M l u 1 It I i! w: T t " m rb M ii't 'fici iiaiETiMHniirfilT oirTrr- ; ttmm'iMttmmtMt AtaAA .JUlftnlW m ii THE no JOURNAL (4fi " gMiiirinmil7Mat"ttrtf'tfWi-! tototnlsjIeafoMliSrUw Y6tk. I .. ... , r-.t. il? Tl. M..,l.. Ma ftKW IPKKjXBU. J. iiowidwi " "i fifT o iirateSHagia aaoabao y HOFKft JSftOTHERS, I... fSWt.aiH.ar mOAY, ViM, IS, 1901. 'W Yrf f f .90 ,,ln,AVAfic dHj' reW Month l. Iri AeSvstnos) 4)4yby Csrrfar SOo pr Month Wkly On Voar U.OO In Advance w mm tf it .. Cathartic Ewrj to Uks( easr to opcnite- Mood's Bills A .tTHE JOY OP THIS' fKOMI&INO OREGON TO TUB DEMOCRATS IN 1602 The Mtoheli-McBrtde action Mve Botoniyaooght to form a fusion with tho DHOerstlc members of this legislature) to elect one that Republican faction to tke Satiate, bnt they have promised to give the state to tlie Democrats at (h nt'xt tilectton, They liave offered them ilie entire H(b ticket, they to keep the eenM)enJ ud senator ami return Mitchell from the nest legislature. Their success In electing a citizens ticket tn Multnomah county to the leg Islsturs, whjfe the city and county want Republican, shows thai they are aide to trade for personal parpotes and yet retain (lis party strength whoro It he KonIrtitatki m colvig on - '"" . -r tvi finn i h nil i n c i . i . I .; '. KAILKUAV DILLO. . j r . .. j, . . M . ta York which bai latclr been nnuergomg I- ' ; r iiupuiv. w '"""T! repair atv,hc navy yard goes into com- Severe Comment on the Pol how many have come befoimipsibrf&jay. The Asiauvsiation win i iVir nf nnfiWn PinifiV .. i . .. il . be her cruising gronnd for the next two j. icy at boumern racmc thejatcst arrival .hongs, joy to yea.8he 1)a8 !, ten- B,ho "jtallroad legation M over for the. nl. , - j -, flagshlpof Rear Admiral Kogen iwhc ,1. W.ion. Three sunt fare bill and, "' ,. . ..' t , to hm T!' ?! T . A In Imeamrclrtmo.odefliiUely doflne the When the little one tflkCS dlvWon of the Aeiatic fleet, and he will maketiietripiov;iiinaon inenew ior& way of the Mediterranean and Suez m& t jMW' officiate retponIbte for ueb envlroh- miiitiin(itnnit inntwvinti ttiotlfd tM-l-.WVji. rmmdlnmand the property.turned over traduced. dlmmid ami lidrlwi In an li is in. it is a minute of keen-. Canal. fprtho use of.lhq convalescent Ineane. OPOl ADVERTISINO J8 CUMULATIVE So are bricks: When however, yon top .pijUlnffthe, brfeke In tho waft thoy ceae in "cuirin- late." Same way with ad. Tlio dear public Concerns Itself about ni, Jtut In proportion a we compel' H to, Trying -to bnlhKnp a huilnese widely wilt abide, and keep on abiding, without advertising, fe'rery much like a married man trying to have fill own way J"1' n theer waete of norvou energy. The man who build up a btiilnem which abldea, will And It neccoary not only to advertlie It all the time, but to advertlto It right. Fooling away good monoy inadvertlo' H.-rv9vliioIr own personal purjKiee, Thai this will bo undertaken" in order to defeat Gorbettat this time and Simon two yoara henco no one can donht. The ...,,,, io OT0rmn iMfi, ,,,, ..P-.tf .. f.lllntflnlove, t .Lt. ti. ..i.i .i fii. - ' ' ' m,,,,,. wim-i.pn.wi m-t j,,, Alnta ,, lh(J ((J called low rate of eomo plaoard ichomo which has abwlutely nothing oleo to offer u an Inducement, no prest'gOi no circulation, no nothing, jatt a low rate. by a Kepobllcan Irglilatnre their adceeti fa Hctltnomalt county Jat Jute, and would authoring them toeilend their rfflitatl over tho stale. Uownell It to hi eo;rietman In Tongue'a placa, anJ WUIIamioii la to gdinttead of Moody, while Mitchell and Full on areo lucceed 8Io fnthe Sentr Te, thla end Ccrbett ( to bd defeated now;" and if eim of their faction cannot bo chows, Hwpkeitorewala vncani, until the lata toft Uielr way. Thla ta a logical programuSljfmen who After the advertiser has paid hli "low rato" and got nothing, he And that it wa a high rate. Hi fact he paid about 100 percent more than tho thing was worth. . Jt ffOHld seem that the sensible thing for the advertiser to do, would bo to give tlietu quMtlonabte publication tho go by. ear nothing for party or principle. These Infatuated advocates of subsidies and bounties, front millions for the ship- plsg trust to silver qnarters for seadlon scalps, Are willing to divide tho state, wreck tho tfeasury for tho eoyoto scan dal, restore Peiinoyerisra, build railroads to Mars hold constitutions! conventions, eanonlso Hr, Driver as a saint, burn ha Mtomb to Mark Ifanna, promot fac tional politics to particular and ratsa hsll In general. That they will promts Tlio wise thing It to permanently Iden tify himself with publications whoso ability to get business can be easily as certained by making Inquiry of adver. Users who use their columns. To Curt a CoM la Os Our Take Uitlrt Iromo Qalnlos TMti. All druMl.u refund Uii niontjr If It ftlli to curs w ujwTfi Htnmuin ii en ecu oot. JOURNAL X RAV9. Ohlcaio has enaoted a $100 penalty for tlio bill-board nuhunca. and deliver Oregon to the Democracy in The newspaper should never loso sight jwb w carry tbelr ends now, no one can oflmi nocesslty of tho moral clemont doubt, and what honest serious minded J'" l" PPr' Deiaocrat wants his party run by the ,t t outcasts am! prodigals of Hpubllean sat Yet that la about the presont sit MMlea ol the senatorial contest. The nvfromieaa pany mutt sillier name a stor In the regular way, In Its regu lar party caucus, or tho organisation of both parlies must be abandoned to tlia oer tlemonU who respect no political household, no race, no god and no con tltotlon. THK WLIND AND DUAK MUTB SOHPOLB the leglilativo cammHtfoj.toflovMtl. ;u.i:.i.i .... v...- JsvT . mru (o vMargnn ngainsi OU(. USIlSr, Ol ttw Dllnd school, refused to sustain tlio accusations brought agslnst his inane went. That straw has now been thrwhed over three- tloif. It never JMMGUBteu to anything or Jiad uy wal support beyond the spirit of rebutment that always to. wUa these who aro let out of the pub. U Institutions, when they think ilisy ouht to be retained, The luveatlgatlag eowmltt have done IhslrJuty fcilly 1r , iae nmw aei exoBorale Mr, aiid'Mrs; Carter, who have really glysn the state wparlo' rvleti In the conduct cf the ; Wind scheol. TbriWfiitBendstIo ofthewmmittea for the eofiMyaUoti f the tw Iiislltv,. ttUs will probably not receive mueh ttentlon. If it were nraelkal It would U good thtBf fer th deaf mate ehlld. ilrea to to brought Into the city, They ; pvb ire wriM quite enough from Ma Itefl d igrculturat pursuits to satisfy ' HieraeMy K ml esuta sharks wkf t toredjlielr removal seven miles Into the wi ?y. They never should havWen t4wa, fmw (ho ejty, because thoy ai. JWajj,4acUreHwullaiJy depeadsi wtUtblsBd aalsaatloa ef efy " Pwil faeter of their nluoa mt ana dvt4epmat. u u tmot. 6 Tho animals at tho legislative feeding trough refused tho animals on tho road a frea watering trough, Tho Halum Sentinel Is full ol personal abuse ol Oorbett and of praise lor Mc Hrlde, but It don't tell where any of Its candidate stand on great public qiics' tions, mo Aiaaiinnviiiii wms is a now pnpsr puuiisiicu at JUoMinnvIllo by Munsrt. Uarbaugh & Kites late publishers of the Transcript. It Is a clean sheet phytfual- ly and spiritually. The Irish adventures of IVnelono" and her friends grow moro varied mid delightful from month to month. Their wanderings In Ulster are described In the February Atlantic. ) 0 I The senatorial question summed tin uf win wiaiifiie Kopuollcan party elect a Mnator to represent all Oregon, or shall a personal faction namo ono to rep. resent a low fly-up-tho-nreek polltldauiT . , Natlonsl legation Is constantly cn ting new oflloes. The Army hill has omstblna Ilka a thousand tu liaMiu and oier measures yo adding to tlje total. And yet some sav thr r.. nr opportunities thaaljero uscl to be, Loro'a alphabet accordfnito?81orday Kvenlug Post i A tho Art of man and maid, oblivion so Intent that tho lootof ilio rosnlrjolfen horn 111 Imj n?eesary to awaken (hem. Jtcpresentativo Colvig of Josephine county, author ofn threo cent faro bill and former chairman of Board of Itailroad Commissioner admits i that (hero in no iwetibiliiy of hi I la of tins churaeter going through ut the (iresent eoeelon. "They were rneritorhws mewiire," ai!dMr. OoIvI(, "(hurelffoonlemplated would liave (wen npjireeiatwl by tlie ;MMplp -Jmh tlint looi'nt mailer now. liic bills ar u ami Hie remedy will have to go ovur to wihft'qtieut ifgl. loll) re," "Kxplalii (he .lf)Ml of the hills? I can soy nothing other than thnt tho m8orIty was egalnst us. 'Hie voto of eomo of the members was a surprise. Trio railroad situation in Oregon is any. thing but what it should bo. H'aslilnt- ton and California have tho threo cent rates and the states have not only been henoiltcd by It hut thero Is no sign of the railroaJe going Into bankruptcy an Uio gontloman representing tho roads slated to the members ol the house nou Id be tho result to the linos in Oregsu If the bill passed. The Southern Pacific in tills etoto is hampered by hav ing a man at tho head who is conserva tive to a point whero it becomes det rlmentnl to tho property ho roprosonts and tho people from whom tho tralllc comos. lie believes in putting on the ecrows to tho utmost limit that the traffic will Ixiar nnd tho result Is that he has retained the old rato and been content with a smaller volume of busi ness than would hovo bcon possible If ho had progressively reduced tho rates and Increased tho tralllc with thocrowth of tho statu. "Tho statistics compiled and submitt ed by tho railroad ennpiuiy to supiwrt their conlontlon tlml n loss rate would bo ruinous are not ' intolllgiblu to the to tho layman. They wero gathered ami oompllod by n mon in the employ of the roada and thero Is no way of checking them. Thorowasa lamentable laokofiHiod faith on the part of tho renrwieiitntlvnii oi me roads. Ihuy met with us In con ference over thn bill defining tlm lln- mimos of corporations for Injuries to employees and said that tho hill would be acceptable" If wo inserted it provision that II mltod tho recovery to Ifl.OOO In any ono case. Wo did this and ox peeled the measure to pass but tho same men who voted down tho other measures lined up against the follow servants hill and It went the w- oi thu rest. I have no knowledge ol any In Ihiftivo having been used by the rullroad lobby other than thonruniiienta trmii. ed to tho members iirwn thn iliv,r rt the house." est joy. ... Father is "proudf mother is fond,..hrothcr is rcagcr, sisters are tender, nurse is devoted ; the whole human world is kind. Thprc is another, an under, world with enemies in it. When baby gets into, its shadow, be quick with Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil he is sure to get into its shadow ; let him get no futhcrthan into the edge of it Health is the baby's life. We'll MM jot a Ktk to try. If 70a Vie. a i cstarrn sr(iTT & noWKU, o? I'eul tuttt, New York. 'SO&U Proctor & Gimtlc Company. Cincinnati, 0 Feb. 16 Tho dlrec- tors of this company pay today a quarterly dividend of three per cent, on the common stock of tho company. Rtraoval notice. Tho undersiirned lion moved his wjtrnn shop from No. 45 gtnto(streot to hla now building, tho ilrst ddor south of tho Ba- lem Hteam Laundry, 210 Liberty street, wh'oro ho will welcome old and now patrons in want of good work fn his line. 121ml IJ.LAnsEN OASTOR.IA. fltirs tU 4 llu Ktad Yob Hits Alwrs Boitp mrc&6R I'rofesfdonal and businessmen will bo Interested n learning that n high grade visible typewriter Is now on tho markot. tho "I'lltBhurg Vlslblo," prlco 7B00. Auuiess uintiiy iionlwaro Co., Pitta, "urg. 1M. f 10 lrn Sr. Valentine's Rati. A vtilontlna ball was glven"at tho armory last night uador tho manoge ment of 0. 1.. Itonsonernnd II. A. Kurta and proved a decldod success Tho room was filled with tho sooloty folk of thn city and ovcryono present scorned to in. Joy the evening. Kxeollont rnuslo wns furnlslietl by tho Hlstinu orohestra. The decortttlons consisted of a draping of Hags and hunting on the walls, mid an unique arrangement of vnlontlnea sus pended from wires crossing tho room from both sides forming squares, mak ing nn origlnul, protty decoration. Csnaot Be Cured Hli- TDGkL ACPLIGATIONS as they cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in ordor to cure it you must toko Internal remedies, flail's Catarrh Curn In taken internally, ami-act edfrrct- lv on tho blood and mucoue surfaces. Hnll'a Catarrh Curo is not a nuack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this country lor years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, com Dined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces Tho perfect combination of the two in erediants is what produced such wonder ful resnlts in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial free. F.J. CHENEY A CO, Props. Toledo, 0. Rold by druggists, prlco 75r. Hall's Family Pills aro tho beet. IF YOU WISH TO TRAVEL IN COMFORT , WffHUMM MMPWI.M II-..I. 1 i.i namia, iimni fiS mm ft TMT "" " - Bill Hi amT SaO -SSH .wmvxxgwwqq If Cs! J' WlfoWwfiZrz$: FW wP TT"w 10 Kwxscso Take the old reliable Northern Pacific Hallway for Your Eastern trip. Tho accommodations this road furnishes and the facilities it affords for all its passengers are its beet advertisement. It elves its naseeneers the comfort that all old trarclors and now travelers also know how to appreciate. With a large amount of now rollins stock and vastly Improved road bed ills better than ever prepared to pleaso thoso whofo good fortune may lead them to select this road for their Eastern trips. 2 14 7t To Practice In Cklna. Anniston, Md Feb. 16 Dr. T. W. Aycre, of this city, superintendent of the fiunday school of the Parker Mem orial Baptist church, a practicing phy sician and formerly a newspaper man, who recently decided to go to China ns a medical missionary sails from San Francisco, to-day. Dr. Ayera will take wilh him lils wife and four of seven children. Tho Klml You Iltvvo Always Bought, and which has liccn iu iiso for over .'JO years, has horno tho slgimtnro of -? - and has been litatlo under his pcr- f( sj&Syy-??- , flonal supervision since Its Infancy. Wutffy, CUCAAi Allow no ono to deceive you In this. AH Counterfoils, Imitations nnd "Jusl-as-good"nro hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health o Infants nnd Children Experlenco nguinst Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ngo is Its guarantee. It destroys Wrnm nnd allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's PanaccarTho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of SHOJfllNE and union Pacific DEPAltT FOlt Chicago I'orllaml Special 9 a. m. Tla Huntington TltfK SOnrillfLEB Krom Portland Or. Atlantic Kiprcu 9 a. m. via Hunt. Ington "airi'iuii"' Fist Mall 0 p. in. via Ppokuno flt Lakr, Dciiycr, Ft, Uoilh. Omabal K.)i.. uhj, pi. liOui,, unifago uiiu ..n... ARIUVR KIIOM 'all Lake, Denver Vi. iTonu. umann. Kmitn. CI IV. Ht. LOtlta. (illlr.trn tilul t'ait WaTla"waTlir."LolVinii. SiKikone, Walluco, l'uli- man, MluneaiHIs 81 raul, Uiiluth.Mliwnukip Clilcago, and Kiiet. 4:30 p 8; 111 P- nj. too OCEAN AND IUVER SCIIEDULfc From Portland. A p. ID. The Kind You Haye Always Bought hi Use For Over 30 Years. THt CINTAUn COHPkMV, TT MUHKAV STIICCT, NEW YOUR City. Yale Alumni Dinner. Nkw York, Feb. 15. Tho annual din tier ol tho Yabi nlumnl In this city will Ikj held at Hhorry's this evening. The plan ol having small tables for tho tiff. ferent classes will be continued. Cranol Graool 4 HeiiieinlKT that nninc when you vnnt n (loIlclotiH. appetizing iiiuin. ing food drink to Hike the plmv of m9fTdm SU..I.I I... ..as . r "? ""' r mi KnM'i'ra nun huh ") "11 Willi IIIIVH uaml It. ( mi 10 01 pure gnilu. It iilH illgimtlou nnd Htrengll.eiiH (he norvw. It !m iiiit 11 atliiiulunt hut a hi.nlth huihhtr ninl Uio eh Idreii 11 h wull in. ti 1... Irli.k It wilh KrMi iK.nem. vu lUMiut VI na niiit'li 11 a .wifTi... ik. k.. ....J .....".: " y-r- -. nun im Ittrk lllll'KIIVH. AMU for tlraliiK). PROCEEDINGS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY Routine Acts o! Both Mouses Now in Session. tleersreak Pariv. NKw.ork Fob. I .-What will prob ably In t ho hirgent beefateak party in the world is to be held at tho Orand Centrnl pnlnre, to-night. The affair is 111 iiiiiirir.i .11 .fill .i.tfii... .. ...I..I. i.i m I - " " "Kiiitnii uuill.iuiu laill- I many oruutilaalfon t 11,,. -iv., (Iriiln-0 In second Assembly district. Arrnnon,..n,- myo liwn insdu for eight thousand . -,., ..,, lo rousiy mo nppotftes of his niiiltltiislp, contracts have lieeu mnile for 760 head of eultlo on tho hoof, aggregating gl,t tons ol meat. A HiimusOhleiigo prise bullock weluhlnir 1.150 -iiinds bus Iwen saorlllcml for thooycasloii. This animal cost 12.100 nnd ho iKirtloni to grace tho board to night, Will represent 18a imm.,1 1 n. SK-'Jlw-S-''-- An l.,l,'?0,. .,ho "KnUii.lBoI I. iV . "" """ ,ron' tho fact that Itwl Irniuru l.ixm uu- ...i. ...i. V11 .iru...ui .:- .'.,:"'.'"'." "uninoe """ '" mou iran itiuinn n tlltlgdUSti. ' your KriHrr eerve Mho Dart that quick wplles J-but why the rest recall T TkerwHsK-f,:thallsall. It wa cheap lUuiaeoxT far lha M.u. of Chicago to abuse Mrs. Carrie Nation nae a pica-pocket and call her an an reJiUU he will accomplUh nothing u, Vrr resort to violent but to ad mtlw herself. Abuse will only help h 0 A tumor has lxeti circulated In the Ssfr l9l,ttU ' "thr barber NU IsioIm tprunir soon. It .ill I- m entitled' "An act to pmuiuto thu beauty ol thOBialeier," and will prohibit the a , ---. n vrioisfiB. v iitu i.j.a.I- ..! . Wlw SMfaH hmmuilv .. A ,t.-. 1.Z7' " ""' wu' vw, and the a m. 1 .1... ... . jwwiwwi uiiu war oJne-TtiurJay Aftersooa The hntiMi iIiwqIa.1 ti,....!..;. ... i:.ii .7. T -"iMiii. aiiuriiooii lotlweonslileratiaiiof 11.- i.m hill. Amendment vr.i.n nn....i ... 1.. .. lug the salaries of the gnma W(lr,w nml ifiruura an 1 cutting ,WH UMrfr peuso aaowaiiees. The new the A LoBdoa Society We Hot. London, Feb. 14 -Thu wu.Mlnnf Hiike of Wimiiiiiii.. .... 1 r,. St. Uledtlno'eday marriage nniiomicad iTi' . ' "r. .? Ia. miH. ' tho chief p-v.B.r U).,lllB III Wliai Will IN) II III Will The Bullet Of the aMiMlu may lc more sudden, but it is not more sure than the dire punish ment meted out to the man who abuses his stomach. No man is stronger than his stomach. When the stomach Is dls wed the whole body is weakened. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseased of the stomach nnd other organs of digestion nnd nutrition. It cures duvcAK-s of other orvan ,ii.n I, cure the diseases of the stomach, on which the several organs depend for nutrition and vitality. nl VTUIlId uv In .m.I .A .. 1 1 inouiriii alma! altlrathadoor I waa coniineil 10 my hou$ and part of tlie time to my bett, i had " khihjimoi inctll cine, tiut It only fnX the iliaenx; but I nitut My thai ' Ooltlcu Me4 leal l)lcovcrv h.. curwt 111. ami tonlay JT7, I am atoutcr than I G uc uctu ior iwentr years. 1 am now forty hree vrtra olil Have taken In all twenty nine botl of' UoMrn Iircilicat I)liKvery.' Ixwld. two or thru iloien vUla of Dr I'irtre'a Cclleta. but uow take uo mnlicln Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets cure con-stipatioii. Sonietliing Delicious for Dinner That all laslp" iiurcn upon, and that is healthful, nourishing nnd easily di jrested, are r.ur primo roasts of tender and juicy beef. Or if you prefer n sav ory ronst of veal, pork, lamb or mutton i ve win larnini you a joint or piece iMMii in.-uiioiifsi mock rinseil, and cu mm irim u loryour in an expert tier. Pally except Sunday 8. p m. Saturday 10 a. m. All sailing dales subject Ui UUHBgO , For Sau Frauclsco Sail o cry 6 days COLUMIIIA RIVEU To Astoria and- Wty Landing. 4 pi in t ti. m ex. 8utitl.r From Salem. IMV1.MI ' urcKoiiv-Hy.nowucrK Halctn, l'ortlaud ami wn i.anuinjj. Pally. 1 ex. Sunday Mon. Wed. and FrldayiWILLAMRTTK at iu a. m Tuesday Tliurtday and Saturday atCai in. "Vp- ni. Tuesday Tlmrwlay aud E&lurday "oi, in, Tuesday Tliuiaday aud 8aturdsy Teavu Hllurla 3:40 11. 111. Pally r. Ar frcm rrri ar.l way 4 p. es 6unii CorvailuSaiul'.wiiy J .anilines. Arlroiii CorVHlii, IOk m Mon.. t',l jaudtrlmj W1LLAMETTKAND YAMnil.l. IMVrii Dayton and way landlnw Men .ivlli "uu j rmay Arfrtnj I'ajtiiii SNAKE JUVKIt lliparla to Iniwlston man- E. C. CROSS SALEM OR. Phone 291. Time to leave. Off trying to havn perftct laundry work done if we cannot satisfy you. Wo defy competition in tho launder, ing of fine linen, eveulng shirts, fancy vests, nnd with our new starch- tho color Ih beautiful tl,o fl.,..l. . ."-.., iiiv tlllicil er perfect, and we alwoys send them home in the best condition. Uring your laundry work to us If you want the best. Salem Steam Laundry COLONKL J. Cl VRTRAD mOPBIKTOR. DOnOUB D. OLMRTIAn, 0R. Phone 111, 230 Liberty Strett. - I il' B 'Sill Z-,1 1 1ML jgn:sTwiiffvmaf a II a nWmk '''lllfirlTT CorniOH,V- hilty a. Djck- r. POWERS, 246 Commercial St. Salem, Oreeon. Foot Traie Street. , Iao lAiU'lslun sWa in. Dally. I ACJT. SOUTH AND EAS' 1A Pacific Co. Southern THE SHUSTfl ROUTE TniiiiH leavn Saleni for Portland and war fltotlonant 5:10a. m. , 7:64 a. m. anU necessarily osmrstcil a Villi) n( ns of rators or shear ! i. 1 . betweea the feesloual artlat. nh.i 1... ...... 1 .. tiui.-.i....i.i.. .. . ' " .' !" ne .wy,., mm, .ua .H0 CHOI latMl Al tbIiie aaybih,. T1y were Wotitos ikS !' b4 jlltle! 0!trttej et th MI'r-Me!trMoMlme, h twrt of lfieoottiUt,houW be , um w far ai tt forms a Uilsfw ibereumwM ih doaf-wsto chlWren ttw the smituBt Improper and unfw. tiMtato MrioutjaiBipj, with it gloomy for fHMilml thu,latl? onoao side and !wrWjl H the other, Ti Hats necessary examluatlon twfora t)Mu. bera'eorn wtssloH.-Aitorla Uudgtt. a) sk Ttieblll aakiu fr ii.m ITi.i.nti.rr--. Of aa Kaitern l, "Ti.r.J" and Mliis T.-7i"Xr '?"' The wisdom uf this action will not h., lBHllod by anyone.. Oomllle Utnette. The Abovv i ot fit BCftl taste) from a county that jot ait pwoprUtloti for the imrpM. Ufa coming to thin .wy wontyhasarlght to an Institu. Hon for hiirher tvlueaUun oru. .1 thent have). IHf 'S race la the lov of tke ltouarhnl.l f.i -i.. out it tit bappJucM van l cowpjete, TbeohlcAl through which the twiw. ta wot her tmu tiaai, lwwcw. U fWJW. iui uS S2ZIte Itf ' T---V " -.". mm inif MK 0. jHtccieea t- bill limit. one inan'a kill ton masoiW ,, nd provkJus fer a ten dollar Uewim fur ou resldept hunters. At the night stMslon II. 11 s. 1... IVanee to mak all iu..... .. .,'..... . r i --. --, ,, inwnnncn I said IClAhJS lBt vnttMUblt after aim year was dfate,l oilorsotnailltettsslNii. nlin wi.w. .1.. MWsead)wrHedto:SOa. iu. Frfclay. Sesats Tfcurstir Arttrsoja. a. 11 No. mi, u, i,1WM( l0 rw treat ear ewporaitons ,Wt)vMA (wmU, -,...... U 1IIMH Uif U I M,a hi strwl lines. ll.u i i...... " II N- l. ley 5lnlkaUj urA.u i-niriiiwi. H- U. No. 140, Wy Hrtjw.ai, to nay 1rwds. I.KhsiHat.i.lAA.i. mt uZwT TST w,wW u EL"ia - rtw-,V.aKZl".r,.2!.! 3sr WvtUHmcfH.tontnul ""' TTlZSLrS c 11. n est ........... . rT-."""'"'" f - -., . imm. - - . lirlftu.vt. i1--lI. . "- tLt1!!! " y klMk " "UW u 1 season in lin.ln., ti... ...! bo iMindtiotMl win.' " '.'. splendor and .lUt.l.i. ... r ..iV -.""", all events with wliici. the mother of tl" ffi . ? """"' W.SI, has any! i Matdaauiv arktu me uw of HH-isavtWiiL. u... .. "IU8 -few rrak uu...-7 .. m -- wwm Twsjsjaaui staaasFsMl Jw. abHt I ECZEMA'S itoh is torture. ili1. U l11,1' ctl humor In Ut Wood coming jn contact with the ImT u!ii : ,,lt,c.luu-rMui.iionfonii awl dUe urge tt thin, Kicky (mid which kT TirJ -. tke .km t. . r.t ,.! nnanu. noettM la anv dt -bTe;Thr.KcrdZrMs uui .. j rM wiuir other ter. h tVh l.XMM " tke blood It w4tl kep the skill nrituted. DAD FORM OF TETTER. ,'V yr I BUSINESS CARDS O. H. HIACK. Bucceseor to Dr. J. M. Keene, of ng sujwrlor ppentlons at motlerato fee In any branch are lnspoolal reqtieeU ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1671.1 ROOMS 1 AND 3, GRAY HUH, Piano UN UkiLm ....l.i l...l ..... . ' "T"" ,,,fW"a ; itay a. stm. Ma, 4ias la Dissert W Ofc, cp's mend Vaw lavaak, u J.L ,r B' ,8'A ttaw Idea in KeptWw diHHr. Iu iLfc. - 1 - r tholMrlHA, of tlwlN ST rT am.MwCiii.T'. txs r mmm 4U- AkJ Ik. 1 ,.... w- . . . -- . ...., .P"li.WJI..,,f J '" a.M iwr I -k ..t,T?ii n )tii V mmt I Ml ,,. TV .!?"? V" ? T U trM. urcs Tetter, -. PUs. ISon ', hluu.1 C I t Y wtURIOSt 01 the Bol. 5ei.J fw or book aad wte . StkMIl vour nt .-... C " 7 w"?e US ?4e t We diaeea a 7., i iwtsr mane ca. aracx HOULE BROS. Tunci's and Reiiarers FOHTI.AND ORE. Get a Promium on. J I ) WlflNTV CITY Highest cash pim .mLI . ,,..1 Uroa. Hank, oppoktl ay It?iUt fe government linw as ,IwwT tL kinds of eeouritlea. " ..'" J.' ii-inw Experience is u is y the wise Exoensive !Tn ,hat i','0"'8 v -Aiyvnaiviy.... the exnerenpM i cold weather sets in by havinir us lit ,, hs homo with now pipes ami "anlta lJ BARR &. PETZEL iMCOMMEUOIAbSTItBKT. U.UJ'IIUIIU uiI, Knows a Good Thing When He Sees It! Any man of discrimination will nnnro.' elate to tin, fun tho whiskies, ffi brandies and cnr.ltnia -,. i... ' " "ilB shelvoi nnd In our cwlln r,j." . ....:V ,.1 "' " "!v,vl,fl n! wholesale ...-.v.......p ,u ,, country and ahroud there can bo no qi.estioii that we can exactly Huit your taste, no natter how SCSSa? easkforasfre I Pr Rogers arw.1,8;,r2.Con,vnrcial stt W-Vhelesalo and Hotall li.,uor dealei 4j05 p. iu. Lv urilami Ly 8alem. Ar Ashlauil ,, Ar Hcramcnto Ar Han Krtl.ro... AtOgdon . Ar Doutcr. ArK&nta, city. Ar UhtcaKo BSUAll" U.-00 A M l'i:S0 A M S.-00 P M 7:46 1' M . 6:45 A M 80 A M . liii A II 7:45 A M Al Lo Augeles . la) iTI KK.rKfc.-r M? I'M Arn,yorMexfcoz:SAJ Ar Houston s. . , Ar Now Orlcans. Ar Hasblugiou Ar Now York Pullman trains, - 635 p m 6:42 A M -H;M 1' M and Touriita" 80 v k 10:83 V V 436 A St :16 A u liTtTA it 8:40 A M 7A1 A M w.se a M 76a ir C1I0PH 6;S0 A U 0:80 A H C2J I'M C:4S A U U.-43 V l STAPLE FOOlSS Iwy vlrL H' v-&ji.jwri:, 1 wpirmKtint -P3 14 wntMlFLzi' - jK iU 'Wl II I '"SJL4T ttt I N- -?f7 WJ .,,'. .' VJ-.-t. vwIB J.M M I FOODS filfci tw lv.tel. Clinlr CJrm RnntiimAMA - s.i-.. ff.S5aU!??3K , .. w.iuHUBHim woBiuntrlou. tonnecliug at ban Frandlsco with bov" orai BtoamBhin lines for Honolulu. fei"' h i' Hklnnor "Kent at Salon. ""uuuiuriHuireiJ 0. II. MARKHAM, G, P. A., Portlnnd, Orogon Corvalls 4 EasterD Railroad TIIB CAltD NV2.FlrYaiu,n x ruin leaves Albanv i-j.jk . Train leaves Corvafiii " i P' ,u Leaves Yiiciuluft..... fl.io ,. Leaves Corvallls. n-?n?,r"' Arrl ves Albaoy llfn n ru No. 3 For Detroit ' 'W p w- Leaves Albany ... 7.rvi. Arrives Detroit ji.3'' ftffltt"-: MP'- Onq and twanaiktnllZZ'i SS&JfnlL POrtVndiSI'atid from) New: ?Ma.n.?Afff!fi5 in ronah .... . -- ww ivauu i mn nn A. time the ample aj.sr!s H L WALDEN. J- TURKS' A' B ut. Albiny. EDWIN STONE, Manas IVARRsn irnuunniu Evrulhfmy ..n.-,J,l i i . ,r . .'-. "s uccucu tu smrtf nn xm.. A... e oi oest Hour to a yeast cake an 1 7nr V Hir.,rom asck mackeml, bacon and saSerkrau T Xl f ' m? feet' i' a M assortment of nuts, cananSeTtt nes at lowest Money to Loan On iiuprovtd farm and -.1.. . iir.iio..im'nrc""i' Harritt & Lawrence i OLD POSTOVFICK OROOK SOMETHING NEwT -KERN I r C X IMO.OInn, NoOhimnnv ..M-t" . " ". GAS BURNER ensnmed. Several uZ wi nt M' Qi 36 eaudla nu .andgiWHsaJ ehajin s.oek theTftrfc fj? ?? of Chafing Dishes We have a few left. What will ybii gt for one? ''imitf Come and see them. sss -lii.'"11 ' Hank. h cniHe a am, l . ;.."-:" "'"uu ma ". i i... ,. - "" wi oi t'n .. .... J.T M n - " vnuiQ IMWH. nlil In. U in . -- . iMirnmu rtn . ". n-- I '. K. FORDrwtoiw.t. wTwoT.r ?.. ?. A,Z'CrAr - -. a. ntir iuui m . in. - -- ti S. C STONB, M d frvwlstorjsf Stone's Drug Store a. wKirot. -V ' Ik, HALJCU Tb siM. ,.rzr '..??" tr3iLZ2?!.w.i JWaKtotUt mew JlZ d'1 no .,. ' veil, mir luui. -INVESTiriATt S IC. (riKV1 Ohemekata St. X6Ut UO, Telephone sea Old Post OfficeStables Iftl AlH. tin.... &&&&& MfM IlfolAli Pn I nt'lMni, . I j "'ft.UiTY;UAU. u R- M. Wade & Co em, Oregon. Arotargn an. Salem Soapv -l Works Ji l M V w .- i- 4- Consnn,0", "TPrtIon of the dealer j who ? Boabwin """ "re ft Urst-felaas Encourage Home Industry y ordering Balem-wada soap. in. m, WK-JFrvA SreJaLiftn SmmWrWmfm