The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 02, 1901, Image 1

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MriYtrtrTMi fi imi i rt
"The Mitchell party will
name the senator."ur6wneii
JI'McBride, he is no longer
?' ' ?v r ."
NO 28
Bad wenthor ntteuda llio Qncou's ftinernl. ' ', ...
Firo destroyed Dreskoll'Jupp paper milla, Detroit. -
Gov. Allon reports that Torto Rice ia moro proaporoua. - ',
Uenernl MncArthur will recruit 12,1)00 nntlvo Fillpinoa.
Natural Raa aud oil reported discovered near Walla Walla.
Gov. Gteropposca movement to buy an executives manaion.
Quoen's body will lie in atato in Albert Memorial cliapol until Monday.
Paulino, daughter of William Waldorf Aator, tb wed Duko of Roxburge.
Hnuth Carolina legMuture defoata bill to prohibit child labor In cotton mills.
Detachment Thirly-fourth raiment engaged Inaurgenta laland Cobol Ameri-
jean caBualtica 11.
Ilarriman ayndlcate oontrollng Srntlicrn I'ucific elao obtaining control Mie-
ilAilt lnticfiii niiil 1'wiij
m uzaoot, ,0tnn, founder of the order of Sletora of Chnrity to bo cannontzed na
," first American faint.
CM,Qnly changoon Bonatorial ballot, Williamson and Itoborta chango from Wil-
jliama to McUrulo, 'M aoaom nnu piruu.
hlumor that Li flung Olmng is dead
leroiico with tlio Russian minister today.
Special Sale of.
During this week we will sell
Youths' overcoats at
25 Per cent Redaction
Ages 14 to 19, regular price
$10.00, $10.50, $11.00...
Mackintoshes Still Selling
aoo cotvtrviRKOi.t cjt
I'1 g
Reliable Jeweler
A r-argo stock of novelties, new styles
other new Jowolry for tho people to
Engraving Freo, 288 Commercial St.
WE WANT TO LOSE $1000.00
During the month of February and the way
we propose to do it is by giving our customers
- all the profit and in some cases part of the cost
of our entire line of
Men's Clothing and Hats
Men's fO.OO Wool Suits $3.05
Men's 18.00 Wool Suite 5,95
Men'a $10.00 Wool Sujta $7.26
$3.00 quality etiff or Fedora Hata 1W)
2.00 quality atiff hata .' $110
50 and 76c Neckwear..... ,i 40
fl.00 Neckwear , 60
Dalrymple's Branch
294 Commercial Street.
not confirmed. Had three hours' con
at One-Half Regular Price
tV cause we have
footwear" "at the
lowest prices at which it is
safe to buy, for we endeavor
to get t le best in the market
at all tinier .
A Demonstration of Yalue
It can be mndo cloar
our mothoda of
to anyone that
Dental Treatment
A10 'ar in advanco of many others.
hitch rase is ronstikiretl carclnlly anai i;. i jin r.v .
all work dono Mcillfnlly hiu! according to.SOme patieiUS WHO liave Slilier-
tho most improved motliwia. i
uurviunu uuu uiiugu nuin in uiit,v--
t!on in itself. TuutU mado by uh look
natural, lit porfcctly,nnd wonrbplomlid
K All urnrL? critfirn ntitml. '
Drs. Eppley & Olinger
Postotlico bloclc.
and Watchmaker
of brooches and the best quality of ring
buy at prices lower than over before
Jeweler and Diamond Bettor
We must have the room for
spring goods now arriving.
Full dine of dry goods at lowv
est prices. .
Be Asked to Drink
Fever Germs.
Heiress of Millions Will Many
the Duke of Rex-
New YoitK. Fob. 2. A special to the
Timoa from Albany, N. Y., saya:
The hearing on the bill to prevent
Christian scientists from practicing their
art will bo resumed next Wednesday
and promises to be of great (ntcroBt.
At a hearlnghiBt Wednesday sevoral of
tho Christian ecientleta assorted that
there was no danger in gorniB under tho
Christian science treatment. It was
stated that tho belief of tho scientials in
their immunity from jrerma wo'tld bo
put to tho teat.
One of tho members of tho State Med Society, it ia reported, will bring to
tho hearing next Wednesday a vial of
typhoid fover germs, fie will ask soirto
of tho "eeiontiata" to ilumoii8tr do thoir
immunity by drinking those germs.
Tho announcement of tho ongagemrut
of the Duko of Roxburghe to MIbh l'tiu
lino A8tor, dtuightor of Mr. William
Waldorf Aator, did not cotno na a great
surprifco to tho frionda of tho prospective
brido in tills country.
Tho Duko of Roxburge haa recently
returned from South Africa, where under
Gon. Fronch, ho did distinguished cr
sorvice. Ho was n lieutenant
in tho Royal Ilorso Guards.
Henry John Innoa Kor, cigh.h duko
of Uoxburgo is 20 years old aud succeeded
to the titlo in 1S92 on tho death of his
fat her.
Most of Miss Vstor's life has beou
spent abroad. Sho ia Win. Waldorf
Astor's only daughter, and with hor two
brothers will inherit his vast fortune
No Advance In Steel Rails.
Pitthiiuho, Fob. 2.Tho. steel rail
manufacturers have windy decided not
to mlso tho price of their product to $28
per ton this month, as proposed
two weeks ago, In tho facoof increasing
and tlueatoned competition, it la not
deomed wiso to hold up tho railroad
companies for higher prices at piesont,
at least.
The marvel of the hour is
the wonderful cure of chronic
diseases without the use of
knife or poisonous medicines.
This is what afilicted human
ity needs more than all else.
Not a week passes but Dr. J.
F. Cook, the great botanical
specialist and original discov-
erorof the botanical cure, heals
efl lOr years
from awful dis-
CISC and the more awftlleiTectS
of rank medical humbugs. Dr
Cook is willing to give patients
tne oeneutor nisiiresiuay out
declinesto publish further test
imonials out of regard for his
patients, yet will gladly refer
any callers to their neighbors
and mends who have been
healed. Consultation free.
If you have any physical ail
ments it will do .you good to
call and have a little chat with
the doctor.
Office 301 Liberty Street
Salem Oiefon.
Opposite Postofllce.
Shown to Great Britain's
Fallen Queen,
English Capital Draped in
Purple and Black as Never I
Before. !
London, Fob. 2, 0:17 u. m. Tho
early scones wore unllko thoso of many
spectacular days which London has
witnessed in tho past year, Tire crowd
which so early gathorod in tho streets
this morning evinced an ontirolackof
feverish unrest and excitement. Tim
great rnassca of police whfch assomblo.l
phantoni-liko in tho greyuosa of the
morning,' noonicd moro apologotically o
tiptoo to their allotted Btnlions, as
though their presence reflected on tho
Blemlty dominating ovory thing. No;er
did a concourso of people so littlo, ne'xl
either civil or military guidance No
man standing bv his mother's bior ever
ncoJed admonition Iqss than ;dld theeo
hundreds of thousand of mon and
womou gdthorcd from all parts of tho
Kingdom on tho funeral route of their
mother, tho Qucon.
Tho strangest part of all was tho fact
that tho wom'on seemed to otitnumbor
tho mon. Whito ribbonod nuraoa mark
od almost ovory yard, nlong tho route,
just na tho Marys gathered beneath
tho cross at tho greatest of nil spectacles
of human grief, so woman today woroln
tho forefront ut tho burial of tho Quoon.
Troops there woro, to bo Bure.thouaaudi
upon thousands, assembling Bpcctrqllko
oatof tho morning mist, their bluo black
overcoata and bearskins doopsulug tho
noto of mourning pervading overythlng.
In tho great green spaces of Hyde
Park, St. Jamos and othors theeo long
black lines stand silhoutted aimlnut tho
morning sky, solemn, silent aud
picturopquo, staunchly stbtrtiultha'11 "a "tobu built up
on rush nf that andlpAS f!ool of npntilo
pouring in from ovory street and avo -
., , , , ,1
11110. Purple wu tho tone of tho royal
mourning and this seemed ulmosturo-
lief, contrasted with theso silent massos
of black garbed crowds, It was tho true
noto, after all, of tho duya ceremonial,
, ' ' , , ,
for no ono among hnglanda heart
atrlcken poojilo could look upon tho flu J moat froquonlly In tho reports and din
iahed life of their Quoou with foellnga patclios from Manila. JJut thoro is ono
of entire gloom. I company of Tugals who aro lino body
Iiuckinghatn Palace, the great hoUda , 0f men aud havo dono oiflclont service,
about tho Victoria station, tho princoly 1 Thoy linvo never manifested tho sllghloet
homes In Park Luiio and every shop and hosilatlona.oliout fighting against their
house hence to Paddington bore amplo countrymen, and no complaints of
evidence of tho national grluf; and to- desertion or troAaon have ovur been ro
gotlier with purple and white festoona, colved concoruing them. There nro also
wreathes of bay and laurel, was hang- eoveral companies of Vieayuus among
Ing from ovory lamppost, while Hags nt tho scouts. It la not Improablo that
halfmast, bordored witli crepe, told in thoro aro enough of those scouts who
a dignified eimplo manner the loss of 0arnod American ways to ho formod at
tho nation. 'onco into n company of regulars, but
- j this, is to bo left to Gon. MauArthure
Bulletins of the D.y ; discretion.
PonTSMOUTH, Feb. 2 A heavy rain was A juCDIPAiMC ATTAPFPn
falling nt 0:30 o'clock hen llio royal
niournora luftthoynohtsfnr tlioClarwnco
1 yaru, wnero uio Aitieria nua lain an
night with tho body of the Queen
watched by a marine guard.
Admiral Sir Charles Sothan, tho II. ig
officer and tho captains of all ships in
tho harbor with othor olllcurs nt
contmuM nn lourii. I'e.
Rival Oil Co.
Ar. W, H. Clark, Secretary of (he Company is in Salem
for the purpose of offering a limited amount or stock at 50c
per share. This is certainly your chance to make money.
The company will make for you many limes your invest
ment in a short lime. The company owns over 480 acres of
very choice oil lands in Sunset District County, 4 in Los
Angeles where they are now drilling for oil with a well of
120 barrels per day, only 30 feet from where they are drill
ing. Buy this stock beloreit goes beyond your reach, it will
not be lontr sold at 50c oer share. Stock for sale at C. A.
I Whale piano store, State street.
and see the miniature oil well in
Thousand arc
Be Enlisted
The Ahccabbees Have Figured
Most in the Work of
New YonK, Fob. 2, special to tho
Times from Wnahington aays:
Tho War Dopartnienttlntcnda to go
slowly In the Interesting experiment
which the new army law permits it to
make of'oncouraginy tho Filipinos to bo
cotno American aoldlors. Thorn aro no
regular military organizations of Fili
pinos now unloas tho squadron ot L'hlll
pinos cavalry la so fonsldorod and tho
War Department has not recoived
enough information about that organi
zation to know whpthor it is a success
or not. Tho army law givea to tho de
partment tho desired opportunity to
oxpetimont with tho Filipino and ancor
tain their soldierly qualities under
Amoricau leaders. It ii authorized to
recruit Filipinos up to tho number of 12,
Tho wholo thing will bo left to Gon.
MncArthur, who will bo allowed to ueo
his Judgment about how many Filipinos
to enlist, unhampororod by instructions
from Washington. Nor will ho begin by
forming regiments. Tho plan Is for him
to employ Filipinos ns scouting banda
under Amofican ofllcors. Tto progross
will bo closely watched, and when Gen.
MacArthur finds thatsomoof theeo men
have learned Amoricau ways and Amor
lean discipline and have developed euf.
A lently In soldierly qualities, ho will
form thorn into companies, then, as tho
numbers of such Americanized Fillplnoa
increase, into battalions and reglmeute.
Tho scouting banda aro to ho tho akel
otou from which tho regular organiza
tions ia nl
a nmnbwr of
ljho88 ,rr0"u,,"r ",l8 Mof "ut8 ,mv
been formrd by Uen. MacArthur, and
jnr(J , , , ,,, Amorcan of-
jiCMra, fjioiroxaut number la not known,
! but if they wore all gathered toguthorl
. 011 l,0l,y ' "ou"1 ",nk0 -,r'y
1 ....
n '"" rc'Kimeru.
M8t ' tl,oni nro Muccabcoa, and
.. , flr1 1,, -,,,. who JlllYO ,luil..,d
V." :.".
BY irilUlxUfcPUD
vf iki rw iryMll I4 A
Manila, Feb. 2. Lloutonant Hick- n
and a dotachmont of company M , 31 tb.
regiment, Tuesday night, wero surpri ed
by insurgontu at tho Fiesta of 8. n
Luclns of (Mm. Fivo Americans we o
killed, four woun led and two mlssii g.
Insurgent loss Is believod hoAvy.
Going Through a Watch
Whon cleaning it, wo often find some
minor troubled which on being made
light, will prolong ita life for a number
of yearq.
Tiiia la worth moro than tho prlco of
ciloaninsr, but It doean't coat you much,
Wo inako a niiecialty of lino repairing.
Watcher, Jowolry, clocka, and delicate
little ornaments are carefully, skillfully
Mllll lll'nilT luirniivu. Ui
cleaned aud made
In look, and vd, like now. For
work our chargea aro moderate.
Call and get a prospectus
The Sale Will Not Effect
Vanderbilts Have Right to Tax
Commerce and Travel
of Two Worlds.
New Yomc, Fob. 2. Evoning Post
says :
Tho Ilarriman syndicate haa not only
acquired largo holdings of Southern
Parlllo stock, but is also obtaining con
trol of Missouri, Kan8aa & Texas.
San FnAvciHco, Fob. 2. Prest 0. II.
Haya, of llio Southorn Pacific' Company
when naked if ho thought tho sale of tho
c mi trolling interest in tho company to
tho Ilarriman syndfeato wonld lead to
important changes of management or
policy, said:
I eoo no prop"piof nnv marked chango
In Southern Pacific nfhlrn fn far as tho
public iiiM'ioNl U itonoorned. What
difference (loon it make in tho public
w hi'thur n railroad ho o tied by ono
man or whether Its voting stock Is hold
liv a hundrvd different interests, no long
as it f managed In accordance with a
bioardnuJ liberal policy which conaorvoa
the lifct Interests of (lie public as much
ns tho Interest of the stockholders; I do
not look for any startling elinngea In
conditions aauiodultul tho chango of
William II. Crocker, speaking of tho
big doal said : "Tho Vonderbllt railroad
aud steamship interests will now have
n direct lino botween Hamburg and
Hong Kong across the American conti
nent. Whatever tho Vaiiderbllts do
they do well, and if it possible to tin
provo tho service of tho Southern Pacific
road tho now controllers will do It. With
tho I'icreiufd connections o tho South
orn Pacific, San Fraiuico stands In n
fair way t npul improving in import
ance iiB a shipping point."
It is ox pooled that II. E. Hiiiitlnuton
will retlro as a dircotor aud First Vlco
President of the company ut tho meet
ing In April next.
According to C. P. Hilutiiiglou'A wil),
liia widow was left the to thirda of his
Sjuthern I'.icillu stock and his nephew,
II, E. Huntington, tho remaining third.
In round numbers, tho late magnato
1 1 six hrfudrud thoituaud of tho 2,000,
000 shares of Houtliera Pucltlo itock, II,
K lluiiilngtoui portion wai, therefore,
200,000 shares. On tho nu poind basl
of f5l a share, ho gets 111,000,000. Mrs.
(i. P. Huntington nn tho Famo basis
loalirea $,i2,000,0C0.
Unxatlvo Dromo-Qulnlno Tablela
fitter morn
The soldier 'traps his helmet tighter. JUST SO
WITH US. There's an everyday onward march In THE
BIG STORE our success serves simply to stimulate us
to further efforts. This week we have much in our store
thit will prove of vital importance to you. MANY OPEN
Our Openlna
Was a grand success. FOR FORTY MILES AROUND
THEY CAME. It was that mightv magnet VALUE,
with its great money saving, possibilities that drew
them. It was the biggest day ever known to a Salem
The many congratulations which we received on our
courage in opening such a store pleased and encour
aged us, and we feel confident of (he hearty support of a
large and appreciative public.
Now We Invite
H ,
I J .-xuaaKanmaniBiaaiiMMnMfiktf
Queen's Coffin Was Not Os
To Glance at the Coffin Only
to Be Disappointed at its
Detslts of Funeral.
Windsor Fob. 2. Great throngs of
peoplo assembled In tho vicinity of tho
railroad station to moot tho coffin.
Tho procession loft tho railroad sta
tion at 2:40 p. m,
Ambassadors and othon joined tbo
procession at railway station and pro
ceeded to St. Georgo'n Cliapol. Tho
royal mourners, with deception of Queen
and PrlncoBtoH, proceeded on foot.
unrvico at ut. uoorgo's Chapel was
concluded at 4:10 p. m. Body will Ho
until Monday in Albert Memorial
Royalty, army and navy monopolized
tho pageant. Most of spoctatora ex
pected an imposing catafaliquo, and tho
coffin was almost past bef orothoy racog
nUed its prosonco by romovlng hata.
It was a pathotlrallr email oblongblock
concealed l.onoath n rich pall of whito
satin on tho corners of which gleamed
tho royal arms,. Across tho pall a royal
standard waa draped and n largo crown
of gold, encrusted with Jewels rested at
tho head of tho coffin,
London, Fob. 2. Prior to arrival of
funeral train, Major Edward UaBsindale,
a veteran ofilcor foil doad as a roeull of
With ovory clrcumitvnco of cplondid
pmp bi fltt'n tho olnequloa of tho so
tnltility end well beloved n moiiach, nil is mortal of Queen Victoria has bean
borne through the struts of the ctpitul
ami staitcd towards tho ancient fortress
pal.icuol tho sovereigns of England.
The colllu was drawn by cream colored
horBon, Tho pall was whito and
tho uniforms of tho troopi and gold
trapping ot tlulfurelgn suverotgns, tho
princes nun representatives giving a
brilliant coloring to llio econn.
Wnir ifinilSTIfli history hnn a eover
fligu bl-on boruu to tho grave by so
many distinguished mourners. Tho
gathering of crowned heads surpassed
thoso who rodo in tho Jubilee pfocca
People foughtfor hours fornglimpsoof
tho collln and tho Kings and others
following It. They raw a long proi os
a on of rodllora, n passing showof dazzU
lug regalia, with hundrods ot royalties
crowding after and then dispersed,
while all church chimes of city woro
ringing and mullled dlrgosplayed.
Immediately Iwhind tho collln rodo
th) King. Tho Emperor William, and
t iu Duko of Connaught rodo upon either
luldoof tho King. Tho Klngof Hollonee, j
You to Visit Us
nnd King of'P-rtuttal rodo Irametliatelv
a'ter King Edward's and Emperor
William's suit.
In tho procession wore ilx cmisges
carrying Queen Alexandra, Ducliess of
Fife, Princess Victoria, and Princess
Charles of Denmark, and the daughters
of Qucon Victoria and tho Xing of tho
Belgians. k
Tho body arrlvM at Windsor at 2:30
p. m.
To Sve The Dlrds.
Tuenton, N. J., Fob. 2. If a bill now
beforo tho legislature becomes1 a law,
tho women of Now Jersey must take
tho birds from their hats or suffor a
torm ot Imprisonment, oraflnqot $5
for each bird worn and for each day'p
possession ot tho bird. Senator 'Cross,
tho authoroltho bill, iaonoof tho most
influential law makers of tho 125th
legislature, and haa Introduced and ia
pressing tho bill at tho request of tho
Audubon Society,
Of the 500,000 married and matriago
ablo women in this atato. It ia estimated
that fully 300,000 llko tho wild birds'
plumage na a part of tholr headgear.
Stop Coughing
There's nothing so bad for
a cough as coughing.
Every cougn makes your
throat more raw and irritable.
Every cough congests th6 lin
ing membrane of your lungs.
Cease tearing your throat and
lungs in this way. Take
From the first dose the quiet
iind rest begin; the tickling in
the throat ceases; the cough
1 here's nothing so good for
a cough as Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Three slici: 25c, 59c, $1.09.
If rour tlruralit cannol iupdIt tou. and u oa
dollar and wn will axprctt a lrg bottla to jvn.
all charm! urcratd.
Addrtu, J. 0. ATM Co
ura tou 1ta ua votu
uaarctt axpraii offlca.
Lowau. plan.
Injured la London
London, Fob. 2, 8:30 p. m, 8t Johni
nmbulonco asaocUtton Attended 1031
pornonn Injurod during thejfunoral crush
today In London. Tho association has
700 doctor and nuraoa buay at twenty
six station.!.
Fresh Today
Taffy and
154 SUte Street,
Salem 'Psoae 3(174
Opening offers at
The Big Store
A handsome line of um
brellas pearl handles mount
ed with sterling silver guar
anteed goods.
$3.50 i
Two hundred ladies' urn-1
brellas regular 1.50 values j
as an opening special J
$1.10 i
A fine line of white quilts
offered special Z
68c and 88c
Any jacket in our store JJ
values from $8.50 to 516.50 JJ
And many other specials ap
preciated by seeing.
ttiit Mirk fUslstt rtd.
' tt