RSlrlMI m mr. 'llllitriiifl llliit''HTlHMliWOtTldifti' ' K fi& I It a f V House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. Shivery Weather Is Coming .The ".weather man" says "there'll be a'coftNlme.n the old tovri' tonight." M I4 Come and Select ' '., Your Overcoat Despite, what others say about beinf "overtoaf leaders' our prices'are the lowest You can't afford to piss this ston when oyercoat hunting. We also have a left tor one-half the regular price, G, W, Johnson & Company TtiaPdopW Clothiers and Furnishers. THE DHL! JOURHAL BV HOPBR BROTMEnS. THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1501. Oally Ona V"sr, S3.00 In Advanoe. Dally Pour Month Ol. In Attvano Datllyrby Carrier 6O0 Per Mqrjtri. JWe4yQnYaarI.OO In Advanoa PLAIN TALK TO , THE DEMOCRATS- Thu arih-angel Gabriel might- as well blow-hls trumpet at a dead mole as to , talk about the rights of the peoplo to tba average office boodler. Jlut ttierp aro ' honest men In all partlc,fcndItho,y ttfght to sMba Iniquity of the prnt intern of holding np thOMaatorfat elocllorvln the Interest of one faction of tbo Repub lleEafttate organisation. Democrats and ' populfsts havo' participated in two such holdups la tlio past and haVe coma out of the fight weaker fn the estimation of the jftoplo each time. Thecnx that they cannot elect a Jemocrnt,nd In place of allowing thorn selves to bo horded and roted In a block 'ilko a bafidof shoop for the Ilorf.' 1)111 ' flmdh or sorno other professional office seeker why don't IlieV act the part ol men and ydte openly tor some man who ccan bin looted who has some points in . common wtihthom and the mass of the people? If tlio preaout holdup plan of voting for a blank results In olectlun of a tool ol tho trusts and a mora truccu lent party slvvo of Mark 1 1 amis, what escus can thoy offer? Alt the Democratic manager In the stato aro here to help the Democratic hold-up of tho legislature, Ltul yet thorci Isn't one of theso managers but would fool gratified If John Mitchell wore to Im relumed, while he might not Vote for II, and yet Mitchell Is tho man who sold tho Hllvur men of Oregon to Mark Ilanna and got hist pay. These Demo eratlo hold-up advocates are some of them today federal office holders, and moro of them will bo If Mitchell goes In. Thoy cry with horror, don't roto for a Republlcsn, but they aro trying to to elect one. JOURNAL "JMtAYtt." Kuiene school dlrtrlct levies a foui will school tai, andordurs a new high school building erected. ' Newsboy i "KVtnlog Bentlnsl, sir?" ; Legislator! "Who runs that paper!" Nwloyt "Why, don't you know .nothhV! iXfe MqilrlaYi paper." j. Wasn't the Albany Herald against Dofph In 1B05T And didn't he get hit reward from Mctlrlde as poslmaiterT He dally fills his paper with abuso of Thsj Jovskai, editor, but does not Chars that ho was Iniplrvd by SdlQili uiollv In 18tf3. . Wmat a railing of dry bones thero'll bo when Harvey Scott hits Henry Cor. Ul' golden toboggan I Mean while, .however, Henry coutlnues to pave the way, Astoria Nevt. Fulton's paper would probably Jmt at soon havu Harvey as Ueary. Tha seven eonfmlilioaers of (he ttste I Oregon to the Pu-Amrlan otposi jLloa, Tha plaea of meetlog In Balom, .and the data next Tuesday, Februarys. Their appointment has Ixwn continued Jt tha asnata and now all n,t .i... T ' 1 "-" . yiyfj, tWWgstlDa WQ.uoo appropriation and f eourw that will be given. "Maw, what's do difference between r polltiolslaq and er statesman ! Wsll lnjr, a mushroom's Reed, ain't UJ ys, om." ''And toadstool is pii0 3a'tltr Yds.'uw." "Aud dtr bol Tart allkaT" n,. ,, .(lv, MU1, l4jac froittasuiwwaa to a politic- Th Albany Herald devolve a aalusin t TKg Joomaii adltr bw4uw In iboj m refasea to sup(rt IXaJ4i, and in ilWt h ta sapportlng Corbetl. He was gkl& by tha KspubHoaui and m Ws ( Union ouut lrwUve el wytettoi me for Mr. 0lj.h, u (lWU6KMIMllOBS SWlUlHWat fti M ,mM(tyJKftMiARt and oticf.i 82- fifisftisr -: Jiw wPCP , store few mackintoshes 387 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon PROCEEDINGS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY Routine Acts of Both Houses Now in Session. Houst-Wtdsesisy P. M. Houk called to order at 2:30 47, flzing compensation for county oort commissioners roporuxi tavorauiy bSfSrldn County delegation. Report adopted Thlril ttcsdtdg or Bills "Z?, by Rarroll for ettahlUhmont and maintenance of public librarlos I'nteod W, by Watson Relative to bonds of city and ccunty officials. Account ol appropriation country member, bill re far red to Multnomah delegation to be made to apply only to counties of over 50.000. 25, by Harris, to aid support of Unl vorslty of Oregon taken up, having been mado a spoclal O'der fur Wednesday, 3 p, m. Authorised annual appropriation ol f 17, WW, bill approved by eonimlttco of tho whole,reportod hack to the Uouso, without a dlwenting vote. Mettago from 8onate advising thai tho following measure) panned: R. II, (11,01,07, 14; II. II. 107; II. J. R. 4)11 O. B. H. . Third reading ol bill resumed. C8, by Oraco, regulating divorce suit pleadings, rejected. 70, by Thompson, lof Multnomah, re lating to trial by Jury, rejected, 82, by Hlilpley, to provide for term ol circuit court, with appellate Jurisdic tion, recommitted to Judiciary. 67, by Bchumsnii.relatlvo to deficiency Judgment. 1111 withdrawn by tbo 21, by 8 to wart, to establish libraries In all school districts. Hotmo resolved in to a commit too of tho whole, and hill adopted by sections, rnstugo deferred. ScsiU Wedaodsy P. M. Benala reconvened at 2i.10 o'clock. 137, by Joiopld, creating olilco of county auditor for Multnomah county, allied up by Joiophi for second reading! Itofcrrod to Multnomah county doleua- lion. Iwney orfureil 8. J, M. No. 7, onllst Ing the adverse, consideration by congress of tho "parcel postage law", adopted, fl. J. M, So, 8, by Looney, urulnir on actment by congress ol Icglilsllou In bo half of pure food, B. J, R. No. 0, by Hooth, proposing transfer of about 115,000 from stove foundry fund to general fund, was adopted. Bills lilroJuccd. 101, by Fulton ameudlnu suction ie latlneto redemption of property sold on execution. 102, by luman reiiuUtlnit corpora tions, 163, by Hunt-redlstrlctltur stats Into senatorial and representative districts. lot, by Adams to iiunlih wronuful and unlawful destruction ol plate, glass winnows, 165, by Wehrunjr, by renuest reneal. Ing sections, relating to drawing of lur- ore in Justice court. 160, by Swoek to prohibit tha uia nr giving away ol cigarettes or clgamtto pipers without tint having obtained a license, 167, by Mulkey amsmllu an aai m. latlng to election of prosecuting attorney TUlrt ftc4 laser Bills 8. 11. No, 7. by Adams-Regulating operation warehouses, etc, made ecial order for 10:30 a, m. on Thursday. II. 1L No. !7, by l'earve 1'rovl.llng for releaw) and relinquishment of the Jurisdiction of Blato of Oregon to site on Wihou averiue for Halo n's new Post oillw. Read throe times and passed. 8. U, 107, by Marsters-Inowriwrdiino Voucalla. Tassed. TresUleul Fulton anuouuetsl amxunt meats on Joint comultte as folh)w 8. O. R. Nu. 10-To tnvesthrata d.uf luulo sohool-Bmlth. d Yamhill, Clem. II. C R. No, M The examine end. tlonolBupteweeoHri-MaytBndtimlih. ef lUker. II. C. R. No. .- To lnvtllu affairs Bute Military Hord-Kly luman, at 1 o'clock, senate adjwiriml' GLENDALE CHARTER WILL BE OPPOSED 1Tm proposed luoorrviiatl.ui nl nu,. dale lit Dough eoumy h brought pr. testa to tralaui to opiom the Mil. Th proWsl axainst tho luroralion ol every tool and water statian win. ,. uuiikhi buruen I,... . . ---i-". Him el taius. Ttid oharur Ut wHI up ThHraday Htgfci lU tllM Lauu I... ...11 . ' . ,4. ...... ;..!:.W:T0?,W, "" Ks'iffiaMA ,r, .v,v i laewtteraio a-i y ol Ihetu. , NEW YORK WEEKLY FASHION NOTES Now York. Jan. 2H -Whatever the riiruiiliirii mar lirintr In the WftV Ol Tartatlons fn farhWn. it s eri-hnt now ttiat there is a strong tendency toward theierlvalof modes orn jn thooarly Mrtnilin M.nlnrir (lint ClOfOU. BtHi We saaylook for an aeortment of e peri. aseatai Molels wlien the spring impor. talwNif apear. Fregu fashion budgets tell us of ten baeiMxkis in skirls, either gathered or Rksitftd arond th waist, wliich will b eit ot for spring approval, hut tho oVKBrs have been careful to preserve (Im loo;-watsUMl effect and tha faihon. U an'rve in the bark, without which tbsjy wflitdwmir of evor lelng accept ol. There is a farlKtn in tlio figures in these days, and the extremely slender woman, providing eho is blessed with the proper enrvo in tbo back, fs at the head and front of tho lino. An afternoon gown of moet offective desitrn is in pale green cloth. Tho skirt in cut in deen tabs at the hem. These full down on soft full draperies of mtl lowdiued creamy lace, and each tab is outlined with an embroidery in green and palo sold, which nhove it is knotted into a bow. Tbo bodico Is bolero in form, but cut in pointed IcaMiko tabs which dropdown over a full bodico of ivory tinted laco and finely-tucked chiffon. Tho front fastens across with just two ol thero tabs llko leave, nnd thoy aro all back and front outlined with green em broidery. Tabs of tho cloth similarly finished fall on to full slcoves of lace. There Is a belt of green velvet fastened In front with n massive steel and gold buckle. Tbo lace flclm nnd tlio flat lare yoke aro slightly wrought with gold. A lame picture hat to ho worn with this costume in of soft black beaver, with large black ostrich feathers and a large gold and steel bucklo, back and front. A very full neck ruff of flounces of thick laco bordorcd with chlncliiila completes thocostomo. Velvet gowns and street suits aroall the rago with the wealthy. Long trail Ing skirts for carriages and calling, and short skirts for walking, aro mado of corduroy or velvotocn, with Jacket to match. Fur Is bountiful with velvet, nnd when tho wearer can afford It revere and collar of fur should completo the velvet boloro. Chinchilla Is tho fur par uxccllonuit for dnrk bluo; mink also goes well with dark bluo, but, then, mink looks allrlght withanythlng. Bablo i miothor fur which accommodates Itself readily to matorial and color. A charming Parisian costume hown Is of oxqulslto golden brown velvot stitched down tho front, around tl.o bottom nnd on the ho lero with gold thread. Tlio vest is of areum-colored piinno tli ckly ombrolrdor ed In gold, opening over n folded, sur-pllro-llko front of cream oropo do solo. Tho Jaunty littlu bolero has collar and rovers of eublo, nnd there are cuffs of the iitino fur. lllg gold buttons cloeo tlio ovartkirtlu front. Till! llllt III 11111,1,1 till, l.l.l,l.,..i... I...W .,HW I. .v.,. Ull. 'll., Ill t PIJII'I creation In velvet theam shade us the frock, trimmed with ostrich plumes in vnrle.1 tints of gold nnd brown. IJiigcoalij uroiirortinKln popularity, hut their elegance kormi thmn out of tho ordinary roach, oxe.-pt in (ho shade of shape of raglmiK, upturn nnd tho like. Tlio most beautiful nnd luxurious coals aro those, ot velvet with satin lining, nnd fur collar and roverx, Moro expensive still aro thotio of biondtail and i'eralun lamb, with fur nccompanlmonts. Others aro of heavy silk, with lur or iii!ltod. S.1II11 lining' Kmplro is tho favorite modo of making, and tho tendency la to have the oout very heavy, tlio gown and iinderKarmonts boimr iiroixirtiniminlv 'lighter. Now that ska Ing has become such a fad, skating frocks claim our attention. One of special distinction has a plain skirt of red cloth, adorned with strap, plltige of kid to mutch. The dainty little bolero Is of red kid, with facings and trimmings of white lutln, and tlio nock- et sttans aro likewise of tint huiimr Nothing could bo smarter or more un to date. The most fashioiinblo tailors are making their skirts almost plain at tho back, with Just a strapping down tho middle, and tl-oj rolgn of tho box pleat seeme over. A simpler and IKirhsps moro economical gown la of brown tweod, wilh the narrowest strap, pings of cloth to match, brightened wth rovers and vest of roso-ooloiod cloth worked with a thin gold lino. The imarWr muffs aro very largo elth er in the oblong Hat elmiws with nitll.w at tlie ends and a how for a finish, or, if In loiitfdialred furs liku sable, mstlu soft and round, with a tlmsh of UiU. Won dorful creation uro umdool wraps of fur, ohlffun ami vohvt r laee and Mtiii and fur, as yon IIU Thero seems tu M no rule for these eonleeumis, whieli iw bo very eastiy Ushhund wit u( a,I.U ...i ends. The ury latest fanev m iu..n- .- made of ostrich fimthers dyisl tu uiai.l. the feather Uu which is of exactly U,e miu uiii mo gown. JeUed broehMs Mew la ( found nun rsJi jwik1 hxchsb fvr iwr xmeao aul aremwl to fasten eullarbands at lite Uk, lu Ma up stray hNlsol Iwir, ami to fasten dainty hltle Uleros In front The fHshloa t n)nnl ns feew njstanyhie mlro,y (, ,, Te Cur a CoU la Oat Day . f 8"w itioh nm;? .uj In ili Salew KiMW UuudrAa. oT aWed them ta reduo the MfiL T ,?. wiralnd inhts imi on M.i tvit 9e. ., Tit o the t luel ... isttf Htaatai tk The UHdMgieU Ua Moved his awu otMWsig, tM rt door mk irf ikfa. - . t "-1 ww a r"---r-. ., P. J. Ium. 1S1 tf inm-ii mm --fp- " Gtve Hint an Inch, He' It Take an Eil" Let the strultest microbe gin lodgment in your body xnd your whole system wtlt be diseased. The microbe is microscopic. But the germs become inches And then eBs of pain. Hood's SarsapariU destroys the microbe, prevents the pain, purifies the blood and effects & permanent cure. yfocdS Sauafutih SENATORS HOMES WHILE AT SALEM Folloning is a directory ol tho mem bers of the Plate Hen a to nnd their ad drerecs in Halcm, Adams, Cottage Hotel. Kooti and wife, Mrs. Cook's, 465 Commercial. Hronrioll, Willamette Hotel. Camoron, wifo and eon Willamette Hotel. Clem, Mrs. Ramps, Capital and Ma rion. Daly, Willamette Hotel, Dimmlck and wifo, 376 High. Howe, Willamette Hotel. Hunt and son, Mrs. Cavanaugh's 269 Thirteenth Inman, Eldridgo Block, Johnston, Mrs. Cox's 341 Rummer. Jowphl, Mrs. Wait's, ?7G State. Kelly, Salem Hotel. Kuykendall. Mrs. Cook's. Looney and wifo, James Drown Houso, H4 Commercial. Marsters, Ciintwln Houso. Mays, Willamette Hotel. Morrow, indeflnito. Millkoy and wifo, Geo. Collins' 301 Church. Potter, Willamette Hotel. I'roohstet nnd daughter, 305 Summer. Bmlth of Baker, Mrs. Rhjgs', Thir teenth and Center. Smith of Multnomah, Mayor Bishop's Twelfth and State. Bteiwer, wifo and children, 343 Liberty. Snuek, Rldridgo ISIock. WadO, Mrs. Frwoll's, 308 Bummer. Welirung, Cottogo Hotel. Williamson, Willamette Hotel. Fulton. President of tlio Senato. Wil lamette Hotel. Petes Declsred dovote all your time reading Why the lioer War and the Gold Fields of Ala'iaT Thoro ar e otiior matters 0 vital importance; you may make a trip Bast, and will want to know how to travel. In order to have the best ser vice, ucd the Wisconsin Central IU., between St. Paul and Chicago. For rates nnd othor information, wrlto Ja A. Clock, Gonoral Agent, Portand, Ore. Correspondent wanted in every city. town and v villages in America. Xiowsna no - ' per and othor work. Experienced and inoxporionced Good romunoration. nuna unu aiunun wniliuu. r lars address The HiilletlnJI'r Hon, New York. Sows and storlos wanted. For purticu ress AsSocin- 1 10 tf VOTE FOR PRINCIPLES NOT FOR PLUNDER Fundamental American Ideas That Should Control in the Selection of an Oregon Senator. Voto for a man who will labor to Nicaragua canal entirely under tlio control oto for a mr.11 who will oppose tho itigantio timber land steals by non resident corimrotions and syndicates holding only for speculation. Voto for a man pledged to uecuro appropriations to open and keep opoti eurh nnriiors as i uqiiliia luy and Coos bay and the whole Columbia. Voto for a man opjwsod to shipping subsidies, botintioa td special into and e8ieclally the Hannn-Payne Ship Subsidy bill. Voto for a man who fuvors restoration of American shipping by removing restrictions oh comnicrco, especially with our own-poesessionB. Voto for a man who will labor to uphold tho national crodlt and keep all our paper, Bllvor nnd gold monoy good without bond issues. Voto for a man who favors forming our Island possessions into eolf-govornlng mi ruu-tmainiiiiug territories, instead ol govornuient by commissions and military rut. Members of the Oregon legislature without renard to nartv ahnnhl nu fr a man who has positive convictions on thes policies of greatest public interest to tho outiro Pacific coast. The pooplo of Oregon will not excuse or justify further holding up or dead locking ol tho legislature in the Interest of faction or for the personal advantage of any candidate. IDEAS ARK GRKATER THAN MEN, AND PRINCIPLES ARK GREATER THAN THINGS. fcw Atajority Accept the Viva Voce and Several in tne iteguiar Jtepuulican caucus Thuraday at 4 o'clock, resolutions wore adopted removing tho last formal objec tions which tho anti-caucus members have to going Into the senatorial csucti by adopting the following 1 The Resolution Adopt J. "Whereas v.0, tho maiorltv of Repub. lioun member ol tlio legislature havo assembled In cuoue lor tho purpose of naming u candidate for United States senator, who should bo tho candidate of tho whole party, acting through Its senator ami r.inro.,..(Uti..... in thoOrcKon legislature; and ' Whereas, a minority of the party meiiiWfehtp in the Iuiaturo has withheld itaproK'nco from our confer- chum, ami emuarket! xvn an oh truellva policy that threatens a pro tmcted and tueleai Senatorial dead "H!k, luvol ing tho certain defeat of uful and uevwsary legialatlon, cm barrawlug the stato wvernment tin the harmiinious aud effective admlnistra. tlon of tu functions, inijMtilhug the IllKllSMt IHlb 10 iiitri.l. .n.l 6l..'. UmmibI not least, keeping alive a de' Ploralde factional sohltm in tho Repub HeuH iwrty, and ' Wbsjnui. it has be, intimate! to us through various erxlible sources that the Roll of Honor of Forty Members Who are Participating and Will Abide bv a Majority Viva Voce Vote. Sctr. L. J. ADAMS, 3ofifffJBffl"w- W. A. IIOWK, S. K JOSKIMh, T. II, JOUNSTCLN', w. w. miwajk! 0K1 W. PROBBSTHL A. O MARSTBRS, ' KtrrtMiutiYtt. t HAS. D. HARTMIN' HKNRY KBW4 J- M. POORMAN" I T. HARRIS. ' ttfirtiiH A. R. ItAtI Th PhcMint NulstflCe EJJt r Jearnal: In looking over the proceedings of tho legislature, I find there' will bouowbill8 introduced for-the further protection of ., ,- , . t ..nllna nlm1 tue .uongonau pucou. i "' ' .t.-. i,itnn. Iiiiia Knott tirpBPtifpil nik IT1UI ltuuuun ua.v ivvv.. ,,........--- Ing that farmers be protected against .. - f al.t .t.l.ts.s nnktoiirfi lllpfl. This shows that t'here aro two sides t thisouettion. Rod and gun club?, city gentlemen and sporlsmen generally ue mand that the pheasant be protected while farmers, nurserymen and others dmand that they be protected from the ' p leasanls. What should be dono in t' e pemlses7 Which is of the most Vdluu , to the state, the man or the pheasant? Theee are the questions to bo decided, While it is Very desirable that game should be provided for tbo pleasure and divorslon of city gentlemen, idle boys and sportsmen generally, yet it must be confessed that tho Mongolian pheasant is becoming a nuisance to tho farming community. Tho injury this bird inflicts on the growing crops of wheat and corn has become quito extensive. Some fields'of corn havo been so thoroughly destroyed that they had to bo replanted, and I know some patchos of wheat to be so badly denuded of its seed that Jtboy must either be resown, or their ownera be content with hnlf a crop. And yet the farmers can see these distructivo birds, morning and afternoon, scratch ing up his grain or digging up his corn, while he Is compelled to stand by wit nessing tho oporation, and ie forbidden to kill one of them on pain of tho sever est penalty. Ho dally beholds the work of destruction going on and ho te powerless to prevent it, and. all in order that city sportsmen . and idle gentlemen may havo tho pleasure of hunting nnd killing them for two months in a year, after the farmer fattens them and makes them fltfortablol Is this right? Is this fair? How long will the farmers stand I ? Now. I wish to stato that something I must be dono to protect farmers from the savages of the pleasant rather than protect tho pheasant from tho gains of thefarmors. If the law will not do it, it Is only a question of time whon tl 0 farmers themselves will havo to do what tho law ought to do. And when that time comes, our SDortemeu will havo no birds to hunt. Farmers will not stand by much longor, and seo tho fruits of their labor1 wiped away by a nuieanco that pioduccs nothing of valuo to tho Stato It is aled well known that when tho hunting season does arrive, it iaut a tfrr.o when tho farmer is too busy sowing moro seed for tho birds to destroy to hunt them, as many idlo young men do. socuro tho earliest construction of the of our government. Aethod of Voting on Senator Will Join. minority has docllned to Join us in cau cus for tho reason that It feared tho method or a secret ballot would bo adop ted and enforced, in selecting a candid ato 1 for United States Senater: and "Whereas, it has nevor been the purpose- of the majority to adopt any 5Vtbod of voting not agreeablo to tlio Republican caucus, or any considerable minority thereof, and it has never been committed to any method of votlnit U llH ..l-., . lllllHtln... I I .p """"""i Miciuiuri', uiHsmucn as its purposes havo been mistaken and its at. tltudo as to tho ballot misunderstood, bo It ' "Resolved, that we, tho majority, declare that the viva voce method of voting is entirely acceptable to us and to tho end that no reason nr .,... bllng with tho majority in forming a complete aud effective caucus of the whole parly, wo pledne ourselves in dividually and collectively that the method of balloting for United States Senator In caucus shall bo open to roll call, ami we agree to adopt a resolution 1 to that etTeot, and faithfully and honor ably comply w ith tlm inrmi umr oxisv lur II1B minnrilv nnl .jo.,... 'Resplvtxl, therefore, that a full copy of tho foregoing preamble and resolu tiona be convoye! to every number of tho Republican minority." A, II. uugK, R. D. HUMB. W. A. OARTBR. MATHIKW 8THWRT fi; .V. "AWKI.V3, QUKKsWR Birir, . P. LAMSON, ' A. W, VIXQBXT. ftBO. L. STORV II. B. THOilPSnjT' JOHN llAm ' R. A. HMMKifVr bids t i m'w Slat. A. It S . ' Uf AU IV 1. rehsW noRHHTsr mrrY&a.. ..Utll, .. SfiDBK. c If DLtW mWr T : 'ii,aiM "PEWaOUI Is one of the curious expressions used for worked out tonyajd irttO 3 cnatr, in uuer oun. njiveti I . .. out." and vontlers why she feels so weak. She has not yet reilljcd that lt general health J9 60 QV ,..,iv onranism. that weakness must follow womanly Ueito ration of the general health invari ably follows the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Pre- !.I . T. .'.I-1 .J i. nnnmU. dries weakening i , . .. t 1- io..i..tntntt mill, ulccra- urains, neuls """"-".-,--- Tf .1 --.I nttrnl IPIMAIP VeilHIll.S3. Xk , tranquilizes the nerves, encourages i anostite and Induces refreshing sleep. es the appttite am Vitorn i no substitute for "Favorite Prescription," for there is nothing "just as joou " for womanly ills. "I wish to advise the suffering women of this l'lerce's Kavorite l'rcscrlptlon and Golden Med leal Discovery,1 - writes Mrs. Mary ShappelK of ColVnbus Grove, Putnam Co.. Ohio, "for four vears I hid been a sufferer from female troubles, ind at limes was unable to do even the ; house work lor three In the family I had such pains that I suffered almoit death dozens or times, but after la'tlag five bottles of your luidleines I can U land, of he (?ooa i nave mr. - ,-V truthmily My thit my henltti proveti. I have a good appetit f. a.U .Uhl nlnHi, T ll I M henlth was uteatly Im. e and nm tralnlng ("print Is the firrt time in five years time lu five years that I have done my house rlmnlnir all bv mvwlf and without the least fatigue whatever I hope all sullenng women may linl relief as I have done. "My Rain In weight has beenjmt ten pounds, and I am stilt gaining " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only, or for cloth-bound book, send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 4, What is tho remedy? Onlyono that ' I can see, and that a partial ono only, vix: to amend tho law in a way that it will allow each farmer iho priviledgo of phearanta when ho finds thorn on hi ! farm destroying bin fruits, Eeed or grow ing plants of any kind. This will bo . but poor protection at beat, but it is , hotter than nothing, nnd if adopted 1 will benefit tho farmer without dopriv- Ing tho eportf man of the pleasure ho ro much covets. Tho law-making power , hud better grapple with this problem it once, for It Is becoming a serious one , and if not settled may lead to 11 unions- J ant consequencea. Yours. J. II. Flrtciieh. 31, 1001. Salem, Ore. Jai, 'yu Cm,a$sr-lh? Dr. Bull'a Conch Syrup will euro a v;ougn or uom no once, uonquora Oroup.Whoonlnc-Couch nnd Moaalo- Cough without fall. Kit without fall. MotuovH praiao Dootors nrOBcrlbo it for Bronchi. It, Dootora proecrl tin, noareoncea. drippo, Pneumonia and Consumption. Ifc glvoa qufclr, euro results. Prico,25ctg. KoAisotlio dealer's substitute it fs not ns pood. Dr.Bnir Cough Syrup Always cures whon othors fail. Dr. Dull' Pills cure Constipation and Liver Trvubls. ao pills, 10 cts I rial box, .1 cts Chafing Dishes We have a few left. What will you give for one? Come and see them. R. M. Wade & Co Salem, Oregon. Chattel Mortrjf e sale Notice ig hereby given that by vlrtnoof a Chattel mortgage of data Aug. 24. 1809. filed in tho Recorder's ofllco of Marion uouniy uregon. Auuust 20, 1809. volume ""- vko iiu, uiven by Frank J. Nicklot &J V Wilquet xo Kuwil Co. of Massilllon Ohio, to secure the r)""'"i HWU.WJ wiin luterost at 6 ii. ' annum irom date, less 600 ,p.. .niu, win sen at pub c auc lion to the highest biddor for oush in hand on day of sale. On Monday February 4th, 1001. at eloven o'clock In tha orenooa of gaid day, at what is known ii... 1.' v nuKo noma larm alwut four miles south west of Gervais in Marion County, Ore- ROD. :.,.-., ---...,-. ...v . 4 iiiu- v ",.. V 1 1 rru,,K Jifkiot and J.P. ilquet hag in or to tho following des cribajl Mrwjwl property named in aW Uiattef mortgage tow it! One 18 liors Pna n-v.i 1 s traction eucme eomnUi- v ." '. wm. w, iwi vfi n .- KUSSKLLACO. J.w. u. uraves acent ami At,rau. fast. " wta ui ltMhv tikt ie Costrsctors. rJl I the A. fflTOX i U1S- iSWSVWB wmSF ' " "uwrtJl A Co.. also MMx5 Monday Evm tieZ.i r S?,era every Advanee SeiMMtnr &-01. -uTT-?a v.a .'.,n8 aPd Thursday evflninT, Ill t " " rvw - usn Friead Wind" SUekar J S Z l TS ??S an -"ry Tuesday even! Wind Stek.y f! . -,on Q ,,"- --luruay morninc via IXlttkl .ln Thrtu..."i " "-"V oroaU VMt.hnU . .."i""? wr ro da J--"7?"?,.V receive Uas 1 tk-al Okur-i .".." "" .ySrusA. rated Derio.Ii,i- . T ""r?iy. ''a- " " w itRi mi iiiiri nw .! . - ,- nnl vu cm h bbu ba it nk .. s r Hasv .iT:.:r?".,.Vw8. " 1 :- l Pk..lL"r7?'"va"u!W "ie proDos. caniB.1 h,.T"u ''r"."".n. are accom- .""?" WUUUltll.' mav l t" ..,. . I WVH-jdfcltayilW. O'rr. "a" ST!? iwjii. sj iii . u-.. :.:.:"? llllrt R.j- ui ., . fr ? t;i8T: 5ia"rr.i air ar .11 wuT " "s" to iu fiBsissa. BUSINESS CARDS O. H.JHACK SuccesBor to Dr. J. M. Koene, of Whito Corno Salem Or. Parties desir ing superior opa itlona at modorato fee in any branch are in especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. 33E5B3l!cBa:c, Phone 107l. ROOMS 1 AND 3 ORAY I1LK. Northwestern Normal School and Business College Salem Oreion Term optns Stpt. 24. Pnmnlf li riMrc nf ttlldr Normal. IllUlnSM, Common School, High school, Klocutlou, Music aou Att. rim racuii)-. oaiisincwry wur. 8jnd tor circulars. A. J. GARLAND.'A. M. Principal THE WILSON 18 Center Street, Salem Ore. Rooms 15c and up. Hoard by the day or weok. Lodging 15c, 20c and 25c. Rooms for housekeeping all furnished. Piano free for patrons of tlio house. Ellas Downs, Prop, Something New I have placed in my shop a tele phone. If you wish mo to do your work ring up 2853 main line, Wo do all kiuda of carringo work and blackemithing. Horeo shoeing a specialty. If you can not bring 1 bo work to tho shop I will eenJ for it. : : : : : JOHN HOLM First Door South Salem Hotel High St. OFFICE. CITY HALL. For water tervlco imply at 'ufflco Bills payable monthly In advance Make all complalntH at the offlc S, C, STONE, M Proprtetorlof Stone's Drug Store HALKM, ORKOUN. ine stores (two tn mini her; aro located at No. 2SS and 8.13 Commercial street, and are well stocked with a complete lino ol drugs and mcdlclnss, toilet article, perfumery, brusbei etc, etc., etc. DR. HTONK llashad some U year experience In the prac tice of medldno and now makes no charge for consultation nismlnatlon orprwcrItlou. Got a Premium on STATE COUNTY " CITY Highest cash pilco paid at Gilbert Ilros. Rink, opposite Gray Hros. Hold eoveriimeut license na ilenlnrH In nil kinds of securities. U-10-tt Salem Soap Works 1110 proprietor of tho Salem Soap v orks has tho co operation ol tho dealers Consumers who desire n .first-ciaes eoap win Encourage Home Industry By ordorlng Sniem-made soup SOTJLE Bliosl liano runers and Reparors PORTLAND ORE. n FoPiS?mm,?ni1, vLcinity leave ordors at Geo. Will's Music Store. Old Post OfficeStables Aro largo am havo reliable attend ants, your team boarded by the week or day. Good toamB for hire. Prices roa sonablo. Your patronage solicited. v.i H. M. Brown 12 Ferrv Hlroet. Money to Loan On improved farm and city pron erty at lowest current ra'.os. T, K. FORD (1.-.1-1 -.1.1 ,. t...i . ,. . 1 .v. muu o. uusns uonic. WHEN YOD PAY YOUR GOOD MONEY ven-nrV 1 fcaet' J"00 "aturally and hat KKtlW"nt,1to R0 ver the route .ii?i " S.lvoyou the vory bestaccon.o. llt n ;!- - s&s&Sti&Si GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE fi., .. . tourist slaflidn JL 'n,..m."ein. Pullman No. Pnrtlon.l Salem Water Co., miinm liiiiUfliTrli aBBUi-Lir--S cbwwWfffi.-W.TlC SSfS Personally ."toa. TheTn ,'. """ ca' ""-UI.IOU (OUriat Par tn. and rvL ii V.S " wu "ntch --- ail 11 11 11 tas nnni-i..- 111 tHia aim muii ivriuu m in, ..,.....! -, "-..- use 0 on. .T.r??".HUM ,or ' "". """"Sil IO UUMInntfnn K.. Ronta. Wei. h- reaJ -V001' Is,an, - W ( the Great RrU-V.,' . vlco in tho world. ' Um!Ug car !iacc"P rtt.. jail or ' A fir S00", Gen- Agt 11, n "'" ureuon. RentlT O-M.IWu l-4i. Agent 6 R v n. same u Wi' JR Depirt for TIME BCHEDUhR rrom forllatid. Altsts Chlcago Halt ijiko. Denver M. Wort SDuciai uioana. nsusai. i, di, ;15 a.m l4)Uls,UhIcao and Kast, Bdo. Bpo- kane Walla Walla, BiAkstaer Minne Flyer apolis. Hi. laai. jJiuuin, mi waukeo Cblcaero and east. v. a. tn, C.-OOpn Allan tlo Ki. 9r, m 8 pm, VIA HUNTINGTON S:40 OCEAN bTKAMHUirU. For Han Franclsoo, P. Ball every lire aaye. 8p. in. m. Hun 10 p, m. COLUMBIA RIVElt HTKAMKItB tp m ex Sua, fo Astoria aud war Landing WIt.I.AMKTTK RIVER For Portland, Nowbore nd way Ar B Indlugs, iTiesaajrs, inurs- icm days aud HoturdaT atOOOamOpto Monday, Woducsday, Friday Mon inn m. Wed Iave saluni For Corvallis and way point Krlda TtidNlays, Tnursaays anu aafi urday, at 4 p m. ' WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Boat to Portland as abote. Transfer delayed there. Ticket to all point lu Oregon, Washington, California or lIwKaat, Baggaje checked through from 8alem free. Choice rail or river roiitn to Portland. ConnOcUou made at Portland with all rail, ocean and rirr Uncs. W' U. HUHLBUItr, Ocn, Pass Agt , Pnrt'and Or, O. M. POWEU8, Agent, Trado Btrcot dock, Batem City ticket and freight office 210 Commercial POSSIBLY You aro not awaro of tho fast timo and superb sorvico now afforded by tho 0U?TO 2 . WE HAVE . ( Daily Fast Trains - TO THE EAST. If you cannot tako the mornins train r travel via tho ovoning train. Both ate finely equipped. "Our Specialties" FaBt Timo, Through Sorvico, Pulman Palace Sleepers, Pullman Tourist oloep ers, Pullman Diners. Library (Cafol Car and Free Reclining 6'hafr cars. Hours in time saved to n uan. Ohio ago, Kansas City, St .uis, Now York Boston, and oth-4 r.astern pointa. Tlcketagoou to can i-nico viiy and Denver. It Is toyour interest to use Tub Ovm. land limitxo. iicKOis anu a oonim. car berths can bo secured from W. W. SKINNEn. Agent B. P. Co. Or Guy Powers, Ag'i Ig't.O- R. & N. Salem Ore. J. 11. LoTnnoi. Gen'l Aeont. no, mo Tiatrd Bt. 1'ortland Ur. SOUTH AND EA81 VIA Pacific Co, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leavo Salem for Portland and way 8tatlonsat5:40a. m. , 7:64 a. m. and 4:05 p.m. Lt Portland iiAM " 8;S6 r if 1043 rv u.-oipir 423 A II 8:18 All 8:40 All 7rAM 9:80 A M 7.-00 'ATM 6.00 P V 6:90 AH 10:30 A II tM r II IM A V 12:41 P X Lv Balom 11.00 a M 12.30 A M . fi-00 P M Ar Ashland- Ar Sscramento- Ar Ban Krsncltco 7.45 P M ArOgdenT - 8:43 A M 8.O0 A M . 7:24 A M -. 7:48 A M - Isio l'"M - CO I - 830 A -M A M . !JJ A M . tm v u . 6:42 A U -12.4S P M Ar Denrcr. ArKansa, t'lty. Ar vuicmjo.. Ar Los Angelos Ar KI Paso Ar Kort Wortn.. Ar City of Mexico Ar Houston Ar New Orleans. Ar Vtblngton, Ar Xtw Yort Pullman and Trmrlntn ran n CCii; trains. Chair cars fiainimnnin tn nA., and KI Paso, and tourist care to Chicago, bt. Louis, how Orleans and Wnl,lnM ConnocUncr at finn Krnn.llaon. ltR oral steamship lines for HoncMti, Japan, China, Philippines, Contral ni mum ivuierica. bee Mr. w. W. Skinner agontnt bale. wwiviuu, ui cvuura O. 11. MARK11AM, Q. P. ioru4kQre80D. OrpgoD Ski Lioc Railroad The Direct Route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. .. Qlves choice of two favorite routes, tu Southern W6UWfttVF, Fa8t MailLiDi,?rV or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines. 'A No Change of Carss On tho Portland-Ohlcago Special, "t finest in the West." aPh Equipped With Begant tltandard 81eeper. s1MJ,heMhird,D,';y-Tou,1" Sleepers, buierb Ubrary-UurTet Cars Bplendlp Dinners. Meal a ia carte. tree Kecllnlng chair Cr ,w Entire Train Completely VeUbule4. For furthnr lnln,m.iU. 1. J. R. NAGEL, GUY PoT8 x ray. rasa. Kt. Agent O. R. N. 142 Third St. Portland Or. 8alto Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TIME OA7?T. 2 For Ynnnlnn. Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m Tra n leaves Corvallis 1 60 p. Nort,a,LatrurinVSa(lU,na fl:45p H?I!! Yaqulna 6-10a.. Vr.Vu?.,J0.Tals 11:30 a.m. vs 'Inl 'oanr I2;15 P- vArr.?veeSs & JSSjtJ xo. 4 Ueturnlnjar; rw iftnd two connect at Albany 1 SPJ.'A11 w" Southern Pacific tW ' ... . . ai-tu u "" rVVrr rnAA? 8erv,ce t:,aDd itom vt LaiDd adJacent beaches. . rwS ?8 lor thc monUlDs arrlrei) Detroit at noon, clvinir amDle W? hrfM.r1 mP'DR (trrjunds on W Orel ten)ush and fWikm rivers tM day. WALDEN, ' -wn $a K. P A to iV x fj" MBr 'SsV n3S. ffsV lIk3: -icu up. "e., i ' v Salem Or, - - m,kv vn. in lU: say.