rTf , w iAtj&mi StBvMH t! f: . J, . . '"-iV " i . .. ,. ,. ,rtrMivi. eiir of Brook I .,..-,- MiMMiiMrMMMIIMHIIfl''' , - ,. . - nMMMiriiTiiiiii'' i iit-ini In favor of making! & i I Ufc. Jolwn .tft, 'w Calla. their store and see that Beauty of a 1901 Columbia Bi- ,.! cycle, and learn now n win spo&d- ofv- Remember our -slock Is complete in every depart ment and you make a mistake if you fail to look through our stock before you make your purchase. . te: JOHNSON Tho Peopled Clothlera. and rornisnera THETMILY J dy HOFBn DnoTHsna, THURSDAY. MARCH 14,1001. Datlly On Yr, 3.00 InAdvanoo Da y Four Month 91 in Advance D yb Carrier BOO Par Month wtW'On-"oar sUOtaAdvanoa SHORT SDITOniALB- Exlpreildent- Harrison died at hbi homo In TadtMnapotld surroundod by h' family, troops ol friend, and ho gener al rtopect and admiration of the people of oar country. III fortune li placed at POO.OOO, and ho It tald to havo received one lea 01 jiw,ow m i ihw.. boundary dlepute. In hU last year no ahowed a breadth of italciinanahlp and Indopcndenco of Judgniontwhicli cx 1 pUloiTli'fl fact that aa ProaWent lio waa of too firm a mind to carry t with hln tho. boita of party managers anjHclal I" thatiotUton ha to placato to ot a eo ond term, ' A pcplal agent of tho government nowiatatoalhab tha various dollvery, . route that have boon established froui Balem at a common cooler Jot wall die- trlbutlon'arotogo Into active aervlco on"Aprll first. Tho jwopto along tho routoi havo jjonorally luppllcd them- achat with the mall boxes and have Wpomltxi Hborally to tho deinandi ol the governroent for co operation. It la to bo hoped there will bo no further delay by tbe department lu Inaugural 'tag the turvlco. While KoKno Is nutting Into effect the popular loan plan of borrowing mon ey for tliotcliool district, tho greater city ot Portland goea lumbering along In UieolJ rtitaelllng air per rent bondaat ."anremjntn on tho , theory that tho city cj?t)pltWona aro growing rleli thumb). Tho editor ol tho Jouuiui. waa atVwl by the eomrolltw Jn charge ot reviling the state i&bc-l Uwa to prepare a paragraph embodying the Polcin popular loan plan for the general school Um of tho ttate uid It waa tnaerWal. Ho that every achool dlitrietin tbetlaU ean employ , ItAtayaUmlnatrad o' m-llInK bands In New Yorrlck, be Jabbera." Thus tho people will havo the llrit ohanco to luml iWr lavlnga In Uielr own scour Ifleaaod get tho intereat rtxlliirlbuted Inatead of atndlug It away to enrich aome othtr community. JOURNAL X KAYS. Mitch thlrtaon waa a fata) data for the exrJiprvldciit. HUto And Adminlalrator IH Oeer etna to be all right. a A woman handling a hv la to be imlrod at a diitRw. ii O rover Otevetand' forgottga Van .AUnlitii Un mule a Krttght by King llvaid, Hereafter lgtUUve Mxamlnattwa etl HiUtdjpartHata may wit be quite o jrf BBtry . ) l'rorldntr fa(ia Uvenr FMoIhw at last. He (return tawigt ktr Ml. Jewph'a Mbrary. A A Am Mb MoKlaloy will U the tMrd PttaW! wboha vttMrd UrvgoH. Hkirtwi m4 Itryau havo beoa here. at The lalem bboSl ilrI wfH k ootbleg by taking the H kt their mfldon at leaai a little bit. Kolrltr irvnrvlirwlv uid ruJimJafuii' ir i , i DURHAL t........ tl ...il..r. .... :: ''"ntwir U MTaiat! bn(i UJ kiu inMt" ui;tBtinimsw " get. u rriy aou py rre nurai iHV(4j A A pig fui vsttf day of tho year in all tho local wpajre la found pJtiVi(e br Jobn WanamtVer Iu his bttaii. If ho wero in KIm JieM do thu mujo thing, (iuod public acttoai Hka gvud nily gaw airatncnt. or any other good .rwoll ih WkiaffliB can only U'braouht alout ,afr eej hard txiuicicntloua Wikoti thai n w inm pno. . . f " AAA' iJJ!i!tlTlrtoT t 'i1f & to W JaAA'm& ' . w C'0., j Commornal at. naieio, CUBA'S NEW CONSTITUTION Framed on the Modelof the .United States It Was Drafted by the People ' and MaRcVSultrage Universal. CoojrtiUi mi. New Vof k 0hrWn M- CubS'haaa corittllnlloii-wliloh hm t .1 n.i i,w II. own nvonlfl. Till) Idtll UI.IIC1I "" ' . n.tino nf thin oonatiiutlon haa been different from that of the other rountrlw on tho American continent wlilcii re volted from Spain. Ithae boon under the direction of ho Unltwl flialra.aa dm intHrvenlriir military authority which compellyl Hpuln to roliminUh aoverclKn ty over Cuba. Thnt was not the way with Mexico and tho Central and Hotith American coitntrloa, which freed them aolvea Irom Bpaln without the aid or ln torvontlon ol the big American ropul "0' ,, The convention whlrh frml thin orjianlc law for Cuba waa eoniKwd ol thlrty-ono momlHsra ordtMegatw). i hobo wore ohoeen Irom tho different provlncoa, but Itwia not rnlrwl that tho delegate allou'M 1k a realdenlI the proTlne'S'froiri' whlrh ho was elected, ao It happenwl that reilduniH of Havana Imvo reproaent el the province ol Hantlago, Matanxaa and Plnar dl Hlo, In tho convention, the election wae held on Bepleniber Ift, umler nguIatloiii proJrlbel by the American mllUary authoritlea. Tho baalaof uffrao wai anbitantlally that ol tho municipal oltctlona which wuru held last Juno. Tim imlillciUlon ru- tpjlreil waa ability to read or write, tho noaaeeatnn ol real iBtal or peraonui property to the value ol fiw, or it cer tlfloatu of Horvlcu In tho iuatirgent army. The first meutliiK of tho convention vaa held on November I. It waa okjh. o1 by Oovrrnor-Oenoral Wood, who na the reprcventntho of Prealdeut MoKln ley. ataUn) to tlm delegatua that their duty would be to form and adopt a con- atltutlon for Cuba, and when tint wim done to tormnliito their opinion o( vthnt ahould bo tho rnlutlom wlth'tlie t'uitoil Htatta. It la (or thla runwn that the oonat lullon llnlftlwa not contain any ruferencu to thu I'nltitlKtatee. The malorltyof the delwatv were lilontillml with what la known an the rMVolutloimrv olemeut ot the lalnud Home of llm had beon Inturgeut mil1' tary nhleta, while olhera had uorkel tor tho eatiae of Culm in dlnVrent 0HelH. Tho oouventloii lok anuiu daya to mim w tho fttlilI(katiori ot IU mumbura and to adopt ruloa fur lt Knlnnttc. Then In December it begun a aeriw of ecoret aiaiona, In which werodiiwuMt! varloua dratta or proota fthich woro Buhmttted by Individual uiuinlKira. Thu real Work of drafting title organic law, or uouatltutlou, waa placml In the hitnda ot a central commllUH' eouiKMHl ol Ave inembera. They vsere Dr. I.w M)ldu llerrlel, tlmtaitltM l.lorentn, AiiUh liio Dravo tVrrtHMO, (IoiimIii ljmili and Hlua Rivera. Thu latter na otMth man, Tll wiHtmllteo wwhl tvni (row time to ttme upon the piogrwM It ti making, ami ita work wouhl Iw re Viewed In theae MHiiel bIuuk. Ijtte Ih January the wblhi toa4us ttorn-lieguii, Womumi tho wMe pioeat At a eonatltution, satUm by hhiiIuii and arttele by arlMe, waa ready (or dhwua. aieii. Ih private, a two-lhlrU majority 1 1 the of the Jete! bad agieod Hut they wotthl support t lit draft whh a fw lutitK. Thta &i out MVMtl He tMUrUiil d4Mla ami daUrwiHd NoU to amend or ekaitt of lie wtlft provMww. Oh of Ue imt Mwablla)a' waa Iwkl at the ouVtet,! wkm 1 eattuiai MauuJuln,.ltuilu.i..' tHo part : Um iHiniWe whMt iovokwl the bt4iag 4 Ahwtgbty Dud ThU ! 1 waa 4eleti by an PVrwMiMiug TVwf Ht a king Uift-Haaimt ... ISaHKI 111 Willi eft, fcltife pro! MMItlg ' iMifc-ve tniBM ataWK Maagtssta Metal taaagait kMV il t) Ilia futu UVk muumm abatiuar tba mWi tiimiM M; Um wttaraai r wK. Aa tbe grl Martty ml LatlM lawplu ate Uo loaa CalMtfiM. Oaa Mt Um C4Um4i CVareii. Tbe awwUmeMtef Um uy Ifcm aa atf4thr upmm teavlttg mi I MMHaMMy iJ a twtatw au rlMMKrb. aiwl Ua amnuaUaa mmVm abaulala the puthUaHaim TUa psWiLM44tUrT ewawiiaat el Um atKutvMi waa tiatf la Um txiaia ul llntt ImefK aiw (kwMk tM4a, rt isUig U HL-ltal eMNttUtti i ibaM drafted it. TiMy 'f uwt mr aaiait I am amamliatawui aaat luaigbl tU auoptriMi of wthvo. na nmh miMtt ant ebaHM Wb ky k uvairtim in KUHtWg Hki'MrM aaaV fr aUatuWi ommm, iaTj & wwaH fr)r. IV sjrtafoil 4ttt aaM U Mau4 m ajo4. rMt wlw pAJ btler bjf Ike QafMa MftgffM. a3 ' But the eentlment in favor of, making ublvereal auffrage a dart ot the c?n8,"ar tlon waa ao atrong that It had to bo re enecd, and tills clauw was fnaertwl. As completed, tho cooftllutton rollowa closely tlto oona'ltution of the Unitol Statea. There are eomo provulens from the constitution of Bpain in guarantee ing peraonal rights, these are meant to the samo guarantco that obuined under . imnrfran nnnttftution through the common law and the Wll of rights. The Cuban conamunon wwumuw three co-ordinate branches of govern .., . tm nrcpiiiivn. lm?iMativo and judicial, on the same lines as In the United Stateo. Tliere Is to bo a c n grcss, composed of two branches, the aenatoand the camera houw; a auprome court, with subordinate udtelal trlbunala, and a president and vice president. There are also to be wmarate governments for the eix different provinces, each of which shall e!et Ita own civil governor. Uut these provinces do not fully correspond to State ! Un American Union, because their powera and functions aro lmot wholly ex ocutive. Agenoral power ot suspension Is given all executive officers, from the aluaWs or mayors, up the president, In addition to thu regular veto power. This sue- .,..,.! iinr ralnlu I) llin nctfl Of Ot' ooutlvo officials as well aa to the ordi nances of tbe municipal councils, wm riwiilatlone ol tlio provincial aswmblles and the acta ot the conyrees. It la un like anything In the American Consti tution, anu is suojeci o review uj rirarno court. . , ,lm Culwn citizenship Is not made diffi cult. Naturalisation can be had after five yoara' residence, the same as in the United Btatcs; but the Spaniards in the island, who, up to April, HXfl, had not regit torod as Hpanlsh Biibjeots, may be (Kimo Cuban citixens on declaration, and without having to wait tho five years iHirlod lor natuialwation. However, only native born Cubans will b eligible to tho presidency, to the eonntc aid to positions on tho supremo ooiiii. There Isonoexception to tho, ,,i"ilily to thoproilduney. Anyone no! t no lxirn Cuban, who foiiuht ten yfrn iu the Cuban revolutionary army, is eligible. This ia for thobenefltof Mnzimo (lomoz, who was born in Hanto DominKO. Tlu-ro waa a long struggle in tho convention ami a bitter one, becau'o noino of the members wanted lo oxrlitdo (Jenonil aomi-z. but they woro llnitlly romiwlled to yield. The old general Ih now living quietly in Havana. Me has often eaid that ho would be satisfied to sen Cubrf free arid independent, and wantw! no of fli'o In tho rljpiibtlc ;lmt It Ih not buliuvod lie will reditu to Imhiiio n caudldato fur tho proaldeucy, when tho popular move ment In Ida Inlinlf luia ixieoinn ttrong enough. (Itmeral Oomez id opposed by Ihnso who do not want it millU'-y uhiel to llil tliH'oxoeutlvu olllce, and also liy tome on grounds of pergonal ornnlty. Katradn ralmn, who waa for a time proldttht olftlm OuIhiii rovolutiouitry ru public during tbe ten years' war, la an other proHpeclivo rnudldiito He wits thu proildent ot tho Cuban Junta In Now York, and ita lading tpirlt in so curing American lutorveii ion during Hie htat luaiirrno'.loii He ia now living iu tho United Ktittoa and hna not viailed Culm alrico HpAiilah (Hiverniguty waa destroyed, I iu Ida frlomlfl Imvo been wultlng an npKirtuno moment to nriiiu him to the Island. There ia a noMlbllily ol thucoriBorvn live Unburn million on ll.tri'iloiiio .Mitto ae their randidato. Unlive at Mituxn iilllo iu tho province ol Hantliio, iiikIIh n aiigar planter. U linik part tit the ten yenri' war, and waa (or a lliiie vivo proti ilxntot HiuCulhtti revolutionary gover'u iiient in tho htat insurrection. He Iiiib tho respect of tho HihiuIiiiiIs, and in the United Htatvs would be called tho "bus lueaa men's immlidato." bulvudor CIs uoroa,(leneral liiitancourt. tho Marquis of Hotitn I.iioIii, whoaervotl in proeldeut of I ho revloutlonary government in the 10 years war and iu the hist insurrection, Ih itlto a possihlu iHtudidato. He is noted lor Ills extreme Idens regarding iihIh iHtudHiUio. MhiiiU-. (JtM)to, the prtwid Ingoltber ot the comentini. Is countd Hied a HHMiilillity, in no the young inun ahiiiild gam ctint IIh was ideutille.1 vyllh the InsurgMiil Kovi-ruiiient in tho Irtat iiiturrertloli and la a lawyer. Shou il a iMtliirnl matt Ih- ele led, lunii (loullwilo Uointa would (irobablv lie the " an. He waa wluiiMlel III Himiii anl hi I'rrtiH't" and is w.h as an amh'. iuah h-i writer and orator, lie wanextled to the iieiml Hfttlellient ol (.Villi, liv Hpiiiii during the hul miiirM Hon, lutx lng been made a prlwoiter when the revolt broke out However, thouitli tho r-o of owlnr oonattUiltM one-third uf tho Hipulatkiii ot uIhi. autl has to Ih) iMmttdurtHl lit tho nitidis of the lahtiid, it la not likely to preM a candidate ol ita i'wii tor prea'deut. Cium.ka M I'areaH, .Havana, 1'uh. IS, ItWI. Pan Poturo for Woman " I nut mi uervouK, tboro U not a well ttveh lit my whole body. 1 nut mi weak nt my stuMtault, aud Iih lndlgUHt horribly, and (MlpltaUou of th brt. ami 1 am loalug AU. TitU henhu'h and baokneltu ntuttly kllU w, kmI y tenlny 1 nttorly had hyUrli; tbttro la a weight Iu the Umr Jrt of my lKwtUlMinrlng down all the time, ami paliu In my grolua and thighs ; 1 can not kleap, walk ir sit, ami 1 behav I am iUmwiwhI all over , no one ever sutfartnl aa I d." This la a dwrlptliu of thouwtitda nf OAK which imiiii" t Mr PltikltAHi's lalKiratary for ady l An lullsiovd ami Mm. Jumi Willi 14. uVMr4al avH4iMuM l Oat avert uf the wajaa aaui sirodiiss ail of tatss qrwtp Xmm. aMd ho wttaaiw khwtla abVw bar4f U rvavoii asstb a wrlatilmi ol mUary wImsh Uwn ia aWoUWly it) Ha! nf It. Tb sMbJjMrt uf mir K. UsUt Ih tbi abrub. tr WilMviua ot IsitgtWWwm. K J , baa tartt vatuwly una! ol fcm-b tlluaia mm! njBjasirv by Uy4i R. Itukh,a VatM-bia Ite X athar mailaalu mm aawb a hmcw1 S iMbSa Qmh. wll H o. ft? , v mZW v .Ayv MP U' WJr ""fcV H7X. '. X- .3.'-' ""35 - yaffle " 7. --a fwm&wm z IV B)JaK'tSBBBBjnvpr mr Wjf S TILE LIBERAL AJITS. NOTABLE EXHIBIT TO BE MADE THE PAN'AMERICAN. AT lnl field Covered by the Exhibit nnil llir Melhnil lo lie Followed In lla riliialrntlon nt the Rjtpoaltlon at lliiflnlo et Snraraer. , The building which la to houso the exhibit in manufactures and liberal M at th Pan-American Exposition at Huffalo will be one of the most lm losing In the aplendld group surround ing (he Court of Fountains. Thin build ing la JVM) by 3&U feet, with a central rourt Jnd having a dome 70 foot In di ameter over thu eiitrutice on tlie aouth. Manufactured prwlucta nnd those II .iiniiuting the lllieiiil arte nro so closely allied that they naturally aro classified in the Mine t'iiornl group, nnd nt the jr. at exposition of recent years they 'inve iH-eii tuui.il under tho anme roof. T'nder the general claaeiflcntlon of 11b ral aria nre bicliHled such subjects as hoiw ot education and aoclnl economy, 'KKikn. ktI'mII-hIs. sclcntlllc apparatus, hygiene nnd naiiltntlon, inUKlcal Instru inentH. public works, civil engineering. oiiatruithe architecture, photographs unl pliotoKrflphlo aupplleH, rnudlcnl, dental and aurgli-al npjHiratus and oth er branches of Intellectual activity. In ,lel It Is the mot progressive nnd no hie of tlie tendencies and achievements nf tklx hkl' of enlightenment mid clvill xnthiii which are represented in the ox hllrltH of this division of n great expo sition. The work of collecting und clawlfy Ing the I.lhenil Arts exhibit for the Pnn-Amcrlcnn Kxposltlon Is now well under way and Is In chnrRo of Dr. Be llin If. I'eabody, whose successful han dling of the same division at the great Columbian ISxposlttoii of 1803 marks him as the bent qunllflod man on the American continent for the dlscliargo of such a task. The exhibits of the Liberal Arts dlvl-, tlon as well as thofte of other depart- ments will bo concentrated and repro Hcntatlve rather than vast In extent! nnd exhaustive In scope. Most gratify ing progress bus been mnilo since the World'a Fair at Chlcogo In methods of education In .the public schools, univer sities ami colleges of the United Htntes nnd other Pan-American countries. The educational exhibit will give special j attention to excmpnrying mis great progress nnd showing the present stnto of our educational Institutions. It is tho Intention to havo modols prepared representing the equipments of schools, colleges and universities. The exhibit mado by the United Btfltes In tile Paris exposition will bo removed to Huffalo for tho Pnn-Amerlcnti and will he sup plemented with additional exhibits. Closely related lo the educational ex hibit will be those In social economy mid In hygiene and sanitation. Under the head of social economy will be In cluded such subjects ns charities and correction, co-operutlve associations and trades unions, apprenticeship and child labor, protection of worklngmcn In factories and mines, worklnginen s dwellings, etc. The division of sanitation and hygi ene Is one of Kreat prnetlcal Impor- taiiei; and creat progresa has leii made within a decade along this llun Inderal It limy MrbaM be aatd that tin subject tma Iwcwme ulmont a acleiice lj Itself, and itirtaliily in Its nUMona ti the dally life of the lieople Its liuwr- tauco cannot be too much empbaalxslJ The exhibit at the Pan AiuerUan Kx (HHiltloit. wblt-b la under tbe luiiueiltate aiiMrvUloH of Dr. Jacuh ai. otto, mii uu tborib' lu this bram-b of mU-ihh', will coniiwlMt aiH'b aubJwU aa ploslcwl cul ture, and Hm- apparatu ited lit various luatltutkma for thu ptrHMboapltaU and dteiwitsartra. bosrdu of health mid their fuiietkm. ttKxbi, Utelr tlieuiUtry, proacrvatlou aud adulterattuit; mit-bat)-k-al metlMMla of aaultatlou aud Military arcblttwtura. Tb improved uuthwla Introduced Into muuUipal demrtueut lu recut yrara will U- shown aa graph ically aa (Htaajlbl. lit many iae uiwl ela will U tled for this piiuxe. Mps and nttalela sbowlug tbe diiaM.tlou of garlmge lu cities aud the cremation of the dead will l features of tbe exblUt In tbla dhlalon. kWwer dralnaM wll alito form an lmHtrtant tart ot tba txhlblt. Uavtially timely, Ih vhtv it (be tenauMNtt bouaa Inwattgatloi rvevutly couditt'tatl t a state cov aion aktitHt fur that purptiMt, wll, lie tbe exhibit to be made by tbe Char tty Organisation tjoclety of NVw York t'tty abowlnc the pant and present as Writ aa tba Uiaal tauitar) cotiditlusM of notuaa iu teuetuent iimtruu of grat iltlaa. Uf lutarrat In ttu- aaute coias taMt will bo the exhibit about lug vbat la ttng tbtwa lu tbe way ot public WILL DISCUSS THE ORDER OF NOBILITY N.w that tl rwiw bavw ct sod FWbrwillUtitvbla Wctar, -Till VrJEH', ThMiy'vSKMarcKH. Work HMrS). (HBJBlBiU attOM tar MaU. LJ l.. .J i .i.L.U . ".. rTTT "7s 9K7k7CESh,B " vam m m - mn i n i ' ;r NOUTIIWBST YIKW FU0.M TUB OHIO "SfSlWt of pahflt works will be did, related to thnt of hyfne and .Sitlon, ami among It- faaU'rr will 5 a model of the Chics, drainage ca Ml and a large model al'O oft I p city Tt llnton and Its vicinity within a radius of 12 mllw. . ur. nnt ttmre HOW to HX'HK of the- exhibits of pfcowmjih and hoto gViIiMc supi'Mr,. of plaim forte- and otwr inwl'-al Iwimmnts and of oil i-r rwtrtres of the Uhers. Art, exh.oit -i trHflmr though thee will I- The whole field Hi" I '"""" ' '" "" to bring out the most attrstthe and 1 Utlorwl side of the suhjeets I luitrat- ,J UDWAHII IUI.B HhlSll. POULTRY SHOW. SVlemll't Hit ' ,,n,,,' "' "" I'nti-Annrlenii ISxiiosltlon. in planning a irr.at KxiHMltlon of the magitltwle ef the Pan-American to be held In Huffalo next summer, where nil tut- great Industries of the United States will he n presented 1J' exhibits whlcb will be of the best quality and chniac ter that can lie protluced, the wisdom of the management is shown In the rnsgnlrV-Mit preparations that are be ing made for the Division of Live Mock. , . In no line of breeding domestic nnl n, h, urnter strides been made tnau In the pultry Indmtry, agd. while. th Interest taken in the Live mock di vision of the Kxposltlon by prospective exhibitors Is very encournglng, the pouitrymen of the United States and Canada are manifesting nn Interest that Is truly phenomenal. The poultry- . A. .. M.n l.nt'n Bnnn men in me ihsi uw n " "- the Industry double many times until today It exceeds In value any single farm crop. The annual sale of eggs, poultry nnd fancy birds for breeding purposes in the United States and Can ada exceeds $1,000,000,000. The pro posed show at tho Pan-Americnn will be fully adequate to the great interests Involved. The time of this show will be most propitious to the fanciers Oct. 21-31 and the accommodations will be all thnt are desired. The stables, cov ering ten acrespwlll all be devoted to the poultry and pot stock show. PAN-AMERICAN SPORTS. Will He Held In a fltadlnm Seating Twelve Tlionaand I'eople. The popular sports of tho Amoricans havo been handsomely recognized by the Pan-Americnn lixposltlon. A Sta dium, beautiful In design, with a quar ter mile trnck nnd grobnd area amplo for the requirements of nil tho popular events proposed, Is provided. It has a seating capacity of 12,000. Tho nattiro of the sports planned Is varied. Ama teur events of nil kinds will be partic ularly encournged us representing tho most deslrnble of athletic competitions. There will be professional events ns well. College sports will bo mado a feature, nnd Intercolloglnte events are being planned. There will be amateur and professional baseball, football, lawn tennis, Marathon rnce, cross country runs, lacrosse, cycling, bitB ket ball, roque, shooting, Culedoulun gamos, . gymnastics, mllltnry maneu vers, turning, cricket, bowling and oth er sports. UUILDINQ. MAGNET FOR FARMERS. (ireat Ulaplax la the Division f Ac rlealtare at llxpualdon. The prominent display In tbe Dlvl aten ot Agriculture at tbe Pau-Amerl 0, Exp0altlou will bo the maBnet that will attract progressive farmers. Here they can loam what their brother farmers are doing to lighten labor aud Improve the products of the fields. The exhibit will embrace all pbaaea ot ag ricultural work, allowing the adrau tagek of different processes aud meth ods ot work aud the products of tbe gurduu aud field iu their great variety under nil aorta of conditions. Under their proper classifications will be showu methods of fertilisation, farm managomoiit and prw-esiea, experi ments with varloua cnw In different Soils, climate, etc.; reports from dif ferent states aud proviucas abowlug tho aggregate of crots aud products of all kinds; exhibit), of all products of the farm aud garden. Tbla will be a Iplendld sebool of luitriK'Uoa for tbe iarmer. Kattuaal Jluaraiu. The exhibit of the uathmal mueeum. iulr the auspuvs of the IftulUMaaUu stttutkiu. at tli Pan-.u,arlcaa li. Itbtu will Im of abscrttliu lateri,t. will display the recurves ot North. tmtb and iVutral America, the Want diet ami tba new iKnnemiuo r h Liltetl Slate. KapraaaotaUvea or tk. tttHttoM are How pttowtu aa abua- BH!0 ot Hew aitrvtiueiM. Twkrt wr whMw t Shhta , tUnr I haw it OrfftatM ortauaiu.l alttUH Is aienoet bra. a ill NwrOelrtU.Uat tlHBUJ in u.u ... Up H SHU yilMltS IH AHNaBM, N.-, araUUwr work. TXVli i ... . i ... . . ? '"i niv. B xrmrwiwed. O.wt.1 N wt ami ob wanttxl "wa)rUo. rw wtrUrai M I, ew York. j g f rtec w Hattamv MI Oreajotl HAMrowaeM A.oelau- tsttr liL- s "a its. WikuLv,r i -" -eT. C-d CASTSrFa AYcUctablel'reparalionror As similating inciowanaitcKuiu inil Hie Stomachs andDols ol lingllv PromQjcs Digealion.Chccrfur nessorKlITest.Conlains ndllrer Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Tot"Nviicotic. inyJhn SecI' MxJmrvi I JMMtSJtt- I AumtSfrtt ' IhOudruikScJa ' Ctnifftd MifV- I bfctry.ww ' Apcrfccl RcmHy f j. ronsdpa Uon, Sour SlO'Juicli.iJidrrlwiUi nnd Lot-.: i v SLI'. J.i'- Fa. Suiu'.c ...Po. -T NhW Yd 'IK. ! EXACT COP' OK WRAPPER. t rsrj5iTJ Don't Go it Blind In Kflfdiiifr liquorH for homo consump tion. He sure of their lltivor, ipiAlity tiurity and fairness of nrlco bi'fo-e order, In)! In a nutslif II. to b'e suru of tho re liability of tho liquor merchant who Hiipplii'fl you, Wo chiillengu com par (on nn to tlie excclleui-o ol our stocw, the value for-vnluo of our priced. J. Pr Rogers LM8-2'J,J Coinuiurcial Street J&afWholesalo nnd Hotail liquor dealei I . . aiaa I "M "Je' irfltnT.Mi!''t,'iIr' ' "(firT rp t; i U ! 1 THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM OREGON A llrst-cliiBs piivate hospital for tho treatments chronic nnd surgical oases. Hullt the past year espeolally for the purpose, for which it is UBOil. l.onvnn nnllv lru.nln.1 ,.-1.1.1.. f... Uli. ,.i n. i t . . , ,.- -r- ,.".' . niHiiu iuui uiuv;no ui mu uuomusa pari of the city. Tlie most modern furnishing and Intest appliances throughout the building. Heated by hoi water and lighted by cas and elect icity. Ilore tho Bick can havo the comforts of nn elegant !!.mRt . '.0"10 ""nWneil with all tho advantages of a general hospital without the noise, confusion, and publicity attondlng one. Outside i!ii . 1 11" bri"R'ni? c"808 ,n 'reate-J with tho greatest courtesy, and Miitd in operations if requested. For terms and further infofmu tion write or.apply pjcjori uly R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. VISIT0PS WELCOMED BETWEEN 2 AND 4 P. M. J?C Any Man Star In fact you could not cut yourself if you wanted to. We have them . R. M. WADE & CO. SALEM Galvanized nc iimkc a specialty ot work in KaUamzed -- I LTJMB IITG.. . Woik an material always the b 01 prices are alwavs the l.uct -. ""'J"lt,ui - v a. A. BURROUGHS Si PRAZTPR SOMETHING . .. "-niiotsutNT GAS BURN PR INVESTIGATE TH5M Salem Gas Liovtit Co OHemakta St. 1AL VU. Telephone 863 umm For Infants andChUdron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of THCCtrlTalinCOMfaNr Nt YOU CiTT. ssiissacis A JUDCE OF PRIME MEATS always knows just what ho wants, nnd knows that ho can always got it from our choice stock. II you want a deli cious roaBt, stt'Hk, chop or cutlet that is tender, rich and succulent, and cut by an expert hand, trimmed and uot up for your table to suit the Ijuoen'a taste, you will always Ifnd It at CH0SV5, and at loer prices than vou can find it for tiny where else iu Salem. E C, CROSS SALEM OR Phonu32iI. THE FINISHING TOUCHES Which display tho real beauty of tim ber can bo added only when the lumber ltpelf is ol rioo.1 quality nnd properly manufactured. To insure deairabla re sults got your lumber, htth bhlngles etc, ul Goodale Lumber Co's. yard noar S. P. passenger depot. Well seasoned our lumber la easily workml as many carpenters wlllntti9t. Can Shave Himself OREGON. Ipod ' Work- ot cornices and all kii-vK iron x- -. , --- - t 9, ard the NEwT jfC Mf 10 Jr 'n L$ ' Hr Over Thirty Years St 1Ra3ot SOUTH AND Eb VIA Southern Pacific Co, THE SHISTfl ROUTE ' Tralnu lcivo Snleirl forPortlatidnndTr 4t06p:m LTltIRn3' I.t BiOfcm l K40 A I .O0 A M 12:30 A M .0n ir 1U.33 I' V i',r' i Ar Ahlanilut. Ar Bacrsmonto. t.V, A I Ar Ban franclgco.j :1& A Si ArOgOon Ar Iknvcr ArKanta, tltj Ar Chicago Ar IxM Angeles Ar El l"iuio.-.. Ar Fort Worm ; Ar CltrofMoxlco Ar Hoiuton ..., Ar Now Qrleant.i. 9:00 A M MX o:o a m n..r-r- .0 A 5 725 A M 7:S A M - iso p a , too par . 630 A, M 9A1 83S A; M .. CM P M J A a ffo p 5 A'80 A M '" A S Br5 p u Ar Wnalilngtol ,o; x il Ar Now YOr -MIMPM liatg ..i A J Pullman and Touriata cars onBoti; trains. Chair car Saonvmonto to Oalnn nnd El Paeo, and tourist cars to Chicaim Ht. Loulfl, New Orlonns nnd Washin.,11 Connoctlng at Ban Frantllsco wlthaSr" oral stonmshin lineB for llcnoluln Japan, Chlnh, PhlUppinos, Oeutral Si Bouth Amorica. uu Boo Mr. W. W. Hkinnor agent at"8ale Station, or addrosa ' O. H. MABKIUM, (3. p. Portland, Qre'u, Corvallis'S Eastern . Ikilroad TIME CARD, No. 2 For Yaqulne: Train leaves Albany 12:45 n m Train lcavca Corvulll...... uS " Train arrives Yaqulna . 0!45n m' No. 1 Ketnrnlnjr: v' m' Lcavca Yaqulna (WOn.to Leaves CorvalllN 11:80 a..' Arrives Albany 12:16 n. a' No. 3 For Detreit: Leaveb Albany a 7;(Vi -i ... Arrives Dotroft.,,.' llil'Oa ui' No. 4 Returning: ' Leaves Detroit 12:lop Di Airlves Albany fi:iSn. m' Uneuud two connect at Albany and (Jorvallls with Kouthcru Pnclticttnln glylug direct service Id und from New! port, unu aajacoui Dcacnus. Trains for the tuouutulos arrive at Detroit at noon, giving uuiule tlmp . - - . a - -. io reacn camping grounds ou lue the llreltenousli and Santlam rivers camu any. 11..L W'ALUKN. PDWIN8TOKF T K. A P. X. Mn. g lit Albiuy "The Best of Everything" In a word this tolls ol the paseeurer eervico Via The. Northwestern Vm Trains dally between St. Paul nnd Chicago comprising tho latest Pullinnii Sleepere; I'torlesa Dining Cuts, I.Ibm'ry and Observation Cats, Fred' Rlinthg Chair Cars. The 'Oih Centuiy Traln-"THE NORTH WESTERN LIMITED" Runs every day of tbe year. I Finest Trains in the World .C Electric Llebted Steam Heated. To Chicago By Daylight The Badger fitato Express, the finM Day Train running between -t. Paul in d Chicmro Via tho Short Lino. Connie tioiiB fiom tho West mado Via Tho Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Itys. Tli hi iifnlHO the beet lino between Omaha, St. Paul nnd Minneapolis. All Atents sell tickets Via "The North-western line." W. II. MEAD. II. L.SISLER, T A C. A. Cliicaso Rock ' Island t Pacific ran Make your trip Kast pleasant and comfortable by using tho Great Itock Island personally conducted excurjioni in tourist sleeping cars which go ftit every week ol the year via "alt Lilt City ana the Scenic lino. Pullman sleeping cars overyitjVi Chicago. Tell your ickot ajrenf you want your ticket over tho Great Ruck Island Route from Denver. All ticket agents sell them. Writo for folders. A. E, CoOrwt, G. A Portland, Or Lnruo Wall Mapa of the United States.... Given Away I HOW TO CET ONE II you are going East, or thinking of sending for your lamily.do not buy yonr tickets until you have eectired ratea from the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL ROAD Co. Their Bervjee ia earrelled by none, and they can roach all points In the hast, South or Southeast from an point In Oregon or WashinetcJ. Through touriat car from Pacific Cort to Jew York. If VOU Will fiend flftnnn Renin In staiDI jo the addreta given below, we wl forward you by return mail a large " fnapofthe United States, Cuba ad Porto Rice, 34x40 Inchea For particulars regarding paslenp'r or fieixlit rates, call on or address, B. H. ThcmboU, Com'l Ag't. 111. Centl B. B A 143 Third it., PorUanU Or Tourist Cars The tourist cars, like a newspaper in a country town, certainly "fill a long Id want." A cool, clean, well ventilated sleeping and observation car, equally (ree from the discomfort of the old fashioned passenger coach and the stuffy beat of the over-luxuriously uphoUternl drawing room and sleeping caifl, and at a moderate extra fee, has olvrd ,,e problem of providing attractive bccoui' uatlouu for tho eeneral public The o, R. A N, Co. rui.B three of IbMO car daily between Portland and tho Hart A porter is in ohaigo ol each car to look al ter tho warns and touiforta ok Ur P-'8' songers. A, L. Ca!'- General Passenger Agei C). R. & N. Co., Portland, Or