ftfcTlfiirtV-M,f"1 l ' ' "fl im wi iniiiri.r in - 7 " R t m mm ra .attsj THE DAILY JOURNAL HI Hfclla flMMli nalll I 'TUESDAY FEB. 5, 1901. Dally Ono Year. S3.00 In Advanoa Dally Four Months 81. In Advance Dally by Carrier OOo Per Month. Weakly One Vedr SI.OO In Advance THE SALEM PRESS CLUB DANQUET Wliile (ho great politician of the Ulo are devouring each other with -caustic compliment and telHntt the awf ill things that will happen If the other fellow la elected, Ihe Salem newspaper men are pursuing tha paths of peace And seek ing to make Hie lee of a burden. The trill (It down to a bano.net together Wednesday evening and site a many of the legitimate newspaper men of the atate ai happen to be In town to break bread with them. This (a the first attempt of the real workers of the profession to meet upon a purely social footing, and the Balem Press club deserve credit for their effort to foster the spirit of brotherhood and professional "savoir aire" and dovelop that spirit of amity and mutual good will which prevails in all othor profca- ions. Prominent newnaner men from . . - H 2(hnr tmrlt nt' tlin atiln.lmvn HaMttnA e 'herrTnWntidn (o be prescnt-and help - fjnako the occasion interesting;. ''"Wusinbbs vensus u . , INSPIRATION Without tho peoplftjWitltWnlrtg for It, 'Mr. Dromiidtlrles to compel tlio peo "pie of Oregon U hold a constitutional ofaventlon. Mr. Martor,a felltfw ten ; ' atoV who is a business many favdr ask. ' 'IiigUib people Whether thoyrwanUo bo i liutothetroubloandespijti8e'ofuoh a proceeding' Jin Marsler Is nt least loxlcal, which ia altogether too mnch to expect front tho brain of afi legislator ol uth wonderful fertillt afttrnwnell. Like tho mythical ..creaturo tliat prang .fledged fjptry the brow of Jupiter, JJrowncll spring Into the arena with anylHIng. you Itko mails to drder. What matler to auoh a gonitis whether wo people want It or notT An rfnalythr of all his bills would rercfl! much 6f tho samtitimhls'eleiit stylo of statesnianshlp. Mr. Startlers Is hot In It with Hrownoll. WHat 'right ha abonimdupliig of a ugcuiinu mitines man' to poioaaa v sIawiakorIn.llie presence of an Irrlde. ' I' cant lawgiver aeoond almost tOfMoeai commonwealth because they have bcon made legislators. Moving the stat capital ."Hercules who bore tKo world on hla shoulders, while tho old man who or dluarlly had that Job' was off on aomo other business, ia not to bo com pared to theeditorof a Portland pi per who biennially seeks to carry off tho statecapiUlort'.tlJe point of Ill's en. In bis genial mariner lie' refers 16 Balem as a thrivlngovergrown village of approx imately 10,000 popniatiou, the prlnofpal livelihood of which ia bleeding the rest of the stale for tho msintainanceof stale Institutions located here. There wilt be no serions objection to removing the efdto oApItal somo where if tho moral atmosphere surrounding tho legislature, the state officers., and the supreme coifM can bo'approved Bui this herculean editor rccma to thiuk the legislators spend two or three daya in the week atl'orlland for quite other pur poses than purifying themselves from tboeoiitsgioii experienced at Salem. lie can have no confidence In the success of the wave of moral reform that la sweep Ingover Portland when ho holds out Its joints and dives a tho attraction for location of a atate capita 1. MARION COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT Proceedings for the Regular January Term, 1901. In the matter of tho application of E. Fcholt to sell malt, vinous liquors in Sublimity precinct for one year Grant- CUl I In the matter of tho appointment of OhaLemboke 5 00 DCThomas 2 50 David Oraig 5 00 Wm iMannlng 2 00 PWDurbln Con Postage Account WW Hall 500 J II Roland.,.. ... 3 00 ETMoores 7 00 FWDurbin 5 00 ALDownlng 2 24 lilt Herrlok 1 00 J W Hobart 1 00 Told t Ibe CI till, "U'i thia way," aatd T. Willie Itock Ingham, "Prown-Jonc aaka 'mo down rrom Haturday to Monday. Want to go and I go. Haven't aecn 1W. for months; not since ho got married to money. Poor old chap." T. Willie sighed and took another observation In his glass. "Iflnd H.-J. looking wclL flecma a bit nervous, though. You know bis florid stylo. Scatters your wita and keeps you rrom thinking. Mra. It.-J. Well, I can't help seeing aho bite her llpa a lot. Oqually sign. Thinks I, T. Willie, HtUe eld Now York ia good enough for yon. You were In a bntlr placo there. Nothing happens though not yct-and I begin to forget Nice country placo! Dinner, billiards and the downy. Then If a Hunday. Morn Ing goes. Afternoon comes. H.J. sends for the horaea. Ileglns to crock on a bit as wo stand In tho window watching tho brutes como up tbo'drlve. Keen talking rjulto tall all day about 'hi place and . plana.' Mra. B.-J. biting her llpa all tho tlmo. I I? ' m a H LOOK OUT FOR TUB WAnUHOUBEUILLS Farmer are Interested to keep a harp outlook on the Adams bill and the Builth bill, both of Marlon County, to , .rwulalejlio conduct of warehouse. Theso bills wore promlsod on tho cam. lgn by tho Republicans. The Alitor of Tim JounxALon the camiwlgn painted out ht euqh measures In other states 1 r 'lW1)taye,nnt63tho hand of (In ware iwneiiaii miiunr trust, who in the ftid alone conlJ give the bond and meet tho requirement of stiuh matsure that were ostcuslMy for thu protection of the farmer, m all toided to create H...noKiiie. rarmer In Iowa, Mlimo. ota and the Dabotan cried out atteh Ian after trial. Tim trouble and expense and Offlces errant and tase fuioml aro flually paiu uy u,o urmer. Of the two bill ma AlUtn hill (a Iheleast ohjeclonable. Olcourim, these geiiileinen wrreMete,l by the Itepubllean voters cf the town mleltlfi, voter who rote blindl for i-.y uummoes, ami the farmer will nave to fooHhft bill If It become a law. Thodeslro of Mr. Adam and Mr. Hmlth llto protect the farmer but uchpro teetlvo measure are often nppo u effa-L parent bluff. What do I care? I Itko to aeo a mart bnnnr. U..J. nmttiinr along. Mrs. H.-J. bites hef llpa aomo more. Out we go to tho vehicle; 'Llko to lot you drive, old mnn,' anys mfuo hoaL 'Knpw you're Al with tho rib bons, but I always think my horsoa Ilk my hand bcaL' Btorm breaks. ..-io, mujm lu (Ji'ir, scream. Ing out tho first wool "IJ.-J. turns pale. Then ho atmlght ens up. "Yes, your horses,' ho anya. 'You own them. You own this nlneo ami all that iroea with It. Vnu nn ,..n Will you aasiat Mrs. llmu-nJnn,.. iiiiiii.... rnuor T. Wllllo Itocklnghnm ahuddered. "Marry motioy?" he gulped otiL "Kr. cuso me, Pd rather work."-Now York Bun. A. Ak Ie a Deputy Assessor Ap proved. In the matter of the petition of Henry Joostct al for a bridge acro'6 Santlan Kiver at Gates To have attention. In tho matter of tlio application of P. II. Itasmussen and J. M. M. Wool for ro bato on account o( use oi wido tire wagon Allowed. In the matter of tho petition of J. C. IVaterbury to carry weapons about his porton, concealod Or unconcealed Dis allowed. In tho matter of tlio report of T. B. Jonxset al of volunteer workdunoon jtho road leading from Wheatland to fa cm Approved and that a warrant for 100.00 bo drawn paynblo to T. IP Jones in fulfillment of contrast. In tho matter of the claim of J. G. Ktzol for bounty on 2 wild cat sculpt Approved. Ji tlio matter of tho report of W. W. Hull of warrants drawn on insnno accmihtfor mouth of Decornbor 1000 Approvcl. In tho matter of the report of A. L. Downing Co. Trensuror, of sale of per gonal projierty turned ovor to hlrn by Coroner Approved. In tlio matter of county aid for Jos. Maerta Increased to $10 00 pur month. In tlio matter of county aid for Mrs. A. II, llultijren Granted 5 00 per mouth. In tho mnttor of tounty aid for Mrs. King Ordered that rent for Mrs. King l)o paid to amount of $5.00. In tho matter of county ntd for Mrs. no.ilullK!ck Allowed $2 00 iwr month1 in cash In llmi of former order for fl 00 per month In good. Id tlio matter of county aid for Jacob Gindor Discontinued. In tho matter of county aid for Mrs. Van Valkonberg Allowed fC.OO er month. In tho matter of otienlnir tlm mml J II Scott. DF I.ano. 1 60 Coroners Account $ 6 00 Sheriff's Account FWDurbin 9t CO K Holmes 2 60 B Holmes, 28.50 eld Con P Jarvla 28.50 old, : Con Court House tai Jail Account. KnoxA Murphy 10 05 Knox & Murphy 7 50 JGMooro 20 WHIlynl 750 Salem L A- T Co 35 00 Pac Slates Tel A Tel Co 18 65 J W Ingrain A Co 15 00 JWInifram&Co 5 00 Balem Water Co 15 05 JuryAccount. TD Allen eld $5 con W II Queener 3 00 A J itiohardson 2 00 A Hill 200 JO'Donald 8 00 A I) Palmer 2 00 II A. Johnson 2 00 L Illeakney 3 00 J A Smith .r ,,.,.' -2 00 F L Toutid . 2 00 It J Judah 3 00 A T Wain 2 00 G Sleinor 2 00 II Overton 3 00 F Schwab dd (3.-10 2 20 20 V' I.. let on about Tils' quadrupeds. Trans. '''""(? 'r' Hulom and Brooks road to nifalnit DP DOTHBOfPOStTION OWBANY THING TO THKPHOPLK A number of the Uepuhllcan a,m. ?or. hmw, to hoW no opinio whatrr eUtheVM opj-Adtion rucniliet (,(u,u Mslature but toaotaea sort of cats Hwor buffer Urr to hlpout Heptiuir. wn wheme and UI.npi!wprIlli w" "! " "eiuuctywtmbllcart olUee eeker. T lVrharth9op,K,oll ,w w b,ftB10 hi thU heUlng too low aa wtlm.eol ibewelve. ThUaotl. Uvl.ranviW., of brain., U thpy lumnu, l,p. OlUt, People Oi.,nl , d .. KRowi.oi-eaw4.what, could fomuUu a lltprm and fen the deetloa o a .. lwo their qw.terB1,,Mi,rMptt, elplaremcered. ut tkev,- hA. A laraleal Opornllan. The Army and Snry Journal tell tbt atory about the late Dr. Lewi a Hayre of New York cltyj "When a young medical tm1eiit at the College of Phyalclan and Hurgeon III now York. OHO Of till) mwrntlnr. !.. slclana was about to cut air mi ih.i,. mnn'a leg, but beforo iK-glnnlng the o. eratlon gave a long talk to the atudeuta on amputation. The Irishman lay on the operating table In full uomi-Minti of hla faculties, and a he llNteued to the discourse he grew whiter ami wliii. ". Filially he Jtiiiipcl from tho oprr- nu ituim, crying! -u me 1110 urtH-ch-v, be gobl I'll illu with mo leg our And with that ho was out of tho room. "Dr. Payre found him aoveral daya ir wiiii uia Knee uadly swollen. Tho young doctor promptly cut open tho knee, but saved the leg. One day ho had no lint to bind tho wound, so ho Used th tow stummr stlcktmr out nt h.. old horsehair sofa, Wheu he called galu, be found tit wound ao mnrii im. proved that he reasoned that tow dl prd In Peruvian-balsam wouht nnt r,i disinfect a wouud, but would keep It free from pus. This was tho foundation of one of to luoat satisfactory successes he ever had In surgery. I( was the means 0f Introducing Into the armv tt. n.M nr inr nemjs or oakum, aa a dressing v nvuuus. hid iiKiinii seiiool lieiiig roaJ No. 131 pago 220 Vol, 4-Ordercd opened. In tho matter of ituditing ciairnsof Koad Suporvlsors Coutlnued until Fob ruary term. In tho mattor ol scalp bounty fund now in hau' of tho County Trosaurcr Ordered that tlio treasurer hold same until further order of thu Court. In tho matter of the report of W. W Hull, Clerk of warrant drawn of Salary Account for Dec, lj)00,-vpprovod. In the matter of county aid for Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, I uereasod to 17.00 por month. Ill flm In.llit. .f .1..1I . . . - V.....HI.-, in I'uiiuqueni iaxe lor IBOOa rotiirned by F. W. Durbln, Hheriff, Ordered that thonl-rk leatiuu warrant to sheriff dfoalhiuhlm in i. leol said taxes, and commanding him to levy upon the uoods and ehutlnU nf ..!. dolliiqiiont lax payers, and if none be inuiiti, mum upon tho roil property ns nvk IUIMI III SIIOII USt. Ill tho mutter of thu tnr levy for tint year 11KX), -Ordered that tho levy upon ... minuiii propi-rty fiiull ho as follews: (ioneral Cuiiuly Fund.. Indigent Soldiers Fund State Holiool i-itud ..... ,,, btato Levy Total - - - Bosl tn J Bridie Account. Capital 1.11111b Oo . ... Capital l.umbCo... Mlyol Siilum "" Win Mnrtiuisoii miii .Moriunsoii , IVI) Olaggmt... ....0112 ....0001 .,..005 ....0WS7 ...0W ... Oar Usee Kr Uoner. If It la not true that wo Amorinnn. rvgard uouey tuaklug aa tho work for wu.co in was given to us, why, when WO UaV nnllllon. do we cvnn ,.,... Illog to make more million and'mowr write "An American Mother" lu Tho Ladlee Home JouruaL "U a oot o with the older race. The Loudon traJcsman at uihhllu bd )...i. .i. hop, buys an acre In tho suburb and live on a small Income or spend the vt of bis life in loelug It In poultry or fancy gardening. Th Oenuan or Tnchuiaij seldom worka when .... 00. He give hU last years to some uu or JHiuny-uiuj e. a iulnniniu. or It may be domino. You meet htm uu on wiie, jolly, shrewd. Intelligent, mttag all over tlurope, llatMeker lu baud. They tell you they 'have a cu Jloalty to e thla flue world before thy go out of It' H Itll Vaughn II l'lilps John ltew... i.'")!'! JuhnNiue,..,.,,,, ''UKBllr,. , ; jyiT1"" J I JullllKVH KUDonty.... DM WitdAQ). UK Kirk...... .; ' Itrawt Urns k wNtM ;;; diwy ISmar Oom,wiiy'!i'i.".' KMlller , Melrietf A ltiii.au oKmmi .,;:;;: ivuiijfiir , C V U'mntor Wm Mlhtv-. Ki.ToMMm.i ;;;;;; JM M'Nltsll inn,e4.. raHl8o JKMci'uv PttErAMUat. SmIohi MMutHl.. MMIIiMh ' It.'th d dr.Wr ittHer limntSsj..,, '",'," JUn Hugh. Welter Uim I lies 3 00 70 21 I 82 aa 10 IVI 0 85 s 00 7 as til XI 70 0 DO IBM H X -10 878 8 I 01 13 ! .. SOU ... XSt - tm. voo IB .H 8 W to 'M7I W luppwej to hare any isjtcieal l 1.....1. .A ". cental nrlolrd- .. ', '., "T n-IV "" "2" " of a , .,.. .., IIIV ul. via right of feW !,. .arAm4,B M trse of the leuaiut of the Milt MIIIvr DiQeraojr. 4riheopHIlwBiore Hepubltean 'wow, r (bit wtoJUuBf tuortaarr H'lWilWHiiw '.anekht that xlJ J a'tUJiilrtisUiitt T),... ..... .. - -,.7" """ m ""raoBOBteU.jH, t tho )f4e lu a wa nu Utf d& BQt I the benltal tUMut with mureat, m thKwiVVI kr and an Uaclt.h solder wh i wounded aide by tide on the field of tatltoi HTh bad personal eneeun. lit. In which the oldlr tvcelted a (ml. Ul wooud aad the burgher a tayenet tftrut tefow they both fell Mxhaii.iMi oa U19 field. The UrltUher gave the JW a drtuk om of bis flask, aud the eargher, Ml l0 outllon, , , Mkdi piece of bllteag lu exchange; lLb!IC,Un Wbni ,Mr Ptlw tebU8w Mfr t0 f8rfy lUcw vtt ,0 BwiMMM, luey exebanged friendly .T7 7f .. on aw Jw Vtmt BV 910 M P0 ADHall 2 Criminal Account. State yn C LaChapullo. II Ovortou 3 05 P J Hcharhack 7 40 State vb Joe LaChapcllo. II Overton nor, PJ Stliarbaek ,.. 740 Stnto vs John Gow. II Overton 11 45 II I'Ilarbour ,. 2 50 W It Townsond 1 CO W Scollnrd .... , 1 f,o J II Gatoi i) so HUAIIIIS 1 7( O Kutscho 1 20 Win MuKeo..... 1 rj'o NB Doud 2 10 O Moshburgor 1 70 J Bcoley 1 co GStotts 1 CO btatu vaJohn Gow. II Overton u 9c O .Moshburgor 1 70 ONorton 1 CO Wm Mcakln 1 00 J II Richard g 40 OI.Karbour ; n 50 J Bagan 1 20 ,,n'y 1 CO Win Simpson.... 1 70 Hwnnoy 1 m CKulsclio., 1 oq Sttito va W Mortln. J Ted well , egg Win Mumper .' 2 70 mate va O Vaughn. O m t..l . a a oouuaon , , 5 70 J J. lllaokMell jo (is Statu vs. Wise & Morloy. JO'Donald A FSImcral Hll D.ivIb I. Amos June Drako... P Driver... J O Bute.. W Tonne. . Mr Mo'"" Win Hank i J m iiiown All Anderson ',',", J Wlwr M Viilkenberg .'.'.'., J M Madison Mother State vs. Kugono llamforiV," ' J 0'D..nall J hen la ... Statu vs. K. Il.iiufni.1 JO'Donald F Davis J I.umI Mr 11 ivioe.. ..;::;:;;.' Htate vs.LooMUoholl. J 0'Donakl I Mr Waldorept....' '.,,'..'' J ,w'' ! J Huynohl o, . .. Slate va. II Oswald. II Overton t'Jftiliarhatk .".. ."I"" Itate , P. J. ifoharbaciVr' H Overton JHtwu ;;;;;;;;; State vs. SehurUak A, MlHer. H O. or ton ... i , b AllllM 1'J 8liariiak ".'.',".'.'. J Waterlwry "' Western Uultm Tel Co.!. " Biuma Murphy '"" Pal's netort. An Irishman passing a Ptoro In Lon don eaw nothing lnsldo but a man at a table. The thing atruck blm ns being very odd, eo he went In and Inquired what was sold there. "Asses' heads," said the man nt tho table, "They must bo In great demand," eald Pat, "for 1 aee you have only your own lef L" A Drawback to Am 1 1 jr. Judge-Well, Mrs. Jopps, whnt fault have you to find with your husband? Mrs.Jopps Now, Jedge, It's thla way: He's nwful good an kind, but he'B so peaky unflnanahuL-Dotrolt Free Press. O -flL Jail" C 3rt I JCX. . Beirs lis . fl "m HaM 1 4y A L011B Bepnrnflon. "Home ognln nt last, darling." "John, dearest, you don't look a day older." "I must. Gcnturles can't roll over a man's head without leaving traces." "It was nges and ages, wasn't It? And, ob, John, how lonesome I havo been!" "You poor little wlfeyl If ever I havo to go away again, you shall go with me. But you re more beautiful than ever, sweet one. What havo you been doing with yourself all the tlmo I was away?" "Thinking of you, darling, and long ing and longing for you to come home." "If that Is tbo secret of beauty, I ought to have grown a perfect Adonis. And you're suro you recognized mo straight off without thinking at least a minute?" "Of course, you old dear. Do you suppose I could ever forget you?" "Good gracious! It douau't seem pos slblo that I've been away only since the day beforo yesterday, does It, swecthenrt?" "Not a bit more, husbnnd mine, tlinn that wo havo actually been married a whole month tomorrow." Pearson's Weekly. 44 BUSINESS CARDS O. H.JH.ACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Kcone, ol Whito Corno Salem Or. Parties desir ing superior oj a. MioiiB at moderate fee in any branch are In uBjH'ciul request. ALBERT A. JESSUP, Phone 1071.1 nOOMS 1 AND a, GltAY ULK. Northwestern Normal School and Business College Salem Oregon Terra opens Sept. 24. Complete courten of tudjr Nornul. limlneM, Common ijtiool, Hlftb tchuol, Kloctitlon, Music smJ Ait. Full Faculty. Sritlsfoctory work. Sen J lor circulars. A. J. GARLAND, A. M. Principal SOTJLT3 JUIOS. Piano Tuners and Rcparers POBTLAND ORE. For Salem and vicinity loavo ordors at Geo. Will's Music Store. Salem Wate OFFICE, CITY HALL For water service imply at otllco Bills payable monthly In ntlvunco Make all complaints at tlio olllc TiMCBciLEuuLE i-rom l'orilnna. n. Depjtt for (!hlcgo8li Mke, .Denver Ft. Worthr"" SpccUl Omnlm, Kaunas City, Bt . Something New I have placed in my shop a tele phono. If you wish mo to do your voric ring up 2868 muln line, We do ull kinds of carringe work aud blncksniithlng. Ilort-o-shooing a specialty. If you can not brlnuMio work to tlio shop I uill sen 1 for it. : : : : : JOHN HOLM First Door South Salem Hotel llljh St. S, C, STONE, M. D, rroprtetorjof Stone's Drug Store HALKM, OBEdUtt. Tno storei (two In nunibsn aro located nt No. 235 and 3St Commercial street, and are well stocked with a conipleto line of drugs and mcdlctn;, toilet artlolH, porfuinery, brunlie' ete.,cte.,ctc. marom IlMliadiomeSSjrcftts exier(eiiLe In the prac tice of mcdlolnc and uow makes no charge for runniltittlmi. pismliistlnn or prpscrlptlou. THEILSON 10 coiner Direct, ouibiii vrv nuunioaouj and up. llonrd by tlio day or week. m ir in, rm vip. 11 lid -'itc. itnmnB inr I housekeeping nil furnished. Piano free lor patrons ot 1110 nouso. Elias Downs, Prop, Old Post OfficeStables Aro largo am havo reliable nttond unte, your teem boarded by the week or day. Good teams for hire. Prices roa Honnbio. Your patronnge solicited. H. M. Brown H2 Forrv Street. 9:15 a.m BdO , kano Flyer C.-oopm I)Ulf,ClilCftgo andSost, Walla Walla, Bpobano, MlnnJ spoils, ni. ini, uiiiutn, wil waukco ChlrsffO and east. Allan. tie Kx, 9p, m 8 pm, 80. in. ox. Bun iu p, m. Leave Salem VIA I1UNT1NOTON ,OCKA N HTEAMHIIIPH. For Ban Francisco, Hsu every uvo aays. COIA'MHIA RIVKIt tiTKAMJCltB fo Astoria and uay iypi)lnj BPfT" a. 1:49 nti . WIUiAMETTE HIVEIl for i-oruaiia.nonuorg nun way Ar 8. .M...u..r,'l auwuHju, iiuiq-iim days aud Hnturday nt OOO a m 6 1 to Monday, Wednesday, Frl,dylMon 10 h m. iiv.i For Corvallli and way pplnts Frld Tudtdayt, Thuridayi and Sat-I tirtlny, at 4 p m ' ists to rortland as aborn. Transfer! 1 1 tt car lino at Oregon City If tho sicamcri art 9 yedthoro. Tickets to all points In Oretoo J litiigtoii, Cnllfornla or iho East, liagpi,; - bn.l lli.nnirli fnitn flatflln frnA m.nl?"' Seeing is Believing. " When you see people ewrW fy a remedy, you must believe in tit prve: jooh around you. Friends, rtUliin, nelgfibors all say thai Hood's Snrsjtfunll.1, America's Greatest Medicine, c'eanntJ Hit blood of their dear ones aud they r,e en Masse to sing its praises. There's nolh a like ii in the nuorld to purify the bio- d. IGG(CS SaUafjmiitq vm mjrxrxTXTr, Hla Accent end III Conntrr. On ono occasion during a visit to America Michael Gtinn, who assisted Gilbert and Sullivan tn bringing out mnny of their operas, was trying the voices of some candidates for tho cho rus. Ouc of them sung lu n sort of affected Italian broken English. Tho stage mannger Interrupted. 'fLook here," he mild, "tlmt ncceiit won't do for sailors or pirates, (live us n little less Mediterranean and a llttlo more Whltechnpel." Hero Until) turned and Bald: "Of what nationality are you? You don't sound Italian." The other suddenly dropped his ItiJ tan accent nud In Irish said. "Shure, Mr. Utiun, I'm from the same couutry as yourself." tjfJ5;aC5SragffgajagPWigp'V3: grrpwyry); yMfJvxr.:TKvriscet F YOU want the news of the world written and pictured, the finest art and the best literature then you must read WEEKLY WILLAMETTE HIVER DIVISION. iiOBiR 10 lorunuu ha buutii. iransron l Btll'lV I dclayc IVMll UBU ahecked tbronnb from Balora free. Clinic. rail or river route to I'ortland. Conncctlos made at l'ortlaud with all rail, ocean and rlra lines. W U. UURLBUR.T, Gen, Fass Agt , rortland Or. O. M. FOWKIIS, Aifont, Trade Btreot dock, Salem City ticket and freight ofllco 210 Commercial SOUTH AND EAS1 VIA Southern Pacific Co, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Salem lor Portland and way Du.v.u.in mu.iu ... m. , Mm n, m, and 1:05 p. tn. Lv Portland ...... 8:30 A M l.v Kalcra .., vr Ahland. Ar Bacramonto.. Vr Sau Kr&ncWco.. ArQjilnn. Ar Iienver . Ar Kana, Ulty Ar Chicago........... IrLos AliKelcs lfX) A M .12.S0 A M 6.00 P M TM V M 6: A M -MAM .... 723 A M 7:45 A M T2o lr W Ar El Paw.. .. 6-00 V M Ar Fort Worin..... fl:3JA M r Cllyofitoilco OM A M lr Houtiou .. s.3) A M tr Now Orleans. . 8.-2J 1' M Vr WwliltiBion C:I2 A M Vr New York 12;I3 1' M I'uliman trains 8:3o pa m.33 p y 12.-OS p h 4 AS. 8.15 A it n-.4rra 8:10 A V 7r2Mg ):90 a 70 A 51 em i' u :) AK I0.-.-W A II S.SS Atf 624 I'J) 6:M A si 12.13 p v ! 'MlilMI 17 80 t 00 4 00 4 00 -1 00 A 00 12 70 i 00 i 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 (r) 4 00 4 00 5 30 3 GO 0 65 1 40 5 00 1 40 7 1 70 S 00 1 70 Mil Heaii Is doubtless the highest human hood. ,. i'ff c,n,,y " t0 wo,ne"' to w,1' t .'i,h,:,pr,isen'nt,0 of bty, hap. j..... . lHo iiumc, una tUc enjoyment lallucs. There can be nc? good health for any woman who suf- tJi icrs irotu woman ly diseases. Her complexion fulls. Her flesh Inv. l tu lintnicss. Her ; eyes are dull. Slie . has no home Imp- jiincas, no social enjoyment. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion cure the dta eases which de stroy the health. u csiaiiusiiea ret;'! .uilljr, UUCO U1S- , ogrccaoie ilraina, heala inflammn. lTl "ration, and cures female weaknesa. It K,Ves good health to women, which meai.a tmnnnfl nerves a good apatite and sound sleep. ' unutetiZltfiiz, r? ? ? with rll.v. ... 1 ..I....'-," " ."1, America's Foremost Illustrated ournaL, Hall Caine's latest and greatest navel, "Thz Eternal City," begins soon.Scnd for free copy of the op-:ninft chapters, Address Collier's Weekly, 555 West Thirteenth Street, New York City roswEsaaWHBKKaannrccsaas BsasaaarataaaeaiisaAhftfla nud 'lotirista cars on Imii, Chair care Pncrnmento to Ociln .vtitl El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago St. Louis. Now Orleans and WashitiL'tnn' Connccilnc; nt Ban Prandisco with "" oral steamship iinoa for ITnnolni.. Japan, China, Philippinoa, Coutral noA Soutli Arnorica. See Air. W. W. Hkinnor agent at Bnlwv Station, or address U. II. MARKHAM, Q. P. A., Portland, Oregon. Si m IMiMfstf tllims'wM a Vf I EmwSm KXM31: KifiSLiBl rr. rf?msm jjLt- W w 'J WMfFzAr ftiBiiBBiBtiM. Vi tfrti .BssssrrvBBBSsssa rami - BiivrvL It ffiCIS2&u..i r. Ill LiflJLii 11 II The Weekly Capital Journal s: -2C' SfeJiSBL $ YTSs AND . . -Irrsi.rHL&r-r: Tint ( li Jri.nFr.--Aaru 11i1uri1.11 14 tu uiia. ptr.iuiu.,. zszzSLj; '.m ritltlnn of VroaHean . aim u,ul liruullCHl - vvHiaiimi ii t.. . 0 u 1 70 3M 1 70 to 800 HJoodby, iat., ui, - 5!; Id lli hat a blaalnu It I. u.. ..... eAefceUtri" -- iom Work Is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. A II I 0 is WKTUw,. HrrlitA Uwnnjh,..'," WBUw im hmw, . "i W OuttMirir Awt. vm iokww.l Pattwi Hrn "' Oalld lr Oil Irvine . iUwK HsKlwrt HvwiuanlNaM,; IMT IbtM Je4Ter.iu ltutiH kk ifw .; Stlvm.PW(Si KWrT' vrwii falar k v. ,..T.oCu"CelOa.Oy . if73iu4HTrt n '&& bL' " lirec iIavi iHfdielDMifx WUr.' wwth f the "Swa, iC:,"T,l,Jf P' fW& .Mh at a tiH..aS,ilSS,'fJ',, Dr. ricrce'a Medical Adviser, in paner covers, iaseutyrAr on receipt t f IttS cent tuinis to mv v.w...,' r . .' r?' ZT K i?BS I.Uft fftotik lU.UItHR.. i'nlTi "-"TJIWSPSI r- ., iHiiiriiiii. BKii.i ilkua dun.. . ...... uoo.ri ririHm iiiuM .... :",'.' j:'"1. m and (flmmrrr ul Aari.'uiuiu... ....... .;;'!. '"" et .-VW..VU .vu.Wft. ., i-nirjiuc. ir-r. '""iin. Mn ma ....II ....".."'".. "' ".(,.I.,Jt It I rlMlLY FEATUBEt: """ iTir,.ui,tpai,. 1 lhUU.-rlun.t.alu tof tlw.pWUUm,,,iJi? flrnrr,,. i ntcc itnu mm mo ALrviAMflC. 1 d "J IlifcfSaaiL ..ha JVC lirtMl'llla.il. tiiMlnalil u,ik ,. a tw,.t v i.:,.a T Ao" m rnu wistui uii ,;";i"-'1ai.1iwati.. iri cl .. ''.' ' """""' '' -mrlolliire. Iml,. lion, Hrlly lo,. Vnmn . u ,,, . r CnlHiiiLir. ti. .i... ...-;" . .. ....., lll.il.f.u.-...r-...VT."," ""niuomimi , ' " oiilll, IMI. , fir. '. AH w ew Mrdlcal Coojrtu. Havana, CU, Feb. 5.- The fAHirhn Me.tleal a..,., .... ian v ) viL.,i.u u --" wm meet J S iiVy Walterneed wprimmt the awwtt IntMwt ami v O. aruiv. Tt r ......... 1 . . " " ." 1 , ' l0U,0f uuual a laiim nu.,1.... premlncat medleall m lMarixl 7 W SPLIT. BbITTL"dUU HAIR AUCoaeFreDa.4n,rr.whkh.,Cse4ty. M uii II od States.... .harsh hair TM talivthrOiiin S bdtl tdit hair, lUehair, Given Away HOW TO CET ONE J,f . KHi: Mtut.or thliikUu f WUinK for vwir fam.K. Sr.rlnutS w ticket untfl wi ""...VW WA SAMPLE COPY ?'Thrn,6J ruuoul:giJUU MrmCsu::tz .f,.B. bf . . ""'uaieuso,Ul, uu.ir,ritirrwul Our SPECIAL Offer: S2.50 Weekly Caoital Tn.. Orange Judd Farmer wk rear Book and Almanac teftiMfflGEVSC SI 00 SI 00 S 50 OUR PRICE FOR AM. fii iz 11 1 1 j - iilj uurea. iiut-tR BROS., Sale an m ?iUB2S Jass ra -. J 32f&iiESrafiSJs mm 1 KKTsffWSa?aBSSSi 1 I tVQOT9R&cC9J2Eusfr n mmm TJrfcaHnuT 1 ' TOtB OAHD. No. 2 For Yaqulnn: Train luaves Albnnv v.his. r. Train leaves Corvallfs.... 1:50 p m, Train urrlvos Yaqulna . 0;45 p. tu No. 1 Return nir: Leaves Ynqulna 0-10 a.m Leaves Coryallla 11:30 a S NoAr3r,F08reS:' 12U5P- Leaves Albany 7.00 a n, NA!.rlScs. Do.trolt iiStS No. 4 Returning: ws Detroit 12:10 n. m, o ,rnllc.SA Vlbany 6:45 p. ni One and two connect at Albany nod CorvaiilR with Southern Pacific tialni, Blylnij direct service t5and from New port and adjacent beaches. ni ?8.for tl10 wountalns arrive at elSLtMt nooD.' K,V,D uple time i?,iW fau,PInH rounds on the stSoday" ntlam rlvcrs tbe II h VVALDEN, K11WTM mnur T V A- P i "... w.v.it. J.Tl'KNKK. t i.t. lbipy Manaj ChafingDis:hes We Ziave.a few left. Wiat will .you, give for one? Come and see them. R. IM. Wade & Co Salem, Oregon. 4t Salem Soap Bw Works . wM in Oregon. servkM r. Iil.t.l ... a , fm.." V. ":." nair. 8inu,,Mllln;ir";j;,their S""V"" wrebe that fburm?i VV tUx.aU ii,,i.. .. ..."l ourn.w Into 16 Sri dsadrufl wM ..!..."". ' into 1..I o4M.hairr...rr':,H"'a Miliar. ui j :.rr :. :.r., it tn . r:r-."? wwitoi it-1."...,. E&&ts.W&Si WtnULZLiLT? K 'iJL.H's 'M !Li yHr, Alar,iirrf Wd !"--' ijMm or aJd- ........ 1 .. -v,'iw h raraiUk Lu 1 uairuiAB.iAni . . TV "" r.u wiiTuTi towHiSHBLl-".1?''" ww -.., ,w H. jjyji - - , , -- : 9 ... aumnm. VWHI lu n... '."." " ! n8ir0i,ert.oof "'dealer 0apwill "osiro a;nrBt'Class (Encourage Home Industry j "nuB Miem.mado Get a Premium city, I on. -w m " " mnm in AuuriM v' " iuU.i . . "" " mw inuu ... 1 Mr aud bji. .. l --;.. ..vneiia. rnHi iu A ... -- a - -- 1 ibbi nurc. h v i.v-i-.. . 1 . 1 j- . rm m mmwnrmamM vb la'.at wax. - - a-a a amji aaaaji. i 1 1 . a i -!.... a ThwKl, ttmrfaTMr tL ,V.!ff S- ??r.M. 001 r.i"u ?? o .ew ark. as"t " "" 11 VtUI tklll ..X...I LSI. I "" '"" Coatracters. ar readv wiaralS'sl- ""TL, w. W for the Vr!?,:1, '" Welve bj..Li.o m.7 .7'T'' ror nariieti tloaa Pi,....i. v;:'.V ."" v.011 IN MM 9 wmumsj soap STATE COUNTY OITY iW ii0 iwtfVuie I RMBAk.l w..i.. 1 !sssjsva:ssA a krthi u-h ' Sliku rs.k ... 1 --, vwhh an.1 aT irT?" rnovnaJ hU u ,. W.w.lhr' n"T 01 Voodbum or raoTr. 2f .fci"T,. iw7 BL rtSL-lVa: !? . l... ...". w: """ "iin ij ii.u c wrt- ktttins y-. a ..a " - vlkBVBBSkSSI Mil iibJ I 1 Ii Hightwt cash B. II, 1A.&T !SrS5i gSS& tt',5 14 ?.& Money to Loan 11-16 tf ""uau KBb.o in.-., M nil PIT j 4 "'' )fho fl 'aifin a 9 iontori Menu nluht Mn yejstoi fmiw& JtesJ J' Je-JPIUnlior i'rthoci tonden ilio,inf jnayiug .ouras' iha! oung 4lon7" D ins h iU( 0" iOlprOVod furm .! -U rtn iT6nl(rt.,ivrtl4tl'a0fJ IfflK JB -ood WT8Tu, ff I UayZ'H hiT r the Hl.i.. .' " V "ty at loYcTr'rent rate! T, jfC. FORD OverLadd4sBu,V,B8k. ' Je a isrfi snira t