DAILY "J, A.aVfk "j4C te-fc k ; . l'-i VOL. XI SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY AlAHOli T2 1901 NO CO rpTTTji JOURNAL HBNI DO We've just received a splendid as sortment of spring styles, new, nobby and "up-to-date." No matter what kind of a shirt you want we can suit vou. Come and look them over. i You'll be surprised at the great va riety of patterns we have to' show you. You know how the prices are on anything you get at the New York Racket, It's the cheapest trading place in the state. 2 5 X Slaos, Clotliing, Hats Hosiery, underwear and all kinds of Iadeies' and men's furnishing goods. There's only one way to buy cheap and that's to pay cash. That's how we buy, that's how we sell 2 2 NEOI YORK RACKET Our Store Closes Every Evenlnc at Six O'clock Except Saturday. Salem's Cheapest One K. T. BARNES, Proprietor, , i jijiji i in jjin.iiiif"i"if " iir I mmvkWMEm& SJSi1 Waf(be5 Need Repairing . Jiift as regular as tho furnace needs fuol. watcli looked over and repaired by a skilled ako It to - O. T. POMBROY 2H8 Commorciul Street, . Wutchmakor and Jeweler You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of tin) people all the time, but you can't fool all tho people all the time. (Lincoln ) ANY LADY Who reads the magaicin a knows that the original, 'lhest-clubs are lieing the 'lilaek Cat Hosiery Retailers." WE ARE THE REPRESENTATIVES FOR SALEM. HKWAKK of firms using "Black Cat" We sell the genuine "Illack this brand, : : : WW a Hut the Mack Cats are pouring in ! Kmuember every child who calls at our store with a drawing will receive a nice present. We never disappoint the youngsters. There will be an extra prize of $2.00 for the best drawing, besides $25.00 given by the "Mark Cat Hosiery Co." for the best drawing received in tho United States. Competitiou closes March 10. All the d rawings submitted will be displayed at our store the week ending Maroh 28. i im mm. Price Cash Store. Cor. Commercial and (Jhomokotn Streets PLEASURE NOT PAIN ' Is tlio result of coming horo for Dental Treatment Modurn methods, skill, experience and i.ipii tnaurn oitnnnao In nt) nnnrntfnfiH. J'utionts Biiffor no inconvonionuo. Charges uro very moderate. Our Crown and Bridge Work la Iho perfection of up-to-dato dentistry. Drs. Eppley & Olinger Postoflice block. "When you aro ready to liavo your workman at pricea lower than evor the "hTack Cat" skotch club is held all over thu United States by advertising on Inferior stockings. Cat" stockings. Insist on getting :-.:.: : : : : WW 5d CANAL WORK Will Proceed With or with out England RELATIONS WITH THE REPUBLICS Not Proper Subjects for Ne gotiations with 3Great ' Britain by Treaty New York, March 12. Senato John T; Morgan, chairman of tho commltleo on international canals, in an tntorview with tho Washington correspondent of the Journal and Advortiso'r, says : "If it is truo, as I hopo it is, that our canal rights in Nicaragua and CoBta IUca, acquired last Deconibor by a com pect between tho United States and those ropublics will not become the subject of negotiations, in tho initiation of England, we shall proceed quietly to construct, Own and use tho canal and great Britain will bo left to niako her objections in such form an shu may choose. "Thoso agreements wore made deliber ately and with full knowledge that tbey wore in diametric opposition to tho Glayton-Bulwor treaty. Thby wore based on tho principles of and adopted almost litorally tho regulations pro scribed for tho Suez canal by the treaty of Constantinople of 1883. "Tho President recognized tho right of Costa Rica and Nicaragua to qualify thoir agrcomont with the United States according to tho plana and principles of the treaty of Constantinople. "Groat Britain and tho United States had agreed to tho samo declarations in tho Hay-Pauncefoto treaty and in conformity therewith had agreed to Bilcnce any objection that might arise out of tho Clayton-Bulwer treaty to tho exclusive ownership and control of tho Nicaraguan cbiibI by tho United States, "Great Britain did not urgo any ob jections, but referred to them as being possible only and consented to rcinovo them. Her honorable course nt that time may not continuo to nulmato her conduct undor tho reign of King-Kd- ward, but shu must bo awarothata covert threat of displeasurout our oxe cutlng our agreements witii Nicaragun will loso its moral furco and Its power to alarm tho United States Into unotber fit of paralysis. Those agreements upon which tho whole question of canal now hinges, will be carried out in harmony nnd with tho undivided pcntimont of tho American pooplo. "If tho conclusion that Great Britain is alleged to havo reached, had given to tho Senate ton days ago, tho Hepburn bill would now bo tho law of tho land. All delay now is to the advantage of Groat Britain and to our torrlblo dlsad- vantage, but sho has gained another year on us. I hopo it will bo tho last. Wo contemplate no breach of tho peace or of good footing becauso wo shall do, undor our agreements with Costa I J lea and Nicaragua what wo havo agreed to do, as thoso agreements aro In lino with tho treaty of Constantinople, to which all Kuropo assents." NEW ALLIANCE FOR CYCLING Nkw Yokk, March 12. Tbo World says: Aftor a year or more of discussion, an alllanco lias been formed by the Ama teur Athletic Union and tho National Cycling Association. Hereafter a sanc tion from both controlling bodios will bo necessary wheuuvor cycling and athletio meetincs aro held. Violations of tho rules of either body will be punleht-d by both. BOTANICAL ' BONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical specialistand original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis ease and the moreawfuleffects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing tojrive patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed. Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street Sa'em Oregon. BOTHA'S IBREWERY SURRENDER! BLOWN UP Again Announced as Soon to Follow BOER PRISONERS GOING TO INDIA The Question of Revenues is Still Straining Matters in England. London, March 12. A report Is cur rent that tho Government anticipates tho speedy announcement of tho sur render of Goneral Botha, tho Command- or-ln-chtof of tho Boers. IILOKMKOSTKI.S, March 12. Colonel I'ili'hor'e column hasclearcJ I ho country ol Hoers between lids placo and Orange River. Calcutta, March 12. Govommont Is preparing for the postdblo arrival of G000 Boor prisoners who will bo 1 ocatcd in batches o! thousand. Nkw YorK, March 12. A dispatch to thoTrlbuuo from London says: Ques tions of tho hour tako so much In the commons that only a small margin re mains for dobato. This does not matter, sinco no important work is cut out this yoar except iinauciai uusmoss. While this is serious enough, with tho chancellor of the exchequer required to provido for 50,000,000 this year and nntlcipato a similar ouo for tho next, it is not likely to provo contontloitB unless sugar duties aro levied or somo now de parture from tho I no trade system Is ordered. Tho session will bo fought with un certainty until tho budget speech Ib made, but everything will go smoothly if Sir Michaol Hicks-Beach resists prca tiro from the outside In favor of widening out tho aroa of indirect taxa tion and bleeding the Income taxpayers, a an auvauceu Ireo trailer llko Mir Win. Harcourt would in his place. SENATOR PROCTOR GOES TO CUBA Aatters There are not Being Correctly Reported. .... - Nkw Yoiik, March 12. Senator Red field Proctor, of Vermont, has, It is announced gono to Cuba and will bo absent about two weeks. According to a special Senator Proctor's visit to Cuba Is taken to mean that THE AD MINISTRATION IS NOT ENTIRELY SATISFIED WITH THE OFFICIAL UK PORT It In ir.,ttlni r.M.nr.llmr ilm sentiment of tho Island towards tho i uimou amies. Reports that systematic agitation is being carried on in tho Island do not accord with dispatches tho war depart ment has been receiving from Goneral Wood and Horatio S. Reubens, who has a civil office under the military govern ment. Following the destruction of tho Mainu In lb'.is at wnicn lime war was lauding, Senator Proctor mado an extended trip over the Islands, reported to the Presi dent and later mado a speech in tho Senato, drawing conclusions from his investigation. SPANISH PRETENDER DOES NOT ABDICATE Maiiskiu-kh, March 12. Bon Saline, Hon of Don Carlos, a Spanish proloudor, arrived hero today from China Ho declured it was untrue that his father had abdicated his claims to the Hpanntli throne In favor of himself. PROMINENT OREGON MEN IN NEW YORK Nkw Yoiik, Macch 12 luitud htates Senator John II. Mitchell of uregon, and his family, accompanied by henator George v. MoBride, aloo of Oregon, ar rived at the Fifth Avenue Hotel lant night for a visit to New York. United Mlneworkers llolllnc Coavcutloo. Uazlkton Pa. March 12 I'reident Mitchell called the convention of tho United Mino Workers to order today. There were 600 delegates representing about 150,000 mine workers in attend ance. Committees were apioiutod and a re cess taken. Mitchell was ankixl to rnnke a statement and said: "The conditions aro too serious for me to add to them by words." Should De Crime To Leave ChlUren Washington. Ind., March 12. During absence of parents, the rwjaleiM'e d Guy Williams was destroyed by flrawl three uhildren aged 1, Sand fiyears iMirnwl to death. (Cut (Blass and.... Sterling Stiver. BARR'S JEWELRY STOKE 118 Statu Street Salem Oregon Several Killed and Other Fatalities Result RAILROAD COLLISION IN CHICAGO SUBURB Stockmen Killed and a ber Receive Fatal Injuries Num- Chicaoo, March 12. Two men wero killed and eight injured in a collision I today between a freight and a stock train on tho Chicago and Northwestern road at Arlington Heights, a suburb of this city. Tho dead aro : Otto Schmidt, stockman, Palatlno, Ills ; Gus Block, stockman. .Johnson Creek, Wis. Injured: Jas. H. Wil-o:i, Fort Atkin son, Wis.; U. W. Woithlnglon, Oak Center, Wis. Charles 8. Toller, James vlllo, Wis. Probably fatally. Edward Wober Rlchwood, Wis. W. It. Stovons, Sharon Wis. J. BubIi, Trainman, Seri ously Johnson, trainman, seriously. J. W. Worthy, Oak Contor, Wis. San Francisco, March 12. P. II, Romllard, Vlco-rresident of tho Romi lard brick company, died today from Injurlo received Saturday night in a fall from a flro escape McKkkspoht, Pa., March 12. Tho McKocsport Browing plant was de molished this morning by an explosion of "cookor". Two persons woro klllod and two Injured by tho collapso of tho building and ono mania missing. An other man standing on n freight car watching tho rescuers at work, fell from tho car and was killed by a passing onglno. Tho dead: William Fiorklo, watchman Matthow, brewer; James Freeman, brakeman. Ono wall foil on tho Spencer dwelling adjoining and tho occupants woro burlo viiw itkii lun is itiiu uuuiiiiui iinuiiiiiu In ruins. Patrick Spencer waB badly cruauou and may uio. BACON AND BEEF FOR THE SOLDIERS Giiicauo, March 12. Fivo hundred thousand cans of bacon, 100,000 cans of corned beef and 60 000 cans of roast beef havo just boon shipped from hero for tho American soldiers in tho Philip pines. Tho meats will go direct to San Francisco, whore they will bo tended n transports and sent to Manila. CABINET MEETING WAS UNEVENTFUL Wahimnuton, March 12. Tho cabinet meeting today, was uneventful. Thu answer of tho British Government 'to tho Sonato amondmont to May-Puunro-fote treaty was not discussod, TODAY'S NliWS SUMMARIZED. For tho Mirnoso of uiittlntf a butter 10 J I'lodi Knowledge ol the situation in the . i . . . . - . Philippines a number of Senators and Congressmen aru contemplating a vis it to tho islands during the coming summer. Andrew Carnegie, In an Interview, den ies tho report that he is going to ac company J. P. Morgan (o Kuropo. Mrs. Sittoti was elected school director ovor It. K. Warren, retiring member by 10.1 at Portland. President Washington ponato h'oi.ked bills for road appropriation amount ing to 200 000. Two dnins burst nt Wanskuek, II I., carrying away buildings and drowning several. Mrs. Susan Rogers swallowed morphine at Cleveland, O., and died ou after wards. Archer Starch Company's factory at Kankakee, III., burnt!, lots (lli.OOO Senator Proctor is spending two weeks in Cuba on an investigating tour. Transport Hancock has arrived at 'Fris co with 30th volunteer infantry. An anti-comblno glass factory Is to ho established at Itochostor, N. V. Surplus lalwr population of Porto Klco being reduced by immigration, Brooklyn bridge is to be remodellud to penult mora street car tracki. Tho condition of Gen. Morrison remains practically unchanged. Victims of plague reported dying on streets of Capetown. Gang of six counterfeiters rounded up at Clifton, Arizona. London rumor of speedy surrender Gen eral Botha. Kvana anti-polygamy bill pasted Utah legislature. Bread riots reported in various Spanish provinces. Six hundred cases smallpox nar Prior, Mint. Nothing more opular for wwhling pru (jidf. We hiivM a like line of eaeh, Our tint glans la "I lolk" brand, none liner oji the marktjt. In Sterling Silver we have some of the best makes in the 'ttOnutry sih! n nUjo Uk to wileet from. If in march of some mil able prM-ont at any time we would be pleaded to low our goods. EASTERN . . MISSIONS To Be Looked After by Sec- retary Brown KING EDWARD OF ENGLAND Is Reported to be Tolerant of Ah Shades of Religious Organizations San Fiiancisoo, March 12. Rov. Arthur I,. Brown, secretary of tho Presbyterian Board of Foreign Misiions, has arrived luro from Now York enrouto to tho Orient. Mr. Brown who was paBtor of tho First Prerbyterian church at Portland, Oregon, before ho waH . j. EX-PRESIDENT I HARRISON DYING 1 Telegrams of Sympathy are Pouring In From. His . Fr?fnrlc r Friends. 5 Indianapolis, March 12. --The condition of Gen eral Harrison is such that his relatives living elsewhere have been notified to come as quickly as possible. Telegrams from all over the United States poured into newspaper offices and show nig widespread interest in the condition of the i lormer f resident. appointed to his prosont portion, six yuarn ago, expects to dovoto fourteen months to visitingPresbyterian missions II11"" 00K"'B "r mission affairs I v . ... in China, Japan, Coroa, tho Philippine islands, Siam, Itidla and Syria, a coiibUI erablu portion of which will bo devoted to tho work ol straightening out tho tangled condition of missionary affairs in China. Ho estimates tho Iosb ol thu ProHbyterlau missions In China, owing to tho Boxer outbreak at a quarter of a million dollars and says no ex tortionate demands for settlement of claims will bo made. Nkw Yoiiic, March 12 Commenting on thu position tako by Mr. Dulfuur, In tho House of Commons on tho form of o.ith now taken by tho King, on meeting Parliament for the first time, tho Lon don correspondent of the Triluino says tho King takes pains to show today that ho tohuntoH every form of eiclesl iiMli'iil policy, for ho recolves at St. .lames palace delegations of two con ventions of tho established church, witii rresbytorlniiH, Wesloyans and iiou.Con - formists of all bliniloH of belief and form of government. Kaeh will havo ,' special audience. Kx-Gov.J. II. Flotchor ban returned iaJwliT-frn" iiaiiiwil Hamilton Fletcher on his trip to Mexico. gflB III a a i a a a m a a a m Meyers' Sketch Club... ..IOH Cllll.DHUN... Kvery child 12 years old or under who will bilng.iiH a drawing of a cat on an HxlO card will Ihi priHnted with a pair of FAST BLACK RIBBED COTTON HOSE The one drawing thu host picture will receive a handsome prize, the one drawing the poorest picture will receive thu loohy pdze, In addition U) llOkf. NO CHILD WILL BE DISAPPOINTED Who brings u pltturu of it eat drawn by U omselvus. Tuesday will ho Children's Day at the big store. 7t wmuumuuummmmumuuummuummuummmmmmmmmnmuumummmm YOUTHFUL CRIMES Killed a Playmate in a Boyish Feud , MURDER IN SHADOW OF A CHURCH Thirteen Year Old Robs a Sa loon Keeper of Four Thousand Dollars Chicago, March, 12. Murder onded a boyish fond last night under tho shadows of St. Stanislaus church, at Noblo ai d Bradley streets. Fifteen year old Thoinos 1 acowsky was shot through tho hoart by a lUolong playmate, Frank Wolbwki. A few momouts bofoio the (he Harrison Home today, shooting Falhor Balcsikl espied Wolski 1. . in tho hallway In tho act of loading a rovolvor. - "Stop" cried tho priest. "Stop, I command you. While tho priest in his Mowing robes ran toward Wlewakl Imploring witlfrip lifted hands for peace, thu boy ilred. Half a hundred boys and girls also witnessed tho tragedy and saw tho inur deror eacapo.which ho did by nourishing Ills smoking pistol and keeping thu crowd at bay. Tho crime occurred at tho close of a meeting of thu Pod n rice Prlzyjeale, or mother of Poland society, of which thu boys of thu St. Stanislaus havo a branch Tho murderer has not yet been ar rested. Thirteen yoar old Frodorick Wlndblel, thu sou of a Baloonkooper, has been charged with robbing his father of owr 11,000. Tho boys nunt, Annio Sproul, is under arrest and has confessed that sho nnd her husband Induced tho boy to ...k(. ,im ,., ,, i.i. n.i1(1. wk "e inonoy from hli father. inoy ioiu uio ooy, mo police Bay, i I i that Mr. winubloi would defraud him 0f whatever Interests he might havo In I -''. '" hl-onlyjClljc salvation was to get possesion of tho JUlllO inoilOV at OIICO. Whutl till! bnv irnt linlil ' blOlllilKI Here is the city's best as sortment of Fall and Winter coats for men, youths and boys. Elegant goods excellently made, and bearing the evi dent stamp of style. The trimmings and lining are the best you will ever ee in a ready-to-wear garment. wfaur fAtf-tt m i T-Jif Wit m ft IJWm &fc. iimw THE WHITE CORNER rraie Mark Rtillert(i. I HO lilg blOre same goods for lean of tho money they induced him to turn It ovor lo thorn saying they would keep it for him until ho became of ago. Before he could bo arrested Mrs. Sprolus husband lied to Germany and a cablegram has been sonttotho German authorities to approhond Sproulo wlion ho arrives. INFERNAL MACHINE SENT BY A LOVER New York, March 12. According to special to tho World from Philadelphia, Frodorick Miller, a young man, Is undor arrest Micro on tho chargo of Bonding an infernal machine to Miss Florence Baker. a young woman who, Miller thought, stood botweon him and tbo objoct of his affection, ' Miss F.lsio West. Tho girls lived togothor. A package addressed in Mil cr's handwriting was received by Miss Baker, but for some reason being Buoplcious sho turned it over to the police. It was found to be filled with gunpowder which was to be ignited by tho turn of a crnnk. Tho Instructions on tho Inside woro to turn a crank attached and ("Tho music box would play.") Forcltn Ministers la China. -Pkkix, March 12, A goneral meeting of foreign ministers was held horo today at which reports of committees wero heard. ca All Tired Out" If this is your experience, then your blood is poor and thin and filled with impurities. There is bit one cure. You must get rid df all these poisons in the blood. There is but one remedy Ayer's Sarsaparilla It makes the blood pure and gives it new life and power. The starved nerves are better nourished. Your head ceases to ache. Your brain keeps clear. You are not obliged to begin a day's work "all tired out." $1.00 a bottle. Alt druttlsts. Wilt (lit iltKtnr (rsvlr ll tlia pirtlmUr In I uur cut. Vim will trceuiirmiiiit reply. AU' i, Ur. J.U. AVKU, UnU,Mu, re Sllvetoa Acsldeice Burned SiLYKitTON, Or. March 12. Tho resi dence of Postmaster Itiches caught tiro Mouduy afternoon from a defectivo fluo, and with its contents .was entirely con sit mod. Loss 2600, Insurance $800. ORANGES One Cent.Each & Ziim's 54 SUte Street. Sateu'Pbose 2874 m m Our Fourth Wednesday's Surprise Next Wednesday we will offur as our surprise special j KAI SILKS Forspilug walets, no at &0o to llftc val-1 35c a yard 3 Wednesday Only Ladies' Suits Just Received Over a hundred new springy style now ou out racks ready IiispooUon, 'VUmo who comoEj early will get the plums. We Invito you to call and inspect . this line whether yon intend purchasing or not .j $6.95 up to $28.50 3 (iew Utatloo Cor Court and Liberty Hotter goods fur the same money or moiny than any houo n thq Valley, WL m