The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 13, 1901, Image 2

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4 cu
? . ' , , "-J.M tht e
tUMnl of IHi! valw to fl Tr
Sold by 4 wbii t w"f ,Ioltar ppr
Wl A booklet xiR wilt be
' nt frjfby WSKff ft" W.
Atlanta. Co.
6- If. Joimson & Cos
Call at iheir store and '
beauty of a 1901 Columbia Bi
cycle, and learn how it -will b
-disposed of. Kemenibef our
.stock is complete iti every depig
ment and you mske a mistftke' ff
you fail to look through our stock
before' you make your purchase.
cz W JOHNSON &. GO..
Tlie Peoide'a Clothiers, ami Furnishers
OftllyOna Your. SB.OO In Advano
Dally Pour Month- . In Advance
Dally by Carrlor 80o Per Month
Wookly'Ono Year l.00 In Advano
Tho weekly paper of the Unlveriily
ot Oregon takes eMeplton to an mlltorfal
In tills uaper la waWi wo took tlie
position that the appropriations
for higher edaettlea by thii
legislature were Ml el propertlen to
Uie wealth and pepnkttea of the ital.
We will net reprint the pwteaal abrne
of the Mttete weekly bet el at te faeta
without atefaiNM K pwHrfe. Tlie
Uslrcratty nPr wrr ' Hl'nol
arerffa',bt wwtfci pWjf be found on
the jaVreH If k4a real saw woreknown.
But Oris party, whoever ho may be,
iay Tmk JenrAt "ljinoranlly nitarta
Iho BUI University ii provblod for by
the federal gevsrmunt." The Uulvorally
waa founded on a land grant Py eongrcti
and line a latgo fund to loan and land to
til and runt. It. received the lait
two yearn lutcrnl on land
uoteaand loana (torn Iho UiiUarilty
fundi, and rent, lha nun of 116,171)38,
according to the report of thu Btala
Treasurer. Thla la nut an Ignorant
awertlun bHt a foot from tho rccorJ. II
"IJuolo George" in an houoat man he
will admit that at Watt to tho amount
of 110,170.$! tho statement waa not an
Ignorant aiwrtloii, that tlie University
doei rttho tupport Irem tho Uuneral
Tn a Jouhnai. haa always farord a
just appropriatleti far the aupport of
hlniier ctlneatien, aad ahatl a&ntlHUeto
do o. Ihit wlten It ti the aomiiwn
leltoeta opp6aed Ujr thee wIm favor
outrageously la rite wa for hlHhor
education, theie Jina get to he a halt
lomewhere. awl the iKwror alaia ol
log by the eetnmeu wiiool. Iook Mt
the tela! turn el apareprlatleua by title
logiilaturo for the vartaui Imiltutloua
that are for the ediMaltoii of a pro
frational e4ai :
Uulverttty, lieu. Apfwpria.
ttou m.fi00 00
l'nirtll lWLlWt v,0OOCiO
AgHauHutal CwNfrite Qiw
A pp. Moooa
Agrtaiiltwial CWUxc 1WI-
MoiimmwjU Kerwal tm . . . ,K 00
Aihlal SjrjHil m0m1. . la.000 Q0
Dralh Korsial Mbool . ..... UOOOO
WcaUwt Nerioal whool .... 19,410 H
'ratal for MjrUmt etwatlan. (WMP M
UalvenUy laad (awl twaH, ilf tt
Uraed tlal lor hinf 4wa
iw mi.40e r
The Hgurea bat at et been accu
rately mad pUk) (or (be rarreat ex
jmjiui ol Uiwatale for tin? )ro I Wi
lomewiiere, awi me poorer wan ei: ,, ... ...
, . .4 ..I, ,, . , 'eupy Ikonoruble uml wirtliy Mwltlmu
ptwplo kheuhl not be blatuwl for itand-i " ,
The rcmctie they think best suited to
the needs of their jticnts. When the
disease is of a nervous nature, with head
ache, sick Ntomach, tailing appetite, fttdi
gestion, roiUeMnoss, loss of sleep and n
general rundoivn condition, a nerve tonic
and brain food is an absolute neccasuy.
The best of all remedies for weak, ilobiu
tatcd, oxlmustod nervoa best for the doc
tor to prescribe and best for the patient to
take is that incomparable restorative,
, Miles' Nervine.
It makes the nerves ftrong, the brain. clour, the appetite keen and the digestion jxrfoct.
It rtbuilds the ailing strength and is an UnfaUing cure for nervous nfoatratio.
?W fey aif rfftrgglsta on a &arantae Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
ard to tfth feP! fUft
SdBG tsu hTaiiSi i
to the mother-lo-be, ft w j b loom.
t-c coming l.1V,inSpJ of child-birth
T.if i ho n!n ami all tne ""11 '" . j.,m
of VrjrJTiTHR'S 110." .
ireu vSaie
5W7 O&mmcrrlal fit. Halom.
1002. Hot It l eaWtimy tlmt limy wjll
otvclonxUmelhla'in'- n'c"
thoyjlo-anll 0iat'l,ninch niOro titan n
"o'oght locoitlogrn tho atfttc-Mbo
mm taken from the peoplo for hlghar
oducallon will bo about 36 per cent ol
all the ilalo rovenuea or ?i out oi
erery 1 for the edunatlon ofafavond
few becaua6 noono will pretend that
one-fourth ol all our younjc nen and
wolnrn will Kt t"7 ( H'P tHinHllaof
this higher edueation.
One dollar out of evory four jmid to
the itate will go to odurtale aoine man'a
ton or daughter at the university, tho
agrh)Hltral eollege or one of the nor
aial eehooU. Ii thla a juot proportion?
lilt net too large a part of thn public
ruiiu tn Invnit In blither tdueatlon,
when not all the children ol tho ivooror
olauei get to go to the eominou oIiooIh7
We aak this question In gocxl faith.
Until Uio laat legUlnturo puNood euoh
largo bllla aa tho nliovu, thoie Inntltn
tion Bouurotl not over hull thla princely
nllowanua, and that wna unoii(ili In the
opinion of many good aitl.tfii. Now
tho burdon la morn than doubled. What
limit no ay 7
The Unlvonlty pnpor Intlmntei that
the children ol all thu peoplo will be
bleiaod and iMineilitul by thla money
being eK)Ut for the Ixiuent ol n eoin-
paratively few peeple:
lie prolmlily tlotvi not know, however,
Unit imtrv urmlimUi mint out from thu
Btnto Unlvuri-lty Ii helping lo onalo
better ramlltloiia fur thu "little brown
iihooMioune," to wlilcli lit rulers hi
touohlugly. He cava It la the fault of
tho community and tho parent Hint
children aru eomullmiM out ol Mihuol.
Dihh the "Col." not know that thu
peoplo receiving itu odueallou anob m
our alato iuntltutiuiia ill lord uru not only
butter (rimida ol thu "little brown neliool
houre" but more oapable IrtMiuUT
The theory ol our government latlut
all thu pwplo are to become aelMmlp.
fill ami Itt'lepeudeiit cttlwHii ut fur ai
Mdble. Tlw grndimtui of our aUtte In
itltutlnni have nnwtly roI lo lie pro
vblel with oltlun alter they grudu
ato. They 111! the profeMloiml wulka ol
life, hold thu ptiblle x)lllou mill
lli leelety. Jut Ikw far tbta he1Hi to
belter the oondlliOH of the boya and
glrla who gel a imatterlng ol the ohh
men branrhe in the Utile brown mImh1
bouee ii an ojieii n,HUM. 'lite latter
are probably Um more lUirtly and
and lelf-reliaNt of tne two, hmI wwial
Hot tbaak the ualvwtily gradaal for
kHoinlu to belter ltir emttiUeM Ih
l(f, UrndBAlei of tUe puWIe Uoo4
a rule are atftVla htM their aw a wttk
Ibetr mare favtJrtnl brother.
The rwbtWtar la a wMie.ra pnaiact
lltat taaay, Um MeaeiAper batl II
arista bj wwji vtbbad taaay mmmh
tbiag to tba pabU. Kird tttata v a tbe
jajMpJilei ami Uiaa lb uewip-p.r k
"I was Hat on my back for four months
with nervous proatntion. IUd ,4J
onvgh, headache, jKkir appetite and mv
.nervois were so shattered that I could not
aleep for ckvs and nigh at a time. A
good old doctor, whoee ulicM h4
tailexl to heln me, at last gave un Ui
deenalr and advised me to try Dr. Mitt'
Nervine. I did so ami four boufa com
pletely restored my health.
H. Paumsr, Waterloo, Ivm.
wiled, Iwtnewrpopor in arae enly. It
bad rauoh editorial matter, more rrlla
eeHany and very HUle , which,
uiuilly, waa at-roral day obi.
An old timer Pay tt
One hundred yeara ago the newspapef
waa conducted not o tnuah vHh a view
to making money as to to bo a rnoutb
nlwM for the editor, or for a party. The
clltor waa trio all in all. He was rmb-
llihora well, but ho made tho publish
Ing intoreit euborviont to that of wilt
ing. It was Inconsequential and bccos
aory only. Thero worofow advortiie-
mente and theao chlolly of runaway
ilavea or astray oattlo. Patent medicine
ads cfluio in later.
II waa not until Ilennatt founded tho
Herald, 06 yoara ago, that tho real
nowspanor bad lla birth. It was W
yeara later, or after tho Olvll war, when
newapapera had grown into such conco
quenco a to call for a publisher, who
ahonld relieve the editor of all duties
oxeopt thoeo pertaining ulreotlv to hla
ofllce tho gathering of newn and com
menting upon men and event.
To beeuccoeeful, he muat bo ai wise aa
a sorpont, harmless as a dove. He tnuat
bo miavo, circumspect, tactful, enter
pritlng, onergetio, tactful, ready nnd in
slant in action. He must be nggroeslvo,
yet conservative; economical, but prodi
gal when occasion demands; all tiling
tt all man nnd keep a double chain
wound about tho cheat of bis temper.
Without him Iho great modern w wrpa
per would bo impossible. Ho rrroaaury
Is ho that it may bo truly eai I, "us is
tho publisher, bo is tho pner."
Tiik JounKAt, stirred up tho States
man unintentionnlly by saying tho other
day thnt nearly all tho reforms called
for by tho opposition campaign at tliu
last county election were being carried
Into effect by tho presort t county oll
olala. With the aid of thu olork and
the sheriff, neither of whom Uio States
man helped oloct, the present county
oommiBsiouura have nearly got tlie
county ont of debt. The two coiiimli-
slouurs have Imeu doing tlie ootinty
buslneee for two montlis while the
County Judge of Marion county lias
been unfortunately detained by rick
nees. If tlmt official had been at
his mmI no doubt a mill better
allowing would have bueu inmlu. The
Jouhmal is not solMtotH n to what
ptrty or county ollkur neoompllshus
rutults for tho eoplu so tLoy aru aeeom
plisbed. It predicts nodiro oulamity
11 eertuln ollloluls were elected, but In
eurred thu ill will ol a few 1mhmi in
oaoli psrty by eaying certuiu olllaliils
rugunlless of jmrty deftirved re-election.
The StatuatiHiu l the only ealamlty or
gHii at Salem It there Is one. Tlie
Juuhnai. belltivea tho nffulre oi this eity,
school dUtriat and county ahould hu
uomltiuteil purely in a liuilnws matter.
I'Iiii lwnil nf the eltirk of (lie oIhmI
laud board has betiu IneroaiMd from
teXXX) to W.OIH), While there Ima Imhhi
nod.Mirewuey fouml in the aooouute of
the ireuut ulurk. M. I.. UliumWrkln,
or Ida Immediate ppedecewMir, UHral
Udell, thla Hutton of the boartl ia war
ranted by the dlwloeur of a shortuHe of
fJll.OrtO iiuilur tlw prevloua adntlHlatrH
thmof Oeo. W. Davis.
'liter U a filing of aetiHral !U;ukt
uinotig the MoiW t the way l'roliient
MoKiuluy has Hit all the retired tuna
tore Into fat pkea ou cumiiiiImIoni. It
items the HWil can navel ael rid of
lite H)lltial nrltiK'nwy, otto lby aru
in Iho eadille. Tna Ua ar crwlwl
by the Hinatora and auugrewHitiN ami it
Ii no more than right the l'raUNl
hoMkl Nil tbm with tb mm who
reateil tbewt (or Utatwwlvat I
Tbw U alill rootu la Malasa for a
traialng abU lor duutaaUo rvic.
The iM04t aacbHt mmi of taw alttd al
tmml to the Indian tnuula vhoai at
aVwlb Maiam mwuii lo laad in all
tbUiBod. TtMMttba Wu uifaiaJ
that u wMHau'a lub. U ial waoaly,
lata ix Hwtwbur muU doe not diaviMS
litaratuteor Mil
W JL Ib9 v?
may be almost safely set down
as wanting red in her blood.
If subject to dizziness, fainting,
shortness of breath on slight
exertion, no doubt remains.
To want rod in the blood h
to fail of the good of one's food.
Her food is not nourishing her.
She needs a change.
The easiest change she can
get, and one of the best, is
Scottfs emulsion of cod-liver
It give her the upper hand
in the contest her food has
the upper hand now she is
)ile no more.
W- II ro.l tm a Wt to Iry, t( yea Ult.
1 1 i i ft OUWXK, 47 i'eul "'. '" ft'1'
Halmn will seouro n Y. .M. C. A.
building by co-operation.
The divorce court itlvos many a bright
woman a new.liopo in lifo.
A rough blustering March means a
good wheat, frnlt and bop crop.
Tho Snlem l'ostofllce alto was null
cliosun by our Hayseed city council,
e c
Yow Park has secured a full-fledged
fire company by a llttlo wholetome co
oponttton. Senator .Mitchell has been Bnorn in
and sworn at, and Is now duly qualified
to servo. Tocotna ledger
Tiik Joiiknai, hah been oliltgod to re
fine mi Hindi foreign advertising of late
It may be oompellml to enlarge.
It is safe to suy that another Klagg
the Koramment has put up will come
down after one winter wltii tlie titer
mnmeter 76 degroes below ero. Mr.
Flagg nwd to be a common country
editor. Albany Democrat.
t s
Senator Mitchell was not slow in
Hndlnv a place for ex Senntor Metlrlde.
Asa member of thu St. I-ouls oxhm1
tion oommifteion, MollrJdu will be able
to kep himself in trim for tliu cena
torial contiwt two yours from now.
HaVcur Democrat.
To Cure a Cold la One Day
Take IjnUT Uromo (Jul nl no TblU. All
tnintM rafttDil the mimr If II falls W eur
W. Ororc'a tlKnatart-1 vu eaeb box.
Ilntr n (Irnteful Wool llrukc-r lie
on me i 3lllllunulr nnil nn Inlclll
KmiC I in in I urn lit lliM'iime a Tnvrru
IC-rii-r .V tilory t( Ncir Mouth
One of tin' moat iutereatlug spots In
Hydiiey Ih the Milnt In the famous har
bor known as "Mrs. Macqunrlu's
rlmlr." It Is the eastern iilnt of the
domain, ami thu great natural Heat In
ih roek facing down tlie heritor Ih mild
to have bveu a favorite i ' phieu oC
the wife (if (lnvwnor MtieiiHiiu, who
retireaeulrd thu ltrltltili gutfrumunt
also aa irorror n-u-rHl of Australia
lu Hyiliwy In the early da) a of thu nine-tin-nth
cvutury. "Mrs. Mncqunrlu'd
rhalr" hai long been the favorlto rosort
of suicide aud aweethearts, and mnny
niurderH have Ihhiii eouuulttetl near tho
pot. It waa nlmi the main resort of
atiark aabera lu the days whon a re
wanl waa jrlveH for eaU sltark tin do
ll vitm! at tb water police Mat Ion, the
object, of eoutw, blng to tbln out tho
dnt man eatem from the harbor,
alter tuy became lentl(ul and dan
irvrou m tb elty of Sydu- grew lu
It was there oue night that u broken
UowN Ituuibjraut eaaw to a. atrnugo
turn In hi fortuoec Not able to ob
tain tnploynifut. b ut Ills laat
entiling In a Sabtng llu aud shark hook
aud rant off from "Mr. Maequarlo'a
chair." Aftr iiatleutly waiting for
aont tlm. aaoiher tramp Jeluetl him,
and luls chauavd tb luck, for ho tin
atrdlalcly got a An "blt.H It took tho
two all thtHr tlm to haul the shark
aahor. but wheu Utey aut him lu he
provwl a beauty '.'. ft 10 Irlchoa
louc T1hj cut off til nu-15 ahllllugH'
worth In tb nmrulug-auU, beiue mix
loua to otak all tawy could out of tho
haul proceeded to "rob" tb monitor.
Thy bad often read of dlaruowl rings,
gk! watch and pocktfuU of sover
eign being found tuld sharks, for,
while tb ab can dtgt a wan, they
ar net aUW to urgotui iitetaL
lnkK among uthr thing, tnojr
ttntl th Imtty of a Uenuan. aatl frew
tie uaiMira tn bla pockcibook It waa at
Mi.oi that he otuat hav bn Ih Iih
don about thre w-ii befor. ladd,
lu hi omat r-Wvi tbwr waa a mw
of a I.001100 uwitr datvd SO daya
IKvttotMly. It wm lu u. trute tM
-lle was laid immwmw KuroiM am)
vuvirmUa. and tbc tiuhiM took
ovrr U - tm lb voyag utwH
london antl dn.. Th uapor eon
lalUMt new of the outbrmk of tho var
hrtweon Kmnt-v and ilorntauy, ami It
w. niarMM that th UrnMH. Nvig
In U4on, bad Uo rttld home to
nr In th arwu of th fatherland,
teal lthr Juiad or teBw ovrbanl
hi th thmm nne had ba nlctwl np
bjr ibU. gtwu ahark, whtoh hetong.! to
iho tnatent f hhJ aclt.
In tho nooronw th Injmujmni had a
nwd waah and hmb an and a fwM
fvd o. hu )0 ahlUiM. having KiwiH
in hka contpanlon and Mm ant
hm tuit. h km nm.w.uii .
great iWw au.l wihj to havr at tms
fottfi-k mu a p.u4t. iBj,
v . tua tU B
" ""
,oaer in Sydney nnd getting too ad
drw. he went straight down to Uio of
ar here bis rwcuttarearnestsosj soon
T ,f,n an nmllMtre with the busy
bioker. No one In Sydney nt that mo
tmnt ilrramed of war between rrnnce
Ami Uerinany. aud wool was being sold
merrily nt ulriopence a pound.
"Well, my man. what can I do ror
rou?" asked the broker.
"I want vou to ten me, ui t"-- yw
Immigrant "what the price of wool
would lie In Sydney Hlwuld war break
out between France and Germany. It
Is nlnepence now."
"AlKiut S to 4 shllllnps." snld the bro-
"Very well." replied the visitor.
"New. the French troops ore marching
on Horlln, nnd what promises to bo a
long and bloody war bat actually bo-gun-"
"Nonsense," ssld Uie broker. "Tho
mall from London came In yesterday,
bringing news up to sir weeks ago, nnd
there Is no news of thnt wild sort"
The Immigrant thereupon unfolded
the London paper, dated three weeks
previously. There was no humbug
over that Thero could be no humbug
about It, for such n paper could not bo
produced In Sydney, nnd besides Its
matter gave abundant proof of Its gen
ulntness. Wool was already 4 shillings
a pound on the London market
On the Wool Hxchnnge people thought
that broker mad when they saw him
buying up all tlie wool on the market
and wiring offers all ovor the colonies.
He made a "corner," at any rate, pur
chased all the wool In Australia nnd
looked happy. Sure enough. In a few
weeks time out enme the news by the
mall steamer, and up went prices. The
broker sold out for 3 shillings and more
a pound nnd realized Mime 4.000,000
on the deul.
He gave the Intelligent Immigrant
nn old suit of clothes nnd n IH note for
hie "tip," and ibis set the poor chap up
lu the world. He hns got along so
well through the lucky stroke that lie
Is now keeping a public house In Wool
loomooloo. London Free Lnnc
Highly Entertaining Lecture.
Tlioio who attended tho lecturo by
John P. Mcakin.of Salt Lake City, head
lecturer of tlie I. J. W. W , at the First
Christian church Tuocday night, paeecd
a pleasant evening and were heartily
entertained. His ltcturo related chiefly
to tlie ordor he reproionts.tho good work
it is doing, the beauty of fraternity and
thu lodge in relation to humanity and
morality. His address being interspers
ed by a variety of anecdotes and clioico
Kni8, fllld it with interest and ho held
the undivided attention of bis audience.
The leclure lasted about two hours, and
after a short intermission, during which
he was presented to n majority of tho
people present, ho gave dramatic read
ings of descriptive, dialect pathetic and
humorous stories.
After a few remarks bv n local wood
man the camp followers piesent tender
im! It I in the tributu of honor of tliu Head
ctimpnud the audiunco was dismissed.
How's This?
o offer f 100 reward for any case of
Catarrh that cannot bo cured bv Hall's
Lutarrli Uurn.
F. J Chknry & Co , Props.. Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned, bine known
r. J. Clioney for tho last IB years, and
lwllevo him perfectly honorable in all
btitiiiera trnneactlons ami financially
able to carry out any obligations made
nv ineir nrm.
Wkmt A Tiiuax, Wliolealo Druggists,
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken nitor
nully, anting directly upon tliu blood and
mucous suriiu-oB of the system
Testimonials freo.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
,A great many iMipla lime found that
tnov can nave money hv bulng any.
tbini; thev one or wtrnrat THK FA lit
RTOKK, the gioatwt piece (or bargains
in Solout. 'J7 Commorciul irt
sii inofl
Revolutions Tckrtwalnr.
FoKiwTvaLK, Ct, March IS In a
small meuhunical shop here parts are
being inado for an Invention wliloh the
promoter" except will ruvolutmiiao the
Bystom of telephoning. It is tho work
of an uleotrietan in tb employ of the
Providence Klectrle (Jem pan) e( Prov
idence, It. 1 who is backed by Nsw
York and Imtou mm. Tb system will
niniosi wiioiiyaiNMisltoptfrators in th
central otllce, as wirworiifre will h
hju1phhI witli miHiaiure iwitch Itoards
nnd plug. The lines will b numbortMl
and the wibecriber wy call wlwmtr
bo pleaaett without eonntiou with
Now that th rain mue cHd and
the waters uli,M r;x t;ov j (
Ktotelter will deliver hit k-Uir. "Tb
uw noiwiiy hi t. joHih'J Hall.
iiiMler tb austic4 ( St. JoM-ph's I.ltr'
AiIimIhiou fr. -j j 3j
Still thfD Rlidt
Tn atari Ih day riht, ywt wnt a
eupol rbh. lnnt eutt. whlciivo.i
eau obtain fmw Cha. X Sanborn's hivh
gra.1, sold only by Bnasaos A Kvoa "
A Twrkc S)KMUtk
RAYonag. . J.. Mareh U -Work IV
cig mh,t utn th Mg wnkrtfc
being built for tl Orfoni C.p Work
1 oirHv i ioMlfc Hook. Th- Mr
we of It. alack Utocarrv itlbsniol
gia iron) th furaaoM sad
ehcMh-aN ums t th fcftrt, to Me aB
altitude th-t thy will b scatiMl n
th nppr air. TW cMmn, wk.
WHipi!, will WMIWli k4t. it
w anont fw.tsx), Rri
HNrtt ra brkk will b
in It
TaUvoarwbwIto ShlnpA !!,
"l bav it rWiMii nr m!Sti iSJu
.llnhMTW,Wwl ?"S
11 rtoaiMil nr
alntoat h.
(Rinnan alwmi ..j.:. ,, .
himI um,i ak-... Trr'p v'aa
Ji iLv."r'i'"e,W
w: "- m -INTr V,
nr in ,
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aTTJir I itiTuHl
imiiniin!? iheFoodandRcgula-
ling UieSloinachs ondDovi-cls of
Promolcs Digcslion.Chocrful-ncssandnesl-Conlainsnelllicr
Opium.Mort)hic itorXincral.
MlMrrjt-.-' 1.--a
Apcrfecl He
llon.SJv- '
Worms, O".-1
Don't Go it Blind
In selecting liquors for home consump
tion, bo sure of tlioir flavor, quality
purity and fairness of price boforo order,
ing In a nutshell, to be sure of the ro
liability of the liquor merchant who
supplies you. We chnllengo compar
ison as to tho excellence of our stock,
the valuefor-vnluo of our prices.
J. Pr Rogers
218-222 Commercial Street
gVo' Wholesale and Kutall liquor dcnlci
" m ' gBl U X
1 1 rl
1 1 ah
.1 ''11 1'lt-Cd J Si j yft ,
.v.- ivrtsh- 12 nf h.
ii v, w ),ii ir
lrfp -vim Kr- fa'f JTrtf'iS ?S rf?N ik crh "Ttr n ft
'TIT'lS FTJ fiffT n 7Wi riT MB fwBBnwalBBillinMTi t iTJriiHtt 1
tk IN N(1
Sfer w - " "" '
r wn'riini1""'""""' ' ' ,x'w'
A Aral-class piivate hospital for the treatment ol chronic aud smgicnl
oases. Unlit the past year especially for the purpose for which it id
used. Convonentiy located within four blocks of tho business part
of tho city. The mcHt modern furnishing and latost appliances
throughout the building. Heated by hoi water and lighted by gas
and olcctlcity. Here the sick can have the comforts of an elegant
L,V.i.-.T Vi V""U'"CT "ti wiu mivnnuiges 01 a general iioepila
without the noise, confusion, nnd publicity attending one. Outside
Jili Jf """'" a "' ,reaiou w' tne greatest courtesy, and
Mieted in oiwra ions if rwiuested. For terras and further informa-
Hon write or apply pirioittly
2 Any Man Can Shave Himself "
TTllll it.
In fact you could not cut yourself if
wanted in Wa hivA fhA,
R- M. WADE & CO.
We make a specialty of
f NirL. ;.. ..:i"': :-,
- m. .,. Kaianiu iron. t a. a; v
NN. oik ;.p nrnual alwaxs ie best iPh ih
prices are always the lowest A x A. v
ro(Man-d. svU, .7JT "Tr :""" s.
Wad Mantlw
" Wuaveiui
sjnttKi a
a.lNUIMm... . .
m Gas
OUjnekol st.
Tor Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
or Over
Thirty Years
th eNTu eoMmrit. Hr to eirr.
always knows Just what lie wants, and
knows that he can nlwoys get it from
our choice Btock. If you want n deli
cious roast, steak, chop or cutlet that is
tender, rich and succulent, nnd cut by
nn expert baud, trimmed aud got up for
your table to suit tho Queen's taste, you
will always And it nt OHOSS'S, and at
lower prices than vou can find it for
anywhere olso in Salem.
Phone 2il.
Which display thu real beauty of tiin
ber can bo added only when tho lumber
iteelf is of good quality and properly
manufactured. To insure desirable re
sults get your lumber, lath bhingles etc,
Goodale Lumber Co's.
yard neorS. P. passenger depot. Widl
seasoned our lumber Is easily worked as
many carpenters will attest.
pod Work-
' - ""'y w an k j.
luvee Sh oaiull 1 ......... .
hr ?. Jin -.Tr ;
Hiat rHVUeir.
f- iso ue ZS'o 2.
Light Co.
tlie , 1
AT ffl"
i .ir
! in .f S
Safety IRasor
Telephone 56S
Pacific Cil
Trains lcavo Balem for Portia 7r
alationa nt CH0 a. m, , 7.54 aniJb,
Lv rortland
l.T Balem-..
Ar AKliltind
8 a it
Ar Ha cram on to.
1280 A. J
At Ban JTanrluro !7! VmS p g
Ar Dcnver,
ArKauM, City.
Ar f.'hlrajro ...
iS9 A M
7:48 a M
Ar lx AUKOlll.
IM V ,f
O0 P M
. CM X u
At in raro..
Ar Fort Wortn..
Ar CttyofMoxIco.
Ar Hoiuton -
Ar Noir Orlcaw
Ar Wvblnalou
Ar Now York
J2M8 H M
and Tourists
trains. Chnlr core Sacrumcntn ia'V
and El FaBd.aad tourist cars to
ears on Tw"t
St. Lotila, Now Orie4nHjinnv,1,i'llc'a,
Connecting .efSSSSiiomSz
erpl BtcflmBhin linos for Ii ,fc?
Japan, China, Philippinoe 1 C7 ?aoS
Sotttb America. 8 Uutr' U
See Mr. W. W. BklnMrTiSnVrcT--Station,
or addrosB 8 8t St-tj
O. H. MAKKHAM, G p .
i""" wegou,
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
u WCgl
No. 2 For Yaqulua:
Trnln leaves Albany.... ,.
Train leaves Corvalli. i:SM
Train arrives Yaqulna'" e:jr.p,tt
No. 1 iteturalnK: BAi
Leaves Yauulna .M.
Leaves Corvallis -.
Arrives Albany fc
No. 3 For Detreit: "'"'Mu.
Lcnvcs Albany
An Ives Detroit 1 -K
No. 4 Returnlnp: "ai.B.
Leaves Detroit m,
Airlves Albany 6s,jJJ
One and two connect atAlhanpl
Cprvuilis with KouthetnPacliicM
KlVlmr direct service to and from at!
jiuiu uuu aujowm, ueacucti.
Trains lor tUo mountains urrlveil
Detroit at noon, kIvIdk ample tit
? unnu amDH Brounds on tt
Uroltenbush and Hantlara rivers b
t-anioday. U1C
T F. A P. A
ar bt. Albsu)
"The Best' of Evcrytliiaj"
tn a word this tells 61 the Busenm
Bervico Via
Tlie North-western line
Trains daily between Bt. Paul
and Chicago comprising tho Utttt
Pullmnn Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cart,
Library and Observation Cars,
Free Reclining Chair Cart.
The 20
)th Century
Runs every dayof tit
Finest Trains in the World
Electric Llfhtca Steam Heated.
To Chicago By Daylight
The Badger State Express, the fitini
Day Train running between J-t. Paul and
iiicat!0 via tho Bliort Line,
tions fiom tho West mode Via
Tlie Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
nnd Canadian Pacific II) 1.
TTMa is also tho best lino between
Omaha, tit. Paul und Minneapolis
All Agents sell tickets Via
"The Konh-western line."
G. A.
Chicago Rock Island k Pa
Make your trip East pleasant aoJ
comfortablo by using tho Great Kock
Island por eon ally conducted eicontoci
in tourist sleeping cara which jo it
every week of tho year via Ml kh
City nnu the Scenic lino.
Pullman aleoping cara ettrjdajto
Chicago. Teli your ticket ajUw
want your ticket ovor the
Great Rocfrfsland Route
from Denver. All ticket agents sell then.
Write for foldere.
A. E. Coor-KU,
G. A Portland, Or
Largo Wall Maps of tbo
United States....
Given Awa
H you aro going East, or tbinkUic4
sending for your family, do not bo; Jf
tickots until you have eecured raw
ROAD Co. Tlioir service is exctlWW
nono, and they can roach all pomu'11
the East, South or Southeast iroor
omt in Oregon or wwfjc:
Through tourist car from ro&l'ot!l
to New York. , ,
Tf .. HI 1 at l.lntlittr
juu mil IU11U uiieeilBf"""-- ..l
to the address given below, 'o
forward you by return mail JJSe ,
map of the United States, Cuba
Porto Rice, 34x40 inches ,, of
For particulars regarding pawe""01
freight rates, ball on or addre,
B. II. TB0Mt"H
Com'l Ag't. III. Cent-.
142 Third St.. Portland f"
Tourist Cars
The tourist cars, like a newipape' r g
wmniry town, ceitatuty -n '"",7.tfd
want' A cool, clean, well wntilJ
sleeping and observaHon car, elB,'
free from the discomforts of f rf
fafhloned passenger coach and the 7 ,.j
beat of the over-lnxuriously n,!1eJ,i
drawing room and sleeping ca.s- an f
a niwlciate extra fee, hs iv
problom of providing allwinu aiw ,
datinne for tbo general pulbf wrt,t
R.&N. Co. rune tlirt "' ,h5?.t
dally between Portland aud the W g)
porter ia in chat go of ch car to i (.
tar tli a tri, iiil nmfnrts ' '
3 i
is I
A. I- ",'".
' lGenftral Pasenger -Y