THE DAILY JOURNAL. s "1 rewarded those votinsr fo'r "I rewarded Democrats who , me in 1895." -ctcwcsrwe,;. TUtWW w .. - - J.ll.vuvi, , "l!!!! SALEM, OKEGrON THURSDAY JASTUAItY 81 1901 NO 26 VOIi. XI ,- FA nrl Vfg ' I TODAY'S NEWS SUMMARIZED, Oklahoma demands immediate admission as a stato. Boors attnek lioskburg mines, damngo million and n half. Mrs. Nation continues Orusado nzainat saloons at Topoka. Tin can mannlncturers form trust capitalized at fifty millions. Business in Great Britain will bo suspended Saturday forQnoou'a burial. New York W. 0. T. U. oppose Mrs. Nation's mothods of saloon smashing. Revolutionists in Venezuela defeated in battle Tuosday. Loaders prlsonors. Senatorial deadlocks in Oregon, Montana, Dolawaro and Nebraska remain un- Cargo of Ruesian boot sugar hold at Philadelphia until higher duty can bo I m ru-taArl Pi' A bill has boon introduced Jn the Oregon legislature to build an executive K'-l Captain Ladd will bo relieved as Treasurer of Cuba, and Cuban officials takoB British ambassador at uorun is cauou Javo political Importance. House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST. Special Sale of. l irz-xrinnritr. AtrrnrftfllTi 1 iuuina uunrciuuj r r During this week we will sell Youths' overcoats at 25 Per cent. Redaction Ages 14 to 19, regular price $10.00, $10.50, $11.00... i I r r .Mackintoshes Still Selling r r TOQiE$ 1M STORE AGO OOMMtROIAlV CiT. WKf(ffjiaiSSS imr m KKEAUSSB fHBr 27S COMMKHCIAL ST UBKSBj'mmmmmmmammmmaammmmmimmmmmmmm Reliable Jeweler iA Large stock cf novelties, now styles other new jewelry for the people to O. T. POMBROY Engraving Free, 288 Commercial St. THE LAST (Lleatance Sale.... Umbrellas, $1.25 values for Homespuns, $1.00 value for $10.00 Golf Shawls for $6.50 each. $10.00 Silk waists for $6.50 each. More than your money's worth or your money back. suuuomy w jwikuiuu. vviiuveu iu i i at One-Half Regular Price i 4 E ADVERTISE be cause we have footwear at the lowest prices at which it is safe to buy, for we endeavor to get the best in the market at all times. The Greatest Achievement Of modern sclonco is found in tho prog ress of Dentistry. Careful study In all lines of our pro- , .i I ..., I .I.IIW.,1 RROS instruments specially made for each op erOrof the botanical CUre, heals oration, and every facility for carrying' .nmo rmtipnts who have SUfTer outeacii undertaking enables ua toor.,sOle paiienib VI1U nave auilii tract or on teeth without pain, ed for years trom awlul dlbr Wofitandmako single or entire seta . nnH Hip more awfuleflfects of teeth and do all other necessary work e'se ana n?.m"r.c dWl UlCJiCLii with satisfaction to our customors. Drs. Eppley & dinger rostofllco block. and Watchmaker of brooches and tho best quality of ring buy at prices lower man ever iwiore Jeweler and Diamond Setter WEEK OF THE WE HAVE SIMPLY "CUT THE LIVER OUT OF PRICES FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE WEEK. 98c Black Cat Stockings 17c pair. 83c. Warner's Corsets worth $1.25 now 98c. $.uu men 5 $3.00 Men's ALLCIT1ES IN PHILIPPINES Are to Have Civil Government. MILITARY TREASURER OF THE CUBANS Is to Be Succeeded Home Secretary of nance. by Fi- Manila, Jan. 31, Tho act organizing municipal govornmontB In tho Philip, pines was passed by tho United States Commission today, after adoption of amendmoute including provisions dis qualifying from voting and holding of fico any person who after April 1st, Is In arms against, or aiding thoso opposing United States authority. Powor to re vise election Irregularities is transferred from tho Governor of tho proviuco to tho election judges. Tho President's symbol of ofllco is jlisignated as a gold hcadod tassel cano. Tho Provincial governmdnt bill has been completed. Public consideration will begin tomorrow. Bcon after this enact mont tho United Stato a commissioners will visit Luzon Provinces and witness organization of provincial government elections. Later they will visit tho Southern Islands. Nkw Yohk. Jan 31 A special to tho World from Washington says: Captain E. F. Ladd will bo relieved from duty as treasurer of Cuba within a fowdays when tho BecroUry of finance for Cuba will becomo custodian ot tho funds of tho island. 'Hiis la In pursuanco of tho policy ro contly begun to gradually transfer tho government of Cuba from military to civil hands. It is said authoritatively that tho pro posed change Is not duo to dissatisfac tion with Capt. Ladd. On tho contrary, his work Is highly o jmmondod. Doputy Sheriff Jcbn Estos went to Jefferson today on official business. Amoa Strong loft thla morning for Douglas county, whoro ho has mining interests. BOTANICAL X BONDERS The marvel of the hour is the wonderful cure of chronic diseases without the use of knife or poisonous medicines. This is what afflicted human ity needs more than all else. Not a week passes but Dr. J. P nnnk . .. . . the crreat botanical rn:ni:rt omM nrimnil ,!cm;- specialist and original discov- or ranK mecucai numuugi. ur. Cook is willing to give patients the benefit of his life study but declinesto publish further test imonials out of regard for his patients, yet will gladly refer any callers to their neighbors and friends who have been healed, Consultation free. If you have any physical ail ments it will do you good to call and have a little chat with the doctor. Office 301 Liberty Street; Sa'em Oregon. isEmgttvivwrttvWLYH&'Mrmi i n otMnso ? s nil ib iui j.zd. Hats for $1.90. DESTROY MINES Boers Doing Immense Dam age in Africa, PEACE ENVOYS REPORTED SHOT The Permanent Court of Ar bitration Now Nearly Complete. Capo Town Jan 31. Tho boor attack on tho Boksburg mines rosulted In damago amounting to 300,000. Tho commissioners at Kroonstttdt re port that Andrlos Wossols, ono of tho peace on voyB, was shot at Klipfotto on January 28th, by order of General Dowor. Morgou Deal, another of tho Boor peace envoys, and who accompanied Wossols was Bhot noarLlndloy Jan. 10th. Nkw York, Jan. 31 A special to tho Trlbuno from Washington says: Tho permanent court of arbitration provided for by tho convention slgnod at tho Haouo on July 29, 1899, Ib now ready to consldor any International dlsputo that mny bo proseutod. Easily tho highest tribunal In tho world, with tho most- numerous and eminent bench of any court ovor pro jected, this single fruition of tho Czar's poaco conforonco has juBt beon com pletely organized for business and tho stato dopartmout has officially Issued tho roster of its membership, Including ita secretaries. Fifteen nation, embracing all tho marltitno powers, havo appointed their inoinbora, and only a fow countries com paratively insignificant us international factors aro unrepresented, Thcso aio Bulgaria, Montenegro, Persia, Slam and Switzerland. PUMPING OIL IN oixmidst W. II. Olarke, who la representing tho Rival Oil Co., in our city ha aa at tractlvo miniaturo dorrick and oil pumj lug plant in oporation lu tho nhow win dow of the BulomGun Store, which is attracting largo crowds. Tho coutrl vancu la run by a small elective motor, and gives a good representation of what tho oil indusryin California Is like. Mr. Clarke is advertising the business of his company, and a prepared to give most interesting information to nil who aro interested. BIG SALE OF THE DALY THOROUGHBREDS i1 Nkw York, Jan. 31 Tho great Daly oatato sale ot thorough broJs has drawn to MadiBon 8quaro Gardon to-day a great throng of horsemen. Those thoroughbreds are from the lato Marcus Daly's Bitter Hoot Stock Farm, at Hamilton. Mont., and aro sold under tho hammer by the Faulg Tipton Horso Auction Company. This Is tho largest salo held in tho Garden since August IMrnont's i mm on bo breeding was sold ton veara niro. Tho sale will occupy three days. A number of foreign buyers a hero, being especially iuieroswdin tbe grottt naovo'r i10r nrtmuurg. Even in Australia interest in the tuture ot Hamburg is felt. Tho entire number of thoroughbreds to bo sold ia aunouncod to bo 101. In the catalogue, eight royally bred Btallions, ninety-eight of tiie choieunt breed that money and care could collect, uud all aupposed to be in foul : twelve race-horsea in training that will beuuch threo years old at the time they are sold, and sixty-six of them two years old In active training and being fitted to race in tho coming Spring are named to be sold. Hie stallions are, first of all the Rival Oil Co. Ar. W, H. Clark, Secretary of the Company is in Salem for the purpose of offering a limited amount of stock at 50c per share. This is certainly your chance to make money. The company will make for you many times your invest ment in a short time. The company owns over 480 acres of very choice oil lands in Sunset District County, 4 in Los Angeles where they are now drilling for oil with a well of 120 barrels per day, only 30 feet from where they are drill ing. Buy this stock beforeit goes beyond youi reach, it will not be long sold at 50c per share. Stock for sale at Salem Gun Store. Call and get a prospectus and see the miniature oil well in the window. ROYALTY ARRIVES Squadrons ol Warships are Assembling. QUEEN'S REAUINS IN THE COFFIN British Minister to Germany Called Home on Political Mission. Cowes, Jan. 31. Prlnco Henry of Prussia and staff landed hero today, A squadron of German warships com manded by Prlnco Henry roachod Spit head this morning and took up positions opposito Plymouth. Tho foreign warships and tho British (loot aro rapidly nBSuming tho appear anco of complotenoss. It is oxpocted all of thorn will bo assembled thla even ing at their alloted moorings. Tho Islo of Wight is fast tilling with vial tors. Tho coffin of Quoon Victoria was fin ally eoldored this morning and cnclobcd in an outor caskot. London, Jan. 31. A special train this morning brought to tho Charing Cross station a number of mombors of royal families upon tho continent hero fur the purposo of attending tho funeral of Quoon Victoria. Among thoso who ar rived wero tho Crown Prlnco of Swodou, Prlnco John George of Saxony, tho Princoof Saxo-Altonburg, Prluco Wal-deck-Prymont and Prlncoas of Solum burg.Llppo, and tholr rcspectlvo suites. Thoy wore conducted fu royal carriages to Buckingham Palaco and tho various hotols. Tho moinbors of tho Gorman ombasay met tho Princes from Gomlany, bat nooo of the members of tho British Royal family wau present at tho station, Hie Majesty, King Edward VII was roprosouted at tho elation, however, by Col, Campbell, one of his crooma in waiting. Lonow, Jan. 31. Lady Uachaol Charlotto Fltzgorald, oldest daughter of tho Earl of Buuhayon, dlod Uils morn ing. Bkhlin. Jan. 31. Tho British ambas sador. Sir 1'rauk C. LaBcollos, has sud denly gouo to England. It la believed here that tho Ambassador's departure has a political significance. mighty Hamburg, by Hanover-I.ady Jteel, now live yours old; Tammany, by the Kuulish Derby winner. Ironunld, (WIU IllUJaUII U lUHb IMbV UUinUi UJJUVII winner of a sonnulonul Futurity ; InvnrnnRM.. nn iniDortnd lioriu. of M...I lil.mmll rt .......i lin.uitl f fashionabto English blood; Isidor and vs. tho Salnin Ught A Traction Co bo JJaihampton, both imported and both for0 Judge Iloleo. high-class race hones: 1'hu l'epper and Buto. Of Ihemaros. thtrty.ono wore bred' " " ""- to Hamburg, these including tliodamaof Baniiockburn, Motley, Isidor Chucoruao nml flrnr MntA iinil liauliup iiiiifinu tliiuii such iudividiiuN aa Casseopiu, CuHsaliu, I Moriden and Shipmate. Fotirtoen otheral wero bred to Ouuen, fourteen to Isidor, twonty-six to Jiathampton, ten to Tim I'opper, und others to 8t. Angolo, Scottish Chieftain and tho Muskot horse. r Trenton. Tho coming three.year-olds In training ami tho coming twn-year oiuh are a splendidly bred lot of horses, ui d of great promibo, l'tiu.o represent a cost to Mr. Daly 'if nearly f 1.000,000. What they will bung is problematic, for conditions now uru different from thoto attending tho Del mont sal-, when tho world'n record vtrb Obtabllshed. There are many horsemen, however who belbvo that these figures tlut havo had first placo for ton yeara will bo eclipsed. ' Going Through a Watch When cleaning it, wo often find somo minor troubles which on being mudu right, will prolong its lifofor a number of yeara. Tills ia worth more than the prico of cleaning, but It doesn't cost you much, We mnko a specialty of lino reimirlmt. Watch en, Jewelry, clocks, and delicate littlo ornaments are carefully, skillfully and neatly repaired, cleaned and made to look, and bo, like new. For such work our charges are moderate. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE 118 State HUeet. REBELS DEFEATED Leading Venezuelan Revo lutionists Captured RIVAL ASPHALT COMPANY WARS Are to Be Fought Out in the Courts Before There is a War. WiLMAMSTAtvr, Island of Curacoa,Jan. SI. Advlcoa from Vonrzuela confirm reports of severe fighting, probably last Tuesday, at Auga Frla, In which revolu tionists wero completely dofeatoJ. It la assorted 'tho loaders of tho revolution wero subsequently inadu prisoners. New Youk, Jan, ill AJspccml to tho Times from Washington says: Tho titate Department is inclined to discredit the report from Port of Bpain to tho ef fect that 25 Americans, deeortcd by their negro employes, nro holding out against a band of nt tacking revolution ists. It is poln'ed nut that if it wore Iruo, MinltUir Trmls would certainly liiivo iiotlili'd tho department. It in stated in thu dUiputch that Mr. Looniis was aware of tho report, and, wlulo inclined to consider it exagger ated, had prutnlticd.toinforu. Ilio depart ment, Thla would be his ttuty, but ha bun notilouu it, and tho depxrtmout ia, thore'ore, pkeptical of the report. Thu story which amis font in eotno tlino ago, and on the htrength of which thu navy department sent tho Scorpion to tho scene of ullegod hostilities, did not como from Minister Looiiilu. Binco thou tho department has hesitated to credit reports that do not come from Minister Loo in is. Minister Loomls has acquainted tho Btato department with the fact that thu Veuzooluu government is willing and nuxioitrt to havo thu merits of the rival asphalt concussions left to tho determi nation of tho Vencuolau courts. Thu department has decided that thin is tho proper course to pursuo, and has so in formed the minister. It ia true that there litis boon no lack of insiuuutionu touching the JuTogrity of ,tho Venezuelan judicial tribunals, hut thotiUito l'opdrlmout does uolfeul itself absolved on that scoto from following tho well established practice in sui'h caseanud refraining from Intervention null! it shall become absolutely evident that there iiai been a denial of justice. Therefore tho uspliult companion must make their fUht buforo the VoiiukuuIuu courts, to bt'ti.i with, it least. ELECTRIC ROAD CASE BEING ARGUED. The attorneys on both sides nro this afternoon arguing thocaio of (Ml. Anaon eiE.HaUHHHBHHMQnHHMH.3MM n Q Uf ft ia H ffi El E. m The soldier straps his helmet tighter. JUST SO WITH US. There's an everyday onward march in THE BIG STORE our success serves simply to stimulate us to further efforts. This week we haye much in our store lhat will-prove of vital importance to vou. MANY OPEN ING SPECIALS AT SMART PRICES. H Our QDeiiQ H H M H M H Was a grand success. FOR FORTY MILES AROUND THEY CAME. It was that mightv magnet VALUE, with its great money saving possibilities that drew them. It was the biggest day ever known to a Salem Store. The many congratulations which we received on mir courage in opening such a store pleased and encour aged us, and we feel confident of U'e hearty support of a large and appreciative public. H H M Now We Invite Jtokcfo THE WHITE CORNER mmskiimuMMMwmmumMmUMMMmummmnMmMmma9M TIN CAN TRUST Formed With Capital $50,000,000. ol bETROIT STREET RAILWAY SYSTEAl Has Been Acquired By Syn dicate of New York Capitalists. Nkw York, Jan, 31. Tho Journal of Commorco says: It ia learned on excellent authority that tho negotiations for a consolidation r.f tho leading tin can mnnnfactur tug Interests of tho country which have been In progress for many months have reached n point where their successful completion ia prnctlcally rortaln at a vory early ditto. Options on tho various propurtiea run until April 1, but from present indications tho donl may be closed up several wcoka before thatdato The capitalization of tho now com pan apparently is aa much of a secret aa ever. Thla question rests almost en tirely In tho hands of Judgo W. 11 Moore, thu promoter. Howover, thorn seoniR to bo an expectation in frine quartern that it will bo about (50, 1)00,000. Tho Company will naturally ho closely allied with the American Tluplate Company and through It with tho so called "Moore steel companies, Thu now consolidation, It ia under Blood will tuko in nearly ovioy can man ufacturer of Importance In tlio country Companies in Chicago, thla city, Hoop. Mon.Ind., Baltimore, Toledo, Dotrolt Indianapolis and tho Pacific Coast are understood to havo given options. Nkw Yoiik, Jan, 31 Tho Trlbuno saya: llenry A . Everett . of Cleveland. Ohio, a' i :"r nt r'.w iivs at the Hotel Notlior hint, l.i nt tlio hold of a ayndicato winch lia puruhusod tho stroot railway nyrteiu u( Detroit, of which K. T. Wil son, cf this city, was tho principal owner, Tlio formal transtor of thu prop erly Ib understood to have betn mado yoHtorday ,WednomUy) nt tho olllce ot DavleH, Htonu !i Auerbach. Mr. Auer- bach, of that firm, acted as coiiutul in thu tiuiibactlon. Mr. I'.veroll ouid lhat ruiupaiiy organ Ized fo nurehaiiv tuu Detroit r"r -t H.iil way system is capitalized nt 'J3,500O,- 000, of whioli 117,500,000 la in atoek and fil ,01)0,000 Is In bonds. Tho Block is now Killing at 85. Yesterday it do clared Ita first quarterly premium of 1 percent. The company liau $40,000 In iti treasury. Mr. Everett l president of tho North Ohio fraction Company, lie came to thin city in company with J, U, Nutt to meet financiers of Now York and Philadelphia and olocu up tho deal for tho control ol thu Detroit tya tern. The CsclUI or Wathlfliton OutiriA, Wn Jan. 31, In tho leg; islaturo today thu IIouso placed thu You to Yisit Us viotoru capital removal bill on the calendar for Monday. Both branches of .the legis lature will visit Taconia Saturday to inspect Wright Park, which haa been offorcd froo to tho Btato as Capitol. AGREEMENT ON THE STATE SEWER 517,000 Besides Brick and Labor to be Furnished. Tho committees from tho Odd Follows order, tho city and tho asylum mot with tho appropriation committee last eve nine, and after presenting tho claims for tho need of completing tho atota tower to the institutions, it hat been agreed by tho ways and means commlttoo to appropriate f 17,000 for this purposo, and supply all necessary brick and -sorno labor from tho ponitontiary. D. F. Wagner and D. 8. Botitloyj of tho firm of Bontlo; & Co., are convalesc ing from their recent Illness and. will soon bo ablo to resume business. Cures Night Cold How will your cough be to night? Worse, probably. You can stop it any time. Then stop it tonight.. You will cough less and sleep better, and by tomorrow at this time you will be greatly improved. Ay er f s Cherry Pectoral cures night coughs, day coughs, all kinds of coughs. Help Nature a little and bcc what she will do for you. Three litest 25&, 60c SUM. If your druggUt cmuot aupply yon. scad us Jixo ana we wilt esprti a fargtbottl to you, all charges prepaid. Be aura aa We u your nearest express oe. j.C..Va.CQ.,lAwall,MaM. The voting men at thu Corbolt head quartern nro musical and onjny singing. Wm. Chun iugton, of tho Stato otreat muslo houso haa furnished tho head quartora freo u.o of a piano with hit compliments. Salted Almonds Somethloi Hew, Give Us a TrUI...-. ELLIS 154 State Street, & zinn's ; Siltm 'Phone 2 S74 Opening offers at The Big Store A handsome line of urn brellas pearl handles mount ed with sterling silver guar anteed goods. $3.50 Two hundred ladies' urn- J brellas regular gt.50 values m as an opening special $1.10 A fine line of white quilts offered special 68c and 88c M m Anv iacket in our store values trom $8.50 to 16.50 for $5.00 And many otherspecials ap 5 predated' by seeing. JJ, m m m m