vv3 WT?P1Hrr,vfc'v "i!rwT TWPW""' mnppT - r-njv f ' KT-'i pif An Excollunt Combinntiun. U'lio ple-unnt method nnd boncllcial effects of tho well known remedy, lYiun' dp Vitia, manufactured by tho Oampminia. Fkj Bvnui' Co., Illustrate the vnhiot'f obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting thomin tho form most refreshing' to tho tuato and acceptable to tho svntom. It iatnoono perfect strengthening Inxn-tlvi-, cleansing the system effectually, dispulllng coliln, headaches and fovors rontly yet promptly and enabling one ovrr 'Oinc habitual couHtlpatlon per manently. IU perfect freedom from everv objectionable quality and feiib stn.ice, and its acting on the Uidnoyb, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, mako it the ideal laxative. , , , In tho process of manufacturing flgs are mod. us thoy aro pleasant to the last', but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy aro obtained from Bcnna and otlu-r 'aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Cai.ifounia Via Svnui Co. only. In order to got its beneficial effoots and to avoid imltatiotiH, please roniombcrthoiullnnmo of tho Company rlnted on tho front of every package, CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO. DAN 1-IIANCIBCO, OAL. L0UI8VH.I.1!, KY. NEW YORK, N. Y. Forrialoliyall DrugBlsU. PricoWo. pcrbottla O. C T. Co!s PAtfSKNUKll STKAhRCIl POMONA ALCONA. IjKAVIM I'Oll I'OltriiAD OMf otount-lua.triv at ft n. m. . qniCK TIMK AND OUKAl HATES. Dofllc bnwiMO Sjtitn nail Ooart Ht. M. 1. BALDWIN. Agent" MHWSIHHWIIlVl- OCIAL NEWS AND VIEWS Tli J wclvtv C'dlli) in ty ito reached through telcph in.) MkIii 0 II fr ui 9:J0 a m. to 5 p in. iJiuly. Niiwa of mc.i1 nature, pumniiHl a vr nhoiit 8n otn jwiiIo or vLliorn, and Itjuinof social Intern t (lollrttoil LOCAL EVENTS MON'DAY, Fob 11. Jestdo Shirley Co. at Grand for one wook. WEDNESDAY. Feb. 13. Stato Em ciuiijiiiioiit Modern Wooduion, A Pleasant Party. Judge and Mrs. F. A. Mooro enter tained in a delightful manner Thursday evening at thulr homo on Court Btreet. Vory ehoico vocal solos by Mrs. Van Dusen of Astoria and Miss I mo Harding of Oregondty added to tho pleaauroa of tho evening. Dainty refroahmonta of oyjler pittioa, lco-croam, cako and cof foo wore pnrved and with some elegant gowns tho uff.iir was a complete success. Tho following wore tho guests: Mr and Mra Werner Hroyhun.Mr and Mra Eugene Uroymiin, Mr and Mra Will Drown, Mr and Mra G G Dingliam, Mr uivl Mra Lot Poarco, Mr and Mra J I) Sutherland, Mr and Mra A NMoorea, Mr uiHlMirtl'orryUayinonil.Mrauil Mra G II B riiolt.MuMtflHIGuiin.Mr aud.MrBCI' Bishop, Mr and Mra II U t'hiolaon, A N Gilb-rt, Mr and .Mra A T Gllbort, E M Laforo, Mr and Mra Z FMoody.Mr and Mra J L Gurter)Mr mid Mra SV II Leoda, Mra J L Curter,Mi'uud Mra w u l.eotia, Mr and M It S Bomi, Mr and Mra 0 E wolvorton, Tirana ,urs .i .i .uurimy, iv 1 Roiso. Mc nnd Mrs J A Riuhuidsnn, lr nnJ Mra W 11 ilrd, Mr and Mrs It Cartwrlghl, Mr And Mra A II Moore, Mr an I M j W N D.ilinai. Mr and Mra llj'.d.Mr un-l .Mm Allen, Mra Van Dusen, M and Mim Harding, Mrs Hudolp'i I'fim , Mra E M Wane. Mr. M Ci.ipniri, Mra White, Mra Gorgo lrwiu, Mid l'.irksiiirt, unJ Mr it U Flemnin '. I'orv'ittrs Celebrate. Thli Hvt iintlal and fmlornal order had i.a regular mmitlily bmuiuut and membjrahip contoat Filday nigl, with nearly tvo huudred dovotof the Forest present. Afiur Iho lodge eoromonioj there wild u smoker. 'I tie Evans or. ohoatra, that hai added a oornetifct Lieut. Oplingt-r, discoursed grout inusic. A quintet composed of Goo. Itofe, Chaa. Bouson, Geo. Staliloy, Harry Prior, Geo. Irwin and B. J.- slurpa a.uii: some popul.ir Bongi, after which there- was a banquet served by Eugene Eckurltu, and aLmoro orow of geullomeu of the cook mens. Thero waa nearly every thiug eatable, hot, cold and apicy. Tho Week Commencing Mon., Feb. 1U901 thlnf too Good for the People! All the Weekl Every Mrhtl r n k' K, In a Brand Hew Repertoire or Plays. Uniformed Band and Orchestra. ilonday.... TiUfwlay... Wedkojilay . ."A Woman'fl Power" ..The War of Wealth" ...'The Country Girl" . . "Trilby" or Moths" 't'llflrWay Ertday "The Ugly Duckling" Saturday "A Sheaf of Arrow brMlay... Satiirflay. 8at." Matinee "Little Lord Fauntleroy" ltxtra Sptwialtieti by little Verna Felton. Pricua 26, S5, and 50 cnti. m mm UrUrJK'lU toasts Were omitted as satm-thing too dry for the occasion. Thoro is iiitujjlllor crowd of young men in Oregon thtin Hiobo Forestera. Good Fellowship acema to bo their creed and tho tnombor who fails to live up to it is expelled. The lodge ia building up to entortaltr tho Stato Encampment that assembles at Salttn in Juno ond now lodges aro soon to bo instituted at Woudburn mid 311 veriuti. Oratorical Contest The oratorical contest, held In tho Willamette UniveiUty last night was in chnnm ofG. W. ABuenbreuucr and conducted in a creditable manner. Tho opening number was ajplano solo by Prof. Iliff Garrison, followed by n rending by Miss Laura Thomas, A Sis terly Scheme, Prof, Drew next gavo Iho solo entitled tho "Erl King." which proved a favorito. Tho principal oiatiou of tho evening was dolivorod by Hoy-, monil-Kcrron "Tho Crises in American History "Tho oration was well dolivorid and heard with interest. Mcseers, Gcor and Avoril gavo an amusing eceno from Pickwick Papers, in which they displayed elocutionary talent, and this with a piano boIo by Miss Tillson and two aouga by tho Ladles' Chorus completed the program. Tho audience was good and each number proved of intercut to all. Tho Intercollegiate contest takes plnco at Corvnllie next Friday. Afternoon Reception. Mrs. E. C. Cross gavo tho second of j sories of afternoon parties Thursday from 2 until 6 with brilliant music by tho Missoa Maudo llirsch and Helen Culbrcatb and very ilno refreshments, wero served. Tho affair was another in tho annals of successes for which tho Capital ladies uro especially noted. Tho guests wore MrH. IlarriBon Allen, Astoria; Mrs. TL I'. Jtaito, Sr., Mrs. 0. A. Wolvorton," Mrs. Edward Hlrecli Mrs. E. llofer, Mrs. W. T. Grey, Mrs. G. II. Gny, MrB. 0 A. Groy, Mra. 0. I. Gabriolson, Mra. W. T. Williamson, Mis. 0 P. Hwliup, Mrs. 0. Eakin, Mrs. W.. II. Odod, Mrs. J. Krauseo, Mrs. J. II. McNor), Mrs. T. D. Kay, Mrs. It. D. Praol, Port land Mrs. Amos .Strong, Mrs. Win. Westacott, Mrs. It. L, Farmer Mra. A. Dood, Mrs. W. T. Perkins, Mrs. T. Smith, Mra, T llolvorson, Mrn. P. II. Sroat, thoMisses Louand.Maudo llirsch, Jesslo liruyman, Edna 1'rico, Mao Rolsn, Ernestine and llortenso Levy, Murgurte. Kinsey. An Enjoyable Event.) Mr. nnd Mrs. Werner Rroyman en tortained on Wednesday evening in honor of their guests, Mra. J. II. Hard ing and daughter, Miss lino, of Oregon City, nnd Mrs. White. Cholco singing by Miss Harding and Mr. Biokford and a lecitatlon by Mias Greta Looney woro much enjoyed by tho following guests nniMttit: Governor and Mra. T. T. Geer, Mr. and Mra. It. S. Bean, Mr. and Mra. J. Trullingur of Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherland. Mr. and Mra. G. II. Bumott, Mr. nnd Mra. J. W. liiok ford, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Laforo, Mr. and Mrs. J. Krauaso, Mr. and Mra. N. II. Looney, Mr. and Mra. Win. Brown, Misa Muudo McKay. Mias Margarot Cospor, Mias Grota Looney, Mra. J. II. Harding, Miss Harding and Clifford Brown. The Salem Military Band Is making good progress under the 1-iudorship of their now iii'-trnef r, anao complUhod cometiat, having played in tlio bund time accompanied Admiral Dewey on bis flagship to Manila bay. TJl(J boyfl oxptt0t t0 Ud jt, a condition to K,vo Htn,ot C01)Ccrt8 n xl0 nwxr future. For Your Sunday Dinner Go whoro nl the buet penplo iro, where tho b et is porved when and bb y hi want it. and whoro a full course dinner in sorvi'tl daily from C to 8 p. in. Stuo.sq Hbstauuaxt. CASTORS A For Infants anil Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears tho Slgaatnro of 's-4U SUNDAY SERVICES. CIIIIISTIAN bCIBNCK. Swond Churcli of Clirist". Foiantiat 200 Liberty street. Services at lU:H0a. m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday; nnd every Wednesday evouitiu at 7:30 o'alock. biibj-ctof lecHon terimui: "Soul." KVA.V.JfMCAL CHUnCH. Seventh and Chonifkota street, N Sliupp, pastor. Preaohtng sr vices at ll a in and 7:30 p. m. -unday j-cho-il at 10 a in. Y, P A at 7 p m. Thd ro vival meeling'lnro being oontinuHl, He vival services both morning and eve nl rig. rillST CURISTtAN. P. 0. Powell, W. A. pastor. Proseh ing services at 10:30 a. in , ami 7UJ0 p m. Morning subj-ct, "The Olirihlian'n Hope." evening subject, "Hie Tempta tion of Christ." Bible foIioo! at 12 m Junior Endeavor at 3:30 p.m. . P S. 0, E., OrfJO p. m., subject, "If Chriit Should Come Tomorrow," led by the pastor. FIB8T PJUSBVTEUJAN CIIUKCII. II, A, Kelolium pastor, Preaohlng pervice at 10:k0am. and 7:30 p. n. Text bf morning sermon Numbem 110:20 sub eat A emulous invitation. Evening, Exolus 3:3,10 and 4:12 Sub ject The ideal Christen Endeavorer. ."tipplcmeiital to the service of last Sab bath night. Mra. Fletcher Linn, of Portland, will sing at tne morning ser vice. w o. t o. The good Templars will give an enter tainment on Fridav the 1Mb of Feb, foi tin b m.flt of the IUv. T. F. Itoyal awl Admission will be 15ets , but any per eon can pay as much as they dertre. It ia Jionwl the Uouw will b full, About ,.,...,.iliaim Mr. It v a I fell awl broke her thigh ad is still eoufliwd to her bed ia the hospital. OASTOIR.IA. a..M v. yfUtM1uiM ttNH if w S& . yAS9-- 0 yjs fj WJ J ft- uz&rm&A "He That Any Good ' Would mti" Sfioutd have good hcMth. 'Pare, rfcfi btdod is Ute first reqtWie. Hood's Sarsd parilta, by gMng good Mood And good health, has fiefpcfmatiyAtHAntosvec&St besides giving slrcngtft And courage to toomen mho, before taking it, could" ml even see any good n life to tuliu JWOdS SaMa. OT7SY PROCEEDINGS OF GENEKAL ASSEAUSLY Routine Acts ol Both Houses Now in Session. House-Friday. Iloueo called to urdor at 2:30. Upon motion by Slory tho voto by which II. B. No. 200, authorizing the appointment of two commissioners to relieve supremo court judge, was rocou sidored. Amendment offered that tho appointees boof different political faith, failed to pass. Vote, ayos, 30; nays, 20 ; absent four; lacking ono of a mnjority. Smith, of Marion, moved recons'ulurn tlon of th voto dofsrfting II. B. No. 81, to estnhllsh Oregon Industrial College. Failed to carry. 11. B. No. 13, by Colvlg, to oxtond terms of county upcosorp. Defeated. Senate Friday Afternoon. S. B. No. 83, by Hunt to prevent unlawful interference with wires or gas plpos. Passed ; ayos, 25. 8. B. No. 110, by Mays, by request of Oregon Bar association to authorize two supreme court commissioners. Laid on tablo. 8. B. No. 121, by Mulkey to pro vide uniform acsopsment roll. PaBsid. House-Friday Nl:ht. Poorman's military bill was adopted by the committee of tho whole will, an ametidmont reducing tho salary of tho adjiitant-gonerul from $2100. as pro posed by the bill, to $1800, tho amend ment boing submitted by Colvlg. Tho voto on tho bill was deferred until Sat urday morning. Ba-rott introduced a resolution ex tending tho congratulations of tho Or ogou legislature to Queen Wilhelmlna and Frlnco-Honrioh, ol tho Netherlands, which was unanimously passed. Iltnttfim of MlniMiitctiintlan. . Married lady, "hospital trained." ad vertises that she will receive Into her house any "Indy requiring care and comfort, Including epilepsy, hysteria or slight montnl case." The advantage! of being "hospital trained I" The South Bucks Standard has n sim ilar mistake In a delightful paragraph describing some photographs taken by a local artist at n fashionable shooting party. "Excellent portrnltH have boon secured," runs the paragraph, "of tho Duke of , Earl , the Hon. , the Countess , who hns the llttlo Lord on hor knee, and, Indeed, ull the members of the party." In Texas a mnn once Advertised for "a boss hand oved C.000 Bheep that can' speiilc Spanish fluently." Then thoro was the horse dealer who boldly ndvor tlned. "A pplendld gray horse, calcu lated for a charger, or would carry n lady with a awltcli tall. A member of n well known club was Htandlng on tho steps of his clubhouse when a stranger approached and nsked. "Does n mnn belong to your club with one oyo nam ed Walker?" "I don't know." wna tho answer. "Whnt'8 the nnme of his oth er oyo?" An advertisement contains tho request for "a coachman to look nfter a pair of horses of u religions turn of mind." One Is reminded of tho countryman who went round to borrow a "recumbent posture" In which to tnke his inodlcluu. Loudon Globe. Iiiitunt (truth. "Tho Inntant of death." tnys Tho In dian Lancet, Is a vogue Mid Indefinite expression when viewed from the point of physiology. An animal or plant cannot be considered dead until It hns reached that period In disintegration where It Is Inipuwdble to revive life. Some physiologists still further restrict the definition to That poltit In decay where every cell hi the body of nu nnl mnl or plant has censed to contain or consist of living protoplasm In other words, each cell must liavo lost be yond recall Its life powers. Probably one of tho most striking ox maples of Instantaneous death wuh that of the person who accidentally fell Into n largo vat of boiling caustic pot ash, which nt oneo cotiHiimed the entire body, leaving only the metallic plates from the heels of his shoos' nnd a few buttons from tlw clothing ns remains. Death from elwtrle shocks also bonier on tho Inalauiaiieou proees. It has been found thut llviug cells.iaken from the hotly cnu Im pmwrved In n normal state for n Ions time HNd IImmi tMvlife proeowes rerlveil ir tlwy prwiwily treated. Onl- n Womnn. The good wait, wi iliiajr Hundred tone, kwked llm ll ut the portal of the culinary dfpuriiurni a fid an tl: door swim Ui-nvllf bark upon li tilnftt doAVd bis uttered lull and pit "ousty wlilctM-rttl: "Kiwi lndrM- "I'ni noi klnti." L Iwmnplwl "Kxriiw . Ujdy - Ion"i Udy mi-!" lier ittlfk ! POIIM'. "Yw don't mroa it My yer only a ivoinoo y ii- Vw MOirtHily. "Thai" uiiul I niii!" sin- hImiuiihL Ami us iUh Iwary halts aliui tNirk ulo ihtlr plaiva i!m kilrlil K'k iiliet rrrf In im ctotlM'sllnr atkMit bl nnlot mihI wiule "Oh. wy. why didn't I take noihN of thit ll-jr-k tut d stosp wUx I p.k'- l-l.,' l'ffty. Sbr Hml i-eon 1 1 llftfur. his H'ltefn iy. h P"b i' tju. worn to rfi.froui kto tintiM thnf to f:t ftwu ooai-u-ndvit tM.ti in iuH:iirtin Ue fll twa'lly t ih an'. 1. 1 ami lil to bis ft by a sin 'n't.- nirl. who foriMT r tVrvl t ' hum. Oa his npisiiis ii doniits to br aWUty io do u itir Hrl rrfriirtt: Ob. yc I'm ' " M f" the uwe wverv tlay.-'-lVarwn's, bahlua wSSil(IS lie l'nlit the frclfflit. "Bom." said an old negro, looking lu through the postoillce stump VfTiUow, "how much does bit tojt ter bouJ fos, let tersT" "Wight cents," enld the gontlcman within. "Ilttshl" "Faetl" The old man studied nwllllo, got out his leather book, vintage dT JS-mand worried eight coppiirs out of tiff, lining. Lnylng these on the counter, he drew a long hronth and saldi "Well, you e'n let 'em go 'long!" "But where are the letters?" "Whar Is dey? Why. 1 doncdrapt 'em In de hole roun' yonderl"' - The letters were fished out.-stnmpftd nml allowed to "go 'long." Macon Tub egraph. FOR A COLD IN TUB HEAD Laxative Bromo-Quliilno Tablets Cnllrr My. wlitit a big girl you ore getting to be You'll soon he nble to hrlp your mother nbout the house. Ilthel-Oh. I do that already. When ever she says "For goodness' .sake, get out of my way I" I do It Philadelphia Pi ess. ' i The lloinllest Man In Salem As well us tho huudhoiuutjt, and othors ire Invited lo cull on any drtiggibt md got free n trial bntMo of ICouip's Bul?ain for tin- Thnmt and Lungs, a remedy thut Is guaranteed lo euro and balleve all Chronic and Acute (Jouglis, Asthma, BrouuliltU nnd Consutup Hon. Prlre 2ftc. tiwtl BOc. ctid&w The eastern edgo of the North Amer lean continent Is overflowed by the sea, and that Is why the water near the coast Is ho shallow. To Hud the true edge of the great contlnontntolnnd mass one would have to travel about SO miles due eastward from New York. The Latest Yarn. A Pittsburg drummer tolls this- now varn: I always carry a doiiio oi Kemp's Balsam In my grip. I take cold easily and a fow doses of tho Balsam al ways makes mo a well man. Every where 1 go I siienk a good word for Ivemp. I tako hold of my customers I toko old mon and young men, and tell hem eiiiilLluutiiillv what L do wilOll tike cold. Atdruugisls, 2oC uudCOc. -I Wonl or mil t Inn. "Never propone io t girl by lotter." "Why not?" "1 did It once, ami she stuck tho let ter In a book she wns rending nnd lent It to any other glil."-Chlciigo Itccord. Catarrh Cannot Uc Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS ns they eniinot i each tho sent of tho dlion-e. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional ihcessp, and in order to cure It you must take internal reniei'les. hsiih utarrii Cnro is taken internally, andnet Hlirect- lv on tho blood nnd mucous suriacos. II.iII'd nulnrrli fllirn .stint. 11 Olinck medicine. It was prescribed by one of the h.'Ft nhvsicians in tills 0"iintry for years, and Is a regulnr proscription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tho host blood purillors, acting directly on the mucous surfaces Tho perfect combination of the two in und hints is what produced such wonder ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial free. .. .F. J. CHUNKY & CO. Props. " Toledo, O. Sold bv'driignlptB, price 76e. HuUVFuinily Pills uro tho best. Ladles, Three Dozen Pree. Dr. Charcot's Anil Germ Pimlilles. Positively infallible in troubles peouliar lo tho sex Monthly remedv. Never difHHH)int. Hurmliss. Himplo. Om vi'iiieiit. Particulars with free box. Dr, lulia I'mniiil, Wood Bldg., N.iskiiu Kt., New York Ctiy. llfitf OPOLAR PUBLICATIONS-POPBLAR PRICES THE KHW YORK WEEKLY TRIDUHE 1 n for n"ariy lxiy )mrb n ii. inlirl nt th i'tupk'a Isa iiuii.il ruimir Nprr, fur frmi ami vl mr. IU .lr.Jl I Aricultu. Lh-pri-mrnt, ill reliabl "innrku r Km, rconiMil uutiiiriiy Ihiduvhout lh country, III fa hi on nutM, in Hcifncn and llocl,nlc lparimnt, 1 1 a fMcinailnc ahart itorl, etc., el''., rndci ( Ind ipviwatU In vry family, HuKulnr niiIi Norlptlon inluc, 91.00 Iiur iir In fionnaetlon urllh Tf. Trlhuna wb afTr to Uluttratcd wltllM and ogrliuliurul juurnali, Nnrlh Amnrlenn Itei lnr, Ncv- Yorlc llarnci-'n Jlnuiixluu. Aav York CIO" lliiriii-rV Iliinr, Svw Yurk Cliy. rii-rn Wi-OKI)', JVimi Yuru l-ll'. ......... . .1,11(1 L.-iuiirj- .XmkhmIiio. li'tMt York t'lly ,,oo Ml. MolioliiN lluunxliii-, New YnrU City....... a, no JleC'lnrv'N .IniriiKliie. Xev York l'll 1,00 PriinU I.pmIIo MiiiihIiI), ,imv ork Oily 1.IMI AI ii n '. JiiiKiixliie, .Neiv urk I ll l.otl Siirt't'NM, it' nrk I'll; l.otl l.i'iluor linn l hl'. Nmv VorU City 1,00 I'Ht-k, . lurk CI -,.,,., n,M .liiilifr. N; orU t'lly n.lMt l.onlTe'fl tti-cKI), civ nrU ( lly. .,oo ll-tli-t ut HetliMtM. X.mv 1 iirk t'lly. ...... . u,5( Srrll.ii'-i-w UiiKiitlii'i, Nlmv ork Illy....... :i.(K) Ainrrli-iiH Hi-li'iilliii-lxt, !mv York City,,, ,. ,ii) Hui'iil Ni I iirlit-r, ,'v York I'll) ......... . I.OO riiaiiiiHiiliiM : ii urn 1 1 in, irtliiKio". N. V.... j.ihi I.wmiiIiv .i-iillrii,nii. AlliHiit. A. Y U.llll l'nriii .li'iii-iinl. IMiUnilvl.-.lil'ti l'onii .10 1 l)l.lll imi'n IhkhzI IP, tllHll-lllllll, 1'ciiii.. .1,00 llllllll'M 4. iiiiijiiiiiIiiii, lliiklun, .Miinm. ........ . I,7f7 I'M nu nml Itmiu-, Mi iliiKflrlil. Sla. ......... ,.',() tr Ii ii niii ml ll.iiiii' jimiiI, SiirliiKlli-lil. Miirni., t,IM fSooil IIiiim-U( ilo hiirliillflil, SIiixn I.OO I'll rin, l-'it-la nml fi'i k-hIJ. i'IiIcuko, 111 l.oo OnuiBf Jiuli rnriii rr, TIiIchkv. J l.oo l3Mllumls, linllHiiiiitllH, 1ml, ...... . ....... . .SO Ohio I'uriH-r. t'l vfhinil, Oliln. ............ . ,(H MIkIiIkmh Tjirun-i-, Dciroll. Illnli ., .(IT, Kiirui and Ktr-lilr Sirliilli-lil, Ohio ,, ,r.() Kuril, !firVM. kyrliiyllflil, Ohio. ............ , .no llnniK umiI p-ai'iii, I, iilovlllf, Ky.... no Tlio l''Hrxii-r. HI. 1'iiul, Minn,,,, '.nil Tellium. Mihhhmi., IIMll . . , . . . t rij ' f i - Mi'i urijrr Trtiutr vil.Mi n i.. ibtrlU Ur Rr than oat af the abv soMlcallony In , .n. tlon wllti fflc T4nuui um inli t wiWtbr' racuiar priae. AddrtM TUB 'llirilU.VK, Hv-tiirk Clly. - Galvanized Iron Work - We make a specialty of cornices and all kinds of work in galvanized irdn. 2 X A A.' Weil ;i material always the best, and the prices are alwaythvi lowest. A AAA BURROUGHS & FRAZtBR PMONK I ft I THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM OREGON A Rnt-etaw piivaUi 'nxpiUi f " tii Iroitunent of clirontc and tutu'cal mmi llHilt Um p"t ymtr dnM:nilly for tba puriioxo for-wbicb it in U4M1. ObftVnntiy locatl witliui fir blocks ol the biirlnuM jmrt ol Uw iv Th wi'xt wlrn iiirHiiliiiiKJ and Irttoat apiiliunr -h UiHHttfluMii th iMildiaK. IImIwI by hot watwr and lilito.I by (jau mid alrririHtr JIra "mi na unu livtvo tliw oomforl of nil idout lrt honi, combiiwl wuli mII th adiraiiUtM IU Konnml JioupliHl wilbont tttw iioIh, cinfiirti.ii dl MiblWty mUtmUn one. OuUldo 4kya4cua bnoiu 04i in iruti with the Ktit eourUMY, and Satri tu ofMrMtiuaa d riji ul. For Urun uud fortbor luforuia Uoa f'i'.) i' uw 11 i R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. Y1SIT0B3 WELCOMED BETVYSEN 2 AHO 4 P. M. tSceclal Salt. Wet weather good.. All of oar Mack- Int'ishoa pohl at CO per cunt reduction. All lit mil- tl IIO ITmlirullaa 7f, ,il. I All of our 76ot Umbrella now 5' itt. HALKM WOOLEN MILL STORK. 12 20 tf I'rofOfslnnal and biislness mon will bo interested in learning that a high grade L visible tj mwriter Is now on tho market tho "Pittsburg Visible," prleo $75 00. Adiliess Bindly Hardware Co., Pitts buig, Pa. , 1 10 lin Cmm the p to Km J "on Hare Always Bouh! Our Ambition, Koine people am ambitions to bo sona tor, but wo am ambitious to sell vou ul tlio llrit chiKH provisions nnd groceries you need for your family. You will find our stock complete and prices eatls factory, Bratiian & Hngan. TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, Feb. 0. Wheat valli-v nominal Walla Walla, 55 5(1 Flour Portland, beat grades JB.U0 t;5 .40. Graham 2 ((0. Oats Choice Whito 41-I2c, groy 10 -lin per buslM. MiPstuff Ilrnn, $15 50; shorts, f 13.00 Hay Timothy $1212i per ton. Onions $2 o 2.25 Potatoes 50 to oOc por sack. UmIi.. II. ...i .!,.!... nr.oin, ...... creamery, 5 Oto 55c. Store 25.. 12)6 per ron. F.L'cr-Orei'on. rnnch24 (Q 25c. nor doz Poultry Chickens, fli.CO to3.5t); hens ?a.70 to 4.UI); turkeys, live 11 to ll'o. Mutton Dressed, flw to 7e per nound. Hogs Heavy dreseed 0 to 7c. por pound. Hoof Topatcere,$1.504,76;cowB,t Mi nretmi oeot, 0 to 7c. Veal Dressed, 8 (38 c. for small. Hops 07c. for 1891) crop, 12,l to Mifec lor now crop. Wool Valloy, 10O12c ; Eastern Oro gon, IJ12c;Mohaiis25, Hiiles Grcon. paltod 00 lbs, 7 Pc; under GO lbs, 74$8)4 ; sheep pults, 15 20c SALCM MAUKKT. Wheat 58 pounds and over, 50. Wool, 13 to 10c, Mohair, 25c. Hops 11 to 15c OiitB H8c. to tOo Hnv lled. elii.rtt.$7j timothy, $10 Egga-20c Q22c, Flour In wI.oIohiUo lots, 13.00; retail i 0e Hiick. MillstufTs-llran, $17, shorts, f 10.60. Ilojja Dressed, fijfe. Live cattle bto'is, 4; cows, $3.50 to tl Sheetw4. Diei.i-ed Veal 7 uenls. Untler Dairy, 15Stc; oroamery, 2"i ti?:!0o. Poultry- Hens or lb 0c. 7c. , Pntstni'" 25c per bushel. Apples 311c to 40c. iCOUQH SYRUPi cunn ITaclilnp CourIib, boro l.unga, lironcJiitta, drippp, l'lienmoiiln nnu n U bevoro lungnfrcctlons. i hy then rlslc consump tion, nslow, Hiiro death? Tako warning I Aet nt oncot Buy a bottlo or Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, n doctor's prescription, used ovor CO yenrs. Price, only 20 couts. Insist on linvlng it. Don'fc bo im iosod upon. Itcfuso tho dfalor'o nubs' ilntot it Ih' not an good na Dr. Ball's. Sntvatlon Oil cures KhcumatNm chsa and I'a'iu. I3A23CU. xxyKmxsnu(aaxrtMiB!iieztarrmr NEW YORK TRI- I'uMK) i on Mniiua), W JU day ai.d I n 'c y. I a n i ' , Up ii dull .Lilly nWi ' Hum U in tin ytnk, mil all IrnjMirlur.t n- or th .'ll-r faur daa I'rofuwily illni traUd. and rT!il with iniareat WEEKLY '" f,iid,u '" a" wt wi,li tc ItkbUhl kp In it'. loucli Willi lw TBIDISMCof ihr ninoti and world. I niDUPlC H K ii lnr nuliNtiriiilluu lirlmi, 15I..10 iirr eur. thoia WliA .iir in .Mnri. ii.m imt mm-.tlnM. tin f6llowlnc hiIoikIIU imluuiniii: n.M.l.. will. It-uklu vl-eAb Willi Weekly Trl-WMlcly lilbune. Trlbunt. lrlc City tt.l.oo 1,0(1 i.Oo One Yoar. nan Vmr. One Year. 13.1.00 pn.r.o -l.no -1.00 I.OO l.M -l.oo II.O'l 1JIII l.'-T. i.ur 1.10 l.'.'O n.oo n.oo 1.0(1 s.no nio i. 'jr. 1.2.1 i.u.i IS.OO 1.00 m I'M 1.IHI I.OO 1.2,1 l.0 I.OO .no i .no i.rto tt.no l.n.i 1.H.1 a.oo 1.7fl 1.7ft n.no n.no i.no n.i5 it. no i.flr. 1.7.1 i .no a. no I.OO 1.00 i.go i.0o 1.00 1.10 108 STATE HI iiufctwaiiiiifWM itff ihishVt j t&ML&'JS&m Iw4Ki Em I I kw isH1tj-y--fjff Iho Kind You Iltivo Always Bought, nmt wlitcli !wa bqca in uso foi ovor 30 years, 1ms liorno tho Btprnntnro off -.tf nutl 1ms been uirwlo under his pcr- s jL&-Pj?i3? sonnl suporvlston slnco its Infancy. -fuzsyyt -CCteAtK Allow no ono to dcccl vo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations "ml "Jnst-as-froooV'nro hut JBxpcriiiU'iits tlmt trlllo Avith nntl cniliiti'ror tho health 01? InlUnts and Children Exporlcnco ny;ninst Exporiinout. What is CASTORIA Onstorla is a harmless suhstituto for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium IMorphlno nor other Narcotlo Hiibstiuicc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Mi wiw and allays lovcrshncssi It cures Diarrhoea and SVind Colic. It relieves Teethlnpr Troubles, cures Constipi ilon nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and JJowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GEIMUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tlio The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC 0(NTUK COMPAMT. TT WUKRAT STItCCT. ncwvoRa orrv. itW -. trv' r - ' GET READY For a long Jourm-y or a short trip by having pb-niy of eloati linen, underwear, HockH, and tho like. We're "short or der" people, when necescary, but plcaso give us a few dayH.atleautn thoroughly launder your washable belongings. You know wo call for mnl deliver goous on notice postal will do, Salem Steam Laundry COLONUI. I. 01 'IMTKAtl I'llOI'ItlKTOII. DOItOUH 1. OI.MHTKA1), MOIt. I'hono 411, y() Liberty Street. Danger is Lurking in It When your bathroom or lavatory isn't fitted up with mo lorn sanitary plumb ing. Hower iao is more dangerous lit winter than tu summer, boniuro voutl lutioii is not S'j free. You will ward' off dinuitHo M liuviiu V-'ir oloiut), bulb room, kitchen, Muka. nml water plio nvorhaulod. Wo mako a spoulaiy fd sanitary piuinbiiig and do it icientifl cully uud at reaHonablu prices, BARR&PETZEL 214COMMKKC1AL BTKIiKT. Telophouo2S7l. STAPLE 3131"" Everything needed lo stock up your, pantry rem a sack of best flour to u yeast cake, and foe alrtHish, pig,feet, aalt miclcjr bacon and sauerkraut. New oranges, lemons ano a full asortmnt of nuts, candy,janLoUierl uxuries.at Jaw.esi prices. Harritt & Of.tl I'dSTOVKJOB SOMETHING NEW! X 2C KERN INCANDESCENT OA BURNER- NpOblinuay, no bliicl'enwl Mnntlo. (Mvus 3f caudle power per foot of jras WMiim!. SnyuraliiM. W Imvo in twMhNj, 1 burnljUK one foot por hour u'WdwK & IMrtWlli llKfit tor 3.10 Oi Qi?& ijf Pr JioUr. Also, tho Iof3 g!nlg70ajlUi)9r taoolof 01(1 of t wdji par hour. -INVBtTIOATE THSM aiem G'a$ Light Co, Olim-tU St. nHjg'MHM man B p g Signaturo of Something Delicious for Dinner That all tastoi aRreo upon, and thntJs healthful, notiriBhiiiK and easily dl irosted, nro our primo roasia of tender and Juicy beof. Or if you prefer a cav ory roast of vonlf pork, lamb or mutton ao will furnlsli you a joint or pleeo from tlio choicest stock raised, and cut and trim it for your in nu export, man iter. E C CROSS SALEM OR.;, PbouoWI. ' KnDWS.a. Good Thing When He Sees It! Any man of diriTimiiiiiiloii will appro cliitu in tlio full tho wlibkii'ii, wuiiB brandies and roidliiln wo Imvo on our shohei ami in our collar. So I re tod Mitb i iniii jinlL'oiueiit Irnm the stocks of the lifst ila i Hera, vino m mid wliolisnlo iiifriliniiiH in this i-ouiltry nml niirnml ll cro ran bo no iiuoitl ni that Mo can oxA'tiv cult your liinlu. no mutter linu crltlca y u may bo. Wo ut-k for a tdmr- k. your patronage. t J. P, Rogers SIS '222 OVminieriilal Ktrcut C& Wholimalo nnd Retail liquor dealoi POODS LawrenG.e t OKOOHHY Tlltltn fflCTT ' riHHTi'' WANTED .NOW tOdlW Adv-trllimiTionii. Ilnoo or loss In thio oofumn lnlrtet tijroo time for 26p BOo a wiok 91 oo por month. Alto ver four lTni at some rate. na A BADE nil fctrc The KMrkaMi K street, four tlocks louth of (he court.Voak Wm bo -jold at luir in value. Good tiouie, flws view lit the city, fruit trees, ets. Att Journal office. NEWTEBD" BTOniCop-Jonlto coaTt; botiuo on Illub H'reot. A hill HtiuoP flour nnd ail kltulB of feM carried, liny nnd grain boubt and uold. Feed chopping done nt lowest rAtoa. Get oi'r quotations before you buj. jTilb son, liartlctt Gruiil Co. WANTED Wood removed immediately f om ground two bloclm caatof Aeyluui nvcnuo rocory. Owners plertfo com tdy as parly wishes to build. Kred Hurst. 2 :tlit I'Oll 8ALK OH KENT. 20 acres land near Balem all clear flvo acres orchard good botico and barn, (75 casli rent or -..ll ...! lru .Mim ..'!,. .im ... ,i rcu iui fiuvu, f iimi i'bbii, iow on iirno. , EmiUiro ol.i-rod Hearst. .2.7 3 FOR 8ALE.--A. good Jiomo'or t&OO Iioiuo niTd flvo lots atWost Salem fronting tho rivor. Garden, good Water, soma fruit. Terma.,easy. A (;nod team will bo taken ns part psy llium. Call nt premieea Eyla road near Bkinucr plnco. LMUt A. V. UOBKHACU. UACK AT THE OLD f-JTAND.-Tho farmers aud borceunm will, bo glad to know that Arthur Glovcr tho well known liorpo bhoi-r ia baukat the old stand 60 Stato street yvheru ho and his partner W. M. I'lymalo wl'l shoo your liorses or do any blacksmith work needed. 2 4 1 m OUEAP WAOONB-One neaijy now offered for 25 lesa than cost, olhor wagons at. great bargains. New wagons mudo aud repairing dono prompt ly. Painting, have your painting done tiovv aud have tuno for hnruenluc boloro using. Dy Werner Fdnnell Sa lem Wagon Factory 302. Oommoikal ctreet. 24 tf FARM FOR RENT Six milo , souih t( ri.ilom 120 acres all undor milt va t ion, good tchools. near church. Fres Rural delivoiy. Grain ront. Address II. II. Caro JouiiNAL. 2 1 tf 1IIG FIU WOOD WANTED. full nt tho ollluo ol the &aem. Llht and Tr c tlon company. i ,;tntf l,OU""ltKNr AND bAl.E A frtl aiia ratiuli with good hoiiso.and barufor lqntahiou Bpau A horses, a wagon and other funning utensil for sale ut burgiuu. Call on J. M. Payne. Suloui. 1 21 lm WAN I ED Reliable man to represent an (-tubllslied liouiu on salaryj; Goo puritioii to right party. Addti ss P. U. lex 687, Portland, Oregon. 1 gouodPt 8TRAYhirorBTdLEN-fr.)D llio pas ture of Phil Painter on the Rush (arm north ut Huletn.souietimo during Sept. n dutk colored 2 year old Jersey Holl er, Huitablo reward for recovery of animal will bo paid by owner. 1 i3-if It. K. Ryak. DO You want to buy a kodak? Why pay two prices when wo can sell vo i ono ni good as new for less than halt prlco. Nows tho time to buy. Wo won't have them noxt Hlimtnifr. Tim Elite Studio 1 IPltn ... . ,..i.n 'P.. I..... .. Hn... ! ,n,ll.i I ul w I WAIN lliU IO uuy ur roitv mi hium ." I two roller,to dosks Vlllatnotto Hotel. 1 7 FOR RENT Dwelling with hot and cold water, and bath. Call at 421 High street. A. Bchroiber. 12 17 tt FOR HALE A saddle horro, saddlo and bridle, Rroko to drive, Apply to 15 Court St. P-'-Mf FUKNOU Li:HSON8.-Gr0ii at home or to claps in uuy part oi city. Rorn and educated lu Franco. Lydla Rich, 1), Stieet. ridom. .H 27 tt The now mammoth muhjflo placed in iho Hwli'in rileain Laiuidry has en Milled them U reduco tho prices On flat work in dozi-ulou. Mlieets -'c, slips 1( eo tlio reduced rato. i lion. 411. 122 tf I Good Oppartunitv! Do youdosiro lo learn Hliorlhand and ihtiH III youreulf to sucked wher othoi full? It is Wdll i'ljli liupossiblo to get lh best paying clerical poitloni without knowlwlgoof this most useful art. At tl.o earnoit solicitation of friend who deslro to focuro tho bentllt of my long xilurlonco as a court and general report vrarMas one of tho most expert typt writisls on tho Pacific coast, I have dr. elded to start a class if it eultlclont num ber wish to enroll. My Instruction Is not merely Uioory but praotlco , Alt aiicoaud advlcoln typowrltlngfreo ol charge to thoso taking shorthand. 1( )0ii aro lutorestcd I shall bo plcasfd tu liavo yon call at my olllco in tho Stato Home ami tulk with in, or address me atboxSUI- Full particulars aud terms on application. J. W. Btb, SALEM LODGES KCKItbTI'WBOW -VM..lfililPf!K. HlrtVh--7w0d Ku.4 M. IV. H-U JTridSI nl'hfslnTuriuruiuck. loUu U. Uhv, (J. K. A U tU'Wil H.ir IM7-IJI' CAl'ITAU CllV Express and Transfer llMeeta all man and paisoiigor, trains. " VV.ii r- l it... n . Prnmnt tiifigagu ;gngu tun" r w .uww.v,- . ,--,1te. TelepVue No. 851. erv UIOUU "- EL F- JONES, Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Orotop.f ffu (fltrk of Clroott fjounfor .lx IM and h n up-Uxlats auiractoi ail froi'S'tyia Unwlii OOUUlr. Il'iim Easy of access. , Courteous, reception. - First-class cooking. WhiteHouseRestauranl You enjoy what you order atio6 Sjaje st. AJ GEORGL BROS. Props, :m