DAILY JOURNAL! f ..; .-; ,Jy -Press banquet wine jj 4.;sclienie,didiVt.work. -.Fiw publican elephant mn, - nK 3! jf VOJU'XI. SALEM, OllXGOV imiDAY JfEBItTJAItY TO 1901 ifOi tf 9 F IV I'M'1 - rnTTTn THE Greatly Reduced Prices on . '' ' 5 J Men's and Boys'.... 5 & . . f 5 t S Now is the time to buy them. You'll not be able to buy them at these prices next year. 5AH Rubbers and Rubber Boots J Reduced to close them out. Come and see $ 2 our prices on the above lines. & zc x. f s i. SPECIAL SESSION 01 Congress Begins to Look Probable. SHIP subsidy i CAUSING TROUBLE 8 THE NKW YORK RACKET ! 8 - J Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store. $ k Our Store Closes Every Evening at Six O'clock Except Saturday. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Cor. Commorolnl and Chomokta Stroota vvvm. TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED. Good etiikes reported (torn Gold Hill, Ore. Soutltorn l'nclflc to bu extended into Mexico. Tim Boers were worsted in n fight nenr Aberdeen. John Lett of San liornnmlino, Cal,, frnxon to death. Attempts made last night to burn four Chicago hotola. Tho liners oc( npled Murraysburg, Capo Colony, Fob. 7. Takit Indians removing from Juneau to their old village. King nnd Queen of England will visit tho German Court. All sign1 of disturbances have disappeared at Madrid, Spain. Fort Orchard, Wn., drjdock being fortified with mines and orpodoos. General French report ml to have captured largo Door forco in Erinclo district. Kansas legislature expunged from record met sago from King Edward contain ing word loyalty. . At Crowfordsvllio, Ind.. MhuHco Thompson, the autlior of "Alico of Vln cennts" died this mommy. Tlio Duko of Connaught was unanimously eicrted Masonic Grand Mnster at London in placo of King Kdwnrd. C. A. Wlllar'd, Minneapolis, and J. C. Coopor, Fcrt Worth, Toxa?, accept phtces on Supremo Court of Luzon. Kliiu Kdwoiil hiHjdclnl tho Stiothronne cavalry and presented the regiment n fill the King's colore, mid govn mcdnls to men. Largo oxport tr.-ulo' to Cuba, Porto Hico, Philippines. South Africa and Auetralia is roHonsible for activity in tho knit goods trade. Governor Nash nf Ohio declares that ho will adviso sheriff of every county and niavor of every city and town that laws of the state forbid priz-i lighting and thoy inut be obeyed. The Royalist Delegate From Hawaii Scores a Vic tory. Wabiiiniiton', Fob. 15 Tho Repub lican steering committee has been in ; session today trying to agree upon an order of Imutness for tho remainder of tho session. Some membors suggested definite withdrawal of the ship subsidy bill, but this was opposed and no de cision to withdraw was readied. Thcru wno re-assurance, hownver, on tho point that tho Bubsidy measuro Bhould not bo used to displace tho appropriation bills. Thoro wni cou slderablo discussion of tho prospect of an extra session and tho opinion was (julto general that tho outlook in that direction ia favorable. Not Down on the Protrsm Montana Miner: "An accident, not down on tho program, occurcd .at the lodgo meeting of tho Maccabees Saturday evening, nnd the details which have leaked out aro too good to remain un published. Among the cnndldnteii to Iki initiated was licit Chambcrliii, who has. Hpent n fow yeara among tho cowboys mid is fond of fun . Some ono w oil up in the myterius of the work had evi dently been coaching tho candidate, for at nn Interesting part of some dgroe, who i) n voice (.nil a out iu tho semi darkno.i8, "Seir.o tho VllllanL" aud tho guides Btcp forward to bind lliOHiipposed victim to n tree, Rort ipiaug back, drew out two rcvolvora, taying "No you don't," nnd begin tiring right and left, riie lodgo room was quickly cleared, nud it Is saldsomo nf tho guide actually dropped out of tho second story window to avoid th'i cunago. When it rldgcH were used, and that tho candi date was only.givlntr on historic exibl tlon of life and customs among tho Montana cowboy?, the joke was on tho othor follows, and they reeolvcd that a smoker was In order." of erwnrds dlrcovered that blank cart- New Orleans Poultry Show Nkw Orleans, Fob. 15 The poultry show which is oponed In this city today by iho Standard Poultry Brooding As sociution of Louisinnn will, from nil in dications, 1m a recoid-bieakor in tho number and quality of entries and in the size of the attendance. Coming, as It does, after all other similar shows throughout ton, country, it has nttractcd prize winners from overy section of tho United Statos. Although the Louisiana Standard Poultry iirenlora' Association is young its show this year has been well advertised and has nwukoncd a groitdeal of interest in Northern, as ivttli s Southern n hi ten. The exhibition was will continue tlvo days. A Demonstration of Value It can 1k( made clear to anyone that our method, of Dental Treatment Ate 'r in advance nf many "Others. ICai'h rase Is i-miHidru'd carefully and ttll work dmio kdifully and according to tho mot improved methods Ourorowii anil luliltfc work la perfec tion in iieulf Ti-th made by us look tmlml III le-fei i , iiihI wcarHplondld y All wort, una niileitl, Drs. Eppley & OHnger Postoflico block. Delegato Wilcox of Hawaii today scored a district triunph in eecuiiugan unanimous vote of tho lloueo committee on Klcctions No. 1, confirming his right to a sent in the llousoand holding that the charges filed against him were not sufficient to warrant his removal. Chairman Taylor was authorised to make a report to that effect. PRIZEFIGHT AUY GO TO COLORADO Dkkvmi, Feb. 15. Olto C. Flotto, Manager Colorado Athletic Association, hopes to secure (lie JefTries-Kuhlln fight for thib city. Uo has telegraphed Brady mi offer to pass a guarantee of $10,000 to bring off the event here in March. PERKINS OPPOSES SHIP SUBSIDY WaeikmotoK, Feb. 15.-Sennto today passed agricultural appropriation bill and then took up the shipping bill. Per kins nddreeseed Senate. Ho favored amendment to bill but had many ohjec tioiiH to tho hill as reported, BOTANICAL 2 WONDERS FAVOR AMERICANS Sentiment in Philippines is Changing, , SURRENDERING ARMS AND AMMUNITION South African Editor Must Have Accidently Told the Truth. ' , i- ,' HI'. WAbiiinqton, Feb. IB. Now of an other Important surrender in tho Philippines Is contained in a diepatch from MacArthnr. At Hagauey 1112 rifles and 1600 ronmlfl ammunition rero Bitlrroi dored. Incldont is mo8t('im portantand indlcatoa a great reaction favorable to American lnorcata rytlio region of Bullc.in, herotoforo ono of .iUio worst In Lu7on. ., , Oavk Towtr, Feb 15.-Mr. Albert Curlwright, editor of the South African Nows, who was arrested Fob 7, charged with seditious nnd defamatory IBiel, in having published in Ida papor a state ment to tho effect that tho British com. mandor In chief had secretly instujitcd his troops to tako no prisoners, and yes terday hold for trial, ball being fixed nt 2,000. S. P. CO. EXTENSIONS . INTO MEXICO 'San Fiunoihco, Feb. 15, Tho JKxnm inercayB: It has leaked out that ono of the objects of tho visit of Prest 0 M HiivB, of tho Southern PacUle, to Now York, is to consult with tho directors regarding proposed uxtensloiiH in Mox 'c Tho company owns tho New Moxico, Arizona nnd Sonora Hillway. It runs from, Benson, a station on tho Sunset loute.conthwoBt via Sonora to GuayinuH, on tho Gulf of California. It is pro poeed to build two extensions on the road. Ono la to be ninety miles long and will tap vaat bed a nf con I in the "Binto of Sonora. The other extension Ih to start from a station called Ortlmwid run toMiiziitlnn, 420 miles to tho pouthwest. (t is ex pected that this road will groatly.develop minitw claims and agricultural districts in many Hccliona of Northwestern Mex ico. t CALIFORNIA FRUIT EXPRESS ABSORBED tnre are about to accopt Olympla's invi tation to visit thoro cutting 8alcm out on account of no invitation. A wire from you may chango voto tomorrow," after conferring with President Fulton of the sonato it "was decided towiro that ow ing to adjournment Jnoxt week tho Ore gon legislature would bo unable to enter tain tho Idaho solons officially, so i o formal invitation will bo extended. MOORE'S PORTRAIT OF GOVERNOR Will be purchased at 600 to add to State House Tho joint committee appointed to arrange for a portrait of Governor Geer submitted a report Friday morning recommending tho purchaso for t'KX) of tho painting by Artist E. V. Mooro of Portland, Tho picturo is uniform in slsonnd stylo with portraits of proceed ing Governors which adorn tho walla of the sonato and houso and the oxcollonce of the work is of high ordor. Thu same artist executed the picturo of Governor Lord now in Iho Ilouro of representatives. BOY ATTENDANT KILLED BY TIGER Indianavoub, Fob. 15. Albert Noil son aged 15, employed as animal keeper at the Zoological garden nas killed by a Bengal tiger today. Uo outored tho tiger's cago nnd was attacked by tho beast. SALEM RECORDERS POLICE COURT James Ward, who was arrested Thurs day for stealing a gold bracelet from n lewd woman, was today bound over to the circuit court In thu Bum of (250. BIG COAL MINES ARE ON FIRE A telegram island, Watches Need Repairing ,'' llfu-f aVreuuhir'as thu fnriuue needs fuel. When you aro ready to havo your wateli Icoked over a'nd repaired by a rkiljed workman at prices lower than ever take it to o. 2nS Commercial Stree1, T. ROIVIBROY Watchmaker and Jeweler The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else Not a week passes bur Dr. J. F.Cook, the -great botanical. specialist and original discov erer of the botanical cure, heals some patients who have suffer ed for years from awful dis-. ease and the more awfuleflVcts of rank medical humbugs. Dr, Cook is willing togive patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have " been healed, Consultation free, ii you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor- Office 301 Liberty Street ', saiem urep-on. San PitANClHro, Feb. 15. Notwith standing tho denial by B T. Karl, of tho statomont that the Armour line has ab sorbed tho 0. F. X., representatives of botlipartles interostod in tho deal admit that it has been made. Tho Armour ngonts horo statu, however, that the consideration is tj 1,750,0)9 instead of tyj.OOO.PO,) an published. STREET CAR TAKES A FATAL PLUNGE Cincinnati, Teh. 15. Street cor cor lIa(ntr IV) p.-vpfumgnrs tmronto from Dayton , Ky. to Cincinnati, Jumped tlm track today and plunged over a 50 foot embankment Into a small strain , Inj'ir iiu nil but oiih o tlio pitceimera. Soy- em! may die. VicTimtA, B. 0., Feb. 15 from Cuberland. Vancouver states that the Union colliery is nn tire. ami sixty minors imprisoned, no uo tails. I'enuut IMauta. "Few persons arc perhaps aware that u thing of beauty Is iv common peanut plant growing singly In a six or eight Inch pot nnd grown indoors during thu colder mouths," says an up to ditto flor ist hi tho Washington Star. "Kept In a warm room or by tho kitchen stove, a pcnuut kernel planted In a pot of loose, mellow loam, kept only moderately moist, will soon germi nate mid grow up Into a beautiful plant. It Is In n similar way that the peanut planter test their seeds overy year, beginning even early In tho win ter, nnd tho facility with which thu aeeilH will grow Iu this way Iiiih bur Ketdcd to many southern flower lovers tho possibility of nmklnir thu useful peanut nn ornamental plant for tho parlor or sitting room window. "An tho plant Increases In size and exIemlH Its brnuchcH over 'tho sides of the pot In n pendent manner, there nro few plnutH of more Intrinsic beauty. The curious habit of tho compound lenvefl of closing together, llko tho h lives of n book, on the approach of night or when n ahower beglnn to fall on them Is one of tho moat Interesting ImbltH of plant life. "Later on -for tho peanut Ih no ephemeral wonder, enduring for a day or two only thu appearance of thu tiny yellow flowcra and putting forth of tho peduncles on which tho nuts grow Im part to thlH floral rarity n striking nnd tinlrjuo chnrm nil ltn own. Thoro Ih nothing else like It, and florists through out the country might well add the pea nut plant to their Hat of novel mid rare thlugH." RUSSIAN .. SUGAR To Be Excluded By Higher Duty. NOW PROHIBITED OUR MARKETS That Country Placed on Same Footing as Others. the LABOR RIOTING Deplorable Case ol Poor Old Spain, GENERAL WEYLER ALMOST DICTAtOR Nkw York-, Fob. 15, Secretory Gage's order imposing countervailing duty of 32 routs nn each pood (30 pounds) of Russian sugar Imported into this coun try is tho subject of considerable com ment among Biigar men. Alfred F. Gray, of WIHoltA Gray said: Some time ago tlio Brcrotnry rent nn export to ir.vustigato tlio sugar growing Industry Iu UusrIii and to find out It Russia 'reallv paid a bounty, either direct or indirect on sugar. It has not aB yot been determined whothor or not Russia payo a direct bounty on the ex portation of refined sugar. It was found, however, that- tho Uustion syBtcm of controlling tho supply, us noil as tho domestic prlco of sugar, operated as a bounty to the mnnufacturerri of that country. Thu action of Secretary Gagu endorses tho voto of tho conference held last year at lirttBSolH, to Iho effort that Russia should -bo placed upon thu aamo on sis with other countries in tho payment f countervailing duties on sugar. Now tho duty has been Imposed upon Itu.ula sugar, thoro will bo no more exports of the product to this country becanto tho i.ew duty of 1)1 cents a hundred pounds will practically exclude Kunla from our tn-irkut. ThlH 'Mil tjiean n cessation of only fllOO.OOO worth nf biislnon.i ti )oar, "Tim Russian product tsls quite ub well us the American augar. It closoly toiiemhU'B tho Louisiana product uiul li is bueu used horo by manufacturers since it answers all thu purposes of high grudo white Hiigar. The Russians iiavouujiiyud a piolltnblo sugar exporting buHJiuw, fir they were able to send their product hire nt half n cent n pound less than till cost of production here." Prest Post, of the National Sugar Re fining Company, puM that tho Rursinti a woro placed on the mimo basis with ill AuitnlluiH, French and Germans, and therefore, had nn right to complain against tho Imposition of the oxtraduly. Continuing, ho said: "Itiicaiu will not report to retaliatory dvonips, Slio can buy lo tho beet, advantago In our markets and prices urn generally thu determining factor In tho biHliuu rela tions of peoples." Suffering From a Serious Complication of Di- ' e'ase$ Nkw YmiK,Fuh. 151t is learned nt Washington that Qcu. Vylof, hae not only proclaimed mart'nl law in Madrid, but linn pushed his troops in such n man ner ntf to command overy part of tho city. Tho downfall of the ministry la said to bo certain, aud that of the government liossiblo. The reufcon given by Wuytcr for his actionals tho Inability nf lhor.lt II government of tho provlnro nf Madrid to maintain ordor, ' ' Novcriholeai thoro is a supplcUin that this proceeding may be a coup d'ot.itof. Woyore. That ofllcor has for the Mst two years been noting exactly Ilka a general who Was preparing for thu role Ot tho "man on horseback." Uo has been making speeches and giving out statements, tho effect of which to show that ho was tho only man who Could bring Spain through dor trouble. Ho is, however, thui captain general, and as such ho Is thopornon to' enforce martial law Iu Madrid whon It is de clared. ThoJ disturbances whloli Gon. Woyler is now trying to quell, aro not, It Ib said, by porsons familiar with tlio situation, of ojllier Carllst or Rcpttbl ran origin, although both parties aro no doubt active in trying to take advant age of Iho trouble. ces and In Iho closing year.of, til rchjH thoro wefo labor " Hofe, of mcli serious noss that It WaroiKirlod that tho rioters had poisoned tho wells In many placci, Tho Queen rcgont haa'aftthyH been uipopulnr and daring (he Spanish American war she received the slpnifl. cattl ' nickname of "The Austrian woman"i thu omo epithet; thlchvias alpplled to Mario Antoinette Only a short time ago an attempt va made to nssasiinato her. Had as w'as Spain's condition In tlm lifetime ofAJtonsoXII nnd later the improvement reuniting trom tho war with Atntiriea has made it Immeasurably Worde.atid hai driven tlio laboring oUshcs to dMperntion, Bad Coughs There arc hundreds of cough msdicines which relieve coughs, all coughs, except bad 'ones! The medicine which has been curing the worst of bad coughs for sixty years is fl v Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Now you can get a trial bottle of Cherry Pectoral, for 25 cents. Ask your druggist. . Three ilics : 25c, 50c, 1.00, It your rtruj glut cannot supply you. mn uh I1.0O and we will cxprcM n laritrbottt Rnd e to yuu, all rliarum prepttlJ. Be ure and clve tm your nearest cxprti office. J. C.Aver Co, Lowell, MM. Rep, Colvlg Is mlstakon when.hu hujs in an interview eleswhere that tho nifsont 8. 1'. Co. miinnirement In Orcuoti (b'llovosln putting Iho ctiws on tho It la doolaroil that tlio uprising is in people, and oppressing them, rortomo reality nn outbreak of tho discontented. ,y oars Mr. Marklum has donu just tho nppoiiio, nnu nas noun everyinmg m ins powor to make rates that would develop butlnosa in nil parts of tho state, and ho Thoso taking part In It comprise all classes ot malcontents, and its causes nro llku thoso which brought about. t)to French revolution, t "Spain is suffering from it complica tion ofillteasos.", J.'pvorty has been In creasing, tlio burden of taxation has been growing heavier; nnd tho laboring classes are rlpo' , for revolution, At tlio muno time tho ruling dyntsty lounpopu. lar. All tho complications and a nninlH r of others havo brought nboitt n'wider spread feollng of uiircat.and great events aro looked forj"Jn Piln )nia the Incipient revolution Is quelled. Spain has been tending toward a re- boll I ui for some tine, Kvnu in tho lifetime nt King Alfonso XII, there were continental dlnturban- ban convinced shippers ot thi tn such an extent that thoro is praotlclly no demand for railroad legislation. ...FRESH... Chocolate Creams AT ELLIS 154 State Street, & ZINN'S Silcm 'Phone 3874 HfnMKHHHIIBsllinslllalHHIiRIMslHWHHIIHHMPHW Tlio Dream of the Kry, .Some small article had been lost I forgot now what, let us sny 11 key-be-longing to one of two sinters who wero Unvoting together. It could nowhoro he found. Hut one night one of tho sis .'.M.. ,1.... A. I ...... ..1 .1... I 1.. I lUIFt UlUUIIIL'll llllll. BIIU NHV IIIU KIIJ 111 1 the iol(et of her traveling hag. She J told this dream 011 waking to the other. WOOD DEAL WAS A I L RIGHT! "And have you looked Iu the pocket?" 1 !" Hltur jisked. "No, I havo not." salt! she, "for tho very ginid reason that The controversy liotweon Chris Peter son nnd Jamrn Roberts, over ownership of a lrg, was settled before.ludue 0'Iou. aid iCMlny, Roberts being completely ex onernted and the chargo was il.wniiHted. I 'Men's Clothing and Hats at Clearance Sale Prices STOCK MUST BE REDUCED BEFORE ARRIVAL OP SPRING GOODS.... $6.00 Suits .....$3.95 $8.00 .Suits... $5.95 $10.00 suits 'i7:2 5 $3.00 Hats.,. ,..... '.....$.90 $2.00 Hats. .$1.10 Black Cat Hose .. .-.- 17c Outing Flannel ryh 5c tY AH Broken Lines to, Close J at Great Reductions jjj'jl 50c and 75c Neckwear 40c Dalrymple's Branch Store 297 Commercial Slreel. Opposite PostofHce. One lliiniredlh Ptrformaacc. Nnw York, Feb, IB. The one bun Iredth rerformanco of Mary Manner. lug's "Janice Meredith" lakes jilaeeat H'nllack's to niuht.. Souvenirs will Iks ilistrlhnied. February 2:1 ii ml for Iho closing night hero. IDAHO SOLONSIUVE ABANDONED SALEftl TRIP The proposed visit of Hih Mah' legis lature to alum ban Iwn ulMndoned. Speaker 'Rreder rew-iveil a t'vram Thlirfilny which taid Mu' o h-gltla- there Is no pocket In my traveling hug." "Well," said tho other, "thoro In a pocket In mine. 1 will Just hnve u look thero on the phnnco.'! And there the key wiih found. The Inference Is that the dreamer had soon with tho oyo of setise, though not with tho eye of obKorvntlou, the koy put Into the pocket. Hveu when tho koy was bo found she hud no recollec tion of ficelng It placed there, hut the brain had unconsciously recorded the sunmitlou. In course of sleep It had Htumblod on that record, ami by good luek tho sleeper on awaking chnuced to reiuembcr the mental operation that had tnkou place during sleep. It In a singular mid almost alarming rcliectlon that our brains are stored with count low Hiieh record h of which we know nothing, nor over shall know unlets the iiNsooJatloii of Idous or houio pt-fiillur mental state brlugs tlioiu to our notice. -erfimmnu'K. 5 JIm. jtl&ymKS(mA- ii . . .. THE WHITE CORNER Write your letters, Meet your friends, Spend the afternoons at The Big Store Ren. ember wn have niovid' one block oaM of our old More. U'e occupy two Owns nnd the Imu ment of tho now MeCornsok bnlldlmr, formerly known ns the old Opera I loom building. Hero wo have one ol the mop modern and up-lfvdato stoins In ull Ure- gO'l. TTiide Mark Rtflitered. R m Business Eyes peftqtlvo Uion product! irritation and uorv rniHiiecH, and In this condition no perwjn is cap h't of ulvine to buelnew matters or ordinary i.ff ilr of life tho attention neceerary to success. Nothing Is more important for the present pies nrralion of good health and clear business judgment than zealous care of the eyes. Perfect rilling glasses wijl overcome nature's defeats, and the p'ace to get such glasses It of HERMAN W. BARR ' Scientific Optician. 1 18 State Street. An Electric Elevator For lheiHiuvenlticecfPUtQiier, This elevator l of tho. now jm proved typo, Ouaiaiittf-fl for safety i hnpofcsJblw ty drop. 4fr m m m M m m -N Ladies Dress Skirts.... M m $0 CI 'T 7 vP La (BsWf SEE DISPLAY IN. WEST COURT STREET WINDOW M wd Full length sevan goro (Uro dress skirts In light grey, blue gray, und Oxford grey homespuns. ::':::: Shoit walking and cycling skirts, tailor stltphnd, new spring ly)es. oxlrn weight cloth. :;:::::: wd This Is the Greatest Opening offer of the Season. "It aconis lllu) a clearance sale Of a removal sale ovey day at this store," tho prices are ro reasonable, -m m n Ln . , -" "' ill I ll i nmmmmmmmm 7c Outings Boys' Clothing Ml n M Jos Meyers Sons THE WHITE CORNER Trade Mik fit jlitr rest CORKER COURT AttD LIBERTY STS. MAIABHalHHllfllllll lingular 10a values: 6000 yards (if mm uiinn hi rriuiuni pnues. 5c Oufinffs f jr SiW tho new Spring styles In Conrt street window. The new Ttussian u onsostiects ri; Pma 'dOTWING! w j '& iPW ttr ' r w II M 9 it M m m m m M m M m m N m m m m M M. m IHHMMHNKHIHNBKIIitlfllfJltt! o J