jty ?&r ? .Tj?nv " i THE DAILY JOURNAL. y fr .!-- ,irsF TrTTT HUSH VQti SAIiBk, OREGON THURSDAY FEBltUART L'8 1901 KG 50, x SI? NjIICE that w . at H,,miY3v jhsu ij ccDtiJBSS lb - Elastic Gore Insteps L's found only on the JULIA MARLOWE! CONGRESS CRIMINAL Shoe for Ladies. It Insured a perfect fit for nlllior high or low Inblcp, nml ndils grenuy wi uiu uuuiiurr hi wuiKiiig. j new nno 01 IhcDo famous bIiojs just received nt i I 0 II Policy Toward Philip pines is not Declared IN THE OPINION OF PRESIDENT SCHURMAN t fc S THE NEW YORK RACKET i n All widths from A to 13, sizes 2 to 8 Wo carry thorn in both cloth nml leather top. Our price$3. You'll not And a more dressy or conifortn bio shoo at any prico. All grades in tho Star--5 --Star Shoes 1 at $1.50. $1.05. ?. t'2A0. 2.7G and 3.2.rj. Men's and children's shoes of ovorv J description, af I S TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED, At Now York Wm. M. Evnrts dlud today, aged 83. Ex Convict Wright arrested for stealing Jqry horse. London war office lias no confirmation of Kitchetnor capturing Botha. Duke of Manchester sailod leaving two terriers behind for which ho failed to pay $1500. Arcordiiig to a Parts dispatch Contesse Boni do Castollaue will sail for Now York on Saturday. , the Brazilian Govornment has ordered Its consul at Oporto, Portugal, loro- turu immediately to Brazil. l.ord Edward nnd J,ndy Colobrooke arrived on the Kaieer Wlllichu and will bo guests of Wm. U Whitney foreoveral weoks. Tho Senate lias agreed to tho conference report on tho War Revenue Reduction bill, $1.00 a barrel on beer,tobacco at 0.0 per lb., nnd abolishing bank check tax. President of the Commission In an Address Delivered at New York BOTHA'S MAYOR OF CAPTURE NEW YORK NolN.ilur.il till certainly vi bet sub'tltuto T3BTH on plniiH, m h wo furnish ntmotl erntf I'fii'ta M'rfnrin nil tho funct ions ol nmiirnl li-ulh with comfort Rial kjU'I.u'.Hin lo ihu .wcror. IIuiiilsoiiiu in nppo.wni.oo nnd very durnb'u Full Stls op nubtxror Allumluum. Wogiiniaiiteoour work. Drs. Eppley & dinger Postollico block. Kbw York, Eob. 28. Presldont Jacob G. Bchurman, .of Cornoll Univorslty, in an address in Now York last night on 'The Philippines: a retrospect nntj a forecast," declared; "Congress will bo guilty of a criminal act if it does not pass tno bill defining tho rights of tho Filipinos." Speaking of tho future of tho Philip pines, ho said: "Tho situation ovorthoro hns improvod wonderfully within tho past three months, and is continuing to improve General MacArthur has sent tho most encouraging reports, and ho is a good soldier and n thoughtful man." In conclusion ho said: "It !b certain that wo must maintain a largo army in tho Philippines, and for a long ttmo to come, juio Filipinos must bo impressed. They havo no re spect for anything so much as for forco, "Wo shall hold tho Philippines end tho Filipinos must .bo either our part nora or our protcgos. It Is not a ques tion of holding on in tho Philippines; it is a question of letting go and wo cannot afford to let go,' Promises do not settlo tho policies of nations, and that "npplies to Cuba as well as to tho Philippines." Washes "Need Repairing J tut ns regular as tho furnace needs fuel. When you nro ready to have you watch lcokod over and repaired by a skilled workman at prices lower Ihan over ako it to O. T. POMBROY MILLION DOLLAR SUIT AT SPOKANE 8i-oKANV.Wiish., Fub. 28.-Tho Chrou lelo states that V. W. Butlor of Spokntio IrVfepitrtng to lirtng suit for a million dollars aalnit Silnu Roerri.of Toronto, n coal man. Tho suit arises frorn tho com ptny'a recent inloof coal fiolds near Crows Nest Puss to James 1 1 til and ns soclates. Not Confirmed Dy British War Office 1 UP TO LATE HOUR THISJAFTERNOON BffMMlM Converging on Boer Forces Enormous Cost of the War to Date London', Fob. 28. Tho Sun Bajre it is ofllclully announcod that Gon, Botha, commander-in-chief 01 Uio uoor lorces has surrendered to Kltchonor. The war ofllce at 2:C0 p. m. hod .not confirmation of tho report. De AA,Fob.28. Tho latest advlcos In dicate that Dowot,8toyn nnd-tho bulk of tholr forco, tiro camped on tho South bank of tho Orango ttivor, awaiting op portunity to cross. Tho indications aro that Dowot Intends moving eastward. Thornoycrof t is pushing from tho west while Bovcral columns and thoy ready to meot.tho Boors in ovory direction. London, Fob. 28. A deficit of nt least 50,000,000 must bo provided i for by Parliament with tho war Btlll unfinished. This Ib tho cstimato made on tho Liber al side without official information but un'.esB tho Increases from tho various aourcos of rovonuo aro greator thau any body haa ventured to forocaBtf.tho figures nro not llablo to bo reduced in tho budget speech. Tho total coot of tho lloor war has bcon concealed by various dovlces but it will exceed 150,000,000. A prominent liberal has assorted thnt tho aggregate ,woild bo over 110,00,0)0 if tha accounts could bo closed at once. For this reason tho sup porters of tho government aro now u waiting tho budget speech In" a Bpliit of optimism. Tho effect of that; speech will, however bo less discouraging if thoy can as60it that tho bottom hns boon roached nnd that tho wnr has ended. KING EDWARD IS GRATEFUL 288 Commercial Street, Wntuhmakor and Jewoler DEAL IN LONDON FOR OKANOGAN MINE Spokank, Wn Feb. 28. Tho Chron Iclo. states that tho transfer of a million dollar interest in .tho Palmer Mountain Tunnel Company is beinK completed In London. A stamp mill and concentrator costing $000,000 will bo erected on tho Company's property in Oknnogan county. A NECESSITY TO fl WELL GOWNED WOMAN s rfia4a Wfc- naili. WARNJBR'S R0ST-PR00F Every Pair Guaranteed This !eason you will pick your corset from thirty-five styles of Warner's guaranteed Rust-proof modlse. You will pick for the reason that you will lind among them the best corsets you have ever seen- best for the reason that there are no other corsets to compare with them for true corset value. "GIRDLE" "Hilda" Extra quality sateen. 10 12 inches long, 4 hooks, Whiff, Diab, Black, Pink and Blue. Price $1.25 Each French Coutil, 11 1'2 in. long, 5 hooks low bust, straight front, long skirt, dip hip, white, drab, black. Price $1.25 Each "No, 67" Extra quality Coutil, black, extra fine quality sateen, 12 in., four hooks, whitet dcab, black,-pink, 'blue. r Price $K25 Each Each Style Shows the highest excell ence of manufacture, fabrics, dainty trimmings, all in sum mery keeping. We are the ex clusive agenU for Aarion Co. FORMER GOVERNOR Declares He Has no Use for National "Guards POLICE CAN CARE FOR THAT CITY But for the Militia Last Year New York Might be With out Water Nkw Yonic.Fob. 28. Mayor VnnWyck has informed members of tho armory board that tho National Guard will nov or bo called out by his orderB. Brigadier Generals Butt and MoLecr reBonted tho mayors redaction on tho guard. General Butt had naked for an appropriation for a rilled rnngo for tho Thirteenth regiment, of which Col. David Austin is tho head. Gen. Butt ozplalned that soldiers who could not shoot wore of no uso. "They don't need to shoot in this city," said tho Mayor. "With our ox. cellont pollro foico there Is no ubo for a mllitln. General MuLcer lurnod quickly toward Major Van Wyck and Fald: "lliera havo been strikes when tho services of tho guard wero called for." "Not blnco I havo been mayor of Now York," was tho retort. "You nor any ono else will havo to c.ill Ilium out while I am tho chief exe cutive of tho city. Tho police forco is capabln of handling any and all disturb' anccs, and there will bono shooting," When tho remarks of tho mayor wero repeated nt Nntlonul Guard headquarters olllcursof Gen. lloo's staff wero amazed. "I cannot understand how tho Mayor would aland (or B'.ieh n statement," said Col. N. B. Thurston. "But for tho ser vices of the militia last year at Croton'n Dam, 4ho wholo of Now" York might havo been without wutur. A little dy- namllu would have done the work." St. John of Kansas Up, holds Mrs, Nation SHE IS ANOTHER JOHN BROWN Says It Is not a Crime to Destroy Property Used in i Violation of Law MCKINLEY FOR PEACE Wants no More Bloodshed in China' . r u COMMISSIONER . HAS INSTRUCTS S President Fears That the Chin ese May be Driven to . . Desperation Kansas Cm, Mo., Fob. 28. Kx Governor John P. St. John, of Kansas, in an intorviow vigorously defended tho course of Mrs. Carrlo Nntlon in her crusado against tho joints in Kansas. Ho bnld thnt Mrs. Nations position on tho liquor question was liko John Brown's position on thoslavory question nnd although hor methods nro unusual and unrefined alio is a truo reformer and is justified in using any means to abate tho Joint nuisances in Kansas. j Whllo she may ho technically guilty otttroapues In destroying tho jolntlstB property, ho Bald tho destruction of prop-' orty which is being used notoriously In ' violation of tho law is no criino. Tho ox-Govornor said that tho nctldna of Judge Unron nnd County Attorney Nichols in prcBccuting Mrs. Nntloii whllo the jolntlsts go unpunished, is a dlcgince to tho State of Kansas. Washington, Feb. 28. Bpeelnl Com mlofllonor Kockhill nt Pekin hns bcon Instructed to make it known to tho for clgn ministers that the PreBldont strongly deprecates any notion thnt will tend to dolny or check tbn prosont negotiation; thoro, and especially Is ho desirous that thoro Blmll ba no further unnecessary blood-Bhed. It is believed our commissioner will bo ablo to Boctiro co-operation ofa sufficient number of othor ministers to insure n cessation of tho punltlvo domandB which threaten to drivo tho Chinoso to desper ation, nnd thorcby cniioo a' rouownl of armed rosistonco. MISS LUNDY RECEIVED A SEVERE FALL Wahiiikotox, Feb. 23. Whon tho Senato convened today tho President pro teui. presented a letter from the Marquis o( Lansdowne, exprosslug tho approclalbn of King Kd ward VI t for tho resolution the Ben ate adopted on tho ec ension of tho death of the Qucon, LIFE STATION MAN HEARD THE SIGNALS 8an Fiiancibco, Fob. 28. Klllngsmnn, the guardsman connected with tho Fort Point Hfo saving station, who was on duty at tho tlmo of tho wreck of the steamer Kio Do Janeiro on Fob. 22nd,, hns mado confo9slon thnt he heard tho Rio's slgrali of dls tresa but placed no Importance in hem and for that reason fullol to arouse tho life paving station, It hns boon claimed thnt If life crew had been made aw aro of tho disaster, many lives ould havo been saved. MISSIONARY CLAIMS BEST ON CRUISER PniLADELriiiA. Feb. 28. Charles II. Craum. head of tho Cramp .shipbuilding firm, donlos tho roport from Constanti nople to tho effect that the contract lor a crulsor for tho Turkish government has been annulled lvalue of Uie failure of tho Porto to pay the first Installment. Mr. Cramp mud tlut tho first payment was not duo until Maruli 1, and that consequently the report Is without foundation. TURNER BLACKSMITH IN SERIOUS TROUBLE Miss Phyllis Ltiudy, n vvellknown Halt-in modiste who hns rooms fu tho Ktutu IiiHiirniico bulldliw, auHtainedufiili Wednesday evening that iiiicht havo I roved fatal. Miss Lundy stepped upon un inipiov.snl landing udjninlug tho platform of tho ' back stairs, when the suppurt yavo way and she was precipi tated to tho ground nliout twenty feat below. Tholluments In thu left unklu were badly wrenched nnd her body was sevore'y bruised. Hor Injuria aro not nccoirnrlly rorlous. RAILROAD TO THE REPUBLIC MINES Si'okank, Wnsli., Fob. 28. A special to tho Chronicle from Nelson, Wash,, says: James J. Hill has Btarted to grade a railroad from Marcus to Re public. Tho first work is being done ncenr Cascade City on tho United HtatoB side. WAR REVENUE REDUCTIONS AGREED TO Wahiunoton, Fflb, 28. Total reduc tion o! rovonues ns ngreod upon will amount to about $11,000,000. The provisions of bill will tnko effoct tho first of next July. LAST OF THE BURIED MINERS F.N.DERBY NOT AN APPLICANT t'rnnk N. Derby, whoso name was" mentioned In yesterday's JotmNAti ns being a candidato for tho position ofsr pqrintendent of n department of tha Or-. ogon exhibit at tho Unffnlo Exposition, InforniB tho writer that such la not the case, and that ho would not accept such a position if it was offered to ittm. Ho has not bcon an applicant, nnd in fact his prl vato busluoBs interests nro such that it would he impossible for him to cngnjo In such work If ho had tho desiro, it may bo fiald righthero that Oregon could not havo had n bettor representative for Buchwork.1 MONTANA DEADLOCK r IS BREAKING UP Hbi.e.va, Mont., Fob' 28. McGinnUs loat revon votos today, most of them going to Conrnd. Vete: Carter, .12; Frank, 30; McGinnis. 12; Cooper, 0; Qjpnrad, 7; Toole, 1 j ClemenUi, 1. You Look Old It's impossible for you not to, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you nrc seventy, and you like your gray hair. And perhaps not I Dark hair for youth and vigor; gray hair- tor old age and decline. If you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor, in less thai a month there won't be a. gray hair in your head. It keeps the scaln free from dandrufT, stops falling of the hair, and makes it grow thick and long. On dollar a bottle. Halt Lakk, Utah, Feb. 28 A speclnl to tho Dosoret Nows from Dinmoudvllle Wyo., says: No mora bodies havo been recovered hlnro yesterday. (Superintendent fihel- GOOD FOR OREGON ,on prafl tho opinion that tho , bodies in tho sixth level will not bo n CnicAao, Fob 28. Tho Union Pacific covered boforo Saturday, announced today Its intention of making COLONIST RATE n Colonist rnto of fir, from Misiurl river MARION POST points to North Pacific Coast points. BOTANICAL X vVONDERS i Thotf. Zumwalt, of Turner, was arrest- don Wednefday, charged Willi I'licu relations with his own daughter, " . ..i i .... years, llo waiveu examinauuu nu- nn bound over under $500 bona ior ap pearance before the grand jury The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afllicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the tfreat botanical specialist and original discov erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis ease and the moreawfuleffects of rank medical humbugs. Dr. Cook is willing to give patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do VOU good to call and have a little chat with the doctor Office 301 Liberty Street Salem Oiefon. EYE TROUBLES Quickly relieved by the proper adjustment of glasses Many hwdalioe are eaued by ov drt-ln. thew oan not bo fnrl by mli sine Lut will give way quiollr by wearing proper Kb""- ' ftf ' '""ft r"r. . . v ' '. i,..i.,ii. it... uxunnu ii nnlnc hvim. vvm Iiav Hindu m tltlWJ W tome oue wiw uuui.i.u. ,.. ......v - a btuiy of It and gnaranUo to give relief. - HERMAN W, BARR Scientific Optician. 118 State Street. ATTEMPTED TO LYNCIUI A SYMPATHIZER .Skki.kyvm.i.ii, lud. Feb, 28. A in b of minors lust nigh attempted to lynch a Negro miiiur named lirown, who ban openly duuoiinoed tho lynching of George Wanl atTorro Huule. lirovyn oscnprdon a tram to Hnull, and put hiiiiFolf in tho hands of tho pnllco for protection. OFFICE BURGLARIZED Tuesday night tho general morclinn diso store W. J. Hadley nt Marion, In which Is located tho post olllcu was entered by burglars nml tho building thoroughly ransacked, A considerable amount of post ollico supplier, including it iiuniiity of stamps, was carried away, together with numerous notes and accounts, tho personal property of Mr. Hudley, tho post master. There la no clue to Ihu burglars, HyourdrugsUt cannot upily you, nil u $1.00 nil we will txprtu a bottle to you, all clitKt ircpld. c uie nJ gWc u your neareit rxpii omce. J. C. AV Co., Lowell, Mm. Send for our handsome book onTho Hair, A, M. Humphrey, who hai bcon con fined to his home corner Witter and Division street, with a severe case of Ipgrlppe, la Improving, and expects to ha nliout business Monday. 4 BIG ORANGES for 5C at Ellis & Zinn's 54 Slate Street. Slffl'Plioa2e74 ii.-jHawwpcjnransiiiiNWBKJiiiBiiiiijiBtiiiBBWiiK""" M St B - m m u SPECIAL TflS DAY ONLY! 'U U' Our Wednesday Specials Draw Big Crowds. m - - ---" ' -;t , j iT- Today is" the last day of j Our White Goods I PAIR With the winding up of this successful m sale we will offer a line of dwnitics, H nainsooks India linens, white dress r 5 fabrics, etc., at 10c a yd. The Famous Queen Quality Shoes The envy of all shoe deal ers, The pride of merchants who sell them and the lady who wears them. M m m 6 c yd H it M 500 yards of bleacheil linen hitok owb lug uud 600 yards of uiibleauhed crash towt'llljg Qulllls VVorlh CooilJtrlnr Beware of Misrepresentations The Queen Quality hoo I lifting nd m veri laed by doalers who nro not the auth m orlwl flguutH, who have but n doon 0' so old ntyhts on their hantln and yet when you ask them for the tjiteen Qnl- Ity they give something else and call it m by that so justly popular name, ' Look for the Brand The name "Queeit 'O'tallty" is stamp Z ed on iho fole and on the lining of each pair, Koo that the name Is on tho ones you take homo. We aro tho only authorised p distributors for Salem We havo tho m only now "Queen Quality" hoe, others 5 aro old styles and old stock. m 8tnrm Itubbere, Gilt Diluo Preying, Jj Iliibbor Heels, Bhoo Jjices, T. M. Itlack. log nil new. At spevitil prices. 3 THE WHITE flWIJRP S TrieM(k RriUtanJ. t f H m pMgigft(jMMaiV?;i:Ati W.- B1tn, g00 ia niMsy traTby Tiousa In the Valiuy. mimmmmmmummmmmmummmmummummmmmmmmmmmnmmmummmum M I i vi HMHWWHMHMHHMHHHM !