fi." yt ,,, .1 ', 4 .- i Miraculous Cure ir v.x.suXToy. DfcWiffiams Piri& Pills for P&le People "I ha4en troubled with rheu matism all my llf, overt wban a boy. It attacked moio tb ln, arms and shoulders. Tbapaln la the latter m particularly ever- J, of course, took nied. Itlna lot It, Lot did not obtain permanent relief. Onaday about tbrM years ajo while reading- n neirerp' I mw an advertise tnentof Dr. WlUUras'l'ink flit for Pale People And determined to tire them atrial. I bad taken tratthree boxee of tba plus when the trouble, which bad been my affliction from chlldbood,entirely disappeared. "About m year later,! bad an rtherattalcofrhcumatUmwbleU was brought on by working- In a damp place. I remembered welt vbat Dr. WlUlamt' Plulf I'llli for Pal People bad done forme, to I Immtdlately parehaeed tome, Htraocely erioaih Jut three tosee acaln cured me, and I bars been entirety free from rheumatism evorelace. X have told a number of txopla about Dr. Williams' Pink nil for Pal People, and they hare taken tbem with the meat beneficial result. W.J.IUiroif, Bntiary Hoard of Trade, WelUburg-.N.Y. 41 all drntfltUer direct Irem IT. WWUma MM kin Co., BtbeoectaJ, Y.,ptrMotirelpt of prtce.W caste 4rbox,aU boiMtUO, M THE DAILY JOURNAL ov Hopen UHOTHBflS, -jv SATURDAY, FJ3B. 2, 1001. Daily Ono Yoar, $3.00 In Advancer Dally Pour, Month. 91. In Advartoo Dally by , Carrier 50o Par Month. WooklyOnciYoar Bl.00 In Advance 4-? .. m .. Sft- A POSTMASTER AT ; THE PARMBR'a DOOR , Tiio experiments that have lawn made r Itijajfrw itjnll dollrory in rural pylon. are suggestive and Interesting. .Four t yewra ogo Conscroaa wa poriu dtd to irfrko a small appropriation tot, thli wurk, which has orery year bee,u In- croaMek Thfl last was 1,7W,000. Nearly tbrpo thousand rural route Imyo Ikmjii MjAbllahed, and almost two million fanners and Ihelr famllloo now enjoy tlio benefits o( tho sorvlce, T rujal, currier, who receives $600 a year, niftko a dally trip of about twenty-live mlloa. Hit wagon Is an Itinerant postoftlco. Ho delivers lnnll,he regfaturs lelterijho aclla alampii, and lio cancela poatage on mall matter collected. H lit proved that ho ahull also Uitio monoy onion. The demand for roulea t InaraailtiRly larK.An y, plication. Iroui twonty-Jlvo hiuiilred, V ooniinnnlfle are In tho handiof'thu poilal authorilloa. rohuiiU'r-Ooncrttl Hinltli lieonvliiO' eJ that (jioKovonitnant mint toon x tend tho eorvlco lo oovur'praatlually the whole country. Tho rlii'al populntlon-ls citltiiftUvl at twentyfoor million pcoplo, threo mlllloniol whom, perhape, live In inch ajiareely aettlotl dlitrlota aa to be practically Inacetiealblo to carrion, Tho rematnliiK twenty-one mlllloua occupy a million riuro mllta of territory. The tsroMctotuldtllvorliu thenullatothem v laeatlniAted at 2' ,000,000 a year, Tho not coat would be considerably s, (or J many thouiand (ourlh-claaa poitolllwa y could bo abollhtd, Mar roatea aupereed ' eJ, and Ineroaeed ;oU receipts on ao couijt b( linjrovHl70lIUea would lirinit a larvje roonue- Tllo Voatmaitr Uon oral would have tho Iom now audered on oeoiid claea matter atopil, and he eal 4t eulatea that this luoreaae ol net revenue woulil U aullleleut to nUa trvo delivery to all accoHlblo country folks. Tho boys and glrla ore oduoatlnic themaelrcs in the Iwat (public) ehool in Kanaaa, and tho Jail I? empty for wontha at a time. The Km. Iiorla banka show about a million dollnra ondepoilt. Money for penalblo Invent mnna msy bo hail at from h to U per rent Wages of clorke rnnue from ft to V) a day. and the coat of living makes it poetlblo for ovety man to aavo monoy and buy a homo. Flvo-r-ixtha of the houses of Emporia sr ownol by the men who live in them, and tho social order of tho town la not based on money." EX-SENATOR C0RBETT PLAIN AND DIRECT Will Remain Firm Candidacy for Senate. in the His JOllrWAL "X-RAY" a Albany put a two.ywr hlU aohool ajloourao into the imblle sehoola and (A Jboya and ijIrU are enrullekl. ' ,. Theuuiuberolutiutuployod H)llilo'iu la still Kreat and a rallrtwtd comuitMieu Ja almoat au abatulojnelly. ,f Bo long a the beuatuTlsl huldup la on neither ahla daro ote agalntt ap lnprl,tlus. Kveiylhtim gooa. a falom goes forward. A new Mural buildup a, now V. M O. A.; a uuw ,Uto Wr j neWybusiueM bl4k a A " Forever freote the pwipio shall (taw Jfkl lnvl. Is there any el ! fftee n Up at thetau llwue? & e e i. To bo tho j.tXHwImi Hrwnllhelp Ue beom t Iiiocmw Mdtl aaUrtea by ,inerw8B me;wwe at the le ftum Mtoii!wy:;0, Ks-Ronstor Corltett was naked at I'orl- land Monday ovoulnx what ho thought of tho situation nt Hnlciii, In regard to bia candiilaoy for the United 8iat Hen ate, and ho replied that lie felt more confident of his atirccaa limn tit any tfmn eluco tho Legislature met. "My friend are standing by mo loyally." ho said, "and members from Houthern Oregon, Kitstorn Ori'Kon, as well ns tbosa from Marlon, 1'olk, Yamhill and other coun ties, havo shown their determluathn to remain steadfast to tho end. ilow about Clackamas county? Joint Hop reneutativo Drerser, of Uluckumns mid Multnomuh rotinlles, was known mho. Corbett man prior to the Juno election mat summer, when ho called upon mo and he prombed at that time to nlvo mo hit loyal supHirt in uao ho wus noiiil bated ami elected, and I consider his word to be rpllod upon. Henator llrow nell voluntarily wrote to a pemomd friend of mine prior to the Juno election, ploduliiK his earncit support in irnso I waa a candidate for the United Ktites Henato. "Tint other two memlKira of Clitokn- maa Oounty wuro known as Uorlwtt tuen when nominated. Henator I'orler haa elKiilllod Ida Intention of kviik l.ln loyal aupport to. Mr. Mollrldefur n proper louiith of time, after which, In caio of no election, he feels nt lllterty to vote for another, and will likely Join tho major ity." "ldo, moit emphatically. Two years ano, when I waa a oandldnte and knew that a majority of the caueua Has In my faor, I wltlnlrow, after llvodsysof Iwl lotlDK, in tho Interests of hsunuy, although wmo of my friends felt aur., 1 oould havo Ikmh, ejected If I had not withdrawn. If anyone wlllidraw" tin time, it ahould bo the mihoritve.iH,ll. ilate, Home of my frieuda blnniml mM for wlthdruwlMK in m, and I dwt't pro poM io incur ue (hit tliun.1 "A to tho metiiWi nf ilu, Muliu.n..i. doWallonelwto.IiinthHOItlMu'atukel. their plallorm. puhll.htsl lu.t prior to the June .-leeiTnn Utt yoaf, pavo them perfect lrrslgm an to their oliolw of n ponaioriai oamlkUte. Ihey aio ibits iiiiiikwi iu iiu quo paritenur eaudWutH, and It Is fer them to cImmk hi wan wiiwin tnoytlilMk van smvo the state WOULD PROTECT THE FARMERS Measures .to Prevent Loss of Grain in Warehouses. Bills That Have Ben,-lntro- uucedFMaijMttttSBjlfct in View. Thoto ate iioh pendiiij? In tlm leKUIn' turo four bills Ixwrinx on tW amtrol ol wdreboiiH'y? for theislorit of e,rnln atnl tho pHHfl(e of mchof them murela vorably rcerlOil ly tho eotntriiltoi will undoiibUdly result in the extending! that protection loilw farmer that Iws bq long been oallfcf for. Jn the 'Penale a lull )iasval ready been )Niscd, tlm principal point of Mlikh is (he nqniro niHiit of monthly iii'iwctiou and ru(Krt Of grain stored, the hill wwb Introduced by Senator Adams. It provldos tha' every wnrohouse, llosrlng mill, rlit mill or other pla o wherein grain is kept for r-toragu or hire make a report to tho county court on the Ural day of enoh month containing a Btatemont ol tint amount of grain owned by the Company on the first day of tho month preceding tho report, the amount of grain bought for cash, received by exchange, shipiied, ground or otherwise dieted of during tho month. If from tho report it ap pears that thuro Is a shortage in the grain on storage, n member of tho county court shall bo appointed to ex amine the booknaud tiffalrsof tho ware house, the cot tobo upon tho corpora tion, unless no shortngo is found to ex ist, if n shortago ho found, an order will bo issued to show caueo why a receiver should not bo appointed. Any person willingly and kuottlnglv making n falso report will bo subject to a lino or im prlpoumentor both. The farmers of Marlon county know from patoxorfoiico the necessity (or tho most striugont laws regulating tho storage of grain. In (net such protection wits a strong element In tho canvast pro ceding tho election, and tho candidates pledged themselves to uccompllsh this result. In the past year over 150,000 bushels of wheat wero lost to the farmers of the county through shortages In ware houses, and tho criminal ruflcallty of tho managers thereof. Of tho bills Introduced In the House tho ono by J. N, Smith, of Marlon. Is tho most uompruhenslvo in its scope, It provides .for Increasing tho amount of tho bonds imposed upon tho waronouso mun, which will hueouatto 15 pur cent of tho annual volume of business with tho minimum bond lo ho at $:t000 Another by Mr MiCrnken, of Portland, provides for similar regulations to be upplied to tho warehouses ol Multno mah county. 44 Put Money In Th Parse Nobody suffering Vt brain-fw Uch of energy, or "ttui W feeling" ever puts money in his purse. UssUudc and Mlmnett come from impure, sluggish blood thi.1 simply oozes through the veins. Hood's SarsaparillA nukes (he blood pure And orves it life, ntioor And vim. ZibciCi SaMaptVtii PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY PR0GRAA1 Lai if e Attendance at Lincoln School the PECULIAR CASE OF MISS MULKEY MIsh Sumo Mulkey, niecu of the lato United States Senator .J. N. Dolpli, shot herself with a revolver at Ban Fran clseo, nf-w days ago, and died soon afterward at a hospital from tho wound, fthoia a daughter of 0. J. Mulkey, formerly special agenl of the Treasury Department, and is a cousin of Council man F. Mulkoy and Chester Dolph, of Portland. Bho was also distantly con- nccted with the Mulkeys of this Eectlon. Miss Mulkoy and her mother had recently nrrlvod In San Francisco from Tacoma, Wash , and their business there was todispopoofeomo mining properly acquired by Miss Mulkoy. The property was located nt Nome Her attorney tnado an unfavorable report regarding the property and tho young lady scorned qnite hysterical over tho matter. At a later hour he called again and found the young lady in much tho sanio mood. Bho requested her mother and tho at torney to leave her to rest and quietude and she would recover. They departed and n few moments later heard a shot, and lmstonlng back found her lying in n pool of blood with a revolver at her side. Sho died without giving any reason for tho deed. A peculiar phase of tho case in tho fact that tho mother and daughter registered nt the Kovnl House, In ban trauclso, under tho as sumed name of Mrs. Mlllsap and daugh ter. Tho young lady was about 20 years of age. C. J Mulkey, father of tho dead girl, formely special agent of tho Treasury Department, was implicated in the famous smuggling caso soveral years ago, along with other government ofllcors, When Nat liltun wus a star witness, and rolated much sencntioual testimony. Mrs. Mulkoy was a sister of tho lato Senator Dolpli. Tho Corvallls Gar.otte says alio had relatives nt that placo. SEWING MACHINE SPECIALIST AT SALEM New Business Location 01 an Expert in This Line of Business Geo. H. Deane, the fiewlng machine specialist has done eo well sinco locating in Salem ten weeks since that ho hns ruited roomy and well-lighted quarters up stairs rooms 2 and 4 of tho Gray block Ho has handled sewing machines for 23 years, and been fifteen years on tho road, an equipment of experienco thot makes him an authority tn.that line. At Mr. Dean's establishment may bo found a full lino of Bpecial attachments to all machines, as well as materials for care and proper use of machines, shut tlo), bobbins, needles, take-ups and all parts and specials for repairs -this lat ter being Mr. Deane's specialty to put a sick broken-down 'cr out-of-order ma chine in fine condition on short notice. Mr.Dcane proposes founding a new In duitry at Salem. In tho near future ho will put In n pinking machlno, n button- holo sowing machine and machino to make buttons to match suits. Most audi work is now sent away from the city to lie done. Mr. Deane is doing some of this work now and will bo pie pared to t.ive Instructions in this line of work, lie also handles something new in tho way of a special bargain machine. Mr. Deano has come to Salem to stay and will bo found an intelligent and agreeable gentloman to do buiinesfl with. Conitdernip. Young Writer (to editor of newly es tablished JonrnnD If you And this lit tle story available for your columns. I don't nsk nny puy for It beyond n life subscription to your pnper. Editor But, great Roodueaa, young mun, you may live for CO yenrsl Young Writer Oh, I don't mean dur ing my life: during the life of your pa per, you knowl Ixindoii Tlt-lllts. MMe BUSINESS CARDS Alwars ae-ks to find Prf,?jnt for itself, and womanly gratitudes I not ktcn silence. Cynical people tometimea yPVly do women write these testimo Zs to the value of Dr. Pierce's vorite onawer can be put in one word, Gratitude. When, after years of agony a woman is freed from pain, when the weak woman is made stronc and the sick woman well, the natural im pulse is to write a word of grateful thanks lor the medicine which caused the cure. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription cures diseases fecultar to women, t establishes regu larity, stops weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "HmHnc t Dr Tlcrcc 1'avorlte l'te scription and 'Golden Medical Dlvoery' durltislhelKutjear," wrltn Mm Mnttle Lone, of l'fouw Valley. Perry Co l'a "I can truthfully recommend the medi cine ftr all female weekneiwe I have wwd eeral bottles of ' Favorite Prescription which I consider a great Mesninjt to weak women I mi so nervoiw nud discouraged that I hnraiy knew what to do Your kind advke for home treatment helped me wonderfully Thanks to Dr. Pierce Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness, nnd sick headache. Thev should be nscd in connection with Favorite Prescription," whenever the use of a laxative is indicated. Correspondent wnntcd in ever' city, town anil villages in America. owspo por and othor work. Experienced and inexperienced Good remuneration. News and stories wanted. For partial lars address The Bullotin Press Associa lion, New York. 1 10 tf E? O. H.JI7ACK :o:E:ESflisia? Successor to Dr. J. M. Kceno, of Wliito Corr.e. Salem Or. Torties desir ing superior opB-itions nt modorato feo in any branch nro in especial request. " ALBERT A. JESSUP. B Phone 1071.1 ROOMS 1 AND a ORAY I1LK. The .Annlverrr. "Hnrry, yesterday was our wedding anniversary, nud you never fitld n wotd nhout It." "Well, my dear, I felt It In my bones 1 tut l It was some sort of a big day, but I couldn't remember what It wits." Itidliinnpolls Journal. . When n fellow hns money to bum, I lie mother of mnnlngeitblc daughters Is ready to supply him with n match. Philadelphia Itecord. Tho now mammoth munglo placed In tho Salem Steam Laundry has en abled them to reduce tho prices on lli't work in dozonlotn. Sheets 2c, slips 1 sue tho reductd rates. ) bono 411. 122 tf Removal Notice. Tho undersigned has moved his wagon shop from No. 40 State street to Ills now building, tho first door south of tho Sa lem Sloam Laundry 210 Liberty street, whero he will welcomo old nud now natrons in want ol good work in tils line. lelei phono 2033 121 tf P. J. Lahsem. FOR A COLD Lnxntlvo BromO' Uvui-v Imr In fJnrtnnnr frnm Ihn IN THE HEAD crown prince to the meanest subject Is Qulnlno Tnblota1 obliged to learn some useful trnde. VOTE FOR PRINCIPLES NOT FOR PLUNDER Bean th 4 M Kind Yw llw Always Bwfih' ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT Dayllibt Stopover at Macara Falls. Through flrstclass touaiatsleeperfrom I Pacific Coast wcohlv fnrriifcnirn. iloatnn. .. . r- -' ----, Northwestern Normal School and Business College Salem Oregon Term opens Sept. 24. Complete course of nudy. Normal. Busliiesj, I'ommoti school, HIrIi school. Ctncutloti, Music and Art. Kull Faculty aatlsfattory work. Send lor circulars. A. J. GARLAND, A. M. Principal THE WILSON 18 Center Street, Salem Ore. ItoomB 15c and up. Hoard by tho day or week. Lodging 15c, 20c and 23c. Ilooms for housekeeping all furnished. Piano free for patrons of tho houee. Elias Downs, Prop, Oif&iJ nepitt TIME 8CIIKDULK T- for1 I i-rom Portland, la-'i YhTcaw.SoTt"Lako75envcr Kt.'Vo'rThr- Spclal Omaha. Kanaaa City, BU.oi v.,u n.u. Bno- kane Flyer C.-OOpm Allan tie Kx. Bp, m 8p m, Sp. m. ex. Hun 10 ti. m. Leave Siilcui Something New I have placed in my shop a tele phone. Ifvou wish mo to do your v ork ring up 2853 main line, We do nil kinds of carriage work and blacksmithing. Horso shoeing a specialtv. If you call not bring tho work to tlio shop I will ecu 1 for it. : : : : : JOHN HOLM First Door South Salem Hotel llljli St. Satan later Co., OFFICE. CITY UAL.L. For water service, nDDly at olllco Hills payable monthly In ndvuuco Make all complaints tit the oillc Walla Walla, flpokano, Mlnno- spoilt. "' rani, uuiiun. Mil waitkce Chicago and east. VIA ItUNTJNaTON OHKANHTKAMHIIIPH. For Ban Franclaoo, Ball every are uaya. COH1MHIA RIVEIt HTKAMKHH fo Astoria and nay Landings ,Hpo. t. b. Pta il WILLAMETTE RIVER For Portland, Nowbcrtf and way iJinouiK, ,Ar I Tuesdaya, Tlmrs-lem ErldayMon ilaisaiKlHatlirdsT ntO-OOa tut Monday, wed ucsuay in a tn. v.j For Corvatlls and way points Hid, Tudsiiaye, Tuunaay ana sat-i unlay, attpm ' WILLAMETTE RIVEIt DIVISION. Boats to 1'ortlfttid aa abovo. Tninslcri' i noalOrcBon City if the atoamen ii re. Tlekcte to all points in Orm. , California or tho Kaat. IlanJj street enr lino delated there IVathltlfrtnn. t checked ttirouuli front Balcm free Onnnrvitu. mado at Portland with all rail, ocean and rfti rail or river routo lo Portland. Hues, w- If. iriTPl.nrin-r Gen, Pass Agt , Portlaud dr. u. in. ruwKits, Agent, Trade Street dock, Balcm City ticket and freight oOloaUluComracrclil POSSIBLY You are not awaro of tho fast time atd Btiporb service now affordod by tho a S, C, STONE. M. D, Pioprlotorlol Stone's Drug Store HALKM, OREGON. Tco stores (two tn tmnihcrj arc lotflted at No. 2J4 and 83 Commorelal street, and aro well stocked witli a complete lino of drugs and m diUnes, toilet nitidis, tKjrfiunery, hrushei etc., etc., etc DR. HTONE Haaliid same 23 years extrleuie In the prac tice of medicine and now makes do charge for Consultation einmlnatinn or priwcrlptfon, Get u Pretniuui on .... ti n ii ii i inn (STATE U CITY Trn.f J IV COUNTY ar Fundamental American Ideas That Should Control Selection of an Oregon Senator. the tveit.' lint? Vraikr Vork. Wumlsra, Not tho least tujriertou l all the uvttdera of, tUo tmnh la ili.sHiini.iiv dlnary cloruo of Damo Mnuw ua a earver and designer. II w tmUa aw air, rain, rlrew. upriNira and frwt. Auy ouu who tm eer keen the wwr veloua Uiuhiu IUhui rook uu tu wii. CwuUU txmat. that wwmlwful prout tnrut of the Krwit gum HtiiatHttb, who la kwttl mi urHdly uiw tho aanda. must bate akM WtH.olf ib queailou as to bow iwh a tulug could tme bevn aivwuh4tkttl. I'ontlHUotia irtemiuu of wator MN way tho faw of ito riKt lanwr nrd It wm mmuI at Uat a wHM imt- jv.u ia whwi mat MWltHlMtM w blea a imw facv; vHtiHtwHNt aH u- mi. ah oar imi kiI Natura Waa kiel her pk-lwr salWry aud Iwr eol WXUm of Mutuary. tk Lki rv. .Ink laiiislulloii that uiii .,i n.- Urbor a tlayk rwt In di wk U io bo sMtwurjH. 'nolr MuttJa, wJwelally u snsjsrss w z , ,.-..t.w . uiv.iii,,,) U IHy , ' Thar It ft whole lot( wldtm In Ihla inm aa aitl Ja tho Htfra. KtW. aIOawitiit ; ' ? "KlMHrtvJfi f'l tAil ulLiHrtaf l.... like, wbulstMitVA'iatwsJ.jBead'lMMtt . w,mM " f tjth w th.MwWI;ioHtewHaHa ttaikwt NtttstatNe ItVrVm Mwlu tbo wsHld $&t m NfcmtsMt Wy net rtHk 1h ttrorUHary euauitw n smiM m a (auusitp. Aud UndalltM bae artwun fnuu n... tlWWl KMMHtO CattHM, A Uttlo U. doftutHt tlew of watr kad Kndualiy uudemlued a Ulll w lur wtU at ktat tbv pnrtU bet-awe ttku . JH'iv nut. TUwj KU all tovtm a U$ tha OcttajnttMt'Jw fJEwdltW ad sfwrl ;anau About two hundred Snloiu neoplu atluiided tho progrum of exerolees to help tho Lincoln tulnxd library fund and fltl) Has nottwl to buy now book. Tho library ro-nu was nicely dcooratul with pictures and ferns and many of the patrona of tho aohool visited tho room to boo what lias Iweti don eheru to supply n frw library for the ehildrou. Thero aro about 800 volumes and the lundobtnimxl from tho pioeewU Friday uiuht will muko a lino uddtUon, II such a' library could lo put into inch otuur four largo city ichoola mid about onoo a yeitr a judlaiouNoxehaugomudo It would-virtually beetime one largo llbrury for tbe public schools. Tho program Priday night was in ooryway orolitablo nud wus wit inytwd by people (rtjtti all parts of tho city, It uroated grtt vuthuaiaam for thopublio Htliusjla aad uront Intoroet iu tho library Tlio inittleal festuroa d tlio Jimgram ooualstisl of iHmutlfully romlrol ainfing, gamtM by the kinder Kartell ria, ami a vc-al nhi, "indtltw atsdl" by Mkh Iim NikImiU. with violin oblwt hiJo, tUiiio Iu a tery mt and utmrming luauner, tbo jowiigkdy'a tlret napwtrahfo tokening mhuIi talent. Au tuatrtmtWHtal duot, ' Ma Tiger Lily" by Mn UIoucIm Ktohh awl Mur Hnfor, piMHoitiul vihIim, a ragtiwv Humlwr. Mim Mvert iea.1 a MUr Inmi l'r..( lUn Irving, (nHit d.,-rilMng Uw library ,4 oougmM, a rplrndll do mrtptsoti i.( timt grwit imouohmnI ui leHrmuK. lH mbaiititM r hx mt, ami ntn kd "Jium UutU, by I.U4sh IktvU. 'MltMi I u, , ilibaeU"y llhHH IUII. "Mu-uhsdV ISitHtUlM, 1... ll.tu ,.... . 4nlkii liutn "Isjsa akswyw" Uy lii Uiivklnnb.oi. It wuokl U bstril to Ml w Itk I. did t m bwt m Mil rr al4iidal. A Uln. " . U MuatN.." im .... trat asHtaaa aaiffraw, Millar miui and tabksait tmvf) iUf tb M. il f n ui IkxMiMW ws-w al wry sllc, .,-,,. oiatod. "A Ftvsi U'etork iw Iik m.. Qirwa at mutialnm bmm ha a Moat i Karwtiai fiwiura. TU rilaWsM drill a.ul IhIUh r ruk W, cumdatJ tu MjjfHi. tnis latWr HsMbr dtmisau , f .MiMiiakwr. itwamlksah.enaliitytttt tMir tstusMiy'a worth and Ml mmM for KtvtHgauMMHiiw u tUo ,in Wrv 9y &trty lay vmi t ik; wr) 4iklvd atA Lt t4arlWrf dwttsrve ottkJtt fer lbr Itard w. ,t. in fotitaf itM mtrUiBMMi) oasWr all la cirwtH. Umow4shI wan Melt Until) fatiiitfcM. T Cutis (CtiM oatJuv Ui HfMuia Uuuuu. i .. . 7T- - m . .ma : ' a. tstii ws. K -. reside Vote for a man who will labor to secure tho earliest construction of the Nicaragua canal entirely undor tho control of our government. otu for a men who will oppose tho gigantic timber laud steals bv non- lout coriraratloiiH nnd syndicates holtling only for speculation. oio for a man pledged to secure appropriations to open and keep open such harbors us Yiuiuina b.y and Coos bay aud the whole Columbia. Voto for a man opposed to ehiiiiiinir subsidies. bountioH tn nnnrlnl Inin nnd especially tho Ilanna-Payno Ship Subsidy bill. Voto for n man who favors restoration of American shipping by removing restrictions on commerce, especially with our own possessions. Voto for n man who will labor to uphold tho nationul credit and keep all our Hiir, miver nun goiu money goon without bond issues. Voto for a man who favors forming our islond possessions Into self-governing and vcK-tmstalhiug territories, instead of government by commissions and military ruin. Monilwra ol the Oregon legislature without regard to party should voto for a man r, ho has positive convictions on these policies of greatest publto lutorest to the entiro Panillu const. Tlio people of Oregon will not eimm or tn-Hf frM... i,ni,unn .... . .i.i 1,,1, .1 .1... I....I.I-. ..".,. .. . . " ' ' ""' "N urucn- .n..,B , ,.,., .K,r,Hiuru iii u,e intorest ol ractlon or for tho personal ndvantago of K7,rSfSAm?."4,," T"AN "m' ASD e",SU'"M3 1 m iSOW York, and Other eaatern iminln. vln I IdniU nf vecnritlnii .... .. - .... ... . .. . . ... ....... i i !... ,ji.. ,.. ii. . i ! & .... i i in tho ' "' ""o emern, turear. onit i.hki' 1,1 mc ItoutoJ Ihmver A llh Grande, QUIA P I and Illinois Central to Ciiicae, connect- lingin thoUn'or Depot with Michigan Central's simllat car for rxilnlHtmst. For particular?, call on or nddros Local Agents or, B. H. TiiDMuui.1., Cotn'l Ag't. III. Cent. U. P. H2 Third st., Portland Ora Chafing Dishes Majority Accept the Viva Voce Method or Voting on Senator and several Will Join. I. II.. V I-- n . .. in uiu uvvmar ivepuuiioun caucus Tburaday uH o'ultxik, resolutions nere atlnptod tomoviug tlio last formal objec tions which tho autbeaueus members havo to going into the senatorial caucu uy adopting tho fol lewing: The HcwUitlons Aloud. "Whereas wo, tho maloritv of ltepnb. lHMti tiH.nilera uf the leglalatura have usMiiiMMtliie-tietM for the purpose of Homing a eandaUlo for Unitd Mates imtr, alw should Im tho cuiuiidnte of party, utting through tho its in tl whole Mtiators and ritruA.Kittt, i....d thoOrttguu legislatiiro; and uiiormia, a iiiiuontv of the iwrtv ii.oiMWh,M it, the LegislAturo has witnlwkl itsprewmi) from our eon fer- -t,vt,, ami euiiktrkMi tiiwn an ob -..,, .,., ,a( iiiroMious a "i'ii ami Mmiwn OCli. 1US1J Mllif Mwiui aul We have a few left. What will you give for one? Come and see them. Highest pico paid nt Gilbert Hros. H ink, oppolto Gray Hros. Hold mvornmpiit license ns t ea urs in nil 11-10 tf Salem Soap Works riio proprietor of tho Sitlom Soap VV orks has thoco operation of the dealers Consumers who doairo n .ilrst-closs soap will Encourage Home Industry Hy ordering Snleni-mado soap Piano SOUL 13 JJKOS, I liners and Heiiaivis ?J? i Ar i PICTO' 2 WE HAVE . f Daily Fast Trains ) TO THE EAST. If you cannot take the morning Vhk travel via tlio evening train. Both vt Qnoly equipped. "Our Specialties" Fast TImo, Through Borvlco, Pullrnn Pnlaco Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Bitty ers, Pullman Diners, Library (Cafe! C nnd Freo declining Chair cars, Hours Jn timo saved to " Chit ago, Kansas City, St 'uis, Now York lioston, and oth. Aastorn notnts. Tickotsgood to Salt Lnko City and Denver. It is toyour interest to ueo The 0vi. LAND I.I.MITKI). 'llCKOtB and BiOOn n car berths can bo secured from W. W. Skinner. Agout 8. P. ft. Or Guy Powers. Apt. 0' It. AS. Salem Ore. J. II. LoTiinor, Gon'l Agont, No. 135 Third St. Portland Or SOUTH AND EA81 VIA Southern Pacific Co THE SHASTA ROUTE m Trains leave Salem for Portland nnd wa; otations at 5:40 a. m. , 7:51 a. m. and 4j05p. in. Lv PoriTand ..... 8.a0 A M WF1 Lv 8alenj. ...ll0 AM 10 33 P V Ar Ashlaud 12.30 AM 12SP POHTLAN'D ORE. r- Fo,,,,i?u?ni1, vicl,,ity 'we orders at Goo. Will's .Music Store. R. minority has declined to join ua in oau ous for tho reason that it feared tho method or a secret ballot would be ndop. tel and enforced, in tolectlnga candid ttt,f.(M Unitei' Static Senater: and liereus, it has nevor boon the pur pose of tho majority to adopt any i"otM?Y. 0 votini? ,l0t Preoablo to the Kopubliran caucus, or any considerable minority thereof, and it has nevor been committed to uny method of voting wliutever, therefore, inasmuch as its purposes have been mistaken and its hi. tiintio as to the ba lot niiHii,i-rU.,i tii,.i i n... :r'z:,::.:"z""."?:iavv- - .wHMiiui diuuu. s "!- uiu iLiTiiiiimr u umnn ni ... ' rt. - "' VSaaa.S.1 (r, .UMri.lI) Old Post OfficeStables Aro largo am havo rollablo attend ants, -our toflin boarded by the week or day. Good teams for hire. Prices rea tollable. our patronage solicittM. ua H. M. Brown ' 62 Ferrv rect. Ar Saeramento.. Ar Ban Francisco ArOgdou . ..!. Ar Denver. .. Kansa, city . Chlcago.. lot Anreles Ar El Paw Ar Fort Wona... Ar CltyofMoxIco.-, Ar Houston. 8.00 l M 7.15 P M Ar New Orleans Ar Waililugion.. Ar New York .. 6:43 A M - 9.-00 A M . 725 A M 7: AM - ISO P"M - 6tX) P X . 0:30 A M J.MA M . 3:3 A M . 625 P M . 6.42 A M 12;i3 P M 4 .35 A I 8.15 X 1 11745 n .40 A V 7.-25 All 0:30 AH i unman nnu xounsta earn nn trains. Chair cars Sacmmonto tn OmJsn 7.-00AK e.-oopi e;30AM 10 SO A K 835AK 25P X 6:41 A I U4I ti both Wade & Co Salem, Oregon. Money to Loan On improved frm and city pron erty at loweat current ra'.os. Chattel Morte n e sii Notice is hereby give,, that by virtue of I tiatte mortgage of date Aug 24. IS00. bo it "Kosolved, that we, the Oounty Oregon. August 20, ISW, volume ority, No. 2 wge 170 Given by Frank J Ui o Nicklot A J P Wlfcjuit ti Ruwll is and Co. of Maasilhon Oho. tn uv,,,-.; ... Over current ra'.os. T, K. FORD Lad 1 A, HtishV Hank. I" sTjVnTyrT and El Paso, and tourist cars to Ghiciw, bt.Louis, Now Orleanaand Wnflhinbloii. Connecting atiSan Frrtnilacb wither orni ateaniahin llrtAa tn' nrMn Japan, China, Philippines, Central ud cuuiu America, SeoMr. V. V. fJklnner agent al Sale: nuuun, or auuresa O. 11. MA.KKUAM, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon, .. .m i. r pin fi . I the tHtatorl prt- Head- eerlitm deiWt of kl auk. J . a. I ...... I I .v,,.,,j iKisaitoH, tin) br.Wg thuatat. ,v :;:.:.?".' ?". ulTh " 'Mtwtloaa, InnwMii,,, the aan im tairougl. arkortvliUoiioitestJ(attb" declare that the viva w ......I Viliti 1 .as . .1 " "i ;;.Y ""t u " ua nun w. ui ,uMiuion Uliio. tn numn. ... mht lor 'to m. HKM ! tal-rit .1 6 Wiiik with tho maflrhy in forn ing ' WW tie i' "'? CrT1'' 'll? m cinploto and effecino Uncus n Wl Hon tn flTii L.'l .? . "FW aiic- wlmo party, wo plodge onrsolves in- hand on day ol sale "8" '" div Idnally anil collwtively that the On MomTav K L;.... ..... V mouio.1 oi balloting for t'.ilt.ui wi...:: IhW . i-VJ . :""'i " Jwi. at Senator in .!,.,.. i,.n I " ". .' '""Z , i ... " v.'"vr "' IO can te: ably i ll of till r.w wmveye.1 to every moiubor irenuo.1 of said Roll of Meno I Tn,lu?UCUV'a,l.,KJ ! o roll "day, t ,,', F V VW i.ll i" "a .. - . ' hv &5?&&1&jft u,. ...,.,.,, ,;;:.: SffiXSZXZ22fil ."Iwoftnagotowit". un,' f!,? Members Wh0 are Participating and Will Abide bv a Maiorfty Viva Vqce Vote. and J. I dee-said Stitri. UJ. AIWMS, JOHN . DA lift ' w ran" Sofrii. W. A. HUWE, II. JOHK'sTtVi'v 'SsbM'X .M N !2n - t- IbtssW T. w. v. sTuivyj KU W. fa&i A. C MARSTHRSL Htrtrtrauihtt, uiiAttm ' rWaHBT A. IU UlkAOK, K D. 1II7MB. . A. OAUTBR, g. I HAWKINS, R.P. USISON. ' frJt'VlSOBST, Ono In IIOfiM I'.iur ......1 1... traotioa .. .:""V..."; ""' Mfg..byKIKviVr also niffh ''im! StaetMrP IalJ Jak. t, 1901 vn a Rl'ELLACO :' w aoni WHEN YOU PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY l" .Wft! r !. agent . - ixhi YU tllO GREAT ROCK ISLAND J r-" ' s-1 Co,'vallis & Easlm RW Slutidav it.K..Lc?!8. '2?te Wwn every No 2 p,1P v. cVa7o,"rii.'!:,a; evening m ami Sitturdav TnV". ".r ? .Vu: Oregon Short Lino Railroad Tho Direct Routo to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. .i a,7vv,cAlS,cS ?!to routes, w the UNION PAfMFin fc'nof rn ti. or tho RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines. ' No Change of Cars. I On the Portland-Chicago Special, "tli finest in the West." Equipped With Klegant MUndard Sleepers. Wtl OfUatTr Tourist Sloepers. Superb Library-Buffet (r. vn'"' gplendlp .liinners. Mcala a la carte, hree Reclining chair Cars. ' KnUmr S ch! "f14 Smokers, entire Train Completely Vestibuled. For flirt hor l.rnr..,n.. i.. ,. J R-xagbl; "'guypoTejr8w i rnv. i-ass. Agt. Agent O. It. & N. US Third St. Portland Or. Salem I " ' an I chan Cmttmf w.L A CO. eonnocting at Chiaio Zu n nic 1'lne wd Attorney in trains KaL aKffi, ,1th &1 ,mo"'K 11 lw BtotuHr oSS?-. ' RK-k Island ou i.. anjtrv fpgJSOf. us nin.v ' JO ".A.BMMKrT. A. S- HOKBltW' 4-Afdw. - s 5o eavos Albany 12:45 p. n leaves Yaqutna fi-lOa.w. tev"i8.. ::::::: 11:30 a. . KS'JS&tt: 12I15PB, AIT, rlU,K 7:00a'IB' xzyzsssp ll!208B,, 7 naiioa njr a ron. One anrl tZT"'"'-: : : .t i'lS MJ- . 1WI. at ItTlti?1. u' ""'I-. W-TtU' ' "T ., ', K 8l?' Corvallls w U"L V ,'i" "' iZ SS7!STZS " , -"- mar sii. i --, . mttetia, Jri. '. J " 'o Lino KTJSaFSftSK,: ear for cars aro wi vaiawii at kMSav, 'Taw and assaMsCTiu" . .V'11 9JBmZW vv isufw Outsail a assaai "-- - i i unasdii vaii .... a a?. h, -jssFjTL 'si&'&m'tt "sr rus T- - i araaaasw iuisiii.i-.i -- iiiuq. iIIj fl -. .----- ffvatuuifnilal tttwl ... f " .. I fi use ,J a7 IT:" ""8"ies lor tlio ' Panied tliM..T.i. , J ., n,,a are ccom ..... ir.T7,a".v . ' Great HrL- i0i0.'i k Onsjon, into, d4tf Knk.Sal-m 3 to Fob. 7 iuoi ' Vriwoi oil bmi !;" ' SMS Trfiftr'fe orvk.i in tha u..i.i r. ,. .."""". ,!. ... .. I. a at li. r. ..' luo uiuuntaiDS arnj- i ' I .W fill .r . 'tuti T KM z$ fSr,'A --rrjajsp&a rf SjrVfti rzy?r L, in 1 rl D0'-,ni Klvlnir ample o Brii?nlb PfnK Krounds on t& 2medlyU lntlam rivera tt hlwaW KDWIMWM Hja LS.OI . ssU .( W XV. 3 f WW i -.'-i cefrfafat U Mil " " bKIKMJR. ft f n " -.Kjujt 8. P. Qo. Bajena Or. Agsnt O R A- X Co alein Or. J TIIDlm' " 'I l m m S nu lbiax, jva