"IT DAILY J O U JtiJN AJLi $ I will have 16 Democrats by Tuesday." M:tchu . . "My. Kingdom for a Demo- i t I I V LI.ll. -ChM-WtitevPaltM. . jCTTi" i iV,'li w .a. ii 'riiiii"ni , , ,1,1 SALEM, OKEGON WEDNESDAY JTEBRTJAKY 0 1001 HO 31 VOL:X ? TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED, Qucon of Swedon nnd Norway is very ill. Oornerstono of Crematory laid at Portland. Archbishop Martlnelll will bo made Cardinal. GermanH still sending out oxpeditons from Pokln. Knsperor William lias tailed from England for honio. Transport McPherson Ashoro noar Matunzas, Cuba, will bo total losa. Alliance discovered between rovolutioniatB or Vonzuelaand Columbia. Tbo Colorado Springs, coal strike baa boon sottlcd and all uilneB open today with full forco of men. Plot Donet, Chairman of Boer Poaco Commission appeals to his brother, Christian, to surrender. Senate pasod bill appropaiatltiK ?50,000 for preparation of site and erection of Etatute for Major (Jonoral GeorRO McClolltui. At conference of powers and Chinese plenipotentiaries indictment of twelvo boxer lenders whs read. Deuth penalty demanded. The Duke and Duchess of Manchester, Lord Lambert and Eugene Zimmer man, father of tho Duchess loava San Francisco for tho east. Federal Salt Company baa obtalucd control of tho Carmen Island works ou tho Gulf of California uud now controls tho output of this coast. Banktellor Charles A. Hinckley, who disappeared in 1834, lias been arrested at Rossland on tho chargo of stealing $07,000 from tho West sldo bank, Now York. A violent earthquake throw tho steamer Guatemala partly out of tho water and caused tho vessel to tromblo from stem to stern for at least a minute, off tho coast of Ecuador ou her last trip. Tho Cuban constitutional convention will refufo positively to add a cIoueo to tho constitution expressing gratltudet)tho United States, but will adopt an in dependent resolution, thanking t o United Statos senators. A FLYING START WANTED BY LIPT0N In the Great Yatch Race the American . Cup. for New Youk, Fob. 0. A lpttor from Sir Thomas Liptou to tho raco committee of Now York Yacht Club usking that tho conditions of tho coming match bo modi lied to allow a flying start and also that throo weeks time bo allowed for prep aration alter tho arrival here. Instead of two weeks, us in tho termb of tho agree ment. One member of the committee stated that lie was opposed to tho (lying start as it would givo tho Shamrock mi advantage Regarding tho additional tune, it will bo granted. TlVk V s Only a Question !of Time.... 'Till you will rcalizo tho imporlanco of "cash" and then you will p tint . i.lt4 ..ln fAHoaaoK tIMii i ilit -lrltf nmu9 Tltnrjt'ci n Jf ctivitig In ovary cash purchase THE NEW YORK RACKET g Sells nIiour, clothing, hosiory furnishing goo .Is cheaper than nothing for bad accounts. They buy for cash from cash houses, That's our plan j what's yours? Salem's Cheapest One Price fet Our Store Closes Every Evening SE. T. BARNES, Pronrlotor, U.TOfc.HW Reliable Jeweler A Largo atook of novelties, new styles nd other now Jewelry for tho people to O. T. POMEROY Engraving Free, 283 Commercial St. FrmanimttiM!mss2KmfB WE WANT TO LOSE $1000.00 During the month of February and the way we propose to do it is by giving our customers 01 our enure imc ui Men's Clothing Men'o jfl.oo wool suiu r..f- 10 nn 111..I C..I4. JIUI1 e 1 0 IAJ Ul buiio 1 1 j 1 Men's 1 10.00 wool suits 7,MiFull line oi dry goods at low 8.00 quality stiff or Fedqra Hat ., tW ' $2.00 quality Ptiff hats - -J110 gst PriCCS 60 and 7Vi Nrokvar "0 1 V $1.00 Seek wear W . Dalrymple's Branch Store 294 Commercial Street. Opposite Poslolfice. REBELS OF TWO SOUTHERN REPUBLICS Believed do be Co-Operating for Their Joint Overthrow Nkw Your, Fob. 0. A special from Washington says: It is believed thatn clnso connection exists between tho rev olutionists in Venezuela and Colombia. Tim two nation havo bbon hostllo for fomii time and this unfriendliness has lately been approaching an open breach. Gen. Urhldus' last rebellion was crushed by tho Colombian authorities. His propent attempt to rovivo it Jh said to bo duo to tho oncouragemont of Pres ident Castro's government whilo to rebellion against Castro is Eaid to re ceivo similar supuort from tho Colom bian govt. t 5 i i and all kinds of ladies' and lnon'sfij "regular inorulmuta" because they lose Cash Store. at Six O'clock Except Saturday. Cor. Commorclnl nnd . Chomokta Stroots t A Demonstration of Yalue It can bo mndo cloar to anyono that our methods of Dental Treatment Ato 'ar in advance of many otheio. Kaeh rase is considered carefully and all work dono bkillfully uud according to tho most Improved inothodd. Our crown and bridge work is perfec tion in itself. Teeth niiulu by us look natural, fit pbrfoclly, and wear splendid ly. AH work guaranteed. Drs. Eppley & Olinerer Postolllce block. and Watchmaker of brooches and tho best quality of ring buy nt prices lower than ever before Jewelor and Diamond Setter wnmmtomxTmrmw'rmrTrr all the prom ana in some cases part or v JX V and Hats We must f-knfincf oroods now arriving (fi (IK & O BRITISH ACTIVE In Repelling The Boer Invaders BATAVIAN DUTCH ATTACK CHINESE General Dewet Attacked the British Forces on the Railroad London, Feb. 0. General Kitchener reperts: "Stnith'Dorrion has occupied Lake Charisso. "Fronch is driving back tho ouomy to Amsterdam. "Dowet'a forco is still north of Thabanchu. His men engaged a train of transport wagons at Pompoy's Siding this morning." Amsterdam, Fob. 0. Advices from Batavia, Island of Java, says that an expedition 6ent against Samalanga, Island of Sumatra, has captured tho Chinoso fortress of Hatorllik. Tho Dutch loss was six killed and 40 wounded. Tho Chineso lost 70. Baku, Russian Frans-caucoscia, Fob. 0. Firo broko out yesterday in tho magazinos of tho Caspian & Black Soa Company, which contained flix million pounds of petroleum. Tho conflagration rosulted in groat loss of life and wide spread damage. San Fiiancisco, Feb. 0. Tho steamer Australia which arrived today has on board tho captain and twenty-eight of tho crow of tho British Bhip Pyrenos, which took firo November 10th while onrouto from Tacoma to Lelth. THE ATLIN DISTRICT YIELDS PLACER STORY ViCToniA, B. 0., Fob. 0. Tho steamer TeeB brought news of a very rich find in tho Atliu District, near Discovery on Pine Creek. Gravel going $3.50 to tho ihovol has been found on bedrock. Thou sand of acres of Yukon hydraulic con cisIons havo boon thrown open for placor ontry. BOTANICAL BONDERS The marvel of the hour is the" wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. F. Cook, the great botanical snecialist and original discov- erorof the botanical cure, heals some patients who have sulTer ied for years from awful dis ease and the more awfulelTects .of rank medical humbuirs. Dr. Cook is willing toive patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imoniab out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street Salem Oregon. tne cost have the room for MM P BOXER LEADERS Indicted at Session' of the Powers NAA1ES OF THE EMINENT CULPRITS Whose Heads Will be De manded For Stirring up the Alassacres Pkkin, Feb. 0. As had beet, arranged nt tho meeting of tho ministers and Chinoso plonipotoumries yostorday, tho ontiro proc eilings wore oral,uowritiugB boing presented to tho Chinoso. A formal indictment against (ho twolvo culprits whoso punishment wasdemaned hoover, was read, tliough King Yi und Li Ping Hong aro dead. Tho( names of the twelvo ere: Prluco Ohaung, commander-in-chief of tho Uoxors who had a largo share in tho responsibility for tho promises of tho rowurds of fifty tools for this captuto of foreigners and their death. Ifor protect ing princu Tumi, tho pr ncipijl initiator of tho tioublo, ho was appointed presid ent of tho Thung LI Yumen Mler giving udvico to the Chineso government. Ho was responsible for tho odlcta against foreigners between Jauuury 20 and Au gust 10, was mainly responsible for tho massacres in tho provinces, especially in Shan Si.ordored tho troops to attack tho legations in opposition to tliQ ad vice of high mandarins who wero looking to n cessation of hostilities; Bocurcd the execution of members of tho Tsung Li Yamon, favorable to for eigners aud was tho recognized author of tho ultimatum of Juno 10 ordering tho diplomats corps to loavo Pekiu in twenty-four hours biuI ordered before tho oxpiratlon af this delay firing upon all foreigner in tho stroots of tho capital nnd was practically tho author of the assassination of Huron von Kotteler, tho German miuistor. Duko Lan, vlco piosidont di tho police , department, who was accessory to tho giviug ofodurs for the capture of for eigners uud was tho first to opeu the gates of tho city to tho boxers. YingNicn.who was criminal accom plice of Prince Chuang uud .Duke Lau in their machinations. Kang Yi ouo of tho Instigators uud counsellors of tho boxers who alwuya protected them and was uioH hostile to any understanding looking to tho re establishment of poaceful relations with tho foreigners who mis tent nt the com mencement of Juno to meet the boxers und endeavor to dotsr them from en or png tho city, but who on tho I contrary, encouraged them to fol , low the work of destruction and I who signed with Prince Tuan nnd Ying Nion tliolr priuoipal notices uud prepared tho plan for tho expulsion unc; aiinihillioii of foreigners in tho provinces of the Empire. Chaos Su Klam, a inumbxr of the Grand Council und also Minister of Jus tlce, who was ouo of tho leaders against, ., , , i , i n i tho foreigners and mainly rorpiiillo , ., .I .i . I mi i for thouxocutlon of tho ollluiula killed . . t. , ,,,,,,,, during the slogo for having tried to lop c CoutluuiKi ou Fourth r. WMaiMMMaMMWMMMMIWMWtflM" Rival Oil Co. Ar. W, H. Clark, Secretary of the Company is in Salem for the purpose of offering a limited amount ot stock at 50c per share. This is cetamly your chance to make money. The company will make for you many times your invest ment in a short time. The company owns over 480 acres of very choice oil lands in Sunset District County, 4 in Los Angeles where they are now drilling for oil with a well of 120 barrels per day, only 30 feet from where they are drill ing. Buy this stock beioreit goes beyond your reach, it will not be long sold at 50c per share. Stock for sale at C. A. Whale piano store. State street. Call and get a prospectus and see the miniature oil well in thewindow. BILLION . DOLLARS Steel Combination Has! Been Formed CARNEGIE WILL NOT COMPETE Trust Formed of Most Gigan tic Propositions Yet Known New York, Feb. 0 J. P. Morgan and Kobort Bacon declined, today, to discuss or to mako any statement what ever concerning reports that J. P. Mor gan and Co havo purchased the Carnegie steel properties. ThoTrlbuno Bays: 'Tho object of J.Piorpout Morgan and tho interests allied with him in tho doallngjytth Mr. Carncgio for tho pur cIihpooI control of thcCarncgio company, was tho assuranco of peac,and enduring poaco, in tho vast steel industry of tho United States and this ideal condition appears now to bo virtually an accom plished fact. It is not assured that tho often-rumored "billion dollar steel combination" will follow upon tho acquisition of tho control ol tho Carncgio company, tho probability raihor being that tho Carnc gio company may contlnuo to bo operat ed as a Eoparoto organization, but in completo hiumony with tho other great s eel corporation, the policy of which is shaped by tho powerful interests which havo now como into possession of tho majority of its capital stock, Tho Carnegie company bus $ 140,000, OtlOand $1(K),U00,U00 bonds. The com p uiios in which Mr. Morgan is inter- est.d are capitalized as follews: Federal Stcol Co. $100,000 common slock aud f 100,000,0 10 proforrod; ol Oils 1 1(1,48 1,1100 common aud $53,200,1300 prufeired stock aro outstanding; Am eiicau Steel nnd Wiro Co.. 50,000,000 common und $40,000,000 preforred stock, all outstanding. National Tubo Co,, $ 10,000,000 each of common and pre lum d stock, All issued, and tho Am eiiuauUrldgo Co. (35,000,000 each of common nnd preferred stock of which ,627,800 of each lias bcon issued. Tho Morgan Group included tho In ternational titeel Company with $32, 000,000 in common stock aud $27,000,000 preferred all issued Tho Amorlcun Tiupluto.Company f50.000.000 common and $20,000,000 preferred, with 28,G00,. 000 common aud $18,175,000 preforred stock isnued ; tho American Steel Hcop Company $10,010 000 common and $H, 000,000 preferred Block, all iaxued, and tho American Sheet steel Compaii) 20,000,COO common aud $20,000 pro ferrcdo stock with $21,000,000 of each issuud. Among the companies outsldo of three tvogrpupsuro tho American Car nnd Foundry Company, $110,000,000 com mon and $30,00,000 preforred stock, all leaned; tlio Pressed Steel Car Company, with $12,600,000 each of common and niifnrriu1 .itrilr ill! Ikuiliul ami llin T?n. ' ' publican Iron and Steel Co, with $:!(), " , ,, 0J0.C00 common and $26,000,000 pro- ..... ' .... ' . f ned Block of which $27,101,000 is com mon nnd $20,200,900 preferred Btock aro outstanding. Going Through a Watch When denning It, wo often find some minor trouble which on being inadt light, will prolong Ua lifo for a number of years. This is worth tnoro than the prico of oleaninir, but it doefii't oust you much Wo make a siteclalty of flno repairing WatcheH, Jowelry, clocks, Diid delicate lit tie ornaments are carefully, skillfully and neatly repaired, eleuneu and made to look, and bo, liku new. l-'or such work our charges are moderate. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE 118 Btate Htroot. MASONIC SECRETS Montreal Ultra-Montanos Aro Alarmed KING EDWARD OF ENGLAND Also the Late Queen Were Protectors of the A. F. & A. M. Monthga!., Fob. O.Thn groat buga boo of tho Clerical or Ultrn-Montano party in tho Province of Quobco is Froo Masonry, 'and as King Edward is tho grand master of England thoro was Bomo curiosity to seo what tho mouth piece of UltruMontnnisni would Bay about him and his connection with tho ordor. La Varlto, however, is com paratively mild in tho rjmnrks, and quite disappointed tlioso who expected n dialrlbo against the King. It quotes an article from a Qtiobcc Fronch paper giving tho Qucon' mavniilc history nnd preceeds: "Wo know that tho King of England is a inaiou of high gnulu an I also that Queen Victoria was a protector tit that so:t, wli(')h is condemned by tho church. Hut high in rank as iIng Kdward VII may bo, ho is prodably not Au Couraut with what passes in tho inner circles oi Free Masonry. Tho true chiefs of tho Boct, who aro not always tho pceming chiefs, accord willing titles and places of honortoKlngsandprhicos,butthoyguuid tho Masonic tec rots for themselves They wlsli to turn to their profit tho prestige of royalty Volla Tout, not withstanding that tho King is not in tho intimate secrets of masonry, it Is nono ihe less painful for his Christian subjects to seo him ongaged in audi an organization." HEIR OF TWO VALUABLE ESTATES Said to Be Held By Force in Crook County. San Fiuncisco, Fob. O.Goorgo II, Snrincor lias nnnliod to the California Soelotyfor the iirobention of cruelty to children tonld him in recovering his lost child, Ueiiule, now 21 months of nito, who is Ix'llnvod to ho in Crook county, Oregon, in clinrgo of a man nnmed A. M Coleman, with whom ho had been lett In this cl!. Tl a child is said to Im onn of tho heirs to a valuable osta'o situated In lli lnrt of Wilmington, Del, IHonuiitg to Die Hol land Bprlngors, a small family, numlxr lint all told flomn sixt'0ii pnr"nn. Thoro is also oHinall estalnrnmiug to tho chil-1 dren from tho mother's Hide HEHHMHKDKIBWrlBHBKHillBBBWMHWMBIKJiiMliHBlilllllilBWWMIkl MEYERS & SONS, THE WHITE CORNER. s Shoe) M H El THE - - v Famous Queen ...SHOES FOR LADIES... $3.00 Truly orthopedic a shoe that fits and pleases-equal to any 4.00 shoe, Patent tip Polish-opera shape cloth top. Kid tip Polish Atheps shape. Kid tip Polish Lenox shape. Patent tip Polish Spanish Opera shape. McKay Welt Kid tip Elite shape. Byke Boots Spanish opera shape. Kid tip Oxford Lenox shape. ....ASK TO SEE THEM H H H H W MfcVERS & SONS, THE WHITE CORNER. SlH A! MMUHHMMH ta THE JAPS PLEASED At Uncle Sam's- Larger Boundaries DIDN'T WANT SPAIN NEAR BY An Admiral Says They Are of Some Strategic Importance Wabhi.noton, Feb. 0. Stops taken by this govornmont to completo its title to tho Basheo ond.othor islands to the North of Luzon, it is said woro duo to representations mndo by Japan. Aflei tho acquiation of Formosa from Chlnr, Japan found tho question of Jurisdiction a troublcsomo one, bocausu of tin Spanish claim to'is'ands near Forinntn nnd nftor negotiations tho boundary lint betweon tho Japancso and Spanish possessions woro fixed nt 21 degrees 3l minutes just south of Formosa und to tho north of tho Basheo inlands. Secretary Hay in tho treaty of tin purchnso of tho Islands of Gaygnyui uud Slbu for $100,000 induced tin Spanish government to ngrco to rclin qulsh them. Japan desired tho U.S. to' ncqifiro n dellnito titlo to tho islands north ol tho 20 degrcoof luttitudo rather than pormlt Spain to claim them for tho purposaot selling thorn to Go many or somo other power. Hoar Ad miral Bradford says tho Islands an strategically important and it Is Im portant that this government should kcpilre them. AN EXACT IIUSIIEL A BOX OF FRUIT Putu.y, Or. Feb. Tho Northwest FruliVj rowers' Asioolatiou hai dtsoided that horeaftor nil boxes Die I by y niemlMiraiii pjcktngrutt shall contain on oxiict biiHhol. Tho question, of thv Bhn" and cijt m the ininufai'luro ol boxiM in undiT di cus'ion. GOOD CITIZENS ARE ARRESTED Tacoha Wash., Fob. 0. Eleven prom inent cltlrons of Conlralla hav l.m.., arrested eharged with Inciting n riot, in tho Hlort to prevent liquor solIInK on S'ltulnv it Ih chargod they emlovored to EQtevidonro by poeplng nyor transoms. A10RE VOLUNTEERS RETURN HOME Sa.v Fiianuisco, Fob. fl. Tho trans pirt Shorldan nrrived today from Miiii lla. 8ho lian on hoanl 27 olllcnrs nnd 010 mon of thuThlrtysovonth Volunteer redment, MEYERS & Excellence LftnJ ! ly ""porlor niia Ity-noi only njow prlro, hut r combi imiinn of It Ui. To mm in tho trim sense menu Imtliir In pvory way -limn obtn nnhhi olsewhoro. This point beinK nppermost in our mind caused us to buy : : : 5 i '.."" " ,,,f Quality Jos. Meyers & Sons s AVade on the latest lasts especially our valuable trade more value than in other shoe sold. N Vici Kid prince style. Globe shape Vici low insjep. Box Calf Argo shape, Boston toe Vici kid. Russian leather Stanford toe. Cecil style Vici kid. Manila Calf, New London Toe. WHEN IN THE STORE.... .jjlcymbk ta. iJiiJivjr.JiJJiJiM.iJi 7.iqfqmUlrT.J'M3lWlHli THE WHITE CORNER TruJe Mttk MEYERS & MB CRUSADE HALTING -..'Hv- , Both Sides Are Prepared For ; Action ., , ANTI-SALOON WAR bOWN IN KANSAS Mrs. Nation has Found Imi tators in the State of Arkansas 'Toi-kka, Kn., Feb. 0 Mrs, Nation nvde no effort tq givo saloonlsts a sec ond eurnrlco thin morning. They, won't be caught napping agaia, aud thero are guards at various places before daylight, but Mrs. Nation and her band did not appear. '; Kansas Citv, Mo , Feb. 0 A special toTho8tnr from Popnlar Bluff, Mo,, saya : At Dayton, Ark., ilvo momlwrs of the W. C. T. U. attacked two "blind tfgera." All bottles of liquor were smashed, con tents o( kegs woro poured into tho streets and flxlurce demolished. Makes Hair Grow Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but' that is no reason why you must go through life with half-starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it. Feed it with Aycr's Hair Vigor, the only genuine hair food you can buy. Your hair will grow thick and long, and will be soft and gloisy. Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair; it keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and stops falling of the hair. One dollar bottU. If yourdrucgUt cnnot supply you, tend ui $i.oo and we will exprcu a bottle to you, all charge prepaid. lie ture and fire ua your neareit exprtnofflct. J. C. AYna Co., Lowell, Mats. Send for our beautiful llluttrated book on Tho Hair. Fr Mr i II. W.Davis, of Portland, Is vis it ig Miss Alta Davis nt nor home on X lirtoenth and Ouk stroots. FRESH Chocolate Creams ELLIS &:ZINN'S 1 5 4 SUte Street, 8ltm 'Phone 3 8 74 SONS, THE WHITE CORNER. ...SHOES FOR MEN... $3.50 for any M iUiUttred. SONS, THE WHITE CORNER. J "" Mfisns