-wv t t. TffrypgTmqrjwp'r y 't r . i ii riBtntMirmiaM Ln MxiiOllcnt Combination. .The pleasant method and bennllclnl IcttS of the well known remedr. rtitun ok Fins, manufactured bv tlio .Oaufoiinia. Km gvituiCo., Illustrate thovalncof obttttnintr thu llould laxn- lvc principles of plants known to lie Kiedlehitilly laxative und presenting .tfcttniiithuforiiiuiORtrofrL-tthhifrtothe taste and acccptuble to the system. It JH.theono norfeet strouL'tlieiiintr Inxn- tln oleaiiHlnir the system clYectiihlly, dupe Uiiiff colds, headaches and fevers r , Vol promptly and enntiiittjr one rnntn.t li iliitntil itnnfil tmlt 1(111 Her hpanentlv. Its perfect freedom from rrry otijectlonnbla qunllty mid fc'ib ,i '"Istiinco, und its uetlnjroii the kidneys, liver and bowels, without wenkeulnsr oattltntlnfrthctn-.-mnicc it imp uieui laxative. . , . , ainTihn nrncees of manufacturing1 ngN arowned. us they arc pleasant to the ..liuttliomcoiciniiiyuHimeHiH me d,v are, obtained from senun and 1 aromiiiiu iuiii,- uj u iuumhih ntb the OALiroiiNtA Fio Sl'itur buly. In order to get Its beneficial cts und to avoid imitations, pie use ember the fullnuhio of Hie Comimnv lnted on the front of every piieluige. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN KJIANCIBCO, OAt,. totnsvitLir, jct. mew york. n. v. amnio by all DruflitUts. Price 60c. per botlla flf IO. C. T. Go's J-AUaKNUKIt Bt'KAfciKH TOiVLONA AHO ' J altonA LKAVErf KOHU'OmTIjAND 01 It eroont Bandar t 8 . ra." MOIUK f 1MB' AND CHEAP UATK8. Dockltotwean BUte and Court HU. M. l IIALDWIN, ArdL A Short. iXPLANATION How We Handle Our Coffee to Roast... . The green coffee is graded by a imliie. This makes the different t grades nil the same kind. , it is put through a running ma- wirfno. EP Then dried by heat. S?J,'?fc ft In iKnaliuil 5! Heady to roast. It'll tint in an air-tight cylinder and Irooated bv ims tlame. No smoko or (rowa can cpcapo as when roastod in a fatayo oven.. When roastod with a gas iroMter tho berries sweat and all pores 5e rovered and it will keep fresh much Hiuor and have a better appearance. (More later. Try our coffee. iUama Tea Sto Rhone iMll. Freo Dellvory. OCIAL NEWS AND VIEWS rh soeWty editor may be reach! ihroush IWNphouo Main mi rnui 0::x) . m. u 4 p w. Malljr. Netfi of aoclal unture, poranual ivf aiaut tsaiera pooput or vi.uon, una lit- ui of toclal Intorrit ollcitd. TWO PORTRAITS. Tfesjy smile from no sllv'ry fretted frame, B Jmla tuo scanted dusk of a lady's room ; KfjMy ara hi Idun away where none can MK claim, 'And time does not tarnish their life .. 'on8 bloom. Aifece laughs out 'neath the Illao leaves: ,'XJWue oye are blooming with great kgood will, li.'t;upjd sows In the unrlnetldfl ovos rATgirl's heart took it. and keens it till. ':vTh other speaks of the end of all, "'.OITwind and wave on a lonely beach, Tho7 withered leaf, tho unanswered .call: But tho same each. man's faco looks out of THoyears may HlJJear scene i linger or lintte away, bo altered, and voices .m imraiicn , Butlthe old-time portraits know no do- Itu .... Vninir ib, tint fade and they cannot , v?fdiango. jfTjifty. Millie from girdle of leafy bloom w.fN0TUvn holds them in ilalnly grace . Inithe scented dusk of a iadvV room, Her iumot heart is their reeling lace. Edith RuTrea Llatiiam hew Lodie Officers Tl. L'nlnl.ta r.1 nunl.nl t .v.1... 14' MlgMUIVVOlll .UUl No. 18, oj P., met in their now hall in Hoi- gh block Tuesday evening and install jUjthe following oltlcers for tlie ensuing hMrni' chancellorr commander, A. H. (lllftms; Vice chancellor, Frank M. rer; prelate, Claud ToWnecnd; itter of work, Morris Wiprut, keeper I records and J seals. C. B. Updegraff;1 ire, W, T. Slater; master j Iter of finan (ohequur. Jordan Purviue; master gWms, Carey F. Martin; inner guard, "A. Hughes, outer Kuard. II. A. nson. The ladies of tho Rathbone gljtera then gave the Knights a dulicious sell in the adjoining hall and a pleas- . tociai evening was enjoyed. Mlistrels Frllsy Mht. The chaneo of tiutA in ttw.airi.-ni semenU and the opportunity for' ea wake and up-to-date management llgforee redned minstrelsy to the front IlEpIred tho Richards and Prinele'a II rm 81 managers to onranlxe the blmrest istrel combination in America, and 'tflf Egbody In it tho bestforms of vaudeville fragmentary acta that would find ready favor with all cIbbbos of theater goers, that thoy havo succeeded in doing thl is evidenced by tlio eucccpa of their big minstrel enterprise which is bnoko aa tlio Grand Opera House Friday, Jan. 18. The venture has met with phenom enal auccesH, and from a tnodost begin ning, Borne few years ago, the company itow ranks foremost and is the- largest and best minstrel organlstallon In Am erica. Fifty porformera furnish on ovenlng's entertainment in which fun is plenty and of the good wholesome- kind that wins public favor. Porado at 12 in. Trices 70, 50 and !Gc. Mr. and Mrs. Karnest Piper havo returned from ,an extended vIbR at Stockton, Cal. Mrs. T. T. Geer Is visiting at tho home of her parents, in Astoria. Saecte and Blow. That is what you must do when you havo catarrh in tho head. Tho way to euro this dlneapn in -to purify tho blood with Hood's Sarsaparllla. This mediciuu soothes and heals tho inllamed surfaces, rebuilds tho delicate tissues nnd per manently cures catarrh by expelling from the blood tho scrofulous taints upon which it depends. Bo Hiiro to get Hood's Tho non-irritating cathartic Hood's Pills. 4 Sportlai Letter. New Yohk, Jan. 17. Tho quest! ons "who is the hardest hitter in tho ring," "who is tho cleverest," and "who tho quickest," ara asked evcrv day. In tho selection of Jeffries, Corbett and McCoy, as Filz lias dono, no oue could have come closer to the facts. After sifting out allot the big fel lows who know how to send iu a wal lop, there can be no doubt that Jef fries is tho hardest puncher of tho bunch. Peter Maher has long been looked upon rb having a terrific punch up his sleeve nnd there is no doubt that this is truo, Sharkey is no menu chap when it comes to piling wallops into tho other man, but neither of these men can land his right with the same, force that the champion can put into his blows. Jeffries is not only a hard hitter; he is a clean hitter. He is a very care ful fighter and measures his blows well before ho sends them In. In fact ho is too careful and often loses a chance to land a blow owing to his carefulness. There is hardly any use of saying l anythinir about this subject of who Is tho cleverest of tho big chaps. There in only one man In tho ring who can givo Jim Corbett n rare in this respect. That man is "Kid" Mc Coy. He has tho art of boxing down to n point of perfection. His defence is u marvellous one, that is simply wqndor ful. Ills attack Is equally perfoct. Tho California!! has time and again shown his clcvorness. Ho modo Jeffries look like a novice when ho wont up against tho champion nt Coney Island, lie has done the saino to all tho other bitr chaps. Could ho hit as hard as a man of his weight should, ho would nave been tho most wonderful llflhtor that tho world over saw. As Corbett is tho cleverest of the big boxers, bo is McCoy the quickest. Ho Is quicker even than Corbett. It's a treat to see tho "Kid" when iu tho heat of battlo particularly if that battlo in just then a trillo warm nnd ho has to do some squirming to gel out of a "hole." He seems more liko a shadow than a real livo man, His foot movement is quick as lightning. Joo Choymdci comes among tho list of fast men. Ho also can move around at a pretty lively gait. But when put alongsido of tho "Kid" he. liko thu rest of tho lighters, appears slow. PASSION PLAY REALISTld. The Rffect of fh Actlnar I'pou One AVuiunn'a re. Iu The Woman's Home Companion Lilian Bell writes or her experiences ut Oberammergau ami of tho Impros slons made upon her by tho great Christ drama. She concludes with theso vlvfd werds: "An to the play Itself, I wish I need say nothing about It. My mind, my teart, my soul, have all beeu wrench Id and twisted with such omotlou as I Is not pleasant to feel nor expedient to speak about. It was too real, too heartrending, too awful. I hutv, I i nbbor, myself for feeling things so acutely. I wish I were a skeptic, a : scoffer, nn atheist. I wish I could put 'jny mind ou the mccbanlsun of tho play. 1 wish 1 could believe that It I all took place 2,000 years ago. I wish I didn't know that this suffering on I tho stage was all actual. L wish I thought theso people were really Tyro ' leso peasants, wood carvers and pot . ters and that .all this agouy was only a play. I uato tuo women wuo are weeping all around me. I hato tho men who are letting the tears run down their checks and whoso shoul ders are heaving with their sobs. It Is so awful to see a mau cry! "But, no; It Is all true. It Is taking place now. I am ouo of the womon at tho foot of tho cross. Tho anguish, the cries, the sobs, are an real. They derc my heart. The cross, with Its P' - "" burdeu, Is outlined against tlio ffa" ky. Tlio green hill beyond Is Calvary. Dovos flutter In and' out, and butterflies dart across tho shafts of sunlight. The expression ou Christ' face la oue of anguish, forgiveness aud pity unspeakable. Then his head drops forward ou his breast, It grows dark, the weeping becomes lamentation, aud as thoy approach to thrust the spear Into his side, from which, I have been told, the blood and water really may be seen to our forth. I turn faint and sfck and close my eyes. It has genu too far. I am no longer mysolf, but a .Humanized liiwii) of racked uerreu und hysterical weeping, and not even the duceeiit from tho ere, tho rUlug from tli tlvnd or tb triumpbaHt aucen alon cm Ntwlt hm r N-atere ty bal ance Tfte I'astton rMjr Wit phbs mi MARION COUNTY JURY LIST DRAWN List of (Tver Four Hundred Citizens Are Selected For the Regular Juries in the State Circuit Court Dur- ing" the Current Year Tho Marion county commissioners' court has selected tho jury list for tho year 1001, containing 428 namos. Uolow will bo found tho list, arranged by precincts: Aumsvlllo II O Porter, O F Hein, J A Smith, L W Condlt, Abner Lewis, II A Keeno, II C Von Behren, 8 V" Bead, J T Walker, V F Darby, L A Dickenson, G W Martin. Aurora Henry IJeck, It J Grim, It L Itced, Geo Krausso, Anton Will. Win Fry, Frederick Will. . Breitenbush J M Holllngswortli, J O W Hohlccka. Brooks T J Arthur, A I. Becknor, Oliver Burrs, A M r.aFollott, F N Mol son, D D Gorsline, E M Savago, M L Jones, N E Gainard, O B Warden, J O McFarlano, T B Jones, F J Bolter. Buttevlllc II L BontB, E A M Cone, G A Ehien, O S Hosklns, W U Schcnor. John Kenedy, Win Ryan, J B Wolf, W A Yorgen, Potor Follor. Ohompoeg Frank Van WeEnliovc. J E Smith, C Gooding, W F Coleman, J P Case, Englewood J W Young, A D Wheel or, A W Veatch, 11 II Spauldlng, W II E;." $&& : .jry .$,-; .MwlPrw v' v v 'srTOMiP' vWi IwL!M1B-InV Tr ix tv rii 'sv y cuj 5 "i W a . i - j - jniufri Broncho Bill fof Skull Gulch, Arizona) I jest busted lb' Hp off my cue, pnrd, hut I guess I kin mnko thisdraw-shot without it, Savago, S M Fletcher, 0 S Flcklin, James 1wney, Oscar F Taylor, T P Welch, Princo Byrne. T. M. Kerby, Poter Gralier, C 0 Worrick, David Stolner, Ixuls Savago. D W Mnlthows, T D Henry, J E Howard, 0 11 Chapman. E. 0. Churchill. Fairfield John Fahoy, Chas. Hard ing, L A Byrd Jr., (i It Miller. Gervais W It Brown, S W Jones, Eugene Manning, J E Zolglnr, Robt Jjbnsou, Alois Tanr.lor, 8 II Brown Frank Webb, M A Wudo, FJ Hall, L II Poujado, F A Mangold. Horeb-J Taylor, WA Hunt. Howell M AMcCorklo, John John son, ElliB Stevens, J A Norwood, G W Weeks, Fred Rice, I) W Smith, 0 W Ptogo, Wesley Dosart, W M Cliue, J F Andorson, Hubbard J L Calvert, II a Ilinklo, Milt Kestor, John Scholl. William Platts, D J Yoder, I 0 Crawford, Will August. Maeleay G W Olymor, T B Patton, J B Early, Oscar Eoff, J T King, David Craig, John Slough. Marion A II Hunt, A B George, T W. RutJiorford, Newt. Cook, M A Bur bor. Dexter Robins. Mehama W B Cox, W P Miles, T M Taylor, E C Siegmund, A H Wright, George Gist. Mt. Angel Jos Kirsch, Chas. Long. Harvey Smitli.T Hook, M Cooloy, N Mickol, A B Scliwab, John Butrch, M Palmer, Fred Schmolzer, John Down, M D Bamsby. ' Monitor A B Brown, II F Bonghman, sond, J B Seeloy. 8 Paterson. J O PholnB. JeromoMorley, I'rospoct J A Bishop, Frank Smith, Frank Shafor. Freeman VanJatten. T D-Joncs, W S Sanford, S A Hughes, W H Petit, W N Savage. Woodburn J II Sottlomler. J A Austin. J G Reeves. John Broelt. .1 W M itonny, John Whitney, B F- Mckeo, P L Konady, E L Remington.C W War wick, Wm Leversago, O E Thompson, N S Scollard, L W Durrant. JosLomory, joun .Mcuonnlclc, o S Pomeroy, T M Hicks, Peter Lucicr, Felix Uregoiro. It F Cooloy, O A Nendol, J A Dimick, Albert Ive, Alex Dawson. St. Paul Patrick Mullen, J L Coik, R E Kirk.fi II Coloman, W M Murphy, Theodore Boutin, Motes McKay, J Pro vost. Scott Mills J 8 Rlehle.Grant (J Ma lock, David Brodlt-, F P Whitlock, W G Minier, Laban Mauldlng, C V Mc Cown, 0 L Shepnrd, John Scott. Yaw Park-H A Clark. R T Judson. H Simpson, A M Blinstou, J It Parvin, Grove HensIy.W A Rice, John C Savage, II F Smith, Oharloa Town fend, Ja A Toner, R D Telwr, I M Wagner, Robert Chomlwrs. Turner John Wllell, J 8 Shanks. J Al Wa'son. O I Morris. L M llnrruii. I. C Cavanagh, Jno Gorardln, V M HU leary. F J Edwards, J W MeKlnney, J B Forrest, II V Hmith. N Sublimity J T Hunt. r. ,' k,i..iii. Jas A Ditter, Adam Burns, W-ll Tate, O B McKlhany, N Lambert, B F Fresh, O W (ieer, J P IdKe.rwoo.1, FT W'rlRlit' man. II Downing, Win II Hump. hries. Htayton V II KIdor. W II Kliijr, J K Miller, J P Davie, Thurston T Shaw, L Hobson, U V Murphy, V K Thomas, L 1 Bennett. B T Darby, 1! F Ionic. K North Silverlon S T Holwrt, (leo W Morley, J J Wright, I) S Van Valkenlwrif. Uriuht Fojhnv. l .1 P.v Jpa Cliaiunoaa, Jos Bowon, K S Porter. n A Hartley. Blivertou J M Brown, Froii War nock, C F Detiiiira. Gram Iavi Trenton IHbbard. Julius Fisher, ."am. ,.,.e.AlnM.u'ar, Hicks, James Bruith, h. E. Taylor. Frank l.ivnmiort u... Jack. South Silvrrton Alox Thoiiipson. O I- Hioks, W J Hahoriy, M Skaffo, Frank hcan. T Y McClollen, Bol Amlenou, F Davenport, II L Allen, G Somers, A r j mi. Silver Falls Jay BkakiiHy, D A Gordar. Sooth Salem W P Babooek, A Daue, iHltur JulV. G IJaflBrilfnlnil. M Dnrr.n.n TO Daylds.!!, p II Orolan, J.o Macy, Wldttakr. Cf A Nye. BjH SJh-G B Ashlm j;W UiP Wftt, K F lUrran W- Tl fin mphro I) Hriietv U Bowarman. 4lrUJ SakwQxOMHir BMnlly, It 'J Hall, H C Flolcher.G O Will, II Cleave land, E L Collins, W J Carlton, 1) A White, O W Jbnes. Clinton Kurts. G H Mudge, It Ettor, J 7. Palntor, G W Poy Ser; John T Westby, I, T Reynolds, Jacob Denny, T A CrotiUo. Salem No. 1 I M Lawrence, F W Steuslnff, W T Btolz, A fl Pehaa'er, F B Southwick, Moiir.) Molllt, J M Payne, A M Humphreys, C E Mcllwalno, M J Petxcl, Guy M 'Powers, 0 (I Savage, U B Duncan. Salem No. 2 Jos Banmgartner, 11 M Branson, Chaa A Murphy, CA Bort, Geo W Johnson, EF rarkhurst, MP Brodomeior, Scott Biggs, F W llollis, C S Hamilton, T K Fold, Cook Pattoii, G G Schellierg, John 11 Campbell, N J uamon, it a uroamin, s a aict'iuiuenr James W Wilson, II G Moyor, M u Movers, Thos Kay, JN Harritt, AB Gardner, A A Disquo. Salem No. 3-11 W Bnrr. B S Rada- baugh, Win Manning, R W Carey, J Ej biatger, j u van wugncr, j uoumu, W P George, John Gray, Russell Catlln. Salem No, J F G BowerBor, Jos Bonoit, O J Atwood, Jos II Albert, O Marsh, JosA Bernard!, A T Wain, II II Vandervort, F A Erlxson, F A Wiggins, 11 A Thomas, G A Roberts, R C Shollon, C D Purdy. SIdney-J W Jory, W II Black, W W Andorson, RP Nye, R P Ilall, Chas Mattoson, E P Cochran. Jefferson D H I.oonoy, A B Hndol son, Frank E Libby.'A J Shoemakur, W L Jones, Win Pate, J L 8toiwer, Frnnk Fletcher, N H Doty, O M Smith, Frank Beeves. Who to Elect Senator. You may not bo able to elect tho man you piotor for senator, but you can elect to buy the best of provisions and grocer ies for your family frorn. Uiianoon & Racun. i: rX &nj VJWnS.' &- . a in ". tt it iir ainihc-iamvi'Sy f cWssrste'-""-. I.: - . Sw ' IT' &mm.,a. :T:- T ' HAIR WON'T FALL OUT. If You Kill the Dandrnfr'cerms With the New Treatment. John N. Fullor, n well known citir.on of Colfax, Wash., says: "I had dan druff so badly that is caked on nn scalp. Herpicido completely cured mo." George II. McWirk, of Walla Walla. Wash., says; "Herpicido completely cured me of a bad case of dandruff of .10 years standing." They took tho only really sensible treatment, a remedy that destroys the dandruff germ Nowbro's Horphido. Stops dandruff hair won't fall out, but will grow naturally, luxu riantly. Allays itching Instnnlly and makes hair l'Iosrv nnd m. ft ua.nt At uriigKisin. uno imttlo w doubter of its merits. .i . -7. ."""" -.. .. couvini'onny A Cold Miner's Wants. Tuhn).v, Arizona. Jan. 17. Pho Loirls Intivo Council mot today. A lively light utonco began began for tho oflices of tho Council. Hon. Eugene 8. Ives, former State Senator from a New York city dis trict, is actively pushing his campaign (or President of the Council, Ho is now a very wealthy man, being ono of tho owners of tho "King of Arizona," a gold initio of great nehneps that was acrid ontly discovered In a dcort tract. It bus proved u bonanza, valuablo oro being found near tho surface It is worked by an extensive plant aud gives employ ment to n largo number of men. The llomllcst Mia la Salem An well us the liuudsomost, und others ure Invited to call ou any druu'lst nod net free a trial bottle of Kemp's Iiulsniu for tho Thront nnd Limits, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and belle vo nil Chronic and Acute CoukIi", Asthma, flroncliitla -and Consiimp thin. Price 2oo. nnd nOo. ood&w Noonday Rest. Tho ladies of tho W. C. T. U. desire to annouueoto tho public that thoy have opened a Noon Best nt their rooms. Cft Court street, whero coffee, toa, bread, butter, sandwiches, moat, potatoes, pie or puddluj; will lo served daily uxcojit Sunday's, from 11:30 a. in. to 1 :.'!() p, in. at nominal charge. I tt liu last Year's Sports. Nun- Youk, Jan. 17. SporUunmi aro united in believing that tho lover of pugilism and baseball will have to liustlu in a lively manner if they expect to rowaken interest ln thufo fepoitn whilo racing is growing iu npulat favrr continually. Golf and bowling have ad vanced very decidedly aud athletics aro not only holding their own, hut aro forging ahead. Baseball got n black eye from the cutting down of tho Natiouol League uircuft to eight clubs, in the liopo that publ c interest would Iki no vived when closer contests were pre oiitwls by reason of tho lopplng-off rt weak clubs. "Ah for pugilism tlio fake contest bofore- tho llorton Jaw was rt -pealetl in New York were bad enoiig' to kill any sport " &oymi fva&lhi& Dr. TluH'a Couch Syrup will euro n Cough or Cold nt onco. Conquers group.Whooplnc-CouKli nnd Moaslo ough without tail. Mothers pralso it. Doctors proecribo It for Uronclil tls, Hoarsenosa. Urlppo, Pneumonia nnd Consumption. It gi08 quick, Hurorohtilta. Prico.&'Sf ta. Itcfusothe dealer'a Biibstituto j It la not uh rrood. JLK1m9UjIJLS Cough Syrup t Always cures when others fail. J)r. flull's PUl euro ComtlMllon an4 Uvcr TroublM. an pXll, io it. nil Ui, n u O Innrov Ini the Hlvcr Front Nkw Youk, Jan. 10. Tho now steam- ,-ers thafhavo been lately started on lio stocks in Great Britiau and some in this city will Und plera watting for them when they are ready to tako the water. Tho piers along the North River for the coastwise and railroad lines nro finished, and now a million dollars Is to bo put in piers that will stretch out Into the North River sufficiently far to accomo date the 700 foot steamers underway. and if anybody wants to tend over a 1.Q0O foot clipper New York lll bo ablo toaccomodalo her with a roomy berth. Tlieso piers aio cloven in number and will occupy tho river front from lOoom Held Btcet to Twenty-third stcet. Theso piers, liko the others lately built, will pay a largo orcentage, as thore are applicants iu Hue lor all of them at good round rentals. iDedTlme tako a pleasant herb drink, tlio next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is bettor. My doctor says it acts gently on tho stomach, liver and kidnoys, and is a pleanint laxative It is mado of herbs, and id prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi cine. All druggists sell it nt 25o. and 50 cts. Lane's Family Medicine moves tho bowels each duy. If yon cannot get it, send for freo sample. Address, Orator F. Woodward, LoRoy, N. Y. CASTOR! A For Infanta nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Boars tho Bignatura of S Agent wanted for tho best typewriter on tho market, the "Pittsburg Visible," writing in sight at all times', exclusive territory given. Addrpss flindly Hard ware Co., Pittsburg, Pa, 1 1(1 41 TODAY'S MARKET. Pohtlano, Jan. 17. Wheat valley nominal Walla Walla. 6(1. Flour Portland, best grades f'J.W) (3 T3.40. Graham 2.00. Oats Oholco White 4:1045c, groy 41 42c per bushel. MlPstuff Bran, $15.50: shorts, $t7.00 liny Timothy tl2l'-V(J per ton. OnioiiB fioi.no Potatoes 50 to flOc per sack. ' Butter Best dairy. i'50'.IO; fancy creamery, 5 Oto 55o. Store 2GV. :2)6Mr roll. KffKs-Oreuon. ranch 2tlc. nor doz. Poultry Chickens, $2.76 to 3.50; hens 13.50 to 4.00; turkeys, livo 10 to He. Mutton Dressed, OK to 7c pnr pound. Hogs Heavy dressed 5 tofi'c. por pound. Beof Steers, 1.50(1? I ; cows, f33.50; dresBed beef, (I to 7c. Veal Dressed, 8 c. 8'ufor small. Hops-ll7c. for 18U0 crop, 12,4 to 14 UJc for now crop. Wool Valley, l.'lQMc ; Eastern Ore gon, l)012oj Mohair, 25. Hides Greeiu. salted 00 lbs, 7 C?Ro under 00 lbs, 7)(38 ; slioop pelts, IRQ 20c BAI.KM MARK&T. Wheat 58 iioumls and over, 50. Wool, 13 to 10c, Mohair, 25c. Hops 11 to 15c Oats 38c. to 0o Hay Baled, cheat, $7; timothy, $10 Eggs 20c 22o, Flour In wholesale lots, $3.00; retail 80c sack. Millsturfs-Bran, $13; shorts, $14. Hogs Dressed, fiji!. Livo cattlo Steers. 3.1(J : cows, 23 to $3. Sheov-j3f33.50. Dressetl Veal 7 cents. Buttor Dairy, I520c; creiimury, 2G Poultry Hens per lb 8t. Potatoes 21n per bushel. Apples .'!()(! to 400. Peace occlared devote all your time Why devote all your time rending tho Boer War and tlio Gold Fields ol Aladin? There ari other matters o vitnl importance; yon may makontrip Fast, and will want to know how to travel. loonier to havo tho best cor vice, use tho Wisconsin Central By,, between Bt. Paul and Chicago, hot rates and other information, writo .In A. Clock, General Agent, Portand, Orr. ProfcfiHional and business men will bo interested in learning that a high grade visihlo H powrlter Is now on the tnnrket, tho "Pittsburg Vlslhle," price f7G00. Address llindly Hanlwaro Co., PlltH burg, Pa. 1 Id lm Notice to Contractors. Th luidersluned aro ready to rwoivo bids for tho erection of tho Congrega tional Church at Huttovillo.Orugon. Plans aud siu-cHlmtiousnf tho propns. ed Church Building may bo wan nt tho City Hotel Buttevlllc, Oro-jon, from dale to Jan. 21, WO I, at Bank of Wondhurn, Woodburn, Oregon, from .Inn. 21 to Jan :lst, 11)01, at Gilbert Bros' Hank. Sutum, Oregon, from Jan. .11 to Feb. 7, UMII. All bids will bo oi-eiitd Feb. !, 1001. Thu committee reserve the tight to reject any or all bids. IIknkv i. Bknth, l'rcs Building A. 1 1 oil tit Conk, Her. ) Commitce. &: i . Each Uflcldne ir.i Til Ht'K Cutim aud cuovii Coarse, Medium or ) int. I ItrpUetlie;iiopKlns HimI tJ J UousolioU ; HiCissiiy Which V?s Will Use Ev&ry &&i I FOR SALE UV f9sPjt'wt IMI R. M. Wade &. Co aialum, Oregon. A Tlio Khul You Havo Always in uso fur over ;0 yours, , and lia.s lioou madoiindcr Ills pcr- Ljy-ju Honal Bitpcrvlalou slaco Its Infancy f-CUCfuAi Allow no onorto dccclvo you In this. All Count (M-rctts, linitntloim and " Just-as-good" aro hut 12xioilmon(..s Unit frlllo with and endanger tho health of Inlhnts and Children lSxitcrlcneo ngali)st Kxnorlmont. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is u htivmlcss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing S.Miips. It lM IMeasaut. Ifc eonliilns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Mihstmice. Its ngo is Its guarantee. It destroy "Vritm and allays lVvorl.shnoss. It euros pinrrlitua and Wind Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constlp; Hon and Vlatulrney. It assimilates the 'Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural Bleep, The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the i Jr W r y mS L-Ji ymxR x'i Aay -e&ccA v w r The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc ecNTtun oomp.ny, tt muhnav tucit, mw vafiN oit. HHi A Welcome Caller Our delivery mau is met with mnllen, not frowns, for uhat hu preteuts briitgn certain satisfaction to wife and mother, husband and brother. In two werds: It's right I That applies to every nlnnle article washed starched und ironed In this establishment. Modern appliances and skillful liumlling tell the story. Salem Steam Laundry COLONEL J. llf.MHTKAU TltOI'lUt-TOII. DOIIOUH I). OLMSrHAI), Mflll. Phono 111, XM l.llmrty Stnt. Dear at Any Price Is tho iiiiHaliufniitory coiu'IuhI.iu yi.u will ' como lo when using poor wines, wills. kion, gins, hniuditis, or llipiora of any kind. Hcmiro tho he it iitialuy of theso goods when you buy at Uogois, and you will llnd our prices for high urade no higher than you will pay for Inferior grades olsuwhero. f. P, Rogers '.MH'Jlii! (Jniiiui.tr.iiiil Hlroot WIioIimIo and ItHtaij llipior deiilxr Fittings and Appliances for thcZBatliroom Lavatory, eloet and as well uh for tho kltchou,you will find iu all tlio now lm provunieiilH and couvenienee iu our stock ol supplies. Wo will IU up your halhroom with niiylMnu iitiiilriHl. as well as dnfnir all IiimiN ol repulrs. gas and I team tilling und in an exiert nut ti nt; r, und a' ri'iimuiitbie ptiec. 8AKR&.PETZEL iHCOMMKlU'lVI. STItFFT rolephnno 35171. STAPLE EvervlhiiiK' needed lo stock up your p.uilry from a sack of best flour to a yeast cake, and for a rdih. pijjs feel, ball niackere bacon and suuerkniut. New oranges, leinoi.s and a full normicnt of nuts, candy liud 6lher luxuries at lowest prices. Harritt & oi.ii wwramaK SOMETHING1 Nli-WL KIiriN INOANWRSJOHNT aASfiUUMNKH-- Ko OIiIiiiiut. no hlmO'Wtwl Alautlem. (iOMuimil. mvrHl uuas. We havo iu mihJ wvhKty BHitdld tnwur HkJh fur .1-10 of onu rent imr luiur. AUo tlM o 9, gMiii' 70 (iHinlltf iiownr at it uunt of u lo of n "m lr luiur. -wy ittTig ATg.vri i hivj. - Salm Q$p cwiMineilf St ' Bought, nntl wliich Im9 been has uorno tho signature or Signature of .444 A Good Breakfast J''or tlio dainty appetite or for tlio hearty eater can ho iniulo from our tempting hnnb chops or mutton chops, beefsteak, or pork chops. Our meats nro ol ex jillslto llavor, iiuccnlent, Juicy (.ud ten 'ler, nnd uro cut nnd tiliuined by ex perls for your table. If you havon't iunilo(l our choice meats, you have missed n treat worth reineinllf rln. E C CROSS SALEM OR. Phono ?0I. u.r.ir POOD Lawrerje (iitooHrtv A (Hwib W ewiKJIu nowr pur foot of gas tdiiok thu Nb 1 ltummrii f.xit imr hour LI glit Co. fftoigpiiona 603 If! mr$ P, i hi fry j W f-tTflT' H (llraKfewM ' wVM'".W '.nKior " ' OllM mm JC0 iQtii iii i ! iiiniliinjinn WANTED Now totltiV nclVAt-tlnntnnntn four linos or iobh in turn ooiumn insarreu -.--- -.,-.--.--. .--- -"T tnreo timea ro $l.oo pormonl for UCo aOti-aixKJnaU All ovorfouf Jlne ai enirio raio. A RARE CHANCE IW ft strett. four blocks south of the court liousfc will be sold at liair Its value. Good tiotist. flues view in the city, fruit trees, etc. Apply Journal office. WHOEVKU-Took wheelbarrow from Cryotnl Ice leo Works will eavo them eolvea trouble by returning Bamo at otico. James Mnguirc. 1 1(111 WANTKD.-A man nnd woman to work on farm. Inqiiiro of Gilbert fallakor, Sulem. M0-3t FOIt HALE Ono olioico freali cow, with calf todays old. Address v. 11. Kgan, IJrooks. litJ.Ot FOIt SALE Stago line, team' and hack. Inquire Mnoleay stago driver nt post olllco, 8alem. 1 14 10l WANTED To buy or rout immedintolyk two roller-top desks. Willamette" Hotel. 1 7 tf ItOOMSTO RENT. i'urnfehed rooms to rent within three block of the Stall? Housi). .'121 Mill Ht. AOIingor. TO KENT. First class onion land, lo catcd 2l miles nortliwcst' of lirooks. Wr. U. Koax, 1 3 i8 1 m Brooks, Oro. AT Tlio old stand, with tho best clasi of holp tho Mills harbor shop is again prepared to offer lnducotnont,j.to per manent patrons. Finest -pofcjolain hatha nnd best all-around eorvice.Op posito Hotel Wllhunotto. 12 27 I m FOIt' KINlQ)woiiTnB with hot, ard cold water, and Iwtth. Also a f rooul. house with bnrn. Call at 421, High' Htrcet. A. Schrelbor. 12."17 tf FOR BALE A saddlo horse, sad'dlo and bridle. Ilniko to drhc, Apply to 15 Court bt. lMrtf FA KM tOU SALE217 acres wlth.godil buildingu und fences, over half under cultivation, half mllo west of Kaiser itchool-houEO. l'rico nnd terms rcanon ablo. AddreSM F. Malum. A., euro Jormx.w,, 1-Mui FUENOI1 LESSONS. Glyou at homo ortoclaEsin any part of city. Uorir nud educated Iu Franco. Ldia Rich. D, Rtrcot, Salem. 11 27 tt Lnjlcj, Three Doien Free. Dr. Charcot's Anti-Uerui l'hlille. I'o-1 lively infallible in troubles' peculiar to tho wx, Monthly remedy. Never diuoapnint. HarmleB!). Sim pin. Con ventenl. I'artleularH with free box, Dr. JuLu I'uiaiid, WimkI HMr , N.istiiu Sl,, New York Ctiy. Jjntf Sewlnc Machlae Repairs Geo. 11. Dcatui, oxnertMiwIng machiiiu ndJuMnr liaM concluded, at, tlm reiiuest of bin friends to locate luHnlom and may bo found hereafter at T. J. Kulllvntrs Tailor ahop ou State street. Ho imikc n tprelnlty of cleaning, repairing und adjusting all kinds of sowing machines and electrical slot machines. I In thoroughly uudorctandn his lino hu his uxpeilenco has covorod II'.'Ou oulgftTJOH dlflurout niunesof mnehlnoH, tlio thread ing alone of uhich is a study. SUEM LODGES KOKHSTUKS OK wNilCHlOA. (Villi hlinwuOl Koieil Nil W. MmU Krl(1r ulgUU Iu Tunif r block. Julio M. Cihue, O. R. A U Hrown Heoy. tl-n-tu NEW FEED STORE Oppoiltu Court House on High 8 1 root. A full lino of Hour and all kludH of feed carried. Hay and jraln Ixuight aud sold. I-'ced chopping ilonn at lowem rales, (iut our qtiotntious bo foroynubuy. j : .: Tillson, Bartlctt Grain Co, - " " -.. -mm m mm Bottled Beer Kliugci A Hcck,tJuccekoia to SoutbSalern Uoitlir. vVoras. All orders forbottlwl beer will bo tilled At thu brewery. Kept on cold stornxe. Knm eltv delivery. Taloi)hoiirt V' CAl'ITAL UlY Express and Transfci Meets all mnii and passonger trains. Huggugo to all parts of tho city. Prompt Horvlco. Tehipliono No. 851. DISQUK A 1IO.M YKR T J. Sullivan, State Street Tailor. Kail aiilltujr put U. Tlio Of nJoiir cat. lorn, fnini (:iU'ku "ol lulnt.i miM 114. 14 itaiii 15. Attornoy-nt-Lawi ToluUo, Or j'on. W i 'lerk f (IrrulKMurl ti an iiihioilalM aiMUaotoi al couuir- I in ywn aiiJhaK )Ulllu.UuoUi Il-I7m White House Restaurant Easy of access. Courteous reception. First-class cooking. You enjoy what you order at loft State st. GEORGE BROS, Props, Dr. Grace Albright flradualc of Americas School ut Osttoratby. J I : i Itvftiv day rwrepl Buiulay. .Qlflci iumrfl 6 to IS a. m ; I to I ), in. UJ'I rl and High KuIIbwh' Temple. Cor. C'ou recta, l'honii, Main V'm a. ' ROCKY A10UNTA1N SCENERY BY DAYLIGHT DayllititStocovtrat MiraFall. Through first class toualat sleeiwr Ironi I'aolfle Coast wuoltly fortMucago. IJoswa, K.uv V.irk. und other eaateni points, via ...... ... . ----- - . i. .. Itio Grand lo Western, (Urt H' 'W ItnntHi Dunver .t Itio Grande. U H I A r and Illinois Central to Chicau., connect, ing In the Unior Utqwt with Mlohlgsn OatJlrnl'ii Imllrtr car for uotoU eU " VQr jiartlcfulars call on orddre.?s irfjcal AgoiiH ori , B. II. TauKBUUf, ."WfcirW.