DAILY JOURNAL J - . "BAka! "My r.Pres$ banquet wine scheme- didn't work. -Fi if "I am afraid-of the, olcf Re publican elepliant mihtii I H 1 H 8B H ""i I "St. SP i vol'' art. 1LXV 5 5 IRevp i New Embroid.ry, Iw gibbon!?. Ne.v ;' Velvet Ribbons, tace Cu:riain$, Allover Laces and all oyer' Embroidery, Gilt Braid, Trjnwijpg Spikes, Gilt Buttons, s A Hair Clasps and 5 '"" ' I TWE NEW YORK RACKET I m OnrStnrt Plntm t-.vtrv lvnln nt !l O'rlivU rfrt C.itiirrfnv. & Our Store Closes fcvrry Evcnlne Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. P. T. UAHNES, Proprietor, aaatZK&lS&? TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED, I'.'ooklui nuiy yaid disrhurgos-lO) men. .Sni sobiudv . Ill cannot bo pasted at 1 lt -a Fiction. rnmp. rt Sjhcii.htn hmlc for .Manila wi.h 1-JOO buhliors. Ft 1 y IttKI homo suikcronrrho at Pnrlltthd on cheap rates. I inn imii ilnmni'il l flooding minuet Hermosllln, Mexico. Hume infill IiiiI'iiii V ,ir VYiurnns bill. appropriating f 30,000. Condition of Downgor Umprebs Frederick o; Germany la satlsfuelury. Sixty live minors rcportol cut off from oaeapu iu u Vancouver coal initio. tii iCiali govorniont will not altor its attitude iu dlightest dorro toward Boors. A largo sugar reliuory. Independent of tho trust, is to bo built nt I'lilladolpliin. Five prom incut Boor efficers: escaped from Island prison arrivod at Crimean port. A 21 year old eon of Capf Roll of tho 0. R. & N. boat Ruth roported drownol at SIdnoy. ThoDuko of Westminister and Mlaa Sholagli U'eat wore mnrriod this after noon at tit. Paul's, London. Resolution instructing Govornor of Idaho to ubolish martial law in Conor d Alone raining region defeated. Dowot'a forces crossed railroad, cutting lines north and south. Itrlthh on gaged with armored trains capturing twenty. Negotiations between ministers and Ghinoso Court havo come to serious halt. Court ilntly rotates further executions. A Notatle Wedding. Nkw York, Fob. 10. Ono of tho in teresting nuptial evonts of tho soason, tlio marriage of Mlaa Esther Morris Hunt, daughter of tho lato Richard M. Hunt, and George Woolsoy, will bo col ebratcd at thn homo of 'the bride, s moilifr, Mrs. Hunt. No. 170 Madison avenue. MIns Hunt is very attractive and popular locially and lion passed several mnnthH i.f each year at Now port. Robinson Bath Cabinet Cures Disease Without Medicine. iio-'itive enro for Rheumatism, Obesity, Gr iu,e ISIood. Liver. oh cians. Pirn best physician" in Amorica and Europe mili.ifi and uso the Rohlnson Hath Cabinet. Prices 5, f(i, 17, flO ti-, according to aizo and quality. For al at it. W. Putnam's drugstore. Agents want d. Call no 1 1 address, MRS. J, A. SBLLWOOD 8fW bront St. Salem Or, Phono 2771. Watches Need Repairing Jut n ruuular aa tho furnai,i iuhmN fuel. watch Icoked over nnd ropatre I by a kdled ,Bktt " lo O. T. POMBROY 2HConui"cial tr ft, Men's Clothing and Hats at Clearance Sale- Prices $6.00 Su - $8.00 Suits. $10:00- Suits...-.: $3.00 Hats-.,; a $2.00 Hats...,,,- 50c and 75c Neckwear Dalrymple's Branch 297 Commercial Street. n i acee t t. I other novelties. I at Six O'clock Except Saturday. Cor. Commerolal and Chomokta Stioots 4 ' Coacert and Dance. New York, Feb.10. Tho 'Roth Kl BiBtorhood will give 'a professional concort, to bo followed by a dunre in tho large ball-room at Sherry's, to-night. In addition to several other well known artists, Miss Roso Olitzka and Mr. Mnhlnian of tho Metropolitan Opera Company, will sing at tho concert. FOR A COLD INTHE H AD Lnxatlvo Bromo-Qulnlno Tublota Practical Methods Am employe I in our njipt ciiiuu of Dentistry All Hoik U (I n with the older! of! g vinu patients j'ltt what tho condition of their teeth demand. 'fhoiitmoHtthat skill and exucrienro ran do and the uao of liio best materials iiiakeH our work stand pro eminent. I Drs. Eppley & Olinger. I'oalo(lli:i) block. Cold .-. I.a- Kidney iind skiiu diseases. No ds StSfc : i-j4 roalat tho power of heat. Givoa a beautiful oioplexlgii, A Turkish Btb t Home for 3 cents. i2 1)0 POOIv FREE TO PATRONS, containing full in lnicil..n.i f. r curiiii: diseases. Written by prominent hen you are roadv to have jour, woikman at prices lower than ever WatJimaker .! leu.-ler STOCK MUST ARRIVAL OF BE REDUCED BEFORE SPRING GOODS.... $3.95 Black Cat Hose $5.95 Outing Flannel $75 ' $To AH Broken Lines to Close at Great Reductions, r f nj .$1.10 40c Jr stcs --jijw -itr SPECIAL SESSION Has Been Decide! Upon By FURTHER EXECUTIONS IN CHINA REFUSED A Little Byplay at the Ex pense of the Cninese Plen ipotentiaries. Wabiukotox, Fob. 10. President told Senators who cnllod on him today that Congress will bo cilled in xtra "PRsioti as soon as tho Cuban constitution is recoived. AtiiociocK me siiippimj mil was laid before tho. Senate but Spoiiicr moved to. tako up oleomargarine bill and the motion was carried. New Yokk, lob. 10. A dispatch to the Horald from Pekin says: A now turn in tho pcaco negotiations has caused n diplomatic Hurry among tho ministers. A briof and almost insulting nolo from tho ChlneEo court has arrivod, flatly refusing any further executions tlinn tho two previously decreed. Yu Union, Governor of Shan SI Pro vinco, will bo dtctpituted, ami Prince Chwang will allowed to commit Hiiluldc. I'ho nolo add?, that pniMlilv Chao Nlu Chao, formerly Minister of Justice, ma he included among thoso to suffer death but tho court reserves its decision in his cote. It also bluntly stated that no fur ther initiative will bo permitted to LI Dung Chang and I'rlnco Ching, who are Derated lor jiaving failed to vcorously protest against tlo demand of the iiilu iators for six executions. Affairs la Spain. Madiud, Feb. 10. All is calm hero to day, but military and, police precautious continue In tho provinces, especially lit Seville and Valencia. Hi" earth beneath a filled hridgo be came water soaked and tho track gave, way. Kngineer Winters and fireman Rnffano woro badly Injured; also brake man Henderson and Myer wero slightly hurt. A Japanese hud his leg broken TRAIN PLUNGED DOWN EMBANKMENT Poutland, Or., Fob. 1(1. A special to tho Evening Telegram from Tho Dalles says: Anonginoaud caboose on tho O. R. & N. plunged twenty feat down an embankment 11 miles west of Tho Dalles las night. GREAT STRIKE OF THE SILK MILLS b'citANToK, Pn., Fob. 10. livery silk mill In the Lackawanna valley is now idle by reason of strikes, excenlluit one. j The strike effic'a 1500 girls mid mm. BOTANICAL X BONDERS The marvel of the' hour is (he wonderful.cure of chronjc diseases without' the use ol knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afllicted human- ily needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F.Cook, -the great botanical specialist and original discov-! erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for vears from awful dis ease and the more awful effects of rank medical humbup-s. Dr. Cook is Willing; tO give patients . frm' hpnpfirnf hie life crnriif tW V- ,T ,,.,.,, J, v UeClineSlO pUDHSniUrtnerteSt- imnnlok- nut nf i-om fn U'.r-' '. ""IJ uw v .,,,,,' ,,a.toneral transportation topics, DatientS. Vet- Will Pladlv refer nnv oollprc in ihii- ni,rV,Nr,rc 'i ":: v ... ,,v-6"' and friends wh'o have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ITieiltS It Vill UO YOU COOd tO call and have a little chat With the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street Salem OiePOn. T"V .V. I7c 5c Store Opposite Postoflice. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, TRANSPORT SHERIDAN Carries Plenty of Men and Money ''. blSTRIBUTION OF WARSHIPS In the Waters and Ports of the Philippine .Archipel ago. Sax FiMKUiico, Feb. 10. Thothineport ShorHan will sail at noon" today for Manila, via Honolulu, with 1'iOU nbldiors for tho Tn-enty-eixth and Twenty seventh Infantry regimonts, in addition to a number of recruitH and cabin passages. Among tho latter aro 0-car li. Wiljiamr, United Stales Consul General to Singapore, aceomptniod by Ills son and daughter. C G. Abbott and an acoistunt observer representing tho Smithsonian Institute are to sail for Sumatra to observo tho total rcllpso of tho sun. Mrs. Hornard Moeop, wife of Prof. Mosei, ono of tho Philippine commissioners. Tho wives of auve.-nl omenrs of tho transport ami of olllcers In tho Philippines aro also on tho list. Tho Sheridan ill take n caro of nbout 3.000 tons of sup plies and f2,000,000 in gold coin lor the troop in tho Pliillnptn-'S. '.Vahmisoto.v, Fell. 10. A cablegram from Admiral Kompff to tho navy do partment nnnottnees the following da tribntion of vosaels In tho watorH of th- Philippines: , Calamlanea and Princeton nt Cebu, .Nashville, North coast of Luxon ; York town, Callo. Alava and Concord at Cavito; Villalolw operating jt Lcyto; Patnpange, coasting Cebut Don Juan do Austria on south coast ot Lur.on ; Iain do Guba at Zamboango. Tho Lancaster baa arrived nt Guracoa on her way to St. Lucia from Lauurayra. Tho Farragut has Bailed from San Diego for San Francisco Tho Buffalo has loft Colombo for Singapore, Tho Mayflower has arrived at San Juan. Slxty-rive Miners Entombed. Vancoovbh, R. 0 Fob. 10. Kvery effort to rescue forty whlto miiftrs and twonty-flvo Chinoso entombed in the Union Mlno so far hnvo boon unsuccess ful. Work had to bo stopped last night alter tho peennd exploBion in No. 5 shaft and dimcultlos in reaching No. 0 me greater than hoforo. Thoro is a hundred foet of coal and debris to boro through yet to roach No' 5 workings, and thoro is little hope that any of tho men will bo found nlive. Thirty men am sent down nt a time and they remain onlv 15 minutes. Evan thus eomo of tho rescuing party aro taken out moro dead than nlivo. They aro immodiatoly replaced by HO now men, wpo slay in tno damp allectvil tunnels as long as posiiuie, until over come Piiobsix, Ariz. Fob. 1(1 Partlculiiro have been received horo of tho Hooding ol tho Santa Rita mine in tho Itncatato mountains 200 miles south of Heniio'illo. Four miners wore drowned and their bodtoB have been recovorod Ono 1h Horace Christ, superintendent of tho mlno. The nthera aro Mexicans, Francisco alid Jesus Delama and Pedro Laradi. It is known that ono other bndv thatof Abar Peralto in In the mine mid It is probable thatoneor two others aro thoro. Tho Hood o'Tiirred Tuoiday afternoon, and was caused by the oHMiimr of a vein bv n blast. Tho main tunnel woh flood ed and while miners in the upper end escaped, the workers in the lower end wore caged Pko rats iu a trap. Mluerrtoutsldo made desperate effort avail. Whemn meesongeV left the mine ! ?J'r,""7?!0.il:V-t,,,'!L.V'l,Ke'1 1 to roscno their fellows, hut without 1 In their effort to save their follow. -7 ixkw jmiK, ron. 10. a sppcmi 10 ine World, from Washington, says, ''everal I witnesses before the sub-commitee on transportation, of tho indiiMtrisI coin- mission, will, disriiss the antliraci to oonl i inlustry, ospeoially in view if the rscent movement toward consolidation In tho cnnt.ro1 of t'10 railroads entering that territory. 1 Independent coal operators and the roads will bo heard. Other will di'uuss hut mote 'especially tho flnanceeriinr ( rail- roads, tho recent consolidations, tho regulations of roads to iiauks nrxl BlnsHar topics, whllo Jtwo or three other witnesses win tako ttptransporiatton ny water. Among those expeotod to (ratify aro J. J. Hall, president of the (irent Northorn Railroad J J. P. Morgan, and others. VictphmiP, C, Feb, 1(1. Hecue par to have o'ar faljed 'to reaali tho en- , tombsd mtiHtrsj iir Union Mine and of Ilclal' have nVc'doM ai a fluul resort ( llo'il thn mine. IKaosas Situation. Nkw IIavkk, Conn. Feb. Id In lb course n( his lecture to the siudeulK rf Yalo universitv Justice David J. lin-wer, of th JJ. 8 S'iprum- Cipt't, rf'rri ng to tho prohibition laws of Kansas utid "If overy man (and woman) in Kansas had done his bwt since 1880 to eulirce the prohibitory lagl'lailnn of that state (ieorgo Washington would not iae been asked to divide his hatchet reputa tion with Sire. Nation. M HERMAN Scientific Optician. 32BRtARY i; inoi L. "Tho nroblern of government by tho people dfpoiulu upon tho wav service at tho primaries Is performed. To tho man who has a solemn senso ol what gov rn mont by tin pooplo meant the primary and polls aro sacred places. Tho collego graduate can mako no ex cuse. Ho 1b tho last man in tho world whocanpload ignorance of his duty in cltlzonship. Ho leavo3 collego an am bassador from tho court of learning. "Unfortunately, no ono can doubt that money is bocomng a factor, a barn fill factor, in our politics. Thoro is a temptation for an ofllcoholdor to go out of olllco'at least no worso than when he came in. This Is an ovil, and It is more of an ovil than it was in days gono by, I appeal to the valuo of high conscious ness to cure this. Lot overy ono seo to it that bv keeping himself aloof from its contaminating touch ho is doing all in his po vor to remedy thoso conditions." In conclus ion tho eminent jurist mado this pro phecy : "If tlio people of tho United States over believe or over como to bollovo that commercialism controls policios they will riso and will rid tho thontselvos by forcing asldo all thoo who thfy bolievo are responsible for thoso condi tions." Another Joint Wrecked. Kansas Citv, Mo., Feb. 10. Heforo davlittht this morning 75 men, led bv ministers wont ncroos tho Arkansas rivor to a place known as tho'M.aat C'lmnco" Joint and wrecked it. Tho mob went to work with axes, hatchets and clubs. Within a few min utes overy piece of furniture in tho place was destroyed and all tho liquor was turned out. LYMAN ABBOTT FEARS NO PUBLIC PERIL Rostov Feb. 10. Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, in continuing his lecture' hero on tho'Torilsof tho domoraaoy" last night said ho hud full faith that all dan gers lo American Democracy would bo overcome In good tlmo." Some of the tlih'gs lacking in our nation, ho nali), aro strongly flx-d central polit ical authorities and settled ideas. Dr. Abbott found soma weak spots in tho American system of deciding political problems by tho wish of the majority A multitude give way to oxcitoineut for a tlmo and later returned to apathy. Apathy, succeeded by passion, Is lllus tratcd by tho present situation in Kansas whoro saloons aro now being smashed by mobs. Dr. Abbott stated his belief iu tho right of workingmen to organize. ' incen1marTbam of hotel crooks Nkw Youk, Fob. 1(1 The big hotels of tho city wero fairly alive with detectives last night. Tho national hotelmens usBocUitiouB informed tho Now York association that tho band ol incendiary "crooka" which linn been at work In tho hotels ol Chicago havo Btartcd for New ork. Their plan Is for ono man to tako a room, start an Incendiary lire and escape. When tho other iereons in the hotel run nutof their rooms in alarm tho "pals', of tho "flrohugs" rush in and rob thorn. Thocang is said to niim bor nlRiiit twenty men. The polico nave descriptions ol loino ot tnem and names of n few. Miniature Show Closed. Nkw York, Fob. 10. The annual dis play of miniatures nt tho Kuoedler gal leries closod a successful senwi to day. Ono feature of Iho exhibition was a group of 1M) miniatures shown at the farm exposition. Although turn aoclely was organized within strict lines, it appears to have stepped outsldo of them in some In stance. Except forlhoir prir.o there U nothlnir to make tho "D.iphnu" and tho full length portrait of 'i women Iu n Japanese wnilnme comu under tho head of miniature painting. Thoox hibltlnn on the whom vwm quite up was nude up ;n the level establishment by hou year's how and attracted ninny vIhjIoih i CHILD HURT BY RECKLESS RIDING ,, J hee" aV n ?!' stm This morning somo rapid par Hlroet Bros' Nloro knocked dow iw n a little 5 year- without rciiuirlng (old girl and rodo on without requiring as to tuo rosuiis Airs. r. .1. fuiuvan picked up tlio little pirl who forluna'elv was not badly hurt, but such fast and careless riding does seem unnecessary, H M iD B H H 9A D m a M ill K U a B S3 0 5J BI m a u B H a m m OLD WILLAMETTE RISING RAPIDLY Tho recent ralnt hnvo ri Ised tho river considerable in tho past few days. Three days ago it stood at '214 feet above low water, and thU morning it stood at about U14 feet, ft having risen ft feet Inst night. ICIvea Ten Days. Roliert Robert)1, an unfortunate young man of Brooks, was today sentenced ,y Jtldtq Judah to serve ten days Impris onment for drunkenness, this being his fourth or fifth offense. A rietunt Affair JIIrm Kthel Knight enterlalmd on ' r$iLH7 evening lit honor of Miss Whitney of Pooiheni Oreuou and Miss Um Warriner of fori land. The time wa do llghtfiillv spent in plating whist, dano big and music. Thoo present b-nle the guests of honor, wre Sirs. Wlntpei , MlfH, Qayles of Portland, Miss itemoh Holland. Miss Ruth Oabrielann. Miss Minn Huejet, Miss Klla Kinemaii, Mmrs. FrejlTlilelsen nf Portland, W. II. nni,chardt. Chaiiuny Hlshop, Krnet Welob, Joe Kvans, Will Kvans, Chas Hier. Bd. Crawforl, Waltor Walling, II. T. Oulss. H Bd u H H m m Business Eyes JMtotlyo vinlufi prwlucn irritation an J norv oitsms, and in this condition no person it cap able nf giving to huaii'ots mattera or ordinary affirsof life the atteutlon necessary to auccean. Nvthlng is more Important for thu prwwnt pies enaiwn of good health and clear business judgment than cualoua ware ol the eyes. Perfect tilling glawKJH will overcome nature's dofeals, and the p atM tOigt suah glasses is of u m m H 13 tn 'i. Wv BARR 11 State Street. u PROMINENT PRISONERS Have Escaped From the British, ' SAFELY LANDED IN THE CRIMEA Devvet Crosses Railroad and Cuts Track on Both Sides of Enemy. St. Pwtiiiibiiuiiu, Fob. 1(1. Five Moor prisoners who escaped from Island" of Ceylon havo arrived at Crimean port, Among them is a nephew ot President Stelh, ami brother-in-law of Genornl llotlm. London, Feb. 1(1 Kitchener reports that Dowel's foroo crossed the railway at Hoartmnn's siding hoforo daylight on February lfi,closoly followol by I'lumor, Gralsbo and armored trains. Thoy en gaged the enemy while crossing, Tho Uoors, however, cut tho lines north nnd south of tho phico ot crossing. British forces captured SO prisoners and over 100 horses. Tho troops aro still In closo pursuit. Sr. Pntkiirhuiio, Feb. 10. Dowltto, Minister of t'innnco has Issued a decreo regarding tho application of increased tariff on curtain impoits from IhoUnitcd states. Mensuro will becoino effeclivo a foituight after its promulgation. MARION COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT Tho whole ol Friday was taken with tlio suit of S, Spenro, plaintiff, up VB. . C, Peterson, defendant. Tliis action was brought to recover $1500 damngos, nlleged to to duo by in.uoti of u certain road belnir closed bv defendant, with gateway leading lo tho place ottiio planum, the roau was laid out In tho platting of tho Shaw fruit farm, but was never opened to tho public, yet people had tho privilege of passing through n gateway along tho road intended by tho parlies laying off tho (arm, Tlio Jury awardod tho plain tlfl flOO damage tu Rh verdict. Tho Jury was composed ol tho follow ing uenllumeii : A. J. Shoemaker, W. T. Riches, A. M. LaPolott, Freemnii Van Patten, M. L, Jones, E L Rm Ingtaii, J. L. Cook. August Will, The odore lloutin, C. W. (leer, James Lion- ey, -Mrs. L. R, Noblettand C. F. Zieglor vh. K. W. Harbin, sheriff. In a case (wherein Hon. 'Ihos. II. Tongue had at tached a Ihery stable at Hubbard be longing to planum to recover on a nolo forfRilt held uguima plaintiff's former husband. It seems Mrs Noblott mis been divorced (ruin her htisbnnd twice, and since thru with her own hard earn ed money bought this property, which air. ronmio attached. Tho ontlru fore noon of Saturday waaoccuplod with tho care, when it went to the following ju ror : Wright I'oxh.ty, J. W. Young, J. 7. Painter, W. V Darliy, P, J. Cox, S. A. llnglu-H, N J. Damon, C. S IUsklna and John lohiisou. Iu two minute they luoughtiii a vtnlicl foi Mrs. Nnbletl, nmitv nt l..r tihtr,l i,r,.ifiv. wuo nroKO iinwii witn iny over tno i aaWWnHHHHHHHaBHNHHMKHMHHHMH K gj M mmmmmmmmaglimmm u, CX .PtxmFWnl 4.Vri 1 S, B a Write your letters , mix' i yum tneiiui), &, Cnonrt tliri iftn.fnnnnc fllr UJHU M1V, SUVIIIUH, The Big Store Iteinember we Iniui inovid block east of our oh I tlmu. One oocunvlwo llooVn and thu ba-it mvpt of thu now' ?IeCornsq'k bulldliitf, fui uinrlj Known as (Jje old Opera Ilotlao IiUiKIIiil'. llro uo have euflf Hh iho ijpkIii and iip-tu-datusKucB iu all Ua UO'). . V An Electric '5 Elevator For thoefluvoiilunftHGfaiiatami! This elevator U of thu now I provrnl lyiif. Guainiltciul safety : Impoaslhlu to iliop. g Jos. Meyers Sonjs THE WHITE CORNER Trade Mark Htitaterei CORKER COURT AND LIBERTY ST3. IHAIBHHMIIHMHHBMHHKIHIIWHMHMIHMH DUKE OF BEDFORD Will Turn1 Light ;on Army Affairs. FRIENDLY FEELING TOWARD GERMANY Results in Military Men Giv ing Their Moustaches a Nav Twist. London, Fub. 10. Tho government Is tint seriously affectod by tho amend ments to tho address move 1 by tho Liberals in tlio Commons, since tho opposition is weak and faction rout. Candid friends in tho lloipoof Lords are moro trrrublesoino Thu Duko of l?ed ford, who does not oidinarily lalte luiii-h iuleicat iu public affair, is tei dried to ho greutly exorclsod over Iho ovldooce of military mismaiiaiingemont iu South Africa and Is b?nt urou making a illea grecable spoech early iu ths'roi ion. Ho is a wottlthv Llbor.U Unlnnti I l-ell id. who has sorvod wllh th -.Keoalio-guards mid iu Egyptian eamnih!ii-, and Is apnarontly convinced that a I d ' of whol some truth needs to be 'old about the conduct of the war. Considerable dissatisfaction cxi Is on both sides ol tho House of Coiiiiuomh en ocennntof thocontemptous triatinontof members by tho ofllcials rcsponsibln for nrrangeinents in tho House of 1trdson Thursday. Sir Henry Fowler proposes to ask .Mr. Ilnlfour whether ho will con sont to tho appointment of u commltteo to consider tno question of a convention provided for tho peoplos representatives when their attondanco in Hie upper house is commanded by tho King. Tho telegram Emporor William sent tho Empress n few minutes nf'or tlueon Victoria's death, "Our grandmother Is dead. Comfort my mother. Wi'lelm," shows tatter thaucnuld columnt ol Oer man and English editorials the feelings which exist among tho roluniutr families of thoso countries. This olom tie mnv shortly brlnir about another hiUhbod mooting of King Edward and his Imper ial nophew. English court rumor that gives Empress Frederick but s short lease ot life, and ivl ward villi no moro allow his now duties to Interfere with Ida desire to bo at her bedside than did Emperor William consider thn Merlin , colourations when he want tu hnsto to Osborne. Thus ouco more, the two nil' ors who aro riveting tho attention ol tho world may Iki brought togethor under tho circumstances iu which human emo tions havo thu strongest place. Several papors aro urging the King to exert pressuro on tho mlulMors to eradicate tho nbtises iu tho army and push tho war in South Africa. Many persons nro seriously pondering on whother Klmr Edward Is going to rule or reign. Thoro is all confidence In llli tact nnd common sense. Hut. thu sud den restoration of inonarchlul splendor ami power ami the keen sympathy le iw ecu tho German Emporor and' King I'd ward mako many loyal BUbleolR anxious nuoui tno iiuiire. A liiimurous result of thu British German "entente" Is evident In thu moustaches of tho inhabitants of tho West End of London, 'that upwards nnd outward twist so associated with "iiipeinr Williams moustacho has be,en extensively adopted, eepfeln'ly by ittoao having pretensions to military appear 'i eon lutorviorts with West End bar bers reveal tlie trouble tlicy are oucount- kjemp THE WHITE CORNER sTTiNiBBB -- i&rjQ-wr i f-jj- DBflenjffiss Skirts.... -t . rr DISPLAY IN WESjt Full length aoven gorojUao in Might grre, bhiffniru?, grtjy ' hoioesi una. : -av, j Jr SEE u biioh vsaiKipg uiKj cycling tkirla, tailor stilohwi, now spring stylus, exuu weight clolh. : : i : : , This is the Greatest Opening offer of the Season, "It tcrtins llkaa ultutrauau sale or store," the prices are so reasonable. 7c Outings tmihm10o vajijoe; COCO yardl of tyijji, at jeimiant? prleer. . 5c Oiitin'gs 1 4yjKww ""'" "" "TB3JSS HO 40 crlng In transforming Hfo long droops into upward curls, Col. Sir Charles Howard Vincent, Conservative, is going to movo that Canada, Australia, Now Zelcahd, South Africa and other British colonies bo consolidated upon a commercial basis, and that Canada's example bo followed by granting tho Empires products fiscal preloronce. Both parties generally agree that something of this sort is necessary but nothing is likely to result, tho lenders maintaining that the time and conditions aro not yet rlpo for such an important step, Baseball Mans. PiTTsmmo, Pa , reb. 10 President Droyfuss, of tlio Pittsburg National League club, thus outlines hi pelicy: "All my players aro held under tho op tlonal clause in their old contracts and no now contracts will bo ssut them, Bolwoen tho dales ol March 15 and April 1st, each player will rccolro do tlco to report for duty Thoso who comply will hnvo work and tho placoof thoso who fail will bo filled with young playore. Even If all tho old playora hold out, President Dreyfuss savs ho will havo n sufllcont number of young plaj ors to mset the emergen' y. He thinks the players aro pu tinsr up a huge bluff." ' Dr. Dig miming. started for M slfiird this 25 Years Younger (C I am now seventy-two years of age and my hair is as dark as it was twenty-five years ago. People say I look at least that much younger than I am. I would be entirely bald or snow-white if it were not for your Hair Vigor." Mrs. Anna Lawrence, Chi cago, 111., Dec. 22, 1898. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair every time. And it is a wonderful food to the hair, making it grow rich and heavy, and keeping it soft and glossy all the time. " It is also an elegant dressing. One dollar a bottlt. If your druftgUt canuot atipply you, itnil ui $1.00 ami we will expreas a bottle to you, alt charges prepaid, ne aure and give ua your ucarctt cxprcaa office. J. C. Ayrs. Co., T.owell, Mali. Send for our lmmUome book on Tho Hair. North Atlantic Squadron PliNHACou, Fla., Mi. 10 Th Not th Atlantic Squadron is expected to re turn from iu gulf cruise to-diy and Hill probably lemafn until tlu lltst week in March. ...FRESH... Chocolate Creams 1 ELLIS 54 State Street, & ZINN'S Siltni'Phoir;3S74 Trade Mark HeiUtered. m u ?o'3&jSLrxr M J H M 0URT STREET WINDOW u tLregt kita ajid Oxford - : i : : a removal kale o'y day at this m M 'fc3v h J 'Mi wv Boys' Clothing II M M feo the new sjjirtng lyhs fn Court street 'Window. yriio new Russian blouse effects ml 5J I ! IN f J il