f , qraimm'WWW" " " T,1t "t mr' Wiw?.M s. ,v r i Kit r r& :. &. i-v, i tf. s wW r v A"' P'. - ., ; THE DULY JOUiMML. "TUESDAY, MSB. JO, 1M1. Oally On Yr, 3.00 In Adyanoa Dally Four Mentha it. n Atfvna biii . rtarrinf nan Far Montn WiMlVanttYmarat.OO in Advance J THE PRINCIPLE OF PRHCItfCT ASSESSORS Tts is oneol the good tiieassres tii session. A fast stale apportionment la to b secured. Now there should be just system of aftessment adopted, that would operate to ptertttt fyoiiUiBna tend to get all Uie projter ty on the roll, and prevent constant reduction ol tI not. This would be accomplished by Adopting the precinct assessor system. That system Jim ln tried In nearly ell states older than Oregon . The precinct assessor lie been tried and not fooncj wanting. Oregon can well afford to adopt aerstem that Iim met the wants .r nU .kim. Their exDerlenee worth ttmrMng, all Uie wisdom and conservatism of otlr IcjjJiIalori to the contrary notwIUislsndlnj!. BCHOOL HUDCBT This month (No. 4, Vol. 3.) ! deace of th superior owne aod enter prise prevalent at tlio mining metrep.1 Km rtf tfin hnnchffraSS COIintr. Here If nearly 100 wuto monthly edited and pablisbed by the jmplltj end teachers of the poblfc high schools of that city. It contain a history of the ooanty, sketch tof pioneers, mines, tollroads, poem andetorfea. It Is a pretty tribute from the life and progress of the ever-advao- clog preeent to the courage and heroic spirit of the ever-reccdlng pait. Super inleadent Churchill, his aldoeandthe editorial faculty are to be conitratnUted. JOURNAL X9MY& In speaking of the funding bondi to be toned by tlte Kuffeaa ecbool disWoJ, the Guard eayet "Tlie bondi to be le aned will draw 4 per cent Interest, and an effort will be made to hate them bought entirely by kxl cordial albas been done In Salem for the part several rear." Under the new mIioqI Jaw Jtit paiicd all school bonda will Jieneefortli issued ob the popular loan plan aa Inaugurated by Salem. ft The Medford Jiall of last week aajrs The Medford city council l, In street parlaaee, 'up acalnat lha real thing.' At Um walar etton of the board, held on Tneeday evening of tbli week, eotnu a teondloK facta were dlscloaed. Treasurer Htranr's report wae read and from It was learned that tho town waa about 160,000 lu debt, and that during the lait two yeare the town's Indebtedness .bad In treated f 1I,0W. ft ft t The mine owners of this section are emphatically opposed to the eight hoar bill iBlrxiaced by ItnpreeentatUe Qraee, and ony or two prominent ruining teen have been at Halera lobbying against the passage of tba bill. (taker City Demo. araf. A Haltitxwaha Trs, ItaUlvenakea were the most dAnger bus wild anlniaU with wh,tcl the early tetUera of New Jersey had to contend. They werw very numerous, and their bltiv If Hl treatetl properly at onet, waa gvtteialljr fatal. In "Stories Prow Auvrlean HUtory" V. It. Stockton dtp su Incident wblvb glvea aa Idea of tho abundance of rattlers in the new eolouyi In a quarry from W, the wort Men wrrtt rugagrd In getUng out stone for the foundations of Prlncetoa col lege n wide crack In tbv rocks was UU reverf which lint downward to a large cavity, and In this caw were found About SO bushrla of rattleanake bone. Tberw waa tut rveson to believe that Ibis waa a anako cemetery, to which the erraturea rvUred when tbey sup pewd tbey werw approaching the ead f their day, but It was, without detibt, a great ntttlesnako trap. The narrow, winding paaaage lead lag lo It must bav bevn very attract Ire to a snake xwklng reUred quartera lu whlek to tak Its lour winter nap. Allhougu the rave at the botteai ef the grrat eraek wae vtay enough to get Into. It was m arranged that It was (llffloult. if not iaiIUU. for a snake to get out of. etpceially In tb spring, whvQ tbes iTwttutve are very tutu and weak, having len nourished til wlntmr by tbetr w fal, Thus year after jwr the rattleeaakee tHint bavo gone down Into that cavity without knowing that tby oould iieve get ottt iiatuln. AwrUwl Cattle. CwrKw ClwK. Itusheu entl, fastieduwu. Isle of Man, ta tho ancient eat of the kltige and torde of man The rastle I a veri table imrfoalty. both historically and tdherwl. 'j'he first roeullou of it iXm lo I bo yvar 1SS7. It was taken After six mouths' siege la the year laid by itobert the Hrtwe. The castle Is buMt of UitiettMe attd I not a ruin Until a few hh a bo it waa ud aa a prtaoM. Tbi Iuwh elok ieeu In the caetto vraH waa irw(Usl by Queeu )1Hebetlt (h the year UT. It has only cuse hut) om the dial Thte b (U hour baad, The tuiuutea are Judged by the HitMi o( the band ltWM-H the boars, TlMf v wka o( thu dock io lv a w1- iHy. The- rlghi at the end of the jHMtduJKKt t a burg stone, and It Is trf vft Hy h rwjw tfM mmu4 cylhi l wmA, with atMtber altHto t tbe 4 f m ij 'VU fUk la still ffeiag ftr lUi (Ketttoriosi f -tvrt nud is etHI frW tWH PbM'k N'Wntk KHglaiud OhNMsk'N. hm Work h Itenl Wwk wltltbut ClOhO DUS1V i 'f -'5 - ,. ... -n ' ' f SUGGESTED Bill of Expenses Introduced in the House. -rt.- .,,fl annronrlation bill the "" "I"" . ' ... ..!.. second of the eerlea-to pronae Hialptensnee. ImproreraenJ-. ana repwri of the Uta eleemosytiary and penal in stitution, the Slate AtricoJtnrai uonex. State Koral Sclioots, the payment of certain deflceney claims for the years 1KXM0C3, the salaries and expenses of .- .4.1 .fflr. ulteratlom and re- pairs luUieSttteCapilot building and forotberpoprow. was yesterday intrc- doced In the Hoose by Chairman J. .v Smith of the Waya and Means com mittee. U carries ippropriationa aggre. gating VWflW b,M PTide Uie following sppropriallonKJ For payment of salariee of pf fleers and employes and lor malntentoce and general aod contingent wpenww ol inrane AtTlnm ,f,.. eL i..m.ni nf fioemes of llghtlnK Ineane Asylam 1600 v rAxmcht of expenses of re turning to their homes of pa tients discharged from Asylum For provision for library and amusement for patients at asy lum ; Vn.Mm-ntnl exnsnsesoi re 1,000 1.200 pairs and Improvements at Iu Ln. Atrium 15,000 For nurchue of machinery, farming ImpIemenU, etc, for maintenance o me insano a Ion 5.285 For payment of expenses oi nn ishlng and fornishlog new wing, closed cottage and kitchen, con structfon of additional buildings for Insane Asylum 10,-IW For payment of expense ol trans, portatfon of Insane committed lo Uie Asylum . ... ...... 37,600 Pnrnitrmentof salaries Of Of. rers and employos, and for maib- tenance ana general expenses oi PtnllentUrv M.0C0 For nsrment ol MWnici vi Ken- eral repairs and Improvements at PenttenUary For paytnont of expenses of transportation of convicts com mitted to Uie penitentiary . . . For payment ofaIarJee of offi cers, teachers and employes, and for maintenance and general ex penses of Keform School For payment of e.v penaea of gen eral repairs and improvements and for the purchase of tools, maihlnery, farming implements, live stock, etc, for Keforui Pehool Vat tiAvmcnt of ularlea of OfU- 4,603 12,500 63,000 8600 ceri, teachers and employes, and for maintenance and gentral sinenses of the School for Deaf Mutes! For payment of expenfves of re- 20,000 pair fag. Irs and Improvements, plumb- r. sic. ami for tne tmrciiaw oi vehicles, etc.ior pciiooi tor jjcsi Mulea .1.000 f. . . m . . . a Fornavmeot of salaries of olll- cers, tsachera and employes, and (or maintenance aim general ex penses of Institute- (or tho Illlnd 13,000 Vor payment oi exponive of gun- erai reusirsai insiiiaia mr uie Ullnd. 1,000 For paymunt ol claims lor tlie support and maintenance of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, Incurred during IbUO and 1000, for which past appropriations was Insult. clent 1,075 71 For payment of salaries of offi cers, employes, and tor malnten- ancc an u expeuses Horn , 2i,000 For paynuiil o' oxuses oi con struction of a suitable addition to tholiospllal building at tho Soldiers' llotm. II.COO Cor payment of exieiisos of gen oral Minting and repairs and for the purchase ot burses for Soldiers' Home 1,800 For psyment of expense ot con struction of a central light, water and luutlng plant and powerhouse andliallof engin eering in connection therewith for University of Oregon, to lm expended under lha ilirectioii of the Hoard of Hegenlsol tsld University, which sum shall be In lieu of. and In full satisfaction of unexpendtt balance under the act of Octal) r 18,187(1, and such act bo repeal. ed 2I.0TO For aid of current exnses of Aricu1turalOolege,and for pay. meut of professors and Instruct ors therein, as provided by an act approved February IB, 1B00, 10,000 For payment of claims (or sup port and maintenance of tho Normal rteltool at Monmouth, In curred during years of 1KUJ and mvcor which past appropria tion waa insufficient For pay ment of Mlarlea of offlsara t sachets and vtuptoy-M, and maintenance and general and contingent expenses of Normal ecbool at Monmouth ... For )meDt of expenses ot re pairs aud Improvements bimI pur chase of additional Unds for Kormat School at Monmouth, For payment of salarlea of of ficers, teschera and employ and inatntenanee and eirsnsoa of Normal School at Ashland For paynttnt of expense of con struetlon d a boys' dorn.jtory for Notiual sciool at Ashland, For payment rf salariee oi of fkrs, teacliers ami employes and Btaiulenaiiee and vxpens of Normal School at Drain . . . . Kor paytaout of expeniee ler r ttalts, heallog Hani ale , for Normal behool at Dralu, Forpayiuoat efolslmi for tun. 4,300 ,000 1.600 1SJ&00 Sfi.OOO 10,000 l.tXX) port and lualnttnanc of Numtl Bcboots at Wettou, Incurred dr Inif the year IW ami luOJ. fwr wRkdi pait npproptiatkin was Insuffieient . . mM M For My msni of salaries of utUevfs teaehers andouiplojosand uikIh tsttaiiM and expense of Normal fc)wol at WaitfH).. . . 5MJW0 FortiayuiMiltMeiMbsx. rerairs. painting, luipwvouieuts, ta.,at Ue Normal holiwl ai Vto For Mrineut of sxienioadcon 00 stractlou of a new building and beatlux (dant for the Normal KoUo&Ut Weekm . ... M.O00 'Of t ! oi saisry uMtt. MHtof Dairy and Food Com- wtwwiieu 3,000 r iVYHISUI bl UUIM Uil expwtsolUsme aad Forestry lor y atrat of xpetiH of VUi luHlUUJt)uer kui) .if ArLu Ik fltfHKt bf IK,.mlv Flh vobtmiwkuers . T.000 -. For payment ef ejepeuMS Iriol .i..i i. n.i4it afiptfltlons. Ini- proremenis and repairs in Jha Htate Capitol Bnildinjr, as fol fel fol eows: BemotlBg art glass from window in library room and enlarging and pnxuli-llnir the same for Senal thamlwr, Supt eme Court Koom ami Booms of the Executive Department, re construction of lavatories awl dditlonal women's lavatory for the Ihinl floor For payment of exiiM w H norlof nwi-resnle.il iKlwr In ll 4ft' pveril counties For payment ol ex, es uarily liicre.l in h- At ret nsxl return of foItfw from Jh"I For payment rtf "reward fur arre!." as provided by ettHiwi 2IU7ofHiirsOh For trmntrf the nerilmaHd 3VO0 e: milesifeof PetWeetanM HB lVetident leeir isn m The regular approprlitlH lull mirrles alwut fKB.000 It was liitrodewed In the II mm a few days ago and will w.iHe up forflnul pasxe in adayorlwa. Tlie bill provides as follews: For salary of Governor IW0 For salsry ol private secretary to tho Governor .- For sslaryof desk aad stonog rapherln the executive depait- - 800' ment , For salary of the Secretary of State For salarieso' cforks ainl stenog rapher in the ofileo of Bceretary ofBlato l-'nr talarv tf State Treasurer. . . 1200 9000 1.720 1(100 Far salaries of the i-lerke and stenographers in iheoflleeof tlio State Treainror Fur salaries of tho three Justices of tlie Supreme Court, clerk and icputy clerks, ofllclal reporter, stenographers and clerks for tb justices, services of bailiffs and the general and contingent ex penses of the Supremo Court. . For salaries of the Judges of tho 6800 43000 151,600 COOO 1,200 4,000 1,800 circuit courts aim tlio prosecut ing attorneys and deputies. Poraalaryof the Attorney Gen eral . For salary of tlio clork and as sistant in the office oi the Attor ney General For salary of Uio Superintend ent of Public Instruction for traveling expenses of tho Superintendent of Public In struction For salaries of the clerks and stenographers in the office of tho Superintendent of Public In. struetlon 3000 For salary of the Stste Librarian 2,003 For pure aso of books, bookcases, papers, etc.. and tho paytnont oi I he contingent expenses of the stalo library 6,000 ror salary ot uovoruor i.uuu Secretary of Stato and Statu Treasurer, each 500 a year, for tlielr services in supomsinir tlie nubile works, nubile bnlluinus. etc., (or which compensation is not otliorwlsu proviuu 1,000 ror naymont ol salaries ol ciitet Janitor, three assistant Janitors, llromed, night watchman, mes senger, gardener ami as'istntit garunnor at the Capitol.. .... 11,7(10 For payment of salaries of pilot commissioners and secretary n( lioaril ol pilot commissioner.. . .'.-tUQ For payment of salaries oi health officers at Astoria. Coos Bay, Gardiner and Yuqiiltm. ... 4,100 For payment oi salary of boat min at Astoria (as provided by nn act filed in tho office of the Secretary of Stato, February 25, I8HII, panes 108 100, laws of 184!)) 1 ,000 For payment of salary and clerk hire ol State Land Agent It.fltK) For paymunt of snlaiy of FJsh (Jomuiisslouer 6,000 For payment of salaries of mem bers and kxjmhisds of Oregon Do mestic Allium! Commission ... 11,000 For payment of survlt-u and ex lenses of munibois and officers snd expenees of tho State Hoard of llorlluultiiro 0,000 For payment id expenses ot publlo printing, limiting and indlng, and (or tlio purolmau ot paper 60,000 ror or purchase uf paper and pay ment of printlnKrullnirand.bliid- lug "uniform series of school re cord Ihjois and blanks" provided for public suhools by the Depart ment of KdiiOdtlon 2,000 ror purcimte oi paper election supplies, payuiuutof the ux pernio ot ruling, printing uud htndlni! election blanks. ud compiling, printing and btddlnu eUotlon laws .... 1,800 ror payment of uxpuuiu ol print ing, binding and dellverluu 800 rnplea each of volumes XX.VVI, XXXVII, xxxviii, xxxix! XL, XI.I.oI Reports o( tho Su prouw Court of Ureiron. attt.60 per copy 2,000 ror pavmeui oi contingent ex teutee of Ststo Capitol Building and the various department therein, namely, (or waler, gi. exprvssage, telegraphing, rental ( telephones, postage, station ery ete. letunml In tlio ordlusry course ol buslueM to maintain Hl building and departiuuuti M.000 ror pavnieni oi expenses ol eleetriallgliting at the State Cap- n iiuiuiiug, ws per ooniraot fiOOO W0 two ror itureliste of (tun for lnt. lurfthe State Oapltol building For psyment of expenses of publleatlon n(irncUmaUons, etc Vor payment ol eniuponsalion and mileage of memliers and elerk of the HUte lUuni of Text Book Carumlsslouers . .. MM) vyhstDtbeChtt4rtstulskr loit tt ttMiu ti or ortce. Have yu trtwi tu now One drink called (IltAlN-u H u iMtclflRii and llou IdbtHK aad takwi thw nkiee uf ifirw. iy mm UrnlH-U you give the rhll tlnw tb HHtre kHalth ivu dburllmte iHroHgh their ajmlvwa. tlmln-O U MMv ai HHra umuw. and whtui imin any ireari taea like the ehotev . - v- - - -- -.- .- ,,.- rMHia r ettHVe Ihu tn about Vl aa Mttek. All mMtM well It. l.V. ami " :tum MRS. A. W. REED THANKS THE SENATE l(MuedMitdy foUawtag I he mining of the teukMt of the tniaalf, PrMh)eut Fob tm reaj the WW lug hitter from Mrs. Kva A. Heed, nklo of tho late riutor A. W. Redj of ItKigU county t Sx F.iM)oo. Feb, II, 1001. "(UN-tUKuiw.-l with to nxpreea my heartfelt thanks for rwr kindly reaiem Iwance in adjourHing thw Seatto memory uf my huituad,Aifrel V Reed. i urn yiwr KHKiae very ileeptyr aiul Willi to expit wv grU ttu frlhw sauta. ry rspc4MiHy,' 8a A Risxl " By UftawlMHWt tHrw.t of ! saate. the eUtka orvla t spread the let tar MYm the Journal of tha HeAtte. - MiM PROCEEDINGS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY, I Routine Acts of Both Houses Noy jn .Session. Sriuie-Moaasjr Afternoon. To order at 2 p. in by IWi Fulton. 11. So. 222 bv Swmk to regulate jrtireiy companlitf, fc-4ial oilier, read O00ltliird lime Pawd. S. B. No. apt h Swck to amend SootlonsSH abd 1:1 ufGwieral Ijiwaof Oregon Itertil tlirw tlnn-s and passed. S. U. N'. 22" by Smith (t.f Yamhill) to proviile WHter and waler power for stale Institutions. Ib-ad third time, made ?IhI ortlnr fir 3 45 p. m. today. Ways and M-nn coi.mlttce sub milted to n-iii I upon II. B. No. Ill by Mr. Poormaii "To relmb.iree tho Second Oregon Volunteura" with re commendation that it isi. Report waa adopted. II. B. No. 3311, McAIIster authorizing the transferof 020 acres of land in Union ,., , county, uregon, roi siueiir u hmhu aiylum in Kastern Oregon, to State Industrial and Agriculiun.1 College and for appropriations for establishing and conducting of same. Special onler, ro oommltted tocommitteoon agriculture. 8. U. No. 234, br Booth to fix salary of county treasurer of Douglas county Head three times and pa sed. 8 B. No. 02, by Dimmlck to secure 'abor leins on mining claims was taken from table and passed. S. B. No. 201, by Hunt to incorporate Cortland, itoported back to Senate by Multnomah delegation, passed third reading. Motion by Joseph! to refer to Multnomah delegation with Instructions to print, was lost. ly unanimous consent S. B. No. 227 by Smith (of Yamhill) to provide water and water power for etnto Institutions, wai given consideration and passed. Reading ot Portland Charter 'waa again resumed. Senate ndjournod at 5:15 until 7:30 p. in. Staite-Monday Eventsc! Called to ordor at 7:30 p. m. by Pieil- dent Fulton. A quorum, 21 members, being projont tho reading of the charter bill was re sumed." President Fulton appointed Senators Adams and Wohrung on the Joint com mltteo to ascertain the salaries of Joint committee clerks and to ascertain the mileage and per dlom of mora born ot the Senate, The report of tlio Multnomah county delegation on the ainondmerita to tho Portland charter bill was adoptod and tho bill passed to Its third reading. Passed. Baforo adjo urnment the present legls latum will doubtless makojprovislon for the supplying of adequate watar supply at the various state iuslltiittons. Acting upon the suggettton of Governor Geer, a Jolul committee was appointed abJut two weeks ago to Investigate tho matter ot providing the stato institutions with water. The owners of tho existing oauul the Salem Flourlug Mills and the Salem Water Company were Inter viewed with a view to affecting an ar rangement whereby tliu slate should contlmto to use the water from tholr cum I, but u coimldemtioii of $2000 per annum was asked o( tho statu, a sum tlid wus coiiHl.lured by the uoiiimlttoo to be excessive. Tho committee recom mended the passage ol a bill appropri ating $'10,000 for the construction ot a oanal to be established parallell to the ono owned by the corporations men llonod above, that would convey from tho Sitntlam liver lu Mill creek a volume oi water adequately largo to tho needs ' of the various institutions, Such a bill was framed and intooduued by Senator Smith, of Yamhill It waa read tlifl, third ttmo yesterday afternoon and pa-wod the Senate. Coniitiittouon wayiaud moans toJay Introduced in tliu euiutu a bill approprl lrlatliu 196,000 lo tleiray the exiiciises inoidentto niaklnK a creditable exlilbl tlou of tho resources oi Oregon at the I'ati-Aiiierloati ox position at Huffalo and a similar Industrial Kxpoiltion at OliarluaUm, tUitith Carollua. Tlio bill ia ontitlod "An aut lo provide a commission lor tliu collection, arrangoment and dis play ol protlnots and resources cl tlio hwto ol Oregon at tlio I'an-Americau Kxpoiltion at Huffalo, N. Y., May Sop. teniber, UK) I, and at tho Bouth Carolina interstate and Weat Indian Kxjxstion at Ciiarleaton 8. O , IVcember, 1001 to May llHW." Tim ooiumiislou is named Ihu "Joint Pan American and West In dian Coinuuttiou" and asoonttrtictedin the bill eonilite of the samo members as the GouiiuImIoii tiamet sometime since by Clovernor Uttr, with tho exception of Mr. (lartlnor, of Portland, who holds an other iHjsiUon ui tho pay ol tlio itato, wWh, by tho praWaioii ot the bill makes htm liiulliKtblo for a place on tho committee. .MiMlauluer is sutceedrd on the Commission by K. V. Carter, ol Ashland, tho othor inembera being: Ji. Alexander, Pendlutuu; 11. n.Thlelsejii, Salem; A. J. Johnson, AstorUi KtlHh Toiler-Wethered, IHirtland; E L Smith, Uooti ItU, r ; Joliu H. Uurk-ard and A, P. Tim, both of Portland. The bill authorises (ho OuMU,imiou, to appoint a suriluumlnt who shall re oh. a Mlerj o( W er mouth nd ox pontes. Should a balau vxitt lu tl t 44 Good Coattse! Has No Price." Wkt kLy ii (he result of txfxrknct. Th tvmJrrtf cf Mouarjii $) AjW ttA IhAfs urajuratt, Amtrict's CftAlett cJscv. tviawrf ttes4 tuAo -nuW rwifx 4tJ evkh tht W.W h 4-su tKei(hs f & aWiif. U u te ? ;wij f.y rttsotxajufrtrr. tffoocCi SaUabalttfa ILettermProying Positively iht thoro H Hm Marine for JSSSLR yoB1 Oompound. PROFUSE PERIODS. taking Lydla E. pinkham'a Vcgeta- 1 bleCompounaaooui three montha agtJ, and cannot express the wonderful good It haa done me. Mcnstruatlonswere so profuse as to leave me very weak: rnraome time after. . i " 7trw with leucorrhcca, red feeling, bearingomi "nBaUon, nain across the back and thighs. I Felt as though there welffht In my stomach all the time. 1 hayffltwobotUesoftbemedicinc, and now hare better health than I have had for four years." Msa. Lizzie Dicksost UpDOE, Avalon, Ohio. CHANGE OF LIFE. 11 1 was taken bIck Dto years ago with The Grippe,' and had a relapse and was given up by the doctor and my friends. Change of Life began to work on me. I flowed very badly until a year ago, then my fjot so bad, 1 sunerca verrioiy , wo blood went up In mylungs and stomach, and r vomited it up. I could not eat Bcarcely anything. I cannot tell what I suffered with my head. My husband Kot me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and before I had 'taken half of it I began to improve, and to-day I am another woman. Ttoo Pinkham'a medicine has saved my UJo. I cannot praise It enough." M. A. DK.NBON, Millport, F.Y. WUWW. -- "" , . Tl.,. .. $50oojZ,1: paUHfthlm tmwUmo- TySfai. Ptthh$un Wtrftefas Co. mnimm appropriation after all the exponses of the Commleslon shall bavo been paid, it shall revort to the stato treasury and be placed to tho credit of the general fund. To-hlthtsodTo-mcrrow Might. And each day ana night during this week you can got at any druggist's Renin's Balsam for tho Throat and LUD29. acknowledged to to the most successful remedy over sold for Coughs. Croup. Bronchitis. Asthma and Consumption. Get a txttle to. day and keep It always In tlio bouso so you can check your cold at once Prlco25c and 60c. Bamplo bottle free, cod.V.w Bun tit 11 Kind Yob VUva Alarars Bcujtf Not Amulntr. Tho pcVhou who feels like Haying "Let us Uet-p nllonco, that I mw have the tnlk nil to mjself," would fnln re duce conveniatlou to nn entirely one sided affair. Tl;c London Nowh snya thnt the Into Chnrlea Kcenc, tho nrtlxt of Punch, useil to describe with great delight the method of n certain man whom he called a "pot houso Iluskln." Tills person was sitting with n friend In nn Inn parlor and wna haranguing Tliat ia the heartfelt cry of many a mother who ae her beloved child wnt luir nud fadlnir day by day Sornetituea it'a too late for medical aid to help the child it it ao weak, to lacking in stamina that thrte it no vantage ground of help, One of theietulta of the uie of Dr. Pierce 'a l'avotlte Prescription pre ccedinjr maternity it a etrong-, heatthy child thoitoandt cf -uorliciH tettify tit'la. l-'ie nuently iiiot,irr- write, "I waa never able to ralte n child before Ukinic" Favorite Pre scription," or "All my other children are aiekly eacept , . ini one, ana l loos your 'l'avorite Prescription ' lhi time." Alt the child's ttreugth comes from the mother, "l'avorite Prescription "glvea the mother ttrrngth toaie her child There it uo alcohol In " Favorite Pre actiptloiii" it contains neither opium, co caine, uor any other narcotic. It U a purely vegetable and perfectly harmlets medicine in any condition of the female - ayMetn. Accept no substitute far " leavnritr Pr.. . acriptlon There It nothing "jutt aa good "a iui uiiii n ill. Sick womrit are invited to consult I)r Wcr5? b7 letter, fttt Correspondence confidential. Address Dr K. V Pierce. Iluf. falo, N. Y. "J am so thankful for what Dr Pirrrr'a Vm. vuiuc i-ivktiiiiou nas Cout .w, ,.,. jwq u utnif m nr writs Ww. John T. Ihalth of Slocan BiiiUli CatuwhU (Baa jo) . "It help! me throuch th ta.. ...,,.- ..,,,u.j uiu i ute a nr, stronr I bat.)- irtrl. lAr nut healthy of aH my three. aa3 It enrtU mc ol a ttlKax whkh waa Uklur av ' all mv atrciwlh "" M..,,h- r m.......... ., ., . . Kree. Dr Plerre'a Commnn Q.- ir.j ical Adviser ia sent ftee on receipt of I atawpa to pay expense of mailina- enlv Scud 31 unrFfni iranifia . a-a. . . a. t -.,.-..., ..-.y, ,, ,c (WOK l """" "muiBr. w i oae-ctnt ttampt for fi oHccent ttampt AJdteaa Dr. R. V. Pie airy vimcivu. UutTalo. N. Y. erce, IF YOU WISH TO , TRAVEL IN COMFORT! Taka the old reliabl Xorihem PadH,.' IUlUay for Your Hasten, trip, Tim1 Motwuintadatioaa this toad furni.U an.1 1 tba. laollities it afforda fur all .;' paseiirfrtarelt m advertlwmant, U eves its jjawenwrs the- comfort Hat a 1 .hi travelers and new travelers ako km. hoar to appreciate. With a large amount of saw roHiD. tto.kan.t vast v l,s... 1 "". . V"'" i.is :.,: 'j;J:"'L,"" n?ia . tis thrua nrl.iurt ..-w.1 l.'.-J.. ' '. ."' .I"pae ever nmuM.1 ... ..1 rih,:rforKs Btswvsl Motk;?. Iho ouderilgned has moved his wawn where be will wtioome ffi JJJ f? 1 JlMl P J. bus, S&Ti. Ml wmcttaoohs tho ntlioi- ninn on innttnrs In coiiornl. , Konii.im.,i... n..i. . ..,. :" .":.-..:. :;".... :..t..: iinv,.. "r"uv."j'r-"". "r-" r, t'luniiy too rricnu vcniuren miitiiy to i iii..i,z , "":!? "S,T .l"F.f- t i.i,i-.. mm !,.... , i ;:.-!.: ;;r,';i""t '. .V"! i illll.-IU.1V UU IFUjVVUUU. I'VUIM.-t I"'!"' " ,." rCM! -5'V ! tllf I drew hlmsolf up with uiucl. dlBtilty. j f."a ; i mill n-urRtiiiiK vtuu yon, aniu i.';,,bi:' 'T":"''."'" ''.'"l : i.. in ..Miin ,i t.',.,iJ'V.r.,nyy.eir. York City iil . a aaa aa- ia a aaaa t. i uiii iiinnri aa .iiimiiaiiiiH asiar a null, a'aaa ,,., sika 4twn,iv99 J-"'r v'r'Yorki'it;::::::::::::::::::-- ' jmmim mmmmm m miiii - - iiiip n ntaLci v... v-t- J sV llrf ValMMM B txBssitt-Usi mi?'mjL!ZJl THE FLORLNUt SALEM 4ms ws''".''a,vrs;!i?rt..s A cases, np(l. rv.nvpnlentlv located within tiiiiiL uin unrjb itoi VUI - - . - rhrt rltv. The most tnuuurii t..nil i througliout the building, and electricity. Here the lck can nave - ; - .r, ,10pila, XTb:nnt 1 a' d,pubX0BK.rendinne. 0,ui,I, dicUiV. bring n case, In treated ,ltj jthe Broot,;s co or uwj, ... isBlstcd in operations if requested, tor terms ami nmm ataff Al tion write or apply pers onally R. CARTWRIGHT, VISITORS WELCOMED BETWtEN 2 AND 4 P. M. - mfggggggggggfpjrs-MXSVUMiW fiy?Erxisg3ggSgsaiiJrVI I liPfWrlllMl 1 F YOU want the news of the world written and pictured the finest art. 1T and the best literature KKJ JL JL WE America's Illustrated HjII Caine's latest and greatest- novel, "The Eternal City," begins soon Send h: fee; copy of th: op:nin: chapters Address Collier's Weekly, 555 West Thirteenth Street, New York City POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPiyr FtKSES THE WEW- YORK bai (or nearly alxtr ytara bttn tfccmlifd aa tilt i'tople'a Na tl nl Kamlly Nwtpapr, ror larmcrt ami vUiictra. lu Plrndld Atrlcultural Depart ment, lu rcUabl market re r.rii, rccornlted authority Ihrouabout Hit country; lu fulllAn nfilea. Ifa Mf.fnr mitA 11 CEll V wfinlca Department, Ita sTCCfVLI fr'clnallnr tliort ttorlei. etc., TRIBUNE tic, rcnaer it inaiipensafilt in Trr lamuy, iirsuinr iub. cnpiion price, 1.00 par yonr. lllu.tra.tea wNkUM aid nrVuliural Journals'. ',S, :ii.?..wia i5t-T?"?. y 0r lie le or IteiVewiwivV YnrV Cli'v na: ---- MteililBlt ii VAVinVV. V:i.m,,,". '. i-a rm unit i,iri,iia...;.i.;,fi.i!r ..;.:.. wW.,VV,a,W! reaular AWrs I s'to:!:;;;;;:; fiuV-Vn.A.'lr",iBr,-L. T.vork-c-ii;-: : : : : ronn'r'.:v:::: ST.r.w.iinT.f: v.. ':!vVi?-e!R!i sliAin: :;;::::: - J.mith'a linn .o, lln"n. vi'Jl'Ut """ ? neir Kncln m.i ll. V"". M.-?i.""7,V.-.- loud II.Mi.,.krVn lnB 'SprlnintlJ Mnin"" 1 I'nrm, l-lri.i n.i l''i,uSl.iI,,7.WI2,"l"JW ? iS5.?y?5!:v;;;;;:; i i;trm ,rvw. .Sprlnaflrl.t. Ohio "" 2" Home unit I'nriii. KiHlaVlll? ici so Trtbune Atmii.;;,,." i,ois ."?: : ; . ;;: " 'lac smi .ah ulil nr.i.r 'The Weekly Capital Journal AND - cJa 1xriv.J,u. Aart. . .-, , j ,. .. r-iru.i .111 MK.jEgATL'3L.: a - I tl ! 1 1 If u l-ut..re, I'oullry. .Market r. Ji,.. l,y tiniett nl atl p..i.lr. ij.ii,,. ....... ..vt.l Mtunnn, 4, ,,. , 1. kuvrr... r,n.rr ii mi . oat ii-Tr ....... ...- - ri. .'-.'- "". ''" "ii nJiiui.-,.i.ii..i.,.i., .""" .-..-iwih. llnlflli.s , FAfiJILY FEATUflESi !"'" ''. - awn, rnur, f j tills dejmrtweiit Ma I tnu.t of las arcil rnulny ;i'4? l-Htb YtAli KODK A n fl MANiin au - I--2-J liur ara tirAA.i.,l .v.... ,!.. ...... . . -. " , "in lofj AMIKIC4N .v,,, BA ,n,k Asn Alliaaiao fr IWt. I0. .' Jrf"a " ProreM aaa Kre.. la "'T arau.,l.le, CiapM,, Almannc: or .iitain, HoumIio' f Calaudara. tk Metl,er. Aitrono,..!... r ....,... fca aioota. Dalca, e. Illula Wnm ..L . . " "--- HTI SAMPLE COPY ??'..r,r,rwm Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly Caoital Tourrwl Oraoee ludd Farmer, rirt Year Book and Almanac $50) - OUR PRICE FOR ALL $1.35 Address, HOUEJi. QROft Slbm Qr, SANATORIUM OREGON V. . . , - ii.rt ,.i imuo tttsrr four iiiocki m ---.-. -- npn led I lances """ , i 11.1,, bv hot witter nnl lighl ,.n h ,icr4 nn i uen by gun M. D. SUPT. then you mustread 1 Foremost journaL,, NEW YORK TRI- pulhiiK I nn i . . day and 1 flu .. i u .n,-!.., up to Jale ua.ly newapapcr thrte daya in lha wttit. will, all Import jiit iv iqI tlit ulber (our !: I'ruCurely lllut trateJ. nn-1 nlle.1 with lntarext- WEEKLY lnK readin fr " wh wuh to IS a. I. US. I k(tp ,n tloM t)uch wllh Bewl TR1RIIMC c' ,h nation and world. I lllDUnr. Iti-im ini- nuliHortptluu jirii-i-, i?i...u ti-r vur. !? "!e.' "no deiire to cure th btt macailnei. iS.'ifolIowtaS.; ", d 3 JSS? With Iteaular With Weekly Trl-WVkty i ribune. Tribune. One Year. i'ni- On Year, $3.4H I.IHI 1,(M) I.OO I.OO :i.Oll i.:io j.ur. i.:ir, Lin I. 'JO n.iHi n.oo i.oo :t-,o i .-,-. i.j.-. 1.2ft -.o. i i.oo :i.imi j.-ii i.oo i. itr. I.O!) I.Ot I. -J.'. I.OO 1.IH, 1.00 1.0(1 l.Oti 1.00 i. no rne Year. 9C..10 1X0 I..10 IJIO IJO n.no l.OB l.Hft a.(Hi 1.7ft 1.7ft n.no n.no l.ftO ::.in ,'I.IHI i.sr. 1.7ft I.IHI .ftll t.no .l.nu a.iiu i, no 1.S.1 i,()ft Lite 1.8ft l.ftii t.Oft I. nr. l.ftO i.ao l.r.u i .no l.uu .Oil .00 .tMl I.IHI .00 .UO I. Oil I.IHI .CM) 1,0(1 .(H) 1.00 aua sftsns AAJil INI .oo i.oo .00 .00 .no .on .75 .no i.oo i.oo .oo .mi .r.o H .M i.Mt "-v. putueatmn. urtci ""d.oe. w.-h li'rk Cltj . TUU TltlHU.VK, Ni.u Tfc V -i. . p.acilcat 1 ! - ts.1 r " keU H - r ie.u. tba rSI VQf Kibb ,rii a irf . ACUK1 Tfc: reat u v u, , A fr. Uh,. lllll-. I I , .aaMaMaBaaltWassssr SI 00 c C r-r JL SU JLwesJ J& i mm JftCfiJIlk SHORT LINE '.-: and union Pacific DEPAKT FOK TIME flOIII D0I.K3 From forllaml Or. AUIUVi: FII0H rnlcaico l'ortlnnd Hvclal On. m. via Hunt ington "TTlViitio" Ksprras an. m via Hunt lugtou "Srviiii" VH Mall 6 p. ra. vln Ppoknno Palt Ijikr. Denver. Ft. woiih. uuiniin. Ku.t Cltr. et. Loulf, llilcagn 431 p hi. ana ram. salt Lake. Denver Ft. Worth. Omaba, Kannaa Cltr, m. Louis, Chicago :0 p. u. and Katt. tValla WaTltTKeiYi'toiir Hpokane. Wallace. t"li 11 miu, MlDtie.ii.-lg Hi. l'aiil. Duluth.Mlhraukcn 700 a ru. Chicago, and Kant. OCEAN AMD RIVER SCHEDULE From Portland. All galling dates aubject IO CIMOgO For Han Frai.clsco Ball every 5 daya 8 p. IT. p. in Dally except Rutldajr 8. p ra. Saturday 10 a. m. COLUJtniA RIVER To Astoria and .Way landings. 4 d m ex. Huudif From Salem. Daily. ex. Suuday Mou. Wed. and Friday at 10 a. nt. Ttictday Ihurwlay and Haturday at 6 a. in. "T. ui. Tucntay Ihuixluy and Halurday "c"a. m. Tuesday Tliurwlay aod Saturday "Tcsva Itlrla 8:40 a. m. Dally WILLAMETTE IlIVKRAr from Oregon City, Ncwlierjc , Puriltnd saieiu, ruiuiuu iuu nay, i p, m, iJindlngi. ex. Sunday Arfrum (rraliu , 10 a, m. Mon.Wd. Cervalllr and way Ijiudlngt. and Friday WIt.LAMETTKAND Ar from Day tun Mon.Wtd. YAMHILL DIVER Dayton and way lauding! and rrlday Lcart Lewlitoi 6:30 a.m. Daily. bhaki: nivr.li Rlparla to Iiwlkton (i. L POWUJJBS, AGT., 246 Commercial St., Salem, Oretoa. Dock-Foot Trade Street. SOUTH AND EAS! VIA Pacific Coi THE SHASTA ROUTE Tralne lfaMibHiiu Ur Portland and way IsLiiiiiiisai 5:4ii m. in ,7:54 n. m. aad U'.'i i. Ill t.v Portland Lv Palcm.. Ar Ashlaml Ar Btcramtnlo.. Ar Kan FrauclMio. 830 A M twfh llflo a M 1033 p v 12:30 A M 12.05 p U 500 P M iSSA 7.45 P M 8:15 A It ArOi cdcn.. l)euvcr. 6:45 A"M il:15 A 1! Ar . WX) a m 8:40 A N 7.-2S A Ar Kanta, City . ISA A M Ar Chicago. 7:45 A M 9:30 A I Ar lx Angeles.... Ar Kl Paso. ... Ar Fort Wotto. .... ArCliy of Mexico Ar Houston , Ar Hew OrlCftui Ar WrJlhlnylnn,, Ar Now York lrffl P M 7:00 A V c-oo V ;W A H offli u 835 A H 635 r M 0:41 A M 12.48 H 4 8J0A M 9.M A M SJ A M .. Mi P M 8:12 A M ..1'2;3 P M Piillninn and TouriBtH care on loir. trains. Oiiair cars Sacramento to Oeden and El Paso, and tourist care to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and Waahlngton. ionnecung at Han Frandisco witit bat oral Bteumeliip lines for Honolulu. Japan, China, Phllipplnon, Central and poutn America. Boo Mr. W. W. Skinner agent at laito SUition, or address O. H. MAKKUAM, O, P. A., Portland, Oregon. Corvallis fc Eastern Railroad TUMEOARB. No. 2 Kor Vanulnu: Truln leave Alhanv 12:45 p. in Train leayea Corvallis.... 1:60 p, ui Train arrives Ymmloa . G;45 p. n No. 1 Returnlnir: Leavea Yaqutim CJOa.o, LeaverfUorvullls 1 10 a.m. v-Arorl Albanv Ifilffp. No. 3 Fbr Detreit: Leaves Albany 7s00if. Arrives-Ddtrolt liatuv. No. 4 JfeturjilnR: Leaves Detroit 'i2iion.iu. Arrives Aibaby 6:45 p.m. One nod fwc connQot. ut Albjiuyaod f Cor rallls with KoUtlierq Padltic tialni, tflvJnB dlruct service tiaDd'from New port and adjacent beaouea. Trains for tbo ruottitains arrive t Detroit at noon, UIvIdk,: ample time to reacli camplnif L'rbdnda on the Hreltenbusli and "'Siirttlatn riven the tsanlo day. K kt lbiny Chafing Dishes We have a few left. What will jou gin for one?. Come and'seVtheni. R.M Wade & Co Salem, Oregon. Salem Soap Works Southern Tim proprletpr of the Salem Soap works haa the co-operation ol the dealers .P6"1 Hjiodeslre a first-darf eoap wjlj Encourage Home Industry By onlerinn Ealem-niade roap a