The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 04, 1901, Image 1

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Be Mitchell. -party , ,
JVWoBrXde lie, is no longer
. V 'V. a - -Brow
i .. ' '.!'
NO 29
I ,v -J ,
Have put all odds And ends In chlldcn's and misses' shoes 1"
AtBOC) 75", fl nnd $1.25. All bIzcs from 5 In chlldrcn'H
bIiocs to 14 In misses sizes. Thoy aro greatly reduced In
price and aro genuine- bargains. All men's rubber boots
greatly reduced to cloro out balance o( tlio line.
After Gloom of Loss ol the
k Salem's 'Cheapest One Price Cash Store
.Our Store Closes Every Evening at Six O'clock Except Saturday.
E. T. BARNES, , Cor. Commorolnl nnd
tk. Proprietor, Chomokta Stroots
JeffroyE-Ruhlin light at Clncin-
,'- ... . v
government has taken stepa to'' purchase telegraph system of
Wo chango in Oregon Senatorial deadlock.
Nobrueka haa worat snow blocVnde hi yeara.
Outlook for Jeffroys-Ruhlin fight not regarded promlBtng.
Great Indoor athletic eVont at Madison Squaro Garden tonight.
Tho body of Victory, lato Queen of Great Britain, burled today J l
President McKinley will address Univcraity ol California May 15.
Humors of reorganization of British inhibitor under Duko of Dovoushiro and
Mr. Balfour.
Gov. Nash of Chicago orders Sheriff to stop
Captain Gamott Ripley arreted tt Frankfort, Ky., charge' Goebol assaesina
tlou conspiracy.
United 8lutos Senate participates in ceremonies with House in honor of for
mer Chief Justice Marshall. " ,''
Mrs Nation at Topeka Kan., continues demonstrations against liquor sellers.
Attacked drug stores to day. '
Oregon legislature assembles in joint convention at 7:30 p. uj. in honor of
first Chief Justice of United States.
Command of 1400 Boers captured Hiitish poatat Moddorafontein. In en
gagement at Middloburg, British lost twenty.
HiSNrldgeport, Conn., propoEcaco-operativo financial institutions with six mill
ions capital, and municipal life insurance, city to get premiums. , ,
Ambassador Porter, Mrs. Porter and daughter left Paris this morning, for
Holland. They aro invited to bu present at Queen Wilholmlna's marriage.
Rumors of Reorganized Cab
inet Denied Salisbury
May -Retire.
a British
Lone Waatftlair Mile Record.
Nkw York, Feb. 4. Maxwell r,ong
tho great quarter miio runner, who
holdB the 'world's record for that die
tanqo on both circular and straight
away itracka, will make his, initial ap
pearehco on tho half mllo tracks at tho
Knickerbocker A. C Carnival In Mad
ison Squaro Gurden to-night.
Speed Skatlne At Montreal.
Mo.vrrtnAt,, Feb. 4r Skaters from nil
parts of Canada and tho United States
aro hero. Tho speed skating cham
pionship of Amorlca races aro being
vigorously contested
- Wisconsin In Commlcslon
Sax Imiancisoo. Feb. 4. Tho
ship Wisconsin, in accordance
"Secretary Long's order, ia t bo
emmission tcdav.
put in
Files Two Opinions and De
cided Some Rehearings.
In tho Bolandor estato reversed and
remanded ; Boa n, Chief Justice
Maya. vs. Stevens, rovoreod ; Moore,
Cedersonvs. 0. R & N. Co., rohoaring
denied. Wolverton, Justico.
Guaranty & Trust Society vs. Hogun,
rohoaring denied. Wolverton, Justice
Petition in Lodgo Mountain Invest
ment Co. va Gabado, ovoTiiled with
permission to present matter; on Una, I
titan the J M MM i " AlWIrS Baart1
London, Feb. 4. After today's papers
have been read here, there will bo a
strong public reaction against the mel
ancholy tendencies of tho last three
wooks. Intercut will bo stimulated in
ttlo new reign, and It Is not improbable
that the coronation, instead of being de
ferred until next year, maybe hasieuod,
Tho revised orders for mourning
support this belief, mid there are pro
cedents for an early coronation There is
a feeling that an unique reign has been
closed with honor, and pageants fully
commensurate with the historic occasion
and that great business Interests will not
be allowed to suffer from an undue pro
longation of the period of public mourn
ing. ,
Tho theators will bo' re-opened this
week, now plays coming at HerMaJestys
and St. James. There are croakers w'io
persist in believing thut the nation's cup
of bitterness has not been filled to the
brim and that other calamities are iu
rcsorvq.. There. Is uiurh dismal talk
about tho failing health of- tho Duke of
Cornwall without mi.r Viilfd riuiHOn for
lit. The King Is also reported to be
ureuKing uown in iieaim, uui tnero is
no evidence of It iu his face, flguro or
u Another rumor that Is rovlowed, re
lates, to tho possible retirement of the
Prime Minister and tho reorganization
of the niluiitery under the Duko of De
vonshire or Mr. Balfour. This is clearly
premature. Lord Salisbury, without
doubt, bus lost inturofitin public lifo and
would welcomo reloaso from olllce, but
bo has a strong sense of duty, and will
remain prime minister at tho re
quest of the King, at least until the
now reign hla fairly opened and tho
sovereign's carea huvo been diminished.
Muny dismal forbodlugs now expressed
are duo to public gloom and depression.
The Plngree Contempt Cases.
Lansing, Mich., Feb. 4. Tlio Pln
gree contempt en hi is up'ouce more in
tho Supreme Court, and a vigorous
argument is In progress.
Strong Commando of the
Dutch Republicans in Port
ugese Territory
Outlook for a Fight Not
' Promising
If He Holds it is Only a Box
ing Match-it Will Come
' bir:
PittAtxto.. C T?-.1. a 1-lt.t- u.a
London, Fob. 4. Lord Kitchener re- , ,, ' ,, ' ,., ' , ,
' "..: Ruhlln are proceedlnir wth train nsr.
ports as follews: "Our caBualltioa at notwithstanding tho actlon.of Govornor
Mpddcrsfontoin were two olllcers' klllod, Is ash. Tlio Sheriff and prosecutor today
two wounded, It appears tho poat way ! replied to communications cf theGover
rushedona dark uluhtdurlug a. heavy ,or that they would do their duty as
Protestant Progress in the!
Officer Returns Who Was
First to Plant Flag on
Walls of Pekin.
outlined in tho communication.
Tho outlook for tho proposed fight in
Cincinnati is no longer rcunrdcd promising.
Enemy numbered 1400 with two guns.
Tlio relief column scut out from Krugers
dorp failed to prevent tho fall of tho post.
Nn iltntia vi.t nt'l. hut ofllcorn 'aiut KW ionic, Fob. 4. Win. A. Grady,
' ' tnnr.'n nt t. T t..(t.I. t .1 1... ....!. 1.
men captured at tbo post nro-arrlvlng .1.3 "SS. o?
Jeffrics-HubHn fight expressed tho bo-
Umts the ' ' Mu '"" "m AIW,fs
A Demonstration of Yalue
clear to anyone
Th6 marvel of (he hour is
Ihe wonderful cure of chronic-
diseases without the use ol
knife or poisonous medicines.
This is what afflicted human-
. 1
ity neeas more man an else.
J Not a week passes but Dr. J.
tbnt' ' v- ' K,tai wuuiic.11
j specialist and original discov
i eror of the botanical cure, heals
AlnAtit(l tw '
"Campbell nt South Middloburg en
g.iged COO Boors who worp.drlvo'ri back
with loss. Our cascualillcs ate twenty
killed or wounded. s '' -
"French Is near Bethel, moving oast
and driving, tho enemy with slight op
position. Four o.f our nmbulancos were
"Dowel's force Is reported south of
Louuknco Makqukb, Fob. 4 r-Thoro Is
a commando of "00 Boers on Portugese
territory. It la supposed that their in
tention is to reach tho Boers here.
Tho Portugese authorities havo decided
to remove to Madeira such Boer refugoes
as decline, to surrender to the British,
liof that thero would bo 110 interferences
with the contest.
"Tho legal features of tho bout" ho
added, "will be dotormlnod In court in
Cincinnati Tuesday. Tho point tho
mugistrato will be askod to decide Is
whether Jeffries and Ruhlln contemplate
engaging in a boxing match or a prlzo
If the fudge decides that tlio proposed
oxhlbitloj Is simply a boxing contest
and I am euro that ho will do so tho
battle will lake place as advertised. Of
course, if the judge decides that it is a
prize fight, tho affair will havo to be
declared off.
'ln tho event of a favorablo decision'
to the fighters Gov. Nash will be powor
lest to act iu the matter, all reKrts to
the contrary notwithstanding. Tho
PROGRESSIVE FINANCE chief executive of Ohio is .bound to ob-
rnD Ttfr hcnni c s uvouno law, no matter whether it la
FOR THE PEOPLE t0 ,,,, ,lk,I1K or uott
The whole case htngos on the decision
to ho rendorod Tuesday. Precedent lends
mo to that tho position of tho Sucuger
fest Athletic Club will bo sustained und
that the bout will takuplucoas originally
Bbicoei'okt, Conn. Feb. 4. A plan
has bean proposed to establish certain
financial institutions hero on n basis of
cooperation, It Involves tho raising of
$0,000,000. Forty thousand rltlzom aro
expected to And tho money, each taking
1175 worth of stock. Six operations aro
to bo chartered.
Of tho 175 subscribed by each f 85
will form a in tho savings bank,
Manila, Feb. 4. Loss than four
hundred porsons attended the mootina
called by Sonor Buflncamino at tho Risal
theatre in tho Tondo ward of Manila, to
inaugorato tho "Evangelical movement".
Considorablo intorost was manifested
In tho proceedings and there waB some
expressions of approval of tho addresaos.
No attempt, howovor, waa inado to
commit tho meeting -to protestantism,
that aspect of tho ease being left for
subsequent action nt hla discrottoh to
Rev. James B. Rogers, n missionary of
tho Presbyterian board who was prosout.
Senor Buoncamlno explained that
religious effort was wholly outoldo tho
federal partv, whlc'i hvl been organized
solely to promote political police.
Tlio ilrst. mild apptatuo occurred when
ho compared tlio priests to "white ants
which eat tlio substance and hmvo noth
ing of valuu" Sonor Huoncainiuo urgod
iu favor of supplementing tho present
priests with Filipinos, having tho
privilege of innrrying. Gradually ho
led up to the PtoUistttnt ideas, and as'ed
whether they wore any longer to to
submit to tho authority of a pope or an
archbishop. Somo shouted ' 00" but
others remnlucd silent.
A Methodlat minister baptized hun
bred Filipinos at Mulibay about four
miles from Manila, ilev. Mr. Prautch
has secured scores ol signatures iu a
neighboring villagu to a declaration In
fuvorof handing the church over lo Pro
testant worship and debarring Gorman
Affected By Imports ol Rus,
sian Beet Sugar,
And May Find a Way to Pro
tect the People Against
Cheaper Sugar.
0110 of tho corporations, while
maindor will pay for ono share 10 dnch M" tno ""bject of a protest by
of tho other flvo companies. t,,u '""". which was laid l
With tho scheme is n proposition to
pay the debts of tho municipality by In
suring tho lives of prominent citizens.
The city will pay tho premiums and bo
the boneflolary. Several residents have
agreed to tnko out )oUcic3 if the rchemu
goes through.
San Fkancibco, Fob. 4. Tho 404
sick soldiers wh camo from Manila on
tho transport Warren were landed ut
tho Presidio general hospital. Tho ma
jority are in a convalescent condition.
Two hundred Vioie entered at the
hospital and ihe bulauco transferred to
tho poat authorities to bo mustered out
In a few days. Major Penrose of tho
medical corps was a passenger on tho
Warren and is now a patient at tho
Col, A, 8. 1'gi t, of tho Fourteenth
Infantry, also arrived on a short leavo
ofabtenco, Hi" regiment has the (Ha
lt can bo mido
our methods of
Dental Treatment
Ao 'ar In advauco of manv others. SOme patients WllO liaVC SUffer-
thu most improved methods
Our crown and bridge work Is perfec
tion fn HkoH. Teeth made by us look
natural, tit perfectly, ami wear splendid
ly All work guaranteed.
Drs. Eppley & Olinger
, ' Postoflice block.
Reliable Jeweler and Watchmaker
Large stock qf novelties, imw stylos of brooches and tho best quality of ring
nd other new Jewelry for tho people to buy at prices lower than ever before
Engraving Free, 288 Commercial St. Jeweler und Diamond Setter
Eai:h cast- is considered carefully undin4 for VMr? from Jiwflll ilis
nll work done skillfully ami according to tU ,U' J,,5 ,rum r ,Jr , .
cuoc uiiu imc iimic iiwiiiiciici i
of rank, medical humbugs. Dr,
Cook is willing to give patients
the benefit of his life study but
declinesto publish further test
imonials out of regard for his
patients, yet will gladly refer
any callers to their neighbors
and friends who have been
healed, Consultation free.
If you have any physical ail
merits it will do you good to
call and have a little chat with
the doctor.
Office 30t Liberty Sire ft
Salem OiepDn.
The Louueat Word.
"Rob." said Tom, "which Is tho most
dangerous word to pronounce in tho
English language?"
"Don't know, uuloss It's a swearing
"Pnnhl" said Tom. "It's 'stumbled,'
because you are euro to get a tumble
between the first nnd last letter."
"Iln, bal" said Rob. "Now, I'vo got
ono for you. I found It one day In
tho paper. Which Is the longest word
In the English language'"
"Incomprehensibility," said Tom
promptly. - I
"No. sir; It's 'Bmllcs,' because there's
a wholo mllo between tlio first nnd
last letter."
"IIo, hor" cried Tom. "that's noth
ing. I know a word that lias pvor
throo miles betweon Its beginning nnd
"What's that?" asked Rob faintly.
"Beleaguered," said Tom. - Pearson's.
Washington, Feb. 4 Tho revenue
law enacted by tho Porto RIcan logis-
tho re-' hituro just before udjouriimeut last week
cable to
before thut
uo;iy touay. nio protest uunoiinces.
sending to Washington a duly author- tinctiou of being thu llrst to calo tho
ized commission to putitlon n demand walls of IV kin und hi- teglu entnl flags
for Its annulment. worn tho llrst colors plantrtl on tho
I "walled olty."
FINAL RITES W lwn tho Wrrren leaving Manila
OVFR THP OIIFPN "' " Wenmibor JtOlh one of tho asaist-
f th i iil. UULLI1 nntimglneorHini.undorilnotln('ii'.nnl nnd
1 sent the vesel iihuml instead of aitem,
Wmnhni). Knti j Ti.nnai ,nu ..- ' with thu result that tho Mriiuli floainitr
,. ..,.,. -w.., w. .., ....u, iiiuiui M,, . t..,,..l, I . ...jl.l. ...I.I., ..
'.Mi., 1,1. n ri,,ii n ,111,, Y..'iiri'ii n 'tj lit
jind. Thfi engineer wm ihimel.
Nkw Yonic, Fob. 4. According to a
spoclal from Washington to tho Journal
of Couimorco, thero are two nspoets to
tho problem of whothor a countervail
ing duty shall bo laid upon sugar Ira
jwrted from RusbIb, on tho ground that
tho system of rogulating sugar produc
tion in Russia is equivalent to a bounty
which will bo carefully considered by
Secretary Gage bofore announcing a do
Ono relates to the fasts, tho'othor to
their legal interpretation. Tho facts wore
pre'tty well ascertained by a spoclal
agont of tho treasury, who "cut to Rus
sia last stimmor. Iho system is com
plicated, but has boon fully set forth in
tho report which Is beforo Mr. Gage.
Tho question of how tho facts shall lo
interpreted, is now. under consideration.
Attornoy Genoral Griggs has been
asked by Mr. Gage for lit" opinion, Tho
facts appear to, indicate that thero is
110 payment by tno Russian government
to the sugar growers, but a considerable
tax ib levied and production is restricted
ton given amount for oach establish
ment. Tho excess of production must
bu marketed abroad, but tho grosB pro
duct ion, including that sold abroad, con
tributes to tho adjustment of tho allow-
anco of tho production of tho following
It i In llio iuterent of producers who
dujliu to uicfiM'u their fiuure q not 11, to
imicliiuttjiliocoilificiitea, f exportation
from th'isuuhu have produced a surplus,
but are less concerned to incre.tsu tieir
quot.i. Thus tho purchasers ot thu
certificate aro nblo to secure a lafgor
allowance for tho future, whilo the, ex
porter rucelvoB a premium for tho
curlilleate, over und above tho prlco, ho
receives for tho sugar. '
Illitcontouded by the udviraleiOt a
cOiiulerVHlhiig duty tint thu cntlro ma
chinery is tiiu coutrol o( t '10 gov
eriimeiit and that thu explorer does, in
fact, receive a bounty through govern
ment Intervention. It is contented
that thoro Is no bounty Involved,
but that the entire nrrangomeut
is a sort of a oollngcoit troot between
! different sugar manufacturers who aro
ta&uu ui-uviiy 111 nuy uvuiib auu rocuivo
no substantial aid from their govern
ment. Which of thoso views Is correal,
Is n problem tho secretary of thu treus
uiy must uvontually decide
horo to-day. A Urgo amount of porsoaat
property is also to bo disposed of. The
land Is located ih tho cOuntlos of Osceol
Orango, Brovold. Dado, Polk, too and
Do Soto. Tills salo will soon put upon
tho market 2,000,000 acres of land which
has been tiiJd up and kepi, from,
sottlers for many years. Soma of the
land Is very rich and fertilo and many
applications havo already been filed for
portions wanted.
Medical Congress lnCoa.
Havana, Cuba, Fob; 4.-rhe Pan
American Medical. Congress assembled
hero to-day. It Is cstlrrlated that about
1,500 physicians are here. Of th'osb about
COO aro from Cuba, 300 frorn tho United
States, 200 Mexicans, And othors from
Argontfno, Uruguay, Bra7.ll, yorlciuela
Colombia, Pom, Chill and other Central
and South American countries; Tho
Congress opens to-night In general
sosslonat tho Tadon Thdatro, wheto
welcoming addresses woro', delivered and
responses mode. Scientific sessons will
bo held to-morrow.
tho deud Queen wero concluded ut 3 :R0
P. M, and tho body was lahlto rest lu
Fromoro Mausoleum. I
.King Edward, Queen Alexandra, Em
peror William and others of the royal
family attended tho services besides tho
coflln at an early hour this morniuu. I
nlfSils Or Florida Liad.
KiHHluuuH, Florida, Fob. 4. TKo
foreclosure sale of all the Dlsaton Lfind
Company's lurid in this Statu takes pjneo
That's always the way with
our Hair Vigor. When per
sons use it they arc always so
highly pleased with it that they
tell their friends about it!
If your hair is short, too
thin, splits at the ends, is
rough, or is falling out, our
Hair Vigor will perfectly satisfy
If your hair is just a "little
gray, or perfectly white, Ayer's
Hair Vigor will bring back to
it all the dark, rich color it had
years and years ago.
On dollar a boltU.
Kyour ilruRlit cannot supply you, lend
ui f 1.00 and we wilt exprcit a bottle to you,
all chart prepaid, lie aurt and (tve ua
your ncarcit cxpreia office,
J, C. Ays Co., T.owtll, Mais.
Send for our handsome book on The Hair.
Gold UUI Nowas R. D, Humo tho
cannery man has n bill to preservo the
fltli tit tlio Rogue river. IIo ban pre
served many million of thorn,
Finest Penotia on
Fresh Today
' '
154 State Street, ' " SileM'Pboae 3874
Dunsmuir, Calif., Feb 4,Whf'n thu
north bound Oregon Hxpress had pusced
Dalla, CuI., this morning, Gustavo T.
Rhode, who occupioU a Inirtli in tho
tourist car was lound Tha re
mains will bo returned to Redding fur
tho coroner to hold an iuquet. lie wos
on his way to Tacomit, i
WE WANT TO LOSE $1000.00
During the month of February and the way
we propose to do it is by giving our customers
all the profit and in some cases part of the cot
of our entire line of "1 ,1; A, ,x
Men's Clothing and Hats
Men's MOd Utogl Suits fM
Men's IS.00 Wool Suits 5.98
Men's I10.0O Wool Suits 17.36
13.00 quality stiff or Fedora Hate , f 1 00
2.00 quality ftlff hats $110
50 and 7c Neckwear $ 40
a l. 00 Neckwear , .. 60'
"Dalrymple's Branch Store
294 Commercial Street.
Going Through a Watch
When cleaning it, we often find some
minor fondles which on being made
tight, will prolong Its lifo for a number
of vears.
Thin Is worth moro than tho price of
cleaning, but It doesn't cost you much,
Wo make a specially ol tine repairing.
Watches, jewelry, clocks, and delicate
Ilttlo ornaments are carefully, skillfully
ami neatly repaired, cleaned and mado
to look, and bo, liko new. For such
work our charges are moderate.
119 Slate Street.
We must have the room for
spring goods now. arriving,
Full line of dry goods at lowv
est prices
OppObiie Postoffice.
Rival Oil Co.
Mr, W, H. Clark, Secretary of the Company is in Salem
for the purpose of oiTering a limited amount of stock at 50c
per share. This is certainly your chance to make money.
The company will nuke for you many times your invest
ment in a short lime. The company owns over 480 acres of
very choice oil lands in Sunset District County, 4 in Los
Angeles where they are now drilling forj oil with "a well of
120 barrels oer dav. onlv 30 feet from where thtiv are drill
ing. Buy this stock beforcit goes beyond youi reach, it will j w
not be long sold at 50c per share. Stock lor sale at C. A.
WIioIa niinn tnr. sr.ilp ("Vill itt i.ti rt i-rn.iiin: 8
filter Victoru
The soldier straps his helmet tighter. JUST SO
WITH US. There's an everyday onward march in THE
BIG STORE our success serves simply to stimulate us
to further efforts. 1 Ins week we have much in our store
that will prove of vital imponance to you. MANY OPEN
Our (Mo
Was a grand success. FOR FORTY MILES AKOUND
THEY CAME. It was that mightv magnet VALUE,
with ils great money saving possibilities that drew
them. It was the biggest day ever known to a Salem
The many congratulations which we received on our
courage in opening such a store pleased and encour
aged us, and we teel confident of the hearty support of a
large and appreciative public.
Now We Invite You to Visit Us
Opening offers at
The Big Store
A handsome line of urn
brellas pearl handles mount
ed with sterling silver guar
anteed goods.
Two hundred ladies' urn-
brellas regular St. 50 values
as an opening special J
$1.10 :
A fine line of white quilts
offered special
68c and 88c
Any jacket in our store
values Irom J?8.50 to 516.50
iS (Art MMWHhk nXfMAs.
SW """" '"IMv XtfweJ
And many other specials ap
predated taD
H.-e "
TrJe Mirk Reilstired.
and see the miniature oil well in thewindow.