburg on a remote bmoh north of Ilalor, and were to (proceed overland, guldod by' a former officer of Aguinaldo, who had bo- Coutinued ou ) ourth pagr. THE BARGAIN STORE Tito atoro formerly known aa Osburn'a Hacket, haa been refitted and f la now bolng Btocked with a largo variety 'a miuinery, wrapper, sui "" whumo. uuw k"wi iunt i'"" r. you make your purchase call and see what a bargain can bo had fiom tilt.. . ... ....!!. ...! .tfj.a The Bargain 303 Commercial fltreot. Why Lay Awake For fear of over sleeping yourself in the for wle at llarr'a Jewelry Htoje wilj wake you up, aure tiling, xnen you can sleep in poteo, and depend on being woke up at the proper time. Wehavo'juat received a new lot of these "aure to wake up" olooka. '1 hoy aro of good quality and guaranteed one year. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE GERMAN SENTRY Kills Three Legation Chinese Street on FRENCH INFLUENCE IS INCREASING Russian Control of Manchuria AVould not Influence Com , merce at All Nrw Yoiik March 18 A dispatch to ;o tho Iloratd from Pekin says: A Gor- atn sentry has killed three Ohinoso in egjtlou atroot but as usual in i Uffaira ot thia kind contradictory utorioB Are told aa to the Incidents loading Up o the c6ril!ci . Uonu Keno, March SB. It Is report ed from Onnton that the activity of tho ureuch is greatly increasing in tho neighborhood of that city. Two Ptcamora ply betwoon liong Kong and Uanton, And gunboats aro much in evjdencn on iho Chinoso waterways. It Is alsoro' tho Wt bulll 'ivnn ted that two steamora aro boing lit in Franco tp run botweon Hong ong and Canton, and that Franco in- nds to subsidize Uio carrying of the alls. It is alEO oxpectod that a French postofuco will open in Canton about April i. uujecuoiis navo ooun tougeu to tho plying ot tho Btoam launches dindor tho trl-color. Chinoso captains now fly tho trl-color with an addition of throo small stars which aro invisible a short distance away and as a rosdlt it 1b said, tho Chtneso pcoplo hiiaglno thoy aro still undor the KHI'UMUr UMU UUllLIUUU llllb 111U I'lUlltll inllueuco is gaining. It Is also reportod Pthat a French hospital waa opened at Shamcon some months back for tho purpose of locelving Chinoso patlontB. 'All thia olds French Influence and prestige. i New York, March 28.-rVhllo tho 'political atmosphere is thick with rum- bra about the Intentions ot tun powers Kwith rdgard to tho Chinese question, It) kppearsjayoeen taken lor gran tod, mat uorea waa aimpiy a uumu inuior in tho negotiations, In ordor to ascertain exactly how tills buffer Btate regards tho situation tho London correspondent of thu Now York Herald called upon William Pritchard Morgan, M. T lirltisli Consul General in Corea, who gave his views aa follews: "Thu Govornmunt of Cuea was in fluenced to a great extent, to my know ledge, in granting coucodsloiiH to the p wors, by anticipating that tho varloua n-jwura havini! thoso vested Intoroata would protect tho indepondenco of Corea. Japan would not, In tnyopliilon,uttompt to take possession of Corea without tho approval of tho pbwors. "At the same tiuto there is a general impression in tho oast thut if Hussla en croachcfl on Corea, Japan for her own pioteclinu must necessarily couseut to ltuieiu'a right, Hut don't for a moment think it likely that thero will bo any friction ibotwoou Itussla and Japan ovor Coroa. "Aa to Manchuria, nobody appears to know oxactly what hua happened or la happiulng there. If China chooses to make an agreement with Ituisia ou this matter, I don't exactly see that It ia any. body else's business. But according to the papers today, it appoara that China ia not willing to mako thia arrangement, though It la a fact that no body but China and Itussla kuowB oxactly what tho facts ot tho caso aro. Personally, I don't see that It will mako much differouco to trado, Aa aoon aa Russia settles matters In Man churia business will go on tho samo as ovor." Mr. Morgan's firm la ono of the larg est Interested In iho China trado In Ku gland Ilia views, therefor, apart fioin blfl ofllclal position aa Iiritish represen tative In Corea, are of exceptional im portance. Floral Cooireis la Frltco Ban Francisco Aotlvo preparations are boing made for holding tho Pacific I of dry uooda, ready-made ware, f WJnml Kvmld A lAiitnut rillil Ikifore t Store Co- Half the Night morning One of thote 1.25 alarm clooka 1901 Statoa floral congress In Sau Franclscoi May 14, 15, and 10 next. Dologatea will attend from Oregon, Washington, Novada, California and Arlcona. Papers will bo rend, botanists, horticulturalista and exports in land scape gardening, "GRAND OLD MAN" OF TELEGRAPHY Nkw Yoiik, March 28. Jamos Roid, 82 years old, known to telegraph men throughout tho world ab "Tho Grand Old Man" is dangerously 111 In his homo horo. Ho was operated upon last Fri day for tho removal of a tumor. Boon af torn aril tho physicians porformod a second operation for tho removal of a small cancor. Tho patient slnco tho second ordeal haa boon vory weak. Mr. Rotd was Identified (with tho in ventor of tho tolegraph Morao. Ho was born In Edinburgh and emigrated with his parents to Toronto when tho waa 10 years old. Ho worked iu n Rochester, N. Y., bank and hearing talk of tho Invention of tho tolegraph became interested and joined fortunos with Morso. Ho wont to Washington and afterward opened tho first commeicial tolegraph office evor conducted in Pittsburg. Ho was United States Consul at Edin burgh undor tho first Cioveland Admin istration and also undor General Har rison. Ho camo homo from Scotland last fall. Mr Refd lias for years been a figure at conventions and othor placoB whoro per sona interested in telegraphy havo con gregated. Farmers Heavy Losers In Arceatlac. , HoitNOs Ayiika, March 28. A bulletin jiiBt issued by thoCliambor of Commorco Bays' that tho foot and mouth diseaso and tho Inundations havo caused more losses to Argentino farmers than haa been tho general bollef. It la ostimatod that In tho last year about 14,000,000 shcop perished, includ ing almost the whole product of 1000. Tho loss In wool ia estimated at 35,000, 000 kilos. Cattlo also suffered, but less man anoop. TODAY'S NEV3 SUMMARIZED, Tho body of John Allman. a nlondor stago coach operator ot thu Coast, has been found In tho harbor at Oakland, Cal., and it ia believed ho waB accl dontly drowned. Tho armored cruiser Now York haa not yet sailed from Tungierp. Tho Amori can OonMil I still awaiting ordorB hum Wfthingtou, P. O. Knox, of Pittsburgh, called nu Iho Prosidont today, Ho has Invited Mr. Knox to accept thu olllce of Attoi-noy-general. ' A stcatuboat lino will bo oslabllshed on yimko rivur between I-owlaton and riltnmrg Landing. ,)leijnminCa(h)ton.lloyt, fouiidurnf Ht. Joseph, Mich., ia dead at. thai, place, am'il 01 yfars. Development of the Mount Reuben mines in Rnithern Oregon n going fomnri), Oruisor New York sailed today from Tanglur, rufcuinlng hur oyag to Ma nila. Russians participated in tho disinter ment ot nod Ioh ot American Marines. Tho Hultiin of Kulu complains that tho Amorleans are violating the treaty, Denmark laya down conditions for thu snlo of thu Danish West Initios. Railroads in Washington will hlro Ital ians iu place of Japanese, Archbishop Martouelli will bo raised to the cardlnalate April J 5. Bt. Petoraburg may be placed under martial law, Tho health of Horburffiponcur remalna vory pogr. Hessian fly damage helps the w,heat market. i m a h ffl w h m m M m MAT I SHE II If IK H m K M The soul nt tho busineHs la seen iu thia season's increaso ot stocks and couven- M luiiuen to custouiars. This spring finds tho old store ot tho people a greater store. X Verily Salem's Greatest Si ore 3C . . : s . : II Our Resident New York Buyer m S3 K Picked up a rplundid line ot Torchon Ijicea at a bargain, which wo will offer until sold, 50 pleca 5c yard Values up to 12 'c a yard, H M M H M Dress ft ..v. -0iUJ Our number 100.1 broad cloth la sponged and shrunk ready for use. Hinglo wa'p Venetians especially adapted for Hprlng wear. Tana, Modes, Jtods, llrowna, Uroyp, Hlaak, etc. Our Challenge Easter Special... For nxt WedneHilay 2J5 dozen tine imported W'hlta Kid (Jlovea, j..'Mi valuea at some stores. Wo will tell you our price In time-wait. hKaWJay ttliiw '"JlltT'j ( r HI a1 l-'runMft.pfHK NrrW!sair r : ESTATE i K. Will Interest Many Amer lean Heirs i ROBINSON ESTATE IN PENNSYLVANIA To, Be Divided and 'One Grandchild May Get Nine Millions Nkw Your, March 28. Walter M. Johnson j)f. Brpokland will sail for En gland today to claim on bohalf of a doz en American holra, tho cstato of Thomas Holdon, valued at $1,000,000. Dutforijtho dlscovory of the wllljjof Thomas Holdon, who diod in 1800, the American claimants would bo unablo to establish their right to tho estate. Thia' will waa lost to tho Holdon, holra for years. Holdon loft no childron and twoota of relatives engaged in a btttor strife ovor hia property. Among tho ef focta of ono of tho American holra who died a fow yoara ago tho will waa found. Mr, Johneon will tako with him tho old will. Ho will havo power ot attorney from tho various American holra. " Thomas Holdon owned valuable real ostato in England and upon his doath tho property wont to his Biator,Eliaaboth and her holra. Sho married Stophon ltroadbont Thoy had Bovoral children. Ono of tho Bona, William Uroadbont, married Jano, daughter ot John, and J ano Tounant. Thia branch of tho llr6adbent family camo to the United Rtatoa about 1850. Thoy acquired a tract of land covorlng 200 acres. A largo part ot thia property subsequently waa Bold to Uio Garrett family. Tho Ilroadbcht'a protpored and brothers and slstora of William followed to this country. Thoro woro so mony doatha among tho tovoral heirs, that iu timo, according to thoBtatemontmado by Mr. Johnson, only tho direct holra of William Broad- bent retained fm,(ii throat H ,Ujo, Jl.oltforj ostato. Tho caio waa placed In tho hands of a Baltimore attorney who received information from England re cently which rosulted In Mr, Johnson's plan to go thoro and claim tho ostato. If tho American holra aro successful tho property will bo divided amonir Walter M. Johnson, William B, Stam baugh, Daisy Stambatigh and Anna B, Btnmbaugh of thlj city; Joseph G. Johnson, J. M Johnson, EllaMcGahan, G. V, Johnson and Ferdinand Broad bout of Baltimore; Philip G, Btambaiigh of Biughamton and lady M.Durrtttand Viola E. Btambaugh of Falrmount, W. Va. RociiKBTmt, N. Y, March 28 Mre. Kinnia Robinson, a widow with four childron living In thia city, haa rocolvod from a Washington lawyer the Informa tion that her naino appears among tho m u m m m m Goods holdSS Queen of American Corsets We carry thorn iu all ahapce, includ ing Kreot (onus, straight ironts. We will give away two bicycles May 1. Boys and girls, now is your opportunity. THE WHITE Trado Mark HtiUtcrtd. K w Loc atloa Cor. Court ui Utw l Tile Big StOre llettor good for the aama money or a aama uooda for lwa mousy than any hoose fu tha Yly. H 7TTrBBBBBBalB ? mi !. -. trr- Hat oi hoira tbavast property nHuated oTh 7 i d Ljoa uSk. m jff iu Contral Ponnsyl,vanla. jBpTVi(t tho .matter today Mrs. RjsPagty 'Tho proporiy3rf question WftJ(Bjfet In tho year 1800 by Mr. fleudyjWM my groat grandfather or grea'iVfot grandfather;' JId "purchased aijonor moria'traot ot la&d in Centralenhayt vanla. Bomo years nftorweds'Mr. Hon, dy went to England and 'dledriore, leaving childron from 'whom iaJ do Bcendod. I camo to America fromfen- gland 12 yoara ago. ' Tho ostae waaTalued at $22,000,000 of wllrch my ahard'fa estimated at (9, 000,000. Thoro aro othor hoira be'sido myself but I am thodlroctlyjdeecendont. Ioxpoct to go to Washington ia a fow days to meet the lawyer thoro and gn,. papers necessary to prosecuto my claim. Makes Hair Grow - Perhaps your mother had' thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through4Hfe with half-starved liair. If you want long, thick, hair, feed dfr . Feed it with Ayer'Stfalr Y$ft, the only genuine hair food you can, buy. . . ' H Your hair -.will- grow' thick "and long, and' will be soft and glossy. " " ' Aycjr's Hair Vigor 'always' restores cojor to gray hair; it keeps the scalp clean,, and healthy, and stops falling; of . the hair. - One dollar a bottfa. i 1-11 "'' ' i i"n' ' "' '" I I "4 If jur drugglt capuot uppljr,T9u,nnl ui $i.oo and vre will cxprtit a bottle to yon, all charirei prepaid. Jlciutc an lira, ua, your neareit extreia olBcc. J.C. ATnCo.(j;ovrll, Matt. , Send for our beautiful illustrated .book pa , Tho Hal?. Fr. i .i i j i ii in it najan m. NEBRASKA DEADLOCK MAS BEEN BROKEN Two Senators Elected in'the Joint Convention at Noon Lincoln, Nob., March 28, J, H. Mil lard and C. 11. Doltrlch, who woro nom inated by tho Republican caucus 'this morning, woro oloctod U. S. Senators by tho joint session at noon. Each received 70 votoi, tho entire atrorigtli of tho Republican, mombera ot tho Icglslfw turo. Fresh Today ALAKUMA Ellis & Zinn's 54 Stats Street. Salea 'PBoae.2874 NiiiiaiiiiiMii. m m RUGS Wo now have in our dranery depart ment a splendid lino of Blgelow Ax mituter Rugs at Dry Gooda atoro prices. Call aud seo them. W. B. VV7 CORNER m it r. Irf ' X r i.'i f it IV1 - ,.' ' w: , V ?" !; Xtoatauaa&n& v Salem Orepon. Loaders In Low Prlcoo 118 Stat Btraet Salem MflaMHMMHBHHNHHHMHMHNHHH