THE 'DAILY JOURNAL ' e JNk I '4 ucnTr JW . . IWWWPMIW ' ' ' 9 . . . - r f L? SALEM, OREGON' tfltlDAY MAUCII 1 1001 - i , 1 1 . Suits and Overcoats. 1 tailored suit For a rood, durable and well or overcoat, examine our; stock jve are ejej-.pre pared to give youftfieTbest of Tables. r I A large line of r Oxford Grays in suns and u.Yercoais. it f t r r r 4 i 4 4 TO0l$ -HAttyf STORfe 4 'I . - BLANKETS. Our Salem Mills Blankets are very desirable .forjlhese cold nights. Selliiiffast, butTjlentyleftS' CABINET ,;- MEETING Was the Last ol This AtP - ministration ; WHO WILL SUCCEED j -GENERAL3RIGiS i - REYNOLDS . i She Was Not Killed jby the Ian Accuse , AntUViGe Movement On a Broad ' Scale i i ANOTHER HAND UOM COMMQROIA& f I. -i. . ' iAr I3RTn ISiFrN. i. ?& . . . KE.AUSSB In the history. dflhe . JT Shoe Business X' have Wi offered, such values as at present, all our Ladies' $3.00 lines, now $2.15 and our Men's 3 50 advertised line $3. RROS Nol Natural Lnl certainly l lie Im1 subplituto TBBTH on pla'os, auch bhwo furnish at mod erate pi let a, perform all Mm funct ions of imtnrol teeth with, comfort pihI fatWactlon to tho wearer Uandeomc in. nppearanco and very durable Full Sm oo Rubber or 'AttoiBlntim. Woguarantoeourwork. Drs. Eppley & Olinger PoHtofllcu block. Watches Need Repairing Jwl as rofcular a Uo furnace neods faol. When you are ready to- have, ynu watch looked over and repaired by a eklllod workman at prices lower than over nku it to ..,! I O- T- FOiviiJhcuy Further , Bacilic .Policy Was Outlined For the Chinese ; Situation '! WiBtiiHnTov. March 1. At a cabinet meeting todaylttho JaBt undor thia pje- Bluonuai term, au-niemuuni iireouuivu ineirreBiKMuuB w iuhuwwm h4. UCnUOIlB Ol lllUir hhkcwhiio. miiij - General Griggs who has docidod not to romain during tho coraipijlour yean( was "W"H '"D IlU.IiUVl,, .......- l'4lnn mill m tn HnnAlA with OtllOrS. , t It is bolfoved Philander 0. Knor, of PlttaburR will receive uie appoiumiDnt The cabinet talked ovor tno uuoan suu ation and Socretiry Root read telegrams from GenoralWood that in his opinion theOubans would soon bocomor con vinced that tho action of congress In fix ing tho relations which shouldj-oxfat betwoon Cnba. and tho Unilod Btatos was for their interests and would accept them without serious objection. , In carrying out tho policy InaueUralod by tho Btato department, wliMi it changed tho military forco in China Into a legation guard, tho war depart ment has sont orders to General OhRfToo r Btlllfurthor rednce his forco. It Is said at the war dopartmont that ar. ranpemenU hnvo not yot boon rnede" for bringing away tho trcops from Pokln, and Jt la behoved thin cannot ho done beioio tho lattor part of Marcli. j The troops rj to go to Manila. p BOTANICAll X BONDERS The mnrvpl nf the llOUr 1S the wdftderTul cure of chronic Hkms wiihout the use of knifp nr noisonous medicines. This i$&!ttt afflicted human ity needs more tnan an eise. Not a weetf passes but Dr. J. r. L.OOK, tne great uuiuuiuai cnoptilki nnH nripinil discov- mnrnf 4h hfttflnical cure, heals enmn nnfint who have sufFer- ed for years from awful dis ease ana me mureawiuicucuw of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing togivepauenib the benefit of his life study but decljnestb publish further test' imonials out of regard for his patients yet will gladly refer any caners to uicii ucinvuip and friends who- have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail rnents it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty btreet NOW REVEALED His Resemblance to Doctor Kenmedy is Very , Striking .' i POTTER'S CRUSADE EDUCATION AND ( SOCIAL REFORM m. v,- ui.wii 1 .i Attorney lStooro. of tho counsel of Dr IConned whoso Btcoud trial for tho .murder of Dolly Reynolds resulted Itt n dlsagVco ment of tho Jury declares that bo 1"" I found a man whb looks like tho twin brotlior of Dr. Konnody and who was a porsonai friend ol Dolly Royijoid's. Ho eatd furthot "I am of tho opinion that this man was with Dolly Reynolds at . i tho Grand HoUl pn ttiq night oj Augi 10, 1893. ) ' K Tho attornoy furthor said thai ho had Informed DlatrlcUAttornoy rhilbltl of All These Bodies Now to be United in a Political ' - Party New Tonic, 1. Bishop Totter who has returned from a visit to .Teekyl island, roturneuirom a visit to. ibihiiu,- , .. ,. .,lfc. -, r,u..T.,.,.n !- tio Italians nro 10 retain tho customs fia.,di?cii98el Urlefly'tlfarirToBt Tccetit. . . ' ' "'rnnrtv nlilrh llinv RdlXWl Oil tllO nurelv a AMERICANS TOLERANT Only Nation Paying For Legation Grounds FRENCH TROOPS ARE GOING HOME Powers May Interfere to Head Olf Movements of ' Russians NiiiASKl PRISON FIRE Three Hundred Convicts Were Marched Out BEHAVED WITH PERFECT ORDER jr. KO.51 Pukjn. March 1. It waa decided that A Trusty Was the First Man to Discover the Fire and Give Alarm Lincoln',. March J A flre, which stnrtetl In tho living rooms of Ward, ti Oiivla of the Btato Vvnltuntiary at an eatly Hour UiIh morning, lias destroyed carter Gaining IM UANTiVl " muniA,f & IIklrna. Mont,, Mar. 1. Ballot on? onalnrshlp teday: Carlet,'?2t Frank, 'tif ,ConAd,,rj3; Ooopar'. 9 Mac GlnriiBS, 8! Toolej 1. , tiii . ir Till - - DRUGGIST PUTNAM FALLS ON STREET G. tV. Putnam tho Commercial street druggist, who has been BcriouMy ill at his homo on Contor street, Btartcd down tbn this noon, hut whou ho reached tho corner of Chomoknla and Iligli itrccts, had n fainting spoil and foil to to thf ooment pavement He was assist ed to iliti city hall and was afterwards takjmls4homa 5 i nr Tt Depressed? And is -xft'So.t due tQsferv- mm-r-viiaVstiofi? How carffivou . . ..... , propnrty witicn iney i..... .i i.. i.i. n ot.i iimt ttm . ... thconlrn man bul dina.'toKnthertWltU r,n,. . w,mtp whpn aiiiYErmtr mouKu.uivu uj, ....... .. - UilnDMJ Institution jam! liac no right ..." ... -,. w WH'"fiw ' -a- o .ab.inA m r.,.i.un annilmi.nt lii Niw .... .. tlio oast and weal celt .puiUHtiM. .me ,,,;. .KmHip, nervous jfiros- """'"'""''"'""" within tho legation urea. - ' . ... ' ,- w , York had produced stimulating effect all Th(j A,nori,an tt 01lly K0Vernment Bl-oi operated by tho convlcta are In tratgnlaridgr.eatphyicalcak- n.f l.n nnrinlrv nti.l tlit COod noOI)lo .... . .. ........... . duiWOr 08 tllO ll'O Is HOt flt IlllllejP COO Hi0V ..'. ,... ... j . . wmcn has annouueeu mo uiiuhvkih iu .wU-, , - everywhere had been aroused o a sense ' ponwlotho0ll,neMfor nn(l rc.iuired tro1' ... Would yoy like to be Jid ot of their responsibility. ' L, ,,....,,,. rnn,u . As booh aa tho fire became terlqiiB - , a iw i-Atuiiu irKtiun kw "This Hiovomoul differa from any i Warden Davis ghvo ordorB lliat tho ci'H- IcUAttornoyrid.lbltt ol &.forn$mdW. Pliilblr othor that we havo seen," fuid tho this fact and ha .ltl, tl.n .nn' Tinmn nflklnff him to ROnd mv.t .vi w ...-,. w-( for htm. Ho added that Mr. I'M Din lold hint thathe dkluiot wish tMlnter- fero ethcolio has p'fucedlho prosOcUtion hi tho bauds of Assistant District At torney Mclntyro and nollilng was dono. the day- eho wbb mnr'dormh I do,not wnnt to bo inideral-'od Ua Baying that this man killed Dolly Roynoldfl, biifif he woro to como to tho front ho cquld clear Dr. Kennedy of tho clwgo nnd r which l l! rests." j BRITISH STEAMER IN BAD SHAPE tficiiMum, March 1. Tho Brltl h steamer Gasttno, nftor bolng two days out from this port for Now York, has returned for tho second timo with her propeller looso. Tho vossol oallod from Liverpool on January 10 lor Now xorK. Being blown out of her courso ana uluirt of coal, she nut iu at St Georgia for coal on February. J2. Af- tonrcceiviug a supply Bho proccedod n her voyage but returned with a looso, propolloron tho 12th instant. Kopalrs woro mado and again Bho procoodod on tho 20th only to return again with hor propeller looso a second timo. I. i . ' ' ' HONEST OFFICER. REFUSES HIS PAY - , m n . nn " , ..-.. ..t..f. m. trWI 1.1 Itlinilllll. Ill" ItlkoM II III lit wo nuiu nwui '"- "! 'iikn TBIN, reu. w. uonorui uyruu, rmj uiw .. ..-.,.,..- .-,-? - bishop. "The Institutions of religion, of m)0 p-ench commander reviewed tho their colle, They woro Inarched out n . . . . I. . . r. . . .... ,-..t.i .... 1.1 j..ji...n.i education aufl pi social reiorm aro nu parr(10n O4o,000 French BoUllorB station- o ur nnuer uouuw guwu ihvbhih.ivi united in tho work. Ono of tho most etl i,0,0 yesterday. ; in Itho prison yard. There wai no(- lnr?fnlelgiiB ij that the mon of tho it ia reported that ten thousand French tonlpt at mutiny or even dlsordor. Double guards armed with ritlue w ro ThoToku harbor is opon and ateaui- placed on tho Btocicau waim wiin "inci this depression of sjjifitK&f jriowr ny iwhuyihi it the I. .... catise ay taKing T J labor nuioiig aro iuturuald and have t,00j)R wn, return to Franco In Match. .. I . . .1 n....nllnn ... . ineir ii)p'C5vnuiuvu uu ". w" of flf fl. 'Lui previous, effo tat reform bas beci ut'einjitwl by ft mluoiity, not n political but ivcoiiil minority. Social Imp Iihvq buuii broken in tho present liiftuiii i, ii nd among all classoa thoro is a jjroAingili'i'trofor hotter things. 1 here iuii bo. no doubt ot tho stiiingtli of ihu sentiment that has been ors are expected tonrrlvo hero shortly. t'KKi.f , March 1 Sir Hrnest datow and Mr. Conger, alter fonulting with tho missionaries, hnvo decided to reject tho Chinese proposition on tho Biigges Hon of M. l'lchon, that thoy should art an representatives ot tho mluistornof tlin iwiwars to ditciies with tho ChtncRO creaiwl in UvUr ol radical roformo In our i pionlpotontarios tho missionary qnes" elv. What la ncwieuior ino coming , nmi i ,0 ola iub ol n oilif I I'umpn'g.i N the utilisation n( nil tho roremthnt nro In favor ot gnwrnmont. Hwiylidly opposed to iho procont bj-s-tein should labor to that end and thon there can bo uofalluio. UNFORTUNATE DEATH 0 HOSPITAL NURSE l nicAcio, ilarch' 1. Iablo 1'reslon armrneatUio Michael Ueoso horlla 'and IhO daughter Mn irOmlnent phjHi-ian in Mniou CHy, Iow.i met .1...1I. In the elevator nluitl 0,1 tho fmirtl, lloor of tho building last night. 283 Commorchil Street, Watchmaker and Juwolur Salerii Oregon. A NECESSITY TO ' ' t fl WELL GOWNED i'H t gjwmjm H$ry jfo J WrW WARNER'S muMfmoofQKSUT rrm M5TPrvOOP Evef y Pair Guarantees, - "if a -f SS3 3 Nkw Yohk, Margh L Win. 8. Dovery deputy oommiHPionor of police, hai re fused to draw h's salary. Ho doclinnd to acoept pay as chief of police irom r o- .. , ..n . ,im iiiv in, wai loiflalatid out of ottlce,and ho has also dedned to accept a cent as deputy comniumuimr polico from tho day ho was legislated out of'tho chleftlanuh.lp up to March 'I This ho did In acooriianco wiui nw plan to teat the constitutionality of Mm ,,nw nolloa law. This course was I orders to allow no ono to escape. ! At a further precaution company F 01 tho Nebraska National Guard vna ordprod out to assist in preventing an outbreak. At 2i 110 o'clock this morniug Warden Davis sent a request to tlicchlef ot tho Lincoln polico asking for the ftHstalanco of every ftvallablo-pollcoijfll":R1 now on tho way by Bpectal train. A " trusty " who acta aa a servant in tho Wardon'i houpohold was tho first to give tho alarm, but tho llamcu galnid headway bo rapidly that a steamer, hose cart and membors ot tho Lincoln depait. mont were sont to tho scone. From tho business center of Lincoln ' Ayerls Sarsapariilla It removes the cause ofiyour sutTeringj because it removes all impurities from your blood. $1.00 a bottle. All dniUU. To keep in good health you must have perfect actiori of'the bnwels. Avcr's Pills cure con stipation and biliousness.-1 ..!!.. ,. w Mjygnrm rA)Ni)0N, March t. "They nro con vinced, hottovor'eayB thocorrespondont of the Morning l'ost, "that tho Ohlnoso are ready to agrco to soino urrangement (or Bottling this mattor." lhn UiiHglana'aro tnkinu advnutauo of tho exciting situation and ro pressing j to the pcuUontlftr&l& nojtr .1 .... . ' v vr 'fr' Li Ilunu Chang hard to rusii iiirougn 1 and Willi rou tho Maimhuriun convention," lays mo Pekln corresjiondoui of tho Tlmoc, wir ing Wednesday, "More than ono powor beside Japan uud i'higl.ind Ims luiiiou Writ tti aewter tretlr .11 tht : ftttlwhri ; lnfi,v"..t AYa. IwH,Mf - j y f 1 i was over . 1 ...,.l. -...... .. !... il ...,.1- .w...... ..- y . - - ., ,i, IHllHI Willi I'llHi nK1""" "'" " t?,.,m. a im Ulon on n raised platform tho I , ....'..'mn WB looking ovor tho who tlona nro proceoti.iig at M I'eiors JVIIHj T...- --' ....ii.,t, into thoshaft to bo what was d jlaylng the car whon tl9 iron wolglifs, lvoighlngTWhjoumts, fjescenuoa 01 or peck, almost Boverlng her head, from the IhhIv, PROGRESSOF CIVILIZATION Ki.mih..M. Y., Mar. I.-Tho hlggt cpoklpg, main over held In Ibis tato took p'm'o wllliln a "" ol '" li,' limits' laH'' night. Three huiilrod porsons wero hi atttandanco Tho main was (Or fSOO'Wlth 160 wi' l1""" for . ... ,....,.. Mnm Vnrk and Buffalo nirnd nnon when ho was sworn in h ,....,. ..nntested and over ffi.OOO changoil doputy commissioner of police nnd mude'l ,lftmief 'fho main consisted of tho best -...a f... ,..,!.... f.o,l ..II, ...rf .. .1. !... twltl.ia Tlllfflll a lorroai proiesvagi"'"' """ '""""" " Bovenoiuoi iiiuw" " --- of. tho clileftalnshl. - wi sordn nnd Now York only two. TODAY'S NEWSSUMMARIZED, burg. "Tho timo Iiiib como lu n the pi.wcrs would be Justided In interfering in order tj nrovent Oltlnu ui'itotiatuig with a Blngle powor, while tho peace negutla Hona remain uuconcluduU.' Coininontiug elltorinlly upon Ita Pokiu nd vices, the Times sayal "Tho United HtnleB and Germany might orhaps bo puppoied to recognise the mi chief Cliltu's policy ontalU, but Fr04ldent MoKlnley at all ovonts 8 turns bant on peace at any price " trip floithat tho flro had gained gVoat headway bofora water from tho steamer wai turned on. Tho present stated penitentiary w'aa built in 17(1 at a costfSdii.OOO. FIRES REPORTED &Y WIRE TODAY ANOTHER CHARGE AGAINST ZUMWALT Henry Jnniwalt.of ruuicr. wai ilnccd threaten luir uroat hodllv hnhn. Humwalt de nnallal fnaU liafl'fnr IiIh mihi-nrnm-u tit 2 b'clock th'uS a'ttomoon Kochoter,Now York, flyo Btory build ing, Flatt und Mill streets. I'lilladelp)ilatBlilrt factory nf F. A. Owan Bros ,fe Fagan. $70,000, Ik 1 Imoro paint and oil liouso of Hol lander A Co. $100,000. 4 BIG ORANGES Ellis & Zinn's 54 QUU Street, S4lem'Pboao.2S74 .ajiaaiBHfcfiiWKEiwrfsiPiK MPs THE WHITE COKNfcK .gjEsgass Trade Mark Retlittrett. TJlC Bt? StOre Belter goo Is for tho Minn in voy t,t fl SAine irorln for less mony than any Ikhhu iu ui Vitiiuy. M Ai Jt, m m "" " f f , ft.-. .... .. :u n'mU iinur enroot fmiii thirlv-five vsivlprnf Warner's guaranteed Kust-prool" njoJbe. You v-ill pick for .the reason that you wil find among-tlirm the best comets you lyve ever seen- best for the reason that there are no other corsets to co.iipare wUhjhem for true corset value. "GIRDLE" $h Na 67" Extra quality sen.0 1& incheslong, 4 hpoRSi WtlUF. 6iab7-BiacH, Pink .and .Blu Price $1.25 Each ; " French Coutil, 11 1-2 in. h INlpngt tuft oks I0NV. bu' ! '-straight Xront, lonjr skirt, dip i 5up.whiti drab, black. Price $U 5 Each mBBammfiimntirnn '-"""" "ntt ' ' r airnr I " Extra aualitv Coutil. blacki t exlra fine quality Jte,en, I ; -in,, four, a4M4. 4G&B I oiacK. pinK, oiue. Eachbtyle ,,,,., Shows .Ihe-jJtfghesUCXcell-etceof manufacture, .fabrics, daintv trimmines, all in sum mery keeping. We are the ex clusive agents for Marion Co, rv.. ...!.. WMrtnnnlnif a I'flnilal offonSO. AtTJkua ,i.vo -1"'-! I O . State Penlteptlary nt LlncpJn, NVI.. burnwl. ' Oovernmel caOjo-to Islanll of J"1i"P,;ii WillardpjflrHn iwilenee poBto.fl to March 18. Anoth?7adVanco of 25 cents in islaw ami p iron. $0,030,000 noUdation street car lines at Oakland C5al. VMt rommlfB'oner Tletnl is n "" of pfflco by nuw, lcglBlatliin, , ZlSMtu m "- 1,18 TheP King. ot -A" M w'n JJn" l M,M,,Uy TMnJilnMumnmfikottM klailiMvi..U..i Mwdy and "r&aB Mm '" " rllMi.VUBlun bonndan, pf tXHi SJ?. Kh& W-W -KM qiOPrniWr .he boundary lino . f numborrd 1,024. . against 1.212 . January ifn.1 'owwat- liability ere $l,. 287.211. against 111,220.411. ....,', nnn ,' nt rm. ft notlful to ink cent roth? Vim ".SX-i " h eqplml h, lb. American Sugar Co , cent net bv tlm ew ww r Ar,llinU,. , n,.t Him. i!,t T ! brings the price np toe )v ) -h this bas twen bo Jn two year. THE QUEEN OP. iRrrtepican EYE TROUBLES Quickly relieved-by the proper adjustment of glasses L - Maiiv iHdjtahDS ine Cut will gfce way ti k I K..V --j -. - -. i bvoroaoewhoUDI,e, a ntudy ollt and guaranty Iba 6tt HERMAN Scientific Optician. . ...... .Il . ,1., aaa tun ir.'4utu hi f7'yp " " ,,uu.ilv Uir tiilluJlmkW'r mmjpwmuwm We '(i BARB 118 State Street. iiv?o?ii7!7 I lfiSy JJ w if r V. i m rvlk. 1 i ii i I til ( RrfSSlS M . . i f IAt3TV g i 1, ' Kf if .' .ih .t) i ). ' & nw, , m . Stems' a,i j $3.00 : " '' n3v:s V M p . . 1 'tin t t . j ,. New."" nam 1 Styles Received -' s Today ., . f Patent Kifid t.M . . . p x: o ft p S g ' Wkncti Heels. . m m w SlH8HailHHHH"H"PWIHi Dirfeif .f