The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 29, 1901, Image 2

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House Work is Hard Work without GOLD DUST, j
Shivery Weather Is Coming
'' .
-old town foniglit:"
Come and Select ..
Your Overcoat
Despite what others say about befog "'overcoat leaders"
our pricesare the lowest. You can't afford io pass' f hi store
wherf overeott hunting. We also have a few! mackintoshes
left for one-half the regular price, ',
G, W, Johnson & Company,
The Peoples' Clothier aad PnrBiibers. 7 Commereiat St. Mem, Ore gm
Daily On Yoar, S3 OO In Advance
dally Pour Month (I. In Advance
Call by Carrlor Boo Per Month.
woAklyOnaYoar al.OO In Advance
Gov, Geef earned one Col. Wood of
. Wealoti.
-. & e
jWIth two Lane county senators on the
Way ana Jleaqs committee. J,lon
' cWuty wlh be blocked at all poHli,
I' Y
J,. General 0. 0. 8ammsrs shows' good
easa in refuting to go on Uia Indian
War Veteran junket. Pity there' are
" not more Summer!.
e (t
Tho hrpnotlit It not wanted at Fa
lent. Wo 'hfcvo the Illlbeo club, the
Ath!gtl3oltjb, the Y. M, C. A., the Lilac
olafrand the fegfifatur.
Tito Joobkai. is the newt c5njr nf
OregW, It. furnishes now t6Tp,0DO
readers, and supplies Ave other slato
dailies with Halam nri,
Tho Senatorial hold up doc not hold
up the printing of thousands of pages ot
uselesi b'lls. hut it will, thank the
Lord, Dock the passage of some of thum.
Mr. Ilasey, an old pioneer, who has
in rental a cbloo-naptholeum soap, a
aurg thing remedy for hog cholera, chlo
kltoproiip, sheep scab goatfoot rot, and
swelling ol the natlmnd, hat pritsorilod
XRyi man with a cake. There a to
-various ways of Insulting an editor.
Corbvtt'a moat eidliuiiastloand louml
et uportora are the flunday Mercury,
the Capital Journal, and the Orrgonian.
Throe of a kind boats a pair, hut It U not
altogether Improbabln that some of hi
opftonenta may have a few cards up
their alreves Cottage Orovo I,cador,
The supremo court properly knocks
; put tf at freak legislation known as tho
lloyclo tax. It Is a matter of conirratu.
Jatlon for tho people that ono great cc-
oidlnalf department of our ttaU) does
not lose its bearing in tho modern
whirl of ainailug experiments called
JJijijtlj o( IJaker, tho allecrd leader ot
tlie op-Million, a;e this will be a most
' upentit a IsgUlaturA. What I ho baa
4lon. to organise, tho US opposition mom.
fbera to protect the people airatnet ralJi
oh urn Treasury don not appear, bo
yonu organism tlieut to ?oto for the
Hon. IiIU Smith lor senator.
ATt. IVcriM'a Karr r llarr lis riaaU
If Caw a tu Tarn,
P "Hello, old man! What have you In
11 those bundles r asked a gay, airy
yeung llacUeljr f a earvworu. solemn
lloekfng young mnn a they met hi a
f uburUn railway train.
MPristaU for my wlfu." was the sen
s lentlou rvjdy. -It'a hw blrtlalay."
"Well, what ro yuu bringing your
"wife In ttittt package from your tab
'Ijr'ar gayly pursueil tbe baehelor.
'Trousers," was the answer.
"Vea, 1 reiaat-t rower. Just you
!stru. On my tMrtbday w wife got
me three or fwi iK-autiful tare hand-
Jerchlefs, sueh n, moiuvm carry nt aft-
rnjOu ei and such plaatj. and a
'black vtdwt bat with blgli feathers,
0no of the bti story kind that ib-
Struet yiHir view uf tbe stagy hi th
abealer. 'fk looked mighty well ou
zlef. nnd ahe akiil m If 1 wsm't bav
v "Wall. I dMM t utltMl that vwy wuek.
put xnm LttrtaiMiaa nmv l gt anatb-
ir rtwil of tbe mw sv-t I gave my
M'lfe a prvtiy muM rtos. Kb gave we
is tMTHMwtM- riuj tMt musII to go aver
frWy at my kuucMea. bsmI she wera It
jmw uevt to tb uih I nave bar. Hut
Jhnt ws t the wuiat vt It. be get
2er sister to irt.o me stawe afir dinner
$uTeo vm tu,d iuy iair to wnVc ma
Cot of Uw tUdltos. Tltwt was all I got
mtwr Chritu.
9 nVwwrow t my wtrV'a Wrtbday,
0a tltbi -WfMk I am UrtHjftog her a
falr of trvMHTs wbtcb I bad wdo to
iuy tHCH.wv him) wbkb I ateaff wear.
Tin thU parvvl to a pair of tlw very bt
Wtf fcr my w1f; In tbts package la a
, gwwr t itmin, and to my p-ksU I
tkt U tetoMtw. Nh, duu't see
alW'jt-wa Mtn Mif a kiw Wrth-
jf P j $ im m fa3r it,
Mtr t w4 tw WK mm M SU tk I-rvt-
.atfMsJp mF'IPsll Wstf fiWV UTyW fwsffe -HrWUMiM
a, ,i ?. : Hu
"there'll be a ocki time in the
Ilarr a Dog Slopped UosOtrM.
Oa ose of tbe moot plaant sMe
streets af Cleveland ItTe two tog a
large, dlgnitled bound asd a mwj,
small tax terrier. The two are tko
best or friends, nud tle W lies Is al
ways watching orer tlw little owe and
d!ujr bis beat to keep the pert fellow
out of a fight. Hut I lie other day bis
watchfulness foiled. Another terrier
came and yelled defiance at the
bound's comrade, and whon tho big
dog arrlred upon tho scene It was to
behold a frantic, tumbling, snapping
leap, of which his faroritc was part.
lie teemed to coualder the stnto of
things, then pa to n sigh of patient dig
nity and began to walk around the
combatants, keeping a critical eyo on
the atrugglo and evidently noting tlio
part of umpire. Ills farurlte was get
ting tho worst of It, but bo did not In
terfere. Maybe ho thought tho pun
lahment of defeat was better than any
bo could bestow. lie watched silently
till all at onco hi frlond garo a yelp
of real pain and trouble. Then sud
denly tho big dog nwoko. With a
bound ho was bealdo tho other two.
With ouo tap of Ids paw ho sent tho
victor over Into tho dust, grabbed his
favorito In his mouth as n cat grata
bur kitten aud mndo off to his own
back yurd.
During the noxt hour ho licked, scold
ed and fondled tho repentant terrier.
And now tho two aru more dcroted
than crcr, though the llltlo dog scums
moru meek and deeldudly more obedi
ent thatl of yore, Cluveliind J'lulu
A rnltliful Do.
Many hundred years ngo tlicro lived
at Athons n dog whose falthfulucsM
bus caused film to bo mentioned In
history, and In the Oreclun city bU
story Is often repented.
Tho dug gun riled onu ot thu honthsn
temples at Athens. Ono night a thief
stolo into this building mid curried off
toiiiu of the most vnliliihTu treasures.
The dog vainly burked bis loudest to
frighten the thief and to rouse the
keepers us the man went off with the
Jewels, Hut the faithful dog did not
menu to loe sight of tho rusenl, and
all through the night be followed him.
ity daybreak the wor nnluml hud be
come very weary, but still he kept the
roblier In sight. The latter tried to
feed him, nud us ho mndo friends with
the pasacrtby ho took It from them In
stead. Whenever the thief stopped to
rest the dog remained nwir him, and
soon a report went through the coun
try of the animal's strange behavior.
The keepers of the temple, hearing
ttv Riuy, ifvistv 111 VI1IUM i illU lIVJJi I
aud they found him still nt the heel
the story, went In search of the dog,
of the Ihlcf nt a (own en lied Cruiiyou.
Tbe robber was urrested, taken back
to Athens and there punished. Tim
Judges were no pleased with tho dog'a
aognclty nnd faithfulness that they or
dered him to bo fed every day fur the
rest of his II fu at the public oxpeuse.
Bar ISdumhIi T-tU.
In oue of (he private schools here In
towu theio s a small boy who Is al
ways cheerfully tulle behind uvery
body else, Ho Is not a dull Iwy, but
learning does not appeal to him n Ihs
Ing a thing eHcliilly to be desired.
Recently the teacher told the claw In
composition Hint on the next day she
would cipeel each of them to be nblo
to write a short anecdote. Hlie ex
plained with grunt cure the meaning or
the word nuetdote, and uext day when
he called thu class up to write nil but
the laggard went at once tu wttrk.
"Why don't you write nu aueedeto,
Hob?" asked the teacher.
"I forget what nn anecdete l,H said
IIOU, UUlHsturlHHl.
Ml eiplalunl in ySU ywitrd-,y, ntt
arid )ou ouitht to rowemiHT," mm tlw
teacher, bit out of th'uc. -Ah
aueedoto Is u tale. Nw writ"
Hob bent over bU shite and. wltb
mueU twisting of brow aad wrltUtog
of lip ground out bU taak. Wmw lit
slates wero collected, bU was at the
very top of the lump. TV isttetiw
pleked It uis aud (hi is wbat s4m read:
"Vesterday wo bad swtp made fwm
the aueedete of hh x.M-YeMth's Cum.
Th Shu and kt Wuuian,
llMrvu-HHi vtmit-i t- Htmiu
the woutMM.
MYur MivMtitM(l UmstHM'tar, I
WjWd, -an Mot nMttmiUmk With tkv
rnve tvimuAMUtm wub yoM to
aiHHWM iMiiwiirttfciMiosilHcb
waan gave u a witUartug
I'lMlwsr site tuawmwd m,t kssKn.
fuMy. "lu a wile too btgt ewia
wtiar t w stiwi sMMllaif
Oh, what a fwUle t-ttog mw Wgiv
jtd HawW-IMrst4t Jtmrnal.
A ClUub.r.
Obi Uver-I kmtw aw 4d -xtougb
to b yMir gfandfuthw, u. my dap.
Ie. I Wave an lmwti4 friiwe t t-.
Stow upu y.
Vttg Iwirt-I besitato la iiuwu.
vfw MsTru w k-H m to
,-r-ii w kp m to '
I b toWt OfcyuM. iuhI MtVr
ihi.k, i
ON LEGISLATION,,; vehMtos are.
BillvWiir Be Noticed Her as
Fast as Printed.
TIm sa SJertil Blfti.
R.B 5o.-7, by JohrMtM, to HWWi
forraeroM MmtHfjiw. Loeal at.
Siw rTTrtwMV,Vttfl"o( part
s4oek7. Lcealact.
5. B. Xo. 90, by Marater. 1 per cent
Uaa: on eartaiR corpora lions. Sewi
S. It., by IMiwer, toaaseod
rc-aal jMperTMor law m to permit ap-e-siitaaetit
in mom eoaatiw. Seesns
K B. Xo. n, JoaawtM, W) tmikl port
ag railway atJThe Palase. One of the
f 7mAr8 at" this seaJoa Jof any
vahte o Uw prrlocr.
8. B. X, , hf laly. t detrriwlae
eeiHeet Utea two laMvWala for
saase plaee on oAatat ballet. Eeecae
8. B. Xo. 91, by yiaraters, .'utaiimBm
freight rate WM. X o-4alea.
S. B. Xo. , by Swesrk, to regelate
km in probata eaeae eoas to expedite
seUlewont of etaUts. DaMraMe.
S. B. X.W. by Mulkey, makes sber
tfl liable for entire amount of Ux roll.
Of interest to goaranle bond companies
8 B. Xo. 7, lry Brownell, n pay Bel
linger and Cotton $10,000 for revising
tbe rrle. XoopfnioH.
H. H. Xo. 98. by Inman, relates to foes
of Multnomah county otflcera.
B. li. Xo. , by Mnlkey, applies to
the law f RHanlianahip of minors to
guardlaa of Insane. Should be carefully
8. 1). Xo. 40, by Mulkey, requires is
terror to lilt dogs at f 1, or bo "llnted"
(5 for failure in each inatanoo. Persons
guilty of misrepresentation to tho tinea
nor about dog fined f 100. Croatea-n
dog fund. N. U.
8, IJ. No. 4 1, by Fulton, changes usury
law, and attempt to prohibit bonus to
secitro loans. Seems all right.
B, I). Xo, A'2,hy U'illiarnron,anthorIzer
stnto trearurer to employ clerks and
H. I), Xo. IK, by JoMtphl, oonvnyatioe
of InMtie patients by sklllod nurses.
Jiifct and humano.
H. II. Xo, 44, by flUlwer, fixing terms
of seventh Judicial district.
8. II. Xo. 16, by Mulkey, to provide
attendants from Hcylum or stnle prison,
toouuvey ami guard eonvlets nnd iuratic
persons. Alms to rsform exiieiiso only.
H. II. Xo. -in, by Hweek, creAtes olllce
of erler for eash eireult onurt nt two del
lrs per day, or if performed by bailiff to
receive 7C0 -wr year. Jmlge Hwesk has
done woll to llnd niwther oltlco tlmt
ooii Id bo created,
ti. II, Xo. 17,, by I'orler, relating to
tervlceund return of summons, Inter
ests lawyers,
B, II Xo. IK, by Adams, tat cm dogs to
eroato n fund to -My for sheep killed.
Also reeks to protest dogs that uro llstml
for taxation. As Mr. Adams Is support
lug our oumlldattt for reimtor ho feel
obliged to vote for his dog bill,
a). II. Xo. 10, by Hlulwor. to permit ox-
proes com-Miiies to oarry sheop without
H. Jl. No. BD, Ly WiIIUiinoii, to lin
H)w county llimiko not to uxeewl $!W().
A hardship on u harmless nud entertain
iiigelitMUf people.
Tlotoa House Dills
11. II. Xo. IB, by Hir.lth of Marion, to
regulate ware hotttee.oomiuliMiou houses,
forwarding mid storage Ihiiihw. Promised
the (HKiple of Mailon county on the can
II. II. Xo, 5. by Muttonn. nruntn
' i ..-.. -.-
M"y )" of the statu n state
Ixmrd of equalization, Usolew, imlifss
some cqoalitiitlou of values can bo bud
laiforo itiHosors begin onumsriitlon of
property In their respective counties.
II. II. No. 5U, by Drtwmir, rnlatlng to
apx'iiU, Muy inlerost lawvers.
II. H. No. 6ft, by DretHHir, relating to
law of ermhtMt.
II. II. .No. ftl. Ily lloloomb, regulates
sitting bonds for street nud sewer im
provements Howls to bo tftUO, draw
six por eeut. Interest rato too high. All
sich ImiihIs sltould be stdd to iiuonltt
0 lia HHilar loan plan.
II II, No. W. by Wutaon, requires all
bowls uf cwtHly and eoiinty olllcinUto
furnlsltwl by mhw s-rety company.
Atwtwtr buuw wr tbe wretj- sum pan ton
ii. ii. 4w. , uy McCmaken, crealHs
Hawaii's pfjetive Wmrd Hm appropri
atoa tHQi H year. As wnrtliy as any td
tw uiultiiwlhmos busnls aud rowmUs
II. II. No. , by Uraoa. extaudu nuu
law to iU. I tlm tjajsaeavk, sagsmou and
ebwk-iw. OngRt to go wttb n wlwop.
II. H. &. IN, by mat-, provisWs ap
eraw. by altomay dMajaaitoil by
v,. .- uwt-Niani wa dtvoiraMiit
fails to appear. Wookl eudoy wwyw
t.d Mkkn .1 n UlUe hmh dimeull to
ptweui-s a dlvr.
II K, Na, It, W Uii, o pHMlth th
poisUIUUgWf M4M4l aj-UMl-j. AkrH
actkaillWNl towvM.
II. Xo. tlr, 40tmM
wtoMjr M wjiUo. mwI ini,ta 4,. ,
lakwatoaigbt boaira. i-uU Mil.
U H. . W, by Nuttt-st-haaa. rHUf
w-Jij ifWK at MuliMA..1. (snIo-w tfcduttoif
Una- pJt ,tHU,t, ,,. ,M
rtbt dtosataM.
UM . MeCiaktsi
" dm toatoitoiN hkv
' Mtka
Take Time v
Tfw Forelock.
Wf HM rnd yu as-sW-sl-isj,.
IPUi M arW ftv. th f saw
m t mu. ithi JW M)ai.
rj Mt ymt ? -vacw mM
r - - vmK Mnm -'. Mttm
tttHvSi, kMf
-rninTOmBK13 '
lasd -soU-set twenty-live cento on eaoh
Mettle. Bicycles snotm w aweeseu as
If. B. Xe. , l'earce, same as a. a.
Xo. it, by Williamson.
11. B.Xo. . by Xottlagbam. witno3
fessWo-rpeorc-aetofMbltnOtaill county.
11. B. Xe.7, by Xottinghaui, rela
ting to actions for recovery of ponalty of
forleitaro. Lawyer's bill.
II. B. Xo. 98, by Xotti ogham, relating
to manner of levying state taxes.
H. B. Xo.C, by Thonipjon df Holt
mesah, relating to tenancy in common.
Better Medersiand f ffect.before voting.
II. II. Xo. 70, by same, regulating eon
do..t of trial by jury.
Scltstiflc Diairnff Treatraeat Retoa
Mrs. Mary C. Crawford, Oaketdale,
Waeli. : "HerpicidR eared me perfectly
of dandruff and failing hair."
Dr. E. J. BeardeJey, Champaign, III,:
"I Med Herpkide for dandruff and fall
ltg hair, ami I am well satisfied with
the reeelt."
Alf. It.' Kelly, 2195 Deeadero street,
San Fraedw: "Uerpkkle put a new
,-rotii of hair on my head. HerpWde
does more than is claimed."
ffornif-iiie kills the dandruff eerm
"IMtror tbe cause, yon remove the
effect" dandruff.falllng hair and finally
bild t all druggists.
it Hound II li I n llem-f.r.
When n doctor of IK) years' practice
encounters n new experience. It must
be worth relating This Is from a phy
ilclan on Lafayette nvenue who has
fought disease for the period named.
"I snw him get gingerly out of a wag
on In front of the olHce. Ho then left
the team with Ida daughter, Iguored
the bell nnd pounded lustily on tho
door. I answered In person because I
thought ho nnd my olllce girl might
got Into nn argument, for ho looked
Just like a man who would Insist upon
seeing the 'doc' nt once.
" 'Doc,' he began without other pre
liminary, 'I've been n-tnkln truck fur
six mouths, and blamed If I hain't
woiMe'u I was at the buglnnln.'
"What's the matter with youi
" 'Hlomncb's nil out o' whack. Regu
lar riot down there all the time and
me a-dosln In the remerdy after cacb
tnea'l nud nt early bedtime.'
'What are you Inking?'
"'Here It Is, doc, aud I got n lot left
yet. My first wife lister buy It In the
bulk 'cause It en me cheaper.'
"'Hut this Is for the lungs.'
"'8'pose I don't know that? Course
It's fur the lungs. 'Hint's what was
the mutter with her. I don't care If It
whh fur tbe liver. I I'd got tor go to tho
xtoumch Hit I, hain't It? And the atom
uch and the lungs hnln't so durned far
fiiwrt but wlmt helps one helps the
other and what gits to ono gits to tlia
ulher.'" Detroit Kreo Press.
Fundamental American Ideas That Should Control in the
Selection of an
Vole for a man who will labor to
Nicaragua canal entirely under tho control of our govornmont.
Voto for a mnn who will odposo tho eienntie timber Inml ntiaU In nn
resiilont oororiitlotis and syndicates holding only for speculation.
Voto for a man pledged to securo appropriations to open and keep open sue!
harbors n Yuqiilnn ly nnd Coos bay and tho wholo Columbia.
Nolo for u mnn opposed to shlnnlnL
ami 'MH-riiiiiy I no iianna-l'iiyno Hhlp b'tibsidy bill.
Voto for h man who favors restoration of American shipping by removing
restrletions on commerce, especially with our own possessions.
Voto for a man who will lubor to uphold tho national credit and keep nil our
paper, silver nnd gold money good without bond Issues.
Voto for n man who favors forming our Islnnd possessions into self.govorulng
iiiul eoH-suNtoiniug territories, Instond of government by commissions nnd
military rulu.
Memlwrs of tho Oregon legislature without reaard to imrlv should vn - .
nmii who has positive, conviction on those
iiiuuiiuru i huiiiu uoasi.
The peoplo of Oregon will not exensa or Justify furthor holding up or dead
locking ol the legislature in the Interest 6f faction or for the personal advantage of
any candidate. IDKA8 ARK QRKATRR THAN MKN, AND PIUNuipi.pq
ARK (IRKATER THAN TIIINQ8. a. i i ui.uil l.l.h
Aajority Accept the Viva Voce
and Several
11 inn iirguiar iiepuwiean caucus
Thursday at -I o'olock, resolutions wero
1.. ,1.. i .. ...
adopted removing the last formal objec
linns winch the anti-caucus members
havo to going into the senatorial ouuou
by adopting the follewing:
The Kc.olutlooi Alact-d.
'W horeas we, the nmkirlty of Repub
Ihmu members of the legislature fmvo
aiemblelincucu8 for the imrposo ot
naming H raudulato for I'nitoil States
sjmutor, hIm should bo tho cauuidato ot
tho whole party, acting through
, ami reproseiitotives
In the Oregon legttdaturn; aud
"UhorMas, a minority of the party
uwwlMNhip In the has
Wlthhekl Its pret-Mteo (rum our inn'.,r.
hm, and emlwrkwl upon an ob
structive imliey (but threatens a pro
traate.1 ml useless Senatorial dead-
V.K, imui-.Hg ilia certain defeat of
Mftol ami neceeaary legislatlou. cm
iMnaMtog tho slate Bovorumwit in tho ami effective admlnistra-
kZLTf ldIi'cUf"!8' 'H,l'ilhng the
iSuTl pJ"bfw hitorest and last,
thuut-b not toast, keeping alive a do
". U has Uxui totlHiaUl to us
Ihnaigh varlmucredibbi r,l,at U.ol tho
""" " AM!ll
, , KHuuu
A. 0 MAtt-HVlg
fiwfv KMStit
MJl. U.
SenateiBill That-Provides For
Recession of Land
Disputed Strips Include Valu
able Mining Property That
Would Swell Tax List
Some twenty ears ago Linn county
eeded to Lane county a tract of land
four miles wide, tbe strip extending
from the beginning of the mountainous
stction tributary to Eugene westward to
the border of the two counties.' The
eeffion was in excess of the demand
made which originally included but
fourteen miles of the four mile wide
etrip. Xow Linn wants Lane to cede them all tho terilory Included
in the grant exeept the fourteen, mile
cession aikfed for. A bill has been in
troduced in he Senate by Senator
Kelly providing for the return of the
land, and the Lane county delegation
instead of yielding with good graco are
preparing to fight the bill both in the
house and senate.
The conveted atrip Includes the rich
Blue River mines, among whicii are the
mott valuable mineral properties in the
state. Representative J. J. Whitney
will have charge of the fight in the
house to be made by the Linn delega
tion and in outlining tho reason for the
measure said:" Wo want Lane county
to cede back to us only that part of the
orignal transfer which was not asked for
by them In the on'gnal request. Tho
main outlet of the atrip of teritory we
aro'asking for is toward Albany. The
outlet of tho mountainous strip which,
was'the extent of their demand was
Eugene and fcr that reason the cession
was made. However, it waH nn error to
go beyond tho fourteen milo section nnd
wo want returned what wob g.ven in
Representative McQueene, of Lane,
made the following statement regarding
the position of the delegation from his
county who want to retain the coveted
strip:" We will certainly oppose
pose tho domands of Linu county and
we thiuk we havo good reason fcr such
opposition. When tho original cession
was madu no roferenco was made to tho
now disputed strip nnd the citizens of
Lane county havo ex(pended inonoy in
improving tho outlets y
The excellent roads now in use wero
constructed a-tially with funds subs-
Oregon Senator.
secure the earliest construction of tho
subsidies. iKinntloH in muv-tnl lni
policies of greatest public Interest to
Aethod of Voting on Senator
Will Join.
minority has declined to join us in onu
m 111 V reHw.n . t feared tho
i i rr 1 1 o' 0lt,,;i,iK cant d
ato for Unlto.1 States Senator : und
J . ?rn ' U hn8 Movor - -he pur
poso of the majority to adopt any
method of voting not agreeable to the
Repifbllcun caucus, or any conekloriib to
commlttfil 0 any HU,thod 0f voting
wlmtevor, therefore, inasmuch as is
purposes hari)hwnn,iui,.i ... 1..
ii..;i.. .. .. .1. . " "iiu iia at.
...uu n. iu mo uauoi
uu 11
"Resolved. th i .....
ueoiaro mat tho viva
I . .. - ---. nw.
, ni- uinioriiy,
i ., ,.
I."?. ,??4 U,?t no fwn or ozeuMi
jr ,or mo m nor ty not asMin
bllng with the nmtord-.. .:. "."!'"
wto.K!0.!L"d f"1? M"' "' the
divldually n.l oollecttvely tlutt the
'th,0' hallotingfor United Siatos
benator in caueus shall lw 0en to wH
call, ami woagrw toadont a rLuuiuT.!
to tlt effwt, and fai.hfi, ly aTh,or
ably comply with iila ,.,, " wri
'Resolved. thnrM,.-.. ,i...'. . ..,.
a ,212!." .?-: -is
:iT.."V7."D"". Wr uwnlur .f
"PWlcsit, miuofitv
- . itfcli-hr ,,
- jy iva voce vote.
A'. H. UlAPK,
j n. IIL'JIE.'
A. S. momUI'
k .
, -----j
Makes m$Sm
Weak ffijEtM J
'l suffered from female weakness for five
months" writes Miss Belle Hedrkk of
Nye, Putnam Co W Va. "I was treated
bT a eood physician but he did me no stood.
I wrote to Dr. R I'. Prce, .iffafo,
N v.. for advice, which I rrceived. trlHng
TION.' When I had ued the medicine a
month my health wm much improved It
has continued to improve until now I can
wot k at almost all kinds of housework. I
had scarcely any appetite, but it is all
rieht now Have gained several pounds in
weiffht. I would advise all who suffer from
chronic diseases to write to Dr Pierce "
cribed by individual citizens of our coun
ty and wo havo done much towards de
veloping the valuable mines in tho tor
rltory. Linn county sees their value
and would like to include the mineral
properties in their tax lists hut there is
nlother reason or right on their side of
tho controversy. The statement that tho
outlet is Albany rather than Kugene i9
not well founded. There are good
roads and trails leading from Kugene to
tin divide. A committee from Kugeno
is expected hero duriiig thu woek and
they will precent to tho legislators tho
reasons for n continuonco of thu present
boundary lines, between tho two coun
Among tho valuable mines located in
Gold Hill and Sunset pruertiiHi.
Our Ambition,
Some people, are ambitions to be sena
tor, but wo ore ambitious to sell vou all
tho first class provisions nud groceries
you need for your family. Vou will And
our stock complete and prices satis
factory, Uran?nn & Ragan.
Dr. IJull's Cough Syrup -will enro a
Cough or Cold nt on. Conquer
Croup, WiioopiiiK-CouKh nnd INUaslo
Couch without toll. Mothers prnlso
It, Doctors preecribo it for Uroncbi
tis, Hojireoncss, Grippe, Pneumonia
nnd Consumption. It givts quick,
Huro results. Price, ETcts. Rofltsetlie
donler'a flubstltuto ; it is not ns pood.
Always cures when others fail.
Dr. lull's Pills cure Constipation und Liver
Troubles. 50 pills, 10 ct. Trial box, ,-, cU
Chafing Dishes
We have a few left.
What.will you give
for one?
Gome and see tlfein.
Wade & Co
Satom, Orgo.
Chanel Mwlme Sale
Notto is hereby given that by virttteof
a Chattel mortoaae of data in-- fti rsoo
fib! in U.-i Itocorder's oe of ilarion
Oomii OwijoiAueasi , igw, yoHwJ
UoTTj.TxnSZ ?' S""k.. J."
Co. of ilawillion Ohio, to saau h-
to t-Muto th
. , .
1-avHMUt at fltkliiki u.ti. i. . " ' I
. . i
pweiit per auuum froni u. ,w
. v . , w. ..., i.M,Mi ur ,:."
IkJhl tt.A.,. ...ll w r TT ---w .;
IMkl IIiuuji I u,ll ii .. . ' H
tie to tba hlrht l,i.4.l.
,- -.-. . nn, rii at nnnu Bii
ImhmI 0 dy oi !.
for cash
jgfjs It Makes
l Slek
- Ewa -waii
Couih Swun .
Februarv 4th, luOl. t
tovw acwei- io tlw forvoooj of aaid
4-J. at what U kw w M ihe p, J "d
rl boiM farm arkiui . ,-;i' . ..,
ot tWvai in Mariun County.'
All tha right ticks intore and m.i,
'., Frank J A'SkKnd??
W itoiwt utw ia or to tha faik JL. aF'
J-Jf oote power uvod
- JrM?
-0, U5W.
0 one ttixte
OM Farmer
----- i-vtv wiiii ru
M to
by Randl
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, of
White Come- Galem Or. Parties desir
ing superior op J. itions nt moderate feo
In any branch ore in especial request.
Phone 1071,i
Northwestern Normal
School and Business College
Salem Otttoo
Term ottos Sett. 24.
rontilete courses of rtodr Normal, BilslneM.'
Co-amon -school, High tchool. Elocution. Mime
Hnd Art. Pull Facultr Satisfactory work.
Send tor circulars.
A. J. GARLAND," A. M. Principal
18 Center Street, Salem Ore. Rooms 16c
and up. Hoard by the day or week.
Lodging 15c, 20o and 25c. Rooms for
housekeeping all furnished. Piano (reu
for patrons of the house.
Ellas Downs, Prop,
Something New
I have placed in my shop a tele
phone. If yon wisli nie to
do your work ring up 2S53 main
line, We do all kinds of carriage
work and blacksmithing. Horse
shoeing a specialty. If you can
not brine the work to the shop
1 will son 1 for it. : : : : :
First Door South Salem Hotel lllh St.
Satan fate?
For water hcrvlcc uooly at urilce
Dills payable monthly In advaocu
Make all complaints at the olllc
S, C, STONE, M. D,
Stone's Drug Store
Tne itoroi (two In number- are located at
No. Hi and MS CorameroUl tret, and am
well Hocked with a complete line o( drags and
medleln'f, toilet articles, prfHtaery, bruhi
etc., etc., etc.
Hu had some 126 years exponent In the pre-
tieeoiRKNtieineand now roakvi do obr for
ootiMillnllfin. ftumlnotlon or prcrlptlon.
Get a Pretnitim on
irnr, f STATE
Hipliest cash piico iviid at Gilbert
Bros. Bank, opposite Urny ilros. Hold
government license as dealers in nil
kinds of t-ec'iritios. ll-10-tf
Salem Soap
I'iO nrotirietor of thw Sultim S.wn.
tVorks lias theco operation of the dealers
lonsnmors w no de-jire a .llret-class
soap will
Encourage Home Industry
Ry ordering Salem-made soaj)
Tuners and Uenarers
n Fo.l??mn,?M,, vk,'"ity leave orders at
Goo. Will's Music Store.
Are large nm have reliable attend
ants, your team boarded by the week or
day. Good teams for hire. Prices rea
sonable, our patronav-a solicltA,!.
H. M. Brown
- -- .- -
H Ferrv freet.
Money to Loan
On improi'-Ml arm an I eity pran
orty at lowest curwit ra'-w.
uvor j.:u,i a Hush's Bank.
fEvnJft Bait' you nar'ly and
thai rsras".,?? ??'"?
.1-..-. . -p-y' .nn wry OOSI aOOOIliO
Our bouukr
our, xcuraiojis in Bn.C, u,. :."
- . ---- i.nmaiii i.iijii,.,,.,..
tourur bI...... '. '
uturifeir ALi., . . -- - ..,.., ail
Jloadav , ..-i '." T'v
- - ."JiiiiK itm mt'd
. mmmwut and every Tuwsdav ev.,
lZtr "ornvuTlWn'd-
M, .?, !" S via rortland
Chang, v hTRwff - Vi'!'?
EST V-T'l. t?" for
hM.i .'.:iT .w.,'- sieopuiK cars ar
3', iTH wit , ,,nte
Ronto.,w.;,.(0- Island
l.if ear aiV-Er: "'V Brrt-claM
rvii to the u-j " lmi a""n
Attend 6r:l(
G. 31. Powmui
W. W. Scwt,-
. Awut S. P.
MtotH Or.
qm m lit
i n i vs - r--Tr auMassawMBM-wr
r'rora I'oruanu.
Chlcai-o Salt
Lake. Denver s-tt" Won't"""''
Omaha. Kauwji City, 0t4 U
0:16 am,
Ixuls,ChiCaao and Bast
Blio- ... i8jjT"
'kaneAValU Wal a. 8pp kane . Minna- wn,
sUpm waukee Chicago anu ctut.
riTer nivni, -m,,, wu,m,u, v.,r
1 nr
I '"
, a. m.
tie Ex,
9p, tn
ocka n STKAiiaiura.
8 pm.
Kor Pan Francisco,
eau every lire nays.
Sn m
P m
ilirTn Atnrl ud av Laudlutn
,ex bo ,
10 p, m I
For Portland, AesMrg ana way Ar g.
LAUUinp, iueni7, imim-icm
dsys and Saturday at 600 n m G p ta
JlonJay, Wedueaday, Friday M on
in a m. ,i
For Corvallls and way polnta I'rWr
urdar. attpm '
Boats to Portland as abore. Trantferi
tret ear line at Oregon City If tho steamers art
riclnred there.
Tlckeia to all polnta In Oregon.
W&MiltiEton. California or ibe East.
checked tbrongh from Salem free.
rail or river route to I'nrtlaud, Conuectlfti
made at Portland with all rat), ocean and rtxit j
line. n u. iiLiu.uuiw.
Gcu, 1'au Agt . Portland Or,
0. Al. POWERS,
Airent.Trado Street dock, Balcm
City ticket and freight office 2U Commercial
You are not aware of the fast tirno atj
superb service now afforded by tho
' Pitrrot-A
- .
2. WE HAVE t
" Daily Fast Trains . 7
If you cannot take tho morning tram
travel via tbe evening train. Bota m
finely equipped.
"Our Specialties"
' . r -vr-4
Fast Timo. Throuch Service. Pullmaj !
Palace Sleepers, Piillmnu Tourist Sfocp.
ers, Pullman Miners, Library (t;aroi Usr
and Free Reclining Chair cars
llours In time e'avod to n ..-no Chic
ago, Kansas (Jity, at juis, i-ow xori
Boston, and otlu. .eastern nointe.
Tickets good to Salt Lake City and
It Is toy our Interest to use Tiik Ovn.
land Limitbi). Tickets and sleepkii
cor berths can bo KHiured from
W. W. 8Kt.vNRn.
AgontS. P. Ct.
Or Guy Powers, Ag't. 0" It. & S.
Salem Ore.
J. II. LoTiinor, Gen'l Agent,
o. 135 intra st. rortiana or.
Southern Pacific Co,
Trains leave Salem for Portland nnd wt
stations at 5:40r. ni. , 7:51 a. m. and
1:05). m.
Lv l'onlud.
. 8:30 A M
.110 A M
.12:30 A M
- 8.00 P M
- 7.'5 P M
. 6:lTA M
. 9.V3 A St
.720 A M
7: A M
. i-W 1' M -.
6O0 PM
, 8.30 A M
.:U A M
eriJ i m
Lv Ralera...
8:3) Pa
10.33 P )T
Vifii P I
Ar AsliLaoil
Ar gVrarsento..
Ar 8au Fraucitco
Ar Penver....,
Ar Kama, dtr..
Ar Chleaol.....
A r" Lou Aneelei ZJ
: Al
8:40 A I
9:3) A I
e.-oopK !
Ar ki raw ..
Ar Fort Wonn..
ArOltr of Mexico
C;'J0 X V
10:30 A X
345 AV
6as pn
Ar iiouiou ..
Ar .Vew Orleann. ..
-y ua ukioo. ... 6:12 A M
0:11 A X
Arjiew j ore
..u.ts p JI
1X13 P I I
UIUl lOllNfltH rnra nn
inn' Chair cars Sacnunento to Ogiiea !
'. i ' iPtt v' aiVl touri8t cars to Chicago,
iwun,0n uneansaiui wnantDgtoa.
uonnecilmr at San Prnmiic,.. ,iti. ... i
eral steamshln Unno rn ir...ini. I
Japan, China, Philippines, CeutrsUnd -bouth
gw.Mr. W.W. Skinner OKent at Hales
hTOIlnn n- .1.1 " IBj, ur uuurefj
0. H. MAKKIIAM. G. P. A..
. Portland, Oregon-1
-Oregon Short Line Mnti
The Direct Routo to
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of tun favniVa -,,-.,. M I
Al IfVtlAiV ii 7 . lUUtVOi 1 1
t" umun rAUiriU Fast Mail Lkt
w mo uiu uitAiN uis bcenlc Lings.
No Change of Cars.
On the Portland-Ohicago Special, Mili
finest in the Weat."
Equipped Wlthl
ElsgADi riuoiUrd Sleeoeri.
kRStv? S VMOl? nl Smokers.
Jiutlre Train Uompletelr Vestlbuled.
r R0rviPB:rer in,0"atlon apply i
Trav. Pass. Agt. Agent 0. R. & N.
s third St. Portland Or. SalemL
So. 2 Por Yaqulna:
-. wtvosAiuany 12.-15P..
NrTT'", "E1.-a O-'SP-1
raiu!9t 6-lOa.u.
I .AH Imn If .. . .
LiuuvusiJorva in n.oi.l
-.-. u, ucuuu;
A.., 'Pany 7:00 a.B.
v'-V-A.'roit 11:20 a.
. t xvumrninf;
hTH?" -2:10p.r,
;:'"". uany ohop-o-
ry, ii".01 fwc conned at Albany e
Sfr.v" "ii w,'h Southern Paolflctiiltt
.nrfSS1' Ber"- tj and from
ana an ncnni Kn.....
n"!?8 for toe mountalDs arrlrt'1
wvwu.utto noon, RlvlDL' amole tia
ni. u Fttn-Dloff.rdunds on l
Broltenbush and Satftlato rivers
II L YVAI-DKN inaiv: (rrOSl
i r,,..T. 1 P. A
K Ut ,ltiny
gluUM uJ h-auC4 ill
ffllisv H
Wevor TUU To Beetor V?
iem ur,
Cute e-xlp dlMuu Mid
Kcudaiiiou rrr