, sr-TW t" ,-,v""s-- -. f!?'(Wi5-v i..-i,t3 .p, "ifto0HHiHr, URIS 4 Ti ..-jacarrrtr. . fra MHMMMiir- ,. ! mMmmmHm- -, H hi iP! K M H L ' r. ' t ' ri '' "r i m m MM ivSBthJL MWKHBaraiNbi WBk mm&mmmi Kati '. ' vh. rmmtmomm &im .r h iw man"sv&mm HI n "f B-, i "7T - r . . ff . W" Just Received New Wrappers New Muslin Underwear We Open Them Today at Removal Sale Prices i J. . THEBICBARGA1H H n I Vl PvS (I 113 HOUSE OF SALEN JHl; I I CM I (J I. IM..4M n OVERPORT KENTUCKY Wiped Out of Existence by Fire . . .. .....it-.ttirMtln Httht brown r.BKTrr..:.n, wAh.u, Ltadll.rmMr,Pleld'..w!.ln!!ft nrfl hit tribe ot .mootisu J""""-" ilntllm. horseback and decked ou ,...fn,tntiil finery. The sale of seats Indicates ablg ioie tonight. MARION COUNT" Y PUIAIU-Uwr RRIf.ANDS ARRESTED rbiiK".'rjH,,s imiohlv now ana conip. , Goetho'agranapiay. , Saturday nlgntatcaiciu - FRIEDMAN'S RACKET The am will bay WATCHES Watches Oleanetl Main SprinRfl 7 n-u W.irhnlWr 20yMrsUxtftB. 29d CominertUI Sirect- C. H. Hinges, . Ma P WWW" i r "Z stafSI'oods mckeral bacon and sauerkraut. New oranges., lemons ano rfullaSrS of nuts, candy.and other luw.es al lowest prices. riarritt & Lawrence DISASTER FROM BURSTED UAt v ire Ti,r Killed iii Tenement- Jumped From Window To Escape Flames Ch.ca March H.-A special to the Times Herald fmmCloverpoit, k., y' . .. . .... ..i-i.. o .i..dte In the kitchen ol II. A. nlte iHirst, totting bis boose on fire. TIh llamea spreau i iwu w.. houses owned by the American Tolmoco CoM,I.ny.acrrfromOelrl, on the principal iHimnoss ,,D " . 7 1 iK(l woroeaeh SOOfeet lone and held 1 000.000 jKMinds ot tobacco. An liotir )Rtor only one wall wh standing As the IhiBiea continued to spread a let . summoned from "Jlle. Henderson, Oweu.boro ami ; 01overrt lias a opuwn ., iopIo. Tho damago cannot bo call- mated at this hour. Louihtiixb. March II V message from CloverjHjrt, Ky., 73nnlw oatd hero, says the tire wliloli Dno o. ..-.i nlRht swept through tlia town com- nletely. Not hull a uoaen uiiiiuhik" n,u left and o,w iniiaoiwuio .... distress. Tho total loss may roacn uau a million No casualties are reporico. Spud King of French Prairie Talks Armenian Troubles Have ' Broken Out Anew m.ii imcnANnnP IMC nujuaiiv- oninn AWWAUUUI.U Bonl de de WARS,,IPSETN0TTHESULTAN old rorrotrpiOK onocBUY ''"J 7th TBaale ttfr ; There are more new and J r . t-. mi.'-l'.X'h;.! ooa.ieaiuresiiu uac"1 Nkw Vohk, March H.-Three jwrsons were klllwl early today in a Are In a ten ement huueo in Brooklyn. A woman and 12 year old boy jumped from the fourth and thlnl story windows, rela tively, and wore killed. Tho mother of tlw boy was burned to dentil. Tho dead are- Mary Madden. Ueoo Hanto, Mrs. Itnnto. (Ju)VBHroKT, Ky., Mareh II. Hurst i.,,. ..f iiaiiirnl IMS tliK at midnight .(riMl tlm fire that detroyel proper ty worth half u million dollars, mo Kruatcr rt ol tho town was completely wIihhI out and over a thoutmnd persons, about half tho population, nro homeless and were in groat distress, until a special rollol train (rn.,i Ij.iiUvIIIo reaoluxl here, ilio i...avi...i in-r Id tlm Ainurlcan loliacco ma - . - mi !.-:.. ni.i..MiniiA inii lunnri rim. v 'a -Wiuicommnauyii !' '""-vr. ... -...i .;..b n,.l,i 2 The taele nas a Dau-oeanng wc nui .um ..u r . . - iter combined. Frame can be taken apart or put to-B Jedher mine minute without specia tools by anyone.. Needs less repairing man any umci "-. . C!liaikKIIvr. It will Mt etir jtlts nl wr nsty. Z Fn trl tt U wX t Crolwa V .. iiHi P. raw tllmtk. "" food cycles than all the other nwkps combined. Let usi , ,, !.... ft SnOW U1CI1I iu juu. a V I111HU1V. ...w.to.t two large " The Eaule is the only wneci; t nl.M Bmi ,hiiou i-mi.h1s (i toimew.. I t .!. L" i 2SL. I ii. ...i,.. i l.rt..ii.l.ui unrii fiirnuxl 1111(1 IIIHIt Mini woinun alike fcMiuht the IIiuiimh vnl lantly, but to no puroe. At noon the fire was still minium m itiots but llttlo Is le.t for It to devour, the few ruinaiiiiiii; limisenlKiltiK away from the business and nsldence ellol ot the ton n. "The lfOO arop of jwtatoes for Marlon county was unusually large" said Mc Kinley'Mltchell. the GervalsbycT, who was in fialem ye.ter.lay. "Tho yield of nndH for last year' conui.u .... Mitchell, "will 1x3 "eflr,y 8onn! A carload oonsista of 600 busbols maklr-u the areKate yield, K,ws uu.s. CotntHitinR the maket valuation of this crop at the average price -;n v...o per ImiiIioI. it can bo seen till crop for last season will not tho producers Mar- Ion eounty, alone. 100,000. l'olato grow IriK bos become nn Important Induftry hi the development of Marion county and the acroage is being lucroased with each succeeding year. Mr. Mitchell lias already Fir.pi-u about 200 cars but he says an unusual ., f tlincrnovet remains in me lxjunds of growers, wlio are noming ior a bettor figure. Tho market opened at 26 eentB and miny sold without hcsila. tlon hut the market has since gran- uslly droppwl to 20 cents and tuo pros . t. nnt nt nil nromlelng for an nlvnncc. Onlrto montlis remain to .ii... r i. . ii nonld rxirtion of the crop Tlio Oregon potato crop tho the. poet year was not of average quality and has cot proven a ready seller. California produced a largo crop of extra quality, nmlMtliM been with this compelltion, that the Oregon markothas Deenlnjureu. Weather conditions justprovioiiB io u lmrvustimt of tho crop in tho fall, were moot unfavorable, the sevoro fall rains retarding the mntuYo growth of tho po tatoes. Mauy experienced a second .,,mti winch Iniurod thoir marketing ,..,ftiuin. uhilodrv rot and other disease .(.....o-T w ...rt.lnrntl fMiiim iinsa uauio, uruwwinw t.-iwtu - M ..hnn ilm lilamu (or the poor qnality lilt- ftVW .-. - nt tbu Oreison crop this year entirely with unfavorable wcatner conumou u rather to tho failure of tho growors to change seed and improve their methods of cultivation. Tho changing of seed from one kind of soil to another will ...inHtluifs work surprising roeults. v... ..iin Mr. M tcllOll IirOtHMW 10 ..!.. Mnrinn oountv nralrlo land with seed gathereil from sandy and bottom lauds and vice verea, feeling assured tho results will warrant tho experiment. Consul Will Call for the Amounts Due American Citizens RAI.F.M SCHOOL BOARD' w.. ... ..... MEETS TONIUHI WILSQH k BELLINGER TUB VfEATIICB. TbursJay night awl FrWay Bhowerr. Wheat Market. Ban , Marah4-CahOT)i. OwoAoo, IH.,Marek H-My. 1H Balem, W). GOLD DUST FLOUR midi r The Sldnev Powor Co. tnMBY, oaseon. uno for lwlty um. k your mms lw i, hwb atw wmt ; " "" Clover Grass Vegetable SB SALEM MECHANIC LOST A FINGER I'aul Hanson bad a Hitger cutoff Wednesday afternoon at tlw planing mills ol Hanson aud Umlon. He was .UxnwMulmcwork ami his hand slippel untUr the machinery In siioli a wv n (II II'O itl VtmU IhmmIs al I'OUI.TKY Bupplwwa speatalty k AAHtuUrn AwtW ways on hand at tlw tot tr l J Hate. t.. .tllrulv uidr Ihd lllt! Ml Itaud at the kiiin-Vle. No serious finder No from his con rtnult are apprelieiMletl uiiHin iiMiny. A PIONEER IN THE MILLINERY TRADE The Salem district fchool Iwnnl meets .......i.i n ...invnoH ilia result of Mon- llfMl.l. day's election. The new director, A. O Gondii, wljl bo sworn in Tho usual proceeding of having tho reiorts and rttiordsof the clerk experieu ny - uiiiiu.t iHifoio the clerlt-eieci eniers upon bis dutleu will bo ailopUM, am other routine business triiimicted. PRESIDENT MCKINLEY PACIFIC COAST TRIP I'resWent McKliiley and jwirty aro to leave Washington April 2S, New Orloane ...n'ii Piuwnix. Arii.. Mav ". Keti- lauds, Ual., May S, Pan Kranclhco. May t Kli.m Mav 1R. 1'uget Sound May 17, BaltUike May iW, Chicago May SI, Canton May '!" SwrYo. March 1I--TI.. T W kl b tnlnlster at Washington is cm Ited In Washington special to Ui World as I og thai a number of brigands base sajius .i.u TnrkRV. been arresteti in n"- - Many Mauser rlMes of tho smaller ca .7 7 i..i Thn Turk bb minis- ibre were .. - - ... ,,, ter thinks that this snow r agencies which have niiiiano ""-"' f trouble In Asia Minor are still operat- ln?.. ..t.,.i ihfi imtwrtation of arms l.ilWO .(!- into Turkey are very strict. i ; Mauser rltle si.ou.u oe """-" " Interior towns Indicate- "'ASMLN IAN ACTIV1TIKS IIAVfc NOT CHASED. The Mauser rinos ioum were similar to a style used by the ,.i. . n. i nnba. Its thought the ringleaders have been bccuied and the principal magazlnea 01 anuoum. ..ml,niinn discovered and doBtroyel. PUIIIIHH"' A siiecial to tin World from Washing ton says: The cruiser Now York will stop at Tanglers on tho way to Manila .i ..i... ianl the Consul General Gummere. who will be convoyed to the nearest port to tho Moroccan capiw. The consul general is to i7c.ii THAT THESUI.PAN BKlTl.fc nir. CLAIMS OF AMERICAN CITIZESB ,fomi hiu aovernment. Tlie Sew York will await tho return t... Pfinul uonorul. The Sultan recently liquidated ono ciaira agaiuU Ids government, but tliore are a ...,,!,! f other claiuia still pending which ho has shown no disposition to settle. pi... ...mii oMnnral could make tlio trip from Ttuiglcrs on iv merchant votsel pluig in those waters, but it lias been tho policy oltho admlniatrauon 10 im prets tho Sultan by a naval demonstra- Int. m Mnrrvcnn watOTS Most of the claims grew out ol inter, forencoby Moroccan government ollklals ..i.i. ...... m..t,-ll aLMmtB of American btisinuea concern". THE AMOUNT IN .. M.'h ic vnr i.AlinK. IU'T A 1uir.i' .-J . " . l'ltlNCIl'I.KIHATSTAKK. A WASHINGTON COUNTY SCHOOL CASE .. .... m-. m Count 1AR"' ..';;. m. Vornand ' - IBS-3 te .Ulton tu. -"'",--, ie Do Kouie piot o "" ----- , funeral of late President Faure. A duel Is expected nnirMMl IPRQ IN REBELLION CinrAQO, Marchl4.-OrKanJ.ed labor i. .... i ormn at thfi proposition w ,. 10 uj. .... l!.!,tn.nll A the brick yard al tue uwuvn. capacityof 8,000,000 a year, enouglo Biipply halt trie uemmmo - government. .,. Members of the iiriCKmKoi . ii i i.n,i...n'H Biiits just arrived from fho IlasaQnollnoof child.enfl hh j w flti manufacturer. SVhlJ. ddr men's wearwlll In school BiiltB canwe bavo a Quo now line ol them, talk for themselves. Welia .10 a &n(, lowo8t 'iXringOu;flbnrg?.i SteSwllh lurprlso you; going out prices. V"f "". ,".minRfl wo are offering tbem verv of several lines otnmingaw nUmbBrB0( irookl,. 10W. Wo nro Btill ee ling tno imo & cotton fori ecu each, and Uj " ' t 'Gcent8 cad Bpool of 100 yards. Bilk, Me paBBmontre8, jet and 1 nrsinc cheuillo, J g P b lmf 4,,mt ,t lurtrimmlngayvo nroBoiinL or )broldoricB our costs to make them. O laco nnu leftover pricea w please you. Wo liave a i J ( ncc v, hlcb will go for half Prtco. in !4dToflcor!oTiedman'BrNow Racket first and bear our goXtell the prices to you. FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET Cnr. State and Commercial Sts., Salem Ore. Itsin Wnir fill propose that a comni.w.- "" , Mayor Harrleon to protest against the plan. PERSONAL A Gesner wbb in roriiauu ,. . ti n naitlln went to Gervals this V, morning. Miss Alta DaviB is nana nil 111! VPfl. Hon. Lot L. Pearce was a Portland l.imlnnaii trxlaV. Oswald WeBtleft this morning for MS i I..n. Im Aatnrin. I O I1UUIU I" o... R. Moorcs' Register of Oregon C land Ji v onnnm tiii? ai? mmx i crBWttli OALIi VI mmuuiu , B and kid fitting. viBiting with eu- . The fojONVjng Well known brands R & G, G D, C I I J I Still ereater reductions on size .having too many, ...... l.nm.i In Aotoria. IUVII1U .ww.w , C. R. Moores, Register of Oregon City I lana otuco waH in i" wv. . Representative Henry Keen returned k to his home in Btay ton today. I. ! BREWSTER & WHITE rb7Sl. VlCwutbt, SlmOft. RUNNING ON K T. WALN, riieNi 61. AGENT '! mtjir Mm miU MrtUiAurt MMk V7M mhI ...GEO. 11. DEANE... uft.4 aiaifcf J il Urn tmmpHJ hEW ACCOHtlUON HUUATIK0 WACMIhU OUa and Ha. Iloawi t and 4, lliy.Mjm Cedar Posts wltr'ili Urwt aw bj "T4' prieM iMMMbk AiWr-.-Ur Mrd and mi tUtakUri m! m4 0M(r. D. S. BENUEY & CO NEW TODAY. A4YflUtmct vnitr ltl K(4l Sc l tCh !" HOKtt"toTt HA1.K.-A g.l I. ..... uulalu 1"V pImMII. VlHHWttni, tvt) Mite toulb ol pmiIUm- ttr a-it-w ent Ptowr. IV...IL.U MrU. diu . CUa nut no rHi.4u , Jiw IrtMOW, Wikiut IUHI HuUh Hm4. u .i.... ik. tku. u.1. - - HuLitii few WU bd M m4 ( at iHnMMt' IMmu1 ini Aky. rW Km Km Uv, ol INw York, f" ItoUM f Um fcaM IM mp4ls . ... I I !... I.W.. Uu I altMJl IKNMfd w ink h .. - .- . f a LMr." a KW'v tw il VVr-ll OM "TlMI Up) Utt w Mw. ! U Filter will reele FrWay ii UriM Hum uf HlwiKk! IUIllliM 111 mil llHry. TbUUIwrtwrfllli war Hie trade at Hakw awlfor this mm rite ttat warned the wrvtrM ol Mm klU Hblpf. HaWw'ii beM-kwowiiand mot MiMto IrlmNMr. Tte IsdWe will Im vUmI to luw tlwlr IriemU mil nexi Hour to St i out's. THE FIELD MINSTRELS TAKE THE TOWN Al (i KUU ana In linmUtr MttrU ( iwbd inWui mrlt ibis utontlug awd I l.l ... ...... I., m Hlil ukink llAa parnuvH ' " ----- mm ben ew hrp lioe Al in bwul ol tb (MnuU rod Mr. Kititd b'blwl Umowm pMof Miilk-whiM IbonrnttU W..-1 m1 InllAMlBr bimCMMMUM Wwl. Of rflB lMHdUBly UiiorKHMl aiotniw. Tbsir aMwwrl tow lltai Mp will W r4wtlP ul good U l aiww tMlrht Behind Um Wwl oaw Um FASTER TIME All Sdeui street car men weroordurel U) take their time Ixigiunmg this morn lug, from ltarr's jewelry etoro and as that was a few minutes faster than what liad Ihwi rHniil) Ume, a munberofiKio de wlseed early ears. The care will hereafter rmi oil Western I niou uliHitrio time. Adwbefeoi Um laie queen will be IuimmUhI iu kuowtaic ihelllie Librarian ol WlmUw letle nas out n IHe of ViMttfk, by UNnmau, Cueeti A i.( New S'ork. ti... ..a... nr li. W. Mi'Haruue. a Washington county a-hool teccher who wax found guilty lv the stale iwaru oi education nbouta ear ago of conduct unbecoming a member of the prolescion in that bo kisred some of his girl pupils, occupied the attention of tho state Hoard ol Education Wednwday altemoon. When MoHargue was found guilty of tho charges that had lieon prelerreu acalust bun, bU certittcate lor school ..unlitiii' had id ul red and the state iKvud was unable to cancel the certlli cate or tako any other ortlelal actlou. Tho case came np yeslurday on the jwrt of tho arc-used to have expunged from the records all reference of the ease. The matter was argued ami taken tmdsr consideration. FENCE REM0YERS FOUND GUILTY O. Luottick, ol Stay ton, returned A today after a short viBit ip Salem. J v ... r A D.t rntltrnill Mr. onu airs. j- " v- . Wednesday evoning from Portland. V. Mrs. F. Steiuver and daughter, Mrs R. D. Gilbert are at Corvallis for a visit, O. V. Allon, manager ot tho Allen Packing Company', was In Portland yesterday. Mrs. R. A. Harris and chlldron win return this week from an extended visit with relatives In Jewell county, Kansas. n s. Tlnavia.renreacntativo from Wal lowa county, went to Jefferson today for a visit before returning to ins easier.. Oregon homo. Mrs. L. II. Tarpley, of Portland, who lias been visiting Henry Tarploy and family for a few days, returned home Wednesday afternoon. Mies Mollie Proebslel, who has been visiting Mrs. W. II. Dancey and Miss Mabel Cartor, left yeaterday afternoon for her home at La Grande. John S. Penny, ol Portland, represent in,, tlm Amur can Tynw r-oumiers Company was a business visitor yester day, returning to rortiami uus morning rimnr Hnrritt who resides at the old Hnrltt home In Polk rounty, is ery low with typhoid pneumonia. His friends hone he may pull through. Mrs.Thos. Kay will roturu today from a Ave months' lsit with her daughter, Miss Rertlm. In Roaton. Mrs. Kay as met in Portland by her daughter, Miss Lonoro Kay, $1.25 Corset for 85c. $1.00 Corset for 75c. $.7 5 Corset for 60c. $ .50 Corset for 38c. We will sell the pick of any corset size 18; ior 40c. Greenbaum's Dry Goods Store, First door south of Post Office, S& i i J (Tn4Mk.) POULTRY SUPPLES, We have a large stock of the following always on nana Clam shell Oyster shell Ground bone Meat meal ii a i iii idf m i. I FPEE FPOM UCJf Mrs. Klisa Thompson and Mrs. Jane r4 j KIT 4 Weaver, grandmother and mother re- JjlOOCl IVleai speotiully ol .Mrs. m. t.. uaiKer, oi North Salem, went to Lebanon today to visit John Thompson, a son of the for. mer. Mrs. Thouion is hale and hearty in her 82d year. Lee s Lice Killer Has no equal for killing nee. Garden and Grass Seeds of all kinds. SAVAGE & REID, See&nen- C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough &A01 Bears the Signature of UU ft TuseVvasubwMUMllMt MMfli" p- 3 0 I JoWSKAl M lit redden at 3:1' Im Um hmi "Mbr Whit ShH wt IU (er utcrt t'UU ijm-nlwi ertem in the family r- day. 1--i u auewer It today. Tr Jell O. a ! Iivkoue nmt luHiltbful ' - - lnMkAt-.wI In lua llllllUtitt. Nd butllng'. uo leikln! lnpl' add lulllHIP WBtMT Biul Wt Ul I'lVfll. Fltl- t vMr- liuou. OnttiCH. rUtfpbgjry and kHmwbswry. iMi a inula nt your frwer tudi. 10 eta. Second Hand or New Pianos M0 4k I ...Are Not These Prices Cheap... .... "-,-"SKJ 1 MprtjUt MWO. KNJtltoii HU J njHre pinna, pM ! I equate Siwa J Jaeob Rrwi. pH rtlnWil x rwnjr .- "- ' ' ' '11 " V , -ta. k- i entn iw top bmv, low watotf tu J Sutt. trci, tan fei?Rta&' e...: -.. n, .i. . .-- Closing Out Price on Wheels Alter a half hour's delibemiuti. the Jury in tliecuwof tate vs W. K. Kel logg ot al., of Sidney ohirgod with the wrongful removal of a fenee. the proHrty of J. F. IiHiican, at t: W oVlo.k yetrr dav aflernoon, reiuruHl a verdict imd- Ing defeiulrttits guUty. Justice u iMn aid IiujhikhI a 15 oh each which was paid. Hie roN in tberase, awouiiung to about IfWwero also ad Ut tin delentlaiiU who were girHi until April 1st to pay the m. SODA SPRINGS TRUSTEES APPOINTED Upa tb rciiumudtion of the Roanl of TrutM of the Tow u ol Nda villa. Covf nor iir apuointod C. B MoMtagM,o( lehanon and N. RridgtM ami K. H. Klly, ol Nlaidv, HMMHtHrs of the board to rxtmid llie f-ICCO ftp. proKUtisl li lit IuUluw which will be .ivoit to iwproveneot of tbt SO.U spring. AIAY0R BISHOP SETS THE PACE jffimW SUURDAY MARCH 16. Lew Morrison's Original Famous 1S5 mmhH4fkt4 Ifjwwssl stasis aw fksst, . i t ill Wc are going out of the wheel bast" ncss and arc offering WysMuxK nut f ' IS 55 at a big discount. Wc also have a gents' will sell at a sacrilicc. All second-hand wheels and sundries now on hand will be sold at a close figure. 1 MM tNlt) .N t Utit) f W I nn If ft 11 $tJh gj V V DON'T WTO F0R6 ere is no argument All New This Season MACMFICENT SCEEBV ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES THE GREAT "I0B0KE SCENE PRICES AS USUAL in iuor S-TO f in ibe w lru- . f hi k er i in 1 i ore than a- i f v.hel ' il u is the U which many ir- ill. the ,BOR0B C. WILL, BUREN Tt ! I' U buiiln, HAMILTON l4'm m !.. Iriv' Major HMiop h Ujiirtd U aNMttttl tpruif iMtovJiioo of albys, d. reoUid to tw HMik by lh council at its lmrt nMeiuuj!, by bam,: tb IWy ud prniiMt at th war ol th $alat Wol mm Milt's ttw thotoatbly rkMtd if all rubbish mm! tho mhu w Mag rnU away. Othr nuismm ismmi d profw tyowor v Ul W boUb1 by Chif of poltov tiibMti to lotto Mitt. MORRISON'S FAUST AT SALEM GRAND It has Wn mkI that Iwu Vtotrimw't UMittye p-udurtiott of "Vut" ch. d last ioMMfdr. Thw i mnvul..). i tu thic ohm Wi iVrhio is kept op ta mob a Mffc stiMdafd lUt ih ImUbc tUtlM IN UittUMwd. Thu . (M's'ril" is tSiB.tctt (. m (Wtui, tttr BUtV-i.U 'nin u. hf ii i 4i. i ia! OS' SU 'l.i- ir.A'V We are now prepared to h any Kina or Dcycic ,it...'i. having put in a complete itJ pair shop under the mmn mentof Paul Hauser, who cl t:ita rnr of VOUr Wants I that line. The riding se( is near at hand, so if in vf nf onvlhinfT frntTl 1 SDOK' having your wheel remodel or enameled, call on Ship?5 UUU5CI. , . .( a fn linA nf all kinds 01 . . . , - . .c Pfr.lt Dicycie sunanes, tu fc the right prices. our mot ra IS GOOD WOBKJUN5I1 AND PROMP WB . ; FREE AIR INCOtWECW ! n.-,hVrB I i wenty- two years experience has taugnt tvai . ci nnu' in mum inn itacr mnaa c on pi nil i.iicak'v. ., .. .w wu lilv v w..ww.- w.. ""- .' anntl6 AlaUUMof lltrku tb ma.ine eiSe and t,iey are do,n& JUSt that. UUl ailv Chi, wmus ebiwr mabiiM t I line of wheels and ask for catalogue. ll Brie. Wo toll you tho bosti Standard Rotary and White... SEWING MACHINES N&Etoc9 BICYCLES Price $40 noodlos ttSk doaoa. Goauum Miag HtAohiao oil, sad parU (or all avKchusot. W roaair all w of utatfeiMtf, roat aow omo, aad take voar oVI oao in Kdun9. P. fl. WIGGINS, 307 CMacfcUl St. t'arl.ide, .'a. for 25c, We sell wheels on easy installments or will trade in your old one. Any thing pertaining to ft bicycle. : : ' S HIPP Si 258 Commercial Street. Salem Oregon. HAUB o Btarstl TURKH BATHS WILLAMETTE HOTEL' ? .. m A. m anto- 7iaiY)ir.i" Z0 " Im i4mw, Orw, ml 8i wariu